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<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">Adjust is a GFE SmartTool
that performs basic math functions like add, subtract, multiply and divide on a grid.
However, as is often useful with GFE, it allows options related to elevation (i.e.,
adding mostly at higher elevations, or subtracting mostly at lower elevations), and
related to edit areas (i.e., adding most in the center of the edit area, or adding
nearly the same amount everywhere – but ‘ramping down’ to no change at the edge of
the edit area). You can combine these options in a variety of ways. This tool
really takes the place of many other tools previously on the SmartTool Repository
like UpMtn and DownValley, but it also provides many more combinations due to the
ability to specify the edge effect and elevation effect options ‘on-the-fly’.</font>
<big><big><font style="font-weight: bold;"
face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">How
the Procedure Works</font><span style="font-weight: bold;">
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">The basic function of the tool
is to take the specified value and perform the specified action of Add, Subtract, Multiply
or Divide:<br><br>
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust.jpg"></font>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">The value can be any number,
either an integer or floating-point number, and can be negative (multiplying by negative
one is especially useful for changing the sign of a grid). The final grid values,
however, will not be allowed to lie outside the range of valid values for that particular
grid parameter. Dividing by zero is, of course, not allowed.
Adding and Subtracting is useful for most parameters, such as adding or subtracting a
few degrees from temperatures, or adding or subtracting a few percent from PoPs.
Multiply and Divide are most useful with certain parameters, such as increasing QPF
by multiplying by 1.5, or dividing by 2 to cut PoPs in half.</font>
<big><big><font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><b>Vector Option</b></font>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">For vector parameters, the
setting of the GFE Vector Editing Mode is ignored, but instead is controlled by the
vector setting on the tool itself (see graphic above).
If the vector setting is “Both” and the value is set to 10.0, then performing an
Addition operation will add 10 knots to the magnitude of a wind, and add 10 degrees
to the direction (veer the wind by 10 degrees). This is only rarely what you want,
so the Both option is rarely used. More typically you only operate on the vector
Magnitude, and that is why it is selected by default when you start the tool.</font>
<big><big><font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><b>Edge Option</b></font>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">The tool works either on an
edit area or the entire grid. When working on an edit area, the edge options can be
useful to “blend” your changes into the rest of the grid.
The Flat option, makes no attempt to “blend” your changes into the edges of your edit
area. For example, if you start with a constant grid of 1 (let’s say it is a PoP grid)
and define an edit area.<br>
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust1.png"><br><br>
If you then add a value of 50, with an edge option of flat, you will get:<br>
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust2.png"><br><br>
Note that inside the edit areas, the value is now 51 (50 + 1), and there has been no
attempt to “blend” these values into the rest of the grid. If, however, the edge option
is chosen then the result would be:<br>
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust3.png"><br><br>
Note that most of the edit area still contains the value of 51 (50+1), but near the
edges of the edit area, the adjustment is “scaled back” down to zero along the edge,
so that it “blends in” with the rest of the grid. The width of the edge effect is
controlled by the Edge Width slider which defaults to 5, meaning the values are
blended in over 5 pixels, or gridboxes. If, however, the taper option is chosen
then the result of adding 50 will be:<br>
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust4.png"><br><br>
Note that only one pixel, furthest from the edge of the edit area, receives the full
adjustment of adding 50 and reaching a final value of 51. Everywhere else receives
a lesser amount of adjustment such that the value blends in across the entire edit area.
Note, however, that the taper function has an error if the edit area includes the edge
of the GFE grid. In this example, the grid includes the corner of the GFE grid and
the taper function produces an incorrect adjustment:<br>
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust5.png"><br><br>
It is worth pointing out that for addition and subtraction, the edge and taper options
trend to “zero” or “no-change” at the edge of the edit area. However, for
multiplication and division, the edge and taper options trend to “one” at the edge of
the edit area, because multiplying or dividing by 1.0 gives the “no-change”
<big><big><font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><b>Elevation Option</b></font>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">The elevation option
allows you to perform your operation (add, subtract, multiply or divide) mostly
in areas of similar elevation. If the None option (the default) is chosen, then
elevation does not influence the operation.
However, if the Mountain option is chosen, then the full adjustment will take
place at the highest elevation in the edit area, and zero adjustment will take
place at the lowest elevation in the edit area. For example, with topography
like this:<br>
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust6.png"><br><br>
The highest elevation is along the extreme right edge of the edit area.
The lowest elevation is in the upper center of the edit area. The result
of adding 50 to our constant grid of 1, gives:<br>
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust7.png"><br><br>
Note how only one pixel gets the final value of 51, and it is the point inside
the edit area with the highest elevation. Likewise, if the Valley option is chosen
Then the effect is just the opposite, the full adjustment is made at the lowest
elevation inside the edit area, and zero adjustment is made at the highest
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust8.png"><br><br>
If the Specific option is chosen Then the full adjustment will take place at the
specific elevation. The effect will then taper down to zero adjustment at both
the highest and lowest elevation inside the edit area:<br>
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust9.png"><br><br>
Note that if the elevation specified is above the highest elevation inside the
edit area, then the effect will be exactly the same as choosing the “Mountain”
option. Likewise, if the elevation specified is below the lowest elevation
inside the edit area, then the effect will be exactly the same as choosing
the “Valley” option.</font>
<big><big><font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><b>Combined
Elevation and Edge Options</b></font>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">Any of the options
can be combined. As the examples above show, when using the elevation options
of Mountain, Valley, or Specific, there will likely be harsh gradients produced
at the edge of the edit area. If, for example, the Edge option is also chosen
along with the Mountain option, with an addition of 50, the result is:<br>
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust10.png"><br><br>
Note that the adjustment now blends in well with the rest of the grid, because
the edge effect is trending the adjustment back toward zero at the edges of the
edit area. However, also note that the adjustment is also putting most of the
adjustment at the higher elevations. It is worth pointing out that, in this case,
the gridbox that receives the full adjustment is not the gridbox with the highest
elevation (because that point is also on the edge of the edit area).
Instead, a point further inside the edit area, which has a high elevation,
receives the full adjustment:<br>
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust11.png"><br><br>
Mathematically, the two adjustment function are simply multiplied together, and
re-scaled, so that at least one gridbox receives the full adjustment.
Similarly, the combination of the Mountain option with the Taper option yields:<br>
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust12.png"><br><br>
Here, the taper option would like to put the most adjustment in the middle of the
edit area, but the lowest elevations are also in that area, so the combination
puts the maximum adjustment at a relatively high elevation, but as close to the
center of the edit area as possible:<br>
<img alt="Adjust" src="images/Adjust13.png"><br><br>
Old tools on the SmartTool repository were hard-coded combinations of some of these
options. For example, the UpMtn tool is essentially a combination of Add, Mountain
and Edge, with an edge width of 5 gridboxes. The DownValley tool is essentially a
combination of Subtract, Valley and Edge, with and edge width of 5 gridboxes.
The MultiplyDivide tool provided a combination of Multiply, None, Flat as well as
Divide, None, Flat options. Putting all these options into a single tool means
fewer tools on the GFE tool list, and provide some new combinations.</font>
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<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">This procedure will align the time
breaks of selected weather elements to match the time breaks of the individual grids of a "source"
element. The main idea is to help minimize manual splitting and stretching of grids in the Grid
Manager. If a grid to align does not exist, then it will be created from scratch. Therefore one
use of this procedure could be to create default SnowAmt grids that match the time breaks of QPF
grids. In general, you will want to edit the source element first creating the desired time breaks
and then run this procedure to align other elements before editing them. For example, edit Wx,
then run Align_Grids to line up the floating PoP grids with the Wx grids, then edit PoP.
The data from an element's original time breaks are transformed to the new time breaks using the
following methods:
<li><b>Wx:</b> "MaxTime" - uses original grid with the dominant temporal coverage in the new
aligned time range.</li>
<li><b>PoP:</b> "Max" - Maximum value of all original grids in the new time range of the
aligned grid.</li>
<li><b>Sky:</b> "Max" - Maximum value of all original grids in the new time range of the
aligned grid.</li>
<li><b>WindGust:</b> "Max" - Maximum value of all original grids in the new time range of the
aligned grid. NOTE: WindGust is always aligned to Wind grids.</li>
<li><b>Wind:</b> "TimeWtAverage" - Time weighted average value</li>
<li><b>QPF:</b> "Sum" - Summation of all grids</li>
<li><b>SnowAmt:</b> "Sum" - Summation of all grids</li>
<li>IceAccum: "Sum, - Summation of all grids</li>
The logic for the procedure is as follows:<br>
<li>The procedure first copies the element to align to a temporary element.</li>
<li>New grids for the element to align are created from scratch to match the
time breaks of the source element's grids.</li>
<li>The grids in the temporary element are either fragmented (for rate based elements)
or split to match the time breaks of the source element.</li>
<li>Finally, the values in the temporary grids are assigned back to the aligned grids '
using the getGrids method with the appropriate setting of the getGrids "mode" argument.</li>
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<h1 style="text-align: center;" class="3Heading">
Button3 Popup Menus</h1>
The following popup menus are invoked from the GFE:
<li> <a href="#TimeScale">Time Scale Popup Menu</a></li>
<li> <a href="#GridManager">Grid Manager Popup Menu</a></li>
<li> <a href="#SpatialEditor">Spatial Editor Popup Menu</a></li>
<li> <a href="#Legend">Legend Popup Menu</a></li>
<li> <a href="#SpatialEditorColorBarPopupMenu">Spatial Editor Color
<li> <a href="#TemporalEditor">Temporal Editor Popup Menu</a></li>
<hr width="100%">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="TimeScale"></a>Time Scale Popup Menu</h1>
Selecting MB3 over the Time Scale opens a submenu with the following
<li>Select Grids by Time -- Lists the available Select Time Range(s).
time ranges can be defined in the Define Select Time Ranges under the
Main Menu. Selecting one of the Time Ranges listed sets the selected
range to it.</li>
<li>Select All Weather Elements -- Selects all Weather Elements in
the Grid
<li>Deselect All -- Deselects any Weather Elements and Time Ranges
in the Grid Manager.</li>
<hr width="100%">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="GridManager"></a>Grid Manager Popup Menu</h1>
The following items may appear when pressing MB3 over various locations
in the Grid Manager. Some items apply to particular grids, or to
versus Model grids, or to Weather Elements listed within the Grid
The applicable items will be listed depending on where you press
Some entries are not available at all times.
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<td><b>Menu Item</b></td>
<td>Copy Grid</td>
<td>Make a copy of the grid and place it the copy buffer to be
pasted to
another location.</td>
<td>Paste Grid</td>
<td>Paste the grid in the copy buffer to the current location.</td>
<td>Fragment Grid</td>
<td>Divide the grid into the smallest duration possible. For
example, a
12 hour temperature grid may be divided into 12 hourly grids. This
only to Forecast database grids. <br>
This operation differs from the Fragment operation available in the
GFE main menu. <br>
This MB3 Pop-up operation always fragments the entire grid identified
by the current <br>
cursor location. The GFE main menu option uses the selected time range
to fragment <br>
the portion of the grid selected. For more information on the
Fragment operation <br>
available from the main menu, see the section on <a
Grid</a> in the Grid Manager <br>
Training Guide.</td>
<td>Split Grid</td>
<td>Divide the grid into two pieces at the nearest time
constraint to the
cursor location. Note that this operation differs from the Split
operation offered in the GFE Grids-> menu. This operation uses
the current cursor location to divide the grid in exactly <br>
two parts. The other operation uses the selected time range to
define the times at which <br>
to Split the grid. See the section on <a
Grids</a> in the GFE Grid Manager Training <br>
Guide for more information.</td>
<td>Assign <Default Value></td>
<td>Resets the data in the grid to a default value. For WEATHER
type grids,
the default is no weather. For VECTOR type grids, the default is zero
For SCALAR type grids, the default is the weather element's minimum
value as defined in <a href=""></a>
. For DISCRETE grids, it is the first-defined value in the <a
The menu label indicates the default value, e.g., "Assign <NoWx>".</td>
<td>Assign <Pickup Value></td>
<td>Sets the data in the grid to the current pickup value, while
the vector edit mode and weather combine modes. The menu label
the current pickup value, e.g., "Assign 45"</td>
<td>Delete Grid</td>
<td>Remove the grid. This applies only to Forecast database grids.</td>
<td>Create From Scratch</td>
<td>Creates a grid at the point you selected. The grid
is marked "e"
for editable and the grid background is made green -- which specifies
the grid is locked by you. This applies only to empty Forecast database
<td>Reverses the last grid edit operation that was
performed. You
are only able to reverse the very last operation -- but you can undo
last Undo.</td>
<td>Select All Times</td>
<td>De-selects any Weather Elements first, then selects all times
long in the past to far in the future) for the weather element where
pop-up action was initiated.</td>
<td>Display Info</td>
<td>The <a href="#DisplayInfo">Display Info Dialog</a> appears.</td>
<td>Clear Highlight</td>
<td>Erases any "highlights" that may be present. Note that
smart tools can highlight grids.</td>
<td>"Smart Tools"</td>
<td>A set of smart tools (specified via gfeConfig) may appear.
The default
set is "Show_ISC_Area", "Show_ISC_Grid" and "Show_ISC_Highlight". These
tools are described in the <a href="ISC.html">Intersite Coordination
<hr width="100%">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="DisplayInfo"></a>Display Info Dialog</h1>
Opens a dialog window that displays information about the Weather
including the name, type, and edit state, and the Weather Element
You can close the dialog by selecting Cancel.
<hr width="100%">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="SpatialEditor"></a>Spatial Editor Popup
Selecting MB3 over the Spatial Editor opens a sub-menu with the
<li>A list of edit tools as defined in the GFE configuration file.
Some of
the basic tools that may appear are:</li>
<li>Assign_Value -- Assigns pick-up value to active edit area over
<li>AdjustValue_Down -- Decrements grid points within the active
edit area
time range by the Delta Value.</li>
<li>AdjustValue_Up -- Increments grid points within the active edit
area and
time range by the Delta Value.</li>
<li>Smooth -- Smooths grid points within the active edit area over
time range.</li>
<li>Undo Grid Edit -- Reverses the last grid edit operation that was
You are only able to reverse the very last operation -- but you can
the last Undo.</li>
<li>Undo Edit Area -- Reverses the last Edit Area operation that was
in the Spatial Editor. You are only able to reverse the very last
operation. You can undo the last Undo.</li>
<li>Legends -- Brings up a cascade menu allowing you to hide the
the map legends, show all fcst legends, show just the active fcst
or show all weather element legends.</li>
<li> <a name="SelectHomogeneous"></a>Select Homogeneous Area --
an edit
area of grid points whose values are within the weather element's Fuzz
Value of the point at which MB3 was pressed. For example, suppose the
Value for T is 5 degrees and you press MB3 over a grid point that has a
value of 60 degrees. The edit area selected will consist of those
that are contiguous with the point at which you pressed and have values
between 50 and 70 degrees. Homogenous areas for WEATHER and DISCRETE
data consist of those areas that contain the same data value.</li>
<li>Deselect Contiguous Area -- Deselect the polygon of the active
which includes the point at which MB3 was pressed. For example, if the
current edit area consists of two disjoint polygons and you press MB3
one of them, it will disappear from the active edit area. This
alters the active edit area.</li>
<li>Set Fuzz Value -- Brings up the <a
Fuzz Value Dialog</a> which allows the user to set the fuzz value that
applies to selecting homogeneous areas. Applies only to SCALAR
<li>Vector Edit Mode -- Allows user to switch the vector edit mode
Magnitude Only, Direction Only, or Both components. Available
when a Vector weather element is the active element.</li>
<li>Weather Edit Mode -- Allows user to switch the weather edit mode
Combine and Replace modes. Available only when a Weather weather
element is the active element.</li>
<li>Add ISC Marker -- Available when an ISC grid is directly
displayed (clicking on the ISC grid). Adds an marker
to a sample, but without the data value display) at the popup location.
Markers are used to indicate the ISC update time, site identifier, and
official database symbol. Refer to the <a href="ISC.html">Intersite
User's Guide</a> for more details on markers. Depending
upon the office type of the ISC grid, this adds the ISC marker to the
appropriate marker set.<br>
<li>Remove ISC Marker -- Available when an ISC grid is directly
displayed (clicking on the ISC grid) and when near an
marker. Removes an marker (similar to a sample, but without the data
display) near the popup location. Refer to the <a href="ISC.html">Intersite
Coordination User's Guide</a> for more details on markers.
Depending upon the office type of the ISC grid, this removes the ISC
marker from the appropriate marker set.<br>
<li>Zoom to -- Change the X-direction of the Spatial Editor display
to one
of the several distances.</li>
<hr width="100%">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="Legend"></a>Legend Popup Menu</h1>
The Legend Area Button3 Pop-Up is position-sensitive -- the Pop-Up that
is opened, and the commands it lists, pertain only to the particular
Element or Map whose legend you MB3-pressed over. The menu that
allows you to:
<li>Imaging -- Changes the Color Table of the Weather
to one of several color enhancement curves. When you change the Color
of a Weather Element, both it's Color Bar and it's display as image are
changed accordingly. Also provides access to the color chooser.</li>
<li>Change Graphic Color to -- Changes the graphic color of the
or Map to the color you select. When you change the graphic color
of a Weather Element, both its graphic display color and its Legend
are changed accordingly. Also provides access to the <a
<li>Line Width -- Changes the width of the lines that make up the
wind barb, wind arrow, or weather area.</li>
<li>Line Style -- Changes the texture of the line. Choices are:
<li>Density -- Changes the contour interval if the weather element is
as a graphic, much like the D2D system.</li>
<li>Magnification -- Changes the size of the contour labels for the
weather element, the size of the wind barbs, or the label sizes for the
map backgrounds.</li>
<li>Unload -- Unloads the Weather Element or Map from the GFE -- the
of the Weather Element and its display in the Spatial Editor are both
<li>Display As Image or Display As Graphic</li>
<li>Display Attributes -- The <a href="#SEDisplayAttributes">Spatial
Display Attributes Dialog</a> appears.</li>
<li>Grid Ops -- Opens a cascade menu allowing you to do many of the
as you can on the grid manager pop-up.</li>
<li>Label - Appears only for Map Legends, and denotes the label
appear for each of the map backgrounds.</li>
The Grid Ops cascade provides the following capabilities; these
operations apply to the weather element and grid identified by the
<li>Delete Grid -- Deletes the current grid.</li>
<li>Create From Scratch -- Creates a grid from scratch.</li>
<li>Delete Grid -- Remove the grid.</li>
<li>Fragment Grid -- Divide the grid into the smallest duration
example, a 12 hour temperature grid may be divided into 12 hourly grids.</li>
<li>Assign Default Value -- Resets the data in the grid to a default
For WEATHER type grids, the default is no weather. For VECTOR type
the default is zero magnitude. For SCALAR type grids, the default is
weather element's minimum possible value as defined in <a
. For DISCRETE type grids, the default is the first definition
the discrete key in the weather element definition in <a
The menu label indicates the default value, e.g., "Assign <NoWx>".</li>
<li>Assign PickUp Value -- Sets the data in the grid to the current
value, while ignoring the vector edit mode and weather combine modes.
menu label indicates the current pickup value, e.g., "Assign 45".</li>
<li>Copy Grid -- Make a copy of the grid and place it the copy buffer
to be
pasted to another location.</li>
<li>Paste Grid -- Paste the grid in the copy buffer to the current
<li>Display Info -- The <a href="#DisplayInfo">Display Info Dialog</a>
<hr width="100%">
<h1><a name="SpatialEditorColorBarPopupMenu"></a>Spatial Editor Color
Bar Popup
The color bar popup menu on the spatial editor changes depending upon
type of weather element displayed as an image. The menu that
allows you to:
<li>Fit to Data, brings up a submenu with several choices. Each
the assignment of the color table spectrum so that the entire spectrum
is scaled to the minimum to maximum data values found in the
These entries apply only to scalar and vector data.</li>
<li>All Grids - Uses the data values in all grids over the entire
grid to
the minimum and maximum values.</li>
<li>All Grids over Area - Uses the data values in all grids over
the active
edit area to determine the minimum and maximum values.</li>
<li>Single Grid - Uses the data values in just the current grid to
the minimum and maximum values.</li>
<li>Single Grid over Area - Uses the data values in just the
current grid
the active edit area to determine the minimum and maximum values.</li>
<li>Set Range -- Pops up the <a
Color Table Range Dialog</a> allowing the user to specify the
and maximum scaled values for the color table spectrum for the weather
element currently displayed as an image. Applies to scalar and
weather element types only.</li>
<li>Full Default Range -- Changes the scaling for the color table
so that the entire spectrum is scaled from the minimum possible value
the maximum possible value. Applies to scalar and vector weather
element types only.</li>
<li>Set Pickup Value -- Displays the <a
Value Dialog</a> for the currently active weather element.</li>
<li>Set Delta Value -- Displays the <a
Value Dialog</a> for the currently active weather element.</li>
<li>Set to Recent Values --- Only used for WEATHER and DISCRETE type
elements. Displays a cascade of recently set pick-up values that were
with the Assign Value tool.</li>
<li>Set to Common Values -- Only used for WEATHER and DISCRETE type
elements. Displays a cascade of commonly used pick-up
These are defined in the gfe configuration file's <a
weather values entry</a>. Multiple levels of cascades may be configured.</li>
<li>Set to Session Values -- Only used for WEATHER and DISCRETE type
elements. Displays a cascade of user-set pick-up values.
values are added to this list from the <a
Set Value Dialog</a>'s Add to Session command. The purpose of
list is to allow the user to pre-configure a set of values that can be
again and again for the current GFE session.</li>
<li>Change Color Table To... -- Provides a list of color table
may be applied to the weather element displayed as an image. Also
provides access to the <a
Table Brightness Dialo</a>g and the <a
Table Editor</a>.</li>
<hr width="100%">
<h1 class="3Heading">
<a name="SEDisplayAttributes"></a>Spatial Editor Display Attributes
Opens a <a href="SpatialEditorDialogs.html#DisplayAttributesDialog">Display
Attributes Dialog </a>that displays the following information
to the grid you selected:
<li>Image Visual Type</li>
<li>Graphic Visual Type</li>
You can change the settings of any of the attributes listed in the
and click OK. To close the dialog without making any changes,
click Cancel.
<p>The "image"-type visual cannot be turned off for the image mode. At
least one graphic-type entry must be selected for the graphic mode.
<hr width="100%">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="TemporalEditor"></a>Temporal Editor Popup
Selecting MB3 over the Temporal Editor opens sub-menus that will differ
depending on where you pressed. The following items may appear:
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<tr nosave="">
<td><b>Menu Entry</b></td>
<td nosave=""><b>Menu Location</b></td>
<td>Display Attributes</td>
<td>Weather Element Label</td>
<td>The <a
Editor Display Attributes Dialog</a> appears. This applies only to
and Vector data.</td>
<td>Data Area</td>
<td>Reverses the last grid edit operation that was
performed. You
are only able to reverse the very last operation -- but you can undo
them last Undo.</td>
<td>Move Weather Element</td>
<td>Weather Element Label, Data Area</td>
<td>Appears if over a weather element label or data area. Moves
the Weather
Element to the top of the Temporal Editor display. The <a
Weather Element Dialog</a> opens that prompts you to confirm the move.
This allows you to group Weather Elements into the same Temporal Editor
data pane.</td>
<td>Full View</td>
<td>Weather Element Scale</td>
<td>Sets the temporal scale to the full range of values for the
<td>Fit To Data</td>
<td>Weather Element Scale</td>
<td>Adjusts the scale to the minimum/maximum values of the grid
data for
the weather element.</td>
<td>Data Area</td>
<td>This applies only to WEATHER and DISCRETE data. Brings
up the <a href="TemporalEditorDialogs.html#SetWeatherDialog">Temporal
Editor Set Weather Pickup Value dialog</a> allowing the user to set and
edit the data.</td>
<td>Set to Recent Value...</td>
<td>Data Area</td>
<td>This applies only to WEATHER and DISCRETE data. Brings
up a cascade
of recently set pickup values. Choosing an entry will set the
value and edit the data.</td>
<td>Set to Common Value...</td>
<td>Data Area</td>
<td>This applies only to WEATHER and DISCRETE data. Brings
up a cascade
of commonly set pickup values. These values are defined in the GFE
file's <a href="gfeConfig.html#WeatherCommonValueDefinitions">common
values entry</a>.</td>
<hr width="100%">
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<title>GFESuite Documentation - ButtonBarDialogs</title>
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<h1 class="3Heading">
<a name="ButtonBarDialogs"></a>Button Bar Dialogs</h1>
The following dialogs are invoked directly or indirectly from the
<li> <a href="#EditActionsDialog">Edit Actions Dialog</a></li>
<li> <a href="#PickUpValueDialog">PickUp Value Dialog</a></li>
<li> <a href="#DeltaValueDialog">Delta Value Dialog</a></li>
<li> <a href="#EditAreaQueryDialog">Edit Area and Query Dialog</a></li>
<li> <a href="#SaveEditAreaDialog">Save Edit Area Dialog</a></li>
<li> <a href="#DeleteEditAreaDialog">Delete Edit Area Dialog</a></li>
<li> <a href="#SaveEditAreaGroupDialog">Save Edit Area Group Dialog</a></li>
<li> <a href="#DeleteEditAreaGroupDialog">Delete Edit Area Group
<hr width="100%">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="EditActionsDialog"></a>Edit Actions Dialog</h1>
The Edit Actions dialog is opened from the Button Bar.
It allows you to create, modify, and invoke a variety
of Spatial Editor Smart Tools. Please refer to the Smart Tool Training
Guide to understand the concepts of Smart Tools and for instruction on
modifying and creating your own.
<p><img src="images/DialogEditAction.jpg" nosave=""></p>
<p>The Edit Action Dialog description is divided into three sections:
<li> <a href="#PullDownMenus">Pull-Down Menus</a></li>
<li> <a href="#ScrollWindow">Scroll Window</a></li>
<li> <a href="#ActionButtons">Action Buttons</a></li>
<hr width="100%">
<h3><a name="PullDownMenus"></a>Pull-Down Menus</h3>
One pull-down menu appears at the top of the Edit Actions Dialog:
<li> <a href="#FileMenu">File Menu</a></li>
<hr width="100%">
<h4 class="4Heading"><a name="FileMenu"></a>File Menu</h4>
<div class="4Heading">The File Menu opens a sub-menu with the
<div class="Body">
<li>Screen Smart Tools -- If on, only the smart
that edit
the active weather element will be displayed in the Smart Tools window.</li>
<li>Close -- Closes the window.</li>
<hr width="100%">
<h3><a name="ScrollWindow"></a>Scroll Window</h3>
The Smart Tools window is the default display of the Edit Actions
The Smart Tools window allows you to select and activate Smart Tools by
pressing MB1 on the action. In general, to activate a Smart Tool,
these steps:
<li>Make a Weather Element editable</li>
<li>Set the Edit Area</li>
<li>MB1-click over the Tool name </li>
<div class="Body">
<div class="Body">
<hr width="100%">
<h3><a name="ActionButtons"></a>Action Buttons</h3>
The following action buttons appear at the bottom of the Edit Actions
<li>Pickup Value -- Opens the <a
Value Dialog</a> which allows you to set the
value of the Assign Value Tool.</li> <li>Delta
Value -- Opens the <a
Value Dialog</a> which allows you to set the
value of the AdjustValue_Up and AdjustValue_Down tools.
<hr width="100%">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="PickUpValueDialog"></a>Pickup Value Dialog</h1>
<a name="pgfId=176376"></a>The Pickup Value dialog is opened from the
Actions Dialog. It allows you to set the value that will be
used by Assign Value Tool for any loaded Weather Element. Optionally,
can choose to Assign the value you have chosen by clicking on the
<p>The dialog displays a color scale, and the name of the Weather
is shown at the top of the dialog. There are four different types
of dialogs: Scalar, Vector, Weather, and Discrete.
<h2><a name="ScalarPickUpValueDialog"></a>Scalar PickUp Value Dialog</h2>
There are two ways to set the current pickup value. MB1 click or drag
set the pickup value to whatever value you clicked. Or, if you
MB1 in the box labeled "Enter Value", you can enter a value using the
<p><img src="images/DialogPickUpValueScalar.jpg" nosave=""></p>
<p>The scaling can be changed by MB2 click over the scale. The
Pop-Up menu that allows you to modify the display of the color scale is currently
not available from the Pickup Value dialog.
Select one of the follow Pop-Up menu items to modify the scale display
<h2><a name="VectorPickUpValueDialog"></a>Vector PickUp Value Dialog</h2>
The vector pick up value dialog contains an entry field for direction
magnitude, selectors for the <a
edit mode</a>, and a graphical entry for direction and magnitude.
