- added `fullBundleLoad="true"` to menu files to force all resources to be drawn properly when opening in a new editor
- the only files that actually changed the menus were:
- .../radar/dualPol/baseRadarLegacy.xml
- .../radar/dualPol/baseRadarFourPanelBestRes.xml
- .../radar/dualPol/baseRadarFourPanel.xml
- the rest were still changed anyway, in case we ever need those files, but likely the best course of action is to remove all unused files to make this less confusing
- NEXRAD.lpi - new file
- localization/bundles/DefaultRadarDualPolBaseData.xml - updated CC in four panel
- localization/bundles/nexradAvailability.xml - new file to display NEXRCOMP reflectivity
- localization/bundles/site/Radar*.xml - new file to display all 2 panel radar
- localization/menus/radar/baseRadarMenu.xml - updated to include Nexrad menu option
- src/com/raytheon/viz/radar/rsc/map/RadarMapMouseHandler.java - new file
- src/com/raytheon/viz/radar/rsc/map/RadarMapResource.java - new file
- src/com/raytheon/viz/radar/rsc/map/RadarMapResourceData.java
- src/com/raytheon/edex/plugin/satellite/dao/SatelliteDao.java - force interpolation levels for NEXRCOMP products
- utility/common_static/base/styleRules/satelliteImageryStyleRules.xml - add in Unidata FNEXRAD rules
- utility/common_static/base/colormaps/Radar/DHR.cmap - new colormap for NEXRCOMP
- META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - add in new plugin
- src/com/raytheon/uf/edex/plugin/satellite/gini/GiniSatelliteDecoder.java - add functionality to decode zlib/png compressed satellite data
- utility/common_static/base/distribution/satellite.gini.xml - add in regex for NEXRCOMP
- utility/common_static/base/satellite/gini/lookuptables/creatingEntities.xml - add in index for NEXRCOMP
- utility/common_static/base/satellite/gini/lookuptables/physicalElements - add in index for different NEXRCOMP products
- utility/common_static/base/satellite/gini/lookuptables/sectorIds.xml - add in index for NEXRCOMP sector
- utility/common_static/base/satellite/gini/lookuptables/sources.xml - add in index for UCAR source
- utility/common_static/base/satellite/gini/lookuptables/units.xml - add in index for NEXRCOMP units