VLab Issue #14927 MRMS v11 display code check-in v2; fixes #14927.

Change-Id: I0a4c5df11b8c9d86b19c64c5dc8715feb91d5620

Former-commit-id: 8c37c2d39624adc23a6cdb0e4cca4bad318d009f
This commit is contained in:
Darrel Kingfield 2016-02-10 12:00:21 -06:00 committed by Kenneth Sperow
parent 9962e4d4f1
commit f8d536f1fe
18 changed files with 14650 additions and 1856 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<bundle xmlns:ns2="com.raytheon.uf.common.datadelivery.registry" xmlns:ns3="http://www.example.org/productType">
<displays xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="d2DMapRenderableDisplay" density="1.0" magnification="1.0" scale="CONUS">
<descriptor xsi:type="mapDescriptor">
<loadProperties xsi:type="gridLoadProperties" displayType="IMAGE" loadWithoutData="false">
<capability xsi:type="colorableCapability" colorAsString="green"/>
<capability xsi:type="imagingCapability" alpha="1.0" interpolationState="true" brightness="1.0" contrast="1.0"/>
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<mapping key="info.level.masterLevel.name">
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<mapping key="info.parameter.abbreviation">
<constraint constraintValue="${parameterID}" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="grid" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<alertParser xsi:type="dataCubeAlertMessageParser"/>

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<description>CONUS domain for MRMS 5km products</description>

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@ -1,61 +1,70 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This_software_was_developed_and_/_or_modified_by_Raytheon_Company, pursuant_to_Contract_DG133W-05-CQ-1067_with_the_US_Government.
U.S._EXPORT_CONTROLLED_TECHNICAL_DATA This_software_product_contains_export-restricted_data_whose
export/transfer/disclosure_is_restricted_by_U.S._law._Dissemination to_non-U.S._persons_whether_in_the_United_States_or_abroad_requires
an_export_license_or_other_authorization. Contractor_Name:________Raytheon_Company
Contractor_Address:_____6825_Pine_Street,_Suite_340 ________________________Mail_Stop_B8
________________________Omaha,_NE_68106 ________________________402.291.0100
See_the_AWIPS_II_Master_Rights_File_("Master_Rights_File.pdf")_for further_licensing_information. -->
U.S._EXPORT_CONTROLLED_TECHNICAL_DATA This_software_product_contains_export-restricted_data_whose
export/transfer/disclosure_is_restricted_by_U.S._law._Dissemination to_non-U.S._persons_whether_in_the_United_States_or_abroad_requires
an_export_license_or_other_authorization. Contractor_Name:________Raytheon_Company
Contractor_Address:_____6825_Pine_Street,_Suite_340 ________________________Mail_Stop_B8
________________________Omaha,_NE_68106 ________________________402.291.0100
See_the_AWIPS_II_Master_Rights_File_("Master_Rights_File.pdf")_for further_licensing_information. -->
<!-- SUBCENTER 0 -->
<!-- SUBCENTER 0 -->
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<!-- END SUBCENTER 0 -->
<!-- SUBCENTER 1 -->
<!-- SUBCENTER 1 -->
<!-- END SUBCENTER 1 -->
<!-- END SUBCENTER 1 -->

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@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
#Product Discipline 209 - Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor, Parameter Category 10: Composite Products
0:0:Composite Reflectivity:dBZ:MergedReflectivityQCComposite
1:1:Composite Reflectivity Height:m:HeightCompositeReflectivity
2:2:Low-Level Composite Reflectivity:dBZ:LLCompositeReflectivity
3:3:Low-Level Composite Reflectivity Height:m:HeightLLCompositeReflectivity
4:4:Low Layer Composite Reflectivity (0-24 kft):dBZ:LowLayerCompositeReflectivity
5:5:High Layer Composite Reflectivity (24-60 kft):dBZ:HighLayerCompositeReflectivity
6:6:Super Layer Composite Reflectivity (33-60 kft):dBZ:SuperLayerCompositeReflectivity
7:7:Hourly Composite Reflectivity Maximum:dBZ:CompositeReflectivityMaxHourly

