Merge "Issue #2096 - Display of Madis point data" into development
[formerly 03bb912e339342ce7aab76abaf1d76f4522e7b01] Former-commit-id:546524f278
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 574 additions and 219 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
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<script type="text/python" plotDelegate="plotDelegate">
import re
import datetime
class ObsPlotDelegate(PlotDelegate):
def __init__(self):
def isMissing(self, value):
if value == -99999.0:
return True
return False
def getSampleText(self, rec):
if rec.isValidParameter("stationId"):
stationId = rec.getString("stationId")
sampleString = "Station ID: " + stationId + "\n"
if rec.isValidParameter("timeObs"):
timeObsSeconds = rec.getLong("timeObs")
if not self.isMissing(timeObsSeconds):
timeString = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timeObsSeconds / 1000)
sampleString += "Time: " + str(timeString) + "\n"
if rec.isValidParameter("provider"):
provider = rec.getString("provider")
if not provider in ('null'):
sampleString += "Provider: " + provider + "\n"
if rec.isValidParameter("sub_provider"):
subProvider = rec.getString("sub_provider")
if not subProvider in ('null'):
sampleString += "Sub Provider: " + subProvider + "\n"
if rec.isValidParameter("restriction"):
restriction = rec.getInt("restriction")
if not self.isMissing(restriction):
sampleString += "Restriction: " + str(restriction) + "\n"
if rec.isValidParameter("dataset"):
dataset = rec.getInt("dataset")
if not self.isMissing(dataset):
sampleString += "Dataset: " + str(dataset) + "\n"
if rec.isValidParameter("temperature"):
temperature = rec.getFloat("temperature")
if not self.isMissing(temperature):
temperature = (temperature - 273.15)* 1.8000 + 32
qcd = ""
qcaString = ""
qcrString = ""
if rec.isValidParameter("temperature_qcd"):
qcd = rec.getString("temperature_qcd")
if rec.isValidParameter("temperature_qca"):
qca = rec.getInt("temperature_qca")
if not self.isMissing(qca):
qcaString = str(qca)
if rec.isValidParameter("temperature_qcr"):
qcr = rec.getInt("temperature_qcr")
if not self.isMissing(qcr):
qcrString = str(qcr)
sampleString += "Temperature: "
sampleString += self.getString("%.0f" % (temperature), qcd, qcaString, qcrString)
if rec.isValidParameter("dewpoint"):
dewpoint = rec.getFloat("dewpoint")
if not self.isMissing(dewpoint):
dewpoint = (dewpoint - 273.15)* 1.8000 + 32
qcd = ""
qcaString = ""
qcrString = ""
if rec.isValidParameter("dewpoint_qcd"):
qcd = rec.getString("dewpoint_qcd")
if rec.isValidParameter("dewpoint_qca"):
qca = rec.getInt("dewpoint_qca")
if not self.isMissing(qca):
qcaString = str(qca)
if rec.isValidParameter("dewpoint_qcr"):
qcr = rec.getInt("dewpoint_qcr")
if not self.isMissing(qcr):
qcrString = str(qcr)
sampleString += "Dew Point: "
sampleString += self.getString("%.0f" % (dewpoint), qcd, qcaString, qcrString)
if rec.isValidParameter("rh"):
rh = rec.getFloat("rh")
if not self.isMissing(rh):
qcd = ""
qcaString = ""
qcrString = ""
if rec.isValidParameter("rh_qcd"):
qcd = rec.getString("rh_qcd")
if rec.isValidParameter("rh_qca"):
qca = rec.getInt("rh_qca")
if not self.isMissing(qca):
qcaString = str(qca)
if rec.isValidParameter("rh_qcr"):
qcr = rec.getInt("rh_qcr")
if not self.isMissing(qcr):
qcrString = str(qcr)
sampleString += "Relative Humidity: "
sampleString += self.getString("%.0f" % (rh), qcd, qcaString, qcrString)
if rec.isValidParameter("windDirection"):
windDir = rec.getFloat("windDirection")
if not self.isMissing(windDir):
qcd = ""
qcaString = ""
qcrString = ""