The direction and magnitude may be entered in the entry fields at any
regardless of the vector edit mode. The vector edit mode affects the
the direction and magnitude are specified using the graphical entry
and the way some edit tools behave when editing vector data.
<p>The graphical entry contains a circle representing the current
a wind barb and arrow representing both magnitude and direction, and a
meter readout also representing both magnitude and direction.
<p>The user can choose to set the direction through the graphical entry
in either the "to" or the "from" direction by starting the operation in
the appropriate hemisphere. If you start the entry operation
90 degrees of either side of the arrow, then you are specifying the
direction. If you start the entry operation within 90 degrees of
side of the wind barb, then you are specifying the "from" direction.
<p>Clicking or dragging in the graphic entry will set the magnitude and
direction, if the <a href="GFEMainMenu.html#EditingPreferences">vector
edit mode</a> is set to Both. If the vector edit mode is set to
Only, then only the magnitude may be set. If the vector edit mode
is set to Direction Only, then only the direction may be set. The
direction is determined by the angle from the center of the
The magnitude is determined by the distance your cursor is from the
of the circle.
<p><img src="images/DialogPickUpValueVector.jpg" nosave=""><br>
<h2><a name="WeatherPickUpValueDialog"></a>Weather PickUp Value Dialog</h2>
The Weather PickUp Value dialog allows the user to define a new weather
pick-up value, and optionally perform an Assign Value of the new value
on the spatial editor. The table below explains each control of this dialog:
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<td>Current Value</td>
<td>Shows the current weather value for the dialog. The weather key
is a composite of all of the weather type entry frames. Note that
certain coverages, probabilities, and intensities may be combined into
a more significant key. For example, if you have Sct RW- in one
entry frame and Sct RW + in another, the resulting value will be the more
significant event, which will be Sct RW +. Coverages and probabilities are
also combined in the same manner.</td>
<td>Reset to No Weather</td>
<td>Resets the entry fields back to No Weather.</td>
<td>Add New Weather Type Entry Frame</td>
<td>Adds a new weather type entry frame to allow the user to
specify an
additional weather type.</td>
<td>Toggle Replace/Combine Mode</td>
<td>If the Assign Value button is pressed, the current weather
key is assigned
to the active edit area. In replace mode, any existing data will
be replaced in the active edit area. In combine mode, the new
will be combined with any existing weather.</td>
<td>Add to session</td>
<td>Adds the currently displayed value to the list of
user-defined session
values. This is useful to set up a sequence of pick up values
can later be accessed from the <a
bar pull-down menu</a>.</td>
<td>Edit Data</td>
<td>Runs the "Assign Value" tool on the active edit area.</td>
<td>Weather Type</td>
<td>The weather type field consists of No Weather, precipitation,
and obstructions
to vision. The weather type should always be chosen first.</td>
<td>The coverage and probabilities option menu contents depends
upon the
weather type chosen. The <a
may be specified in the GFE configuration file for each weather
<td>The intensity option menu contents depends upon the weather
type chosen.
Some weather types don't have a valid intensity and thus the
must be chosen. The <a
may be specified in the GFE configuration file for each weather type.</td>
<td>The visibility option menu is fixed for all weather
types. The
selection of <NoVis> indicates that no visibility has been
<td>Optional Attributes</td>
<td>The list of optional attributes is weather type
<p><img src="images/DialogPickUpValueWeather.jpg" nosave=""></p>
<p>The user may also control the <a
Combine Mode</a> by using the Combine pushbutton.
"Description" information about each entry is available through the <a
href="GFEMainMenu.html#WxDiscreteDescription">GFE -> Viewing
Preferences -> Wx/Discrete: Show Description</a> menu option.<br>
<h2><a name="DiscretePickUpValueDialog"></a>Discrete PickUp Value Dialog</h2>
The Discrete PickUp Value dialog allows the user to define a new
pick-up value, and optionally perform an Assign Value of the new value
on the spatial editor. The table below explains each control of
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<td>Current Value</td>
<td>Shows the current discrete value for the dialog. The
key is a composite of all of the discrete value frames. For
there is only 1 frame available.</td>
<td>Resets the entry fields back the default value (1st entry
defined in
the discrete key definition in serverConfig)</td>
<td>Add New Entry Frame</td>
<td>Adds a new weather type entry frame to allow the user to
specify an
additional discrete type. This may not appear for all weather
elements since some weather elements are not defined to allow for
overlapping types.<br>
<td>Toggle Replace/Combine Mode</td>
<td>If the Assign Value button is pressed, the current discrete
key is
assigned to the active edit area. In replace mode, any existing
will be replaced in the active edit area. In combine mode, the
discrete value will be combined with any existing discrete value.</td>
<td>Add to session</td>
<td>Adds the currently displayed value to the list of
user-defined session
values. This is useful to set up a sequence of pick up values
can later be accessed from the <a
bar pull-down menu</a>.</td>
<td>Edit Data</td>
<td>Runs the "Assign Value" tool on the active edit area.</td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Base Type<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">This is the base type of the
discrete value.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Aux Data<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">The aux data field is
optional. If enabled, only a certain width entry is
allowed. The purpose for the aux data is specific to the discrete
<p><img alt="" src="images/DialogPickUpValueDiscrete.png" nosave="">
<p>The user may also control the <a
Combine Mode</a> by using the Combine pushbutton.
"Description" information about each entry is available through the <a
-> Viewing Preferences -> Wx/Discrete: Show Description</a> menu
<div class="Body">
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h1 class="3Heading">
<a name="DeltaValueDialog"></a>Delta Value Dialog</h1>
<a name="pgfId=176376"></a>The Delta Value Dialog is opened from the
Actions Dialog. It allows you to set the delta value of the
and AdjustValue_Down tools. Optionally, you can adjust the grid values
down or up by clicking on the "Adjust Down" or "Adjust Up" buttons.
<p>Type in the delta value and click OK or use the slider to set the
<p>At any time you can click Cancel to cancel the operation and close
<div class="Body">
<img src="images/DialogDelta.jpg" nosave="">
<div class="Body">
<hr width="100%"></div>
<div class="Body"></div>
<h1 class="3Heading">
<a name="EditAreaQueryDialog"></a>Edit Area and Query Dialog</h1>
Opens a dialog that allows you to load previously defined edit areas,
construct query expressions that create edit areas. One way to
an edit area is by defining a query. A query is a mathematical
that describes one or more weather conditions (T < 32, Rain, Hail,
and so forth).
<p>When a query is applied against a particular grid, its weather
are searched for. The result is a new edit area that consists of all
areas that match the query's weather conditions.
<p><img src="images/DialogEditArea.jpg" nosave=""><br>
<h2>Main Window</h2>
There are several windows and buttons on the Edit Area and Query
<li class="4Heading">Query -- The query expression.</li>
<li>Groups -- Edit Area Group(s). You may select which edit
areas you
wish to view in the Edit Areas window. Edit Areas that are not part of
any group are displayed under "Misc".</li>
<li>Edit Areas -- Named edit areas that have been saved.</li>
<li>Weather Elements -- Weather elements that can be used in
<li>Active Edit Area -- Displays the current edit area. If it
is a query,
the expression will be shown. If it is simply polygons, the word
will be displayed.</li>
<li>Clear Query -- Clears the query expression.</li>
<li>Recall Query -- Displays a list of past queries (limit 10).
the query will appear in the Query window. The list will not contain
<li>Undo Edit Area -- Reverts to previous edit area.</li>
<li>Convert to Location -- If the current edit area is defined
by a
converts it to a polygon. After this operation, the edit area is a
set of points and will not change with the data.</li>
<li>Submit -- Submit the query for evaluation. Clears the query
<li>Cancel -- Cancel and close the dialog.</li>
Save/Delete Menu</h2>
The Save/Delete Menu at the top of the Dialog allows you to:
<li class="4Heading">Save the Active Edit Area via the <a
Area Dialog.</a></li>
<li class="4Heading">Delete any Edit Area via the <a
Area Dialog.</a></li>
<li class="4Heading">Save Edit Area Groups via the <a
Area Groups Dialog.</a></li>
<li class="4Heading">Delete Edit Area Groups via the <a
Edit Area Groups Dialog</a></li>
<h2 class="4Heading">
<a name="pvm"></a>Pickup Value Menu</h2>
<div class="4Heading">The PickupValue Menu at the top of the Dialog
each of the weather elements that are currently loaded into the
Selecting one of these will paste its current pickup value into the
<h2><a name="wdvm"></a>Wx/Dis Values Menu</h2>
<div class="4Heading">The Wx/Dis Values brings up a menu with the
and discrete weather elements listed. Choosing one of these will
bring up the Weather Value Dialog or Discrete Value Dialog. For
elements, the user specifies the type, coverage/probability, intensity,
visibility, and any optional attributes. The edit area string will
then contain the "ugly" string for the comparison. See the <a
Pick Up Dialog</a> for more details on how to use the dialog.</div>
<img src="images/DialogSetWeather.jpg" nosave="">
<p><a name="DiscreteSetValDialog"></a>For Discrete elements, the user
the key. See the <a href="#DiscretePickUpValueDialog">Discrete Pick Up
Dialog</a> more more detailed on how to use the dialog.
<p><img alt="Set Discrete Dialog" src="images/SetDiscreteDialog.png"><br>
<h2 class="4Heading"><a name="cmm"></a>Create Mask Menu</h2>
<div class="4Heading">The Create Mask menu entry brings up a menu with
the weather and discrete weather elements listed. Choosing one of
these will bring up the Weather Contains or Discrete Contains
These dialogs allow you to choose a combination of various values and
query will include all grid points that contain ANY of the items
in the dialog.</div>
<div class="4Heading">For weather elements, the dialog presents choices
for the coverages, types, intensities, visibilities, and attributes.</div>
<img src="images/DialogWeatherContains.jpg" nosave=""></p>
<p>For discrete, the options are simply a list of the possible discrete
<p><img src="images/DialogDiscreteContains.jpg" nosave=""><br>
<h3><a name="coq"></a>Components of Queries</h3>
You can create a new query by entering one or more weather conditions.
Query values can combine any number of the following:
<li>Named Edit Areas</li>
<li>Weather Element relational­expressions</li>
<li>Weather type relational­expressions</li>
Queries are written in numerical python, and thus the syntax is similar
to <a href="SmartTools.html">smart tools</a> and <a
initialization</a>. An edit area and a weather element are
Python variables. An edit area is represented by a mask of bits
make up the edit area. A weather element is a numerical grid for
SCALAR, a tuple of two numerical grids for VECTOR, and a grid and a key
for both WEATHER and DISCRETE.
<p>Parenthesis are very important when using the OR ('|') or AND
operators since these operators have a high order of precedence.
The following statements are not equal:
<p>T > 32 | Topo > 7000
(T > 32> | (Topo > 7000)</p>
<p>The following are valid queries for SCALAR data:
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<td>T > 32</td>
<td>Temperature greater than 32</td>
<td>T < 32</td>
<td>Temperature less than 32</td>
<td>T == 32</td>
<td>Temperature equal to 32 (exactly)</td>
<td>T != 32</td>
<td>Temperature not equal to 32 (exactly)</td>
<td>T >= 32</td>
<td>Temperature greater than or equal to 32</td>
<td>T <= 32</td>
<td>Temperature less than or equal to 32</td>
<p>More complicated queries may also be performed such as the following
on SCALAR data (note that parenthesis must be provided):
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<td>T - Td > 10</td>
<td>Dew Point Depression is greater than 10</td>
<td>T - 10 > Td</td>
<td>Dew Point Depression is greater than 10</td>
<td>(QPF > 0.10) & (PoP < 70)</td>
<td>QPF greater than 0.10" and PoP less than 70%</td>
<td>(T > 32) & (Topo > 5000) & (Topo < 7000)
& Colorado</td>
<td>Temperatures less than 32, with topography between 5000ft and
in the state of Colorado.</td>
<p>Vector queries can be done on the magnitude and the direction
note that Wind[0] refers to the magnitude and Wind[1] refers to the
as in smart initialization and smart tools:
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<td>Wind[0] > 25</td>
<td>Wind speed greater than 25</td>
<td>(Wind[0] > 25 & (Wind[0] < 40)</td>
<td>Wind speed between 25 and 40</td>
<td>(Wind[0] > 25 & (Wind[1] > 90 & (Wind[1] <
<td>Wind speed greater than 25, with the direction between 90 and
The direction is the "FROM" direction.</td>
<p>Weather and Discrete queries are performed using the <b><i>mask</i></b>
function. The mask button on the dialog simply saves you from
the word mask. The mask function is in this form:
stringMatch, regExpressionYesNo). Normally you don't provide a
expression so the mask is in this form: mask(weatherElementName,
stringMatch). Here are some examples of using the mask function
Weather and Discrete:
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<td>mask(Wx, ":R:")</td>
<td>Wx with Rain (R), with any coverage, visibility,
<td>mask(Wx, ":R:") | mask(Wx, ":RW:")</td>
<td>Wx with Rain (R) or Rain Showers (RW)</td>
<td>mask(Wx, "Sct:RW:")</td>
<td>Wx with Scattered Rain Showers</td>
<td>mask(Highlights, "WntrStmWRN")</td>
<td>Highlights with Winter Storm Warning</td>
<td>mask(Wx, "Sct:RW:+:<NoVis>")</td>
<td>Wx with Scattered Heavy Rain Showers, No Visibility</td>
<td>mask(wx, "^Sct:RW:+:<NoVis>:\Z", 1)</td>
<td>Wx with ONLY Scattered Heavy Rain Showers, No Visibility.
Note that
this is regular expression syntax with the '^' matching the beginning
the phrase and the '\Z' matching the end of the phrase.</td>
<p>The mask function uses substring searches of the keys to determine
grid points match the query. The PickUp Value and Wx/Dis Values
provide a quick way to enter the pick up value or an exact match for
and discrete weather elements. Note that since substring
are performed, providing a query of mask(Wx, "Sct:RW:+:") will match
grid point that has Sct:RW:+: in it, so it will also match grid points
that have a weather key of:
The only way to find grid points that ONLY have the Sct:RW:+: in it
others is to use the regular expression option as shown above in the
<p>The create mask menu option provides an easy way to select a set of
Wx or Discrete characteristics to search.
<p>Combining queries are performed through the "|" OR and
AND operators. Since the syntax in the query is numpy, there
are many other possibilities for the syntax. Here is an example
using the python absolute() function to calculate the absolute value of
an expression. In this case, we are selecting all T grid points
differ from the AVN model greater than 5 degrees:
<p><b><tt>absolute(T - T_SFC__AVN) > 5</tt></b>
<p>The name in the query, e.g., T, can be one of several forms:
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<td>Refers to T_SFC_Fcst_00000000_0000 (Fcst database)</td>
<td>Refers to T @ 3K, for the Fcst database</td>
<td>Refers to T @ SFC, from the latest run of the NAM model</td>
<td>Refers to T @ SFC, from the March 10th, 12z, run of the NAM
<td>Same as T_SFC__NAM (The BOU_GRID is optional)</td>
<td>Same as T_SFC__NAM_20030310_1200 (The BOU_GRID is optional.)</td>
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h1 class="3Heading">
<a name="SaveEditAreaDialog"></a>Save Edit Area Dialog</h1>
<a name="pgfId=176376"></a>The Save Edit Area Dialog allows you to name
and save the Active Edit Area. You may also designate which Edit Area
will include the Edit Area.
<p>To save the Active Edit Area, type a name in the Identifier box.
the Edit Area Group(s) that are to include the Edit Area. If you want
area included in a new Group, simply type in the New Group name. No
need be selected -- including the Edit Area in Groups is optional and
be changed later using this or the
<a href="#SaveEditAreaGroupDialog">Save
Edit Area Groups Dialog.</a> Click "Save" to save the Edit Area. You
Cancel the dialog at any time.
<p><img src="images/DialogEditAreaSave.jpg" nosave=""><br>
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h1 class="3Heading">
<a name="DeleteEditAreaDialog"></a>Delete Edit Area Dialog</h1>
<a name="pgfId=176376"></a>The Delete Edit Area Dialog allows you to
a saved Edit Area.
<p>To delete a saved Edit Area, click on its name which will appear in
the Identifier box and click "Delete." You may Cancel the dialog at any
<p><img src="images/DialogEditAreaDelete.jpg" nosave=""><br></p>
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h1 class="3Heading">
<a name="SaveEditAreaGroupDialog"></a>Save Edit Area Group Dialog</h1>
<a name="pgfId=176376"></a>The Save Edit Area Group Dialog is
from the <a href="#EditAreaQueryDialog">Edit Area and Query Dialog</a>.
It allows you to name and save an Edit Area Group. You will designate
Edit Area(s) will be included in the Edit Area Group. These Groups can
then be used to filter the display in the <a
Area and Query Dialog.</a> or to limit the user selections when
<p>To save an Edit Area Group, type a name in the Identifier box or
a Group from the left-hand list box. Select/deselect the Edit Area(s)
are to be included the Edit Area Group. Click "Save" to save the Edit
<p>You may Cancel the dialog at any time.</p>
<img src="images/DialogEditAreaSaveGroup.jpg" nosave=""></div>
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h1 class="3Heading">
<a name="DeleteEditAreaGroupDialog"></a>Delete Edit Area Group Dialog</h1>
<a name="pgfId=176376"></a>The Delete Edit Area Group Dialog is
from the <a href="#EditAreaQueryDialog">Edit Area and Query Dialog</a>.
It allows you to delete an Edit Area Group.
<p>To delete a saved Edit Area Group, click on its name which will
in the Identifier box and click "Delete Group." The Edit Areas included
in the Group will NOT be deleted unless you specifically choose to do
by checking the "Delete All Areas within Group" button. These areas
also then be deleted from any other groups in which they belong. If the
"With Verification" button is on, a dialog will appear for each Edit
deleted so you can verify that you want it deleted.
<p>You may Cancel the dialog at any time.
<p><img src="images/DialogEditAreaDeleteGroup.jpg" nosave=""><br>
<hr width="100%">
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<h1>GFESuite Release Notes</h1>
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<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">This tool uses upper level temperatures,
vertical motion, and relative humidity to calculate a snowratio. The tool algorithm uses a blend of
approaches based on the findings Dube`(2003), and also in part Waldstreicher(2001), and the top-down
microphysical diagnostics of Baumgardt(2001). The derived snowratio is then multiplied by the QPF
field to yield a snow amount. The tool is capable of producing snowratios from 0 to 25:1.
Highest snowratios occur when vertical motion maxima coincide with snow production zone
(i.e. temperatures between -12 and -18 Celsius).</font>
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<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">The
<i style="font-weight: bold;">CheckTandTd</i> procedure is intended to
be a final check on the
Temperature (T) and Dew Point (Td) grids. The tool checks that the
following meteorological conditions are maintained throughout the
forecast database: </font>
<font style="font-weight: bold;"
face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">MinT <=
T <= MaxT</font><span style="font-weight: bold;">
</span><br style="font-weight: bold;">
<br style="font-weight: bold;">
<font style="font-weight: bold;"
face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">Td <=
T</font><span style="font-weight: bold;">
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">Optionally,
the tool can be run to show the time and area over which the above
conditions are violated.</font>
<big><big><font style="font-weight: bold;"
face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">How
the Procedure Works</font><span style="font-weight: bold;">
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">The
CheckTandTd procedure begins by retrieving all of the MinT, MaxT, T,
and Td grid inventory. These timeRanges are used later throughout
the code, and allow the tool to work in any time zone. Next, each
MinT grid and all T grids that correspond to the associated MinT
timeRange are retrieved. Using numpy, each T grid is
compared with the MinT grid to identify where T grid points are lower
than the MinT grid. A temporary grid is created (named TLessThanMin)
that highlights where this condition is met by flagging the grid with
a value of one (1). All other points are set to zero. An example of
the resulting “Highlight” grid is shown in Fig. 1. The points
that are set to one (appearing red by default) are used to create an
editArea, whereby a SmartTool can be called to set the T grid points
to the MinT grid values where T < MinT.</font>
<img alt="CheckTandTd grid" src="images/CheckTandTdGrid.jpg"
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 299px; height: 282px;">
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
1. Example of theTLessThanMin “Highlight” grid, with grid points
shaded in red where the T is less than the corresponding Minimum T.</font></font>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">An
identical set of steps is performed on the T grids again, but in this
case the MaxT grid is used for comparison, and a temporary highlight
grid (named TGreaterThanMax) is created. All grid points with T
greater than MaxT at the same point and time are used to make the
editArea. A different SmartTool is called to set the T grid points to
the MaxT grid values where T > MaxT. </font>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">Finally,
a third check is performed to ensure that the Td grids are always at
or below the T grid for the same point and time period. The same
steps are performed as in the previous two checks, and the resulting
highlight grid (TdGreaterThanT) shows where the Td grids are greater
than the T grids. Anywhere/time the Td grid points are greater than
the T grid, a SmartTool is called to adjust the Td to the T value.</font>
<big><big><font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><b>Running
the Procedure</b></font>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">When
the Procedure is envoked, users are presented with two options:
“Check Only” and “Force” (see Fig. 2). The CheckOnly option
will not modify any grids. It will simply generate the respective
highlight grids at times where the T or Td grids violate the
meteorological checks. Forecasters may examine these grids to get a
better idea of where and when the grids are inconsistent.</font>
<img alt="CheckTandTd User Interface" src="images/CheckTandTdUI.jpg"
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 392px; height: 157px;">
<font size="2"><font
face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><br>
2. The <i>CheckTandTd</i> Tool GUI.</font></font>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">The
second option, Force, will run the set of SmartTools that maintain
balance between the MinT, MaxT and T grids and between the T and Td
grids. Selecting this option and running the tool will likely cause
many T grids to be modified. Any grids that are locked by other
forecasters will, of course, not be modified, so it is important that
you make sure the entire set of T and Td grids are saved (unlocked)
before running this tool.</font>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">No
special configuration is required with this tool.</font>
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<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">With the introduction of IFPS 11, the PoP,
SnowAmt, and QPF grids are now floating, i.e., they are no longer fixed to specific 6 or 12 hour intervals.
While this change allows for more flexibility in forecast preparation, it also creates two key problems
for forecasters. First, the duration of the PoP, SnowAmt, and QPF grids now varies considerably from
office to office, making the intersite coordination of these elements much more difficult. Second, the
NDFD Integrated Work Team has recommended that the graphics for these elements still need to be valid
for fixed durations (12 hours for the PoP graphics and 6 hours for the SnowAmt and QPF graphics).
The Collaborate_PoP_SnowAmt_QPF procedure addresses both of these forecast issues by creating fixed 12-hour
PoP (PoP12hr), 6-hour SnowAmt (SnowAmt6hr), and 6-hour QPF (QPF6hr) grids based on the values contained in
the floating PoP, SnowAmt, and QPF grids. These new grids may then be used for the purposes of intersite
coordination as well as web graphic generation.
In accordance with the NDFD, PoP12hr grids are created at 12-hour intervals through 7 days, QPF6hr grids
are created at 6-hour intervals through 72 hours, and the SnowAmt6hr grids are created at 6-hour intervals
through 36 hours.
The procedure calls several Smart Tools which populate the PoP12hr, SnowAmt6hr, and QPF6hr grids with
data from the floating PoP, SnowAmt, and QPF grids. The getMaxGrid Smart Tool reads the floating PoP
grids and assigns the maximum PoP value for each 12-hr period to the PoP12hr grids. The getSumGrids Smart
Tool is used to sum the SnowAmt and QPF grids into the SnowAmt6hr and QPF6hr grids. Note that these two
Smart Tools are designed to be called from a procedure and will generate an error if run interactively from
the Edit Actions dialog. A third SmartTool, MakeTmpGrid, is a generic SmartTool for creating a temporary
grid from the active grid. This is used in this procedure to copy and fragment the QPF and SnowAmt grids.
The procedure deletes these temporary grids when they are no longer needed within the tool.</font>
<big><big><font style="font-weight: bold;"
face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">How
the Procedure Works</font><span style="font-weight: bold;">
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">All of the floating PoP, SnowAmt, and QPF
grids have been created before running the procedure/tools. The PoP12hr, SnowAmt6hr, and QPF6hr elements
exist in GFE. <br><br>
After creating and saving the floating PoP, SnowAmt, and QPF grids, the forecaster need only run the
Collaborate_PoP_SnowAmt_QPF procedure once to generate the PoP12hr, SnowAmt6hr, and QPF6hr grids needed
for intersite coordination.
When the forecaster runs the procedure, he/she is presented with a dialog box that allows a choice of
"All" or "Selected Time". If All is chosen, the procedure will generate the collaboration grids over
preset time ranges. These time ranges begin with the current time and extend out to 192 hours for the
PoP12hr grids, 60 hours for the SnowAmt6hr grids, and 96 hours for the QPF6hr grids. These ranges are
longer than the required minimum collaboration times to account for the different times during the day
when new grids may be added on to the end of the forecast database. If Selected Time is chosen, only
grids that intersect the active time selection in the grid manager will be used to compute PoP12hr,
SnowAmt6hr, and QPF6hr grids. Regardless of which option is selected, the procedure checks for the
existence of the source grids so errors will not be generated if grids are missing from the end of the
time range. Errors are generated if the floating grids are missing within a selected time range.
<b>Notable Methodology/Assumptions Used</b><br>
When the Collaborate_PoP_SnowAmt_QPF procedure is run by the forecaster, the floating SnowAmt and QPF
grids are first copied to two temporary elements, tmpSnowAmt and tmpQPF. The tmpSnowAmt and tmpQPF grids
are then automatically fragmented before being used by the getSumGrids Smart Tool to create the SnowAmt6hr
and QPF6hr grids. The usage of the temporary elements in this process allows the original floating SnowAmt
and QPF grids to be preserved; the fragmenting ensures that no tmpSnowAmt grid overlaps multiple SnowAmt6hr
grids/no tmpQPF grid overlaps multiple QPF6hr grids prior to running the getSumGrids tool. This latter
condition is important because such overlapping grids would cause the tool to produce inaccurate SnowAmt6hr
and QPF6hr grids. Once the getSumGrids Smart Tool has executed and the SnowAmt6hr and QPF6hr grids have been
produced, the temporary elements are automatically deleted.
To better illustrate the significance of fragmenting the tmpSnowAmt and tmpQPF grids, let=s consider a
simple example utilizing 3 forecast tmpSnowAmt grids. For the sake of simplicity, we will assume that the
default duration for the tmpSnowAmt grids is 3 hours, and that both the tmpSnowAmt and SnowAmt6hr grids are
based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Note that the following also applies to tmpQPF even though it is not
discussed here. The forecast tmpSnowAmt grids are as follows:<br><br>
<i>Grid 1 - Valid 12-15 GMT, amount = 0" throughout<br>
Grid 2 - Valid 15-21 GMT, amount = 4" throughout<br>
Grid 3 - Valid 21-24 GMT, amount = 0" throughout</i>
If these grids are not fragmented before running the getSumGrids Smart Tool, the tool will see a
tmpSnowAmt grid with 4" accumulations that overlaps both the corresponding 12-18 GMT and 18- 24 GMT
SnowAmt6hr grids - and will therefore assign 4" accumulations to both SnowAmt6hr grids. This in turn
would imply an event total of 8" - not exactly what had been intended by the forecaster.
On the other hand, fragmenting the tmpSnowAmt grids before running the getSumGrids Smart Tool results
in the following grids as input to the tool:<br><br>
<i>Grid 1 - Valid 12-15 GMT, amount = 0" throughout<br>
Grid 2 - Valid 15-18 GMT, amount = 2" throughout<br>
Grid 3 - Valid 18-21 GMT, amount = 2" throughout<br>
Grid 4 - Valid 21-24 GMT, amount = 0" throughout</i><br><br>
Note that the 4" tmpSnowAmt grid valid from 15-21 GMT has been split into two three-hour grids containing
values of 2" throughout. This is because GFE assumes a constant snowfall rate when fragmenting the grids.
Naturally, this isn't always a valid assumption, but its currently the only one available for the software
to work with.
Executing the getSumGrids Smart Tool after fragmenting results in 2" accumulations in the corresponding
12-18 GMT and 18-24 GMT SnowAmt6hr grids, which would imply an event total of 4" - thereby matching the
original intent of the forecaster.
