modified the lightning probability value (removed the *100)
added new styleRule for AzShear products
updated VIL Denstiy entry
added Seamless HSR Height
Update FLASH FFG to label as "", the unit was set to % previously which was causing wrong scaling
Corrected CONUSMergedRHV parameter
Corrected colortable for CONUSMergedZDR
updated styleRules for PrecipRate
Added new mrmsAzShear colormap
Added new VIL Density colormap
Added new Seamless HSR Height colormap
Updated mrmsSPRDP colormap to black out 0
Added VIL Density and VIL 120 min and 1440 min swaths to menu
Remove 5km Composite Reflectivity and RALA from menu
Removed Cube
Removed Precip-->QPE Gauge Only, QPE Radar w/ Gauge Bias Correction, QPE Mountain Mapper
Added Gauge Influence Index Pass 1 and 2
Added QPE Radar QPI
Added Seamless HSR Height
FLASH - remove QPF Models from menu
Added in quite a few new reflectivity products
Reorganized menus
Updated/Reoganized AK, CA, HI, and GU product menus
Caribbean - FALSH QPE models are on 500m domain instead of 1km
Had to add new domains for Hawaii and Guam
MRMS-500m-GUAM2.xml 10042 : 17.995 | 500.005004
MRMS-500m-HAWAII2.xml 10022 : 25.9975| 196.0025
MRMS-500m-HAWAII3.xml 10023 : 25.995|196.005004
Added the following lines at the end of the file:
// GFSFV3 transition from buckets
Commented out:
<!--Tiff updated the model name because of changes in the GFS-Fv3 #20200625-->
<!-- modelName>GFS20|AK-GFS22|GFS20-.*</modelName -->
Commented out:
<!-- Tiff added the new GFS-FV3 updates for precip accum # 20200625 -->
<create forecastPeriodHours="3" accumulationParam="TP3hr" minuendParam="TP6hr" subtrahendParam="TP3hr" />
<create forecastPeriodHours="3" accumulationParam="CP3hr" minuendParam="CP6hr" subtrahendParam="CP3hr" />
<create forecastPeriodHours="3" accumulationParam="TP3hr" minuendParam="TP-GFS" subtrahendParam="TP-GFS" />
<create forecastPeriodHours="6" accumulationParam="TP6hr" minuendParam="TP-GFS" subtrahendParam="TP-GFS" />
<create forecastPeriodHours="3" accumulationParam="CP3hr" minuendParam="CP-GFS" subtrahendParam="CP-GFS" />
<create forecastPeriodHours="6" accumulationParam="CP6hr" minuendParam="CP-GFS" subtrahendParam="CP-GFS" />
Just changed the menu for GFS20 and GFS to now point to allFamilies-GFS.xml
This is a new file, referencing a new bundle VerticalVelocity-GFS.xml and Precip-GFS.xml
This is a new file, referencing GVV instead of PVV
This is a new file, referencing TP-GFS instead of TP/TPrun and removed the colortable
Added TP-GFS and CP-GFS to the existing TP/CP styleRule
<!-- filterLow="true" -->
<range scale="LOG">
<defaultColormap>Radar/UPC One Hour Precip</defaultColormap>
<values>0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1 3 10</values>
<contourLabeling labelSpacing="4" minMaxLabelFormat="#0.00"
<values>0.01 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 10</values>