Omaha #3299 - Updated deploy-install to find features

Change-Id: I107c16d832936d63af5dbc76b07166db119c95e2

Former-commit-id: 1a3ca4f8df [formerly 2fd4ace0a2 [formerly 6a5463ab87] [formerly 1a3ca4f8df [formerly a25d39959ccdc41ab99e0eaf4ad87559adfcb362]]]
Former-commit-id: 2fd4ace0a2 [formerly 6a5463ab87]
Former-commit-id: 2fd4ace0a2
Former-commit-id: fe5cf3f8e6
This commit is contained in:
Greg Armendariz 2015-02-25 09:32:13 -06:00
parent e5f5cfc7ae
commit f74a9a2360
11 changed files with 794 additions and 733 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -4,128 +4,150 @@
<property file="${basedir}/edex/" />
<property file="${basedir}/edex/" />
<condition property="wa.enabled">
<not><equals arg1="${}" arg2="" /></not>
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="" />
<dirname property="antfile.dir" file="${ant.file}" />
<echo message="ANT FILE DIR:${antfile.dir}"/>
<echo message="ANT FILE DIR:${antfile.dir}" />
<dirname property="base.dir" file="${antfile.dir}" />
<echo message="BASE DIR:${base.dir}"/>
<basename property="" file="${base.dir}"/>
<echo message="BASE NAME:${}"/>
<echo message="BASE DIR:${base.dir}" />
<basename property="" file="${base.dir}" />
<echo message="BASE NAME:${}" />
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="edexOsgi" />
<!-- we are in the distributed development environment -->
<echo message="BUILDING: in distributed development environment"/>
<echo message="BUILDING: in distributed development environment" />
<dirname property="" file="${base.dir}" />
<dirname property="" file="${}" />
<echo message="GIT.DIRECTORY:${}"/>
<var name="repository.directories"
value="${}" />
<echo message="GIT.DIRECTORY:${}" />
<var name="repository.directories" value="${}" />
<for list="${core.repositories}" param="">
<var name="repository.directories"
value="${repository.directories},${}${file.separator}@{}" />
<var name="repository.directories" value="${repository.directories},${}${file.separator}@{}" />
<property name="tab" value=" "/>
<echo level="info" message=" "/>
<echo level="info" message="Deploy checks the following directories for source:"/>
<echo level="info" message=" "/>
<for list="${repository.directories}" param="">
<echo level="info" message="${tab}@{}" />
<available file="@{}" type="dir" />
<echo level="error" message="${tab}@{} does not exist!"/>
<property name="missingDir"
value="true" />
<isset property="missingDir" />
<echo level="error" message=" "/>
<echo level="error" message="Edit core.repositories=${core.repositories} in, rename source directories or create a symlink!"/>
<echo level="error" message=" "/>
<fail message="Unable to locate source directories."/>
<echo level="info" message=" "/>
<echo message="${optional.repositories}"/>
<for list="${optional.repositories}" param="">
<isset property="optional.directories" />
<var name="optional.directories" value="${optional.directories},${}${file.separator}@{}" />
<var name="optional.directories" value="${}${file.separator}@{}" />
<property name="tab" value=" " />
<echo level="info" message=" " />
<echo level="info" message="Deploy checks the following directories for source:" />
<echo level="info" message=" " />
<for list="${repository.directories}" param="">
<echo level="info" message="${tab}@{}" />
<available file="@{}" type="dir" />
<echo level="error" message="${tab}@{} does not exist!" />
<property name="missingDir" value="true" />
<isset property="missingDir" />
<echo level="error" message=" " />
<echo level="error" message="Edit core.repositories=${core.repositories} in, rename source directories or create a symlink!" />
<echo level="error" message=" " />
<fail message="Unable to locate source directories." />
<echo level="info" message=" " />
<!-- all of the projects are in the workspace or one single directory -->
<echo message="BUILDING: in workspace or flattened directory structure"/>
<var name=""
value="${base.dir}" />
<var name="repository.directories"
value="${base.dir}" />
<echo message="BUILDING: in workspace or flattened directory structure" />
<var name="" value="${base.dir}" />
<var name="repository.directories" value="${base.dir}" />
<echo message="AWIPS.BASELINE.DIRECTORY:${}"/>
<echo message="REPOSITORY.DIRECTORIES:${repository.directories}"/>
<echo message="AWIPS.BASELINE.DIRECTORY:${}" />
<echo message="REPOSITORY.DIRECTORIES:${repository.directories}" />
<!-- construct the list of "basedirectories" -->
<propertyselector property="baseline.variables"
casesensitive="true" />
<var name="basedirectories"
value="${}" />
<for list="${baseline.variables}" param="index"
<propertycopy property=""
from="dir.@{index}" />
<for list="${repository.directories}" param="">
<var name=""
value="@{}/${}" />
<available file="${}" type="dir" />
<echo message="BASE.DIRECTORY:${}"/>
<var name="basedirectories"