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<title>Color Bar Dialogs</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<h1 CLASS="3Heading">
<a NAME="ColorBarDialogs"></a>Color Bar Dialogs</h1>
The following dialogs are invoked directly or indirectly from the Button
<a href="ColorDialogs.html#ColorTableEditor">Color Table Editor</a></li>
<a href="#SetColorRangeDialog">Set Color Table Range Dialog</a></li>
<a href="#ColorTableBrightnessDialog">Color Table Brightness Dialog</a></li>
The <a href="#SetColorRangeDialog">SetColorTableRange Dialog<!-- Leave this comment for formatting purposes --></a> and the <!-- Leave this comment for formatting purposes -->
<a href="#ColorTableBrightnessDialog">Color Table Brightness Dialog<!-- Leave this comment for formatting purposes --></a>
are invoked via a MB3 pop-up menu from the Color Bar.
<hr WIDTH="100%">
<a NAME="SetColorRangeDialog"></a>Set Color Table Range Dialog</h1>
The Set Color Table Range Dialog is accessed from the MB3 pop-up menu on
the color bar. Selecting Select Range... displays a dialog that allows
you to set the range of the current color table. To set a new
range, move one or both of the horizontal slider widgets to define your
new range and click OK. The same set of colors will now be defined
over this new range, thus modifying the color table temporarily.
<p>Note that each weather element saves the state of the current color
table. If you modify a color table, it will remain in that state
until explicitly changed or until the parm is unloaded from the GFE.
In the latter case, the default color table will be used the next time
that weather element is loaded. Currently, you are not allowed to
preserve color table changes of this type.
<p><img SRC="images/DialogColorTableRange.jpg">
<hr WIDTH="100%">
<a NAME="ColorTableBrightnessDialog"></a>Color Table Brightness Dialog</h1>
The Color Table Brightness Dialog is accessed from the MB3 pop-up menu
on the color bar, the "Change Color Table To..." entry on the Spatial
Editor Legends, and the pop-up menu on the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#PickUpValueDialog">Pickup
Value Dialog</a>.
<p>The color table brightness may be varied in 10% steps from 0 to 100%.
By default, the brightness is set to 100% upon selection of a new color
<p><img SRC="images/DialogColorTableBrightness.jpg" NOSAVE>
<hr WIDTH="100%">
<center><a href="#ColorBarDialogs">Back To Top</a></center>
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<title>Color Chooser and Color Table Editor</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
Color Chooser and Color Table Editor Dialogs</h1>
The <a href="#ColorChooser">color chooser</a> and <a
table editor</a> dialogs are used to define custom colors and color
for the GFE.
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="ColorDialog"></a><a name="ColorChooser"></a>Color Chooser
The Color Chooser Dialog is invoked from the GFE when you depress
MB3 over the graphic contour label in the spatial editor.
you MB3 graphic contour label, select the following sequence from
the pop-up menus: 'Change Color' -> 'Choose Color'.<b><font
<p><a name="Figure1a.ColorChooserDialog"></a><b><font size="+1"> Color
<h1><img src="images/ColorChooser.jpg"></h1>
The Color Chooser Dialog can be used to change a single-colored
graphical feature (i.e., a contour).
<p>The Color Chooser Dialog consists of Hue, Saturation and Value (same as Brightness)
entry fields, a color wheel, a color swatch to indicate the old or
current color (bottom left corner), a color swatch to reflect the selected color, an "OK" button
and a "Cancel" button. The old color swatch (left) indicates the current
contour color until the 'OK' or 'Cancel' button is selected.</p>
<p>If you MB1 over the color wheel to the desired color, the circle
is updated to the cursor location. The selected color is echoed
the 'NEW' color swatch and the Hue, Saturation and Brightness sliders
to the appropriate values corresponding to your selected color.</p>
<p>For advanced users, in A2,
an option to select color values numerically is also available as entry fields to the right
of the Hue/Saturation/Value entry fields and Color Name entry field that accepts color
names in hex. Also new in A2, the user now has the option of
selecting the general color family from the Palette row of colors along the bottom of the
dialog display. Lastly, the pipette icon allows the user to set the color by sampling it from
anywhere on the screen.</p>
<p>If you want to change your graphical-feature, a.k.a. contour, to the new
select the 'OK' button. Otherwise the 'Cancel' button dismisses
Color Chooser without change to your graphical contour.
<p>A new color can also be selected using the Hue, Saturation or
Value entry fields.
<p>The various components of the ColorChooser are shown in the
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<td>Hue Entry Field</td>
<td>Using MB1 or MB2, the Hue up/down arrows can be moved from 0 to 360
degrees. Alternately, the new value can be manually typed into the field followed by Return.
When the Hue value is modified, the circle marker on the color wheel will
correspond to the Hue value in.
Simultaneously, the new color will be indicated in the new color
<td>Saturation Entry Field</td>
<td>Using MB1 or MB2, the Saturation up/down arrows can be moved from 0
to 100 percent. Alternately, the new value can be manually typed into the field followed
by Return. When the Saturation value is modified, the circle marker on
the color wheel will move along the radius indicating the appropriate color
with 0 percent saturation representing white.
Simultaneously, the new color will be indicated in the new color swatch.</td>
<td>Value Entry Field</td>
<td>Using MB1 or MB2, the Brightness up/down arrows can be moved from 0
to 100 percent. Alternately, the new value can be manually typed into the field followed
by Return. When the Brightness value is modified, the color wheel and
the new color swatch reflects the brightness selection with 0 percent
brightness representing black. Please note that there may be a
short delay in updating the color wheel.</td>
<td>Represents numeric value for the amount of red within the color.
Can be either manually
typed in, or selected using MB1 or MB2 to move up/down arrows. The color wheel
and the new swatch will be modified simultaneously. Accepts values between 0 and
<td>Represents numeric value for the amount of green within the color.
Can be either manually
typed in, or selected using MB1 or MB2 to move up/down arrows. The color wheel
and the new swatch will be modified simultaneously. Accepts values between 0 and
<td>Represents numeric value for the amount of blue within the color.
Can be either manually
typed in, or selected using MB1 or MB2 to move up/down arrows. The color wheel
and the new swatch will be modified simultaneously. Accepts values between 0 and
<td>Color Name</td>
<td>Represents the hex value for the selected the color.
This field is typed in manually and must be a valid color value.
The color wheel
and the new swatch will be modified simultaneously.</td>
<td>Allows the selection of the color family, i.e. shade.
MB1 on the selected swatch to select the shade.
The color wheel
and the new swatch will be modified simultaneously.</td>
<td>Pipette Icon</td>
<td>Allows color sampling from the screen.
MB1 on the pipette icon, then anywhere on the screen to select the color.
The color wheel
and the new swatch will be modified simultaneously.</td>
<td>Contains a small circle showing the current value specified
by the
sliders. The color wheel will dim and brighten as the Brightness
slider is changed.</td>
<td>OLD Swatch</td>
<td>The previous color (current color when the dialog is first
is shown.</td>
<td>NEW Swatch</td>
<td>The new chosen color is shown.</td>
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="ColorTableEditorDialog"></a><a name="ColorTableEditor"></a>ColorTableEditorDialog</h2>
The ColorTableEditor Dialog is invoked from the GFE when you MB3 over
the color bar spectrum. Select the following sequence from the
menus: 'Change Color Table to'->'Edit Color
Table'. The dialog
can also be opened by clicking MB3 on the contour map of an element
and selecting Edit Colors...
<p>The ColorTableEditor is used for Scalar and Vector data types.
There is no editor currently available for the Weather data type; the
data type is configured through the <a href="gfeConfig_WECol.html">gfe
configuration file weather color table definitions</a>. The
for Discrete data types use the same data source as Scalar/Vector, but
its operations are different. Generally it is a good idea to
out color tables for Scalar and Vector, from color tables for Discrete.
<h3>Scalar/Vector Color Table Editing</h3>
<p><a name="Figure2a.ColorTableEditorDialog"></a><b><font size="+1">ColorTableEditor
Dialog (Scalar/Vector)</font></b></p>
<h1><img src="images/ColorTableEditor.jpg"></h1>
The Color Table Editor Dialog can be used to create a new color
for a multi-colored graphical feature (i.e., an image).
<p>The Color Table Editor contains a <a href="#ColorChooser">Color
(without the old color swatch area). A color spectrum
in the middle section of the dialog. The left and right
pointers are labeled with minimum and maximum numerical values
to the weather product. The '>>' and '<<' buttons enable
the user
to move the pointers in an increment defined by the two entry
The top row of the dialog allows the user to select RGB or HSB color model.
The bottom half of the dialog contains several buttons that control the
operations performed on the spectrum: 'Interpolate', 'Undo',
'Revert', 'Save...', 'Delete...' and 'Office Save As' buttons.
The 'Fill' and 'Set' buttons appear to the right of the top and bottom
spectrum selection areas. Please note in AWIPS2 any changes are applied
automatically. The user has to exit and re-enter GFE should they accidentally
exit the color chooser without reverting.
<p>After a color is selected using MB1 (i.e., MB1 somewhere within the
spectrum) or the <a href="#ColorChooser">Color Chooser</a>,
it is reflected in the rectangular color swatch. To modify
the spectrum with the selected color, MB1 over either the left or
right pointer. The triangular area will assume the color of the
swatch. With the MB1, the left or right pointer can be moved to
desired weather product value.
<blockquote><a name="Exercise1"></a><b><i><font size="+1">Exercise 1</font></i></b>
<p>1. Make Temperature an image on the GFE. </p>
<p>2. From the color bar, MB3->Change Color Table To...'->Edit Color Table...' </p>
<p>3. Select a color using the <a href="#ColorChooser">Color
portion of the Color Table Editor.</p>
<p>4. MB1 over the left pointer and move the pointer to
degrees Fahrenheit. The left triangular pointer will assume the
of the selected color and the color swatch will assume the new color. </p>
<p>5. Slide the top arrow to 40 degree F location of the
<p>6. MB1 over the right pointer and move the pointer to
degrees Fahrenheit. The right pointer will now assume the color
the color swatch. </p>
<p>7. Select the '>' button. The left and right
pointers will
advance 1 degree F to the right. </p>
<p>8. Select the '<' button. The right and left
will decrease 1 degree F to the left. </p>
<p>9. MB1 over the desired color on the spectrum. The
chosen will be reflected in the color swatch. </p>
<p>10. MB1 on the right pointer. The right pointer will
assume the color in the color swatch.</p>
After completing Exercise 1, you can modify
selected portion of the spectrum (eq., area between 40 and 90 degrees
with the buttons located on the top half, bottom half, and right of the dialog: 'Fill',
'Set', 'Interpolate',
'Undo', 'Revert', 'Save...', 'Delete...' or 'Office Save As...'.
<p>The various controls are described in the following table:
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<td>The 'Fill' button, will fill the selected portion of the
<td>The 'Set' button, will set the selected value of the
<td>You can linearly interpolate the area selected between the
with one of two linear interpolation methods: Red-Green-Blue
(i.e., 'RGB Interpolation' button) or Hue-Saturation-Brightness
(i.e., 'HSB Interpolation' button).
<p>The HSB interpolation will 'linearly' interpolate along the
angle of the color wheel indicated by the colors of the pointers.
The RGB interpolation will linearly interpolate along the 0-255
intensity scale of red, green and blue between the colors of the
<td>The 'Undo' button will restore the previous spectrum.</td>
<td>The 'Redo' button will restore the previously undone spectrum.</td>
<td>The 'Revert' button will restore the original spectrum with
which the
Color Table Editor Dialog started.</td>
<td>'Save' saves the changes to the currently loaded color table.</td>
<td>Save As...</td>
<td>'Save As' brings up a dialog from which the user may enter a
name of a
color table. The color table is stored under this name and the
color table in use is removed. 'Save' has an implicit
You cannot save a Transient color table to EDEX.</td>
<td>Office Save As...</td>
<td>'Office Save As' brings up a dialog from which the user may enter a
name of a
color table specifically for the office currently loaded.</td>
<td>You can 'Delete' an existing color table and it doesn't need
to be
the one that is displayed. A dialog will be displayed showing a
of names. Highlight or type in an identifier and enter
You can delete Transient color tables that exist in you GFE and other
tables that are stored on the server. <font color="#ff0000">CAUTION:
If you delete a spectrum that is being used by another user, their
will revert to the default spectrum. Please consider carefully
using the 'Delete' button.</font></td>
<blockquote><b><i><font size="+1">Exercise 2</font></i></b>
<p>1. Do <i><a href="#Exercise1">Exercise 1</a>.</i> </p>
<p>2. Select the HSB color model, then click 'Interpolate'. The selected area of the
will be linearly interpolated along the HSB color scheme.</p>
<p>3. Select the RGB color model, then click 'Interpolate'. The selected area of the
will be linearly interpolated along the RGB color scheme. </p>
<p>4. Select 'Undo'. The selected area of the spectrum
be restored to the pre-interpolation state. </p>
<p>5. Select 'Fill'. The selected area of the spectrum
be filled with the color in the color swatch. </p>
<p>6. Select 'Undo'. The selected area of the spectrum
be restored to previous spectrum. </p>
<p>7. Select 'Set'. The selected area of the
spectrum will
be set to the color you selected. </p>
<p>8. Select 'Undo'. The selected area of the spectrum
be restored.</p>
<p>9. Select 'Revert'. The original spectrum that you
with is restored. </p>
<p>10. Select the RGB color model and click 'Interpolate'. The selected area of the
will again be linearly interpolated along the RGB color scheme.</p>
<p>12. Select 'Save'. The new spectrum will be saved to the currently
loaded color map.</p>
<p>13. Select 'Save As...'. The 'Save Color
dialog is brought up and you are prompted for a name (i.e., identifier)
for the spectrum that you've just created. </p>
<p>14. Select 'OK'. The new spectrum is now saved. </p>
<p>15. Select 'Delete'. The 'Delete Color Table'
allows you to highlight the spectrum to be deleted or type in the
identifier. <font color="#ff0000">CAUTION:
If you delete a spectrum that is being used by another user, their
will revert to the default spectrum. Please consider carefully
using the 'Delete' button..</font> </p>
<p>16. Click the X mark in the top right corner. The dialog will
exit, however all changes are applied automatically.<br>
Discrete Color Table Editing</h3>
<p><a name="Figure2aColorTableEditorDialogDiscrete"></a><b><font
Dialog (Discrete)</font></b></p>
<h1><img src="images/DialogColorTableDiscrete.jpg" nosave="" title=""
The Discrete Color Table Editor Dialog can be used to create a new
spectrum for a multi-colored graphical feature (i.e., an image).
<p>The Discrete ColorTable Editor contains a <a href="#ColorChooser">Color
Chooser</a> (without the old color swatch area).
A color spectrum appears in the middle section of the dialog. The
text label contains the selected weather product name and units.
In AWIPS2 all of the buttons on the Color Table Editor for Scalar/Vector are
available on the Discrete Color Table Editor.
<p>After a color is selected using MB1 click (i.e., MB1 somewhere
the spectrum) or the <a href="#ColorChooser">Color Chooser</a>,
it is reflected in the rectangular color swatch. To modify
the spectrum with the selected color, MB1 click over the desired
discrete key. When you move the mouse over a "block" in the spectrum,
the value of that "block", i.e., the discrete key, will be
<p>Note that Discrete color tables and Scalar color tables should not
be shared. Discrete color tables that are saved to EDEX
contain exactly the same number of entries as the possible entries in
the defined Discrete key. For example, if a KeyTest element
contains exactly 3 colors and you reuse that color
spectrum for a scalar/vector weather element, then there will only be
three colors in that color table.<br>
<p>If a discrete color table has
been saved to disk, then the definition for the discrete weather
element is expanded, then the new entries will be assigned to "black"
until the color table editor is used to define these colors. The
original colors for the original set of discrete keys will remain
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<title>configureTextProducts User's Guide</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<h1 class="1Heading">
configureTextProducts User's Guide</h1>
<div class="1Heading">February 14, 2012<br>
<h2 class="1Heading">
<a name="TableofContents"></a>Table of Contents</h2>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<a href="#Overview">Overview</a></h4>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<a href="#Running">Running the configureTextProducts Program</a></h4>
<h4 class="1Heading">
<a href="#ExampleData">Example Output</a></h4>
<div class="1Heading">
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h2 class="1Heading">
<a name="Overview"></a>Overview</h2>
<div class="1Heading">The configureTextProducts program is a utility
is automatically run during installation and each time EDEX is started.
<span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Normally it is not
needed to be run manually.</span> The program automatically configures
the GFESuite set
of formatters based on the afos2awips.txt PIL/WMOID table. There are
other options available with configureTextProducts as well. You can run
it to delete the templated formatters, list the pil/wmoid information
your site, or list the pil/wmoid information for all sites.
The information output is sent to stdout and may be rerouted to a file
if desired. The create and delete modes also modify files on disk.<br>
The configureTextProducts program can be used to specify an alternate
afos2awips.txt file rather than the official file. This
capability is normally only used for testing.<br>
<div class="1Heading">
<hr width="100%"></div>
<h3 class="1Heading">
<a name="Running"></a>Running the configureTextProducts Program</h3>
<div class="1Heading">This program is run from the GFESuite bin
directory. The command line syntax is:</div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>configureTextProducts -m MODE [--template=alterateA2AFile]
[--help] [--host]<br>
<div class="1Heading">A sample command line is:</div>
<div class="1Heading"><tt>configureTextProducts -m CREATE</tt></div>
<table nosave="" style="width: 100%;" border="1">
<td style="width: 300px;"><b>Option Syntax</b></td>
<td style="width: 300px;">configureTextProducts -m CREATE</td>
<td>Creates the formatter templates based on pil/wmoid
information in the afos2awips.txt table.</td>
<td style="width: 300px;">configureTextProducts -m DELETE</td>
<td>Deletes the formatter templates based on pil/wmoid
information in the afos2awips.txt table. This is normally used when
changing site identifiers (for purposes of service backup) to clean out
irrelevant products.</td>
<td style="width: 300px;">configureTextProducts -m INFO</td>
<td>Displays the PIL/WMOID table for each GFE product for the
configured site.</td>
<td style="width: 300px;">configureTextProducts -m ALLINFO</td>
<td>Displays the PIL/WMOID table for each GFE product for ALL
known sites.</td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">configureTextProducts -m mode --template
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Performs the "mode" indicated,
and uses the alternate afos2awips.txt file identified as "a2aFile".<br>
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<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">CopyFromModel is a simple
tool to allow you to copy model data into a particular edit area, possibly while
time-shifting the model data.
If you use the "Populate" method to fill in a Fcst grid, the ENTIRE model grid is
copied into your Fcst grid. Likewise, if you use the grid manager, button-3 menu
items of "copy" and "paste", the ENTIRE model grid is copied into your Fcst grid.
With this tool, if an edit area is active - it will only copy the model grid into
the specified edit area - NOT the entire grid. If no edit area is active - it
copies the entire grid. You can specify that a "taper grid" be used to smooth-in
your changes over a 5-gridbox band if you desire - so that there are not abrupt
gradient problems near the edge of your edit area. In addition, you can specify
a model "hour offset" so that you can copy the data from other model hours into
the hours of your Fcst grid.
If the timerange of the grid you are editing contains more than one model grid,
the model grids are averaged (in a time-weighted sense) before they are copied
into your Fcst grid. However, for QPF and SnowAmt, the model values are
accumulated - so that your Fcst grid will contain the total accumulation of
the model grids during the time period of your Fcst grid. For PoP grids, the
maximum model value is copied into your Fcst grid - so that it remains consistent
with the "floating PoP" concept. For Wx grids, it seems to read the "last" model
Wx grid and copies that into your Fcst grid - but I think you are crazy if you
use this tool for Wx grids.
If you use the "hour offset" feature, a negative offset means to read model data
from "earlier". For example, if you have a Fcst grid with a timerange of 12-15Z,
and you say to copy from the GFS Model with an offset of -6, it will read the GFS
model grids from 6-9Z and copy them into your Fcst grid (and, again, only in the active
edit area, if you have one defined). A positive offset means to read model data from
"later". For example, and offset of 6, with a Fcst grid timerange of 12-15Z, will
copy model data from 18-21Z.
This is a SmartTool - and, thus, it only operates on existing Fcst grids - so in
that sense it differs from the "Populate" or "Copy/Paste" methods which can
"create" grids for you. You must create a grid (possibly "from scratch") before
you can run this tool.
If you run the tool on multiple grids (i.e., with a selected time range), the
"hour offset" is applied separately to each grid. For example, with a -3
"hour offset", a Fcst grid from 12-15Z will read model data from 9-12Z, while a
Fcst grid from 15-18Z will read model data from 12-15Z.</font>
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<title>Edit Area Actions</title>
<b><u><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+4>Edit Area Actions</font></font></u></b>
<p><a NAME="DrawFreehandEditArea"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Draw
a Freehand Edit Area</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">Use the Select Points tool to define an Edit Area
by hand. For more information see the section <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#DefineEditAreabyHand">Define
an EditArea by Hand</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectFourZones"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
an Edit Area that includes four different forecast zones of your
<p><font color="#000000">There are several way to accomplish this, but
the easiest is to select it from one of the cascading menus found in the
Main Menu bar, </font><font color="#FF0000">EditAreas->Zones->[zone name]</font><font color="#000000">.
Note that to accumulate the edit areas, you will need to put the Spatial
Editor into UNION mode by selecting the "+" from the button labelled "=".
For more detailed information, see the section <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#LoadingNamedEditAreas">Loading
Named Edit Areas</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectElevationArea"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
an Edit Area based on a given elevation.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">Unless your site manager has already set up edit
areas based on elevation, you will need to do this from the Edit Area Query
Dialog. Select the button labelled "</font><font color="#FF0000">?</font><font color="#000000">"
on the tool bar. The Edit Area Query Dialog will appear. Next enter
your query using the buttons such as, "</font><font color="#FF0000">Topo
> 4000</font><font color="#000000">" (adjust the value based on your topography).
Once you have defined the query select "Submit". The query will execute
and a new edit area will be selected that matches the query you entered.
For more information on queries, see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#EditAreaQueries">Edit
Area Queries</a> in the GFE Training Guide. For more infomation on the
dialog, see the section, <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">EditArea
and Query Dialog</a> in the Button Bar Dialogs document.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectBasedOnDewpoint"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
an Edit Area that includes locations where the dew point is above a value
that you specifiy.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">This task is similar to the one above except that
this time you are using a different element to define the area.</font>
<br><font color="#000000">Make sure that the dew point weather element
is loaded into the GFE. Open the query dialog (by selecting the button
labelled "?") and define your query such as, "</font><font color="#FF0000">Td
> 45</font><font color="#000000">". Then select "Submit". You
should see a new edit area displayed in the Spatial Editor that corresponds
to your query. Note that when you animate or step frames the query
is re-run so that the edit area always reflects the currently displayed
grid. For more information on queries, see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#EditAreaQueries">Edit
Area Queries</a> in the GFE Training Guide. For more infomation on the
dialog, see the section, <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">EditArea
and Query Dialog</a> in the Button Bar Dialogs document.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectBasedOnWeather"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
an Edit Area that covers locations with a certain type of weather</font>.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">For this task, load the "Wx" weather element and
open the query dialog by selecting the button labelled "</font><font color="#FF0000">?</font><font color="#000000">".
Next define your query such as </font><font color="#FF0000">mask(Wx, ":RW:")</font><font color="#000000">
and click the submit button. The new edit area should match your
query. For more information on queries, see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#EditAreaQueries">Edit
Area Queries</a> in the GFE Training Guide. For more infomation on the
dialog, see the section, <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">EditArea
and Query Dialog</a> in the Button Bar Dialogs document.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">Another way to select areas of the same weather
is to use the option available from the MB3 pop-up menu, "</font><font color="#FF0000">Select
Homogeneous Area</font><font color="#000000">". Selecting this option
will create a new edit area defined by the type, coverage and intensity
of whatever weather value the cursor is over when you execute "Select Homogeneous
Area". For more information, see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#SelectHomogeneousAreabasedonValue">Select
Homogeneous Area based on Value</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>
<p><a NAME="MakeNewQucikset"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Save
an Edit Area in a Quick Set button, clear the Edit Area and restore it
with the same Quick Set button.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">For this task you use the Quickset buttons located
in the far right section of the button bar. Create an edit area either
by hand, from the Main Menu or a query. Then select "</font><font color="#FF0000">Q</font><font color="#000000">"
followed by any one of the numbers. Now clear the edit area by pressing
the button labelled "</font><font color="#FF0000">C</font><font color="#000000">"
and then select the same number button that you did earlier. Note
that the edit area that you just cleared has been redisplayed. This
operation works for edit area queries as well. Saving a query under
a QuickSet entry returns as a query when it is recalled. When an
edit area query is loaded and executed it always runs on the currently
displayed grid. See the section in the GFE Training Guide, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#SavingEditAreasasQuickSets">Saving
Edit Areas as QuickSets</a> for more information</font>
<p><a NAME="ZoomSpatialEditor"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Zoom
the Spatial Editor so that only a portion of your CWA is displayed.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">There are two different ways to zoom the Spatial
Editor display. One is to MB3 press and select the "</font><font color="#FF0000">Zoom
to</font><font color="#000000">" cascade menu and select one of the numbered
options. These numbers represent the final width of the display (in
kilometers) after the display zooms.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">A short cut allows you to zoom in and out using
the mouse buttons. Press and hold the SHIFT key on the keyboard and
click MB2 anywhere in the Spatial Editor display. Note that the display
zooms in one level. Zoom in further by clicking MB2 a few more times.
Now zoom back ou by again holding the SHIFT key and clicking MB1.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">For more information on zooming the Spatial Editor
display see the section, <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#ZoomingtheSpatialDisplay">Zooming
(enlarging) the Spatial Display</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>
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<title>Editing Actions</title>
<font color="#3333ff"><font size="+4">Editing actions</font></font>
<p><a name="InterpolateGaps"></a><font color="#3333ff"><font size="+2">Perform
an interpolation based on "Gaps".</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">To interpolate based on "Gaps", first you must
select the time range over which you wish to interpolate. Move
cursor into the Grid Manager over the weather element you wish to
Move the cursor to the start time of the time range you wish to
and press MB1 and drag to define the selected time range. See the
<a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#SelectWEandTimeRange">Select
Weather Element and TimeRange</a> for more information. Once this time
range is defined, select </font><font color="#ff0000">Grids->Interpolate...</font><font
from the GFE's Main Menu. The <a
Dialog</a> pops up. Choose "By Gaps". You should see new grids
within the time range that you selected earlier. See the section,
<a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#InterpolateGrids">Interpolate
Grids</a> for more information.</font>
<p><a name="InterpolateEditedGrids"></a><font color="#3333ff">Perform
interpolation based on "Edited Data". What needs to be done before
this action?</font>
<p><font color="#330000">Before you can interpolate based on edited
you must first edit some of the grids or else no interpolation will be
performed. To accomplish this, edit at least two grids in the
Select these grid with the steps described in the section <a
Weather Element and TimeRange</a>. Then from the Main Menu select
</font><font color="#ff0000">Grids->Interpolate...</font><font
The <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#InterpolateDialog">Interpolate Dialog</a>
pops up. Choose "Based on Edited Data". You should see grid
only in the time period between the grids that you edited. Try
operation on a set of grids that have not been edited. Note that
no new grids appear and an error message appears at the bottom of the
<p><a name="AdjustGrid"></a><font color="#3333ff"><font size="+2">Adjust
the values for an entire grid by a specified amount.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">To adjust a the value in a grid, select that
in the Grid Manager. That will make the grid "editable".
open the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditActionsDialog">Edit
Dialog</a> by clicking with MB1 on the icon labeled with the large "E"
located in the Button Bar. From this dialog set the Delta Value
selecting "</font><font color="#ff0000">Delta Value...</font><font
and entering any value you choose. Close the <a
Value Dialog</a>. Now from the Edit Actions Dialog select </font><font
Value Up</font><font color="#330000"> or </font><font color="#ff0000">Adjust
Value Down</font><font color="#330000">. You may see a message
warning you that you are about to edit the entire grid. If so,
"</font><font color="#ff0000">Yes</font><font color="#330000">" and
that all of the values for the grid that you selected were changed by
amount that you specified.</font>
<p><a name="AdjustWindSpeed"></a><font color="#3333ff"><font size="+2">Adjust
the wind speeds for an entire grid by a specified amount.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">Adjusting the wind speed values for a grid
just like any other grid. Select the grid you wish to edit in the
Grid Manager with a MB1 click. Next open the <a
Actions Dialog</a>, if it is not open already. From this dialog
the delta value by clicking on the button labelled "</font><font
Value...</font><font color="#330000">" and specify an adjust
Close the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#DeltaValueDialog">Delta Value
Dialog</a> and select </font><font color="#ff0000">Adjust Value Up</font><font
or </font><font color="#ff0000">Adjust Value Down</font><font
from the Edit Actions Dialog. You should see that all of the wind
speeds were changed by the amount you specified.</font>
<p><a name="AdjustPortionOfGrid"></a><font color="#3333ff"><font
the values for just a portion of a grid by a specified amount.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">To adjust a portion of a grid, you must first
select an Edit Area in the Spatial Editor. To do this select the
button on the Button Bar that looks like this.
