-added the initial header (#) at the top of the file to be consistent with other .md files
Changes to Bundles and Projections page:
-added the initial header (#) to be consistent with other .md files
-removed instances of ">" and replaced them with ">" for easier readability and to be consistent with other .md files
-fixed misspelling in opening description ('a' > 'as')
-updated the subsection headings to match the file menu options in CAVE
-updated the first screenshot for deleting bundles to be consistent with how CAVE currently looks
-update text referring to menu items to match CAVE
-updated the Image Combination section to remove the mention of an icon on the toolbar because it is no longer there
Updates to the Maps, Views, Projections webpage
-fixed the misspelling of "default" in the opening description
-updated the list of projections to match CAVE exactly
-updated the image for the file menu
-updated the image for the Create Projection dialog
-Updated the screenshot with an up to date image of the current toolbar and menus (docs/images/caveHeader.png)
-Updated the opening text to have the correct system menus, have the correct data menus (with broken links removed), have the correct toolbar description, and a note with the discrepancies between OS versions.
-Updated the Resource Stack section to have a link to the Right-click Functionality
-Changed all the submenus to have the proper designation (###) so they show up in the outline
-Changed the "Left-Click Background..." section to be "Right-Click Background..." and updated its description
-Added "Display Menu:" text to the submenu items that were specifically from the display menu
-Reordered some sections to show up accordingly under Resource Stack or Display menu Sections
-Updated the Product Browser section to include icon in text for opening the browser, and the menu lo
-Updated the Selections list to remove VIIRS since that's no longer shown.
-Added a note for the differences between Mac/Linux and Windows (GFE availability)
-Commented out the Switch Pane Layouts because this isn't specified in the Options menu anymore
-Added a section for the Options menu and made Time Options, Image Combination, Dipslay Props, Loop P
rops, Image Props, Set time, and Set Background Color as subsections
-Commented out the Data Scale section since this is no longer in our distribution
-Updated the Image Combination text as there is no longer a toolbar icon
-Updated the Image Properties section to include the toolbar icon in the description.
-Updated the Switching Perspectives section to have a sentence describing the menu location, in similar fashion to the Cave Preferences section (next section). Also updated the description text to only mention GFE and Localization perspectives (the others are no longer available). Added a note with the differences between OS versions. And updated the screenshot with a current one.
-Updated the Load Mode section to more clearly describe where and how to access it.