## # This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company, # pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government. # # U.S. EXPORT CONTROLLED TECHNICAL DATA # This software product contains export-restricted data whose # export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination # to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires # an export license or other authorization. # # Contractor Name: Raytheon Company # Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340 # Mail Stop B8 # Omaha, NE 68106 # 402.291.0100 # # See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for # further licensing information. ## ## # This is an absolute override file, indicating that a higher priority version # of the file will completely replace a lower priority version of the file. ## from com.raytheon.viz.gfe import GFEPreference Options = [ # ('*visual', 'truecolor'), ('*background' , 'gray65'), ('*activeBackground' , 'gray83'), ('*blinkingHighlightColor' , 'CornSilk'), ('*disabledForeground' , 'gray48'), ('*displacedTimeBackground' , 'black'), ('*displacedTimeForeground' , 'yellow'), ('*foreground' , 'black'), ('*highlightBackground' , 'gray65'), ('*lightBackground' , 'gray90'), ('*productAvailableForeground' , 'springgreen1'), ('*productNotAvailableForeground' , 'black'), ('*selectColor' , 'yellow'), ('*shadowBackground' , '#818181'), ('*titleColor' , 'blue'), ('*troughColor' , 'gray58'), ('*urgentActiveBackground' , 'red'), ('*urgentBackground' , 'red2'), ('*urgentMsgFg' , 'red2'), ('*urgentMsgBg' , 'white'), ('*urgentMsgG' , 'gray40'), ('*significantMsgFg' , 'yellow'), ('*significantMsgBg' , 'black'), ('*significantMsgG' , 'Gray80'), ('*regularMsgFg' , 'green'), ('*regularMsgBg' , 'gray40'), ('*regularMsgG' , 'gray80'), ('*Checkbutton.selectColor' , 'yellow'), ('*Entry.background' , 'WhiteSmoke'), ('*Entry.foreground' , 'Black'), ('*Entry.selectBackground' , 'CornSilk'), ('*Entry.selectForeground' , 'Black'), ('*Listbox.background' , 'WhiteSmoke'), ('*Listbox.foreground' , 'Black'), ('*Listbox.selectBackground' , 'CornSilk'), ('*Listbox.selectForeground' , 'Black'), ('*Listbox.exportSelection' , 'no'), ('*Menu.selectColor' , 'yellow'), ('*Radiobutton.selectColor' , 'yellow'), ('*Text.background' , 'WhiteSmoke'), ('*Text.foreground' , 'Black'), ('*Text.selectBackground' , 'CornSilk'), ('*Text.selectForeground' , 'Black'), ('*menubarPadY' , '2'), ('*Button.borderWidth' , '2'), ('*Button.highlightThickness' , '1'), ('*Button.padX' , '7'), ('*Button.padY' , '2'), ('*Canvas.highlightThickness' , '1'), ('*Canvas.font' , '-b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-*-sans-14-*'), ('*Checkbutton.borderWidth' , '2'), ('*Checkbutton.highlightThickness' , '1'), ('*Entry.borderWidth' , '2'), ('*Entry.highlightThickness' , '1'), ('*Listbox.borderWidth' , '2'), ('*Listbox.highlightThickness' , '1'), ('*Listbox.selectBorderWidth' , '1'), ('*Menu.borderWidth' , '1'), ('*Listbox.selectBorderWidth' , '1'), ('*Menu.borderWidth' , '1'), ('*Menubutton.highlightThickness' , '1'), ('*Radiobutton.borderWidth' , '2'), ('*Radiobutton.highlightThickness' , '1'), ('*Scale.borderWidth' , '2'), ('*Scale.highlightThickness' , '1'), ('*Scrollbar.borderWidth' , '2'), ('*Scrollbar.highlightThickness' , '1'), ('*Text.borderWidth' , '2'), ('*Text.highlightThickness' , '1'), ('*Text.font', '-*-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-240-*-*-*-*-*-*'), ('*Listbox.highlightThickness' , '1'), ('*fixedFont', "-b&h-helvetica-medium-*-*-14-*"), ('*font', "-b&h-helvetica-medium-*-*-14-*"), ('*italicFont', "-b&h-helvetica-medium-*-*-14-*"), ('*statusFont', "-b&h-helvetica-medium-*-*-14-*"), ('*urgentFont', "-b&h-helvetica-medium-*-*-14-*") ] def setDefaults(w): if GFEPreference.contains("Tk_font"): tk_font = GFEPreference.getPreference("Tk_font") else: tk_font = "-b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-*-sans-14-*" fontList = ['*fixedFont', '*font', '*italicFont', '*statusFont', '*urgentFont'] for font in fontList: Options.append((font, tk_font)) for option in Options: #print option[0], option[1] w.option_add(option[0], option[1])