-Added two new pages under Appendix:
Raytheon: CAVE D2D User's Manual
Raytheon: System Manager's Manual
-Added the pdfs to the /docs/pdfs/ directory under their own folder raytheon/
-Copied the pdfs from our online site: https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/awips2/doc/
-Imbedded the pdfs using an <object> and <iframe> html tag, this way if a browser (old browser) does not support pdfs, then it will display a message with a link to directly download the pdf.
- Updated the general system requirements to specify Java 8
- Updated the general system requirements to include NVIDIA Graphics card
- Updated the note in the general sys reqs to state other graphics cards *may* work, but only NVIDIA is recommended
- Updated the opening description for the Windows OS to state the difference between the two installations and what each is recommended for
- Updated the VM installtion instructions at the end, for the "running CAVE" instructions to specify "Once in the VM"
- Updated the Direct Installtion System Requirements to have version numbers and 64-bit for all relevent software
- Added the JDK as a system req
- Added that miniconda needs to be in the PATH as a req
- Added PYTHONPATH as a required var (not just PYTHONHOME)
- Updated the installation instructions to include all 6 steps
- Added proper links for the miniconda and java jdk installtion
- Removed any and all warnings about jep not working
-added more description in the overview initial text
-Created main sections for Service and Boot Settings, and EDEX Commands
-moved all edex command subsections under EDEX Commands
-In the Service and Boot Settings, added a subsection for troubleshooting LDM if it failed to start properly after an abrupt shutdown and reboot.
Added the gcc-c++ dependency to the edex install page. Note: this can be removed when we put out a new version of the installation rpms because this will be included as a dependency.
Moved the `edex setup` command step 2 to step 3 and add that the user should be running as user awips first, and to use sudo to run the edex setup command.
-clarified the linux installation instructions step 2
-changed the jep warning from a note to a warning dialog
-removed the table
-added a system req subsection
-added a main header description
-renamed the "Linux One-Time Setup" section to "Download and Installation Instructions"
-removed the quote format from all the installation steps
-used ``` formatting for code blocks instead of tabs
-fixed dead link for purge rules
-fixed * instances with a \*
-added subsections for the 4th step about Configuring iptables
-for the additional steps, in the SELinux section, add a note at the top of the section saying newer versions of LDM do not need to do this step, and the our current distribution of EDEX uses a newer version of ldm
-Change the entire layout to have consistent sections for the three OS's: System Requirements and Download and Installation Instructions.
-Windows now has two distinct installation methods
-Removed RHEL/Centos6 from documention (just say 7)
-Added a General Requirements section that is more directed at hardware (not OS specific)
-Renamed the caveData section to "Local Cache"
-Renamed the AWIPS Data in the Cloud section to "EDEX Connection"
-removed all the tables from the previous formatting, just use section headers, ordered and unordered lists, and notes
- cave/build/features.txt
- cave/build/p2-build.xml
- cave/com.raytheon.viz.product.awips/awips.product
Since it already existed in cave/com.raytheon.viz.product.awips/developer.product, it was showing up when deploying from eclipse.
This change to mkdocs.yml forces mkdocs to override the javascript file
of the same name provided by the theme with the version in this
repository until we regain access the mkdocs unidata theme.
The Unidata theme javascript isn't compatible with the version of
mkdocs being used. Starting with mkdocs 0.17, the generated search index
json file located at site/search/search_index.json. However, the themes
application javascript file looks for mkdocs/search_index.json. Because
we cannot update the theme at this point, this commit simply overrides the
javascript file shipped with the theme.
This commit is intended to get the search functionality working on the website again. This is not the ideal solution -- ideally the mkdocs-unidata theme will be updated and distributed with this change so that the gh-action works with that latest version and the search will work properly. This file should be removed when that "proper" change has been made and mkdocs-unidata theme has been updated on pip.