value="${};${basedirectories}" />
<!-- Loop through the WA directories, if they exist. -->
<isset property="wa.enabled" />
<for list="${}" param="wa"
<var name=""
value="@{wa}/${}" />
<available file="${}"
type="dir" />
<var name="basedirectories"
value="${};${basedirectories}" />
<propertyselector property="baseline.variables" delimiter="${path.separator}" match="dir.([0-9][0-9])" select="\1" casesensitive="true" />
<var name="basedirectories" value="${}" />
<for list="${baseline.variables}" param="index" delimiter="${path.separator}">
<propertycopy property="" override="true" from="dir.@{index}" />
<for list="${repository.directories}" param="">
<var name="" value="@{}/${}" />
<available file="${}" type="dir" />
<echo message="BASE.DIRECTORY:${}" />
<var name="basedirectories" value="${};${basedirectories}" />
<for list="${optional.directories}" param="">
<var name="" value="@{}/${}" />
<available file="${}" type="dir" />
<echo message="OPTIONAL.DIRECTORY:${}" />
<isset property="optionaldirectories"/>
<var name="optionaldirectories" value="${};${optionaldirectories}" />
<var name="optionaldirectories" value="${}" />
<!-- Loop through the WA directories, if they exist. -->
<isset property="wa.enabled" />
<for list="${}" param="wa" delimiter="${path.separator}">
<var name="" value="@{wa}/${}" />
<available file="${}" type="dir" />
<var name="basedirectories" value="${};${basedirectories}" />

View file

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
<var name="plugin.path" value="" />
<!-- first we need to find the plugin -->
<for list="${basedirectories}" param="directory"
<for list="@{plugin.directories}" param="directory"

View file

@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
<import file="${basedir}/deploy-common/deploy-init.xml" />
<import file="${basedir}/deploy-common/deploy-setup.xml" />
<import file="${basedir}/deploy-common/plugin-methods.xml" />
<!-- public static final -->
<path id="ant.classpath">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib/ant">
<include name="*.jar" />
<path id="ant.classpath">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib/ant">
<include name="*.jar" />
<property name="" value="${basedir}/esb" />
<target name="main" depends="init, setup">
<!-- deploy esb {optionally: data, web} -->
<ant antfile="${basedir}/deploy-common/deploy-esb.xml" />
@ -33,40 +33,35 @@
Find the feature associated with
Work Assignments.
<var name=""
value="${wa.edex.feature}" />
<var name="" value="${wa.edex.feature}" />
Find the standard AWIPS II
Baseline feature.
<var name=""
value="${edex.feature}" />
<var name="" value="${edex.feature}" />
<var name="feature" value="" />
find the feature file: we may deploy multiple features
if multiple Work Assignment directories have been
<for list="${basedirectories}" param="directory"
<available file="@{directory}/${}" />
<var name="feature"
value="@{directory}/${}" />
feature="${feature}" />
<for list="${basedirectories}" param="directory" delimiter=";">
<available file="@{directory}/${}" />
<var name="feature" value="@{directory}/${}" />
<deploy.feature feature="${feature}" />
<!-- optionally: deploy raytheon python -->
<equals arg1="${deploy.python}" arg2="true" />
@ -91,36 +86,30 @@
<isset property="wa.enabled" />
<for list="${}" param="wa"
<for list="${}" param="wa" delimiter="${path.separator}">
<basename property="" file="@{wa}" />
<available file="@{wa}/edex/deploy-${}/wa-deploy.xml"
type="file" />
<available file="@{wa}/edex/deploy-${}/wa-deploy.xml" type="file" />
inheritall="true" inheritrefs="true"
useNativeBasedir="true" />
<ant antfile="@{wa}/edex/deploy-${}/wa-deploy.xml" inheritall="true" inheritrefs="true" useNativeBasedir="true" />
<format property="TIMESTAMP_COMPLETE" pattern="d-MMM-yyyy h:mm:ss a"
locale="en,US" />
<echo message="Deploy Complete: ${TIMESTAMP_COMPLETE}" />
<format property="TIMESTAMP_COMPLETE" pattern="d-MMM-yyyy h:mm:ss a" locale="en,US" />
<echo message="Deploy Complete: ${TIMESTAMP_COMPLETE}" />
<!-- public -->
<!-- Targets specific to the developer deployment. -->
<macrodef name="deploy.feature">
<attribute name="feature" />
<!-- prepare to run includegen -->
<var name="" value="${basedir}/tmp/includes" />
@ -128,151 +117,125 @@
<available file="${}" type="dir" />
<delete verbose="true" includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${}"
includes="*/**" />
<fileset dir="${}" includes="*/**" />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<!-- run includegen -->
<echo message="Generating deployment list for feature: ${feature}" />
<echo message="Generating deployment list for feature: ${feature}" />
TODO: need to update the includegen ant task to recognize
plugin architecture restrictions. Plugins that should only
be deployed for a 64-bit system should not be deployed for
a 32-bit system, etc.
