* Make derived parameters not use VizException
* Move derived parameters packages from the viz hierarchy
to the common hierarchy
* Move data cube classes that don't depend on derived parameters
to thier own plugin
* Moved DataCubeContainer and supporting frontend classes from
viz.core to viz.datacube
Former-commit-id: ad4a8cfbbc6de72810492c8f1de9701d381b6019
* Removing viz dependencys from derivparam
** Move LevelUtilities to common
** Use spring instead of eclipse plugin extentions
to configure derived parameter function types
** Use RequestRouter instead of ThriftClient so
we can use IServerRequest objects in both CAVE
and EDEX
The next stage will be to clean up exceptions in
derived parameters to stop using VizException and
Former-commit-id: 604ae156f8b235e2e1736863b419547289403240
moved grid level translator from viz to common
updated references to moved classes
created grid style util for common styling code
updated style manager to look in common for files
moved data plugin style rules to common
Former-commit-id: 7cdff04cc4d60b50a2a2c08499ee329586031e0f