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#Product Discipline 209 - Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor, Parameter Category 11: Composite Reflectivity Products
0:0:Merged Base Reflectivity:dBZ:MergedBaseReflectivityQC
1:1:Raw Composite Reflectivity Mosaic:dBZ:MergedReflectivityComposite
2:2:Composite Reflectivity Mosaic:dBZ:MergedReflectivityQComposite
3:3:Raw Merged Base Reflectivity:dBZ:MergedBaseReflectivity

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#Product Discipline 209 - Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor, Parameter Category 12: FLASH Products
0:0:CREST Maximum Unit Streamflow:(m^3)*(s^-1)*(km^-2):CrestMaxUStreamflow
1:1:CREST Maximum Streamflow:(m^3)*(s^-1):CrestMaxStreamflow
2:2:CREST Soil Moisture:%:CrestSoilMoisture
14:14:30 min Precipitation Accumulation Return Period:PRP30min
15:15:1 hour Precipitation Accumulation Return Period:PRP01H
16:16:3 hour Precipitation Accumulation Return Period:PRP03H
17:17:6 hour Precipitation Accumulation Return Period:PRP06H
18:18:12 hour Precipitation Accumulation Return Period:PRP12H
19:19:24 hour Precipitation Accumulation Return Period:PRP24H
20:20:Maximum Precipitation Return Period:year:PRPMax
26:26:1 hour QPE-to-FFG Ratio:%:QPEFFG01H
27:27:3 hour QPE-to-FFG Ratio:%:QPEFFG03H
28:28:6 hour QPE-to-FFG Ratio:%:QPEFFG06H
29:29:Maximum QPE-to-FFG Ratio:%:QPEFFGMax

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#Product Discipline 209 - Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor, Parameter Category 13: Auto Nowcaster
0:0:ANC Convective Outlook::ANCConvectiveOutlook
1:1:ANC Final Forecast:dBZ:ANCFinalForecast

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
33:33:MESH Tracks (360 min. accum.):mm:MESHTrack360min
34:34:MESH Tracks (1440 min. accum.):mm:MESHTrack1440min
41:41:Vertically Integrated Liquid (VIL):kg/m^2:MRMSVIL
42:42:Vertically Integrated Liquid (VIL) Density:g/m^3:MRMSVILDensity
43:43:Vertically Integrated Ice (VII):kg/m^2:VII
44:44:18 dBZ Echo Top:km:EchoTop18
45:45:30 dBZ Echo Top:km:EchoTop30
@ -38,3 +39,4 @@
55:55:Reflectivity at -15C:dBZ:ReflectivityM15C
56:56:Reflectivity at -20C:dBZ:ReflectivityM20C
57:57:Reflectivity At Lowest Altitude (RALA):dBZ:ReflectivityAtLowestAltitude
58:58:Merged Reflectivity At Lowest Altitude (RALA):dBZ:MergedReflectivityAtLowestAltitude

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#Product Discipline 209 - Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor, Parameter Category 4: Satellite Products
0:0:Infrared Imagery:K:IRBand4
1:1:Visible Imagery::Visible
2:2:Water Vapor Imagery:K:WaterVapor
3:3:Cloud Cover:K:CloudCover

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#Product Discipline 209 - Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor, Parameter Category 5: Model-Derived Fields
0:0:Surface Temperature:C:ModelSurfaceTemperature
1:1:Wet Bulb Temperature:C:ModelWetbulbTemperature
2:2:Probability of Warm Rain:%:WarmRainProbability
3:3:Freezing Level Height:m:ModelHeight0C
4:4:Bright Band Top Height:m:BrightBandTopHeight
5:5:Bright Band Bottom Height:m:BrightBandBottomHeight

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@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
#Product Discipline 209 - Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor, Parameter Category 8: Radar/Precipitation Products
0:0:Radar Quality Index (RQI)::RadarQualityIndex
1:1:1 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index::GaugeInfIndex01H
2:2:3 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index::GaugeInfIndex03H
3:3:6 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index::GaugeInfIndex06H
4:4:12 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index::GaugeInfIndex12H
5:5:24 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index::GaugeInfIndex24H
6:6:48 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index::GaugeInfIndex48H
7:7:72 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index::GaugeInfIndex72H
8:8:Seamless Hybrid Scan Reflectivity (SHSR):dBZ:SeamlessHSR
9:9:Seamless Hybrid Scan Reflectivity (SHSR) Height:km:SeamlessHSRHeight

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@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
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