<includegen providerfilter="${includegen.filter}"
coreout="${}/core.includes" />
<var name=""
value="${}/lib/plugins" />
<echo message="${feature}" />
<echo message="${}/cots.includes" />
<echo message="${}/core.includes" />
<includegen providerfilter="${includegen.filter}" basedirectories="${basedirectories}" optionaldirectories="${optionaldirectories}" featurefile="${feature}" cotsout="${}/cots.includes" plugsout="${}/plugins.includes" coreout="${}/core.includes" />
<var name="" value="${}/lib/plugins" />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
plugin.directories="${basedirectories}""${}" />
plugin.directories="${basedirectories}""${}" />
<var name=""
value="${}/lib/dependencies" />
<processPlugins includes.file="${}/plugins.includes" plugin.type="plugins" plugin.directories="${basedirectories}""${}" />
<processPlugins includes.file="${}/core.includes" plugin.type="core" plugin.directories="${basedirectories}""${}" />
<var name="" value="${}/lib/dependencies" />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
plugin.directories="${basedirectories}""${}" />
<isset property="optionaldirectories" />
<var name="allDir" value="${basedirectories};${optionaldirectories}" />
<processPlugins includes.file="${}/cots.includes" plugin.type="cots" plugin.directories="${allDir}""${}" />
<processPlugins includes.file="${}/cots.includes" plugin.type="cots" plugin.directories="${basedirectories}""${}" />
<!-- cleanup the temporary directories -->
<available file="${basedir}/tmp"
type="dir" />
<available file="${basedir}/tmp" type="dir" />
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}"
includes="tmp/**" />
<fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="tmp/**" />
<target name="deploy.python">
<property name=""
value="${}/lib/${python.version.dir}/site-packages" />
<property name="" value="${}/lib/${python.version.dir}/site-packages" />
<echo message="Deploying the Raytheon python site-packages." />
site.package="ufpy" />
site.package="dynamicserialize" />
site.package="pypies" />
< site.package="ufpy" />
< site.package="dynamicserialize" />
< site.package="pypies" />
<target name="deploy.localization">
<for list="${localization.sites}" param="site"
<echo message="Deploying localization for site: @{site}" />
<for list="${localization.sites}" param="site" delimiter="${path.separator}">
<echo message="Deploying localization for site: @{site}" />
<!-- determine which directory the localization
project should be in. -->
<var name="localization.path" value="" />
<var name="localization.path" value="" />
<available file="${}/localization.@{site}"
type="dir" />
<available file="${}/localization.@{site}" type="dir" />
<var name="localization.path"
value="${}/localization.@{site}" />
<var name="localization.path" value="${}/localization.@{site}" />
<var name="localization.path"
value="${}/${}/localization.@{site}" />
<var name="localization.path" value="${}/${}/localization.@{site}" />
<!-- copy the localization files. -->
<copy todir="${}/data/utility"
<fileset dir="${localization.path}/utility"
includes="*/**" />
<!-- copy the localization files. -->
<copy todir="${}/data/utility" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${localization.path}/utility" includes="*/**" />
<!-- private -->
<macrodef name="">
<attribute name="site.package" />
<echo message="Deploying @{site.package} ..." />
<available file="${}/@{site.package}"
type="dir" />
<available file="${}/@{site.package}" type="dir" />
<delete dir="${}/@{site.package}"
<fileset dir="${}"
includes="@{site.package}/**" />
<delete dir="${}/@{site.package}" includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${}" includes="@{site.package}/**" />
<equals arg1="@{site.package}" arg2="pypies" />
<!-- custom rule for pypies due to alternate directory layout -->
<copy todir="${}">
<fileset dir="${}/pythonPackages/pypies"
includes="@{site.package}/**" />
<fileset dir="${}/pythonPackages/pypies" includes="@{site.package}/**" />
<copy todir="${}">
<fileset dir="${}/pythonPackages"
includes="@{site.package}/**" />
<fileset dir="${}/pythonPackages" includes="@{site.package}/**" />
<!-- static -->
<taskdef name="includegen"
classpathref="ant.classpath" />
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"
classpath="${basedir}/lib/ant/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
<taskdef name="includegen" classname="com.raytheon.uf.anttasks.includesgen.GenerateIncludesFromFeature" classpathref="ant.classpath" />
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" classpath="${basedir}/lib/ant/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />

View file

@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
# AWIPSII core repositories required for build
# Note: currently, there is a limit of 99 plugin directories.

View file

@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ Bundle-Vendor: RAYTHEON
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6
Require-Bundle: org.apache.ant;bundle-version="1.7.1",
Import-Package: com.raytheon.uf.featureexplorer

View file

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
package com.raytheon.uf.anttasks.includesgen;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.featureexplorer.FeatureExplorer;
* 28Jan2009 1930 MW Fegan Added provider and plugin filtering.
* Feb 4, 2013 #1577 bkowal Remove component-deploy.xml suffixes for
* core and plugins; remove jar wildcard for cots
* Feb 25, 2015 #3299 garmendariz Process a list of included features
* </pre>
* @author bclement
@ -36,319 +39,367 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.featureexplorer.FeatureExplorer;
public class GenerateIncludesFromFeature extends Task {
protected String baseDirectories;
protected String baseDirectories;
protected File baseDirectory;
protected File baseDirectory;
protected File featureFile;
protected File featureFile;
protected File cotsOut;
protected File cotsOut;
protected File plugsOut;
protected File plugsOut;
protected File coreOut;
protected File coreOut;
protected File allOut;
protected File allOut;
/* attributes for filtering */
private static final String PATTERN = "^.*(%s).*$";
protected String optionalDirectories;
protected String provider = "raytheon";
/* attributes for filtering */
private static final String PATTERN = "^.*(%s).*$";
private Pattern providerPattern = Pattern.compile(String.format(PATTERN,
protected String provider = "raytheon";
protected String plugin = "plugin";
private Pattern providerPattern = Pattern.compile(String.format(PATTERN,
private Pattern pluginPattern = Pattern.compile(String.format(PATTERN,
protected String plugin = "plugin";
* @return the baseDirectories
public String getBaseDirectories() {
return baseDirectories;
private Pattern pluginPattern = Pattern.compile(String.format(PATTERN,
* @param baseDirectories
* the baseDirectories to set
public void setBaseDirectories(String baseDirectories) {
this.baseDirectories = baseDirectories;
* @return the baseDirectories
public String getBaseDirectories() {
return baseDirectories;
* Sets the component provider filter. This is a pipe (|) separated string
* of names that identify a component as a non-COTS component. The default
* provider filter is <em>raytheon</em>.
