Grid Access Methods

getComposite (numeric only)


def getGrids(self, model, element, level, timeRange, mode="TimeWtAverage", noDataError=1, mostRecentModel=0, cache=1):
      # Get the value(s) for the given model, element, and level
      # at the x, y coordinate and over the given timeRange.
      # The resulting grid values can be accessed as follows:
      # PoPGrid = self.getGrids("Fcst","PoP","SFC", GridTimeRange)
      # popValue = PoPGrid[x][y]
      # where x and y are integer grid coordinates.


def taperGrid(self, editArea, taperFactor=5):
      # Returns a 2-D Grid of values between 0-1 about the
      # given edit area.
      # These values can be applied by smart tools to taper results.
      # Argument:
      # editArea: Reference data or None
      # (use editArea tool argument)
      # taperFactor: If set to zero, will do Full Taper
      # Example:
      # def preProcessTool(self, editArea):
      #     self._tGrid = self.getTaperGrid(editArea, 5)
      # def execute(self, variableElement):
      #     return = variableElement + self._tGrid * 10.0


def directionTaperGrid(self, editArea, direction):
      # Returns a 2-D Grid of values between 0-1 within the
      # given edit area.
      # E.g. if the Dir is W and x,y is half-way along the
      # W to E vector within the given edit area, the value of
      # directionTaperGrid at x,y will be .5
      # These values can be applied by smart tools to show
      # spatial progress across an edit area.
      # Argument:
      # editArea : ReferenceData or None
      # (use editArea tool argument)
      # direction : 16 point text direction e.g. "NNW", "NW", etc.
      # Example:
      # def preProcessTool(self, editArea):
      #     self._spaceProgress = self.directionTaperGrid(editArea, "NW")
      # def execute(self, variableElement):
      #     return variableElement * self._spaceProgress

getComposite (numeric only)

def getComposite(self, WEname, GridTimeRange, exactMatch=1, onlyISC=0):
       # Returns a composite grid consisting of the primary grid and any
       # corresponding ISC grid, blended together based on the mask information
       # derived from the Grid Data History. Primary grid must exist. Returns
       # the set of points that are valid in the output grid. (Note the output
       # grid consists of the primary grid and isc grid. Any "invalid" points,
       # indicate those areas that have no isc data and are outside the home
       # site's region. The returned grid will have the primary data in
       # the site's region.)
       # A Python tuple is returned.
       # For Scalar elements, the tuple contains:
       # a numeric grid of 1's and 0's where 1 indicates a valid point
       # a numeric grid of scalar values
       # For Vector elements, the tuple contains:
       # a numeric grid of 1's and 0's where 1 indicates a valid point
       # a numeric grid of scalar values representing magnitude
       # a numeric grid of scalar values representing direction
       # For Weather elements, the tuple contains:
       # a numeric grid of 1's and 0's where 1 indicates a valid point
       # a numeric grid of byte values representing the weather value
       # list of keys corresponding to the weather values
       # For example:
       #     isc = self.getComposite(WEname, GridTimeRange)
       #     if isc is None:
       #         self.noData()
       #     # See if we are working with a Scalar or Vector element
       #     wxType = variableElement_GridInfo.type()
       #     if wxType == 0: # SCALAR
       #         bits, values = isc
       #     elif wxType == 1: # VECTOR
       #         bits, mag, dir = isc


def getGridInfo(self, model, element, level, timeRange, mostRecentModel=0):
      #  Return the GridInfo object for the given weather element and timeRange
      #  Example:
      #  timeRange = self.getTimeRange("Today")
      #  infoList = self.getGridInfo("Fcst", "T", "SFC", timeRange)
      #  for info in infoList:
      #  print "grid", info.gridTime()
      #  @param model: The model for which grid info is requested.
      #  @type model: DatabaseId or String
      #  @param element: The element for which grid info is requested.
      #  @type element: String
      #  @param level: The level for which grid info is requested.
      #  @type level: String
      #  @param timeRange: A time range over which grid info is requested.
      #  @type timeRange: com.raytheon.uf.common.time.TimeRange or TimeRange
      #  @param mostRecentModel: whether to use current time in request expr.
      #  @type mostRecentModel: integer or boolean
      #  @return: Java GridParmInfo object