.. nose documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Mar 26 16:49:00 2009. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Installation and quick start ============================ *On most UNIX-like systems, you'll probably need to run these commands as root or using sudo.* Install nose using setuptools:: easy_install nose Or, if you don't have setuptools installed, use the download link at right to download the source package, and install it in the normal fashion: Ungzip and untar the source package, cd to the new directory, and:: python setup.py install However, **please note** that without setuptools installed, you will not be able to use third-party nose plugins. This will install the nose libraries, as well as the :doc:`nosetests ` script, which you can use to automatically discover and run tests. Now you can run tests for your project:: cd path/to/project nosetests You should see output something like this:: .................................. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 34 tests in 1.440s OK Indicating that nose found and ran your tests. For help with nosetests' many command-line options, try:: nosetests -h or visit the :doc:`usage documentation `. .. toctree:: :hidden: testing developing news further_reading