Routines where the raw sndg array is used in the xwvid* files: xwvid6: position_cursor redraw_sounding processuserdata load_sounding xwvid5: visual1 plot_thetae xwvid3: show_moisture show_shear show_posnegareas best_guess_ptype main_thermo xwvid2: grab_level skewt_cursor_data get_level_pointer xwvid1: draw_skewt draw_hodo trace_hodo trace_temp trace_temp2 trace_vtmp trace_dwpt trace_dwpt2 trace_wetbulb plot_barbs plot_barbs2 vvel_profile trace_dcape I guess it's fine to expose the data to the various trace routines however for all of the text generating routines it'd be better to remove it from there and do the computations in computeparms()