public void setProviderFilter(String filter) {
this.provider = filter;
this.providerPattern = Pattern.compile(String.format("^.*(%s).*$",
* @param baseDirectories
* the baseDirectories to set
public void setBaseDirectories(String baseDirectories) {
this.baseDirectories = baseDirectories;
* Sets the plug-in identifier filter. This is a pipe (|) separated string
* of names that identify a component as an EDEX plug-in. The default
* plug-in filter is <em>plugin</em>.
public void setPluginFilter(String filter) {
this.plugin = filter;
this.pluginPattern = Pattern.compile(String
.format("^.*(%s).*$", filter));
* @return the optionalDirectories
public String getOptionalDirectories() {
return optionalDirectories;
public void setAllOut(File f) {
this.allOut = f;
* @param optionalDirectories
* the optionalDirectories to set
public void setOptionalDirectories(String optionalDirectories) {
this.optionalDirectories = optionalDirectories;
public void setFeatureFile(File f) {
this.featureFile = f;
* Sets the component provider filter. This is a pipe (|) separated string
* of names that identify a component as a non-COTS component. The default
* provider filter is <em>raytheon</em>.
public void setProviderFilter(String filter) {
this.provider = filter;
this.providerPattern = Pattern.compile(String.format("^.*(%s).*$",
public void setCotsOut(File f) {
this.cotsOut = f;
* Sets the plug-in identifier filter. This is a pipe (|) separated string
* of names that identify a component as an EDEX plug-in. The default
* plug-in filter is <em>plugin</em>.
public void setPluginFilter(String filter) {
this.plugin = filter;
this.pluginPattern = Pattern.compile(String
.format("^.*(%s).*$", filter));
public void setPlugsOut(File f) {
this.plugsOut = f;
public void setAllOut(File f) {
this.allOut = f;
public void setCoreOut(File f) {
this.coreOut = f;
public void setFeatureFile(File f) {
this.featureFile = f;
public void setBaseDirectory(File aDir) {
this.baseDirectory = aDir;
public void setCotsOut(File f) {
this.cotsOut = f;
* Main class called from ant. Tests to see if at least 1 includes file is
* to be generated. Only generates includes that have been specified from
* ant script. Throws BuildException if any error occurs, this halts the ant
* build and displays the error.
public void execute() throws BuildException {
public void setPlugsOut(File f) {
this.plugsOut = f;
log("provider filter=" + this.providerPattern.toString());
log("plugin filter=" + this.pluginPattern.toString());
public void setCoreOut(File f) {
this.coreOut = f;
ArrayList<File> components = getComponents();
if (cotsOut == null && plugsOut == null && coreOut == null
&& allOut == null)
throw new BuildException(
"Must supply destination for at least one includes file");
if (featureFile == null)
throw new BuildException("Must supply a feature.xml file");
if (cotsOut != null)
if (plugsOut != null)
if (coreOut != null)
if (allOut != null)
public void setBaseDirectory(File aDir) {
this.baseDirectory = aDir;
* Generates an includes file for all components in the feature. The
* directories in comps will be added to the includes file with a recursive
* reg ex. This means that the director and all of its sub directories and
* files will be included.
* @param comps
protected void generateAll(ArrayList<File> comps) {
log("Generating ALL list in " + this.allOut.getPath());
PrintWriter out = null;
try {
out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(allOut));
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z");
out.println("## Feature includes file generated on "
+ format.format(new Date()));
* Main class called from ant. Tests to see if at least 1 includes file is
* to be generated. Only generates includes that have been specified from
* ant script. Throws BuildException if any error occurs, this halts the ant
* build and displays the error.
public void execute() throws BuildException {
for (File f : comps) {
out.println(f.getName() + "/**");
log(String.format("Identified %d ALL list entries", comps.size()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
} finally {
if (out != null) {
log("provider filter=" + this.providerPattern.toString());
log("plugin filter=" + this.pluginPattern.toString());
ArrayList<File> components = getComponents();
if (cotsOut == null && plugsOut == null && coreOut == null
&& allOut == null)
throw new BuildException(
"Must supply destination for at least one includes file");
if (featureFile == null)
throw new BuildException("Must supply a feature.xml file");
if (cotsOut != null)
if (plugsOut != null)
if (coreOut != null)
if (allOut != null)
* Populates a list of project directories with one directory for each
* component stated in feature. This list is built based on manifest ids and
* version compared to what is stated in the feature. These can differ
* drastically from the name of project.
