-Force text workstation requests to look at the operational stdtextproducts db table instead of practicestdtxtproducts db table when CAVE is running in practice mode (Unidata default)
-Brought back logic that looks at the site level for the DefaultSiteAlarms.xml if it doesn't exist at the workstation level
-Copy DefaultSiteAlarms.xml to the site level during rpm install (awips2-localization rpm)
-Updated Installer.localization/component.spec file for Unidata configuration
-Changed the build.sh script to call buildLocalization function instead of buildLocalizationRPMS
-Updated the rpm.sh script to have the new buildLocalization function to build the new localizations correctly
-Removed the default localization.OAX and localization.TBW directories, now it's a utility tree directory format
-Some files moved to awips2-static
-Added KLGX to the radar_spatial table
-Update Scales (com.raython.uf.ciz.core.maps/localization/bundles/scales)
-Added new scales, updated scalesInfo.xml for the dropdown
-Removed the WFO.xml and Region.xml files since these get created for each site during the RPM creation
-dialogs/CreateProjectionDialog.java - this file had changes to generate the coords_wsr88d.dat and coords_regional.dat files (but the generation was commented out since they had already been created - I have not added this change in)
-scales/MapScalePopulator (Added WFO submenu, functionality to add loaded area definitions as bundles)
-scales/MapScalesManager.java (Added ability to load visible area defns as selectable bundles)
Added files:
-coords.dat (used to create the sites WFO.xml Map Scale) (awips2/rpms/awips2.core/Installer.localization)
-coords_regional.dat (used to create the sites Regional.xml Map Scale)
-utility/common_static/configured/OAX/gfe/* (editAreaGroups, editAreas, python - gfe area configs)
-copied the radarsInUse.txt for all of the sites from the Unidata build (also updated some wrong radar names here)