- Added one more level of organization: order problems by Operating System
- Re-ordered some of the problems based on a more logical/more common issue first
- Added a section for the "boxes" drawing for METARS Station plots and Surface winds, and how you can force the machine to use the Intel Graphics card, if one is present
- Added a note and link about the mailing list in the AWIPS Tips section
- Added a warning banner about the upcoming edex outage
- removed "10" from some Windows troubleshooting instructions, since this applies to Windows 11 as well (per user suggestion)
- added section in Educational Resources page for our YouTube channel
- added a youtube logo to the images for documentation
- Added a "home" icon for near the top left of the documentation website (there was always a link but it didn't have an icon before, quite strange)
- removed the previous javascript application.js override, because now this is updated and produced correctly in the mkdocs-unidata theme
- updated the copyright from 2020 to 2022
- moved the location of the from the install/ dir to appendix/
- added a section in common problems for disappearing configurations
- updated the cave installation instructions in the system requirements for direct windows install, to include steps on how to turn on the High DPI setting
- updated the educational resources page with our latest awips tips link
- changes to Procedures and Displays webpage: removed all mention of the word bundle
- updated procedures and displays bundles to match latest CAVE UI
- updated the CAVE and EDEX install pages with the latest version number
- added a section in the Install Cave page in the MacOS subsection mentioning a warning may pop up when running CAVE if running Monterey, but it can be ignored
- added similar section to the Common Problems page
- added a screenshot of the warning provided by user -- **this screenshot should be updated with a real screenshot (not photo from phone) when we have updated our machines to Monterey**
- added a prereqs section for the elearning course
- added a few screenshots and additional details for the "design" section
- converted the google form link to html (instead of markdown) to allow the functionality for opening in a separate tab, instead of in the same window
-added more images
-removed the sample attribute since that is no longer a menu option
-commented out the display customization since this is pretty generic to all map products
- updated images to remove version number from them
- updated caveMacUserInstall.png to have a border and look a bit more consitent
- added note and image about running CAVE the first time prompts for permission because it was downloaded from the internet
- have the instructions for awips-python.pkg come first, so the user doesn't just install cave and then skip this step
- updated with images for the pkg installer, and removed old screenshots, since now it's signed and notarized, those warnings don't appear
-Added a lot more RGB products all with images
-Updated the GLM area
-Added new section for DMW
-Added new section for vertical temp/moisture profiles
-Specified which sectors had derived products
-Updated all images
- replaced all '> Note' notes with either '!!! note' or '!!! warning' as appropropriate, for more consitency on our website
- updated steps 4 and 5 of the download and installation instructions for the direct windows download to include the new steps to use the new build tools installer to install the proper C++ build tools packages and then run the pip installs
- added screenshots for clarity
- added a new subsection in the common problems page titled "Products Not Loading Properly in Windows" and added some description, and a screenshot of the behavior when jep isn't installed properly
- added a link back to our installation instructions telling them to redo steps 4 and 5
- changed all '>' style notes to the '!!!' style
- moved the "run as root" message to the top of the page and removed it from each subsection
- added 'sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/awips2.repo' command in the second section, for clarity
- updated three images: gitImport2 - changed the path, runApplication % debugApplication - extended the view so you can see the project in the project explorer
-added notes about running as root when applicable
-added a note to check for libGLU package (because this was an issue I encountered when creating a ADE VM from scratch)
-alphabetized our git clone list and added the goesr repo
-added note about switching branches if desired, before importing into eclipse
-updated the command for running eclipse (no longer has '.sh' on executable)
-Reformated section 5 to have subsections/subheaders
-made paths more specific in section 5 so there is no confusion on where settings are to be found
-added screenshots for importing git repos and cleaning workspace
-reformated section 6 to have subsections/headers
-added screenshots for clarity
- added some text in the beginning describing how/where to find the VB
- added an image highlighting the menus
- moved some text into it's own subsection for the Visual Overview
- added a subsection to the Map Editor for Adding a New editor and for Renaming an Editor
- Added text to be a little more clear when referring to the file menu (in the add map section as well as the add projection section)
- replaced the old gif for adding a tab with a new one that reflects the current menu options
- added a new gif for renaming map tabs
Added all the images that were supposed to go in with the previous commit for updates to the d2d perspective page
-changed the python-awips link from the readthedoc site to our python-awips page in the user manual
-added a note after python-awips "(a python package)"
-added a section after "Download and Install EDEX", titled "Working with Python-AWIPS" which links to our python-awips section of the user manual
-updated the windows direct install system requirements to include "python3.7" for the miniconda install specification
-added the "python3.7" specification to step one of the install
-added a screenshot of the miniconda install showing the checked boxes for path and default python options
-added the full path for the jdk install under step 2, bullet 2
-updated the environment variables screenshot to have 181 which is what we're distributing
-changed the title from Python API to Python-AWIPS