* @return a populated list of directories based off feature
* @throws BuildException
* if there are any problems accessing feature or finding
* required components from feature.
protected ArrayList<File> getComponents() throws BuildException {
* Generates an includes file for all components in the feature. The
* directories in comps will be added to the includes file with a recursive
* reg ex. This means that the director and all of its sub directories and
* files will be included.
* @param comps
protected void generateAll(ArrayList<File> comps) {
log("Generating ALL list in " + this.allOut.getPath());
PrintWriter out = null;
try {
out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(allOut));
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z");
out.println("## Feature includes file generated on "
+ format.format(new Date()));
ArrayList<File> rval = null;
for (File f : comps) {
out.println(f.getName() + "/**");
log(String.format("Identified %d ALL list entries", comps.size()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
} finally {
if (out != null) {
FeatureExplorer fe = null;
// list of directories overrides single directory
if (baseDirectories != null) {
String[] fileNames = baseDirectories.split(";");
ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList<File>(fileNames.length);
for (String fName : fileNames) {
File file = new File(fName);
fe = new FeatureExplorer(new WorkspaceFeatureSearch(files),
new WorkspacePluginSearch(files));
} else if (baseDirectory != null) {
fe = new FeatureExplorer(baseDirectory, new WorkspaceFeatureSearch(
baseDirectory), new WorkspacePluginSearch(baseDirectory));
} else {
throw new BuildException(
"Did not have a baseDirectory or baseDirectories");
* Populates a list of project directories with one directory for each
* component stated in feature. This list is built based on manifest ids and
* version compared to what is stated in the feature. These can differ
* drastically from the name of project.
* @return a populated list of directories based off feature
* @throws BuildException
* if there are any problems accessing feature or finding
* required components from feature.
protected ArrayList<File> getComponents() throws BuildException {
try {
rval = fe.getPlugins(featureFile);
} catch (FeatureException e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
if (rval.isEmpty()) {
throw new BuildException("Unable to access file " + featureFile);
ArrayList<File> rval = null;
return rval;
FeatureExplorer fe = null;
* Generates an includes file for all components (comps) having a project
* directory name that does not match the {@link #setProviderFilter(String)
* provider filter}. The project's manifest will be searched for a list of
* jars to specify in the includes file. If the list is not present in the
* manifest, the default is to include all *.jar files in the includes file.
* @param comps
* The full list of feature specified components
* @throws BuildException
* if any IOException occurs
protected void generateCots(ArrayList<File> comps) throws BuildException {
log("Generating COTS list in " + this.cotsOut.getPath());
PrintWriter out = null;
try {
out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(cotsOut));
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z");
out.println("## Cots includes file generated on "
+ format.format(new Date()));
int count = 0;
for (File f : comps) {
Matcher m = providerPattern.matcher(f.getName());
if (!m.matches()) {
log(String.format("Identified %d COTS list entries", count));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
} finally {
if (out != null) {
ArrayList<File> files = null;
* Generates an includes file for all components (comps) having a project
* directory name that matches both the {@link #setProviderFilter(String)
* provider filter} and the {@link #setPluginFilter(String) plug-in filter}.
* @param comps
* The full list of feature specified components
* @throws BuildException
* if any IOException occurs
protected void generatePlugs(ArrayList<File> comps) throws BuildException {
log("Generating PLUGS list in " + this.plugsOut.getPath());
PrintWriter out = null;
try {
out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(plugsOut));
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z");
out.println("## Plug-in includes file generated on "
+ format.format(new Date()));
int count = 0;
for (File f : comps) {
Matcher prm = providerPattern.matcher(f.getName());
Matcher plm = pluginPattern.matcher(f.getName());
if (prm.matches() && plm.matches()) {
log(String.format("Identified %d PLUGS list entries", count));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
} finally {
if (out != null) {
File[] incFiles = null;
* Generates an includes file for all components (comps) having a project
* directory name that matches the {@link #setProviderFilter(String)
* provider filter} and does not match the {@link #setPluginFilter(String)
* plug-in filter}.
* @param comps
* The full list of feature specified components
* @throws BuildException
* if any IOException occurs
protected void generateCore(ArrayList<File> comps) throws BuildException {
log("Generating CORE list in " + this.coreOut.getPath());
PrintWriter out = null;
try {
out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(coreOut));
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z");
out.println("## Core includes file generated on "
+ format.format(new Date()));
int count = 0;
for (File f : comps) {
Matcher prm = providerPattern.matcher(f.getName());
Matcher plm = pluginPattern.matcher(f.getName());
if (prm.matches() && !plm.matches()) {
log(String.format("Identified %d CORE list entries", count));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
} finally {
if (out != null) {
ArrayList<File> includes = null;
// list of directories overrides single directory
if (baseDirectories != null) {
String[] fileNames = baseDirectories.split(";");
files = new ArrayList<File>(fileNames.length);
for (String fName : fileNames) {
File file = new File(fName);
if (optionalDirectories != null) {
fileNames = optionalDirectories.split(";");
includes = new ArrayList<File>();
for (String fName : fileNames) {
File file = new File(fName);
// iterate through each optional dir to find edex features
final Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*edex.*feature");
incFiles = file.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return p.matcher(file.getName()).matches();
if (incFiles != null) {
fe = new FeatureExplorer(new WorkspaceFeatureSearch(files),
new WorkspacePluginSearch(files));
} else if (baseDirectory != null) {
fe = new FeatureExplorer(baseDirectory, new WorkspaceFeatureSearch(
baseDirectory), new WorkspacePluginSearch(baseDirectory));
} else {
throw new BuildException(
"Did not have a baseDirectory or baseDirectories");
try {
rval = fe.getPlugins(featureFile, includes);
} catch (FeatureException e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
if (rval.isEmpty()) {
throw new BuildException("Unable to access file " + featureFile);
return rval;
* Generates an includes file for all components (comps) having a project
* directory name that does not match the {@link #setProviderFilter(String)
* provider filter}. The project's manifest will be searched for a list of
* jars to specify in the includes file. If the list is not present in the
* manifest, the default is to include all *.jar files in the includes file.
