- set the current values every time the dialog is opened. This is to fix a bug when using the 'x' button to close, it was not populating the values properly
- enabled sampling for SPS
- modified isHidden() to only show for watches and warning resources, but not for CWASPSResources
- changed the button layout at the bottom to have 2 columns instead of 3, so the buttons are centered now
- Add Default value variables for the outline, shape, text, and time displays for warnings, watches, and advisories
- Add display variables for outline, shape, text, and time displays for warnings, watches, and advisories and initialize them to the default values
- Add an instance of the new DrawingPropertiesDialog so it can be disposed of properly when needed
- modified the paintInternal method
- set the inital drawing booleans to true
- if the record is not null and has a sig, set the drawing booleans based on their specific display booleans
- if the entry is not null, try to draw both the shape and the outline if their respective booleans and objects are not null
- get both the outline style and outline width from the outline capability and use that to draw the outline
- use the text and time booleans to set the textToPrint properly and only draw what is selected
- in disposeInternal() if the drawingDialog is not null, hide it and then set it to null so it's disposed of properly when a resource is unloaded
- add setters and getters for all the display booleans and the display dialog as well
- in initShape() add a fill (shadedshape) and outline (wireframeshape) to every entry
- in initShape() add a outline (wireframeshape) to every entry also (already added a fill)
- in initShape() add a outline (wireframeshape) to every entry also (already added a fill)
- added a method to get the resource name (this way you can get the name without the time text appended to the end, which is useful for setting a subtitle in the drawing dialog)
- created a new CAVESWTDialog that is used in the resource menu for WWA resources
- this dialog contains options for outline, fill, text, and time displays for Warnings, Watches, and Advisories
- created a new resource menu action that creates and assigns a new DrawingPropertiesDialog to the associated wwa resource
- added the WWADrawingPropertiesAction as an "extension" at the "contextualMenu" for the option to display for WWAResource resource menus
-New bundle created for Winter WWA
-Updated Surface Menu to add entry for Winter WWA
-Added Winter WWA and Convective WWA to the "All Weather Statements" bundle file
- check for null before setting the layout data to avoid an exception (only showing up on mac)
- set all the other compenents to false for vertical expansion so when resizing, the priority goes exclusively to the bullet list
- set dialog to a reasonable height (previously way too tall for some screens, with no way to resize)
- allow proper resizing behavior
- change bulletlist behavior so it doesn't scroll to the top every time a user makes a selection
- remove the .setText() call on the instructionsLabel because it's never instantiated (throwing null pointer), and never actually used
- made the table portion of the dialog shorter, to accomodate smaller screen sizes and resolutions
- reduced the vertical margin at the bottom of the dialog to also help with this issue
- Changed "Delete Bundle" to "Delete Display"
- Changed "Alter Bundle on Loading" to "Alter Procedure Item on Loading"
- Changed History List dialog from "Alter Bundle" to "Alter Procedure Item" (not sure if this one is actually used in CAVE currently)
- Changed "Enter Bundle Name" to "Enter Procedure Item Name"
buildEnvironment.sh - changed the release from 1 to 2
build/setup.sh - added code to call awips_spalshscreen_updater jar and update splash.bmp to current build and release
- remove copy of rpms from robin to fserv
feature.xml (edex dataplugins feature) - remove reference to sports glmdecoder which is depricated
wrapper.conf - this is the file that has been dumping heap logs to /data/fxa so I changed the path to /awips2/data/fxa so it didn't fill up the main / mount
ldmd.conf - added GLMF entry (this is for the ISatSS gridded GLM data - for local use only, but won't hurt to have in)
- commented out GLM data from Eric Bruning
pqact.conf - Commented out Eric Bruning GLM entry since it's depricated
- Added new entry for ISatSS gridded GLM data
pqact.goesr - updated to match the pqact.conf
- updated comments to relfect which products were available
parameters.xml - changed all references of 1/s to /s
- Simplified the constructResource to always create and return a WarningsResource
- the actual implementation of the constructResource method doesn't quite align with how it originally seemed to be designed. None of the data is actually in the PluginDataObject at this point, all the data is in the LoadProperties. Because of that, differentiating between WatchResources and WarningResources doesn't work the way you would think it does. You end up going through this method once, for the entire load of the WWAs. Also, for some reason the way the WatchResource populated and eventually passed on its records for drawing, actually eliminated the watches. So, by using the WarningsResource class all the time, all the watches, warnings, and advisories are persisted.
