(updating bundles, colormaps, menus, and styleRules)
GFS 1.00 Global/GFS
-Updated model names in derivedParameters/definitions/msl-P.xml
-Total Precip is in mm not inches
-Add TP-GFS and CP-GFS parameters to gridImageryStyleRules.xml
-Add TP-GFS and CP-GFS parameters to d2dContourStyleRules.xml
-Change default Colormap to Radar/UPC On Hour Precip
-Add colormap Radar/UPC One Hour Precip
-Add colormap Temperature F.cmap
-Add colormap Relative Humidity.xml
In grid/bundles:
sed -i ‘s/Gridded Data/gridded data/’ *xml
-In menus/gridIndex.xml - change the GFS 1.00 frame count to 41
-Add colormap NDFD Min Max Temp.cmap
-Remove Potential Vorticity for all models
-Add colormap Isentropic.cmap
-Surface Temp - uses the SurfaceTempWind.xml bundle file which loads 10FHAG Wind also but LAMP doesn’t have that, only 0FHAG and surface (both V18 and V20)
-Surface Temp Error
-Legend wasn’t correct, removed the max/min from styleRules
-Changed Winds to FHAG 0.0 instead of 10.0
-Missing MSL-P (both V18 and V20)
-Removed whole colormap/ranges in styleRules
-Visibility - no min/max on legend
-Fix Visibility styleRules, change to LINEAR, add ranges, add labeling
-Remove colormap settings in bundle
-Categorical Lightning & Convection
-Remove colormap settings in bundle
-Add new styleRules
-Lightning & Convection Probability
-Remove colormap settings in bundle
-Add new styleRules
-Need to add a new menu (HRRRFamilies.xml) that removes some products we don’t have for HRRR
Comparison Families
-Updated bundle to set HRRR and RAP13 to true for visibility when plotting
-Updated bundle to use “RAP13” instead of “RAP-13km”
National Blend
-2m Temp and 10m Wind
-No 10m Wind so changing to surface wind
HFR - Ocean Sfc Wind
-Removed colormap info from HFR.xml bundle
-Added colormap info to gridImageryStyleRules.xml
No data (both V18 and V20)
Remove from menus (comment out)
-Tidal Height
-Remove colormap info from ETSRG.xml
-Added rest of colormap info to styleRules
-Commented out WW3 products since we’re not receiving that data
-Removed the bottom NDFD submenu since already in the menu
-Remove potential vorticity
To Do:
-Fix Vorticity for GFS20, GFS1p0, NAM12, NAM40, and RAP13 (only works for HRRR)
-GFS models - fix surface precip
-GFS models - fix missing MSL-P product
-Added com.raytheon.uf.edex.goesr.feature
-Added com.raytheon.uf.edex.goesr.feature
-Update the Volume Browser label from “Browser…” to “Volume Browser”
-Add it to the “model” menu instead of “volume”
-Add the volume browser to the “tools” menu
-copied grid menu from unidata_18.2.1 to unidata_20.3.2 (awips2/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.grid/utility/common_static/base/menus/grid)
-Removed the volume menu from CAVE side (awips2/cave/com.raytheon.viz.volumebrowser/localization/menus/volume)
-Moved the xml menu from CAVE side to edex
-copied grid bundles from unidata_18.2.1 to unidata_20.3.2 (awips2/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.grid/utility/common_static/base/)
-Removed volume bundles from CAVE side (awips2/cave/com.raytheon.viz.volumebrowser/localization/bundles)
Also removed these same plugins from edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.dataplugins.feature/feature.xml
The cave/com.raytheon.uf.viz.d2d.xy.adapters/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file imported one of the ldad plugins so I removed it as well.
-Removed the hydro and dat modes since we don't use those
-Removed the mpe-db.xml spring file-not sure if this matters since we've added it to our exclude list in modes
Note: The ingest and request modes had updates but exist in awips2-core repo
Merge all modes into one file
-Updated component.spec file to use the patch script for pqact
-Updated cron to use the NWS qpidNotify for concatenated model data
-Need to change the awips cron to use our script once python-awips is built
-Need to uncomment a line in the cron
Moved the Installer.ldm to awips2.upc (previously in the nativelib repo) and combined from two separate ldm rpms to one
Updated build of LDM to 6.13.14
lookupRPM.sh - added awips2-ldm here and gave it the new path to component.spec
rpms/build/x86_64/build.sh - uncomment buildRPM awips2-ldm
completely updated the component.spec file to build with the paths we wanted
-Updated Installer.localization/component.spec file for Unidata configuration
-Changed the build.sh script to call buildLocalization function instead of buildLocalizationRPMS
-Updated the rpm.sh script to have the new buildLocalization function to build the new localizations correctly
-Removed the default localization.OAX and localization.TBW directories, now it's a utility tree directory format
-Some files moved to awips2-static
-Added KLGX to the radar_spatial table
-Update Scales (com.raython.uf.ciz.core.maps/localization/bundles/scales)
-Added new scales, updated scalesInfo.xml for the dropdown
-Removed the WFO.xml and Region.xml files since these get created for each site during the RPM creation
-dialogs/CreateProjectionDialog.java - this file had changes to generate the coords_wsr88d.dat and coords_regional.dat files (but the generation was commented out since they had already been created - I have not added this change in)
-scales/MapScalePopulator (Added WFO submenu, functionality to add loaded area definitions as bundles)
-scales/MapScalesManager.java (Added ability to load visible area defns as selectable bundles)
Added files:
-coords.dat (used to create the sites WFO.xml Map Scale) (awips2/rpms/awips2.core/Installer.localization)
-coords_regional.dat (used to create the sites Regional.xml Map Scale)
-utility/common_static/configured/OAX/gfe/* (editAreaGroups, editAreas, python - gfe area configs)
-copied the radarsInUse.txt for all of the sites from the Unidata build (also updated some wrong radar names here)
-Updated to use impact based warnings
-Since we removed this plugin, we also had to remove it from the feature file so it didn't try and look for it when building
-Added section to add "Text Workstation" to the Tools menu
-Removed the extension for paths to COMMON_STATIC/CAVE_STATIC
-Commented out the showing of the first text editor
-Added the textworkstation viz plugin to the import-package list
-Remove menu context for warngen button to show up (this is now in com.raytheon.uf.viz.d2d.ui/plugin.xml)
-Deleted this file
-Remove backupData
-Simplify Warngen Dialog
-Bypass JMS messaging and send directly to a textWS Window
-Allows proper resizing
-Change bulletlist functionality so it doesn't scroll to top after selection
-Only resize the bullet list, not the whole GUI
-Set proper clumumn number in layout
-Disable UPDATE LIST combobox
-Remove some backupsite/office variables
-Delete file
-Delete file
-delete file
-Delete file
-Delete file
-Delete file
-Delete whole plugin