c ===================================================================== c pgm: griddefg (iutw,iupr,ibug,ngrid,inat, c mwcol,msrow,ncol,nrow, c fld,wfld,igds,mxbmap,ibmap,nwarn,gridf,ierr) c c in: iutw .... print unit c in: iupr .... print unit c in: ibug .... debug output control c in: ngrid .... GRIB grid number c in: inat .... national grid control c i/o: mwcol .... most west column c i/o: msrow .... most south row c i/o: ncol .... number of columns (x-axis) c i/o: nrow .... number of rows (y-axis) c i/o: fld .... gridded values array c in: wfld .... dimension for work array used in grid translation c out: igds .... grid definition parameters for GRIB c in: mxbmap .... maximum size of array ibmap c out: ibmap .... bit map array c i/o: nwarn .... number of warnings c in: gridf .... grid factor 1-HRAP 4- 1/4 HRAP c out: ierr .... error return c ===================================================================== c subroutine griddefg (iutw,iupr,ibug,ngrid,inat, + mwcol,msrow,ncol,nrow, + fld,wfld,igds,mxbmap,ibmap,nwarn,gridf,ierr) c c....................................................................... c c The routine fills igds array (grid definition) with parameters for c desired grid. Origin point of the grid, number of points along the c x-axis and number of points along the y-axis are placed in igds. If c translation to another grid (other than HRAP) is needed, grid values c in array fld are copied to array wfld. Then parameters for the other c grid (only grid 218 available, so far) are obtained from an NCEP c routine. c c....................................................................... c griddef Initially written by c Tim Sweeney, HRL Feb 2000 c....................................................................... c Adapted from griddef by c David T. Miller, RSIS, OHD/HSEB Nov 2007 c added a grid factor for the 1/4 HRAP grid used by c EMPE and converted from XMRG to GRIB by gribit routine. c As other routines used the original via a library, c this version has different calling arguments and specifically c used by the gribit routine. C...................................................................... real tg(8),fld(*),wfld(*) c integer ng(8) integer igds(*),ibmap(*) real*8 gridf C C ================================= RCS keyword statements ========== CHARACTER*68 RCSKW1,RCSKW2 DATA RCSKW1,RCSKW2 / ' .$Source$ . $', ' .$Id$ . $' / C =================================================================== C c call prbug ('griddefg',1,1,ibug2) c comment the next line if not debugging c c ibug = 1 c ierr = 0 idblev = 1 ktr = 0 nktr = 0 c c get Grid Description Section information (GRIB parameters) call w3fi71 (ngrid,igds,ierr) if (ierr.gt.0) then write (iutw,80) ngrid if (iupr.ne.iutw) write (iupr,80) ngrid 80 format (' ERROR in griddefg: GRIB grid number ',i4,' is invalid.') go to 210 endif if (ibug.eq.1) write (iupr,90) ngrid,(igds(i),i=1,18) 90 format (' ngrid=',i4,' igds(1...18)=',5i5,2i8,i4,3i8,7i6) if(ngrid .EQ. 240 .AND. gridf .EQ. 4.) then igds(4) = 4484 igds(5) = 3524 igds(10) = 1191 igds(11) = 1191 c write(iupr,95) ngrid,(igds(i),i=1,18) c95 format(' empe grid factor=4 ngrid=',i4,' igds(1...18)=',5i5, c + 2i8,i4,3i8,7i6) endif c c transfer grid to work grid array wfld ncolh = ncol nrowh = nrow mwcolh = mwcol msrowh = msrow c npts = ncolh*nrowh do 10 i=1,npts wfld(i)= fld(i) 10 continue c c write(iupr,12) ngrid,ncol,nrow,mwcol,msrow c12 