-Removed "DAF" from the description and reworded it slightly
-made the link to our documentation the entire last sentence instead of the word "here", and made the whole sentence bold
-changed the name of the python outline link from "Python API" to "Python-AWIPS" and moved it up to under the EDEX User Manual
- Updated the general system requirements to specify Java 8
- Updated the general system requirements to include NVIDIA Graphics card
- Updated the note in the general sys reqs to state other graphics cards *may* work, but only NVIDIA is recommended
- Updated the opening description for the Windows OS to state the difference between the two installations and what each is recommended for
- Updated the VM installtion instructions at the end, for the "running CAVE" instructions to specify "Once in the VM"
- Updated the Direct Installtion System Requirements to have version numbers and 64-bit for all relevent software
- Added the JDK as a system req
- Added that miniconda needs to be in the PATH as a req
- Added PYTHONPATH as a required var (not just PYTHONHOME)
- Updated the installation instructions to include all 6 steps
- Added proper links for the miniconda and java jdk installtion
- Removed any and all warnings about jep not working
-add title header for consistency
-added text to first subsection explaining the png and gif exports
-added note for Mac OS saying it does not support this functionality
-updated screenshot for export images
-changed the kml section to be more consistent (italics v. quotes, adding the menu location in-text instead of a header)
-updated the "Import Formats" and "Export Formats" sections with current information and formatting and added new screenshots
-added a note to disclose that our version of awips is non-operational and some functionality may not be available
Changes to the localization webpage:
-added title header
-reworded connection to talk about OAX instead of BOU because that's the current default
-updated connection screenshot
-fixed "canbe" misspelling
-added title header for consistency
-added menu screenshot w/highlighted tools
-re-ordered VR Shear to match menu order
-added section dividers for consistency
-updated opening description
-changed formating of DMD,MD,TVS section
-made Radar Controls section have sub-headings
-added sections or DMD, MBA, SRM and SAILS
-changed title of VR-SHear section to match menu option
-updated Radar Display Controls screenshot
-added section header for consistency
-added section page breaks for consistency
-updated screenshot w/highlighted tools to help describe what this section is about
-updated the opening description, and added a reference & link to the "Radar Tools" section
-moved the "Time of Arrival/Lead Time" section to match its place in the Tools menu
-updated text descriptions for the "Text Window" and "Text Workstation" (didn't exist previously) sections
-added screenshot for the Text Workstation section
-added imbedded link for the Text Window section
-added a labeled screenshot of the Volume Browser to make the documentation easier to follow
-added in-text links to subsections
-added section breaks to be consistent with other pages
-completed the Volume Browser Menu Bar section to include the last three options (Tools, Display Types, Animation Types) and added subsection links
-added screenshots for each menu subsection
-added the "choose By ID" section in VB Tools, copied from the Display Tools Webpage
-Fixed the starting sentence in "Plan View" section to make sense, and took out references to the "Planes" documentation since that doesn't exist at this time
-updated opening text to descripe Satellite Menu
-updated screenshot of menu options to be current
-updated the pattern action
-updated sections to include images of AK and HI
-made sections for "Ind Channels" and "RGB Composites" and made existing sections into subsections of those
-moved the warning for RGB images above the sample screenshots
-changed 'u' to a proper mu symbol
-updated sections and removed the "NOAAPort Provisional Products" and "L2+" Sections and combined everything with existing sections into "Ind. Channels", "RGB Composites", "Channel Diffs", and "Derived Products"
-added new text for RGBs, derived products and channel diffs.
-added a note for channel diffs that this relies on client side installation of jep which is troublesome on windows and mac
-added link to CIRA's "Quick Guides" for derived products
-updated the HDF5 locations
-updated the GLM text and menu screenshots
-removed the DMW section for now (left a comment for the section header to re-enable and fill out if we add DMW products to AWIPS)
-removed the last option in the list for how to access the nsharp viewer, this was not valid
-updated the second last option to say both the "Tools" and "Models" menus can be used to access the VolumeBrowser
-added additional text and screenshots to explain the Volume Browser because it is not that straight forward
-added a screenshot for the nsharp toolbar icon
-added page breaks to be consistent with other pages
-reformatted, rearranged and clarified the "NSHARP Config" section
-clarified Skew-T Display text and added link to the previous section
-Update all references to the NSHAPR Overview page to be actual links
-Remove all references to "NSHARP schematic image" and add all new screenshots for each of the subsections
-added initial header to be consistent with other markdown pages
-changed "...lower level..." to "...higher level..."
-changed some italics to bold for consistency with other pages
-added menu location description for the Localization Perspective
-fixed "made" to "make"
-changed some description text in "Customizing CAVE Menus" to make sense
-added screenshot for that section
-commented out the NCP section since it doesn't apply to our current version
-added the initial header (#) at the top of the file to be consistent with other .md files
Changes to Bundles and Projections page:
-added the initial header (#) to be consistent with other .md files
-removed instances of ">" and replaced them with ">" for easier readability and to be consistent with other .md files
-fixed misspelling in opening description ('a' > 'as')
-updated the subsection headings to match the file menu options in CAVE
-updated the first screenshot for deleting bundles to be consistent with how CAVE currently looks
-update text referring to menu items to match CAVE