Based on the MetPy example ["Station Plot with Layout"]( ```python import datetime import pandas import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pprint from awips.dataaccess import DataAccessLayer from metpy.calc import get_wind_components from metpy.cbook import get_test_data from metpy.plots.wx_symbols import sky_cover, current_weather from metpy.plots import StationPlot, StationPlotLayout, simple_layout from metpy.units import units def get_cloud_cover(code): if 'OVC' in code: return 1.0 elif 'BKN' in code: return 6.0/8.0 elif 'SCT' in code: return 4.0/8.0 elif 'FEW' in code: return 2.0/8.0 else: return 0 state_capital_wx_stations = {'Washington':'KOLM', 'Oregon':'KSLE', 'California':'KSAC', 'Nevada':'KCXP', 'Idaho':'KBOI', 'Montana':'KHLN', 'Utah':'KSLC', 'Arizona':'KDVT', 'New Mexico':'KSAF', 'Colorado':'KBKF', 'Wyoming':'KCYS', 'North Dakota':'KBIS', 'South Dakota':'KPIR', 'Nebraska':'KLNK', 'Kansas':'KTOP', 'Oklahoma':'KPWA', 'Texas':'KATT', 'Louisiana':'KBTR', 'Arkansas':'KLIT', 'Missouri':'KJEF', 'Iowa':'KDSM', 'Minnesota':'KSTP', 'Wisconsin':'KMSN', 'Illinois':'KSPI', 'Mississippi':'KHKS', 'Alabama':'KMGM', 'Nashville':'KBNA', 'Kentucky':'KFFT', 'Indiana':'KIND', 'Michigan':'KLAN', 'Ohio':'KCMH', 'Georgia':'KFTY', 'Florida':'KTLH', 'South Carolina':'KCUB', 'North Carolina':'KRDU', 'Virginia':'KRIC', 'West Virginia':'KCRW', 'Pennsylvania':'KCXY', 'New York':'KALB', 'Vermont':'KMPV', 'New Hampshire':'KCON', 'Maine':'KAUG', 'Massachusetts':'KBOS', 'Rhode Island':'KPVD', 'Connecticut':'KHFD', 'New Jersey':'KTTN', 'Delaware':'KDOV', 'Maryland':'KNAK'} single_value_params = ["timeObs", "stationName", "longitude", "latitude", "temperature", "dewpoint", "windDir", "windSpeed", "seaLevelPress"] multi_value_params = ["presWeather", "skyCover", "skyLayerBase"] all_params = single_value_params + multi_value_params obs_dict = dict({all_params: [] for all_params in all_params}) pres_weather = [] sky_cov = [] sky_layer_base = [] ``` ```python from import TimeRange from datetime import datetime, timedelta lastHourDateTime = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours = 1) start = lastHourDateTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H') beginRange = datetime.strptime( start + ":00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") endRange = datetime.strptime( start + ":59:59", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") timerange = TimeRange(beginRange, endRange) ``` ```python DataAccessLayer.changeEDEXHost("") request = DataAccessLayer.newDataRequest() request.setDatatype("obs") request.setParameters(*(all_params)) request.setLocationNames(*(state_capital_wx_stations.values())) ``` ```python response = DataAccessLayer.getGeometryData(request,timerange) for ob in response: avail_params = ob.getParameters() if "presWeather" in avail_params: pres_weather.append(ob.getString("presWeather")) elif "skyCover" in avail_params and "skyLayerBase" in avail_params: sky_cov.append(ob.getString("skyCover")) sky_layer_base.append(ob.getNumber("skyLayerBase")) else: for param in single_value_params: if param in avail_params: if param == 'timeObs': obs_dict[param].append(datetime.fromtimestamp(ob.getNumber(param)/1000.0)) else: try: obs_dict[param].append(ob.getNumber(param)) except TypeError: obs_dict[param].append(ob.getString(param)) else: obs_dict[param].append(None) obs_dict['presWeather'].append(pres_weather); obs_dict['skyCover'].append(sky_cov); obs_dict['skyLayerBase'].append(sky_layer_base); pres_weather = [] sky_cov = [] sky_layer_base = [] ``` We can now use pandas to retrieve desired subsets of our observations. In this case, return the most recent observation for each station. ```python df = pandas.DataFrame(data=obs_dict, columns=all_params) #sort rows with the newest first df = df.sort_values(by='timeObs', ascending=False) #group rows by station groups = df.groupby('stationName') #create a new DataFrame for the most recent values df_recent = pandas.DataFrame(columns=all_params) #retrieve the first entry for each group, which will #be the most recent observation for rid, station in groups: row = station.head(1) df_recent = pandas.concat([df_recent, row]) ``` Convert DataFrame to something metpy-readable by attaching units and calculating derived values ```python data = dict() data['stid'] = np.array(df_recent["stationName"]) data['latitude'] = np.array(df_recent['latitude']) data['longitude'] = np.array(df_recent['longitude']) data['air_temperature'] = np.array(df_recent['temperature'], dtype=float)* units.degC data['dew_point'] = np.array(df_recent['dewpoint'], dtype=float)* units.degC data['slp'] = np.array(df_recent['seaLevelPress'])* units('mbar') u, v = get_wind_components(np.array(df_recent['windSpeed']) * units('knots'), np.array(df_recent['windDir']) * data['eastward_wind'], data['northward_wind'] = u, v data['cloud_frac'] = [int(get_cloud_cover(x)*8) for x in df_recent['skyCover']] ``` ```python %matplotlib inline import as ccrs import cartopy.feature as feat from matplotlib import rcParams rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100 proj = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=-95, central_latitude=35, standard_parallels=[35]) state_boundaries = feat.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name='admin_1_states_provinces_lines', scale='110m', facecolor='none') # Create the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=proj) # Add map elements ax.add_feature(feat.LAND, zorder=-1) ax.add_feature(feat.OCEAN, zorder=-1) ax.add_feature(feat.LAKES, zorder=-1) ax.coastlines(resolution='110m', zorder=2, color='black') ax.add_feature(state_boundaries) ax.add_feature(feat.BORDERS, linewidth='2', edgecolor='black') ax.set_extent((-120, -70, 20, 50)) # Start the station plot by specifying the axes to draw on, as well as the # lon/lat of the stations (with transform). We also set the fontsize to 12 pt. stationplot = StationPlot(ax, data['longitude'], data['latitude'], transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), fontsize=12) # The layout knows where everything should go, and things are standardized using # the names of variables. So the layout pulls arrays out of `data` and plots them # using `stationplot`. simple_layout.plot(stationplot, data) # Plot the temperature and dew point to the upper and lower left, respectively, of # the center point. Each one uses a different color. stationplot.plot_parameter('NW', np.array(data['air_temperature']), color='red') stationplot.plot_parameter('SW', np.array(data['dew_point']), color='darkgreen') # A more complex example uses a custom formatter to control how the sea-level pressure # values are plotted. This uses the standard trailing 3-digits of the pressure value # in tenths of millibars. stationplot.plot_parameter('NE', np.array(data['slp']), formatter=lambda v: format(10 * v, '.0f')[-3:]) # Plot the cloud cover symbols in the center location. This uses the codes made above and # uses the `sky_cover` mapper to convert these values to font codes for the # weather symbol font. stationplot.plot_symbol('C', data['cloud_frac'], sky_cover) # Also plot the actual text of the station id. Instead of cardinal directions, # plot further out by specifying a location of 2 increments in x and 0 in y. stationplot.plot_text((2, 0), np.array(obs_dict["stationName"])) plt.title("Most Recent Observations for State Capitals") ``` ![png](../images/output_9_1.png)