format(' ngrid =',i4,' ncol=',i5,' nrow=',i5,' mwcol=',i5, c $ ' msrow=',i5) if (ngrid.eq.218) go to 70 if (ngrid.eq.240) go to 15 write (iutw,13) ngrid if (iupr.ne.iutw) write (iupr,13) ngrid 13 format (' ERROR in griddefg: GRIB grid number ',i4, + ' cannot be processed.') nerr = nerr + 1 ierr = 1 go to 210 c c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c c GRIB grid number 240 - 4 km HRAP grid over contiguous United States c c set to local grid for hrap 15 inat = 0 c if (inat.eq.1) then c setup for national scale ncol = igds(4) nrow = igds(5) koff = (msrowh-1)*ncol + mwcolh - 1 else c overwrite national values koff = 0 c number of points along x-axis igds(4) = ncol c number of points along y-axis igds(5) = nrow c convert southwest corner HRAP grid to lat/lon npair = 1 illgd = 0 addval = 0.01 xhrap = mwcol + addval yhrap = msrow + addval call cvllgdg (elon,alat,npair,xhrap,yhrap,illgd,gridf,ierr) if (ierr.gt.0) then write (iutw,30) if (iupr.ne.iutw) write (iupr,30) 30 format (' ERROR in griddefg: converting HRAP ', + 'southwest corner to latitude and longitude.') go to 210 endif if (ibug.eq.1) write (iutw,*) 'in griddef - addval=',addval, + ' xhrap=',xhrap,' yhrap=',yhrap, + ' elon=',elon,' alat=',alat,' hrap to ll' mwcol1=xhrap msrow1=yhrap c convert southwest corner lat/lon to HRAP grid illgd = 1 call cvllgdg (elon,alat,npair,xhrap,yhrap,illgd,gridf,ierr) if (ierr.gt.0) then write (iupr,35) 35 format (' ERROR in griddefg: converting latitude and longitude ', + 'southwest corner to HRAP.') go to 210 endif if (ibug.eq.1) write (iutw,*) 'in griddef - addval=',addval, + ' elon=',elon,' alat=',alat, + ' xhrap=',xhrap,' yhrap=',yhrap,' ll to hrap' mwcol2=xhrap msrow2=yhrap if (mwcol1.ne.mwcol2) then write (iutw,37) 'column',mwcol2,mwcol1 if (iupr.ne.iutw) write (iupr,37) 'column',mwcol2,mwcol1 37 format (' WARNING in griddefg: HRAP ',a, + ' number computed from lat/lon (', + i4,') is not the same as from xmrg file (',i4,').') endif if (msrow1.ne.msrow2) then write (iutw,37) 'row',msrow2,msrow1 if (iupr.ne.iutw) write (iupr,37) 'row',msrow2,msrow1 endif c latitude of origin igds(6) = alat*1000.0 c longitude of origin igds(7) = -elon*1000.0 endif c c initialize bit map array mbmap = ncol*nrow do 40 i=1,mbmap fld(i) = -50.0 ibmap(i) = 0 40 continue c if (ibug.eq.1) write (iutw,*) 'in griddefg - nrowh=',nrowh, + ' ncolh=',ncolh do 60 j=1,nrowh do 55 i=1,ncolh kh = (j-1)*ncolh + i kg = (j-1)*ncol + i + koff if (wfld(kh).ge.0.0) then fld(kg) = wfld(kh) ibmap(kg) = 1 ktr = ktr + 1 if (ibug.gt.2) then write (iupr,50) ngrid,ktr,kg,fld(kg),i,j 50 format (' ngrid=',i3,' ktr=',i6,' kg=',i6,' fld(kg)=',f6.2, + ' i=',i4,' j=',i4) else if (ibug.gt.1.and.fld(kg).gt.0.0) then write (iupr,50) ngrid,ktr,kg,fld(kg),i,j endif else fld(kg) = 0.0 nktr = nktr + 1 endif if (ibug.eq.1) write (iutw,*) 'in griddefg -', + ' kh=',kh,' wfld(kh)=',wfld(kh), + ' kg=',kg,' fld(kg)=',fld(kg) 55 continue 60 continue c go to 180 c c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c c GRIB grid number 218 - 12 km AWIPS grid over contiguous United States c c must transform from 4 km HRAP grid to 12 km AWPIS grid c c set parameters to transform to grid 218 70 alat1 = igds(6)/1000. elon1 = igds(7)/1000. dx = igds(10) elonv = igds(9)/1000. alatan = igds(15)/1000. c c put HRAP coordinates of corners into an array ng(1) = mwcol ng(2) = msrow ng(3) = mwcol + ncolh - 1 ng(4) = msrow ng(5) = mwcol + ncolh - 1 ng(6) = msrow + nrowh - 1 ng(7) = mwcol ng(8) = msrow + nrowh - 1 illgd = 0 npair = 1 c use center of HRAP grid do 120 i = 1,8,2 xhrap = ng(i) + 0.5 yhrap = ng(i+1) + 0.5 c convert HRAP corners to lat lon call cvllgdg (elon,alat,npair,xhrap,yhrap,illgd,gridf,ierr) if (ibug.ge.idblev) write (iupr,100) xhrap,yhrap,elon,alat,ierr 100 format (' xhrap=',f6.0,' yhrap=',f6.0,' elon=',f7.3, + ' alat=',f6.3,' ierr=',i2) c convert corners in lat lon to Lambert(i,j) grid 218 coordinates elon = -elon call w3fb11 (alat,elon,alat1,elon1,dx,elonv,alatan,tg(i), + tg(i+1)) if (ibug.ge.idblev) write (iupr,110) elon,alat,tg(i),tg(i+1) 110 format (' elon=',f8.3,' alat=',f6.3,' tg(i)=',f8.3, + ' tg(i+1)=',f8.3) 120 continue c lwcol = min(tg(1),tg(7)) + 0.5 lsrow = min(tg(2),tg(4)) + 0.5 xl = min(tg(3),tg(5)) yl = min(tg(6),tg(8)) lncol = xl - lwcol + 1 lnrow = yl - lsrow + 1 if (ibug.ge.idblev) write (iupr,130) ngrid,lwcol,lsrow,lncol,lnrow 130 format (' ngrid=',i4,' lwcol=',i4,' lsrow=',i4, + ' lncol=',i4,' lnrow=',i4) c if (inat.eq.1) then c reset with national grid parameters ncol = igds(4) nrow = igds(5) msrow = 1 mwcol = 1 koff = (lsrow-1)*ncol + lwcol - 1 else c reset with local grid parameters mwcol = lwcol msrow = lsrow ncol = lncol nrow = lnrow koff = 0 c number of points along x-axis igds(4) = ncol c number of points along y-axis igds(5) = nrow c determine lat lon of local point (1,1) xl = lwcol yl = lsrow call w3fb12 (xl,yl,alat1,elon1,dx,elonv,alatan,alat,elon, + ierr) c convert to east longitude if (elon.gt.180.) elon = 360. - elon c latitude of origin igds(6) = alat*1000. c longitude of origin igds(7) = -elon*1000. endif c c initialize bitmap array mbmap = ncol*nrow if (mbmap.gt.mxbmap) then write (iutw,140) mbmap,mxbmap if (iupr.ne.iutw) write (iupr,140) mbmap,mxbmap 140 format (' ERROR: number of words needed for bitmap array (',i6, * ') exceeds the maximum (',i6,').') ierr = 3 go to 210 endif do 150 i=1,mbmap fld(i) = 0.0 ibmap(i) = 0 150 continue c mecolh = mwcolh + ncolh - 1 mnrowh = msrowh + nrowh - 1 illgd = 1 do 170 j=1,lnrow do 165 i=1,lncol xl = i + lwcol - 1 yl = j + lsrow - 1 c convert Lambert (xl,yl) to lon lat call w3fb12 (xl,yl,alat1,elon1,dx,elonv,alatan,alat,elon, + ierr) c convert to east longitude if (elon.gt.180.0) elon = 360.0 - elon if (ibug.ge.idblev.and.i.le.3.and.j.le.3) + write (iupr,160) i,j,xl,yl,elon,alat,ierr 160 format (' i=',i4,' j=',i4,' xl=',f5.0,' yl=',f5.0, + ' elon=',f7.3,' alat=',f6.3,' ierr=',i4) c convert lon lat to national HRAP (ihrap,jhrap) call cvllgdg (elon,alat,npair,xhrap,yhrap,illgd,gridf,ierr) c check if HRAP coordinates in local HRAP box if (xhrap.lt.mwcolh.or.xhrap.gt.mecolh) go to 170 if (yhrap.lt.msrowh.or.yhrap.gt.mnrowh) go to 170 c convert national HRAP coordinate to local ihrap = xhrap - mwcolh + 1 jhrap = yhrap - msrowh + 1 kh = (jhrap-1)*ncolh + ihrap kg = (j - 1)*ncol + i + koff if (wfld(kh).ge.0.0) then fld(kg) = wfld(kh) ibmap(kg) = 1 ktr = ktr + 1 if (ibug.gt.2) write (iupr,50) ngrid,ktr,kg,fld(kg),i,j else fld(kg) = 0.0 nktr = nktr + 1 endif 165 continue 170 continue c c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c 180 if (ibug.gt.0) write (iupr,190) ngrid,ktr,nktr 190 format (' ngrid ',i3,' ktr=',i6,' nktr=',i6) if (ktr.eq.0) then write (iutw,200) if (iupr.ne.iutw) write (iupr,200) 200 format (' WARNING: all data is missing.') nwarn = nwarn + 1 ierr = ierr + 2 endif c 210 return c end