<img src="images/editArea.jpg" nosave="" align="middle">
Next move your cursor into the Spatial Editor and draw the area over
you want to edit by pressing MB1 and dragging. See the section <a
an Edit Area by Hand</a> for more information. Next select </font><font
Value Up</font><font color="#330000"> or </font><font color="#ff0000">Adjust
Value Down</font><font color="#330000"> from the <a
Actions Dialog</a> and you will see the gridpoints you selected
change in value.</font>
<p><a name="AdjustWindDirection"></a><font color="#3333ff"><font
the wind directions for a selected portion of a grid by a specified
<p>Adjusting the wind direction is a slight change from adjusting the
speed, described above. Select a wind grid to edit from the Grid
Manager. Next, select a portion of the grid as you did in the
exercise. <font color="#330000">See the section <a
an Edit Area by Hand</a> for more information. Now from the Main Menu
the GFE select, </font><font color="#ff0000">GFE->Editing
Edit Mode->Direction Only</font><font color="#330000">. This
restrict all edit operations to wind direction without affecting the
speed. Now open the <a
Actions Dialog</a> and select </font><font color="#ff0000">Adjust
Up</font><font color="#330000"> or </font><font color="#ff0000">Adjust
Value Down</font><font color="#330000">. Note that with each tool
execution the wind direction changes by 10 degrees up or down.</font>
<p><a name="SmoothGrid"></a><font color="#3333ff"><font size="+2">Smooth
the data contained in a grid.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">The Smooth operation is available from the <a
Actions Dialog</a>. To Smooth a grid, select a scalar or vector
edit and from the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditActionsDialog">Edit
Actions Dialog</a> select "</font><font color="#ff0000">Smooth</font><font
You should see that the gradients in the grid are less harsh than they
were before the smooth operation.</font>
<p><a name="PickupValueAndAssign"></a><font color="#3333ff"><font
a value from the spatial editor's color bar and assign it to a selected
Edit Area.</font></font>
<p>To pickup a value to assign, simply click or drag MB1 or MB2 in the
color bar located at the top of the Spatial Editor. Note that as
you click or drag the value that you specified is indicated by the
number displayed on the color bar. Now that you have specified a
pickup value, you can select an area as described in the section <font
color="#330000"><a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#DefineEditAreabyHand">Define
an Edit Area by Hand.</a></font> Finally, from the Edit
menu select Assign Value. You should see the value of the area
you selected change to the current pickup value.
<p><a name="CreateNewWeatherValue"></a><font color="#3333ff"><font
a new weather value of your choice and use it to assign weather to a
Edit Area.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">To create a new weather value, you first need
to select a Wx grid from Grid Manager. Select an area in the
editor to be changed. Next, from the color bar located at the top of
Spatial Editor, MB3 press and hold to display the pop-up menu.
the pop-up menu select </font><font color="#ff0000">Set Pickup Value...</font><font
Now you should see the <a
Weather Dialog</a> appear. Use this dialog to define a new
type, coverage/probability, and intensity. See the section <a
Weather Dialog</a> for more information. When you have
defined your new weather value, click on </font><font color="#ff0000">Assign
Value</font><font color="#330000">. You should see tool assign your
value to the selected area.</font>
<p><font color="#330000">You can also use a quicker way to set the
if the weather you are setting is fairly common. Instead of choosing
</font><font color="#ff0000">Set
Pickup Value...</font><font color="#330000"> from the popup menu, you
choose a value under </font><font color="#ff0000">Set To Common
</font><font color="#000000">The values appearing in this menu are
<p><a name="CreateNewDiscreteValue"></a><font color="#3333ff"><font
a new discrete value of your choice and use it to assign discrete data
to a selected Edit Area.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">To create a new discrete value, you first need
to select a discrete grid from Grid Manager. The
"Headlines" grid
is an example of a discrete grid. Select an area in the Spatial editor
to be changed. Next, from the color bar located at the top of the
Editor, MB3 press and hold to display the pop-up menu. From the
menu select </font><font color="#ff0000">Set Pickup Value...</font><font
Now you should see the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#DiscretePickUpValueDialog">Set
Discrete Value Dialog</a> appear. Use this dialog to define a new
value. See the section <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#DiscretePickUpValueDialog">Set
Discrete Value Dialog</a> for more information. When you
successfully defined your new value, click on </font><font
Value</font><font color="#330000">. You should see tool assign your
value to the selected area.</font>
<p><font color="#330000">You can also use a quicker way to set the
value, if the discrete value you are setting is fairly common.
Instead of choosing
</font><font color="#ff0000">Set Pickup Value...</font><font
from the popup menu, you can choose a value under </font><font
To Common Values... </font><font color="#000000">The values
appearing in this menu are site-configurable.</font>
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<title>Grid Manager Actions</title>
<b><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Grid Manager actions</font></font></b>
<p><a NAME="StretchAGrid"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Stretch
the valid time of any grid block.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">The Grid Manager has a built-in tool for stretching
the time over which a grid is valid. Move the cursor to the grid
block that you want to stretch. Press and hold MB2 while moving the
cursor to the left or right. Stretching the grid block to the left
changes the grid's start time while stretching the grid block to the right
changes that grid's end time. Note that you can only stretch the
start time or the end time per operation. To stretch both times,
you must perform this operation twice. See the section <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#Stretchagridsvalidtimeperiod">Stretch
a grid's valid time period</a> in GFE Training Guide for more information.</font>
<p><a NAME="CopyGrid"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Copy the
contents of one grid block into another grid block.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">This task is accomplished using the MB3 pop-up
menu from inside the Grid Manager. Move the cursor over the grid
block that you wish to copy from. Press and hold MB3 and select "</font><font color="#FF0000">Copy
Grid</font><font color="#000000">" from the pop-up menu. Next, move
your cursor to the time at which you want to paste this grid. Press
and hold MB3 again, but this time select "</font><font color="#FF0000">Paste
Grid</font><font color="#000000">". Note that you can paste the grid
into a gap or onto an existing grid. Just the grid data values are
changed when pasting a grid. The valid time is not affected.
See the section in the GFE Training Guide, <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#CopyGrids">Copy
Grid</a> for more information.</font>
<p><a NAME="SelectTimeRange"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
a time range and list of parameters, then copy data from a selected model
into the FCST database.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">This is a two-part task. First you must
select the time range, then copy grids from a model. To select the
time range, move the cursor to the start time of the selection and
over the first weather element you want to select. Press and hold
MB1 and drag diagonally. Motion in the horizontal direction selects
the time range. Motion in the vertical direction selects weather
element. When you have selected the time range and the set of weather
elements you want, release MB1. For more information on selecting
weather elements and time ranges in this way, see the GFE Training Guide
section <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#SelectWEandTimeRange">Select Weather
Element and TimeRange</a>.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">Next, you need to identify the model source to
copy in to your selected Weather Element/TimeRange. Go to the main
menu and select </font><font color="#FF0000">Populate->Copy Selected Grids
From...</font><font color="#000000"> A dialog that contains all model
versions that are curently available will appear. Select the model
of your choice and select </font><font color="#FF0000">OK</font><font color="#000000">.
Grids generated from that model will be copied into your forecast.
For more information on this operation, see the GFE Training Guide, section
<a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#CopyfromDerivedModelGrids">Copy
from Derived Model Grids</a>.</font>
<p><a NAME="CreateFromScratch"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Create
a grid from Scratch. Stretch the valid time of that grid and split it into
more than one grid.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">This is a three-part task. To create a grid
from scratch, move your cursor over the weather element/timerange you wish,
press and hold MB3 to display the pop-up menu, and select "</font><font color="#FF0000">Create
From Scratch</font><font color="#000000">". You will see a new grid
block appear in the Grid Manager. See the section, <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#CreateGridfromScratch">Create
Grid from Scratch</a> in the GFE Training Guide for more information.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">To stretch the valid time of the newly created
grid, see the instructions above, <a href="#StretchAGrid">Stretch the valid
time of any grid block</a>.</font>
<p><font color="#000000">Finally, to split the grid block, select a portion
of it using the instructions Select a time range... Then MB3 press
to display the pop up menu and select "Spilt Grid". You will end
up with two grids whose time boundaries are defined by whatever time range
you selected.</font>
<p><a NAME="AssignNullValue"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Assign
a "null" value to an entire grid.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">To assign a "null" value (usually the lowest allowable
value) just move your cursor over your grid of choice and MB3 press
to display the pop-up menu. Select "</font><font color="#FF0000">Assign
[value]</font><font color="#000000">" where [value] is the null value defined
for that weather element. You will see that the null value was assigned
to every grid point in the grid. See the section <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#AssignDefaultValue">Assign
Default Value</a> in the GFE Training Guide.</font>
<p><a NAME="TimeShiftGrids"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Select
several grids and use Time Shift to move the grids to another time
<p><font color="#000000">To TimeShift grids, you first need to select them.
See the section in the Grid Manager Training <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#SelectWEandTimeRange">Select
Weather Element and TimeRange</a> for more information on selecting
<p><font color="#000000">Next, from the Main Menu select </font><font color="#FF0000">Grids->Time
Shift...</font><font color="#000000"> to display the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#TimeShiftDialog">Time
Shift Dialog</a>. Use the radio buttons to indicate whether to copy
or move and the slider to indicate how many hours to time shift.
Then select </font><font color="#FF0000">OK</font><font color="#000000">.
Watch what happens to the grid that you selected.</font>
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<title>Loading Weather Elements Training</titile>
<font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Loading Weather Elements</font></font>
<br><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2></font></font>
<p><a NAME="LoadTemps"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Load the
temperatures, dew points and winds from each of the short and medium range
models into the Grid Manager.</font></font>
<p><font color="#000000">You will need to use the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#WEBrowserDialog">Weather
Element Browser</a> to do this. Open the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#WEBrowserDialog">Weather
Element Browser</a> from the Main Menu: </font><font color="#FF0000">Weather
Element->Weather Element Browser...</font><font color="#000000"> In the
column labelled "</font><font color="#FF0000">Source</font><font color="#000000">"
select each of the short and medium range models (e.g., NAM12, GFS80).
Next, in the column labelled "Field" select "</font><font color="#FF0000">T</font><font color="#000000">",
"</font><font color="#FF0000">Td</font><font color="#000000">", and "</font><font color="#FF0000">Wind</font><font color="#000000">".
From the third column, select the "</font><font color="#FF0000">Misc</font><font color="#000000">"
menu and select "</font><font color="#FF0000">SFC</font><font color="#000000">".
Finally select the "</font><font color="#FF0000">Load and Dismiss</font><font color="#000000">"
button located at the bottom-left of the dialog. The GFE will load
T, Td and Wind from each the models that you selected.</font>
<p><a NAME="LoadFireWx"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Load all
of the Fire Weather parameters into the Grid Manager.</font></font><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2></font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">There are several ways to load the Fire Weather
elements into the GFE. You could use the Weather Element Browser
as in the last exercise, but that might be somewhat tedious. The
quickest way to accomplish this is to load the <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#Load/UnloadWEsviaWEGroups">Weather
Element Group</a> that corresponds to the Fire Weather elements into the
GFE. To load a Weather Element Group, from the Main Menu select the
item </font><font color="#FF0000">Weather Element->Weather Element Groups->FireWx</font><font color="#330000">.
The GFE will then load those elements used for Fire Weather forecasts.</font>
<p><a NAME="LoadPublicWEs"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Load
all of the Public weather parameters into the Grid Manager.</font></font><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2></font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">Loading the Public Weather elements is most easily
accomplished by selecting from the Main Menu: </font><font color="#FF0000">Weather
Element->Weather Element Groups->Public</font><font color="#330000">.
See the section on <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#Load/UnloadWEsviaWEGroups">Loading
Weather Element Groups</a> for more information.</font>
<p><a NAME="CreateNewWEGroup"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Create
a new Weather Element Group that contains QPF, Wx, Sky, and SnowAmt</font></font><a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#CreateanewWeatherElementGroup"></a>
<p><a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#CreateanewWeatherElementGroup">Creating
a new Weather Element Group</a> is done via the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#WEBrowserDialog">Weather
Element Browser</a>. First you use the Browser to define the set of weather
elements and then assign the set a name. Start by displaying the
Weather Element Browser by selecting from the Main Menu: <font color="#FF0000">Weather
Element->Weather Element Browser</font>. Then from Source select
<font color="#FF0000">Fcst</font>, from Field select the items <font color="#FF0000">QPF,
Sky, and SnowAmt</font>, and from Planes select <font color="#FF0000">SFC</font>.
Now still in the Weather Element Browser select <font color="#FF0000">File->Save
Weather Element Group</font>. Enter a name and select <font color="#FF0000">Save</font>.
Now you can close the Weather Element Dialog. From the GFE Main Menu,
select <font color="#FF0000">Weather Element->Weather Element Groups</font>.
You should see your newly created Weather Element Group in that list.
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<title>GFE Techniques and Skills</title>
<!-- <hr> -->
<font color="#3333FF"><font size=+4>GFE Techniques and Skills</font></font>
<p>Here is a listing of various techniques and skills which you need to
develop in order to gain the most utility from the gridded forecast editor
software package. This list is arranged by subject, but using the GFE software
requires thorough knowledge of a wide variety of operations. Through repetition,
executing each of these skills and techniques should become second nature,
like calling up a satellite picture on D2D.
<p>This document is intended for forecasters who have been thoroughly trained
on the operational use of the GFE; it it not for the novice. Each
forecaster should be able to demonstrate a mastery of each of these skills
before attempting to use the GFE for complete operational forecasts.
<p><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Edit Area actions</font></font>
Draw a freehand Edit Area. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#DrawFreehandEditArea">Solution</a></font></li>
Select an Edit Area that includes four different forecast zones of
your choice. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#SelectFourZones">Solution</a></font></li>
Select an Edit Area based on a given elevation. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#SelectElevationArea">Solution</a></font></li>
Select an Edit Area that includes locations where the dew point is above
a value that you specifiy. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#SelectBasedOnDewpoint">Solution</a></font></li>
Select an Edit Area that covers locations with a certain type of weather.
<font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#SelectBasedOnWeather">Solution</a></font></li>
Save an Edit Area in a Quick Set button, clear the Edit Area and restore
it with the same Quick Set button. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#MakeNewQucikset">Solution</a></font></li>
Zoom the Spatial Editor so that only a portion of your CWA is displayed.
Hint: there are two ways to do this. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditAreaActions.html#ZoomSpatialEditor">Solution</a></font></li>
<font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Grid Manager actions</font></font>
Stretch the valid time of any grid block. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTGridManager.html#StretchAGrid">Solution</a></font></li>
Copy the contents of one grid block into another grid block. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTGridManager.html#CopyGrid">Solution</a></font></li>
Select a time range and list of parameters, then copy data from a selected
model into the FCST database. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTGridManager.html#SelectTimeRange">Solution</a></font></li>
Create a grid from Scratch. Stretch the valid time of that grid and split
it into more than one grid. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTGridManager.html#CreateFromScratch">Solution</a></font></li>
Assign a "null" value to an entire grid. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTGridManager.html#AssignNullValue">Solution</a></font></li>
Select several grids and use Time Shift to move the grids to another
time period. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTGridManager.html#TimeShiftGrids">Solution</a></font></li>
<p><br><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Loading Weather Elements</font></font>
Load the temperatures, dew points and winds from each of the short and
medium range models into the Grid Manager. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTLoadWEs.html#LoadTemps">Solution</a></font></li>
Load all of the Fire Weather parameters into the Grid Manager. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTLoadWEs.html#LoadFireWx">Solution</a></font></li>
Load all of the Public weather parameters into the Grid Manager. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTLoadWEs.html#LoadPublicWEs">Solution</a></font></li>
Create a new Weather Element Group that contains QPF, Wx, Sky, and SnowAmt
<font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTLoadWEs.html#CreateNewWEGroup">Solution</a></font></li>
<p><br><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Editing actions</font></font>
Perform an interpolation based on "Gaps". <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#InterpolateGaps">Solution</a></font></li>
Perform an interpolation based on "Edited Data". What needs to be done
before executing this action? <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#InterpolateEditedGrids">Solution</a></font></li>
Adjust the values for an entire grid by a specified amount. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#AdjustGrid">Solution</a></font></li>
Adjust the wind speeds for an entire grid by a specified amount. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#AdjustWindSpeed">Solution</a></font></li>
Adjust the values for just a portion of a grid by a specified amount. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#AdjustPortionOfGrid">Solution</a></font></li>
Adjust the wind directions for a selected portion of a grid by a specified
amount. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#AdjustWindDirection">Solution</a></font></li>
Smooth the data contained in a grid. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#SmoothGrid">Solution</a></font></li>
Pickup a value from the spatial editor's color bar and assign it to a selected
Edit Area. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#PickupValueAndAssign">Solution</a></font></li>
Create a new weather value of your choice and use it to assign weather
to a selected Edit Area. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#CreateNewWeatherValue">Solution</a></font><br>
Create a new discrete value of your choice and use it to assign discrete
values to a selected Edit Area. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTEditingActions.html#CreateNewDiscreteValue">Solution</a></font></li>
<p><br><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Smart Tools</font></font>
Run a Smart Tool for just the area covered by your WFO. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTSmartTools.html#RunSmartTool">Solution</a></font></li>
Adjust a QPF grid using the Orographic Smart Tool. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTSmartTools.html#AdjustQPFWithSmartTool">Solution</a></font></li>
Interpolate temperatures to hourly grids and derive a MaxTemp grid from
these grids using the Smart Tool. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTSmartTools.html#MakeMaxTemp">Solution</a></font></li>
Derive a SnowAmt grid from the QPF field using the appropriate Smart Tool.
<font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTSmartTools.html#DeriveSnowAmtGrid">Solution</a></font></li>
Run a Smart Tool on multiple grids, but only over a selected Edit Area
<font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTSmartTools.html#RunSmartToolOnMultipleGrids">Solution</a></font></li>
<p><br><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Miscellaneous and More Complex
Display a grid as an image, then change the Color Table that is being used.
<font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTMisc.html#ChangeColorTable">Solution</a></font></li>
Change the color of a graphic. (Think how you would do this on D2D.) <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTMisc.html#ChangeGraphicColor">Solution</a></font></li>
Assign a weather type to the portion of a grid covered by a certain PoP
value. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTMisc.html#AssignWeatherByPoP">Solution</a></font></li>
Assign values to a PoP grid based on different threshold values in the
QPF grid for that time. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTMisc.html#AssignPopBasedOnQPF">Solution</a></font></li>
Save and Publish the data. <font color="#3333FF"><a href="EGTMisc.html#SaveAndPublish">Solution</a></font></li>
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<title>Miscellaneous Actions Training</title>
<font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Miscellaneous and More Complex actions</font></font>
<p><a NAME="ChangeColorTable"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Display
a grid as an image, then change the Color Table that is being used.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">To display a grid as an image, move the cursor
down to the legend that corresponds to that grid. Press and hold
MB3 and select Display as Image. This will change the grid to an
image. For more information on this and other legend options, see
the section <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#LegendPop-upMenu">Legend
Pop-up Menu</a>. Changing the current color table is done via the
color bar located at the top of the Spatial Editor. Move the cursor
to the color bar and press and hold MB3 to display the pop-up menu.
Move the cursor to the item </font><font color="#FF0000">Change Color Table
To-></font><font color="#330000"> to see the list of available color
tables. Select a new color table and watch the display of the grid
<p><a NAME="ChangeGraphicColor"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Change
the color of a graphic. (Think how you would do this on D2D.)</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">This operation works nearly the same as on D2D.
Move your cursor to the appropriate legend and press and hold MB3 to display
the pop-up menu. From this menu, select </font><font color="#FF0000">Change
Graphic Color To -></font><font color="#330000"> and select any color you
<p><a NAME="AssignWeatherByPoP"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Assign
a weather type to the portion of a grid covered by a certain PoP value.</font></font>
<p>First you need to define an edit area based on PoP. To do this
open the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">Edit Area
Query Dialog</a> from the Button Bar. This button looks like this <img SRC="images/defineRefset0.gif" height=46 width=46>.
Define a query based on PoP. For example, "<font color="#FF0000">PoP->
30</font>" and submit the query. For more information, see the
section on the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">Edit
Area Query Dialog</a>. Once you have defined your edit area based
on PoP, then make the corresponding Wx grid active. Select the appropriate
weather type, coverage and intensity and assign that value to the edit
<p><a NAME="AssignPopBasedOnQPF"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Assign
values to a PoP grid based on different threshold values in the QPF grid
for that time.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">This task can be accomplished by submitting several
queries that identify areas based on the QPF value and then assigning various
PoP values after each query. For example, open the </font> <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditAreaQueryDialog">Edit
Area Query Dialog</a> and define a query at the low end of QPF such
as "QPF < 0.01". Once this edit area has been defined, assign
a PoP value of 0%. Next submit another query such as "QPF >= 0.01
* QPF < 0.10". Once this edit area is defined, assign a different value
for PoP such as 20%. Follow this with another query, and so on until
the entire range of QPF has been addressed.
<p>Smart Tools is another way to define this relationship with significantly
less work. See the <a href="SmartTools.html">Smart Tools Training
Guide</a> for more information on creating Smart Tools.
<p><a NAME="SaveAndPublish"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Save
and Publish the data.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">To save your gridded forecast data select from
the Main Menu Edit->Save Forecast. Then select the Save Forecast
button. You can also get to this dialog by selecting the Button Bar
button that looks like this. </font><img SRC="images/saveFcst0.gif" height=46 width=46>
<p><font color="#330000">To Publish your data to the Official database,
select from the Main Menu </font><font color="#FF0000">Products->Publish
to Official...</font><font color="#330000"> This will display the
<a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#PublishToOfficialDialog">Publish
Dialog</a> that allows you to choose which weather elements to publish.
To publish the weather elements click on the Publish button.</font>
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<title>Smart Tools Training</title>
<font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Smart Tools</font></font>
<p><a NAME="RunSmartTool"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Run a
Smart Tool for just the area covered by your WFO.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">Running a Smart tool is just like running any
of the other simple tools. Select a grid to edit by MB1 clicking
on that grid in the Grid Manager or MB2 clicking on the label for that
grid in the Spatial Editor. Next you will need to select the edit
area that corresponds to your WFO. From the GFE Main Menu, select
</font><font color="#FF0000">Edit
Areas->WFOs->[Your site ID]</font><font color="#330000">. Open the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditActionsDialog">Edit
Actions Dialog</a>, if not already, and select the smart tool that you
wish to run. That tool will be executed over your WFO and presumably
modify the data for the grid that you choose earlier.</font>
<p><a NAME="AdjustQPFWithSmartTool"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Adjust
a QPF grid using the QPF Smart Tool.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">Select a QPF grid to edit using the Grid Manager
or the legends in the Spatial Editor. Then open the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditActionsDialog">Edit
Actions Dialog</a> and select QPF_SmartTool. If there is any complex
terrain in your WFO area, you should see a terrain influence in the QPF
field based on the topography and the wind grid valid at the same time.</font>
<p><a NAME="MakeMaxTemp"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Interpolate
temperatures to hourly grids and derive a MaxTemp grid from these grids
using the Smart Tool.</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">To interpolate your temperature grids to hourly,
first select those grids in the Grid Mangaer using MB1 drag operation.
See the section Select Weather Element and TimeRange for more information.
Next, from the Main Menu item select </font><font color="#FF0000">Grids->Interpolate...</font><font color="#330000">.
The <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#InterpolateDialog">Interpolate Dialog</a>
will be displayed, choose "By Gaps". You should see new grid appear in
between the grids that were already defined. See the section on
<a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#InterpolateGrids">Interpolate
Grids</a> for more infomation. When the interpolation is finished,
select a MaxT (max temperature) grid to edit from the Grid Manager that
corresponds to the same time as the time period that you interpolated.
Then from the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditActionsDialog">Edit Actions
Dialog</a> select the Smart tool, select </font><font color="#FF0000">MaxT_SmartTool</font><font color="#330000">.
You should see the values for the MaxT assign the maximum value of the
temperature grids in that same time range.</font>
<p><a NAME="DeriveSnowAmtGrid"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Derive
a SnowAmt grid from the QPF field using the appropriate Smart Tool</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">First you will need to define a QPF field either
by hand or from any model you choose. Next create a SnowAmt grid
from scratch in the Grid Manager by moving the cursor to the same time
period in the SnowAmt element, MB3 press and hold to get the pop-up menu
and select <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#CreateGridfromScratch">Create
From Scratch</a>. See the section <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#CreateGridfromScratch">Create
Grid From Scratch</a> for more information. Now open the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditActionsDialog">Edit
Actions Dialog</a> and select </font><font color="#FF0000">SnowAmt_SmartTool</font><font color="#330000">.
You should see the newly created SnowAmt grid defined with new values.
Note: this tool requires that a Temperature and Freezing Level grid also
be defined for the same time period. Also note that if your temperature
grid is not at or below freezing the SnowAmt_SmartTool will (appropriately)
assign zero SnowAmt to all grid points.</font>
<p><a NAME="RunSmartToolOnMultipleGrids"></a><font color="#3333FF"><font size=+2>Run
a Smart Tool on multiple grids, but only over a selected Edit Area</font></font>
<p><font color="#330000">To accomplish this task you will need to select
a time period in the Grid Manager and then select and edit area from the
Spatial Editor. These can be done in either order. To select
a time period in the Grid Manager see the section <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html#SelectWEandTimeRange">Select
Weather Element and Time Range</a>. To select an edit area in the
Spatial Editor see the section <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#DefineEditAreabyHand">Select
an Edit Area by Hand</a>. Once you have defined an edit area and
a time range, select one of the tools in the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditActionsDialog">Edit
Actions Dialog</a>. Note that all of the grids that you selected
in the Grid Manager turn a </font><font color="#66FFFF">cyan</font><font color="#330000">
color while they are executing. When the </font><font color="#66FFFF">cyan</font><font color="#330000">
color turns back to gray, examine the grids and convince yourself that
the Smart tool was executed over the edit area that you chose and for each
of the grids that you selected.</font>
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<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">Due to the increasing number of elements
and their forecast projection which must be produced, it has been difficult to keep track of all the
data in all the grids. There is a need for methods to assist in the managing of these grids in a
timely fashion.
One of the many challenges forecasters have is making sure all the grids are consistent with one
another (i.e. Td < T). With all of the different elements and their interrelationships, if the
data is not inspected carefully, glaring inconsistencies may show up. Another challenge is making
sure all grids required for NDFD are actually there, especially in the morning when the new day 7
needs added.
ERQCCheck is designed to assist in these areas. It allows one to cross check elements against one
another to assure consistency. Where inconsistencies are found, the forecaster has the option to
either just see where the inconsistencies are, or have one element or the other forced so that they
are consistent.
It also includes a routine that check for the existence of grids required for NDFD. This routine
checks for the various weather elements required for the time intervals required, over the seven days.
It accounts for the different time intervals required for the different elements, or for the same
elements over different time ranges. For example, many elements are required at three hour
intervals out to 48 or 60 hours, then every six hours out through day 7.
The following table lists the Procedures and Tools used, and which elements the Tools check.
The first column lists all the Procedures and Tools. In addition to the master Procedure,
ERQCCheck, there are 2 Procedures within the Master Procedure, one being
CheckTandTd Procedure, which also deals with MaxT and MinT, the other being the NDFDgridCheck
The tools are used directly by the master Procedure for all the other elements; each Procedure or
Tool used by the master Procedure is indented once. Procedures are so indicated in the second
column; all others are Smart Tools. The weather element edited by the Smart Tool is listed in the
third column.
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">
<td><b>Procedure or Tool</b></td>
<td><b>Tool (Wx Element Edited)</b></td>
<td>T and Td</td>
<td>Wind Gust</td>
<big><big><font style="font-weight: bold;"
face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">How
the Procedure Works</font><span style="font-weight: bold;">
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">From the consistency menu, choose
ERQCcheck. Note that we are checking for internal inconsistencies, those found among one’s own
forecast grids, not inconsistencies between one’s own forecast and their neighbors forecast grids.