if rec.isValidParameter("windDirection_qcd"):
qcd = rec.getString("windDirection_qcd")
if rec.isValidParameter("windDirection_qca"):
qca = rec.getInt("windDirection_qca")
if not self.isMissing(qca):
qcaString = str(qca)
if rec.isValidParameter("windDirection_qcr"):
qcr = rec.getInt("windDirection_qcr")
if not self.isMissing(qcr):
qcrString = str(qcr)
sampleString += "Wind Direction: "
sampleString += self.getString("%.0f" % (windDir), qcd, qcaString, qcrString)
if rec.isValidParameter("windSpeed"):
windSpeed = rec.getFloat("windSpeed")
if not self.isMissing(windSpeed):
qcd = ""
qcaString = ""
qcrString = ""
if rec.isValidParameter("windSpeed_qcd"):
qcd = rec.getString("windSpeed_qcd")
if rec.isValidParameter("windSpeed_qca"):
qca = rec.getInt("windSpeed_qca")
if not self.isMissing(qca):
qcaString = str(qca)
if rec.isValidParameter("windSpeed_qcr"):
qcr = rec.getInt("windSpeed_qcr")
if not self.isMissing(qcr):
qcrString = str(qcr)
sampleString += "Wind Speed: "
sampleString += self.getString("%.0f" % (windSpeed), qcd, qcaString, qcrString)
if rec.isValidParameter("windGust"):
windGust = rec.getFloat("windGust")
if not self.isMissing(windGust):
qcd = ""
qcaString = ""
qcrString = ""
if rec.isValidParameter("windGust_qcd"):
qcd = rec.getString("windGust_qcd")
if rec.isValidParameter("windGust_qca"):
qca = rec.getInt("windGust_qca")
if not self.isMissing(qca):
qcaString = str(qca)
if rec.isValidParameter("windGust_qcr"):
qcr = rec.getInt("windGust_qcr")
if not self.isMissing(qcr):
qcrString = str(qcr)
sampleString += "Wind Gust: "
sampleString += self.getString("%.0f" % (windGust), qcd, qcaString, qcrString)
if rec.isValidParameter("altimeter"):
altimeter = rec.getFloat("altimeter")
if not self.isMissing(altimeter):
qcd = ""
qcaString = ""
qcrString = ""
if rec.isValidParameter("altimeter_qcd"):
qcd = rec.getString("altimeter_qcd")
if rec.isValidParameter("altimeter_qca"):
qca = rec.getInt("altimeter_qca")
if not self.isMissing(qca):
qcaString = str(qca)
if rec.isValidParameter("altimeter_qcr"):
qcr = rec.getInt("altimeter_qcr")
if not self.isMissing(qcr):
qcrString = str(qcr)
sampleString += "Altimeter: "
sampleString += self.getString("%.0f" % (altimeter / 100), qcd, qcaString, qcrString)
if rec.isValidParameter("pressure"):
pressure = rec.getFloat("pressure")
if not self.isMissing(pressure):
qcd = ""
qcaString = ""
qcrString = ""
if rec.isValidParameter("pressure_qcd"):
qcd = rec.getString("pressure_qcd")
if rec.isValidParameter("pressure_qca"):
qca = rec.getInt("pressure_qca")
if not self.isMissing(qca):
qcaString = str(qca)
if rec.isValidParameter("pressure_qcr"):
qcr = rec.getInt("pressure_qcr")
if not self.isMissing(qcr):
qcrString = str(qcr)
sampleString += "Pressure: "
sampleString += self.getString("%.0f" % (pressure / 100), qcd, qcaString, qcrString)
if rec.isValidParameter("precipitalWater"):
precipitalWater = rec.getFloat("precipitalWater")
if not self.isMissing(precipitalWater):
qcd = ""
qcaString = ""
qcrString = ""
if rec.isValidParameter("precipitalWater_qcd"):
qcd = rec.getString("precipitalWater_qcd")
if rec.isValidParameter("precipitalWater_qca"):
qca = rec.getInt("precipitalWater_qca")
if not self.isMissing(qca):
qcaString = str(qca)
if rec.isValidParameter("precipitalWater_qcr"):
qcr = rec.getInt("precipitalWater_qcr")
if not self.isMissing(qcr):
qcrString = str(qcr)
sampleString += "Precipital Water: "
sampleString += self.getString("%.2f" % (precipitalWater), qcd, qcaString, qcrString)
if rec.isValidParameter("precipRate"):
precipRate = rec.getFloat("precipRate")