- the proper convention is for watches to show up as a shaded (thatched) area, and the warnings and advisories to show up with an outline
- in the initShape method, look to see what the significance of the record is, and if it's a watch, then create and set the shadedShape (logic taken from the WatchesResource), otherwise create and set the wireframeShape
build/repos - had to add awips2-cimss to the list of repos to look at
build/rsync.cave - had to add the awips2-cimss directories to sync into the docker (common, edex, features, viz)
build/rsync.dirs - had to add the awips2-cimss directories to sync into the docker (common, edex, features, viz)
cave/build/features.txt - had to add the viz feature to this file
cave/build/p2-build.xml - had to add the viz feature to this file
cave/com.raytheon.viz.feature.awips.developer/feature.xml - had to add the viz feature to this file
cave/com.raytheon.viz.product.awips/awips.product - had to add the viz feature to this file
edexOsgi/build.edex/build.xml - had to add the edex feature to this file
NOTE: I tried adding it to the edexOsgi/com.raytheon.edex.feature.uframe/feature.xml but that ended up not working, so I removed it
edexOsgi/build.edex/edex/common.properties - had to create the awips2-cimss repo, add it to the optional repos, and then add the previx edu.wisc
Original location of menus, bundles, scales, volumebrowser awips2/cave/com.raytheon.viz.volumebrowser/localization
New location edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.grid/utility/common_static/base
There were quite a few npp plugins, but I moved them to their respective edex plugin. Specifically:
+ awips2/cave/com.raytheon.uf.viz.npp/localization --> edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.npp/utility/common_static/base
+ awips2/cave/com.raytheon.uf.viz.npp.nucaps/localization --> edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.npp.nucaps/utility/common_static/base
+ awips2/cave/com.raytheon.uf.viz.npp.viirs/localization --> edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.npp.viirs/utility/common_static/base
Localization information has been moved from /awips2/cave/etc to /awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/base
-Update ldmd.conf to grab VIIRS data:
-Update pqact.conf VIIRS entry TI[A-Q]
-Updated viirsImagery.xml to include SNPP and NOAA-20 (JPSS) for Alaska, CONUS, Pacific, Puerto Rico domains
-Added a "region" tag in the bundle files
-Added submenu in main satellite menu for S-NPP and NOAA-20
-Removed submenus for products that only had one menu entry
-Removed extra Alaska imagery channels that we aren't getting data for
Moved config references from viz plugin and common dataplugin (stored in /awips2/cave/etc) to edex plugins (stored in /awips2/edex/data/utility), which included moving some files from the awips2 repo to awips2-goesr. Having the configs on the EDEX side will allow for minor config updates without major rpm releases.
I also cleaned up the NWS version of the GOES Menus. Separated out each sector based on what products were available so the menus shouldn't have "extra" menu items that don't exist. I've also reduced the number of submenus so it's easier to load a product.