After selecting the procedure a GUI will appear:<br><br>
<img alt="ERQCcheck" src="images/ERQCcheck.png"></font>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">The top section deals with selecting a
time range over which to check grids. To check grids over the selected time range in the grid
manager, just leave “Y” for “Use Selected Time Range from the Grid Manager.” To check for certain
periods, like Day4 or Day3 night to Day7, select “N” for “Use Selected Time range” and choose the
time periods at the right; the time to start with from the left column, and to end with from the
right. To check for Day4 only, for example, just choose Day4 for the start and end time.
If checking all the grids through time, simply pick the first period in the left column (Today
or Tonight) and Day 7 from the right column.
The column to the right allows one to choose which cycle one is on. This affects the time periods
chosen, as the day references change meaning from the 00Z to the 12Z cycle. Leaving the default,
“Auto,” will result in the cycle being automatically determined by ERQCcheck, so one need not worry
about this feature at all in most cases. However, the other two choices, one for each off the two
possible cycles one is on, are left available in case the Procedure doesn’t determine the desired
cycle right, such as during a borderline part of the day.
Next are the options for what to check, and whether to highlight only or actually fix. For each
weather element, one can choose whether to fix or just highlight where it is inconsistent with the
element it is being checked against. On the Wx check, just the highlight option is available,
although a fix option has been written, and will soon be added. On the WindGust check, just the
fix option is available at this time. The following table shows what elements can be checked
(Dependent Element), what element(s) they are checked against (Independent Element), and outlines
the options are available for each element.<br><br>
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">
<td><b>Dependent Element</b></td>
<td><b>Independent Element</b></td>
<td>Previous MinT</td>
<td>Previous MaxT</td>
<td>MaxT, MinT</td>
<td>RH, Heat Index</td>
<td>T, Td</td>
<td>Wind, WindGust rules</td>
<td>PoP, PoP12hr</td>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">Note that leaving the defaults will
result in no action being taken by the Procedure at all. One must either pick an All option,
or one or more of the options that follow.</font>
<big><big><font style="font-weight: bold;"
face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">Brief Synopsis of each option: What
ERQCcheck does</font><span style="font-weight: bold;">
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">What follows is an explanation of the
procedure and/or tool(s) behind each option and what they do. For the highlight option, temporary
grids are created and displayed at the bottom of the grid manager (but above the ISC grids, if
loaded). The grid name is the Element name prefixed with “Invalid,” Invalid[Element], such as
InvalidPoP. For the temperature checks, the grid names are something to the effect:
Usually, the highlight grids will be purple over areas that are OK, and red over areas where the
value for that element is not consistent with the element it was checked against. A grid of
zeroes and ones is produced. The purple area will have a value of 0, indicating OK, and the red
area a value of 1, indicating an inconsistency, but not by how much.
Only the ISC_Send area is checked, so the forecaster is not bothered with the many inconsistencies
that may show up well outside the forecast area. In general, areas highlighted in red are areas
that “would have” been fixed if the fixed option were chosen.
<b>All (overrides other choices if not No)</b><br>
This first option is a quick way to have all the weather elements this Procedure can check or fix,
checked or fixed at once. If left <i>No</i>, the procedure will check or fix weather elements according
to the options selected below.
Checking <i>Highlight only</i> will run all the available checks, and produce the highlight grids
for those grids containing inconsistencies. The <i>Fix All</i> option fixes those grids which are
found inconsistent: they force grid values in line with values being compared against.
<b>NDFD</b> Grid Check is the routine that checks for the existence of all grids required for the
NDFD. It checks for all seven days, regardless of the time range chosen. It doesn’t highlight or
“fill in” missing grids; rather, it lists the missing grids and the times for which they are
missing When finished, “-- Missing grids listed below !! --“ appears in the status bar in the
lower left portion of the GFE display. Just open up the message window by clicking on the up arrow
just to its left of the status bar to see which grids are missing for which times. If all grids are
present, a message, “-- All necessary grids found --” appears in the status bar instead.
Just to the right of the NDFD option is a place to check for public, fire or marine weather
elements (the marine option can be removed for inland offices). For the public elements, heat
index is checked for in the summer; wind chill in winter. NDFD requires snow amount grids 12
months a year over the CONUS. All other public weather elements are all year round.
<b>CheckTandTd (All 7 days only)</b><br>
The temperature checks are carried out for all 7 days, regardless of the time periods chosen.
MinT and MaxT grids are checked against one another in chronological order. Values in the first
MaxT grid are made to at least equal values in the previous MinT grid, i.e., the grid from the night
before. Likewise, values in the first MinT grid are made to at most equal values in the previous
MaxT grid, i.e., the grid from the day before. This assures all values in a given MinT grid end up
at or below all values in both adjacent MaxT grids, and all values in a given MaxT grid end up at or
above all values in both adjacent MinT grids.
For the highlight only option, the actual error is shown in the red area in the temporary
Invalid[Element] grid. So, if MaxT is too low compared to the following MinT grid, negative
values will appear showing how much too low the grid is at each point.
Values in T grids are then forced to at least equal values in corresponding MinT grids, and/or at
most equal all values in corresponding MaxT grids. For the highlight option, values shown in red
in the temporary grid show where T is above the corresponding MaxT or below the corresponding MinT.
The purple area is where T is OK.
This is done automatically with the CheckTandTd option. After forcing T within MinT and MaxT, Td is
forced to at most equal T.
For the highlight option, values shown in red in the temporary grid show where Td is above T.
<i>RH, Heat Index (For Fix Option Only)</i><br>
Since T and Td values are potentially changed, the RH, Wind Chill and Heat Index are all
automatically recomputed with the CheckTandTd option, the latter two only if loaded in GFE at the
time, a quick way to do only what is “in season.”
<b>WindGust (Fix only)</b><br>
This check forces wind gust values to be no lower than the sustained wind speed, as required.
There is an option to limit wind gusts in relation to the sustained wind speed. This is to avoid
wording like “5 to 10 mph with gusts to 40 mph.” It is defaulted to 12 kts, and can be changed.
Any wind gust values that exceed the sustained wind speed by more than this value are reduced so
that they exceed the wind gust by exactly this value. In this way, if the user chooses 10,
10G35KT becomes 10G20KT, in theory. In actuality, it may still come out something like 10G25KT,
on account of the analysis methods in the ZPF text formatter. Wind speeds are averaged while the
maximum is taken for wind gusts.
Although there is no quantitative relationship between PoP and Sky, generally there is a qualitative
relationship that high PoPs require high Sky values, although high Sky values do not necessarily
mean the PoPs have to be high. This option checks Sky against PoP, allowing the forecaster to
choose from three possible Sky-PoP relationships, then control the relationship chosen, according
to the meteorological situation at hand. These relationship options appear just to the right of
CheckSkyWithPoP; the “For Sky and PoP” section, allowing one to control the relationship chosen,
appears just below the CheckSkyWithPoP option.
The first two relationships are based on the premise that the Sky should be at least equal to, if
not greater than, the PoP. In essence, if there’s a 50% chance of rain, then it should be at least
partly cloudy, if not mostly cloudy. It certainly shouldn’t be mostly clear if there’s that good a
chance for rain. On the other hand, if there are a lot of clouds, there may not be much
precipitation around. This is OK; the tool leaves these areas alone.
<i>Relationship 1:</i> Sky greater than PoP by a fixed amount. For this option, one chooses “add”
under “Sky vs PoP Relationship.” In the “For Sky and PoP” options below, one chooses the amount by
which the Sky should be greater than the PoP; the default is 20.
For the fix option, all Sky values not exceeding the PoP by at least the amount entered will be
increased just enough to do so. Sky values already exceeding the PoP by more than the amount
entered are simply left alone. For the highlight option, areas that “would have” been fixed are
simply highlighted with ones in a grid of ones (red) and zeros (purple).
<i>Relationship 2:</i> Sky greater than PoP by a factor. For this option, one chooses “multiply”
under “Sky vs PoP Relationship:” In the “For Sky and PoP” options below, one chooses the factor by
which the Sky should be greater than the PoP. The default of 20 should almost definitely be
changed, usually to a much lower value, such as 1.5 or 2.
For the fix option, all Sky values not exceeding the PoP by at least the factor entered will be
increased just enough to do so. For example, if the factor entered is two, then the Sky values
should always be at least double what the PoP is; those values that aren’t are increased to exactly
double the PoP. Sky values already exceeding the PoP by more than the factor entered are simply
left alone. For the highlight option, areas that “would have” been fixed are simply highlighted
with ones in a grid of ones (red) and zeros (purple).
<i>Relationship 3:</i> Sky is at least a certain value (or lower limit) wherever there is weather.
For this option, one chooses “Sky limit” under “Sky vs PoP Relationship.” In the “For Sky and PoP”
options below, one decides 1) how much Sky cover there should be to support weather, and 2) how
much Sky cover there should be to support a 5% PoP. For the former, weather is required for PoP
values of 15 or greater; this is hard-coded. Here, one is really entering how much Sky cover there
should be to support a 5% PoP, and a 15% PoP, with values in between linearly interpolated.
We are only concerned here with Sky values for the onset of weather: PoP values of between 5%
(onset of possible trace events) and 15% (onset of measurable precipitation). The idea here is that
the Sky limit entered should be the lowest Sky value found anywhere the PoP is 15% or greater.
Note here that higher PoP values do not affect the algorithm: if 60 is left for Sky Limit, then all
values lower than 60 should be raised to 60 for PoPs anywhere from 15% to 100%. Sky cover for PoPs
of 5% to 15% should vary linearly from the values entered for a 5% PoP to the value entered for a
15% PoP. Sky values for PoP of less than 5% are left alone.
For the fix option, the Sky is raised to that value entered for PoP needed to support measurable
precipitation wherever the PoP is 15% or greater, the definition for a forecast of measurable
precipitation. Sky is raised to that value entered for 5% PoP where the PoP is 5%, and left alone
regardless of its original value where the Pop is less than 5%. For PoP values between 5% and 15%,
a slope is created to determine the new minimum Sky in this range, varying linearly from the Sky
value entered for 5% PoP and that entered to support measurable precipitation.
For the highlight option, a grid of zeroes (purple) and ones (red) are shown, the ones indicating
where the Sky grid is inconsistent with the PoP grid, areas that “would have” been fixed using the
“Fix” option.
Performs two, simple consistency checks on the SnowAmt grid:<br><br>
<li>Where SnowAmt >= 0.5 inches, checks to ensure QPF >= 0.01 inches.</li>
<li>Where SnowAmt >= 0.1 inches, checks to ensure Wx contains S, SW, and/or IP. The frozen
precipitation type can be mixed with any liquid and/or freezing precipitation type. The procedure
does not consider coverage, intensity, and/or visibility of the frozen precipitation in the Wx
grid. There are two cases, which are subtly different:</li>
<li>If the SnowAmt grid is 6-hr long and starts at 00, 06, 12, or 18 UTC, then at least
one of the overlapping Wx grids must contain S, SW, and/or IP.</li>
<li>All other SnowAmt grids will have to have all overlapping Wx grids contain S, SW,
and/or IP. The more stringent check is required because if the GFE grid time constraints are
offset from the NDFD time constraints, it is possible for the GFE to return a consistent
result but have the NDFD believe the grids are inconsistent.</li>
The procedure also performs two, simple consistency checks on the QPF grid:<br><br>
<li>Where QPF > 0.0, checks to ensure at least one of the overlapping PoP grids is greater
than zero. The PoP grids here are the “floating” PoP grids.</li>
<li>Where QPF > 0.0, checks to ensure that the overlapping Wx grids have at least one of
the precipitating Wx types, which includes L and ZL. The check is made against the Wx type
only. The procedure does not consider coverage, intensity, and/or visibility of the
precipitating Wx type. There are two cases, which are subtly different:</li>
<li>If the QPF grid is 6-hr long and starts at 00, 06, 12, or 18 UTC, then at least
one of the overlapping Wx grids must contain precipitating weather.</li>
<li>All other QPF grids will have to have all overlapping Wx grids contain precipitating
weather. The reasons for the more stringent test are the same as with the SnowAmt/Wx
consistency check.</li>
<li>In case it's not clear, for both the SnowAmt/Wx and QPF/Wx checks, if you have a mixture
of SnowAmt/QPF grids where some meet the 6-hr definition and some do not, then the “any” Wx grid
check applies for the 6-hr grids and the “all” Wx grid check applies to the others.</li>
<li>For all checks, if the initial threshold is not met, then the grids are considered
consistent by definition. In other words:</li>
<li>If SnowAmt < 0.5 inches, then SnowAmt and QPF are always consistent.</li>
<li>If SnowAmt < 0.1 inches, then SnowAmt and Wx are always consistent.</li>
<li>If QPF = 0, then QPF and PoP are always consistent.</li>
<li>If QPF = 0, then QPF and Wx are always consistent.</li>
If the procedure finds any inconsistencies, it will highlight the inconsistent grids and create
temporary grids which show where the inconsistencies occur. The values in all the temporary grids
are either zero (consistent) or one (inconsistent). The procedure does not modify any grids.
It's left up to the forecaster to determine how, if at all, to handle the inconsistencies.
The issue of a check only versus a check/force procedure was discussed by the STSIT and the
consensus recommendation was a check only procedure. The STSIT feels strongly that there are
no meteorologically sound ways to force consistency of these grids.
When the procedure is run, the forecaster is presented with several choices. The first is whether
to run checks or to “Cleanup”. By default, the procedure will run checks. The “Cleanup” option
will undo any highlighting and remove any temporary grids. If you leave “Check” selected, then
you can choose which of the checks you wish to run by toggling on and off the appropriate button.
By default, all checks will be run.
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
from NAM12 import *
class MyNAM12Forecaster(NAM12Forecaster):
def __init__(self):
def calcSnowAmt(self, T, QPF):
m2 = less_equal(T, 32)
snowamt = where(m2, 10.0 * QPF, float32(0))
return snowamt
def calcRH(self, rh_FHAG2):
return clip(rh_FHAG2, 0, 100)
def main():
@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
from Init import *
## Module that calculates surface weather elements from NAM model
## output.
class NAM12Forecaster(Forecaster):
def __init__(self):
Forecaster.__init__(self, "NAM12", "NAM12")
## These levels will be used to create vertical soundings. These are
## defined here since they are model dependent.
def levels(self):
return ["MB1000", "MB950", "MB900","MB850","MB800","MB750",
"MB700","MB650","MB600","MB550", "MB500",
"MB450", "MB400", "MB350"]
## Returns the maximum of the specified MaxT and the T grids
def calcMaxT(self, T, MaxT):
if MaxT is None:
return T
return maximum(MaxT, T)
## Returns the minimum of the specified MinT and T grids
def calcMinT(self, T, MinT):
if MinT is None:
return T
return minimum(MinT, T)
## Calculates the temperature at the elevation indicated in the topo
## grid. This tool uses the model's boundary layers to calculate a lapse
## rate and then applies that lapse rate to the difference between the
## model topography and the true topography. This algorithm calculates
## the surface temperature for three different sets of points: those that
## fall above the boundary layer, in the boundary layer, and below the
## boundary layer.
def calcT(self, t_FHAG2, t_BL030, t_BL3060, t_BL6090, t_BL90120,
t_BL12015, p_SFC, topo, stopo, gh_c, t_c):
p = self.newGrid(-1)
tmb = self.newGrid(-1)
tms = self.newGrid(-1)
# go up the column to figure out the surface pressure
for i in xrange(1, gh_c.shape[0]):
higher = greater(gh_c[i], topo)
# interpolate the pressure at topo height
val = self.linear(gh_c[i], gh_c[i-1],
log(self.pres[i]), log(self.pres[i-1]), topo)
val = clip(val, -.00001, 10)
p = where(logical_and(equal(p, -1), higher),
exp(val), p)
# interpolate the temperature at true elevation
tval1 = self.linear(gh_c[i], gh_c[i-1], t_c[i], t_c[i-1], topo)
tmb = where(logical_and(equal(tmb, -1), higher),
tval1, tmb)
# interpolate the temperature at model elevation
tval2 = self.linear(gh_c[i], gh_c[i-1], t_c[i], t_c[i-1], stopo)
tms = where(logical_and(equal(tms, -1), greater(gh_c[i], stopo)),
tval2, tms)
p_SFC = p_SFC / 100 # get te surface pres. in mb
# define the pres. of each of the boundary layers
pres = [p_SFC, p_SFC - 15, p_SFC - 45, p_SFC - 75, p_SFC - 105,
p_SFC - 135]
# list of temperature grids
temps = [t_FHAG2, t_BL030, t_BL3060, t_BL6090, t_BL90120, t_BL12015]
st = self.newGrid(-1)
# Calculate the lapse rate in units of pressure
for i in xrange(1, len(pres)):
val = self.linear(pres[i], pres[i-1], temps[i], temps[i-1], p)
gm = greater(pres[i-1], p)
lm = less_equal(pres[i], p)
mask = logical_and(gm, lm)
st = where(logical_and(equal(st, -1), mask),
val, st)
# where topo level is above highest level in BL fields...use tmb
st = where(logical_and(equal(st,-1),less(p,p_SFC-135)),tmb,st)
# where topo level is below model surface...use difference
# of t at pressure of surface and tFHAG2 and subtract from tmb
st = where(equal(st, -1), tmb - tms + t_FHAG2, st)
return self.KtoF(st)
## Calculates dew point from the specified pressure, temp and rh
## fields.
def calcTd(self, p_SFC, T, t_FHAG2, stopo, topo, rh_FHAG2):
# at the model surface
sfce = rh_FHAG2 / 100 * self.esat(t_FHAG2)
w = (0.622 * sfce) / ((p_SFC + 0.0001) / 100 - sfce)
# at the true surface
tsfce = self.esat(self.FtoK(T))
dpdz = 287.04 * t_FHAG2 / (p_SFC / 100 * 9.8) # meters / millibar
newp = p_SFC / 100 + (stopo - topo) / dpdz
ws = (0.622 * tsfce) / (newp - tsfce)
rh = w / ws
# Finally, calculate the dew point
tsfcesat = rh * tsfce
tsfcesat = clip(tsfcesat, 0.00001, tsfcesat)
b = 26.66082 - log(tsfcesat)
td = (b - sqrt(b * b - 223.1986)) / 0.0182758048
td = self.KtoF(td)
td = where(w > ws, T, td)
return td
## Calculates RH from the T and Td grids
def calcRH(self, T, Td):
Tc = .556 * (T - 32.0)
Tdc = .556 * (Td - 32.0)
Vt = 6.11 * pow(10,(Tc * 7.5 / (Tc + 237.3)))
Vd = 6.11 * pow(10,(Tdc * 7.5 / (Tdc + 237.3)))
RH = (Vd / Vt) * 100.0
# Return the new value
return RH
## Returns the maximum of the specified MaxRH and the RH grids
def calcMaxRH(self, RH, MaxRH):
if MaxRH is None:
return RH
return maximum(MaxRH, RH)
## Returns the minimum of the specified MinRH and RH grids
def calcMinRH(self, RH, MinRH):
if MinRH is None:
return RH
return minimum(MinRH, RH)
## Calculates QPF from the total precip field out of the model
def calcQPF(self, tp_SFC):
qpf = tp_SFC / 25.4 # convert from millimeters to inches
return qpf
def calcSky(self, rh_c, gh_c, topo, p_SFC):
return self.skyFromRH(rh_c, gh_c, topo, p_SFC)
## Calculates Prob. of Precip. based on QPF and RH cube. Where there
## is QPF > 0 ramp the PoP from (0.01, 35%) to 100%. Then in areas
## of QPF < 0.2 raise the PoP if it's very humid.
def calcPoP(self, gh_c, rh_c, QPF, topo):
rhavg = where(less(gh_c, topo), float32(-1), rh_c)
rhavg[greater(gh_c, topo + 5000 * 0.3048)] = -1
count = not_equal(rhavg, -1)
rhavg[equal(rhavg, -1)] = 0
count = add.reduce(count, 0, dtype=float32)
rhavg = add.reduce(rhavg, 0)
## add this much based on humidity only
dpop = where(count, rhavg / (count + .001), 0) - 70.0
dpop[less(dpop, -30)] = -30
## calculate the base PoP
pop = where(less(QPF, 0.02), QPF * 1000, QPF * 350 + 13)
pop += dpop # add the adjustment based on humidity
pop.clip(0, 100, pop) # clip to 100%
return pop
## Calculates the Freezing level based on height and temperature
## cubes. Finds the height at which freezing occurs.
def calcFzLevel(self, gh_c, t_c, topo):
fzl = self.newGrid(-1)
# for each level in the height cube, find the freezing level
for i in xrange(gh_c.shape[0]):
val = gh_c[i-1] + (gh_c[i] - gh_c[i-1]) / (t_c[i] - t_c[i-1])\
* (273.15 - t_c[i-1])
val = gh_c[i]
## save the height value in fzl
fzl = where(logical_and(equal(fzl, -1),
less_equal(t_c[i], 273.15)), val, fzl)
return fzl * 3.28 # convert to feet
## Calculates the Snow level based on wet-bulb zero height.
def calcSnowLevel(self, gh_c, t_c, rh_c):
# Only use the levels that are >= freezind (plus one level)
# This is a performance and memory optimization
clipindex = 2
for i in xrange(t_c.shape[0]-1, -1, -1):
if maximum.reduce(maximum.reduce(t_c[i])) >= 273.15:
clipindex = i + 1
gh_c = gh_c[:clipindex,:,:]
t_c = t_c[:clipindex,:,:]
rh_c = rh_c[:clipindex,:,:]
snow = self.newGrid(-1)
# make pressure cube
for i in xrange(gh_c.shape[0]):
# convert temps to C and limit to reasonable values
# limit RH to reasonable values
# calculate the wetbulb temperatures
# (this is expensive - even in numeric python - and somewhat
# wasteful, since you do not need to calculate the wetbulb
# temp for all levels when it may cross zero way down toward
# the bottom. Nevertheless - all the gridpoints will cross
# zero at different levels - so you cannot know ahead of time
# how high up to calculate them. In the end - this was the
# most expedient way to code it - and it works - so I stuck
# with it.
tc = rh = pmb = None
# find the zero level
for i in xrange(1, gh_c.shape[0]):
# convert to feet
return snow
## Calculates Snow amount based on the Temp, Freezing level, QPF,
## topo and Weather grid
def calcSnowAmt(self, T, FzLevel, QPF, topo, Wx):
# figure out the snow to liquid ratio
m1 = less(T, 9)
m2 = greater_equal(T, 30)
snowr = T * -0.5 + 22.5
snowr[m1] = 20
snowr[m2] = 0
# calc. snow amount based on the QPF and the ratio
snowamt = self.empty()
fzLevelMask = less_equal(FzLevel - 1000, topo / 0.3048)
snowamt[fzLevelMask] = snowr[fzLevelMask] * QPF[fzLevelMask]
# Only make snow at points where the weather is snow
snowmask = logical_or(equal(Wx[0], 1), equal(Wx[0], 3))
snowmask = logical_or(snowmask, logical_or(equal(Wx[0], 7),
equal(Wx[0], 9)))
snowamt[logical_not(snowmask)] = 0
return snowamt
## Calculate the Haines index based on the temp and RH cubes
## Define self.whichHainesIndex to be "HIGH", "MEDIUM", or "LOW".
## Default is "HIGH".
def calcHaines(self, t_c, rh_c):
return self.hainesIndex(self.whichHainesIndex, t_c, rh_c)
## Calculates the mixing height for the given sfc temperature,
## temperature cube, height cube and topo
def calcMixHgt(self, T, topo, t_c, gh_c):
mask = greater_equal(gh_c, topo) # points where height > topo
pt = []
for i in xrange(len(self.pres)): # for each pres. level
p = self.newGrid(self.pres[i]) # get the pres. value in mb
tmp = self.ptemp(t_c[i], p) # calculate the pot. temp
pt = pt + [tmp] # add to the list
pt = array(pt)
pt[mask] = 0
avg = add.accumulate(pt, 0)
count = add.accumulate(mask, 0)
mh = self.newGrid(-1)
# for each pres. level, calculate a running avg. of pot temp.
# As soon as the next point deviates from the running avg by
# more than 3 deg. C, interpolate to get the mixing height.
for i in xrange(1, avg.shape[0]):
runavg = avg[i] / (count[i] + .0001)
diffpt = pt[i] - runavg
# calc. the interpolated mixing height
tmh = self.linear(pt[i], pt[i-1], gh_c[i], gh_c[i-1], runavg)
# assign new values if the difference is greater than 3
mh = where(logical_and(logical_and(mask[i], equal(mh, -1)),
greater(diffpt, 3)), tmh, mh)
return (mh - topo) * 3.28
## Converts the lowest available wind level from m/s to knots
def calcWind(self, wind_FHAG10):
mag = wind_FHAG10[0] # get the wind grids
dir = wind_FHAG10[1] # get wind dir
mag = mag * 1.94 # convert to knots
dir = clip(dir, 0, 359.5)
return (mag, dir) # assemble speed and dir into a tuple
## Calculates the wind at 3000 feet AGL.
def calcFreeWind(self, gh_c, wind_c, topo):
wm = wind_c[0]
wd = wind_c[1]
# Make a grid that's topo + 3000 feet (914 meters)
fatopo = topo + 914.4 # 3000 feet
# find the points that are above the 3000 foot level
mask = greater_equal(gh_c, fatopo)
# initialize the grids into which the value are stored
famag = self.newGrid(-1)
fadir = self.newGrid(-1)
# start at the bottom and store the first point we find that's
# above the topo + 3000 feet level.
for i in xrange(wind_c[0].shape[0]):
# Interpolate (maybe)
magMask = logical_and(equal(famag, -1), mask[i])
dirMask = logical_and(equal(fadir, -1), mask[i])
famag[magMask] = wm[i][magMask]
fadir[dirMask] = wd[i][dirMask]
fadir.clip(0, 359.5, fadir) # clip the value to 0, 360
famag *= 1.94 # convert to knots
return (famag, fadir) # return the tuple of grids
## Calculates the average wind vector in the mixed layer as defined
## by the mixing height. This function creates a mask that identifies
## all grid points between the ground and the mixing height and calculates
## a vector average of the wind field in that layer.
def calcTransWind(self, MixHgt, wind_c, gh_c, topo):
nmh = MixHgt * 0.3048 # convert MixHt from feet -> meters
u, v = self._getUV(wind_c[0], wind_c[1]) # get the wind grids
# set a mask at points between the topo and topo + MixHt
mask = logical_and(greater_equal(gh_c, topo),
less_equal(gh_c, nmh + topo))
# set the points outside the layer to zero
u[logical_not(mask)] = 0
v[logical_not(mask)] = 0
mask = add.reduce(mask).astype(float32) # add up the number of set points vert.