if not self.isMissing(precipRate):
qcd = ""
qcaString = ""
qcrString = ""
if rec.isValidParameter("precipRate_qcd"):
qcd = rec.getString("precipRate_qcd")
if rec.isValidParameter("precipRate_qca"):
qca = rec.getInt("precipRate_qca")
if not self.isMissing(qca):
qcaString = str(qca)
if rec.isValidParameter("precipRate_qcr"):
qcr = rec.getInt("precipRate_qcr")
if not self.isMissing(qcr):
qcrString = str(qcr)
sampleString += "Precip Rate: "
sampleString += self.getString("%.2f" % (precipRate), qcd, qcaString, qcrString)
return sampleString
def getString(self, value, qcd, qca, qcr):
return value + " / " + qcd + " / " + qca + " / " + qcr + "\n"
plotDelegate = ObsPlotDelegate()
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<text id="pressure_qca" plotMode="sample" plotParam="pressure_qca">59</text>
<text id="altimeter" plotMode="sample" plotParam="altimeter" plotUnit="hPa">018</text>
<text id="altimeter_qcd" plotMode="sample" plotParam="altimeter_qcd">59</text>
<text id="altimeter_qcr" plotMode="sample" plotParam="altimeter_qcr">59</text>
<text id="altimeter_qca" plotMode="sample" plotParam="altimeter_qca">59</text>
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<text id="windSpeed_qcd" plotMode="sample" plotParam="windSpeed_qcd">59</text>
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<text id="temperature" plotMode="sample" plotParam="temperature">59</text>
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import re
class ObsPlotDelegate(PlotDelegate):
def __init__(self):
def getSampleText(self, rec):
stationString = rec.getString("stationId")
providerString = rec.getString("provider")
subProviderString = rec.getString("sub_provider")
sampleString = stationString + " " + providerString + " " + subProviderString
return sampleString
plotDelegate = ObsPlotDelegate()
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<text id="relative humidity" plotMode="text" plotParam="rh" plotUnit="%" plotFormat="PK%.0f" style="text-anchor: end;" x="-10px" y="20px">59</text>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.6 KiB |
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.common.pointdata.PointDataView;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.datastructure.CubeUtil;
* TODO Add Description
* Plot Data Object.
* <pre>
@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.datastructure.CubeUtil;
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Jul 19, 2011 njensen Initial creation
* Jul 19, 2011 njensen Initial creation.
* Jul 12, 2013 2096 mpduff Add method to check if parameter is valid.
* </pre>
@ -58,7 +59,8 @@ public class PlotData {
private int dimension;
private Map<String, PlotValue> valueMap = new HashMap<String, PlotValue>();
/** Map of data values */
private final Map<String, PlotValue> valueMap = new HashMap<String, PlotValue>();
public void addData(PointDataView pdv) {
for (String key : pdv.getContainer().getParameters()) {
@ -220,4 +222,14 @@ public class PlotData {
* Check if the provided parameter is valid (contained in the valueMap)
* @param param
* The parameter to check
* @return true if the parameter exists in the valueMap, false if not
public boolean isValidParameter(String param) {
return valueMap.containsKey(param);
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.common.serialization.annotations.DynamicSerializeElement;
* May 16, 2013 753 dhladky Restored dataUri as unique key
* June 03, 2013 1763 dhladky Added ValMap lookups for QCD
* July 08, 2013 2171 dhladky Removed dataURI
* July 12, 2013 2096 mpduff Changed temperature unit to F.
