- added a subsection to the Map Editor for Adding a New editor and for Renaming an Editor
- Added text to be a little more clear when referring to the file menu (in the add map section as well as the add projection section)
- replaced the old gif for adding a tab with a new one that reflects the current menu options
- added a new gif for renaming map tabs
Added all the images that were supposed to go in with the previous commit for updates to the d2d perspective page
- in the "Hold-Right-Click Resource Name for Menu" subsection, removed the parenthesis text right-clicking to toggle visibility since this is incorrect. The correct usage is left-clicking to toggle visibility and that appears correctly in a previous subsection.
- After the gif in that same section, added text explaining this menu also has the option for unloading the selected dataset, which might be useful
- In the Display Menu section, moved the order of Sampling Loaded Resources to come before the Two Panel Display subsection
- in the 2-panel section removed the original text in parentheses talking about loading data since I explain in more detail now.
- Added a "Note" about how the cursor does the same in both panels in the 2 panel display
- added a screenshot for this functionality
- added a text explaining data loads to both panels by default but there is an option to load to a specific panel
- added a screenshot for the option to load to a specific panel
- added text pointing out the the ability to pick one panel to load to
- added screenshot of the panel with the L in bottom left
- added new subsection with text and screenshot for unloading data using the Display Menu
-added a note stating that users should use the exact links and specific versions we specify in our instructions, and that deviations from this may caus problems
-changed the python-awips link from the readthedoc site to our python-awips page in the user manual
-added a note after python-awips "(a python package)"
-added a section after "Download and Install EDEX", titled "Working with Python-AWIPS" which links to our python-awips section of the user manual
-updated the windows direct install system requirements to include "python3.7" for the miniconda install specification
-added the "python3.7" specification to step one of the install
-added a screenshot of the miniconda install showing the checked boxes for path and default python options
-added the full path for the jdk install under step 2, bullet 2
-updated the environment variables screenshot to have 181 which is what we're distributing
-changed the title from Python API to Python-AWIPS
-Removed "DAF" from the description and reworded it slightly
-made the link to our documentation the entire last sentence instead of the word "here", and made the whole sentence bold
-changed the name of the python outline link from "Python API" to "Python-AWIPS" and moved it up to under the EDEX User Manual
-Added two new pages under Appendix:
Raytheon: CAVE D2D User's Manual
Raytheon: System Manager's Manual
-Added the pdfs to the /docs/pdfs/ directory under their own folder raytheon/
-Copied the pdfs from our online site: https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/awips2/doc/
-Imbedded the pdfs using an <object> and <iframe> html tag, this way if a browser (old browser) does not support pdfs, then it will display a message with a link to directly download the pdf.
- Updated the general system requirements to specify Java 8
- Updated the general system requirements to include NVIDIA Graphics card
- Updated the note in the general sys reqs to state other graphics cards *may* work, but only NVIDIA is recommended
- Updated the opening description for the Windows OS to state the difference between the two installations and what each is recommended for
- Updated the VM installtion instructions at the end, for the "running CAVE" instructions to specify "Once in the VM"
- Updated the Direct Installtion System Requirements to have version numbers and 64-bit for all relevent software
- Added the JDK as a system req
- Added that miniconda needs to be in the PATH as a req
- Added PYTHONPATH as a required var (not just PYTHONHOME)
- Updated the installation instructions to include all 6 steps
- Added proper links for the miniconda and java jdk installtion
- Removed any and all warnings about jep not working
-added more description in the overview initial text
-Created main sections for Service and Boot Settings, and EDEX Commands
-moved all edex command subsections under EDEX Commands
-In the Service and Boot Settings, added a subsection for troubleshooting LDM if it failed to start properly after an abrupt shutdown and reboot.
Added the gcc-c++ dependency to the edex install page. Note: this can be removed when we put out a new version of the installation rpms because this will be included as a dependency.
Moved the `edex setup` command step 2 to step 3 and add that the user should be running as user awips first, and to use sudo to run the edex setup command.
-clarified the linux installation instructions step 2
-changed the jep warning from a note to a warning dialog
-removed the table
-added a system req subsection
-added a main header description
-renamed the "Linux One-Time Setup" section to "Download and Installation Instructions"
-removed the quote format from all the installation steps
-used ``` formatting for code blocks instead of tabs
-fixed dead link for purge rules
-fixed * instances with a \*
-added subsections for the 4th step about Configuring iptables
-for the additional steps, in the SELinux section, add a note at the top of the section saying newer versions of LDM do not need to do this step, and the our current distribution of EDEX uses a newer version of ldm
-Change the entire layout to have consistent sections for the three OS's: System Requirements and Download and Installation Instructions.
-Windows now has two distinct installation methods
-Removed RHEL/Centos6 from documention (just say 7)
-Added a General Requirements section that is more directed at hardware (not OS specific)
-Renamed the caveData section to "Local Cache"
-Renamed the AWIPS Data in the Cloud section to "EDEX Connection"
-removed all the tables from the previous formatting, just use section headers, ordered and unordered lists, and notes
Michael modified, and removed:
git clone https://github.com/Unidata/awips2-cimss.git
Michael removed these repos that are needed to build the rpms:
Tiff added back in awips2-nws because it was still needed:
Michael removed the syncing of awips2-cimss, awips2-hazards, awips2-nasa, awips2-ohd, awips2-swpc directories
Michael removed the syncing of awips2-hazards, awips2-nasa, awips2-ohd, awips2-swpc, awips2-nws directories
Tiff re-added back in the awips2-nws directories?