mmask = mask + 0.00001
# calculate the average value in the mixed layerlayer
u = where(mask, add.reduce(u) / mmask, float32(0))
v = where(mask, add.reduce(v) / mmask, float32(0))
# convert u, v to mag, dir
tmag, tdir = self._getMD(u, v)
tdir.clip(0, 359.5, tdir)
tmag *= 1.94 # convert to knots
tmag.clip(0, 125, tmag) # clip speed to 125 knots
return (tmag, tdir)
## Uses a derivation of the Bourgouin allgorithm to calculate precipitation
## type, and other algorithms to determine the coverage and intensity.
## The Bourgoin technique figures out precip type from calculating how
## long a hydrometer is exposed to alternating layers of above zero (C) and
## below zero temperature layers. This tool calculates at each grid point
## which of the four Bourgouin cases apply. Then the appropriate algorithm
## is applied to that case that further refines the precip. type. Once the
## type is determined, other algorithms are used to determine the coverage
## and intensity. See the Weather and Forecasting Journal article Oct. 2000,
## "A Method to Determine Precipitation Types", by Pierre Bourgouin
def calcWx(self, QPF, T, p_SFC, t_c, gh_c, topo, tp_SFC, cp_SFC,
gh_c = gh_c[:13,:,:]
t_c = t_c[:13,:,:]
T = self.FtoK(T)
p_SFC = p_SFC / 100 # sfc pres. in mb
pres = self.pres
a1 = self.empty()
a2 = self.empty()
a3 = self.empty()
aindex = self.empty()
# Go through the levels to identify each case type 0-3
for i in xrange(1, gh_c.shape[0] - 1):
# get the sfc pres. and temp.
pbot = where(greater(gh_c[i-1], topo), pres[i-1], p_SFC)
tbot = where(greater(gh_c[i-1], topo), t_c[i-1], T)
# Calculate the area of this layer in Temp/pres coordinates
a11, a22, cross = self.getAreas(pbot, tbot, pres[i], t_c[i])
topomask = greater(gh_c[i], topo)
m = logical_and(equal(aindex, 0), topomask)
a1[m] += a11
m = logical_and(equal(aindex, 1), topomask)
a2[m] += a11
m = logical_and(equal(aindex, 2), topomask)
a3[m] += a11
topomask = logical_and(topomask, cross)
aindex[topomask] += 1
m = logical_and(equal(aindex, 0), topomask)
a1[m] += a22
m = logical_and(equal(aindex, 1), topomask)
a2[m] += a22
m = logical_and(equal(aindex, 2), topomask)
a3[m] += a22
# Now apply a different algorithm for each type
key = ['<NoCov>:<NoWx>:<NoInten>:<NoVis>:',
"Wide:S:-:<NoVis>:", "Wide:R:-:<NoVis>:",
'Wide:ZR:-:<NoVis>:', 'Wide:IP:-:<NoVis>:',
"Sct:SW:-:<NoVis>:", "Sct:RW:-:<NoVis>:",
"Chc:ZR:-:<NoVis>:", 'Chc:IP:-:<NoVis>:',
wx = self.empty(int8)
# Case d (snow)
snowmask = equal(aindex, 0)
wx[logical_and(snowmask, greater(a1, 0))] = 2
wx[logical_and(snowmask, less_equal(a1, 0))] = 1
# Case c (rain / snow / rainSnowMix)
srmask = equal(aindex, 1)
wx[logical_and(srmask, less(a1, 5.6))] = 1
wx[logical_and(srmask, greater(a1, 13.2))] = 2
logical_and(greater_equal(a1, 5.6),
less(a1, 13.2)))] = 3
# Case a (Freezing Rain / Ice Pellets)
ipmask = equal(aindex, 2)
ipm = greater(a1, a2 * 0.66 + 66)
wx[logical_and(ipmask, ipm)] = 5
zrm = less(a1, a2 * 0.66 + 46)
wx[logical_and(ipmask, zrm)] = 4
zrm = logical_not(zrm)
ipm = logical_not(ipm)
wx[logical_and(ipmask, logical_and(zrm, ipm))] = 6
# Case b (Ice pellets / rain)
cmask = greater_equal(aindex, 3)
ipmask = logical_and(less(a3, 2), cmask)
wx[logical_and(ipmask, less(a1, 5.6))] = 1
wx[logical_and(ipmask, greater(a1, 13.2))] = 2
wx[logical_and(ipmask, logical_and(greater_equal(a1, 5.6),
less_equal(a1, 13.2)))] = 3
ipmask = logical_and(greater_equal(a3, 2), cmask)
wx[logical_and(ipmask, greater(a1, 66 + 0.66 * a2))] = 5
wx[logical_and(ipmask, less(a1, 46 + 0.66 * a2))] = 4
wx[logical_and(ipmask, logical_and(greater_equal(a1, 46 + 0.66 * a2),
less_equal(a1, 66 + 0.66 * a2)))] = 6
# Make showers (scattered/Chc)
convecMask = greater(cp_SFC / (tp_SFC + .001), 0.5)
wx[logical_and(not_equal(wx, 0), convecMask)] += 6
# Thunder
for i in xrange(len(key)):
tcov = string.split(key[i], ":")[0]
if tcov == "Chc" or tcov == "<NoCov>":
tcov = "Sct"
key.append(key[i] + "^" + tcov
+ ":T:<NoInten>:<NoVis>:")
wx[less_equal(bli_BL0180, -3)] += 13
# No wx where no qpf
wx[less(QPF, 0.01)] = 0
return(wx, key)
## Calculates chance of wetting rain based on QPF.
def calcCWR(self, QPF):
m1 = less(QPF, 0.01) # all the places that are dry
m2 = greater_equal(QPF, 0.3) # all the places that are wet
# all the places that are 0.01 to 0.10
m3 = logical_and(greater_equal(QPF, 0.01), less_equal(QPF, 0.1))
# all the places that are 0.1 to 0.3
m4 = logical_and(greater(QPF, 0.1), less(QPF, 0.3))
# assign 0 to the dry grid point, 100 to the wet grid points,
# and a ramping function to all point in between
cwr = where(m1, float32(0), where(m2, float32(100),
where(m3, 444.4 * (QPF - 0.01) + 10,
where(m4, 250 * (QPF - 0.1) + 50,
return cwr
## Calculates Lightning Activity Level based on total precip., lifted index
## and 3-D relative humidity.
def calcLAL(self, bli_BL0180, tp_SFC, cp_SFC, rh_c, rh_FHAG2):
lal = self.newGrid(1)
# Add one to lal if we have 0.5 mm of precip.
lal[logical_and(greater(cp_SFC, 0), greater(tp_SFC / cp_SFC, 0.5))] += 1
# make an average rh field
midrh = add.reduce(rh_c[6:9], 0) / 3
# Add one to lal if mid-level rh high and low level rh low
lal[logical_and(greater(midrh, 70), less(rh_FHAG2, 30))] += 1
# Add on to lal if lifted index is <-3 and another if <-5
lal[less(bli_BL0180, -3)] += 1
lal[less(bli_BL0180, -5)] += 1
return lal
def main():
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
#Example file for adding a new model. There are other steps that are
#necessary to make this work, such as adding new databases to your localConfig
#and setting up the init stream to recognize this file. Refer to the
#SmartInit documentation for details.
#This example will extract the WaveHeight and Wind information out of the
#GWW model and make an IFP database with that information.
from Init import *
class GWWForecaster(Forecaster):
def __init__(self):
Forecaster.__init__(self, "GWW", "GWW")
def calcWaveHeight(self, htsgw_SFC):
grid = where(greater(htsgw_SFC, 50), 0.0, htsgw_SFC/3.048)
return clip(grid, 0, 100)
def calcWind(self, wind_SFC):
mag = where(greater(wind_SFC[0], 50), float32(0), wind_SFC[0]*1.94)
dir = where(greater(wind_SFC[0], 50), float32(0), wind_SFC[1])
dir = clip(dir, 0, 359.5)
return (mag, dir)
def main():
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T and Wind Official database weather elements for display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1', 'Wind_SFC:_Official -1']
# Defines the T should be the image
Png_image = 'T'
# We want the legend to be in localtime, not Zulu time
Png_localTime = 1
# We only want the States map background
MapBackgrounds_default = ['States']
# Clip the data to the edit area called "BOU"
BOU_mask = "BOU"
# Limit the color table to a range of 20 to 90.
T_maxColorTableValue = 90.0
T_minColorTableValue = 20.0
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T as the displayable weather element
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1']
Png_image = 'T'
# Change the background color to white
bgColor = 'white'
# But since the legend is normally written in white, we also need
# to change its color
ImageLegend_color = 'blue'
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Specify the expansion values of the border.
OfficeDomain_expandLeft = 5
OfficeDomain_expandRight = 20
OfficeDomain_expandTop = 10
OfficeDomain_expandBottom = 30
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T as the weather element to display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1']
# Defines the T should be the image
Png_image = 'T'
# Want to use the Gridded Data color table
T_defaultColorTable = 'Gridded Data'
# Want to change the mapping from 0 to 50 degrees
T_maxColorTableValue = 50.0
T_minColorTableValue = 0.0
# It doesn't make sense, but we will use a logrithmetic factor
# instead of linear for temperature
T_LogFactor = 0.01
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T, Wind as the weather elements to display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1', 'Wind_SFC:_Official -1']
# Make the Temperature contour labels larger, make the Temperature
# contours blue, decrease the density of the contours
Contour_font = 4
T_graphicColor = 'blue'
T_density = -2
# Make the Wind red, make the wind barbs bigger, increase the
# density (packing) of the wind barbs.
Wind_graphicColor = 'red'
Wind_fontOffset = 2
Wind_density = 20
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T weather element for display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1']
# Defines the T should be the image
Png_image = 'T'
# We want both contours and the image for Temperature
T_spatialImageType = ["Image","Contour"]
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
ValidTime: 20010317_0000
NumOfGrids: 2
Grid: T_SFC:BOU_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 20010317_0000 20010317_0100 blue IMAGE
Grid: Wind_SFC:BOU_GRID__Fcst_00000000_0000 20010317_0000 20010317_0100 #00ff00 GRAPHIC
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T as the displayable weather element
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1']
Png_image = 'T'
# Turn off the legend
Png_legend = 0
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the Wind and Wx as the displayable weather element
Png_parms = ['Wind_SFC:_Official -1', 'Wx_SFC:_Official -1']
# Change the format of the legend
Png_localTime = 1
Png_legendFormat_LT_dur = "%H hours "
Png_legendFormat_LT_start = " "
Png_legendFormat_LT_end = "ending %a %b %d, %Y %I:%M %p"
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T as the displayable weather element
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1']
Png_image = 'T'
# Set the legend to local time.
Png_localTime = 1
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T as the displayable weather element
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1']
Png_image = 'T'
# Use the long name for the weather element title
Png_descriptiveWeName = "LONG"
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# make the legend smaller than the default
SELegend_font = 2
# set the width to 350
Png_width = 350
# MaxT is what we are generating images for
Png_image = 'MaxT'
Png_parms = ['MaxT_SFC:_Fcst -1']
# Turn on the logo
Png_logo = 1
Png_logoString = "NWS Timbuktoo"
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T as the weather element to display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1']
# Defines the T should be the image
Png_image = 'T'
# Set the State map background to red with fat lines
States_graphicColor = 'red'
States_lineWidth = 3
# Set the CWA map background to green and make it dotted
CWA_graphicColor = 'green'
CWA_linePattern = "DOTTED"
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T as the weather element to display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1']
# Defines the T should be the image
Png_image = 'T'
# Set the set of background maps to States and Counties
MapBackgrounds_default = ['States', 'Counties']
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T as the weather element to display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1']
# Defines the T should be the image
Png_image = 'T'
# Mask the data based on the edit area called "BOU". The Python
# variable name is the site (e.g., BOU).
BOU_mask = "BOU"
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T and Wind Official database weather elements for display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1', 'Wind_SFC:_Official -1']
# Defines the T should be the image
Png_image = 'T'
# We want the Wind to be shown as Wind Barbs
Wind_spatialGraphicType = ["WindBarb"]
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T and Wind Official database weather elements for display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1', 'Wind_SFC:_Official -1']
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T and Wind Official database weather elements for display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1', 'Wind_SFC:_Official -1']
# Defines the T should be the image
Png_image = 'T'
# We want the legend to be in localtime, not Zulu time
Png_localTime = 1
# We only want the States map background
MapBackgrounds_default = ['States']
# Clip the data to the edit area called "BOU"
BOU_mask = "BOU"
# Limit the color table to a range of 20 to 90.
T_maxColorTableValue = 90.0
T_minColorTableValue = 20.0
# Add a prefix to the filename
Png_filenamePrefix = 'T_Wind_'
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T and Wind the weather elements to display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1', 'Wind_SFC:_Official -1']
# Defines the T should be the image
Png_image = 'T'
# Add contours to the Temperature
T_spatialImageType = ["Image", "Contour"]
# Use the sample set defined as pngSamples
DefaultSamples = ['pngSamples']
# set the format for the wind samples to "ddff"
WindFormat = "ddff"
# turn off the sample shadowing
ShowSampleShadows = "no"
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the T for the only weather element to display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1']
# Defines the T should be the image
Png_image = 'T'
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Simply change the output size of the image to 100 pixels in height
Png_height = 100
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines the Sky to be displayed as the only weather element
Png_parms = ['Sky_SFC:_Official -1']
# Defines the Sky should be the image, comment this out if you want
# Sky to be a graphic.
Png_image = 'Sky'
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines T the weather element to be display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1']
Png_smoothImage = 1
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines T as the weather element to be display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1']
# Defines 'BOU' CWA as the mask
BOU_mask = "BOU"
# Sets the Temperature grid to the 'BOU' mask
BOU_T_mask = "BOU"
Png_smoothImage = 1
Png_smoothClip = 0
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines Wx as the display and make it an image
Png_parms = ['Wx_SFC:_Official -1']
Png_image = 'Wx'
# Change the color/pattern mapping
WeatherCoverage_names = ["Iso", "WSct", "Sct", "Num", "Wide", "Ocnl", "SChc",
"Chc", "Lkly", "Def", "Patchy", "<NoCov>"]
WeatherCoverage_fillPatterns = ["OCNL", "WIDE_SCATTERED",
WeatherType_names = ["<NoWx>", "T", "A", "R", "RW", "L", "ZR", "ZL",
"S", "SW", "IP", "F", "H", "BS", "K", "BD",
"SA", "LC", "FR", "AT", "TRW"]
WeatherType_colors = ["brown", "red3", "DeepPink", "Green",
"ForestGreen", "CadetBlue1", "darkorange1",
"goldenrod1", "blue", "Grey65", "plum1",
"khaki4", "Gray75", "snow", "grey30", "Brown",
"blue1", "coral1", "pale turquoise", "DeepPink",
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines T to be display and as an image
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1']
Png_image = 'T'
#To display the snapshotTime at the interval offsets
Png_snapshotTime = 1
#Set the interval to 6 and the offset to 1. This will produce grids at
#01z, 07z, 13z and 19z.
Png_interval = 6
Png_intervalOffset = 1
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# This is an example file
# Always include these lines at the top of your file.
from serverConfig import *
import serverConfig
# Add relative humidity to forecast and official databases
rh = ("RH", SCALAR, "%", "Relative Humidity", 100.0, 0.0, 0, NO)
parms = [([rh], TC1)]
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# This is an example file
# Always include these lines at the top of your file.
from serverConfig import *
import serverConfig
# Add relative humidity to forecast and official databases
# The time constraints will be the 1 hr standard
rh = ("RH", SCALAR, "%", "Relative Humidity", 100.0, 0.0, 0, NO)
parms = [([rh], TC1)]
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# This is an example file
# Always include these lines at the top of your file.
from serverConfig import *
import serverConfig
# modifying the list of D2DMODELS directories seen from the GFE, and scanned
# by EDEX
serverConfig.D2DMODELS.append = (('SREF12', 'SREF'))
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# This is an example file to modify the weather element
# and time constraint relationship for the Fcst and Official Databases
# to the following:
# T, Td, Wind, Wx, Sky: 3 hours long, no gaps
# MaxT : 4am - 10pm local time
# MinT : 4pm - 10am local time
# Always include these lines at the top of your file.
from serverConfig import *
import serverConfig
# define the new time constraints for MaxT and MinT. Doesn't really matter
# what I call them.
MaxTTC18 = localTC(4*HOUR, 24*HOUR, 18*HOUR, 0)
MinTTC18 = localTC(16*HOUR, 24*HOUR, 18*HOUR, 0)
# define the new parm groupings. Can only use one parms= in the config file.
parms = [([T, Td, Wind, Wx, Sky], TC3NG),
([MaxT], MaxTTC18), ([MinT], MinTTC18)]
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# This is an example file
# Always include these lines at the top of your file.
from serverConfig import *
import serverConfig
# Modify the maximum and minimum temperature values to -60 to +120.
serverConfig.Temp = ("T", SCALAR, "F", "Surface Temperature", \
120.0, -60.0, 0, NO)
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# This is an example file
# Always include these lines at the top of your file.
from serverConfig import *
import serverConfig
# Adding a new database is fairly complicated. Multiple steps must be
# defined and done in the correct order.
# We want T, Td, rh, and maxrh in this database. Since rh and max rh are
# not defined in serverConfig, we add it in
rh = ("RH", SCALAR, "%", "Relative Humidity", 100.0, 0.0, 0, NO)
maxrh = ("MaxRH", SCALAR, "%", "Maximum Relative Humidity", 100.0, 0.0, 0, NO)
# We want the maxRH to have a special time constraint that is not defined
# in serverConfig. The other elements use already defined configurations.
# This time constraint starts at 6am and is 4 hours long, repeats daily.
LT4gap = localTC(6*HOUR, 24*HOUR, 4*HOUR, 0)
# Now we define the database attributes. Our database is called Ag, is
# model-based (not singleton), and we only want 1 version of it.
Ag = ('Ag', GRID, '', NO, NO, 1, 0)
# Now we define the new parm groupings which relate weather elements to
# time constraints. The T and Td come from The T, Td, and
# rh get the basic 1 hourly time constraints.
AG_MODEL = [([Temp,Td,rh], TC1), ([maxrh], LT4gap)]
# Very important step so that server sees this new definition.
# There can only be ONE dbs line in the
dbs = [(Ag, AG_MODEL)]
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# This is an example file
# Always include these lines at the top of your file.
from serverConfig import *
import serverConfig
# We want to change the projection so that North is up for our longitude.
# Basically we still want to keep the Grid211 and define a new one.
# Here is the definition for the new projection
Local211 = ('Local211', LAMBERT_CONFORMAL,
(-133.459, 12.190), (-49.385, 57.290), (-116.0, 25.0),
25.0, 25.0, (1, 1), (93, 65), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
# Now we need to tell the server that our site (Boise in this example)
# should use this new projection. We need to completely redefine the
# grid domain information for the site and include the new projection.
SITES['BOI'] = ([45, 45], (25.00, 34.00), (11.0, 11.0), 'MST7MDT', Local211, 'wfo')
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# This is an example file
# Always include these lines at the top of your file.
from serverConfig import *
import serverConfig
# We wish to have 5 km resolution for our site (SLC). The approximate
# grid size will be 144.
SITES['SLC'] = ([144, 144], (30.00, 28.00), (10.0, 10.0), 'MST7MDT', Grid211,
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# This is an example file
# Always include these lines at the top of your file.
from serverConfig import *
import serverConfig
# modifying the list of SATDATA directories seen from the GFE, and scanned
# by EDEX
pfix = "NESDIS/GOES-11(L)/"
serverConfig.SATDATA.append = [(pfix + "West CONUS/Imager Visible", "visibleWest"),
(pfix + "East CONUS/Imager 6.7-6.5 micron IR (WV)", "waterVaporWest")]
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# This is an example file
# Always include these lines at the top of your file.
from serverConfig import *
import serverConfig
# In this example, we want to add a new field called Clearing, and have
# its time constraints be every 4 hours, aligned with midnight local time.
# Since there isn't a time constraint for this, we need to define a new one
# first, before defining the new weather element.
LT4 = localTC(0*HOUR, 4*HOUR, 4*HOUR, 0)
# Now we define the new "Clearing" weather element.
elem1 = ("Clearing", SCALAR, "pot", "Clearing Potential", 100.0, 0.0, 0, NO)
parms = [([elem1], LT4)]
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example configuration file
# You must include the following line
from Maps import *
# Example of adding a group of edit areas. This one is called "WYCounties"
# on the GFE Edit Areas menu, uses the County table, is filtered to include
# just the Wyoming counties. Edit areas are automatically generated"
# and named WY_countyName.
WYcounties = ShapeTable('County')
WYcounties.filter(lambda x : x['state'] == "WY")
|||| = 'WYCounties'
WYcounties.editAreaName = ['state','countyname']
WYcounties.groupName = 'WYCounties'
# The following few lines removes the maps that are not wanted.
# The following renames the CWAzones map to "MyCWAZones".
|||| = "MyCWAZones"
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example configuration file
# You must include the following line
from Maps import *
# Example of adding a group of edit areas. This one is called "WYCounties"
# on the GFE Edit Areas menu, uses the County table, is filtered to include
# just the Wyoming counties. Edit areas are automatically generated"
# and named WY_countyName.
WYcounties = ShapeTable('County')
WYcounties.filter(lambda x : x['state'] == "WY")
|||| = 'WYCounties'
WYcounties.editAreaName = ['state','countyname']
WYcounties.groupName = 'WYCounties'
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example configuration file
# You must include the following line
from Maps import *
# The following changes the configuration of the CWAzones maps. It overrides
# every possible item that can be overridden.
# Rename by name of the CWAzones map
|||| = "MyCWAZones"
# Change the filter to only include "OH" (Ohio) zones
CWAzones.filter(lambda x : x['state'] == "OH")
# Change the edit area naming to be state_zone (e.g. OH_123)
CWAzones.editAreaName = ['state', 'zone']
# Change the edit area group name to be OH_Zones
CWAzones.groupName = 'OH_Zones'
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example configuration file
# You must include the following line
from Maps import *
# The following few lines removes the edit areas that are not wanted. The
# names are the Python variable names. The following removes the
# CWA marine zones, marine zones.
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
from serverConfig import *
import serverConfig
# redefine the visibilities
serverConfig.visibilities = ['<NoVis>', '0', '1/4', '1/2', '3/4', '1', '11/2',
'2', '21/2', '3', '4', '5', '6', 'P6']
# add Coverage/Probabilities for SPARSE, modify ISOD
SPARSE = ('Sparse', 'Sparse')
ISOD = ('Isod', 'Isolated')
# define a new set of values for convenience
# add new intensity SUPERHEAVY, modify INTEN_MOD
SUPERHEAVY = ('+++', "Super Heavy")
INTEN_MOD = ('mod', 'Moderate')
# define a new set of values for convenience
# add a new attribute LOUSY, modify existing FQTLTG
LOUSY = ('Lsy', 'Lousy')
FQTLTG = ('FqLt', 'Frequent Lightning')
# now define all changed weather types, which include any that might
# use the definitions you have changed above in this file
# put all of the types together. The value must be "types =".
types = [NOWX, RAIN, SNOW]
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
# Example ifpIMAGE configuration file.
# Must always import from gfeConfig (or your site configuration)
from gfeConfig import *
import gfeConfig
# Defines T and Sky as the weather elements to be display
Png_parms = ['T_SFC:_Official -1', 'Sky_SFC:_Official -1']
Png_snapshotTime = 1
Png_legendFormat_Zulu_snapshot = "%b%d%H%MZ"
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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<title>Editable Listbox</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<h1 class="Title"><a name="pgfId=1011580"></a>Editable Listbox
<div class="Body"><a name="pgfId=1010318"></a>Editable listboxes are
used in many GFE dialogs to allow you to run items such
as smart tools and procedures. Pressing MB3
over an item in the box opens a pop-up menu which will contain a subset
of the following options.</div>
<li class="Bullet-List">
<a name="pgfId=1010319"></a>Info... -- Shows information about the
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<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">The Enhanced_WxTool
is a significant enhancement to the original Wx_SmartTool, which was written.
Both tools assign Wx based on the corresponding PoP grids; however the
Enhanced_WxTool offers the following additional functionality:<br>
<li>The forecaster is allowed considerable freedom in choosing individual
weather types (RW, R, SW, S, IP, ZR, L, ZL, and F are all supported).</li>
<li>Up to three weather types may be mixed together and a different
intensity (very light [--], light [-], moderate [m], or heavy [+]) may be
assigned to each. So for example, it is possible to assign weather such
as RmSmIP- with this tool.</li>
<li>The forecaster can also choose whether to include thunder (T)
with any other supported weather type; if thunder is included, he or she also
has the option of specifying whether the thunder is severe in nature (T+).</li>
<li>The forecaster can assign either probability qualifiers or areal coverage
qualifiers (where allowed) to the chosen weather types. If a forecaster attempts
to use an invalid qualifier for a weather type, the tool will generate an error
message appears indicating that this is not allowed.</li>
<li>For each individual weather type, the forecaster can override the default
probability/coverage obtained from the PoP grid if desired. The same is also true
for thunder (T). This makes it possible to: create weather combinations such as
“Lkly RW:Chc SW” or “Def RW:Chc T”; and assign weather types of F, L, or ZL,
which aren’t necessarily derived from the PoP grids.</li>
<li>For categorical PoPs, the forecaster can use alternate probability/coverage
terms (other than "Def" or "Wide") if desired. The following options are
available: "Ocnl", "Frq", "Brf", "Pds", and "Inter". When used, this setting
applies to all categorical precip coverages that are derived from the PoP grid.</li>
<li>If thunder is included with the precipitation, the forecaster also has the
additional option of specifying the following thunderstorm attributes, if
<li>Small Hail (SmA)</li>
<li>Heavy Rain (HvyRn)</li>
<li>Gusty Winds (GW)</li>
<li>Frequent Lightning (FL)</li>
<li>Large Hail (LgA)</li>
<li>Damaging Winds (DmgW)</li>
<li>Tornadoes (TOR)</li>
The tool is designed so that the last three attributes (LgA, DmgW, and TOR) can only be
assigned when severe thunderstorms (T+) are forecast. Similarly, the tool will also
only allow SmA and GW to be used with non-severe thunderstorms (T). If the forecaster
tries to assign a thunderstorm attribute that is invalid, the tool will display a
message indicating this, and will automatically ignore such attributes and run to
It should be noted that the tool does not apply any scientific principle to derive
the final Wx type; the Wx type assigned is solely decided upon by the forecaster.
The forecaster chooses the Wx type through the use of a GUI interface that appears
when the tool is executed.</font>
<big><big><font style="font-weight: bold;"
face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">How
the Procedure Works</font><span style="font-weight: bold;">
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">The floating PoP grids for the time
period in question must exist before running the tool. After creating all of the necessary
floating PoP grids, to run the tool the forecaster needs only to select the BUF_WxTool from the
list of available smart tools in GFE; this action brings up the following GUI:<br><br>
<img alt="Enhanced_Wx" src="images/Enhanced_Wx.png"></font>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">Here is a brief overview of each section:
Qualifier Type: Allows you to toggle between the use of Probability and Areal Coverage terms.
The default setting is “Prob”.
Alter Terms Cat PoPs (new): Allows you to use alternate probability/coverage terms ("Ocnl",
"Frq", "Brf", "Pds", and "Inter") when categorical PoPs are used. When used, this setting
will apply to all categorical precipitation probabilities/coverages that are derived from
the PoP grid. The default setting is “None”.
1st/2nd/3rd Type: Allows you to select/combine up to 3 different weather types.
In version 2.0, the lists of available weather types have been expanded to include L, ZL, and F.
1st/2nd/3rd Inten: Allows you to specify the intensity of each weather type (--, -, m, or +).
In the case of fog (F), only + (dense) is a valid intensity. If F is selected with any other
intensity, the tool will automatically remove the intensity to prevent any errors. The default
setting is “-“ (light).
1st/2nd/3rd Type Alternate Prob/Cov (new): Allows you to override the default probability/coverage
obtained from the corresponding PoP grid for each individual weather type. This allows the easy
creation of weather types such as "Lkly RW:Chc SW". This approach also allows for the use of
other weather types (for example, F, L, and ZL) which aren't necessarily PoP-dependent.
The default setting is “None” - meaning the probability/coverage terms for each weather type
are derived from the PoP grid by default.
Thunder?: Allows you to specify whether you want thunder included with the other weather type(s)
selected. Options are “No”, “Yes (T)”, and “Yes (T+)” (severe T). The default setting is “No”.
Thunder Alternate Prob/Cov (new): Allows you to specify an alternate probability/coverage for
T if desired. This setting will override the default probability/coverage obtained from the
corresponding PoP grid, and makes it possible to create precip types such as "Def RW:Chc T".
The default setting is “None” - meaning the probability/coverage term for T is derived from
the PoP grid by default.
Tstm Attributes?: Allows you to specify Thunderstorm Attributes if you choose to include
Thunder in the Wx grid.
Once the forecaster has made their selections from the above GUI, he/she then assigns the
desired weather by clicking either of the Run or Run/Dismiss buttons within the GUI.
When this is done, a single weather type is created based on the forecaster input. Unless
specifically overridden by the forecaster, probability or areal coverage qualifiers will
be determined from the PoP grid in accordance with the following table:<br><br>
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">
<td><b>PoP Value (rounded to the nearest %)</b></td>
<td><b>Probability Qualifier</b></td>
<td><b>Areal Coverage Qualifier</b></td>
<td>0 - SChc_min_PoP_threshold*</td>
<td>None; <NoWx> is assigned</td>
<td>None; <NoWx> is assigned</td>
<td>SChc_min_PoP_threshold* - 24</td>
<td>Slight Chance (SChc)</td>
<td>Isolated (Iso)</td>
<td>25 - 54</td>
<td>Chance (Chc)</td>
<td>Scattered (Sct)</td>
<td>55 - 74</td>
<td>Likely (Lkly)</td>
<td>Numerous (Num)</td>
<td>75 - 100</td>
<td>Definite (Def)</td>
<td>Widespread (Wide)</td>
* - SChc_min_PoP_threshold is the minimum PoP needed for a SChc (slight chance) of weather to
be included in the Wx grid. This value is site-customizable; the default value is 14.5%.