* </pre>
* @author dhladky
@ -81,14 +82,8 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.common.serialization.annotations.DynamicSerializeElement;
@SequenceGenerator(initialValue = 1, name = PluginDataObject.ID_GEN, sequenceName = "madisseq")
@Table(name = "madis", uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = {
"location", "refTime", "provider", "subProvider", "restriction" }) })
appliesTo = "madis",
indexes = {
@Index(name = "madis_wfsQueryIndex", columnNames = { "refTime", "location" }),
@org.hibernate.annotations.Table(appliesTo = "madis", indexes = { @Index(name = "madis_wfsQueryIndex", columnNames = {
"refTime", "location" }), })
public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
ISpatialEnabled, IDecoderGettable, IPointData {
@ -106,171 +101,171 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
@DataURI(position = 2)
private String subProvider;
@DataURI(position = 3, embedded = true)
private SurfaceObsLocation location;
/** An integer denoting the dataset */
private int dataset;
/** An integer denoting the restriction level */
@DataURI(position = 4)
private int restriction;
/** A string denoting the time of observation */
private Date timeObs;
/** A float denoting the dewpoint temp */
private float dewpoint = -99999;
/** A QCD denoting the dewpoint quality */
private QCD dewpoint_qcd = QCD.MISSING;
private int dewpoint_qca = -99999;
private int dewpoint_qcr = -99999;
/** A float denoting the relative humidity */
private float rh = -99999;
/** A string denoting the provider sub network */
private QCD rh_qcd = QCD.MISSING;
private int rh_qca = -99999;
private int rh_qcr = -99999;
/** A float denoting the altimeter */
private float altimeter = -99999;
/** A QCD denoting the altimeter quality */
private QCD altimeter_qcd = QCD.MISSING;
private int altimeter_qca = -99999;
private int altimeter_qcr = -99999;
/** A float denoting the temperature */
private float temperature = -99999;
/** A QCD denoting the temperature quality */
private QCD temperature_qcd = QCD.MISSING;
private int temperature_qca = -99999;
private int temperature_qcr = -99999;
/** An int denoting the windDirection */
private int windDirection = -99999;
/** A QCD denoting the wind Direction quality */
private QCD windDirection_qcd = QCD.MISSING;
private int windDirection_qca = -99999;
private int windDirection_qcr = -99999;
/** A QCD denoting the altimeter quality */
private QCD elevation_qcd = QCD.MISSING;
private int elevation_qca = -99999;
private int elevation_qcr = -99999;
/** A QCD denoting the latitude quality */
private QCD latitude_qcd = QCD.MISSING;
private int latitude_qca = -99999;
private int latitude_qcr = -99999;
/** A QCD denoting the longitude quality */
private QCD longitude_qcd = QCD.MISSING;
private int longitude_qca = -99999;
private int longitude_qcr = -99999;
/** A float denoting the preciprate */
private float precipRate = -99999;
/** A QCD denoting the preciprate quality */
private QCD precipRate_qcd = QCD.MISSING;
private int precipRate_qca = -99999;
private int precipRate_qcr = -99999;
@ -279,84 +274,84 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
private float windSpeed = -99999;
/** A QCD denoting the windSpeed(wind) quality */
private QCD windSpeed_qcd = QCD.MISSING;
private int windSpeed_qca = -99999;
private int windSpeed_qcr = -99999;
/** A float denoting the windSpeedgust(wind) */
private float windGust = -99999;
/** A QCD denoting the windSpeedgust(wind) quality */
private QCD windGust_qcd = QCD.MISSING;
private int windGust_qca = -99999;
private int windGust_qcr = -99999;
/** A float denoting the precipitalWater */
private float precipitalWater = -99999;
/** A QCD denoting the precipitalWater */
private QCD precipitalWater_qcd = QCD.MISSING;
private int precipitalWater_qca = -99999;
private int precipitalWater_qcr = -99999;
/** A float denoting the pressure */
private float pressure = -99999;
/** A QCD denoting the precipitalWater */
private QCD pressure_qcd = QCD.MISSING;
private int pressure_qca = -99999;
private int pressure_qcr = -99999;