* @param comps
* The full list of feature specified components
* @throws BuildException
* if any IOException occurs
protected void generateCots(ArrayList<File> comps) throws BuildException {
log("Generating COTS list in " + this.cotsOut.getPath());
PrintWriter out = null;
try {
out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(cotsOut));
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z");
out.println("## Cots includes file generated on "
+ format.format(new Date()));
int count = 0;
for (File f : comps) {
Matcher m = providerPattern.matcher(f.getName());
if (!m.matches()) {
log(String.format("Identified %d COTS list entries", count));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
} finally {
if (out != null) {
* Generates an includes file for all components (comps) having a project
* directory name that matches both the {@link #setProviderFilter(String)
* provider filter} and the {@link #setPluginFilter(String) plug-in filter}.
* @param comps
* The full list of feature specified components
* @throws BuildException
* if any IOException occurs
protected void generatePlugs(ArrayList<File> comps) throws BuildException {
log("Generating PLUGS list in " + this.plugsOut.getPath());
PrintWriter out = null;
try {
out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(plugsOut));
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z");
out.println("## Plug-in includes file generated on "
+ format.format(new Date()));
int count = 0;
for (File f : comps) {
Matcher prm = providerPattern.matcher(f.getName());
Matcher plm = pluginPattern.matcher(f.getName());
if (prm.matches() && plm.matches()) {
log(String.format("Identified %d PLUGS list entries", count));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
} finally {
if (out != null) {
* Generates an includes file for all components (comps) having a project
* directory name that matches the {@link #setProviderFilter(String)
* provider filter} and does not match the {@link #setPluginFilter(String)
* plug-in filter}.
* @param comps
* The full list of feature specified components
* @throws BuildException
* if any IOException occurs
protected void generateCore(ArrayList<File> comps) throws BuildException {
log("Generating CORE list in " + this.coreOut.getPath());
PrintWriter out = null;
try {
out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(coreOut));
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z");
out.println("## Core includes file generated on "
+ format.format(new Date()));
int count = 0;
for (File f : comps) {
Matcher prm = providerPattern.matcher(f.getName());
Matcher plm = pluginPattern.matcher(f.getName());
if (prm.matches() && !plm.matches()) {
log(String.format("Identified %d CORE list entries", count));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
} finally {
if (out != null) {

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
@ -36,253 +37,271 @@ import;
* Oct 10, 2008 SP#15 bclement Added static functions for reading manifests
* Feb 4, 2013 #1577 bkowal Verify that a plugin has not been included in more than one feature.
* May 22, 2013 #1927 bkowal Fix improper String comparison
* Feb 25, 2015 #3299 garmendariz Process a list of included features
* </pre>
* @author dglazesk
* @version 1.0
public class FeatureExplorer {
* This holds the feature searching object for the class.
protected IFeatureSearch featureSearch;
* This holds the feature searching object for the class.
protected IFeatureSearch featureSearch;
* This holds the plugin searching object for the class.
protected IPluginSearch pluginSearch;
* This holds the plugin searching object for the class.
protected IPluginSearch pluginSearch;
* This holds the feature file object should the user choose to set it.
protected File feature = null;
* This holds the feature file object should the user choose to set it.
protected File feature = null;
private Map<String, File> pluginLookupMap = new HashMap<String, File>();
private Map<String, File> pluginLookupMap = new HashMap<String, File>();
* This constructor allows a user to setup what the feature for this
* instance is. This allows the user to use getPlugins(), though the other
* methods are still available.
* @param aFeature
* File object for the feature for this instance
* @param aFeatureSearch
* The object that can search for features
* @param aPluginSearh
* The object that can search for plugins
public FeatureExplorer(File aFeature, IFeatureSearch aFeatureSearch,
IPluginSearch aPluginSearh) {
featureSearch = aFeatureSearch;
pluginSearch = aPluginSearh;
feature = aFeature;
* This constructor allows a user to setup what the feature for this
* instance is. This allows the user to use getPlugins(), though the other
* methods are still available.
* @param aFeature
* File object for the feature for this instance
* @param aFeatureSearch
* The object that can search for features
* @param aPluginSearh
* The object that can search for plugins
public FeatureExplorer(File aFeature, IFeatureSearch aFeatureSearch,
IPluginSearch aPluginSearh) {
featureSearch = aFeatureSearch;
pluginSearch = aPluginSearh;
feature = aFeature;
* This constructor sets up the classes that will be used for searching for
* plugins and features. It is expected that a user will use
* getPlugins(File) or getPlugins(String) later when getting the plugins.