Michael removed edu.wisc.ssec.cimss.viz.convectprob.feature
Michael removed the cimss convectprob feature
<antcall target="p2.build.repo">
<param name="feature" value="edu.wisc.ssec.cimss.viz.convectprob.feature" />
Michael removed the cimss convectprob feature
Michael removed the cimss convectprob feature
Michael removed the cimss repo
Michael updated the repos needed to build within eclipse
Michael removed awips2-cimss features
The Unidata theme javascript isn't compatible with the version of
mkdocs being used. Starting with mkdocs 0.17, the generated search index
json file located at site/search/search_index.json. However, the themes
application javascript file looks for mkdocs/search_index.json. Because
we cannot update the theme at this point, this commit simply overrides the
javascript file shipped with the theme.
-updated the logging output for the raw data purging to show the content from the "edex-ingest-purge-[date].log"
Small changes to the mkdocs.yml file:
-commented out the "Supported Data Types" section and subsections
-moved the "Development" section to come before the "Python API" subsection
-made the "Development" section a direct link, instead of a section with only one subsection
-commented out the "COTS and FOSS" subsection from the Appendix
-modified the markdown.yml file since there is only one webpage under "Development" no need to have a subdirectory
-added title header
-updated repo code line to point to el7 instead of 6
-converted steps from an ordered list into proper sections with subheadings
-added an initial section about removing existing AWIPS instances
-added some steps for setting up eclipse to convert some errors to warnings and to turn off auto building when importing the repos and turn it back on afterwards
-added a section for troubleshooting with a note taken from Jason Burks' tutorials
-added note in the intro section specifying this is a dev only Environment
-bolded the repo in Step 2
-removed Maven from the mentioned installed packages in Step 3 (it's now packaged with eclipse)
-replace 'ingest-modes.xml' with 'modes.xml'
-add page breaks between sections
-replace < and > with < and >
-fixed broken link for edex install page
-updated repo link to point to the centos7 version, instead of centos6
-changed subheading from '#' to '##'
-added title header
-added '[]' around data optional
-added a little more descriptive text in the logging example and updated formatting
-added title header
-fixed spelling mistakes
-added a "Purge Types" section for the initial text and broke the page into two main sub sections: Processed Data Purging and Raw Data purging
-added description and example of files in ..../base/purge/
-removed text saying purge rules can be accessed in the CAVE localization perspective, because they cannot anymore
-added page breaks between selections
-cleaned up "All Purge Rules" section since now all rules live in one location only by default
-updated the "Frame-Based Purge" with current example and explanation of modTimeToWait tag
-replaced code blocks with html to bold important sections
-added now "Raw Data Purging" information and sections
-added title header
-replaced instances of "edex_static" with "common_static"
-replaced improper ".../grid/models" path with proper ".../grib/models"
-updated note about wgrib2 in Troubleshooting section since we do distribute it
-added page breaks between sections
-fixed mistype of 'filename' to 'filenames'
-edited many of the code blocks to use html so specific sections could be bolded for emphasis
-added a third bullet in the opening text to do with tables
-link all bullets to their corresponding subsections
-changed capitalization and added ':' between code steps
-fixed 'wrd.xml' mispelling
-fixed broken link for editing menus
-add a new section for Add a Table and relocated the first bullet from Troubleshooting, into this new section
-made the Troubleshooting section into a bulleted list
-added description for finding the table info for the wrf.grib example
-change example file location from /staff/mjames to /software/awips2
-divided every section into "Grib Products" and "Grib2 Products" subsections
-added an example grib2 file and added information for every section for grib2
-added section page breaks for consistency
Changes to Data Distribution Files webpage:
-added title header
-added clarification for header/filename matching
-changed references of "edex_static" to "common_static" because all the files were moved (by Raytheon) not so long ago
-added a new subsection titled "Overview" because the inital description text was so long
-added another subsection titled "Creating a Site Override" to break up the initial section
-updated the output for the files found in base/distribution/ to match current output
-updated the satellite.xml to satellite.gini.xml and changed the markdown code to use html so that I could bold a line in the code block
-updated the "Editing..." section to link back to the "Creating a Site Override" section becasue it references the same idea
-changed the "Editing..." text to clairfy which regex expressions apply to what text (pqact.conf vs distribution files)
-updated the exampls section to show the xml content and then explain it
-updated the text.xml to reflect current content
-fixed improper bold/italic formatting throughout the webpage
-updated grib example to have current content
-created one last subsection for "Additional Information" and updated the bullets to reflect current thinking. Also added a bullet for a problem I've personally encountered where the distribution regex would not match the filename
-added title header
-fixed "that" misspelling
-added a bit more informative text to go along with code examples
-created sub-sections for optional LDM feeds
-updated the "Default Feeds" list