private PointDataView pointDataView;
public static final String PLUGIN_NAME = "madis";
public static final String STATION_ID = "stationId";
public static final Unit<Temperature> TEMPERATURE_UNIT = SI.CELSIUS;
public static final Unit<Temperature> TEMPERATURE_UNIT = NonSI.FAHRENHEIT;
public static final Unit<Dimensionless> HUMIDITY_UNIT = NonSI.PERCENT;
public static final Unit<Velocity> WIND_SPEED_UNIT = NonSI.KNOT;
@ -370,9 +365,9 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
public static final Unit<Pressure> PRESSURE_UNIT = SI.HECTO(SI.PASCAL);
public static final Unit<Pressure> ALTIMETER_UNIT = SI.PASCAL;
public static final Unit<Length> PRECIP_UNIT = NonSI.INCH;
/** Keys that map back to known decoder params **/
private static final HashMap<String, String> PARM_MAP = new HashMap<String, String>();
static {
@ -387,72 +382,99 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
/** MADIS specific parameter keys */
public static final class ParameterKey {
public static final String RH = "RH";
public static final String RH_QCA = "RH_QCA";
public static final String RH_QCR = "RH_QCR";
public static final String RH_QCD = "RH_QCD";
public static final String TEMPERATURE_QCD = "TEMPERATURE_QCD";
public static final String TEMPERATURE_QCA = "TEMPERATURE_QCA";
public static final String TEMPERATURE_QCR = "TEMPERATURE_QCR";
public static final String DEWPOINT_QCD = "DEWPOINT_QCD";
public static final String DEWPOINT_QCA = "DEWPOINT_QCA";
public static final String DEWPOINT_QCR = "DEWPOINT_QCR";
public static final String WINDDIRECTION_QCD = "WINDDIRECTION_QCD";
public static final String WINDDIRECTION_QCA = "WINDDIRECTION_QCA";
public static final String WINDDIRECTION_QCR = "WINDDIRECTION_QCR";
public static final String WINDSPEED_QCD = "WINDSPEED_QCD";
public static final String WINDSPEED_QCA = "WINDSPEED_QCA";
public static final String WINDSPEED_QCR = "WINDSPEED_QCR";
public static final String WINDGUST_QCD = "WINDGUST_QCD";
public static final String WINDGUST_QCA = "WINDGUST_QCA";
public static final String WINDGUST_QCR = "WINDGUST_QCR";
public static final String PRECIPRATE = "PCPRATE";
public static final String PRECIPRATE_QCA = "PCPRATE_QCA";
public static final String PRECIPRATE_QCR = "PCPRATE_QCR";
public static final String PRECIPRATE_QCD = "PCPRATE_QCD";
public static final String PRECIPITALWATER = "PWV";
public static final String PRECIPITALWATER_QCA = "PWV_QCA";
public static final String PRECIPITALWATER_QCR = "PWV_QCR";
public static final String PRECIPITALWATER_QCD = "PWV_QCD";
public static final String PRESSURE = "P";
public static final String PRESSURE_QCA = "P_QCA";
public static final String PRESSURE_QCR = "P_QCR";
public static final String PRESSURE_QCD = "P_QCD";
public static final String RELATIVEHUMIDITY = "RH";
public static final String RELATIVEHUMIDITY_QCA = "RH_QCA";
public static final String RELATIVEHUMIDITY_QCR = "RH_QCR";
public static final String RELATIVEHUMIDITY_QCD = "RH_QCD";
public static final String PROVIDER = "PROVIDER";
public static final String SUB_PROVIDER = "SUB_PROVIDER";
public static final String STATIONID = "STATIONID";
public static final String RESTRICTION = "RESTRICTION";
* Get the pointdata view
* Get the pointdata view
public PointDataView getPointDataView() {
return this.pointDataView;
* Set the pointdata view
* Set the pointdata view
public void setPointDataView(PointDataView pointDataView) {
this.pointDataView = pointDataView;
@ -463,15 +485,15 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
Amount a = null;
String pName = paramName;
if (SFC_TEMP.equals(pName)) {
if (temperature != -9999) {
a = new Amount(temperature, TEMPERATURE_UNIT);
} else if (SFC_DWPT.equals(pName)) {
if (dewpoint != -9999) {
a = new Amount(dewpoint, TEMPERATURE_UNIT);
} else if (SFC_WNDSPD.equals(pName)) {
a = new Amount(windSpeed, WIND_SPEED_UNIT);
} else if (SFC_WNDGST.equals(pName)) {
@ -499,7 +521,7 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
if (pressure != -9999) {
a = new Amount(pressure, PRESSURE_UNIT);
return a;
