The EDEX modelsounding plugin creates 64-level vertical profiles from GFS and ETA (NAM) BUFR products distirubted over NOAAport. Paramters which are requestable are **pressure**, **temperature**, **specHum**, **uComp**, **vComp**, **omega**, **cldCvr**. ```python from awips.dataaccess import DataAccessLayer import matplotlib.tri as mtri import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes from math import exp, log import numpy as np DataAccessLayer.changeEDEXHost("") request = DataAccessLayer.newDataRequest() request.setDatatype("modelsounding") forecastModel = "GFS" request.addIdentifier("reportType", forecastModel) request.setParameters("pressure","temperature","specHum","uComp","vComp","omega","cldCvr") locations = DataAccessLayer.getAvailableLocationNames(request) locations.sort() list(locations) ``` ['CHE', 'CRL', 'EAX', 'HSI', 'KDSM', 'KFOE', 'KFRM', 'KFSD', 'KGRI', 'KLNK', 'KMCI', 'KMCW', 'KMHE', 'KMHK', 'KMKC', 'KOFK', 'KOMA', 'KRSL', 'KSLN', 'KSTJ', 'KSUX', 'KTOP', 'KYKN', 'OAX', 'P#8', 'P#9', 'P#A', 'P#G', 'P#I', 'RDD', 'WSC'] ```python request.setLocationNames("KMCI") cycles = DataAccessLayer.getAvailableTimes(request, True) times = DataAccessLayer.getAvailableTimes(request) try: fcstRun = DataAccessLayer.getForecastRun(cycles[-1], times) list(fcstRun) response = DataAccessLayer.getGeometryData(request,[fcstRun[0]]) except: print('No times available') exit ``` ```python tmp,prs,sh = np.array([]),np.array([]),np.array([]) uc,vc,om,cld = np.array([]),np.array([]),np.array([]),np.array([]) for ob in response: tmp = np.append(tmp,ob.getNumber("temperature")) prs = np.append(prs,ob.getNumber("pressure")) sh = np.append(sh,ob.getNumber("specHum")) uc = np.append(uc,ob.getNumber("uComp")) vc = np.append(vc,ob.getNumber("vComp")) om = np.append(om,ob.getNumber("omega")) cld = np.append(cld,ob.getNumber("cldCvr")) print("parms = " + str(ob.getParameters())) print("site = " + str(ob.getLocationName())) print("geom = " + str(ob.getGeometry())) print("datetime = " + str(ob.getDataTime())) print("reftime = " + str(ob.getDataTime().getRefTime())) print("fcstHour = " + str(ob.getDataTime().getFcstTime())) print("period = " + str(ob.getDataTime().getValidPeriod())) sounding_title = forecastModel + " " + str(ob.getLocationName()) + "("+ str(ob.getGeometry())+")" + str(ob.getDataTime()) ``` parms = ['uComp', 'cldCvr', 'temperature', 'vComp', 'pressure', 'omega', 'specHum'] site = KMCI geom = POINT (-94.72000122070312 39.31999969482422) datetime = 1970-01-18 04:45:50.400000 (0) reftime = Jan 18 70 04:45:50 GMT fcstHour = 0 period = (Jan 18 70 04:45:50 , Jan 18 70 04:45:50 ) ## Create data arrays and calculate dewpoint from spec. humidity ```python from metpy.calc import get_wind_components, lcl, dry_lapse, parcel_profile, dewpoint from metpy.calc import get_wind_speed,get_wind_dir, thermo, vapor_pressure from metpy.plots import SkewT, Hodograph from metpy.units import units, concatenate # we can use units.* here... t = (tmp-273.15) * units.degC p = prs/100 * units.mbar u,v = uc*1.94384,vc*1.94384 # m/s to knots spd = get_wind_speed(u, v) * units.knots dir = get_wind_dir(u, v) * units.deg ``` ## Dewpoint from Specific Humidity Because the modelsounding plugin does not return dewpoint values, we must calculate the profile ourselves. Here are three examples of dewpoint calculated from specific humidity, including a manual calculation following NCEP AWIPS/NSHARP. ### 1) metpy calculated mixing ratio and vapor pressure ```python from metpy.calc import get_wind_components, lcl, dry_lapse, parcel_profile, dewpoint from metpy.calc import get_wind_speed,get_wind_dir, thermo, vapor_pressure from metpy.plots import SkewT, Hodograph from metpy.units import units, concatenate # we can use units.* here... t = (tmp-273.15) * units.degC p = prs/100 * units.mbar u,v = uc*1.94384,vc*1.94384 # m/s to knots spd = get_wind_speed(u, v) * units.knots dir = get_wind_dir(u, v) * units.deg ``` ```python rmix = (sh/(1-sh)) *1000 * units('g/kg') e = vapor_pressure(p, rmix) td = dewpoint(e) ``` /Users/mj/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/MetPy-0.3.0+34.gcf954c5-py2.7.egg/metpy/calc/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log val = np.log(e / sat_pressure_0c) /Users/mj/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pint/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log out = uf(*mobjs) /Users/mj/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pint/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide magnitude = magnitude_op(self._magnitude, other_magnitude) ### 2) metpy calculated assuming spec. humidity = mixing ratio ```python td2 = dewpoint(vapor_pressure(p, sh)) ``` ### 3) NCEP AWIPS soundingrequest plugin based on GEMPAK/NSHARP, from ```python # new arrays ntmp = tmp # where p=pressure(pa), T=temp(C), T0=reference temp(273.16) rh = 0.263*prs*sh / (np.exp(17.67*ntmp/(ntmp+273.15-29.65))) vaps = 6.112 * np.exp((17.67 * ntmp) / (ntmp + 243.5)) vapr = rh * vaps / 100 dwpc = np.array(243.5 * (np.log(6.112) - np.log(vapr)) / (np.log(vapr) - np.log(6.112) - 17.67)) * units.degC ``` /Users/mj/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log /Users/mj/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide ## Plot with MetPy ```python %matplotlib inline plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12, 14) # Create a skewT plot skew = SkewT() # Plot the data skew.plot(p, t, 'r', linewidth=2) skew.plot(p, td, 'b', linewidth=2) skew.plot(p, td2, 'y') skew.plot(p, dwpc, 'g', linewidth=2) skew.plot_barbs(p, u, v), 100), 60) plt.title(sounding_title) # Calculate LCL height and plot as black dot l = lcl(p[0], t[0], td[0]) lcl_temp = dry_lapse(concatenate((p[0], l)), t[0])[-1].to('degC') skew.plot(l, lcl_temp, 'ko', markerfacecolor='black') # An example of a slanted line at constant T -- in this case the 0 isotherm l =, color='c', linestyle='--', linewidth=2) # Draw hodograph ax_hod = inset_axes(, '40%', '40%', loc=2) h = Hodograph(ax_hod, component_range=get_wind_speed(u, v).max()) h.add_grid(increment=20) h.plot_colormapped(u, v, spd) # Show the plot ``` ![png](../images/output_14_1.png)