
   Numeric Arrays
   Basic Arithmetic Operations
   Logical Statements and Masks
   Complex Logical Statements
   Conditional Statements -- the "where" statement
   Clipping (or Limiting) the Values of a Grid
   Accessing Parts of Grids and Cubes
   Looking up the Columns of a Cube

Numpy is an extension to Python that provides the capability of operating on grids easily and efficiently. The syntax for Numpy is fully explained in the Numpy Tutorial. In this section, we will explain the basic concepts that are relevant to the GFESuite.  To access the Numpy library, include the following statement in your Python module:

from numpy import *

Numeric Arrays

The basic data structure for Numpy is a Numeric Array. The array objects are generally homogeneous collections of potentially large volumes of numbers. All numbers in a array are the same kind (i.e. number representation, such as double-precision floating point). Array objects must be full (no empty cells are allowed), and their size is immutable. The specific numbers within them can change throughout the life of the array. Here is an example of Python code using the array objects (italicized text refers to user input, non-italicized text to computer output):

> python
>>> from numpy import *
>>> vector1 = array((1,2,3,4,5))
>>> print vector1

[1 2 3 4 5]

>>> matrix1 = array(([0,1],[1,3]))
>>> print matrix1

[[0 1]

[1 3]]

>>> print vector1.shape, matrix1.shape

(5,) (2,2)

# Note the "shape" is the dimensions of the array

>>> print vector1 + vector1

[ 2 4 6 8 10]]

>>> print matrix1 * matrix1

[[0 1]

[1 9]]

# Note that this is not the matrix multiplication of linear algebra


GFESuite extensions such as Smart Tools and Smart Initialization provide access to grid data via 2-dimensional Numpy arrays. The naming of these grids and the methods of access may differ, but the concepts and operations on the underlying Numpy arrays is the same.

Basic Arithmetic Operations

Basic arithmetic operations are very easy in Numpy and operate on entire grids at once. When operating on grids, we ensure that the grids are all the same size in the x and y dimensions. Any D2D or IFP data that you access is assured to have the same grid sizes. If you have two grids, called grid1 and grid2 and you want to make a difference grid and store it into grid3, then the syntax is:

        grid3 = grid1 - grid2

If you want to add a constant value to a grid, then the syntax is like this:

        grid = grid + 5.0

Converting a grid from degrees Kelvin to degrees Fahrenheit is as simple as:

        gridF = (gridK - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32

In general, do not use loops to index through points in the grid. Performance will suffer greatly. Normally you access the entire grid at a time, using the above syntax. The operation you specify will be applied to EVERY grid point in the grid.

To initialize a grid, GFESuite extensions provide an empty array (set to zeros) guaranteed to be of the correct dimensions.  The empty array is called "self._empty". To initialize a grid to a particular value, say 3.0:

        grid = self._empty + 3.0

Note:  self._empty is not available in Python in general. It is specific to GFESuite extensions such as Smart Tools and Smart Initialization which have knowledge of the appropriate grid dimensions for your domain.

Logical Statements and Masks

Logical statements are used to compare grid values. The result from a logical statement is typically a "boolean" grid, which is a grid that has either 1 (true) or 0 (false) values.  These grids are sometimes called "masks" and are used with conditional statements. Each logical statement requires two arguments, the first being the grid, and the second being the numerical value for comparison (or even another grid). Here is a subset of statements that you may find useful:

        less(),  equal(),  not_equal(),  greater(),  greater_equal(),  less_equal()

For example, to create a mask called bgrid, which represents whether grid points of temperatures are greater than 50 degrees, the statement would be:

        bgrid = greater(tGrid, 50)

Complex Logical Statements

Sometimes you need a mask that has two logical statements. You can use the logical_and() and logical_or() statements to combine logical statements. Each of these statements require two arguments, which are the ones that are going to combine with "and" or "or".

For example, to create a mask called bgrid, which represents grid points from temperatures that are between 40 and 60, you could use a statement like this:

        bgrid = logical_and(greater_equal(tGrid, 40), less_equal(tGrid, 60))

To create a mask which represents the grid points from temperatures that are below 40 or above 60:

        bgrid = logical_or(less(tGrid, 40), greater(tGrid, 60))

Conditional Statements - the "where" statement

Normally a logical statement isn't too useful by itself, and you want to assign a value to a grid based on whether a conditional is true or false. The where statement is similar to a if...else... statement in C++ or Python. The where statement takes three arguments: the first is the logical statement, the second is the value to be assigned to the grid if the logical statement is true, and the third is the value to be assigned to the output if the logical statement is false.

        where(conditional statement, assignment if true, assignment if false)

For example,

        snowGrid = where(less(tGrid, 32), 10.0*QPF,  0.0))

takes the tGrid and compares it to 32 degrees. This results in a temporary boolean grid which has grid points that are set to true if the temperature is less than 32 and false if the temperature is greater to or equal to 32. The calculated snow grid is based on the boolean grid and the QPF grid. If the temperature is equal or above 32, then the "false"assignment is done, thus assigning zero to the snowGrid. If the temperature is below 32, then the "true" assignment is performed and the snowGrid is set to 10 times the value of the QPF grid.