@ -523,7 +545,7 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
public String[] getStrings(final String paramName) {
if (ParameterKey.PROVIDER.matches(paramName)) {
return new String[] {getProvider()};
return new String[] { getProvider() };
} else if (ParameterKey.SUB_PROVIDER.matches(paramName)) {
return new String[] { getSubProvider() };
} else if (ParameterKey.STATIONID.matches(paramName)) {
@ -549,42 +571,43 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
public enum QCD {
//C - Coarse pass, passed level 1
//S - Screened, passed levels 1 and 2
//V - Verified, passed levels 1, 2, and 3
//X - Rejected/erroneous, failed level 1
//Q - Questioned, passed level 1, failed 2 or 3
//G - Subjective good
//B - Subjective bad
@XmlEnumValue(QCD.V) VERIFIED("V"),
@XmlEnumValue(QCD.S) SCREENDED("S"),
@XmlEnumValue(QCD.Q) QUESTIONED("Q"),
@XmlEnumValue(QCD.B) BAD("B"),
@XmlEnumValue(QCD.C) COARSEPASS("C"),
@XmlEnumValue(QCD.G) GOOD("G"),
@XmlEnumValue(QCD.Z) MISSING("Z"),
@XmlEnumValue(QCD.X) REJECTED("X");
// C - Coarse pass, passed level 1
// S - Screened, passed levels 1 and 2
// V - Verified, passed levels 1, 2, and 3
// X - Rejected/erroneous, failed level 1
// Q - Questioned, passed level 1, failed 2 or 3
// G - Subjective good
// B - Subjective bad
VERIFIED("V"), @XmlEnumValue(QCD.S)
SCREENDED("S"), @XmlEnumValue(QCD.Q)
QUESTIONED("Q"), @XmlEnumValue(QCD.B)
BAD("B"), @XmlEnumValue(QCD.C)
COARSEPASS("C"), @XmlEnumValue(QCD.G)
GOOD("G"), @XmlEnumValue(QCD.Z)
MISSING("Z"), @XmlEnumValue(QCD.X)
private static final String V = "V";
private static final String S = "S";
private static final String Q = "Q";
private static final String C = "C";
private static final String B = "B";
private static final String G = "G";
private static final String Z = "Z";
private static final String X = "X";
private static final Map<String,QCD> qcdMap;
private static final Map<String, QCD> qcdMap;
private static final Map<String, QCD> valMap;
static {
Map<String, QCD> map = new HashMap<String, QCD>();
map.put(V, QCD.VERIFIED);
@ -596,7 +619,7 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
map.put(Z, QCD.MISSING);
map.put(X, QCD.REJECTED);
qcdMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
Map<String, QCD> map2 = new HashMap<String, QCD>();
map2.put(, QCD.VERIFIED);
map2.put(, QCD.SCREENDED);
@ -623,11 +646,11 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
public static QCD fromString(String val) {
return qcdMap.get(val);
public static QCD fromVal(String val) {
return valMap.get(val);
public String getProvider() {
@ -789,7 +812,7 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
public void setPrecipitalWater_qcd(QCD precipitalWater_qcd) {
this.precipitalWater_qcd = precipitalWater_qcd;
public float getPressure() {
return pressure;
@ -949,7 +972,7 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
public void setPrecipitalWater_qcr(int precipitalWater_qcr) {
this.precipitalWater_qcr = precipitalWater_qcr;
public int getPressure_qca() {
return pressure_qca;
@ -986,7 +1009,7 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
public void setLocation(SurfaceObsLocation location) {
this.location = location;
* Get the geometry latitude.
@ -1085,7 +1108,7 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
public QCD getElevation_qcd() {
return elevation_qcd;
public void setDataset(int dataset) {
this.dataset = dataset;
@ -1101,7 +1124,7 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
public int getRestriction() {
return restriction;
* Get the station identifier for this observation.
@ -1110,7 +1133,7 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
public String getStationId() {
return location.getStationId();
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
@ -1119,7 +1142,7 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
+ ((getDataURI() == null) ? 0 : getDataURI().hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
@ -1141,5 +1164,4 @@ public class MadisRecord extends PersistablePluginDataObject implements
return true;
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