Please see the Installation/Configuration section below if you would like to change this
setting at your site.</font>
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<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif"><font
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">Extrapolate is a procedure
that allows one to linearly extrapolate features in time. In combination with tools for
populating Sky grids from satellite data and PoP grids from radar data, this can be useful
in extrapolating satellite and radar data. Of course, linear extrapolation is only good
up to a point, depending upon the weather situation. This may not be useful at all in a
lot of cases, as precipitation either forms, dissipates, expands, contacts and/or changes
speed and direction.</font>
<big><big><font style="font-weight: bold;"
face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">How
the Procedure Works</font><span style="font-weight: bold;">
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">Extrapolate uses movement
information from a choice of models, the Fcst database, or user-entered sources to
linearly extrapolate features through time. Given a direction and speed of motion,
the tool will shift the data on the GFE domain as though moving at that speed in
that direction for one hour. A screenshot of the Extrapolate tool GUI is shown below.<br><br>
<img alt="Extrapolate" src="images/Extrapolate.jpg"></font>
<font face="New Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, serif">The most important input in
the tool GUI is determining which source you wish to use to advect features. For instance,
if extrapolating satellite or radar data, one can use the distance-speed tool in D2D to arrive
at the direction and speed of motion, and then enter these values directly into the procedure
GUI. To use these values, one must use the default “Observed (enter below)” for “Source:”
Other movement sources available include model data and forecast surface wind information.
For the model sources, one can pick one of several levels or layers available under
“Wind Level if using model:” If a layer is chosen, then the models winds at all available
model levels within that layer, including both the top and bottom pressure levels indicated,
are averaged. The surface wind forecast information may not often be that useful, though one
could always create, say, a temporary Fcst wind grid for use as a steering current.
Note that, if using wind information from a model database or the Fcst database, the movement
values will vary across the grid. This portion of the tool was written to apply the wind
information from the chosen source at each point, so if the flow varies across the grid domain,
then this would be reflected in the output.
The NAM12 and the RAP13 have data only every three hours; the GFS40 only every six.
Originally, the code was written to let GFE interpolate model data between its valid times,
but this did not work in offices whose GFE default for missingDataMode was not set equal to
‘create,’ i.e., interpolate, and forcing ‘create’ in the smartTool call up command had no
effect for reasons unknown.
To get around this problem, the code was re-written to always look in a three (six) hour window
around the hour of interest, so model data is always there. It looks 1 (2) hour(s) back and
2 (4) hours forward, so that the hour half way between valid model times uses forward data,
which makes more sense when extrapolating data forward. The motion used may not be as ‘precise,’
but performance is not dependent upon variables outside the control of the Extrapolate procedure.
The GUI also provides forward and backward options, so one can also extrapolate backward in time.
This could be useful in blending a PoP forecast at a future hour with current radar data.
The Extrapolate procedure uses a smart tool called “MoveFeatureBySpeed”. The portion of this
tool that uses an observed speed and direction of movement entered by the forecaster was adapted
from Les Colins’ EditAreaAdjust tool, and allows one to shift the data in any scalar grid by the
speed and direction entered. Overall, the procedure and tool are set up to extrapolate an hour
at a time, using wind information from the hour before. Wind information for hours in between
model grids are derived via linear interpolation.
Used as a stand-alone tool, MoveFeatureBySpeed will shift the data as though moving at that
speed in that direction for one hour, but only on the selected grid itself rather than the
grid for the next hour. As such, the forward and backward options are not available from the
stand-alone tool. A screenshot of the “MoveFeatureBySpeed” tool GUI is shown below.<br>
<img alt="Extrapolate" src="images/Extrapolate1.jpg"></font>
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<title>Fill Patterns</title>
Fill Patterns</h1>
This document shows the available set of fill patterns used in the GFE.
Through the use of the gfe configuration file, certain displays may be
tailored to use these patterns.
<table BORDER WIDTH="100%" NOSAVE >
<td><b>Fill Pattern</b></td>
<td><img SRC="images/Fill_LKLY.jpg" NOSAVE height=183 width=265></td>
<td><img SRC="images/Fill_OCNL.jpg" NOSAVE height=195 width=261></td>
<td><img SRC="images/Fill_SCT.jpg" NOSAVE height=183 width=229></td>
<td><img SRC="images/Fill_SELECTED_AREA.jpg" NOSAVE height=173 width=214></td>
<td><img SRC="images/Fill_TRANS_25PC_135DEG.jpg" NOSAVE height=180 width=205></td>
<td><img SRC="images/Fill_TRANS_25PC_45DEG.jpg" NOSAVE height=190 width=201></td>
<td><img SRC="images/Fill_WHOLE.jpg" NOSAVE height=196 width=256></td>
<td><img SRC="images/Fill_WIDE.jpg" NOSAVE height=197 width=259></td>
<td><img SRC="images/Fill_WIDE_SCATTERED.jpg" NOSAVE height=178 width=195></td>
<td><img SRC="images/Fill_DUALCURVE.jpg" NOSAVE height=171 width=222></td>
<td><img SRC="images/Fill_CURVE.jpg" NOSAVE height=169 width=208></td>
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<td><img SRC="images/Fill_HORIZONTAL.jpg" NOSAVE height=150 width=228></td>
<td><img SRC="images/Fill_BIGCROSS.jpg" NOSAVE height=155 width=225></td>
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GFE Main Menu</h1>
February 15, 2012<br>
This document describes the main menu of the GFE (Graphical Forecast
<img alt="main menu" src="images/mainMenu.jpg"><br>
<hr width="100%">
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#GFEMenu">GFE</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#EditingPreferences">Editing
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#ViewingPreferences">Viewing
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#ShowWarnings">Show Warnings</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#BreakLock">Break Lock...</a>
<a href="#DeleteUsers">Delete Users....</a>
<a href="#DefineConfigandifpIMAGEFiles...">Define Config
and ifpIMAGE Files...</a>
<a href="#DefineSmartTools...">Define Smart Tools...</a>
<a href="#DefineProcedures...">Define Procedures...</a>
<a href="#DefineTextProducts...">Define Text Products...</a>
<a href="#DefineSelectTimeRanges...">Define Time Ranges</a>
<a href="#SiteActivation">Site Activation</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#WeatherElement">WeatherElement</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#WeatherElementGroups">Weather
Element Groups</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#WeatherElementVolumeBrowser">Weather
Element Browser...</a>
<a href="#ManageHiddenWeatherElements">Manage Hidden
Weather Elements</a><br>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#Populate">Populate</a>
<a href="#Procedures">Procedures (List of Procedures)</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#CopySelectedGridsFrom">Copy
Selected Grids From...</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#CopyAllGridsFrom">Copy All
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#Grids">Grids</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#Interpolate">Interpolate...</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#SplitGrids">Split Grids</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#FragmentGrids">Fragment Grids</a>
<a href="#CreateGridsFromScratch">Create Grids From
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#AssignDefaultValue">Assign
<a href="#AssignDefaultValue">Assign PickUp Value</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#DeleteGrids">Delete Grids</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#SelectGridsByTime">Select Grids
By Time</a>
<a href="#SelectAllWeatherElements">Select All Weather
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#DeselectAll">Deselect All</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#TimeShift">Time Shift...</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#FindWeatherElement">Find
Weather Element</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#Edit">Edit</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#UndoGridEdit">Undo Grid Edit</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#UndoEditArea">Undo Edit Area</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#ProceduresEdit">Procedures
of procedures)</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#SaveForecast">Save Forecast...</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#RevertForecast">Revert
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#Consistency">Consistency</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#ProceduresConsistency">Procedures
(List of ISC Procedures)</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#ClearSelectedHighlights">Clear
Selected Highlights</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#ClearAllHighlights">Clear All
<a href="#SendIntersiteGrids">Send Intersite Grids</a><br>
<a href="#ISCRequestReply">ISC Request/Reply</a><br>
<a href="#ISCSendEnable">ISC Send Enable</a><br>
<a href="#Products">Products</a><br>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#PublishtoOfficial">Publish to
<a href="#localFormatter">Formatter Launcher...</a><br>
<a href="#scripts">Scripts...</a><br>
<a href="#ProcessMonitor">Process Monitor...</a><br>
<a href="#GHGMonitor">GHG Monitor...</a><br>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#Maps">Maps</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#Topography">Topography</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#Samples">Samples</a>
<a href="#ISCMarkers">ISC Markers</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#MapList">Map List</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#EditAreas">Edit Areas</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#EditAreas">Verify</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#ProceduresVerify">Procedures</a>
<a href="#Hazards">Hazards</a><br>
<a href="#HazardsProcedures">Procedures</a><br>
<a href="#ResetPractice">Reset Practice</a><br>
<a href="#ClearVTECPracticeTable">Clear VTEC
Practice Table</a><br>
<a href="#ClearFcstGrids%5C">Clear Fcst Grids</a><br>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#Help">Help</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#OnlineTableofContents">Online
Table Of Contents...</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#ShowToolTips">Show Tool Tips</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#About">About CAVE</a>
<a href="GFEMainMenu.html#Workstation">Workstation</a>
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="GFEMenu"></a>GFE Menu</h2>
<a name="EditingPreferences"></a>Editing Preferences</h3>
<a name="MissingDataMode"></a>Missing Data Mode</h4>
<div class="4Heading">The Missing Data Mode specifies how to handle
data when running a Smart Tool. The options are:</div>
<li class="4Heading">Stop on Missing Data: The system stops execution
of the Smart Tool if
data is missing.</li>
<li class="4Heading">Skip on Missing Data: The system will skip grids
for which there is
data. A User Alert message will report which grids were skipped.</li>
<li class="4Heading">Create on Missing Data: The system will
automatically interpolate grids
to supply the missing grids. A User Alert message will report which
were created through interpolation. Note that if a grid to be created
not between two existing grids, it will not be extrapolated. In this
the grid being edited will be skipped. If the created grids are in the
Fcst database, they will be added to the Fcst database. If running from
the GFE, they can be optionally be saved by the user. If running in
mode, they will be automatically saved at the end of the procedure with
all other edited grids. If the created grids are in a non-mutable
they will not be added to the database and will be discarded after
of the tool.</li>
<a name="TemporalEditorMode:Relative"></a>Temporal Editor Mode: Relative</h4>
Allows the user to choose the Temporal Editor Mode to be either
or Absolute. If the button is selected, the mode is Relative.
the mode is Absolute. The default is as set for
in the gfe configuration file.
<p>When performing an edit in the absolute mode, each point in the Edit
Area will be set to the value indicated in the Temporal Editor. When
an edit in the relative mode, each point in the Edit Area will be
or decremented by the magnitude of the edit in the Temporal Editor.
<h4><a name="VectorEditMode"></a>Vector Editor Mode</h4>
Allows the user to control the component of the data to be modified
performing an Edit Action. The possible options are Magnitude Only,
Only, or Both. The default is as set for WindEditMode in the gfe
file. This may also be set from the <a
PickUp Dialog</a>.
<h4><a name="SmoothingAlgorithm"></a>Smoothing Algorithm</h4>
Allows the user to control the amount (area) of smoothing. The
menu items reflect the smoothing influence by the number of grid
The Smoothing default value and the selection of values may be <a
in the gfe configuration file.
<h4><a name="Weather:Combine"></a>Wx/Discrete: Combine</h4>
Allows the user to control whether an edit action replaces the existing
weather/discrete data or combines the new value with the existing
data. If the button is selected, an edit action will combine
data. Otherwise, the weather/discrete data will be replaced. The
is as set for WeatherDiscreteCombineMode in the gfe configuration
The Weather Combine Mode may also be set from the <a
PickUp Dialog</a> and <a
PickUp Dialog</a>.
<h4><a name="SelectGridsWhenStepping"></a>Select Grids When Stepping</h4>
Specifies whether the selection time range will track the spatial
time when time stepping. Time stepping is accomplished using the
<a href="Toolbar.html#StepBack">GFE
toolbar stepping buttons</a> or the <a href="keys.html">keyboard
When this preference is enabled (i.e., yes), the selection time range
be set to:
<li>the one hour period surrounding the spatial editor time, if there
is no
active weather element, or</li>
<li>the time constraint box for the active weather element, if there
is no
grid that intersects the spatial editor time, or</li>
<li>the valid time of the grid for the active weather element that
the spatial editor time.</li>
In addition, all weather elements except the active weather element
be deselected.
<p>When this preference is disabled (i.e., no), the selection time
and the set of selected weather elements will not change when using the
<a href="Toolbar.html#StepBack">GFE
toolbar step buttons</a> and
<a href="keys.html">keyboard shortcuts</a>.
<h4><a name="AutoSaveInterval"></a>Auto Save...</h4>
The Auto Save Interval entry brings up the <a
Save Interval Dialog</a>. This dialog allows the user to enable or
the automatic saving of modified weather elements. If enabled,
every few minutes all modified grids will be saved to the
The interval may be changed from 1 minute to 60 minutes.
<h4><a name="ContourServerSelection"></a>Contour Server Selection</h4>
Allows the user to choose which algorithm is to be used for the
of contours into a gridded field by selecting one of the buttons. The
is as set for ContourServer in the gfe configuration file. We recommend
that you try both methods and choose the one which works the best for
<table border="1" width="100%">
<td>Contour Analyzer</td>
<td>The Contour Analyzer makes a grid from paints on contour
lines, using
a simple analysis technique similar to Barnes.</td>
<td>Internal SIRS Server</td>
<td>The Internal SIRS Server makes grids from contour lines
the TDL SIRS algorithm as written by FSL for the GFE.</td>
<a name="InterpolateAlgorithm"></a>Interpolate Algorithm</h4>
The Interpolate Algorithm entry brings up the <a
Algorithm Dialog</a>. This dialog allows the user to select the
interpolation algorithm for each scalar weather element.
<h3><a name="ViewingPreferences"></a>Viewing Preferences</h3>
<a name="QuickViewMode"></a>Quick View Mode</h4>
Allows the user to set the behavior of the Spatial Editor when the
is moved over the Grid Manager. If the button is selected, the data
in the Spatial Editor is controlled by the cursor position over the
Manager (i.e. the Spatial Editor displays the grid under the cursor).
the data displayed in the Spatial Editor does not change when the
is moved over the Grid Manager time blocks. The default is off.
<h4><a name="ImageonEdit"></a>Image on Edit</h4>
Allows the user to set the display mode of the of a grid made editable.
If the button is selected, a grid made editable is automatically
as an image in the Spatial Editor. Otherwise, the display mode (Image
Graphic) is not changed when a grid is made editable. The default is as
set for ImageOnActiveSE in the gfe configuration file.
<h4><a name="TemporalEditorOverlayMode"></a>Temporal Editor Overlay Mode</h4>
Allows the user to control the loading of new Weather Elements into the
Temporal Editor. If the button is selected, the Temporal Editor will
to overlay a newly loaded weather element with another weather element
of identical units. Otherwise, each newly loaded weather element will
its own pane in the Temporal Editor. The default is as set for
in the gfe configuration file.
<h4><a name="TemporalEditorWeatherElementMode"></a>Temporal Editor
Element Mode</h4>
This cascade menu permits choices of "All Weather Elements", "All
Elements w/o ISC", "Fcst Weather Elements", "Active Weather
and "Visible Elements Only". It controls the set of weather
that appear in the temporal editor. Selection of "All Weather
will mirror the weather elements that are loaded into the spatial
Selection of "All Weather Elements except ISC" will set the temporal
to display all weather elements loaded into the spatial editor, except
for any ISC elements. Selection of "Fcst Weather Elements" will mirror
just those elements loaded into the spatial editor that are mutable,
from the Fcst database. Selection of the "Active Weather Element"
will set the temporal editor to have only the active weather element to
be displayed in the temporal editor. Selection of the "Visible Elements
Only" will set the editor to only have the visible set of weather
that are displayed in the Grid Manager.
<h4><a name="TEStatisticsMode"></a>Temporal Editor Statistics Mode</h4>
Brings up the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#TEStatisticsDialog">Temporal
Editor Statistics Mode Dialog</a>, which permits the user to define the
type of statistics that are presented with the range-style
in the temporal editor.
<h4><a name="TimeScalePeriods"></a>Time Scale Periods...</h4>
Brings up the <a
Scale Displayed Periods</a> Dialog, which permits the user to define
of the named selection time ranges are displayed on the Time
The initial setting can also be defined in the gfe configuration file
<a href="gfeConfig_Pref.html#TimeScaleDisplayedPeriods">Time
Scale Periods</a>.
<h4><a name="EditAreaAppearance"></a>Edit Area Appearance...</h4>
Brings up the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#EditAreaAppearanceDialog">Edit
Area Appearance Dialog</a>, which permits the user to define a color
a line width for the appearance of the edit area on the spatial
The initial setting can also be defined in the gfe configuration file
<a href="gfeConfig_UI.html#EditAreaColors">Edit
Area Color and Border Width.</a>
<h4><a name="WxDiscreteDescription"></a>Wx/Discrete Show Description</h4>
If Show Description is on, then the <a
href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#WeatherPickUpValueDialog">Weather Pick Up
Value Dialog</a> and <a
href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#DiscretePickUpValueDialog">Discrete Pick
Up Value Dialog</a> will contain additional descriptive information for
each symbol. In addition to the two dialogs, the Spatial
Editor Color Bar and Temporal Editor Data Pane's MB3 Popup Menu items <a
href="Button3Popups.html#SpatialEditorColorBarPopupMenu">Set Common
Values To, Set Recent Values To..., and Set Session Values To...</a>
also will contain the descriptive information. The default can be
controlled through the <a href="gfeConfig_Zoom.html">GFE configuration
<h3><a name="ShowWarnings"></a>Show Warnings</h3>
Allows the user to enable or disable the display of warning messages.
the button is selected for a particular warning message, the message is
automatically displayed in the GFE.
<p><b>Show Edit Action Time Range Warning</b>
<p>The Show Edit Action Time Range warning is displayed when the user
to edit data over a selected time range which
extends over more than one grid. Proceeding at this point will modify
more than one grid.
<p><b>Show Empty Edit Area Warning</b>
<p>The Show Empty Edit Area warning is displayed when the user attempts
to edit data without having selected an edit area. Proceeding at this
will modify data over the entire grid. The defaults are as set for
and ShowEmptyEditAreaWarning in the gfe configuration file.
<h3><a name="BreakLock"></a>Break Lock...</h3>
Breaks the lock(s) created by a different user or during a previous
The <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#BreakLockDialog">Break Locks dialog</a>
brings up the all of the lock(s) found in the mutable database and
the user to select which lock(s) to break. Users are not required to
a time range prior to breaking locks.
<h3><a name="DefineConfigandifpIMAGEFiles..."></a>Define Config and
Brings up the <a
Configuration Dialog</a>, which is used to create, view, delete, and
configuration files for the GFE and for ifpIMAGE.
<h3><a name="DefineSmartTools..."></a>Define Smart Tools...</h3>
Brings up the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#EditActionsDialog">Edit
Dialog </a>, which is used to create, view and execute smart tools.
<h3><a name="DefineProcedures..."></a>Define Procedures...</h3>
Brings up the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#DefineProceduresDialog">Define
Procedures dialog</a> allowing the user to define procedures. A new
can be created or an existing one modified by pressing button 3 over
dialog and selecting new or modify. A template for defining procedures
appears in a Python window.
<h3><a name="DefineTextProducts..."></a>Define Text Products...</h3>
Brings up the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#DefineTextProductsDialog">Define
Text Products dialog</a> allowing the user to define text products. A
product can be created or an existing one modified by pressing button 3
over the dialog and selecting new or modify. A template for defining
product appears in a Python window.
<h3><a name="DefineSelectTimeRanges..."></a>Define Select Time Ranges</h3>
Save Select Time Range...</h4>
Brings up the
<a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#SaveSelectionTRDialog">Save
Selection Time Range dialog</a> allowing the user to define and save a
selection time range relative to 0000LT today or 0000Z.
<h4><a name="DeleteSelectTimeRanges"></a>Delete Select Time Range...</h4>
Brings up the
<a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#DeleteSelectionTRDialog">Delete
Selection Time Range dialog</a> allowing the user to delete a selection
time range.
<h3><a name="SiteActivation"></a>Site Activation</h3>
Opens a site activation dialog. Activating a second site allows GFE to
operate as the secondary site. Localization must be in place for the
secondary site to operate correctly.
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="WeatherElement"></a>Weather Element</h2>
<a name="WeatherElementGroups"></a>Weather Element Groups</h3>
Lists the Weather Element Groups available. Selecting a group loads it
into the Grid Manager. A Weather Element Group can be saved (defined)
the Weather Element Browser, under the browser's File menu.
Note that any unsaved (modified) weather elements will not be unloaded
when you swich to another weather element group.<br>
<h3><a name="WeatherElementVolumeBrowser"></a>Weather Element Browser...</h3>
Brings up the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#WEBrowserDialog">Weather
Browser dialog</a> which allows the user to load and unload Weather
Weather Element Groups can also be saved, deleted, or loaded
the browser File menu. The dialog lower box highlights all the Weather
Elements to be loaded. To deselect a highlighted Weather Element,
click on it.<br>
<h3><a name="ManageHiddenWeatherElements"></a>Manage Hidden Weather
Brings up the <a
Hidden Weather Elements dialog</a> which allows the user to display or
unload hidden weather elements. Hidden weather elements are those
that are not seen in the Grid Manager, Spatial Editor, or Temporal
Editor, but yet they exist. They are created as part of the Show
Intersite Coordination and Virtual Parms, as well as temporary weather
elements during smart tool execution.<br>
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="Populate"></a>Populate</h2>
<a name="Procedures"></a>Procedures</h3>
Lists the Procedures available. Selecting a procedure runs it.
<h3><a name="CopySelectedGridsFrom"></a>Copy Selected Grids From...</h3>
Brings up the <a
Selected Grids From dialog</a> allowing the user to select the model
which the data for the selected grids is to be copied.
<h3><a name="CopyAllGridsFrom"></a>Copy All Grids From...</h3>
Brings up the
<a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#CopyAllGridsFromDialog">Copy
All Grids From dialog</a> allowing the user to select the model from
the data for all loaded grids is to be copied.
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="Grids"></a>Grids</h2>
These menu items will be dimmed when the Temporal Editor is displayed
most operations apply to grids selected in the Grid Manager.
<h3><a name="Interpolate"></a>Interpolate...</h3>
Interpolates between two or more grids and adds additional grids. There
are two methods of performing interpolation: By Gaps, and Based On
Data. The "By Gaps" feature replaces all gaps within the selected time
range with multiple interpolated time blocks aligned with the split
The "Based On Edited Data" first clears all non-user edited blocks in
selected time range and then does an interpolate. The user may
select the interpolation interval and the interpolated grid's duration.
The Interpolate button brings up the
<a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#InterpolateDialog">Interpolation
Dialog</a>. Refer to <a href="#InterpolateAlgorithm">Interpolation
to details on choosing the interpolation algorithm.
<h3><a name="SplitGrids"></a>Split Grids</h3>
Splits the selected grid block into two or more blocks. The block is
at the start and end boundaries of the selected time range.
<h3><a name="FragmentGrids"></a>Fragment Grids</h3>
Fragments the selected grid block into equal size grids. The size of
fragments is determined by the time constraint for the given grid.
<h3><a name="CreateGridsFromScratch"></a>Create Grids From Scratch...</h3>
The create grids from scratch entry brings up the <a
From Scratch Dialog</a>. The dialog allows for the creation of
grids over the selected time range. The user has control over the
creation interval and duration of the grids. The value assigned to the
created grids is either the default value, or the current pick-up
<h3><a name="AssignDefaultValue"></a>Assign Default Value</h3>
Assigns the default value to the selected grids. This function can be
to reset the value of a grid if the user wants to eliminate the
made to a grid and start over. The default value for a grid corresponds
to the minimum value for the given weather element.
<h3><a name="AssignPickUpValue"></a>Assign PickUp Value</h3>
Assigns the current pickup value to the selected grids. All grid
points within the selected grids will be set to the pickup value.
The user should first ensure that the appropriate pickup value is set by
using the <a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html#ColorBar">color bar</a>
or by using the <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html#PickUpValueDialog">Pick
Up Value dialog.</a>
<h3><a name="DeleteGrids"></a>Delete Grids</h3>
Deletes the selected grids in the Grid Manager.
<h3><a name="SelectGridsByTime"></a>Select Grids By Time</h3>
Lists the available Select Time Range(s). These time ranges can be
in the Save Select Time Ranges under the Grids main menu. Selecting one
of the Time Ranges listed sets the selected time range to it.
<h3><a name="SelectAllWeatherElements"></a>Select All Weather Elements</h3>
Selects all loaded weather elements in the Grid Manager. The
grids selected also depends on the Selected Time Range.
<h3><a name="DeselectAll"></a>Deselect All</h3>
Deselects all selected grids for all selected weather elements.
<h3><a name="TimeShift"></a>Time Shift...</h3>
Brings up the
<a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#TimeShiftDialog">Time Shift
dialog</a> allowing the user to either move or copy a selected grid.
grids can be copied/moved either forward or backward. The default is
set to move.
<h3><a name="FindWeatherElement"></a>Find Weather Element</h3>
Lists all the loaded weather elements. Selecting a weather element
it visible in the Grid Manager or Temporal Editor. If the weather
element is already visible, nothing is done.
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="Edit"></a>Edit</h2>
<a name="UndoGridEdit"></a>Undo Grid Edit</h3>
Undoes the last edit performed on the editable grid. Only one Undo can
be done. Doing a second Undo is equivalent to performing a Redo.
<h3><a name="UndoEditArea"></a>Undo Edit Area</h3>
Undoes the last Edit Area operation in the Spatial Editor.
<h3><a name="ProceduresEdit"></a>Procedures</h3>
Lists the Procedures available. Selecting a procedure runs it.
<h3><a name="SaveForecast"></a>Save Forecast...</h3>
Brings up the
<a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#SaveForecastDialog">Save Forecast
dialog</a> allowing the user to select which weather element(s) are to
be saved to the Forecast database.
<h3><a name="RevertForecast"></a>Revert Forecast...</h3>
Brings up the
<a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#RevertForecastDialog">Revert
Forecast dialog</a> allowing the user to select which weather
are to be reverted. A revert returns the data to the last saved state.
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="Consistency"></a>Consistency</h2>
<h3><a name="ProceduresConsistency"></a>Procedures</h3>
Lists the Procedures available. Selecting a procedure runs it. A
Coordination Procedure is set up to appear as a system defaults
ISC_Disrepancies. For more information on these
see the <a href="ISC.html">Intersite Coordination Training Guide</a>.
<h3><a name="ClearSelectedHighlights"></a>Clear Selected Highlights</h3>
Clears the highlighting for grids in the Grid Manager over the selected
time range.
<h3><a name="ClearAllHighlights"></a>Clear All Highlights</h3>
Clears all the highlighting for grids in the Grid Manager.<br>
<h3><a name="SendIntersiteGrids"></a>Send Intersite Grids</h3>
Brings up the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#SendISCDialog">Send
Intersite Grids Dialog</a> which allows the forecaster to specify grids
to send via ISC.<br>
<h3> <a name="ISCRequestReply"> </a>ISC Request/Reply<br>
Brings up the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#RequestISCDialog">Request
Intersite Grids Dialog
</a> allowing the user to freshen the ISC database by obtaining grids
directly from other sites.<br>
<h3> <a name="ISCSendEnable"> </a>ISC Send Enable<br>
Controls the state of the ISC Transmit capability for this
client. If EDEX isn't configured for sending ISC,
then this menu option will not be available. If configured,
then the ISC Send Enable can be turned on or turned off through this
menu item. A "traffic light" will appear in the lower right
of the status bar showing the current configuration. <br>
In order for the GFE to send grid via ISC, the ISC Send Enable must be
on, and the ISCxmt traffic light in the status bar appearing
green. If the ISC Send Enable is off, then the GFE will not
be able to send ISC grids even when EDEX is configured for
sending grids on save.<br>
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="Products"></a>Products</h2>
<a name="PublishtoOfficial"></a>Publish to Official...</h3>
Brings up the
<a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#PublishToOfficialDialog">Publish
To Official dialog</a> allowing the user to choose the source, the
element(s), and the time range to publish to the Official database. The
data must be saved prior to attempting to publish it. The Official
is the one from which products will be generated. The dialog will also
permit sending your grids to configured sites for intersite
<h3><a name="localFormatter"></a>Formatter Launcher...</h3>
Brings up the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#FormatterLauncher">Formatter
Launcher dialog</a> allowing the user to choose the products to
generate using the GFE Text Formatters. One or more of the listed
products may be generated. The forecast
must be published to the Official database prior to generating products
(if the user wants the lastest modified forecast). Text formatters
must be properly configured in order for entries to appear in this
Refer to the <a href="TextFormatter.html">Text Formatter's User's Guide</a>
for configuration information.<br>
<h3><a name="scripts"></a>Scripts...</h3>
Brings up the
<a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#ScriptsDialog">Scripts dialog</a>
allowing the user to choose the script to run. The <a
href="gfeConfig_ProdGen.html">Scripts entry in the gfe configuration
file</a> define the entries that appear in the dialog. Depending upon
the scripts entry, additional dialogs may
appear allowing the user to specify the parameters.
