/** * This software was developed and / or modified by NOAA/NWS/OCP/ASDT * * Create climate database */ \set ON_ERROR_STOP 1 /* * Connect to unrelated DB; new one does not exist and cannot be connected to the DB to be copied. */ \connect metadata /* * Create tablespace. */ CREATE TABLESPACE climate OWNER awipsadmin LOCATION '/awips2/database/tablespaces/climate'; COMMENT ON TABLESPACE climate IS 'Climate Database tablespace'; /* * Copy hmdb. */ CREATE DATABASE climate WITH TEMPLATE hmdb; /* * Connect to new DB. */ \connect climate /* * Create new tables. */ CREATE TABLE cpg_session ( cpg_session_id character varying(50) NOT NULL, run_type integer NOT NULL, prod_type integer NOT NULL, state integer NOT NULL, status integer, status_desc character varying(1024), global_config bytea, prod_setting bytea, report_data bytea, prod_data bytea, start_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, last_updated timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, pending_expire timestamp without time zone, CONSTRAINT cpg_session_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cpg_session_id) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE cpg_session OWNER TO awipsadmin; GRANT ALL ON TABLE cpg_session TO awipsadmin; GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, TRUNCATE, DELETE, TRIGGER ON TABLE cpg_session TO awips; GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, TRUNCATE, DELETE, TRIGGER ON TABLE cpg_session TO pguser; CREATE TABLE sent_prod_record ( prod_id character varying(16) NOT NULL, period_type character varying(16) NULL, prod_type character varying(4) NOT NULL, file_name character varying(50) NULL, prod_text TEXT NOT NULL, send_time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, user_id character varying(32) NULL, CONSTRAINT sent_prod_record_pkey PRIMARY KEY (prod_id, send_time) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE sent_prod_record OWNER TO awipsadmin; GRANT ALL ON TABLE sent_prod_record TO awipsadmin; GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, TRUNCATE, DELETE, TRIGGER ON TABLE sent_prod_record TO awips; GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, TRUNCATE, DELETE, TRIGGER ON TABLE sent_prod_record TO pguser;