-updated the logging output for the raw data purging to show the content from the "edex-ingest-purge-[date].log"
Small changes to the mkdocs.yml file:
-commented out the "Supported Data Types" section and subsections
-moved the "Development" section to come before the "Python API" subsection
-made the "Development" section a direct link, instead of a section with only one subsection
-commented out the "COTS and FOSS" subsection from the Appendix
-modified the markdown.yml file since there is only one webpage under "Development" no need to have a subdirectory
-added title header
-updated repo code line to point to el7 instead of 6
-converted steps from an ordered list into proper sections with subheadings
-added an initial section about removing existing AWIPS instances
-added some steps for setting up eclipse to convert some errors to warnings and to turn off auto building when importing the repos and turn it back on afterwards
-added a section for troubleshooting with a note taken from Jason Burks' tutorials
-added note in the intro section specifying this is a dev only Environment
-bolded the repo in Step 2
-removed Maven from the mentioned installed packages in Step 3 (it's now packaged with eclipse)
-replace 'ingest-modes.xml' with 'modes.xml'
-add page breaks between sections
-replace < and > with < and >
-fixed broken link for edex install page
-updated repo link to point to the centos7 version, instead of centos6
-changed subheading from '#' to '##'
-added title header
-added '[]' around data optional
-added a little more descriptive text in the logging example and updated formatting
-added title header
-fixed spelling mistakes
-added a "Purge Types" section for the initial text and broke the page into two main sub sections: Processed Data Purging and Raw Data purging
-added description and example of files in ..../base/purge/
-removed text saying purge rules can be accessed in the CAVE localization perspective, because they cannot anymore
-added page breaks between selections
-cleaned up "All Purge Rules" section since now all rules live in one location only by default
-updated the "Frame-Based Purge" with current example and explanation of modTimeToWait tag
-replaced code blocks with html to bold important sections
-added now "Raw Data Purging" information and sections
-Removed all existing webpages for the python-awips documentation since they were mostly just outdated versions of what exists on our main python-awips page
-created a new webpage python/overview.md which has a short description of python-awips and the link to the current documentation
Point our python-awips link to existing documentation at https://python-awips.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ and commented out previous existing webpages (since they're duplicated, outdated information compared to the other documentation).
-added title header
-replaced instances of "edex_static" with "common_static"
-replaced improper ".../grid/models" path with proper ".../grib/models"
-updated note about wgrib2 in Troubleshooting section since we do distribute it
-added page breaks between sections
-fixed mistype of 'filename' to 'filenames'
-edited many of the code blocks to use html so specific sections could be bolded for emphasis
-added a third bullet in the opening text to do with tables
-link all bullets to their corresponding subsections
-changed capitalization and added ':' between code steps
-fixed 'wrd.xml' mispelling
-fixed broken link for editing menus
-add a new section for Add a Table and relocated the first bullet from Troubleshooting, into this new section
-made the Troubleshooting section into a bulleted list
-added description for finding the table info for the wrf.grib example
-change example file location from /staff/mjames to /software/awips2
-divided every section into "Grib Products" and "Grib2 Products" subsections
-added an example grib2 file and added information for every section for grib2
-added section page breaks for consistency
Changes to Data Distribution Files webpage:
-added title header
-added clarification for header/filename matching
-changed references of "edex_static" to "common_static" because all the files were moved (by Raytheon) not so long ago
-added a new subsection titled "Overview" because the inital description text was so long
-added another subsection titled "Creating a Site Override" to break up the initial section
-updated the output for the files found in base/distribution/ to match current output
-updated the satellite.xml to satellite.gini.xml and changed the markdown code to use html so that I could bold a line in the code block
-updated the "Editing..." section to link back to the "Creating a Site Override" section becasue it references the same idea
-changed the "Editing..." text to clairfy which regex expressions apply to what text (pqact.conf vs distribution files)
-updated the exampls section to show the xml content and then explain it
-updated the text.xml to reflect current content
-fixed improper bold/italic formatting throughout the webpage
-updated grib example to have current content
-created one last subsection for "Additional Information" and updated the bullets to reflect current thinking. Also added a bullet for a problem I've personally encountered where the distribution regex would not match the filename
-added title header
-fixed "that" misspelling
-added a bit more informative text to go along with code examples
-created sub-sections for optional LDM feeds
-updated the "Default Feeds" list
-added title header for consistency
-added edex version number used with docker build
-used bold for consistency with other pages
-updateded sections in "Mounted Files" section to be real subsections and reformatted the text found within
-updated some text about the edex server that setup.env is pointing to, for clarification
-added title header for consistency
-added a short section about our current EDEX server system
-added a new "Example Installation" section and moved the opening text and edex diagram into this section. Also moved the "server" sections to be subsections of this example
-removed the machine specs from the server section since they are no longer accurate/relevant
-added server ip addresses as reference for this example only
-added title header for consistency
-reformated some 'code' sections to bold
-changed small formatting issues for consistency
-changed name of webpage from "EDEX Start and Stop" to "EDEX Basic Commands" in the mkdocs.yml file as well as the title header
-add title header for consistency
-added text to first subsection explaining the png and gif exports
-added note for Mac OS saying it does not support this functionality
-updated screenshot for export images
-changed the kml section to be more consistent (italics v. quotes, adding the menu location in-text instead of a header)
-updated the "Import Formats" and "Export Formats" sections with current information and formatting and added new screenshots
-added a note to disclose that our version of awips is non-operational and some functionality may not be available
Changes to the localization webpage:
-added title header
-reworded connection to talk about OAX instead of BOU because that's the current default
-updated connection screenshot
-fixed "canbe" misspelling