* Renamed VIIRS menu to "Polar Orbiting Satellites"
* Updated pqact/ldmd to request and store Stitched GLM data (not yet on Unidata's IDD)
* Added East-Meso sector to Fire/Hot Spot sectors
* Commented out old styleRules for CAPE that was matching to
-Changed some of the default values for grids so it will process MRMS better/faster (ingestGrib.sh)
-Changed the storing of CONUS MRMS to be concatenated instead of individual files to process faster (pqact.conf and pqact.mrms)
-Created a script (updateNDM.pl) that runs via cron daily to check the Unidata public repo for new NDM files and copies them into the NDM trigger directory to install
-Added a few files to be built into the RPM via component.spec
-Added an entry in the cron for awips to run the NDM script
buildEnvironment.sh - changed the release from 1 to 2
build/setup.sh - added code to call awips_spalshscreen_updater jar and update splash.bmp to current build and release
- remove copy of rpms from robin to fserv
feature.xml (edex dataplugins feature) - remove reference to sports glmdecoder which is depricated
wrapper.conf - this is the file that has been dumping heap logs to /data/fxa so I changed the path to /awips2/data/fxa so it didn't fill up the main / mount
ldmd.conf - added GLMF entry (this is for the ISatSS gridded GLM data - for local use only, but won't hurt to have in)
- commented out GLM data from Eric Bruning
pqact.conf - Commented out Eric Bruning GLM entry since it's depricated
- Added new entry for ISatSS gridded GLM data
pqact.goesr - updated to match the pqact.conf
- updated comments to relfect which products were available
parameters.xml - changed all references of 1/s to /s
-Added HRRR-Smoke domain to the gribModels_NCEP-7.xml
-Added new HRRR-Smoke products to the grib tables
-Added new entry in ldmd.conf and pqact.conf to request and store data
-New LDM script to process the HRRR Smoke products (changeHrrrSmokeProcessId.sh)
-Added new menu entry in the models menu for the new products
-Added new styleRules for the new products
-Added new bundle files for the new products
-Added new colormaps for the new products
-Updated product name for Radar Accumulation Quality Index
-Updated pqact entries to concatenate the OCONUS MRMS products, but not CONUS
-Updated checkFile.pl script to check for files that haven't been touched in 2 minutes instead of 5
-Updated cronjob that runs the checkFile.pl to run every 2 minutes instead of 5
-In LDM store GFS1.0 Global data from NOAAPort only - not CONDUIT
-Removed colortable reference here because it's specified in the styleRules
-Removed typo of a "mapScale" tag
-Updated some comments
*New MRMS pqact entries for products coming from NCO (via Unidata) vs from NOAAPort (via Unidata)
*Update Global GFS entry to store 1.00deg instead of 0.25deg
*Update ldmd entries
*Added new files for processing concatenated grib files
*Add new crontab entry for checking time of concatenated files
*Add new crontab entry for LDM Metrics
ldmd.conf changes:
Consolodated IDS|DDPLUS to WMO
LDM pqact.conf changes:
uncommented airep and pirep entries
Commented out ESRL Profiler data and reduce to two lines
Update GOES NOAAPort GINI data to be more specific
Added/Updated GOES 16/17 NOAAPort and Unidata IDD entries
Add GOES CIRA derived products
Removed DIFAX GOES entries
Added Eric Bruning's GLM products via Texas Tech
Concatenate modelsounding files to reduce latencies
Updated nucaps soundings entry
Added in DCS18784 - new bufrua entry
Added in DR16660 - new lsr entry - time string changed back to original for PBP and HFO
Cleaned up UNIWISC mcidas files and added missing "FILE" pqaction
Combined all CONUS MRMS product entries
Added Separate OCONUS MRMS product entries
Update Model data - rename with concat and move to two lines. Also updated data_store location to include YYYYMMDD/hh like baseline AWIPS
Added comment (GLERL) Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab
Updated pqact.goesr and pqact.grids to match updates in pqact.conf
Added new purgeRadar script and crontab entry to call it so if an ancillary EDEX is running and not purging raw data, the crontab will get it so the disk doesn't fill up
There were quite a few npp plugins, but I moved them to their respective edex plugin. Specifically:
+ awips2/cave/com.raytheon.uf.viz.npp/localization --> edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.npp/utility/common_static/base
+ awips2/cave/com.raytheon.uf.viz.npp.nucaps/localization --> edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.npp.nucaps/utility/common_static/base
+ awips2/cave/com.raytheon.uf.viz.npp.viirs/localization --> edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.plugin.npp.viirs/utility/common_static/base
Localization information has been moved from /awips2/cave/etc to /awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/base
-Update ldmd.conf to grab VIIRS data:
-Update pqact.conf VIIRS entry TI[A-Q]
-Updated viirsImagery.xml to include SNPP and NOAA-20 (JPSS) for Alaska, CONUS, Pacific, Puerto Rico domains
-Added a "region" tag in the bundle files
-Added submenu in main satellite menu for S-NPP and NOAA-20
-Removed submenus for products that only had one menu entry
-Removed extra Alaska imagery channels that we aren't getting data for