0 10800 21600 32400 43200 54000 64800 75600 86400 97200 108000 118800 129600 140400 151200 162000 172800 weasd water equivalent of accumulated snow depth ml mil waterEqvAccSnowDepth 0.0 1000.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC heli helicity sigma m/s2 meter/second2 hel 0.0 1000.0 -99999.0 0 FHAG 3000 FHAG3000 tcc Total Cloud Cover % percent totalCldCvr 0.0 100.0 -99999.0 0 EA EA gh Geopotential height m meters geoPotHt -2000.0 20000.0 -99999.0 10 MB 1000 925 850 700 500 400 300 250 200 CBL MB1000 MB925 MB850 MB700 MB500 MB400 MB300 MB250 MB200 CBL tp total precipitation mm millimeter totPrecip 0.0 1000.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC staticCoriolis Coriolis parameter /second -99999.0 cape Convective Available Potential Energy J/kg joule/Kilogram CAPE 0.0 6000.0 -99999.0 0 SFC BL 0>180 SFC BL0180 dpt Dewpoint Temperature K degree_Kelvin Td 180.0 330.0 -99999.0 6 MB 1000 925 850 700 500 400 BL 0>30 MB1000 MB925 MB850 MB700 MB500 MB400 BL030 p pressure Pa pascal atmP 0.0 110000.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC t Temperature K degree_Kelvin T 180.0 330.0 -99999.0 14 FHAG 2 MB 1000 925 850 700 500 400 300 250 200 BL 0>30 30>60 60>90 90>120 120>150 FHAG2 MB1000 MB925 MB850 MB700 MB500 MB400 MB300 MB250 MB200 BL030 BL3060 BL6090 BL90120 BL120150 pvv Pressure vertical velocity Pa/s pascal/second Pvv -2.5 2.5 -99999.0 6 MB 1000 925 850 700 500 400 250 200 BL 0>30 MB1000 MB925 MB850 MB700 MB500 MB400 MB250 MB200 BL030 staticSpacing Grid spacing meters -99999.0 bli Best lifted index K degree_Kelvin bestLftInd -20.0 50.0 -99999.0 0 BL 0>180 BL0180 rh Relative Humidity % percent rh 0.0 100.0 -99999.0 5 FHAG 2 BL 0>30 30>60 60>90 90>120 120>150 FHAG2 BL030 BL3060 BL6090 BL90120 BL120150 cicep Categorical ice pellets yes=1, no=0 CategoricalIcePlt 0.0 1.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC pli Parcel lifted index K degree_Kelvin parcLftInd -20.0 50.0 -99999.0 0 BL 0>30 BL030 mcon horiz moisture div kg/kg/s kilogram/kg/s moistConv -0.00999999977648 0.00999999977648 -99999.0 0 BL 0>30 BL030 pmsl pressure at mean sea level Pa pascal PMSL 80000.0 110000.0 -99999.0 0 MSL MSL emsp ETA Mean Sea Level Pressure Pa pascal ETAMSL 80000.0 110000.0 -99999.0 0 MSL MSL cfrzr Categorical freezing rain yes=1, no=0 CategoricalFrzRain 0.0 1.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC pot potential temperature K degree_Kelvin Tp 180.0 330.0 -99999.0 0 BL 0>30 BL030 vis visibility m meters Vis 0.0 100000.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC csnow Categorical snow yes=1, no=0 CategoricalSnow 0.0 1.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC pw precipitable water mm millimeter precipH2O 0.0 300.0 -99999.0 1 EA BL 0>30 EA BL030 vstm v-component of storm motion m/s meter/sec uStrmMotion -150.0 150.0 0 FHAG 6000 FHAG6000 staticTopo Topography meters -99999.0 uw u wind component m/s meter/sec uWind -150.0 150.0 -99999.0 15 FHAG 10 FH 1524 MB 1000 925 850 700 500 400 300 250 200 BL 0>30 30>60 60>90 90>120 120>150 FHAG10 FH1524 MB1000 MB925 MB850 MB700 MB500 MB400 MB300 MB250 MB200 BL030 BL3060 BL6090 BL90120 BL120150 cin Convective Inhibition J/kg joule/Kilogram convInhib -1000.0 1000.0 -99999.0 0 SFC BL 0>180 SFC BL0180 sli Surface lifted index K degree_Kelvin LftInd -20.0 20.0 -99999.0 0 MB 0>500 MB0500 crain Categorical rain yes=1, no=0 CategoricalRain 0.0 1.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC vw v wind component m/s meter/sec vWind -150.0 150.0 -99999.0 15 FHAG 10 FH 1524 MB 1000 925 850 700 500 400 300 250 200 BL 0>30 30>60 60>90 90>120 120>150 FHAG10 FH1524 MB1000 MB925 MB850 MB700 MB500 MB400 MB300 MB250 MB200 BL030 BL3060 BL6090 BL90120 BL120150 refc composite radar reflectivity dBZ decibels Refc 0.0 100000.0 -99999.0 0 EA EA refd derived radar reflectivity dBZ decibels Refd 0.0 100000.0 -99999.0 0 FHAG 1000 4000 HYB 1 FHAG1000 FHAG4000 HYB1 sh specific humidity kg/kg 0.0 0.10000000149 -99999.0 0 FHAG 2 BL 0>30 FHAG2 BL030 ustm u-component of storm motion m/s meter/sec uStrmMotion -150.0 150.0 -99999.0 0 FHAG 6000 FHAG6000