#!/bin/bash # This script will build the CAVE zip, the p2 repository zips, and copy them to the CAVE rpm dist # directory. # This script is started by the awips2.cave rpm build.sh script; so, it is able to get the workspace # directory from the environment as well as the build architecture. if [ "${UFRAME_ECLIPSE}" = "" ]; then export UFRAME_ECLIPSE="/awips2/eclipse" fi CAVE_RPM_DIST_DIR="${WORKSPACE}/rpms/awips2.cave/setup/dist" if [ ! -d ${CAVE_RPM_DIST_DIR} ]; then echo "ERROR: ${CAVE_RPM_DIST_DIR} does not exist." exit 1 fi rm -f ${CAVE_RPM_DIST_DIR}/* RC=$? if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to remove the contents of ${CAVE_RPM_DIST_DIR}." exit 1 fi if [ ! -d ${WORKSPACE}/build ]; then echo "ERROR: The CAVE build directory was not found in the workspace - ${WORKSPACE}/build." echo " When it was checked out of SVN was it accidentally named build.cave instead?" exit 1 fi cd ${WORKSPACE}/build # Build the CAVE zip file. if [ ! -f build.sh ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to find the CAVE build script." exit 1 fi # Execute the CAVE PDE Build. # The Sun JDK Build. time /bin/bash build.sh -eclipse=${UFRAME_ECLIPSE} RC=$? if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to build the CAVE zip file." exit 1 fi # Copy the CAVE zip file to the awips2.cave dist directory. CAVE_ZIP_NAME_64="CAVE-linux.gtk.x86_64.zip" CAVE_ZIP_LOC="cave/tmp/I.CAVE" CAVE_ZIP="${CAVE_ZIP_LOC}/${CAVE_ZIP_NAME_64}" if [ ! -f ${CAVE_ZIP} ]; then echo "ERROR: ${CAVE_ZIP} does not exist." exit 1 fi cp -v ${CAVE_ZIP} ${CAVE_RPM_DIST_DIR} # Build the p2 repo zip files. if [ ! -f p2-build.xml ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to find the p2 repo ant script." exit 1 fi # Execute the P2 Repo PDE Build. # The Sun JDK Build. time /awips2/ant/bin/ant -f p2-build.xml \ -Declipse.dir=${UFRAME_ECLIPSE} \ -Dbuild.version=${AWIPSII_VERSION} \ -Dbuild.arch=x86_64 \ -Declipse.dir=${UFRAME_ECLIPSE} RC=$? if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to build the CAVE p2 repo zip files." exit 1 fi # Copy the p2 repo zip files to the awips2.cave dist directory. P2_REPO_ZIP_LOC="cave/p2/dist" if [ ! -d ${P2_REPO_ZIP_LOC} ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to find the CAVE p2 repo zip files." exit 1 fi cp -v ${P2_REPO_ZIP_LOC}/* ${CAVE_RPM_DIST_DIR} # Finished exit 0