#!/bin/bash # CAVE startup script # Note: CAVE will not run as 'root' user=`/usr/bin/whoami` if [ ${user} == 'root' ];then echo "WARNING: CAVE cannot be run as user '${user}'!" echo " change to another user and run again." exit 1 fi source /awips2/cave/caveUtil.sh RC=$? if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: unable to find and/or access /awips2/cave/caveUtil.sh." exit 1 fi dir=${0%/*} if [ "$dir" = "$0" ]; then dir="." fi cd "$dir" # Since, we no longer need to worry about re-location ... CAVE_INSTALL="/awips2/cave" JAVA_INSTALL="/awips2/java" PYTHON_INSTALL="/awips2/python" export AWIPS_INSTALL_DIR="${CAVE_INSTALL}" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${JAVA_INSTALL}/lib:${PYTHON_INSTALL}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PATH=${JAVA_INSTALL}/bin:${PYTHON_INSTALL}/bin:$PATH export JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_INSTALL}/jre" # The user can update this field if they choose to do so. export HYDRO_APPS_DIR="/awips2/edex/data/hdf5/hydroapps" TESTCHECK="$TMCP_HOME/bin/getTestMode" if [ -x ${TESTCHECK} ]; then echo "Calling getTestMode()" ${TESTCHECK} status=${?} if [ $status -eq 11 ]; then MODE="TEST" SWITCHES=" -mode TEST " elif [ $status -eq 12 ];then MODE="PRACTICE" SWITCHES=" -mode PRACTICE " elif [ $status -eq 15 ];then MODE="OPERATIONAL" SWITCHES=" -mode OPERATIONAL" else MODE="OPERATIONAL (no response)" SWITCHES=" " fi echo "getTestMode() returned ${MODE}" else MODE="UNKNOWN" echo "getTestMode() not found - going to use defaults" fi export TEXTWS=`hostname | sed -e 's/lx/xt/g'` # if display not set if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] then echo "Using Display set to $DISPLAY" extendLibraryPath else echo "Display not set, creating offscreen x on port $$" extendLibraryPath "-noX" Xvfb :$$ -screen 0 1280x1024x24 & xvfb=$! export DISPLAY="localhost:$$.0" #don't use shader when no display set export SWITCHES="${SWITCHES} -no_shader" fi export LD_PRELOAD=libpython.so /awips2/cave/cave ${SWITCHES} -nosplash -component gfeclient "$@" if [ -n "$xvfb" ] then echo "Killing Xvfb process id: $xvfb" kill $xvfb fi