-changed the python-awips link from the readthedoc site to our python-awips page in the user manual
-added a note after python-awips "(a python package)"
-added a section after "Download and Install EDEX", titled "Working with Python-AWIPS" which links to our python-awips section of the user manual
-updated the windows direct install system requirements to include "python3.7" for the miniconda install specification
-added the "python3.7" specification to step one of the install
-added a screenshot of the miniconda install showing the checked boxes for path and default python options
-added the full path for the jdk install under step 2, bullet 2
-updated the environment variables screenshot to have 181 which is what we're distributing
-changed the title from Python API to Python-AWIPS
-Removed "DAF" from the description and reworded it slightly
-made the link to our documentation the entire last sentence instead of the word "here", and made the whole sentence bold
-changed the name of the python outline link from "Python API" to "Python-AWIPS" and moved it up to under the EDEX User Manual
-added a note to disclose that our version of awips is non-operational and some functionality may not be available
Changes to the localization webpage:
-added title header
-reworded connection to talk about OAX instead of BOU because that's the current default
-updated connection screenshot
-fixed "canbe" misspelling
Changed the first two sentences about AWIPS and Unidata so they do not start with an acronym, and properly place the acronym in parenthesis after the definition.
Fix a broken link for the IDD in the second paragraph.
Updated the Cloud section to use "... an EDEX..." instead of "...a EDEX...". Also, updated the text to say the cloud edex is available to the community, more vaguely, because it is not just limited to the "Unidata university community".
Updated the Distributed Computing section to be a little more legible. Previously the text was a bit confusing and had a bit of a run on sentence -- broke those up to be easier to read. Also changed the last sentence to be more present tense since GOES-16 data is now available (not a future event anymore).
Changed the PyPIES header so that the link from the Software Components section now works.
Added some periods at the end of sections so that they were all consistent.