moveGFEData User's Guide

April 4, 2006

Table of Contents


Running the moveGFEData Program

Example Output


The moveGFEData program is a utility to move or copy configuration files from one user to another.  It can be used with either one server, to copy/move files from user to user, or two servers, to copy/move files from one user on one server to another user on a second server.

Running the moveGFEData Program

The command line syntax is:
moveGFEData -h hostname -p portnumber -s sourceUser -d destUser [-c] [-a host2 -b port2]
A sample command line is:
moveGFEData -h dx4f -p 98000000 -s awipsusr -d SITE
Option Syntax Optional or Mandatory Description
-h hostname Mandatory (See Note) Specifies the host, upon which the source ifpServer is running.  If -a and -b are not specified, then this also specifies the host upon which the destination ifpServer is running.
-p port Mandatory (See Note) Specifies the port, upon which the source ifpServer is running. If -a and -b are not specified, then this also specifies the port upon which the destination ifpServer is running.
-s sourceUser Mandatory Specifies the source user from which files will be moved from.
-d destUser Mandatory Specifies the destination user to which files will be moved to.
-c Optional If specified, copy data only, do not move it.  By default, the data is moved.
-a host2 Optional Specifies the host, upon which the destination ifpServer is running. This switch is not necessary if you are copying/moving files between users on the same server.
-b port2 Optional Specifies the port, upon which the destination ifpServer is running. This switch is not necessary if you are copying/moving files between users on the same server.
Note: The -h serverhost and -p port are predefined based on your installation configration of GFESuite.  The -h and -p will be defined for the server host and port specified during installation.    If you wish to connect to another server, then these switches will be necessary.   If environment variables ${CDSHOST} or ${CDSPORT} are defined, then the default server and port will be determined from the environment variables, unless overridden with the user specified -h and -p switches.

The program will list the various categories that are valid.  The user chooses a category and an inventory is shown of the data owned by the "sourceUser".  The user chooses the file to move and the program moves the file.  Then the program displays the updated inventory.

Example Execution

The following shows an example execution of copying data from user "mark" to user "mark1".  User input is shown in italics and bold. The program moves the ISC_Tool from mark to mark1.

camper > moveGFEData -h polaris -p 98000000 -s mark -d mark1

******************* MoveGFEData ******************
SourceUser: mark
DestinationUser: mark1

<>Enter type of data.  Choose one of the options
0 - exit
1 - Color Tables
2 - Edit Areas (Reference Areas)
3 - Sample Sets
4 - Weather Element Groups
5 - Edit Area Groups
6 - GFE/ifpIMAGE Configurations
7 - Selection Time Ranges
8 - Smart Tools
9 - Procedures
10 - Utilities
11 - Text Utilities
12 - Text Formatters
13 - Zone Combiner Saved Combos and Colors
14 - Zone Combiner Combination Files

***** Tools, Procedures, Utilities, Formatters *****
Current Inventory for User: mark
0.  Exit
-1. ALL entries
1.  SnowAmt_SmartTool
2.  ISC_Tool
3.  AdjustDown_wTaper
Enter number to move from mark to mark1
Current Inventory for User: mark
0.  Exit
-1. ALL entries
1.  SnowAmt_SmartTool
2.  AdjustDown_wTaper
Enter number to move from mark to mark1
camper >