/* * The Python Imaging Library * $Id: Effects.c 2134 2004-10-06 08:55:20Z fredrik $ * * various special effects and image generators * * history: * 1997-05-21 fl Just for fun * 1997-06-05 fl Added mandelbrot generator * 2003-05-24 fl Added perlin_turbulence generator (in progress) * * Copyright (c) 1997-2003 by Fredrik Lundh. * Copyright (c) 1997 by Secret Labs AB. * * See the README file for information on usage and redistribution. */ #include "Imaging.h" #include Imaging ImagingEffectMandelbrot(int xsize, int ysize, double extent[4], int quality) { /* Generate a Mandelbrot set covering the given extent */ Imaging im; int x, y, k; double width, height; double x1, y1, xi2, yi2, cr, ci, radius; double dr, di; /* Check arguments */ width = extent[2] - extent[0]; height = extent[3] - extent[1]; if (width < 0.0 || height < 0.0 || quality < 2) return (Imaging) ImagingError_ValueError(NULL); im = ImagingNew("L", xsize, ysize); if (!im) return NULL; dr = width/(xsize-1); di = height/(ysize-1); radius = 100.0; for (y = 0; y < ysize; y++) { UINT8* buf = im->image8[y]; for (x = 0; x < xsize; x++) { x1 = y1 = xi2 = yi2 = 0.0; cr = x*dr + extent[0]; ci = y*di + extent[1]; for (k = 1;; k++) { y1 = 2*x1*y1 + ci; x1 = xi2 - yi2 + cr; xi2 = x1*x1; yi2 = y1*y1; if ((xi2 + yi2) > radius) { buf[x] = k*255/quality; break; } if (k > quality) { buf[x] = 0; break; } } } } return im; } Imaging ImagingEffectNoise(int xsize, int ysize, float sigma) { /* Generate gaussian noise centered around 128 */ Imaging imOut; int x, y; int nextok; double this, next; imOut = ImagingNew("L", xsize, ysize); if (!imOut) return NULL; next = 0.0; nextok = 0; for (y = 0; y < imOut->ysize; y++) { UINT8* out = imOut->image8[y]; for (x = 0; x < imOut->xsize; x++) { if (nextok) { this = next; nextok = 0; } else { /* after numerical recepies */ double v1, v2, radius, factor; do { v1 = rand()*(2.0/32767.0) - 1.0; v2 = rand()*(2.0/32767.0) - 1.0; radius= v1*v1 + v2*v2; } while (radius >= 1.0); factor = sqrt(-2.0*log(radius)/radius); this = factor * v1; next = factor * v2; } out[x] = (unsigned char) (128 + sigma * this); } } return imOut; } Imaging ImagingEffectPerlinTurbulence(int xsize, int ysize) { /* Perlin turbulence (In progress) */ return NULL; } Imaging ImagingEffectSpread(Imaging imIn, int distance) { /* Randomly spread pixels in an image */ Imaging imOut; int x, y; imOut = ImagingNew(imIn->mode, imIn->xsize, imIn->ysize); if (!imOut) return NULL; #define SPREAD(type, image)\ for (y = 0; y < imIn->ysize; y++)\ for (x = 0; x < imIn->xsize; x++) {\ int xx = x + (rand() % distance) - distance/2;\ int yy = y + (rand() % distance) - distance/2;\ if (xx >= 0 && xx < imIn->xsize && yy >= 0 && yy < imIn->ysize) {\ imOut->image[yy][xx] = imIn->image[y][x];\ imOut->image[y][x] = imIn->image[yy][xx];\ } else\ imOut->image[y][x] = imIn->image[y][x];\ } if (imIn->image8) { SPREAD(UINT8, image8); } else { SPREAD(INT32, image32); } ImagingCopyInfo(imOut, imIn); return imOut; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Taken from the "C" code in the W3C SVG specification. Translated to C89 by Fredrik Lundh */ /* Produces results in the range [1, 2**31 - 2]. Algorithm is: r = (a * r) mod m where a = 16807 and m = 2**31 - 1 = 2147483647 See [Park & Miller], CACM vol. 31 no. 10 p. 1195, Oct. 1988 To test: the algorithm should produce the result 1043618065 as the 10,000th generated number if the original seed is 1. */ #define RAND_m 2147483647 /* 2**31 - 1 */ #define RAND_a 16807 /* 7**5; primitive root of m */ #define RAND_q 127773 /* m / a */ #define RAND_r 2836 /* m % a */ static long perlin_setup_seed(long lSeed) { if (lSeed <= 0) lSeed = -(lSeed % (RAND_m - 1)) + 1; if (lSeed > RAND_m - 1) lSeed = RAND_m - 1; return lSeed; } static long perlin_random(long lSeed) { long result; result = RAND_a * (lSeed % RAND_q) - RAND_r * (lSeed / RAND_q); if (result <= 0) result += RAND_m; return result; } #define BSize 0x100 #define BM 0xff #define PerlinN 0x1000 #define NP 12 /* 2^PerlinN */ #define NM 0xfff static int perlin_uLatticeSelector[BSize + BSize + 2]; static double perlin_fGradient[4][BSize + BSize + 2][2]; typedef struct { int nWidth; /* How much to subtract to wrap for stitching. */ int nHeight; int nWrapX; /* Minimum value to wrap. */ int nWrapY; } StitchInfo; static void perlin_init(long lSeed) { double s; int i, j, k; lSeed = perlin_setup_seed(lSeed); for(k = 0; k < 4; k++) { for(i = 0; i < BSize; i++) { perlin_uLatticeSelector[i] = i; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) perlin_fGradient[k][i][j] = (double)(((lSeed = perlin_random(lSeed)) % (BSize + BSize)) - BSize) / BSize; s = (double) (sqrt(perlin_fGradient[k][i][0] * perlin_fGradient[k][i][0] + perlin_fGradient[k][i][1] * perlin_fGradient[k][i][1])); perlin_fGradient[k][i][0] /= s; perlin_fGradient[k][i][1] /= s; } } while(--i) { k = perlin_uLatticeSelector[i]; perlin_uLatticeSelector[i] = perlin_uLatticeSelector[j = (lSeed = perlin_random(lSeed)) % BSize]; perlin_uLatticeSelector[j] = k; } for(i = 0; i < BSize + 2; i++) { perlin_uLatticeSelector[BSize + i] = perlin_uLatticeSelector[i]; for(k = 0; k < 4; k++) for(j = 0; j < 2; j++) perlin_fGradient[k][BSize + i][j] = perlin_fGradient[k][i][j]; } } #define s_curve(t) ( t * t * (3. - 2. * t) ) #define lerp(t, a, b) ( a + t * (b - a) ) static double perlin_noise2(int nColorChannel, double vec[2], StitchInfo *pStitchInfo) { int bx0, bx1, by0, by1, b00, b10, b01, b11; double rx0, rx1, ry0, ry1, *q, sx, sy, a, b, t, u, v; register int i, j; t = vec[0] + (double) PerlinN; bx0 = (int)t; bx1 = bx0+1; rx0 = t - (int)t; rx1 = rx0 - 1.0f; t = vec[1] + (double) PerlinN; by0 = (int)t; by1 = by0+1; ry0 = t - (int)t; ry1 = ry0 - 1.0f; /* If stitching, adjust lattice points accordingly. */ if(pStitchInfo != NULL) { if(bx0 >= pStitchInfo->nWrapX) bx0 -= pStitchInfo->nWidth; if(bx1 >= pStitchInfo->nWrapX) bx1 -= pStitchInfo->nWidth; if(by0 >= pStitchInfo->nWrapY) by0 -= pStitchInfo->nHeight; if(by1 >= pStitchInfo->nWrapY) by1 -= pStitchInfo->nHeight; } bx0 &= BM; bx1 &= BM; by0 &= BM; by1 &= BM; i = perlin_uLatticeSelector[bx0]; j = perlin_uLatticeSelector[bx1]; b00 = perlin_uLatticeSelector[i + by0]; b10 = perlin_uLatticeSelector[j + by0]; b01 = perlin_uLatticeSelector[i + by1]; b11 = perlin_uLatticeSelector[j + by1]; sx = (double) (s_curve(rx0)); sy = (double) (s_curve(ry0)); q = perlin_fGradient[nColorChannel][b00]; u = rx0 * q[0] + ry0 * q[1]; q = perlin_fGradient[nColorChannel][b10]; v = rx1 * q[0] + ry0 * q[1]; a = lerp(sx, u, v); q = perlin_fGradient[nColorChannel][b01]; u = rx0 * q[0] + ry1 * q[1]; q = perlin_fGradient[nColorChannel][b11]; v = rx1 * q[0] + ry1 * q[1]; b = lerp(sx, u, v); return lerp(sy, a, b); } double perlin_turbulence( int nColorChannel, double *point, double fBaseFreqX, double fBaseFreqY, int nNumOctaves, int bFractalSum, int bDoStitching, double fTileX, double fTileY, double fTileWidth, double fTileHeight) { StitchInfo stitch; StitchInfo *pStitchInfo = NULL; /* Not stitching when NULL. */ double fSum = 0.0f; double vec[2]; double ratio = 1; int nOctave; vec[0] = point[0] * fBaseFreqX; vec[1] = point[1] * fBaseFreqY; /* Adjust the base frequencies if necessary for stitching. */ if(bDoStitching) { /* When stitching tiled turbulence, the frequencies must be adjusted */ /* so that the tile borders will be continuous. */ if(fBaseFreqX != 0.0) { double fLoFreq = (double) (floor(fTileWidth * fBaseFreqX)) / fTileWidth; double fHiFreq = (double) (ceil(fTileWidth * fBaseFreqX)) / fTileWidth; if(fBaseFreqX / fLoFreq < fHiFreq / fBaseFreqX) fBaseFreqX = fLoFreq; else fBaseFreqX = fHiFreq; } if(fBaseFreqY != 0.0) { double fLoFreq = (double) (floor(fTileHeight * fBaseFreqY)) / fTileHeight; double fHiFreq = (double) (ceil(fTileHeight * fBaseFreqY)) / fTileHeight; if(fBaseFreqY / fLoFreq < fHiFreq / fBaseFreqY) fBaseFreqY = fLoFreq; else fBaseFreqY = fHiFreq; } /* Set up initial stitch values. */ pStitchInfo = &stitch; stitch.nWidth = (int) (fTileWidth * fBaseFreqX + 0.5f); stitch.nWrapX = (int) (fTileX * fBaseFreqX + PerlinN + stitch.nWidth); stitch.nHeight = (int) (fTileHeight * fBaseFreqY + 0.5f); stitch.nWrapY = (int) (fTileY * fBaseFreqY + PerlinN + stitch.nHeight); } for(nOctave = 0; nOctave < nNumOctaves; nOctave++) { if(bFractalSum) fSum += (double) (perlin_noise2(nColorChannel, vec, pStitchInfo) / ratio); else fSum += (double) (fabs(perlin_noise2(nColorChannel, vec, pStitchInfo)) / ratio); vec[0] *= 2; vec[1] *= 2; ratio *= 2; if(pStitchInfo != NULL) { /* Update stitch values. Subtracting PerlinN before the multiplication and */ /* adding it afterward simplifies to subtracting it once. */ stitch.nWidth *= 2; stitch.nWrapX = 2 * stitch.nWrapX - PerlinN; stitch.nHeight *= 2; stitch.nWrapY = 2 * stitch.nWrapY - PerlinN; } } return fSum; }