Imager 11 micron IR Imager 12 micron IR Imager 13 micron (IR) Imager 3.9 micron IR Sounder 11.03 micron imagery Sounder 3.98 micron imagery Sounder 4.45 micron imagery Sounder 14.06 micron imagery Polar IR Polar 3.7u C 55 -109 Sat/IR/CIRA (IR Default) 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 Imager 6.7-6.5 micron IR (WV) Sounder 6.51 micron imagery Sounder 7.02 micron imagery Sounder 7.43 micron imagery 0 255 Sat/WV/Gray Scale Water Vapor satDivWVIR C 255 -109 -109 -35 Sat/IR/IR WV -40 -60 -80 Imager Visible Sounder Visible imagery Polar Vis 0 255 Sat/VIS/ZA (Vis Default) satDif11u3_9uIR poesDif11u3_7uIR bit -79 177 Sat/VIS/CA (Low Light Vis) -50 0 50 100 150 satDif11u12uIR bit -20 25 Grid/sat gridded data -20 0 20 satDif11u13uIR bit -25 25 Grid/gridded data -20 0 20 Sounder Based Derived Lifted Index (LI) C 25 -25.8 Sat/Lifted Index/Lifted Index Default 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 Sounder Based Derived Precipitable Water (PW) Composite in 0 3.36 -0.01 2.64 Sat/Precip Water/Precip Water Default 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 Gridded Cloud Amount % Sat/Cloud Amount Default -1 100 0 50 Gridded Cloud Top Pressure or Height Sat/Cloud Top Height ft 0 442.3 50 150 250 350 Sounder Based Derived Surface Skin Temp (SFC Skin) C 63 -64 -37 62.5 Sat/Skin Temp/Skin Temp Default 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -37 Rain fall rate mm/h 0 63.5 Sat/Rain Rate 0 6 20 40 60 Sounder Based Derived Precipitable Water (PW) DMSP mm 0 255 Sat/Precip Water/Precip Water - Polar 0 20 40 70 Sounder Based Derived Precipitable Water (PW) POES-NPOESS mm 0 255 Sat/Precip Water/Precip Water - Polar 0 20 40 70 Sounder Based Derived Precipitable Water (PW) Miscellaneous in -7 3 Sat/Precip Water/Blended Total Precip Water 0 1 2 3 Percent of Normal TPW % 0 255 Sat/Precip Water/Percent of Normal TPW 50 100 150 200