-added section page breaks for consistency
Changes to Data Distribution Files webpage:
-added title header
-added clarification for header/filename matching
-changed references of "edex_static" to "common_static" because all the files were moved (by Raytheon) not so long ago
-added a new subsection titled "Overview" because the inital description text was so long
-added another subsection titled "Creating a Site Override" to break up the initial section
-updated the output for the files found in base/distribution/ to match current output
-updated the satellite.xml to satellite.gini.xml and changed the markdown code to use html so that I could bold a line in the code block
-updated the "Editing..." section to link back to the "Creating a Site Override" section becasue it references the same idea
-changed the "Editing..." text to clairfy which regex expressions apply to what text (pqact.conf vs distribution files)
-updated the exampls section to show the xml content and then explain it
-updated the text.xml to reflect current content
-fixed improper bold/italic formatting throughout the webpage
-updated grib example to have current content
-created one last subsection for "Additional Information" and updated the bullets to reflect current thinking. Also added a bullet for a problem I've personally encountered where the distribution regex would not match the filename