* @param aFeatureSearch
* The object that can search for features
* @param aPluginSearh
* The object that can search for plugins
public FeatureExplorer(IFeatureSearch aFeatureSearch,
IPluginSearch aPluginSearh) {
featureSearch = aFeatureSearch;
pluginSearch = aPluginSearh;
* This constructor sets up the classes that will be used for searching for
* plugins and features. It is expected that a user will use
* getPlugins(File) or getPlugins(String) later when getting the plugins.
* @param aFeatureSearch
* The object that can search for features
* @param aPluginSearh
* The object that can search for plugins
public FeatureExplorer(IFeatureSearch aFeatureSearch,
IPluginSearch aPluginSearh) {
featureSearch = aFeatureSearch;
pluginSearch = aPluginSearh;
* This is a convenience method for when the feature file object is set in a
* constructor.
* @return The list of files in the feature for this instance
* @throws FeatureException
public ArrayList<File> getPlugins() throws FeatureException {
return getPlugins(feature);
* This is a convenience method for when the feature file object is set in a
* constructor.
* @return The list of files in the feature for this instance
* @throws FeatureException
public ArrayList<File> getPlugins() throws FeatureException {
return getPlugins(feature, null);
* This is just a convenience method for getting plugins from a feature.
* This is equivalent to doing getPlugins(new File(aPath)).
* @param aPath
* Path to the feature.xml file to be scanned
* @return The list of file objects for all of the plugins in the feature
* @throws FeatureException
public ArrayList<File> getPlugins(String aPath) throws FeatureException {
File feat = new File(aPath);
return getPlugins(feat);
* This is just a convenience method for getting plugins from a feature.
* This is equivalent to doing getPlugins(new File(aPath)).
* @param aPath
* Path to the feature.xml file to be scanned
* @return The list of file objects for all of the plugins in the feature
* @throws FeatureException
public ArrayList<File> getPlugins(String aPath, ArrayList<File> incList)
throws FeatureException {
File feat = new File(aPath);
return getPlugins(feat, incList);
* This function attempts to find all of the plugins associated with the
* feature. This includes recursing into any included features and grabbing
* their plugins.
* @param aFeature
* The file object for the feature to be scanned
* @return The list of file objects for the located plugins
* @throws FeatureException
public ArrayList<File> getPlugins(File aFeature) throws FeatureException {
ArrayList<File> rval = new ArrayList<File>();
* This function attempts to find all of the plugins associated with the
* feature. This includes recursing into any included features and grabbing
* their plugins.
* @param aFeature
* The file object for the feature to be scanned
* @param incList
* @return The list of file objects for the located plugins
* @throws FeatureException
public ArrayList<File> getPlugins(File aFeature, ArrayList<File> incList)
throws FeatureException {
ArrayList<File> rval = new ArrayList<File>();
HashMap<String, File> plugins = getFeaturePlugins(aFeature);
rval = new ArrayList<File>(plugins.values());
HashMap<String, File> plugins = getFeaturePlugins(aFeature, incList);
rval = new ArrayList<File>(plugins.values());
return rval;
return rval;
* This finds all of the plugins listed in a feature and maps their ids to
* their file system locations as file objects. This is the function that
* does the brunt of the work in locating the plugins.
* @param aFile
* The feature file that is being scanned
* @return A hash map that links the plugin id to its file system location
* @throws FeatureException
* If there are any problems with JAXB, a feature cannot be
* found, or a plugin cannot be found
protected HashMap<String, File> getFeaturePlugins(File aFile)
throws FeatureException {
HashMap<String, File> rval = new HashMap<String, File>();
if (aFile == null || !aFile.exists() || !aFile.canRead())
return rval;
* This finds all of the plugins listed in a feature and maps their ids to
* their file system locations as file objects. This is the function that
* does the brunt of the work in locating the plugins.
