-Created a script (updateNDM.pl) that runs via cron daily to check the Unidata public repo for new NDM files and copies them into the NDM trigger directory to install
-Added a few files to be built into the RPM via component.spec
-Added an entry in the cron for awips to run the NDM script
-Added/moved from some spi files from configured or site to base
-Removed some spi files from cave/etc/basemaps to utility tree so we could update on the EDEX side
-Had to add back in the com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.loctables plugin so it knew what to do with some of the files in /awips2/edex/data/ndm
-Added files from the awips-ndm svn repo to be built by the awips2-edex rpm and get installed to /awips2/edex/data/ndm so that EDEX picks up the files and updates the databases and spi files.