GFE/ifpIMAGE Configuration File
Weather Color Algorithm Configuration

The weather color algorithm is very complicated.  In order to understand the algorithm, it is important to understand the capability of the weather key and its components: coverage/probability, type, intensity, visibility, and optional attributes.

The allowed names of types, intensities, and coverage/probabilities are available in the file.

GFE Configuration Item
Applicable to GFE
Applicable to ifpIMAGE
Weather Color Algorithm YES YES
Weather Coverage Fill Patterns YES YES
Defining Color Entries for Weather Type and Intensities YES YES
Weather Generic Colors YES YES

Weather Color Algorithm

The current weather color algorithm ignores visibility and optional attributes.  The following table illustrates the color algorithm. A composite weather type is defined as more than one weather type combined for one coverage/probability.  For example, rain is a weather type and snow is a weather type. Combining rain and snow would be considered a composite weather type.
Number of Unique Coverages/Probabilites
Fill Pattern
Composite Weather Type
1 Based on entries in WeatherCoverage_names and WeatherCoverage_fillPatterns.  Only one fill pattern will be used based on the coverage/probability term. No First looks in  WeatherTypeInten_names and WeatherTypeInten_colors to look for a type and intensity match.  If not found, looks in WeatherType_names and WeatherType_colors for a match.  If not found, then assigns a color from WeatherGeneric_colors.
1 Based on entries in WeatherCoverage_names and WeatherCoverage_fillPatterns.  Only one fill pattern will be used based on the coverage/probability term. Yes First looks in  WeatherTypeInten_names and WeatherTypeInten_colors to look for a composite type and intensity match.  If not found, looks in WeatherType_names and WeatherType_colors for a match.  If not found, then assigns a color from WeatherGeneric_colors.
2 Based on entries in WeatherCoverage_names and WeatherCoverage_fillPatterns.  The fill pattern is determined for both of the unique coverages/probabilities.  The pattern is overlapped on the display. No For each unique coverage/probability, first looks in  WeatherTypeInten_names and WeatherTypeInten_colors to look for a type and intensity match.  If not found, looks in WeatherType_names and WeatherType_colors for a match.  If not found, then assigns a color from WeatherGeneric_colors. The result is two colors on the display each with different fill patterns.
2 Based on entries in WeatherCoverage_names and WeatherCoverage_fillPatterns.  The fill pattern is determined for both of the unique coverages/probabilities.  The pattern is overlapped on the display. Yes For each unique coverage/probability, first looks in  WeatherTypeInten_names and WeatherTypeInten_colors to look for a composite type and intensity match.  If not found, looks in WeatherType_names and WeatherType_colors for a match.  If not found, then assigns a color from WeatherGeneric_colors. The result is two colors on the display each with different fill patterns.
3 or more Solid fill pattern is always used. N/A Uses a color from WeatherGeneric_colors.  The solid pattern denotes a "complex" set of weather.

Weather Coverage Fill Patterns

WeatherCoverage_names and WeatherCoverage_fillPatterns are parallel lists of values and must be the same size.  For each possible weather coverage, the fill patterns array defines the fill pattern to use.  There are only a few allowed fill patterns and line patterns that may be used. If additional patterns are designed, you will need to contact the developers. The available fill patterns are:
  • WIDE
  • TRANS_25PC_45DEG
  • TRANS_25PC_135DEG
  • You can view examples of these fill patterns here.

    For example, if "Iso" coverage is in the 1st entry of the list and ISOLATED appears in the first entry of the fill patterns, the for Iso coverage, the fill pattern ISOLATED will be used.

    WeatherCoverage_names = ["Iso", "WSct", "Sct", "Num", "Wide", "Ocnl", "SChc",
    "Chc", "Lkly", "Def", "Patchy", "<NoCov>"]

    Defining Color Entries for Weather Types and Intensities

    With the set of WeatherType and WeatherTypeInten lists, the user may specify different color combinations for different weather types.  An example of this is shown in the following table:
    Weather Type/Intensity
    Desired Color
    Snow regardless of intensity White
    Rain, all intensities other than heavy Green
    Rain, heavy cyan
    Fog Yellow
    Rain and Snow Mixed Purple
    Freezing Rain Orange
    Thunderstorms (TRW) Red
    Strong Thunderstorms (T+RW) Red1
    No weather Gray40
    The entries in the two lists would be as follows:

    WeatherType_names = ["S", "R", "F", "RS", "ZR", "TRW", "<NoWx>"]
    WeatherType_colors = ["white", "green", "yellow", "purple", "orange", "red", "gray40"]
    WeatherTypeInten_names = ["T+RW", "R+"]
    WeatherTypeInten_colors = ["red1", "cyan"]

    The weather type entries are parallel lists of values and must be the same size.  The user defines the color desired for a particular composite weather type.  The color names may be X colors either in named color or #rrggbb format. This list does not contain intensity descriptors and is searched after the WeatherTypeInten_names and WeatherTypeInten_colors.

    The weather type intensity entries are parallel lists of values and must be the same size. The user defines the color desired for a particular composite weather type and intensity.

    Weather Generic Colors

    Weather Generic colors are used for any types that are not defined in the WeatherType_names or WeatherTypeInten_names.  The set of generic colors are also used for complex weather patterns, where 3 or more different probabilities/coverages are present in a grid cell.  The colors in this list will be used before a "random" color is chosen.

    WeatherGeneric_colors = ["Coral", "CadetBlue2", "Aquamarine", "DarkKhaki",
    "DodgerBlue", "IndianRed1", "PaleGreen", "MistyRose", "chartreuse3", "PapayaWhip"]

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