* @param aFile
* The feature file that is being scanned
* @param incList
* @return A hash map that links the plugin id to its file system location
* @throws FeatureException
* If there are any problems with JAXB, a feature cannot be
* found, or a plugin cannot be found
protected HashMap<String, File> getFeaturePlugins(File aFile,
ArrayList<File> incList) throws FeatureException {
HashMap<String, File> rval = new HashMap<String, File>();
if (aFile == null || !aFile.exists() || !aFile.canRead())
return rval;
Feature feat = null;
try {
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Feature.class);
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
feat = (Feature) unmarshaller.unmarshal(aFile);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FeatureException("Unable to unmarshal file " + aFile, e);
Feature feat = null;
try {
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Feature.class);
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
feat = (Feature) unmarshaller.unmarshal(aFile);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FeatureException("Unable to unmarshal file " + aFile, e);
for (Includes include : feat.getIncludes()) {
// go through all of the included features and try to find them
List<File> features = featureSearch.findFeature(include.getId(),
try {
// get all of the plugin id to file objects and add them
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
if (!include.getOptional()) {
// this means we received an empty list, no feature found
throw new FeatureException("Could not find feature "
+ include.getId() + " with version greater than "
+ include.getVersion());
// if additional includes are passed in, add them for processing
if (incList != null && feat != null) {
List<Includes> featList = feat.getIncludes();
for (Plugin plugin : feat.getPlugins()) {
// go through all of the mentioned plugins
List<File> plugs = pluginSearch.findPlugin(plugin.getId(),
try {
if (this.pluginLookupMap.containsKey(plugin.getId())
&& !this.pluginLookupMap.get(plugin.getId()).equals(aFile)) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("Plugin ");
stringBuilder.append(" is in Feature ");
aFile.getParent(), aFile.getName()));
stringBuilder.append(" and Feature ");
.getParent(), this.pluginLookupMap
throw new FeatureException(stringBuilder.toString());
for (Iterator<File> iterator = incList.iterator(); iterator
.hasNext();) {
File incFile = (File);
featList.add(new Includes(incFile.getName(), "0.0.0", false));
// add the plugin id and its file object to the map
rval.put(plugin.getId(), plugs.get(0));
this.pluginLookupMap.put(plugin.getId(), aFile);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// this means we received an empty list, no plugin found
throw new FeatureException("Could not find plugin "
+ plugin.getId() + " with version greater than "
+ plugin.getVersion());
return rval;
for (Includes include : feat.getIncludes()) {
// go through all of the included features and try to find them
List<File> features = featureSearch.findFeature(include.getId(),
try {
// get all of the plugin id to file objects and add them
rval.putAll(getFeaturePlugins(features.get(0), null));
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
if (!include.getOptional()) {
// this means we received an empty list, no feature found
throw new FeatureException("Could not find feature "
+ include.getId() + " with version greater than "
+ include.getVersion());
private String generateFeatureFileName(String parentPath, String fileName) {
String[] pathElements = parentPath.split(File.separator);
return pathElements[pathElements.length - 1] + File.separator
+ fileName;
for (Plugin plugin : feat.getPlugins()) {
// go through all of the mentioned plugins
List<File> plugs = pluginSearch.findPlugin(plugin.getId(),
try {
if (this.pluginLookupMap.containsKey(plugin.getId())
&& !this.pluginLookupMap.get(plugin.getId()).equals(
aFile)) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("Plugin ");
stringBuilder.append(" is in Feature ");
aFile.getParent(), aFile.getName()));
stringBuilder.append(" and Feature ");
.getParent(), this.pluginLookupMap
throw new FeatureException(stringBuilder.toString());
* Searches a project's manifest for a specific attribute. The returned list
* will contain all values for the attribute or empty if not found.
* @param projectRoot
* @param attrib
* @return a list of a values for the attribute or an empty list if not
* found
* @throws IOException
public static List<String> readManifest(File projectRoot, String attrib)
throws IOException {
File maniFile = new File(projectRoot, "/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
Manifest m = null;
List<String> rval = new ArrayList<String>();
// add the plugin id and its file object to the map
rval.put(plugin.getId(), plugs.get(0));
this.pluginLookupMap.put(plugin.getId(), aFile);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// this means we received an empty list, no plugin found
throw new FeatureException("Could not find plugin "
+ plugin.getId() + " with version greater than "
+ plugin.getVersion());
try {
m = new Manifest();
// we only care if the manifest actually exists
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(maniFile);;
return rval;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException(
"IO Error while reading manifest for project: "
+ projectRoot.getName());
private String generateFeatureFileName(String parentPath, String fileName) {
String[] pathElements = parentPath.split(File.separator);
return pathElements[pathElements.length - 1] + File.separator
+ fileName;
// if we get this far, m shouldn't be null
if (m != null) {
Attributes attribs = m.getMainAttributes();
String deploys = attribs.getValue(attrib);
* Searches a project's manifest for a specific attribute. The returned list
* will contain all values for the attribute or empty if not found.
* @param projectRoot
* @param attrib
* @return a list of a values for the attribute or an empty list if not
* found
* @throws IOException
public static List<String> readManifest(File projectRoot, String attrib)
throws IOException {
File maniFile = new File(projectRoot, "/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
Manifest m = null;
List<String> rval = new ArrayList<String>();
// manifests that do not have a deploy entry will return a wildcard
if (deploys != null) {
for (String s : deploys.split(",")) {
return rval;
try {
m = new Manifest();
// we only care if the manifest actually exists
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(maniFile);;
* Reads the manifest for the project and returns all values for the
* "Edex-Deploy" attribute. If the attribute could not be found, default to
* returning a wildcard for all jars.
* @param projectRoot
* @return a list of jar names or a wildcard for all jars if attribute not
* found
* @throws IOException
public static List<String> getJars(File projectRoot) throws IOException {
List<String> rval = readManifest(projectRoot, "Edex-Deploy");
if (rval.isEmpty()) {
return rval;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException(
"IO Error while reading manifest for project: "
+ projectRoot.getName());
// if we get this far, m shouldn't be null
if (m != null) {
Attributes attribs = m.getMainAttributes();
String deploys = attribs.getValue(attrib);
// manifests that do not have a deploy entry will return a wildcard
if (deploys != null) {
for (String s : deploys.split(",")) {
return rval;
* Reads the manifest for the project and returns all values for the
* "Edex-Deploy" attribute. If the attribute could not be found, default to
* returning a wildcard for all jars.
* @param projectRoot
* @return a list of jar names or a wildcard for all jars if attribute not
* found
* @throws IOException
public static List<String> getJars(File projectRoot) throws IOException {
List<String> rval = readManifest(projectRoot, "Edex-Deploy");
if (rval.isEmpty()) {
return rval;