-Had to update the awips-ade and awips-devel dockers
-Update rpm building to include awips2-python-awips (which includes awips, dynamicserialize, thrift packages), and remove rpm install dependencies on ufpy, dynamicserialize, and thrift
-Update LDM scripts and edexBridge to use awips instead of ufpy
-Update multiple python scripts across several repos to use awips instead of ufpy
Commented out building of AlertViz rpm
Removed mandatory awips2-alertviz rpm
Removed awips2-gfesuite rpm
Added qpis2-qpid-proton rpm (which typically got installed from dependecies, but wouldn't get removed)
Moved the Installer.ldm to awips2.upc (previously in the nativelib repo) and combined from two separate ldm rpms to one
Updated build of LDM to 6.13.14
lookupRPM.sh - added awips2-ldm here and gave it the new path to component.spec
rpms/build/x86_64/build.sh - uncomment buildRPM awips2-ldm
completely updated the component.spec file to build with the paths we wanted
setup.env - added new variable EXT_ADDR and turned off ignite usage
rsync.dirs - updated localization path, removed python-awips, awips2-drawing, and awips2-data-delivery
Installer.edex-configuration - removed this since we don't need it
deploy.builder/build.sh - removed call to build the edex-configuration RPM
Installer.gfe/component.spec - removed awips2-edex-configuration requirement
Installer.localization/component.spec - removed the copying of common_static/site since we don't have any files to copy here
build.edex/build.xml - removed the com.raytheon.uf.edex.foss.org.owasp.esapi.feature
rpms/build/x86_64/build.sh - updated the buildLocalizationRPMs to buildLocalization
-Updated Installer.localization/component.spec file for Unidata configuration
-Changed the build.sh script to call buildLocalization function instead of buildLocalizationRPMS
-Updated the rpm.sh script to have the new buildLocalization function to build the new localizations correctly
-Removed the default localization.OAX and localization.TBW directories, now it's a utility tree directory format
-Some files moved to awips2-static
-Added KLGX to the radar_spatial table
-Update Scales (com.raython.uf.ciz.core.maps/localization/bundles/scales)
-Added new scales, updated scalesInfo.xml for the dropdown
-Removed the WFO.xml and Region.xml files since these get created for each site during the RPM creation
-dialogs/CreateProjectionDialog.java - this file had changes to generate the coords_wsr88d.dat and coords_regional.dat files (but the generation was commented out since they had already been created - I have not added this change in)
-scales/MapScalePopulator (Added WFO submenu, functionality to add loaded area definitions as bundles)
-scales/MapScalesManager.java (Added ability to load visible area defns as selectable bundles)
Added files:
-coords.dat (used to create the sites WFO.xml Map Scale) (awips2/rpms/awips2.core/Installer.localization)
-coords_regional.dat (used to create the sites Regional.xml Map Scale)
-utility/common_static/configured/OAX/gfe/* (editAreaGroups, editAreas, python - gfe area configs)
-copied the radarsInUse.txt for all of the sites from the Unidata build (also updated some wrong radar names here)
- added build/ to pathnames
- because of the new way the localization directory is set up, need to rsync in the directories within localization
Updated function name to build the localization RPM's
To Change Still:
The building of the localization RPM will need to be changed so we just build a generic awips2-localization rpm that has configs for all sites, instead of one per site.
-Updated Dockerfile filenames to include -20.3.2
-added/removed a few dependencies
-added a yum update to the devel
-updated version
-Had to locally add the RPM's to the ade docker since they aren't publically on a server
-Had to update the el7-dev.repo to point to the local RPMs directory
-Updated version in buildEnvironment.sh
-Added a few new paths to rsync.dirs:
-Removed *pdf from rsync.dirs
-rpms/build/x86_86/build.sh - updated this file to use the groups to install the rpms
-removed umlauts from schrodinger in GridUpdater.java
To Do/Change before initial public push:
-Change the dockerhub organization from tiffanym13 to unidata
-Change the el7-dev.repo file to point to our repo on nexus
-Remove the RPM's directory
-Change imgvers in setup.sh to not have the -1
-Change the Dockerfile names back to the original without the version (and just tag it with the version)
-Need to add back in awips2-unidata repo to rsync.dirs, build_rpms.sh, and build/repos
-Figure out how to merge in the awips-ade directory and Unidata build scripts so we can keep the history
-Uncomment the #TM# comments in setup.sh to copy files to fserv
-Take out propriety data (specific to warnings and binlightning)
new file: build/awips-ade/Dockerfile.awips-ade-20.3.2-1.el7
new file: build/awips-ade/Dockerfile.awips-devel-20.3.2-1.el7
new file: build/awips-ade/awips-ade.sh
new file: build/awips-ade/awips-devel.sh
new file: build/awips-ade/el7-dev.repo
new file: build/build.sh
new file: build/buildEnvironment.sh
new file: build/build_rpms.sh
new file: build/cibuild.sh
new file: build/excludes
new file: build/repos
new file: build/rsync.cave
new file: build/rsync.dirs
new file: build/setup.sh
modified: cave/com.raytheon.viz.grid/src/com/raytheon/viz/grid/inv/GridUpdater.java
modified: rpms/build/x86_64/build.sh