Summary of changes:
-Removed all references of satellite base/goesr/glm/himiwari bundle files (now in awips2-goesr/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.goesr)
-Removed extra copy of goesr menus (localization/menus/satellite/goesr/goesr)
-Removed main goesr/glm/himawari menus (now in awips2-goesr/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.goesr)
-Removed all base satellite menus (now in awips2/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.edex.plugin.satellite)
-Removed all satellite (base) colormaps references (now in awips2/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.edex.plugin.satellite)
-Removed all base satellite derived parameters references (now in awips2/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.edex.plugin.satellite)
-Removed all base satellite menu references (now in awips2/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.edex.plugin.satellite)
-Removed satelliteImageryStyleRules.xml (now in awips2/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.edex.plugin.satellite)
+Added base satellite menus from awips2/cave/com.raytheon.viz.satellite here
+Added base satellite menus from com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.satellite here
+Added base satellite colormaps from com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.satellite here
+Added base satellite derived parameters from com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.satellite here
+Added satelliteImageryStyleRules.xml from com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.satellite here
Added the following lines at the end of the file:
// GFSFV3 transition from buckets
Commented out:
<!--Tiff updated the model name because of changes in the GFS-Fv3 #20200625-->
<!-- modelName>GFS20|AK-GFS22|GFS20-.*</modelName -->
Commented out:
<!-- Tiff added the new GFS-FV3 updates for precip accum # 20200625 -->
<create forecastPeriodHours="3" accumulationParam="TP3hr" minuendParam="TP6hr" subtrahendParam="TP3hr" />
<create forecastPeriodHours="3" accumulationParam="CP3hr" minuendParam="CP6hr" subtrahendParam="CP3hr" />
<create forecastPeriodHours="3" accumulationParam="TP3hr" minuendParam="TP-GFS" subtrahendParam="TP-GFS" />
<create forecastPeriodHours="6" accumulationParam="TP6hr" minuendParam="TP-GFS" subtrahendParam="TP-GFS" />
<create forecastPeriodHours="3" accumulationParam="CP3hr" minuendParam="CP-GFS" subtrahendParam="CP-GFS" />
<create forecastPeriodHours="6" accumulationParam="CP6hr" minuendParam="CP-GFS" subtrahendParam="CP-GFS" />
Just changed the menu for GFS20 and GFS to now point to allFamilies-GFS.xml
This is a new file, referencing a new bundle VerticalVelocity-GFS.xml and Precip-GFS.xml
This is a new file, referencing GVV instead of PVV
This is a new file, referencing TP-GFS instead of TP/TPrun and removed the colortable
Added TP-GFS and CP-GFS to the existing TP/CP styleRule
<!-- filterLow="true" -->
<range scale="LOG">
<defaultColormap>Radar/UPC One Hour Precip</defaultColormap>
<values>0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1 3 10</values>
<contourLabeling labelSpacing="4" minMaxLabelFormat="#0.00"
<values>0.01 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 10</values>
Removed the following models from the grid menu: ECMWF-HiRes, NAM3km, RTOFS
Added RAP40km to the grid menu
Changed menu filename for FNMOC-WW3 from fnmocWW3.xml to ww3.xml
Michael modified, and removed:
git clone https://github.com/Unidata/awips2-cimss.git
Michael removed these repos that are needed to build the rpms:
Tiff added back in awips2-nws because it was still needed:
Michael removed the syncing of awips2-cimss, awips2-hazards, awips2-nasa, awips2-ohd, awips2-swpc directories
Michael removed the syncing of awips2-hazards, awips2-nasa, awips2-ohd, awips2-swpc, awips2-nws directories
Tiff re-added back in the awips2-nws directories?
Michael removed edu.wisc.ssec.cimss.viz.convectprob.feature
Michael removed the cimss convectprob feature
<antcall target="p2.build.repo">
<param name="feature" value="edu.wisc.ssec.cimss.viz.convectprob.feature" />
Michael removed the cimss convectprob feature
Michael removed the cimss convectprob feature
Michael removed the cimss repo
Michael updated the repos needed to build within eclipse
Michael removed awips2-cimss features
- cave/build/features.txt
- cave/build/p2-build.xml
- cave/com.raytheon.viz.product.awips/awips.product
Since it already existed in cave/com.raytheon.viz.product.awips/developer.product, it was showing up when deploying from eclipse.