Clipping (or Limiting) the values of a Grid

Many output grids need to be clipped or limited to a range of values. For example, if you calculate a QPF that is modified based on upslope and downslope and the calculation results in a negative QPF, you know that you need to change it to 0.0 (since negative QPFs are not allowed). The "clip" function takes three arguments: the input grid, the minimum value, and the maximum value.

        finalQPF = clip(calcQPF, 0.0, 10.0)


While the GFESuite Forecast grids represent surface weather elements, D2D model grids often represent weather elements at various atmospheric levels. In Numerical Python, we can represent this data as 3-dimensional arrays, or cubes. When examining weather element cubes, we often have a cube of geopotential height available to map between pressure levels and elevation.


Note the naming convention we use for cube variables: wxElement_c where _c indicates a cube.

Accessing Parts of Grids and Cubes

The syntax for accessing individual rows or columns in a grid is similar to accessing portions of a list in Python, using the bracket and colon syntax. For example:

        print grid[25][45]

will print the value of the grid at the 45th column of the 25th row.

Refer to the Numerical Python documentation for more details. For cubes, you can access any individual level using indexing, or multiple levels using more complicated indexing. For example, if you have an relative humidity cube of 6 levels, and you want just the 2nd level (remember Python counts from 0), you would use this syntax:


If you wanted a cube that only had the 2nd through 4th levels, then the syntax would be:


Looking Up the Columns of a Cube

Some of your algorithms will want to "look up the columns" of a cube and then stop when certain critera has been reached. An example of this is the calculation of freezing level.  We want to start at the surface and go up until we reach the point where the temperature is below freezing. Then we interpolate between that level and the previous level to find the "real" freezing level.

The following function (from Smart Initialization) accesses the cubes of geopotential heights and temperatures.  The true surface topography grid is also accessed:

    def calcFzLevel(self,  gh_c,  t_c,  topo):

We start with a grid that contains -1.  The  self._minus variable is a 2-D grid of -1s. During the calculation up the column, the grid will contain -1 if the freezing level has not yet been reached, or the actual freezing level if the level has been reached. We make the assumption that the freezing level can never be -1 (since that is below sea level).

        fzl = self._minus

The for loop "i" goes from 0 to the size of the z dimension of  the cube of gh.  The 0 represents the 'z' dimension.

        for i in xrange(gh_c.shape[0]):

We use a try/except block to "catch" the failure on the first iteration of the for loop. The exception is caused by accessing the "i-1"th level which is illegal when i == 0.

                # Interpolate between cube levels
                val = gh_c[i-1] + (gh_c[i] - gh_c[i-1]) / (t_c[i] - t_c[i-1])  * (273.15 - t_c[i-1])
                # Handle the first level
                val = gh_c[i]

After we have calculated "val", which is a 2-D grid, representing the freezing level height based on the two temperatures and two gh values at each layer, then we apply it only in certain cases. The following statement only assigns the calculated freezing level if it already hasn't been assigned, and the actual temperature of the layer is less than freezing.

            fzl = where(logical_and(equal(fzl, -1),  less_equal(t_c[i], 273.15)), val,  fzl)

The following simply converts the meters to feet.

            fzl = fzl * 0.3048

And the grid is returned.

            return fzl


The concept of "reducing" is a numpy concept of taking a multi-dimensional grid (or cube) and reducing its dimensions. Another concept is flattening the grid. For example, take all of the relative humidities from the surface to a fixed millibar level and average them. You start with a cube of rh and end up with a 2-D grid of average rh. This example calculates the probability of precipitation based on the Fcst QPF, and the geopotential heights and relative humidity cubes.

    def calcPoP(self, gh_c, rh_c, QPF, topo):

The first few lines take the gh and rh cubes and only use the first 8 levels.

        # only use the first 8 levels (up to MB600)
        gh_c = gh_c[:8,:,:]
        rh_c = rh_c[:8,:,:]

The less statement creates a 3-D mask based on the gh levels and the topography levels.  The mask is 1 where the gh level is less than the topography and 0 where the gh level is greater or equal to the topography.

        mask = less(gh_c, topo)

Wherever there is a 1 in the mask, rh_avg gets a 0.  Wherever there was a 0 in the mask, rh_avg gets the value in the rh_c.  The rh_avg is still a cube with 0 below the surface.

        rh_avg = where(mask, 0, rh_c)

We need a count grid since we have to compute an average. The count is actually a cube that has a 0 if the rh_avg is 0 or less, and a 1 if the rh_avg is greater than 0.

        count = where(greater(rh_avg, 0), 1, 0)

The add.reduce() sums up along the z-axis (the 0 indicates the z-direction, 1 the x-direction, 2 the y-direction), and returns a single number that is the sum in each column.  It turns the 3-D cube into a 2-D grid.  Count is a 2-D grid.

        count = add.reduce(count, 0)

The add.reduce() sums up the rh grids in the column above the surface.

        rh_avg = add.reduce(rh_avg, 0)

The real average relative humidity is calculated in this next compound statement. The average relative humidity is the rh_avg/count. We do some extra work to ensure that the count is not zero by adding 0.001 to the count.

        dpop = rh_avg / (count + .001) - 70.0

We force dpop to be within the range -30 to 30%.

        dpop = clip(dpop, -30, 30)

Finally we calculate the primary pop. If QPF < 0.02, then the pop is 1000 * QPF. Otherwise set QPF to 350*QPF + 13.
        pop = where(less(QPF, 0.02), QPF * 1000, QPF * 350 + 13)

We add in the delta pop.
        pop = pop + dpop

We make sure the range is between 0 and 100%
        pop = clip(pop, 0, 100)

And return the answer.
        return pop