subroutine get_mdl_stns(maxstn, stn_list, sta_lat, sta_lon, + nstn) parameter (MAXSTATIONS=2000) integer lunstn, iret, ier character stn_list(*)*18 real sta_lat(*), sta_lon(*) character*128 tbfile data tbfile /'sfstns.tbl'/ CHARACTER coun(MAXSTATIONS)*2, stid(MAXSTATIONS)*8 CHARACTER stat(MAXSTATIONS)*2 CHARACTER stnnam(MAXSTATIONS)*32, tbchrs(MAXSTATIONS)*14 REAL selv(MAXSTATIONS) INTEGER isnm(MAXSTATIONS) INTEGER ispri(MAXSTATIONS) C C* Add the station information C call FL_TBOP(tbfile, 'stns', lunstn, iret) if (iret .ne. 0) then CALL ER_WMSG('FL', iret, ' ', ier) return endif nstn = 0 if (maxstn .gt. MAXSTATIONS) then C Don't overflow any space we have maxstn = MAXSTATIONS endif C C* Read in the stations. C CALL TB_ASTN(lunstn, maxstn, nstn, stid, stnnam, isnm, + stat, coun, sta_lat, sta_lon, selv, ispri, tbchrs, + iret) if (iret .ne. 0) then CALL ER_WMSG('TB', iret, ' ', ier) return endif do i = 1, nstn stn_list(i) = stid(i) enddo C C* Close station table. C CALL FL_CLOS(lunstn, iret) return end