- NEXRAD.lpi - new file
- localization/bundles/DefaultRadarDualPolBaseData.xml - updated CC in four panel
- localization/bundles/nexradAvailability.xml - new file to display NEXRCOMP reflectivity
- localization/bundles/site/Radar*.xml - new file to display all 2 panel radar
- localization/menus/radar/baseRadarMenu.xml - updated to include Nexrad menu option
- src/com/raytheon/viz/radar/rsc/map/ - new file
- src/com/raytheon/viz/radar/rsc/map/ - new file
- src/com/raytheon/viz/radar/rsc/map/
- src/com/raytheon/edex/plugin/satellite/dao/ - force interpolation levels for NEXRCOMP products
- utility/common_static/base/styleRules/satelliteImageryStyleRules.xml - add in Unidata FNEXRAD rules
- utility/common_static/base/colormaps/Radar/DHR.cmap - new colormap for NEXRCOMP
- META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - add in new plugin
- src/com/raytheon/uf/edex/plugin/satellite/gini/ - add functionality to decode zlib/png compressed satellite data
- utility/common_static/base/distribution/satellite.gini.xml - add in regex for NEXRCOMP
- utility/common_static/base/satellite/gini/lookuptables/creatingEntities.xml - add in index for NEXRCOMP
- utility/common_static/base/satellite/gini/lookuptables/physicalElements - add in index for different NEXRCOMP products
- utility/common_static/base/satellite/gini/lookuptables/sectorIds.xml - add in index for NEXRCOMP sector
- utility/common_static/base/satellite/gini/lookuptables/sources.xml - add in index for UCAR source
- utility/common_static/base/satellite/gini/lookuptables/units.xml - add in index for NEXRCOMP units
These were all changes Michael had made to previous Unidata versions on AWIPS
Main plugin: com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.satellite.mcidas
-Add couple new packages
-Added quite a bit back into
-Changed area lookup name to sensor source
-Mcidas Configs:
This brought up a few errors, pointing to updates I needed to make to
-Added decoding of GVAR native projection products
-Added GVAR native projection support.
-South polar stereogrpahic support added.
-Add criteria for line element/res
-Update satellite menus to have mcidas/UNIWISC entries
-Added McIDAS GVAR native projection support.
-Un-deprecate projection and fix for goesr ingest.
-Move all colormaps, derived parameters, menus, and styleRules to com.raytheon.edex.plugin.satellite
-Move all bundles and menus to com.raytheon.edex.plugin.satellite
-Only have reference to goesr menu
-Reference to base satellite menus commented out for now