<h3><a name="ProcessMonitor"></a>Process Monitor...</h3>
Brings up the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#ProcessMonitorDialog">Process
Monitor Dialog</a> which shows the status of background processes. The
Dialog allows the process queue to be viewed and manipulated.<br>
<h3><a name="GHGMonitor"></a>GHG Monitor...</h3>
Brings up the <a href="GHGMonitor.html">GHG Monitor
</a> which allows the forecaster to view the list of current hazards
in effect. <br>
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="Maps"></a>Maps</h2>
<a name="Topography"></a>Topography</h3>
Toggles the Topography grid on and off. Toggling the Topography grid
off unloads it.
<h3><a name="Samples"></a>Samples</h3>
<a name="Load"></a>Load...</h4>
Brings up the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#LoadSamplesDialog">Load
Set dialog</a> listing the sample sets available from the server.
one of the sample sets loads it for display in the Spatial Editor. This
dialog allows the user to add to, delete, or replace the previously
loaded sample set(s).
<h4><a name="Clear"></a>Clear</h4>
Clears the sample set(s) currently displayed in the Spatial Editor.
<h4><a name="Save"></a>Save...</h4>
Brings up the
<a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#SaveSamplesDialog">Save Sample
Set dialog</a> allowing the user to save a new sample set.
<h4><a name="Delete"></a>Delete...</h4>
Brings up the
<a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#DeleteSamplesDialog">Delete
Sample Set dialog</a> allowing the user to delete an existing sample
<h4><a name="DefinebyLat/Lon..."></a>Define by Lat/Lon...</h4>
The Define by Latitude/Longitude entry brings up the <a
Samples via Lat/Lon dialog</a> allowing the user to enter sample points
by location.
<h4><a name="ShowLat/Lon"></a>Show Lat/Lon</h4>
If enabled, the latitude/longitude of the sample points, or roaming
will be shown with the data values. The format is lat/lon. The
entry is the latitude/longitude and is always painted in white.
<h4><a name="ShowISCUpdateTime"></a>Show ISC Update Time on Data Samples</h4>
If enabled and in Intersite Coordination Mode or displaying ISC data,
number of hours since the last update for the underlying data will be
Refer to the <a href="ISC.html">Intersite Coordination User's Guide</a>
for more details.
<h4><a name="ShowISCSiteID"></a>Show ISC Site ID on Data Samples</h4>
If enabled and in Intersite Coordination Mode or displaying ISC data,
originating site for the underlying data will be displayed. Refer to
<a href="ISC.html">Intersite
Coordination User's Guide</a> for more details.
<h4><a name="ShowISCOfficialDBSymbol"></a>Show ISC Official DB Symbol
on Data Samples</h4>
If enabled and in Intersite Coordination Mode or displaying ISC data, a
"P" will be appended to the sample points for the underlying data that
came from an Official (published) database. Refer to the <a href="ISC.html">Intersite
Coordination User's Guide</a> for more details.
<h3><a name="ISCMarkers"></a>ISC Markers</h3>
<a name="ShowISCMarkers"></a>Show ISC Markers</h4>
This control turns on and off the set of defined ISC Markers. ISC
Markers are only visible when displaying ISC data or when in Intersite
Coordination Mode. Refer to the <a href="ISC.html">Intersite
User's Guide</a> for more details.
<h4><a name="ShowISCUpdateTimeMarker"></a>Show ISC Update Time on Marker</h4>
If enabled and in Intersite Coordination Mode or displaying ISC data,
number of hours since the last update for the underlying data will be
Markers are similar to sample points, except that no data values are
Refer to the <a href="ISC.html">Intersite Coordination User's Guide</a>
for more details.
<h4><a name="ShowISCSiteIDMarker"></a>Show ISC Site ID on Marker</h4>
If enabled and in Intersite Coordination Mode or displaying ISC data,
originating site for the underlying data will be displayed. Markers are
similar to sample points, except that no data values are shown. Refer
to the
<a href="ISC.html">Intersite Coordination User's Guide</a> for more
<h4><a name="ShowISCOfficialDBSymbolMarker"></a>Show ISC Official DB
Symbol on Marker</h4>
If enabled and in Intersite Coordination Mode or displaying ISC data, a
"P" will be appended to the sample points for the underlying data that
came from an Official (published) database. Markers are similar to
points, except that no data values are shown. Refer to the <a href="ISC.html">Intersite
Coordination User's Guide</a> for more details.
<h3><a name="MapList"></a>Map List</h3>
Lists all the available maps. If the map button is checked on, the map
is displayed. Clicking on a map that is already loaded will unload it
and remove if from the Spatial Editor display.
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="EditAreas"></a>Edit Areas</h2>
This menu lists the edit areas by Edit Area Group. To load an edit
simply choose it from the cascading menu.
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="Verify"></a>Verify</h2>
<h3><a name="ProceduresVerify"></a>Procedures</h3>
Lists the Procedures available. Selecting a procedure runs it.<br>
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;">
<h2><a name="Hazards"></a>Hazards</h2>
<h3><a name="HazardsProcedures"></a>Procedures</h3>
Lists the Procedures available. Selecting a procedure runs it.
The standard procedures provided under "Hazards" are used in creating
the Hazards grid. These are MakeHazard, SeparateHazards,
MergeHazards, PlotTPCEvents, PlotSPCWatches, and ViewWCL.<br>
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;">
<h2><a name="ResetPractice"></a>Reset Practice</h2>
This menu only appears while in GFE Practice Mode.<br>
<h3><a name="ClearVTECPracticeTable"></a>Clear VTEC Practice Table</h3>
This option is only available while in GFE Practice Mode. It
immediately clears, i.e., empties, all entries in the VTEC active table
used for PRACTICE mode. It does not affect the operational
VTEC table. The primary use for this capability is to reset
the VTEC active table to a known state.<br>
<h3><a name="ClearFcstGrids"></a>Clear Fcst Grids</h3>
This option is only available while in GFE Practice Mode. It
breaks all existing locks in the Prac_Fcst database and then removes
all grids. It does not affect the operational Fcst database.<br>
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="Help"></a>Help</h2>
<a name="OnlineTableofContents"></a>Online Table Of Contents...</h3>
Brings up a Netscape page with links to online help.
<a name="ShowToolTips"></a>Show Tool Tips</h3>
Activates tool tips when a screen item is rolled over with the mouse.
<h3><a name="About"></a>About CAVE</h3>
Brings up the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#AboutDialog">About
which lists general build and server information.
<h3><a name="Workstation"></a>Workstation</h3>
Where CAVE is running.
<hr width="100%">
<a href="GFESuite.html">Return to TOC</a>
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<title>GFE Startup</title>
<body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<h1 style="text-align: center;">
GFE Startup Information</h1>
February 16, 2012<br>
Table of Contents<br>
<a href="#cmdline">Command Line Options</a><br>
<a href="#standard">Standard Startup of GFE</a><br>
<a href="#SpecialConfigurationFiles">Special Configuration Files</a><br>
<a href="#special">Special GFE Startup Modes for TEST and PRACTICE</a><br>
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="cmdline"></a>Command Line Options</h2>
<tt> [-server serverURL] [-mode TEST|PRACTICE|OPERATIONAL] [-site xxx]
[-u user] [-component componentName] [-perspective perspecitiveName] [-noredirect]<br>
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<td><b>Command Line Option</b></td>
<td>-server serverURL</td>
Overrides the http server URL in the localization preferences.<br>
The URL should match the HTTP_SERVER setting in /awips2/edex/bin/setup.env of the desired server.
<td>Causes CAVE to be started in the specified mode. OPERATIONAL by default.</td>
<td>-site xxx</td>
<td>Overrides the localization site preference setting forcing CAVE to start as the specified site.
<td>-u user</td>
<td>Overrides the user workstation login with the specified user id. Note: SITE is NOT a user id in AWIPS2.
<td>-component componentName</td>
<td>Used to start specialized CAVE sessions like textWS, avnMenu, ServiceBackup, etc.</td>
<td>-perspective perspecitiveName</td>
<td>Causes CAVE to start in the specified perspective, i.e, GFE, D2D, etc. No perspective
buttons will be displayed. You must use the CAVE->Perspective menu to change perspectives.</td>
<td>Causes stdout and stderr to not be redirected but instead display in the terminal window
for debugging use.</td>
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="standard"></a>Standard Startup of GFE</h2>
GFE is normally started with the appLauncher menu activated by
clicking anywhere on an AWIPS workstation desktop.<br><br>
<img alt="" src="images/appLauncher.jpg"><br><br> To start GFE
via the command line execute the /awips2/cave/ script with the
switch -component GFE.
When this is done, the GFE begins and contacts EDEX. If EDEX cannot
be contacted successfully, an error dialog is presented to the user.<br>
<table style="width: 100%; text-align: left;" border="0" cellpadding="2"
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><img alt=""
In normal situations once the server has been contacted, the user is
presented with the GFE start up dialog.
GFE will query EDEX and determine
the available list of configuration files that are available to the
The standard "gfeConfig" is shipped with the system. The site may
have overridden it and users may override them too. See the <a
site, user concepts guide</a> for information. The gfe
file can be tailored to the site's or user's needs. See the <a
configuration guide</a> for details. The user selects the appropriate
configuration file from the
The user is not allowed to enter a new configuration file since gfe
requires an existing configuration file to start.<br>
<p><img alt="" src="images/GFEStartup1.png"><br>
<p>The user positions the cursor over the Ok button and
GFE will now start and just the splash screen will be shown:<br>
<p><img alt="" src="images/GFEStartup2.png"><br>
If the GFE does not come up properly, a
bad configuration file is likely the cause.<br>
<hr width="100%">
<h2><a name="SpecialConfigurationFiles"></a>Special Configuration Files</h2>
GFE comes with some special
configuration files which can be used to modify special grids. If a GFE
is started using one of these files, then various special
weather elements can be edited.
Starting the GFE with this config file allows for the editing of the topo grid. You can
use the standard startup, and enter EditTopo into the configuration
entry field of the startup dialog.
<p>Once the GFE is running, there will be no weather elements appearing
in the grid manager. One weather element will be loaded, of a persistent
nature, into the spatial editor. This element is called Topo SFC
Topo_EditTopo. You can edit the topography and once saved, the remainder
of the GFESuite system will see the modified topography when those
programs are started.<br>
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"><br>
<h2><a name="special"></a>Special GFE Startup Modes for Test and
The GFE may be started with three special modes. These modes
allow for product testing and GFE practice. This section defines
the behavior of the GFE in these modes.<br>
<h3><a name="TEST"></a>TEST mode</h3>
Starting the GFE with a <span style="font-weight: bold;">-mode TEST</span>
switch will place the GFE in TEST mode. All products issued in
this mode will be issued with TEST mode enabled. The
forecaster edits a Test database instead of a Fcst
database, thus no impact is made on formal operations.<br>
Test mode on products means that products that normally have VTEC will
have the "T" code enabled, regardless of the definition in the
VTECMessageType file (as long as there is a definition for the product
in the VTECMessageType file). Test products mean that the
MND header will contain the "...TEST..." and so will any headlines in
the product.<br>
The characteristics of the GFE is changed while in TEST mode:<br>
<li>The forecaster edits a Test database instead of a Fcst
database, thus no impact is made on formal operations.</li>
<li>Product can be transmitted.<br>
<li>There is no Official database available.</li>
<li>Sending of ISC grids and Publishing to Official is disabled.</li>
<li>The FormatterLauncher data source is set to the Test database.</li>
<li>The VTEC "active" table is used since these products can be
<li>The enabled VTEC modes specified in VTECMessageType is used only
to determine if VTEC is enabled or not for a product. If a
product does not normally
contain VTEC, then in TEST mode no VTEC will appear. However, if
vtec is enabled for a product, that vtec mode is switched to "T" mode.<br>
<li>The background color of the GFE is changed, to make it clear to
the forecaster that they are in a special mode. The word
TEST is placed in the window manager title.</li>
An example of the GFE in TEST mode is shown below:<br>
<div style="text-align: center;"><img alt="TEST mode"
src="images/GFETestMode.png" style="width: 790px; height: 645px;"><br>
<h3><a name="PRACTICE"></a>PRACTICE mode</h3>
Starting the GFE with a <span style="font-weight: bold;">-mode PRACTICE</span>
switch will place the GFE in PRACTICE mode. In this mode the
following characteristics are changed:<br>
<li>The forecaster edits a Practice database instead of a Fcst
database, thus no impact is made on formal operations.</li>
<li>There is no Official database available.</li>
<li>Sending of ISC grids and Publishing to Official is disabled.</li>
<li>The FormatterLauncher data source is set to the Practice database.</li>
<li>An alternate active table is used to ensure there is no conflict
with real operations.</li>
<li>The ability to store products in the AWIPS text database and
transmit them is not available, although the GUI will still
exist. The Transmit GUI will clearly indicate that the transmit
is being simulated.</li>
<li>A special Formatting entry appears on the Formatter Launcher to
allow the forecaster to select the type of practice formatting.
Choices range from the 3 operational VTEC modes and no VTEC for
operational/normal wording, and two choices for test wording (with and
without VTEC).<br>
<li>The background color of the GFE is changed, to make it clear to
the forecaster that they are in a special mode. The word
PRACTICE is placed in the window manager title.</li>
The background of the GFE in Practice mode appears orange:<br>
<div style="text-align: center;"><img alt="Practice Mode"
src="images/GFEPracticeMode.png" style="width: 790px; height: 645px;"><br>
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<title>GFESuite Documentation</title>
<body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="TableOfContents"></a>GFESuite
Documentation Guides<br>
<center>Main Documentation Page
<p><img src="images/gfeMainMenu.jpg" nosave="" height="561" width="752"></p>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<a href="GFESuiteTraining.html">GFE Training Guide </a>- provides
introduction to the GFE and its capabilities. Contains exercises.
<a href="GFESuiteReference.html">GFE Reference Manual </a>- provides
of dialogs, menus, popups, and other associated information.
<a href="GFESuiteOtherPgms.html">Other GFESuite Programs </a>- user
guides to other programs, such as product generation programs.
<a href="GFESuiteConfiguration.html">Configuration Guides </a>- how to
the GFE and database server.
<a href="README.html">Release Notes</a> - release notes for this
<a href="../test/testingInformation.html">Testing Information</a> -
testing information (test cases and procedures) for this
<a href="GFE_SplashScreens.html">Splash Screens</a> - descriptive
information about the GFESuite Splash Screens.<br>
<hr width="100%"><br>
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<title>GFESuite Documentation - Configuration</title>
<body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="TableOfContents"></a>GFESuite
Configuration Guide</h1>
<div class="3Heading">The configuration guides provide information on
how-to configure the
and server, as well as provide some general concepts and directory
<table nosave="" style="width: 100%;" cellspacing="20">
<td><a href="baseSiteUserConcept.html"><img
src="images/baseSiteUserRetrieval.jpg" nosave="" align="middle"
height="200" vspace="20" width="266"></a></td>
<td><a href="baseSiteUserConcept.html">Base, Site, User
Configuration Concept</a></td>
<tr nosave="">
<td nosave=""><a href="GFESuiteServerConfiguration.html"><img
alt="GFESuite Server Configuration" src="images/f1200figc5.jpg"
nosave="" style="border: 0px solid ; width: 269px; height: 200px;"
<td><a href="GFESuiteServerConfiguration.html">Server
Configuration </a>-
of available weather elements, limits, databases, map backgrounds, site
domains, resolutions </td>
<td><a href="GFESuiteGFEConfiguration.html"><img
alt="GFESuite GFE Configuration" src="images/gfeMainMenuSmall.jpg" nosave=""
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 256px; height: 188px;" align="left"
<td><a href="GFESuiteGFEConfiguration.html">GFE Configuration </a>-
of appearance of user interface and weather elements
<tr nosave="">
<td nosave=""><a href="directoryLayout.html"><img
src="images/directoryTop.jpg" nosave="" align="middle" height="200"
<td><a href="directoryLayout.html">Directory Structures</a></td>
<td><a href="SmartInit.html"><img src="images/f1200figh4.jpg"
nosave="" height="200" width="202"></a></td>
<td><a href="SmartInit.html">Smart Initialization Configuration</a></td>
<td><a href="IntersiteCoordination.html"><img
src="images/isc_thumb.jpg" nosave=""></a></td>
<td><a href="IntersiteCoordination.html">Intersite/Intrasite
of Grids Configuration</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="VTEC.html"><img alt=""
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 350px; height: 263px;"></a><br>
<td><a href="VTEC.html">VTEC
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="VirtualParm.html"><img
alt="" src="images/VirtualISC2T.png"
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 350px; height: 191px;"></a><br>
<td><a href="VirtualParm.html">Virtual
Weather Element Configuration</a><br>
<td><a href="logFiles.html"><img src="images/logging.jpg"
nosave="" height="277" width="378"></a></td>
<td><a href="logFiles.html">Log Files</a></td>
<hr width="100%">
<p> <a href="GFESuite.html">Back To Top</a>
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<title>GFESuite Documentation - GFESuite Dialogs</title>
<body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<h1 class="3Heading">GFESuite Dialogs</h1>
<div class="3Heading">
<div class="3Heading">
User Interface Dialogs describes the various dialogs, including the
color table editor, that are used in the GFE.
<table nosave="" width="80%">
<tr nosave="">
<td nosave=""><img src="images/DialogPickUpValueVector.jpg"
nosave="" height="250" width="200"></td>
<td> <li><a href="MainMenuDialogs.html">Main Menu Dialogs</a></li>
<li> <a href="ButtonBarDialogs.html">Button Bar Dialogs</a></li>
<li> <a href="ColorDialogs.html#ColorTableEditor">Color Table
and<!-- Leave this comment in for formatting purposes --> <a
<li> <a href="SpatialEditorDialogs.html">Spatial Editor Dialogs</a></li>
<li> <a href="TemporalEditorDialogs.html">Temporal Editor Dialogs</a></li>
<li> <a href="GridManagerDialogs.html">Grid Manager Dialogs</a></li>
<li> <a href="ColorBarDialogs.html">Color Bar Dialogs</a></li>
<li><a href="FormatterLauncher.html">Formatter Launcher</a></li>
<hr width="100%">
<p><a href="GFESuite.html">Back To TOC</a>
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<title>GFESuite Documentation - GFE Configuration</title>
<body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="TableOfContents"></a>GFESuite
GFE Configuration Guide</h1>
<div class="3Heading"><br>
The GFE configuration guides describe the methods and syntax of
changing user interface and behavioral defaults for the Graphical
Forecast Editor:<br>
<table style="width: 100%; text-align: left;" border="1" cellpadding="2"
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="gfeConfiguration.html">General
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Describes the general technique
for modifying the gfe configuration.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="gfeConfig.html">Syntax</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Describes the syntax of the gfe
configuration file.<br>
<hr width="100%">
<p> <a href="GFESuite.html">Back To TOC</a>
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<meta name="Author" content="Mark Mathewson">
<title>GFESuite Documentation - Other Programs</title>
<body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="TableOfContents"></a>GFESuite Other
Program Guides<br>
<div class="3Heading"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br>
</span>There are other GFE Suite programs besides the GFE. Some
of these
are product generators in formats of ascii grid, and png (portable
<p>Programs other than the GFE are described in the following user
<table style="width: 100%;" nosave="" cellspacing="20">
<td><a href="ifpAG.html"><img src="images/ifpAG.jpg" nosave=""
align="middle" height="269" width="253"></a></td>
<td><a href="ifpAG.html">Ascii Grid Generator (ifpAG)</a></td>
<td><a href="ifpIMAGE.html"><img src="images/ifpIMAGEtop.png"
nosave="" align="middle" height="200" width="200"></a></td>
<td><a href="ifpIMAGE.html">IFP IMAGE File Generator</a></td>
<tr nosave="">
<td nosave=""><a href="ifpnetCDF.html"><img
src="images/netCDFImage.jpg" nosave="" height="479" width="392"></a></td>
<td><a href="ifpnetCDF.html">ifpnetCDF Formatter</a></td>
<td><a href="ifpBreakAllLocks.html"><img src="images/padlock.gif"
nosave="" height="115" width="115"></a></td>
<td><a href="ifpBreakAllLocks.html">Break All Locks</a></td>
<td><a href="iscMosaic.html"><img src="images/Mosaic_BOU_CWA.jpg"
nosave="" height="201" width="150"></a><!-- Leave this comment for formatting purposes--><a
href="iscMosaic.html"><img src="images/Mosaic_CYS_CWA.jpg" nosave=""
height="214" width="150"></a> <br>
<a href="iscMosaic.html"><img src="images/Mosaic_PUB_CWA.jpg"
nosave="" height="213" width="150"></a><!-- Leave this comment for formatting purposes--><a
href="iscMosaic.html"><img src="images/Mosaic_BOUCYSPUB.jpg" nosave=""
height="213" width="150"></a></td>
<td><a href="iscMosaic.html">iscMosaic</a> (used to input netCDF
files<!-- Leave this comment for formatting purposes<<>>--> generated
from the <a href="ifpnetCDF.html">ifpnetCDF formatter program<!-- Leave this comment for formatting purposes--></a>
or other programs that write the netCDF files into that format).<!-- Leave this comment for formatting purposes-->
This program is part of the <a href="IntersiteCoordination.html">intersite
coordination of grids<!-- Leave this comment for formatting purposes--></a>
<td><a href="moveGFEData.html"><img
src="images/baseSiteUserRetrieval.jpg" nosave="" height="187"
<td><a href="moveGFEData.html">moveGFEData</a> (used to move
data from one user to another in the proper manner). This allows
of color tables, edit areas, sample sets, weather element groups, edit
area groups, gfe and ifpIMAGE configuration files, selection time range
definitions, isc discrepancy value grids, and tools/procedures.</td>
<td><a href="getNotify.html"><img src="images/f1200figc1.jpg"
nosave="" height="142" width="250"></a></td>
<td><a href="getNotify.html">getNotify</a> (diagnostic program to
notifications from the awips qpid server to the clients). Simply outputs the
notifications for database inventory, grid inventory, sample set, edit
area, text data, and user messages.</td>
<td><a href="ifpServerText.html"><img
src="images/ifpServerText.png" nosave="" height="225" width="300"></a></td>
<td><a href="ifpServerText.html">ifpServerText</a> is used to
save, retrieve,
inventory, or delete smart tools, procedures, text products, utilities,
and gfe/ifpIMAGE configuration files from the command line. Edit areas,
sample sets, color tables, weather element groups, and select time
range definitions may also be saved and retreived. Map background
inventory and data is accessible through ifpServerText.</td>
<td><img src="images/sendGfeMessage.gif" title="" alt=""
style="width: 262px; height: 142px;"><br>
<td><a href="sendGfeMessage.html">sendGfeMessage</a> is a utility
to send a message to all connected EDEX clients, such as
GFEs. The message will appear in the status bar.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><img src="images/trashcan.gif"
title="" alt="" style="width: 150px; height: 183px;"><br>
<td style="vertical-align: middle;"><a href="purgeAllGrids.html">purgeAllGrids</a>
is a utility that will remove all grids from the specified
database. This needs to be used with caution.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><img alt="GHGMonitor"
src="images/GHGMonitor.png" style="width: 332px; height: 275px;"><br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="GHGMonitor.html">GHG
Monitor</a> is a utility to monitor VTEC hazards and alert the
forecaster as products are about to expire.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><img alt=""
src="images/dumpAT.png" style="width: 435px; height: 298px;"><br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="dumpAT.html">dumpAT</a>
is a utility to dump out the contents of the <a href="VTEC.html"><!--disable indexer-->VTEC
active table</a>.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><br>
<hr width="100%"></h2>
<p><a href="GFESuite.html">Back To TOC</a>
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<title>GFESuite Documentation - GFESuite Reference</title>
<body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="TableOfContents"></a>GFESuite Reference
<div class="3Heading">
<p>The GFE Reference Guide describes GFE features by menu, dialog, or
component. Its purpose is to supplement the GFE Training Guide
day-to-day operation.
<p>The reference manual is divided into several sections:
<h2>GFE Startup Instructions and Options<br>
<p>describes the options to
up the GFE, the splash screen, and entering the username and
file information.
<li> <a href="GFEStartup.html">GFE Startup Information</a></li>
<h2>User Interface Menus, Button Bar, and Status Bar </h2>
<p>describes the menu
options, button bar actions, and the message status bar.
<table nosave="" width="100%">
<tr nosave="">
<td nosave=""><a href="GFEMainMenu.html"><img alt=""
src="images/mainMenu.jpg" nosave=""
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 800px; height: 23px;"></a></td>
<td><a href="GFEMainMenu.html">Main Menu</a></td>
<td><a href="Toolbar.html"><img src="images/buttonBar.jpg"
nosave="" height="23" width="800"></a></td>
<td><a href="Toolbar.html">Button Bar</a></td>
<td><a href="StatusBar.html"><img src="images/alertViz.jpg"
nosave="" height="23" width="800"></a></td>
<td><a href="StatusBar.html">AlertViz</a></td>
<div class="3Heading">
<h2>User Interface Dialogs </h2>
describes the various dialogs, including the
color table editor, that are used in the GFE.
<table nosave="" width="80%">
<tr nosave="">
<td nosave=""><a href="GFESuiteDialogs.html"><img
alt="GFESuite Dialogs" src="images/DialogPickUpValueVector.jpg"
nosave="" style="border: 0px solid ; width: 200px; height: 250px;"></a></td>
<td> <li><a href="GFESuiteDialogs.html">User Interface Dialogs</a></li>
<h2>Popup Menus</h2>
The <a href="Button3Popups.html">Popup Menus </a>section describes
popup menus for each of the major components of the GFE.<br>
<h2>Smart Tools and Procedures<br>
The <a href="SmartToolsBaseline.html">Smart Tools and Procedures</a>
describes the baselined smart tools and procedures that are delivered
as part of the
<h2>Misc. Reference Items</h2>
Misc. Reference Items that describe other features of the GFESuite.</div>
<div class="3Heading">
<li> <a href="d2dWENames.html">D2D Weather Element Names</a></li>
<li> <a href="keys.html">Keyboard Accelerators</a></li>
<li> <a href="runProcedure.html">Running Procedures in Background
<hr width="100%">
<p><a href="GFESuite.html">Back To TOC</a>
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<title>GFESuite Documentation</title>
<body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<h1 class="3Heading">GFESuite Configuration Guide</h1>
<div class="3Heading">The GFESuite Configuration Guide
describes the various methods to configure GFE.<br>
<table style="width: 100%; text-align: left;" border="1" cellpadding="2"
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a
href="serverConfiguration.html">General Description</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">General description describing
how GFE is configured.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="serverConfig.html">Syntax
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Description of the serverConfig
configuration file.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="localConfig.html">Syntax
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Description of the site
modification file to serverConfig.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="localWxConfig.html">Syntax
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Override file for the Wx
(Weather) definition.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="mapConfig.html">Syntax
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Baseline map background
configuration file.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="MapFiles.html">Syntax
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Baseline map background
shapefile name configuration file.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="localMapsConfig.html">Syntax
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Override file for customizing
map backgrounds.</td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="VTECPartners.html">Syntax
<td style="vertical-align: top;">VTEC configuration for
coordination and decoding.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="localVTECPartners.html">Syntax
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Override file for the VTEC
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="edexHDF5.html">Description
of EDEX required HDF5 Format</a></td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Description of the "D2D" hdf5
file convention.<br>
<hr width="100%">
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<title>GFESuite Documentation - Training</title>
<body style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<h1 class="3Heading"><a name="TableOfContents"></a>GFESuite Training
<div class="3Heading">The GFE Training Guide describes how to use the
Graphical Forecast Editor.
It takes you through the basic features and provides exercises for you
to complete. This guide is divided into different sections.
We recommend that you use them in the following order:
<table nosave="" border="0" cellspacing="20" width="100%">
<div class="3Heading"><a href="GFETrainingIntro.html"><img
src="images/gfeMainMenuSmall.jpg" nosave="" align="middle" height="200" width="268"></a></div>
<div class="3Heading"><a href="GFETrainingIntro.html">GFE
<td><a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html"><img
src="images/SpatialEditor.gif" nosave="" align="middle" height="200"
<td><a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html">GFE Spatial Editor
<td><a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html"><img
src="images/gridManagerNormal.jpg" nosave="" align="middle"
height="200" width="416"></a></td>
<td><a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html">GFE Grid Manager Training
<tr nosave="">
<td nosave=""><a href="GFETrainingTemporalEditor.html"><img
src="images/temporalEditor.jpg" nosave="" align="middle" height="250"
<td><a href="GFETrainingTemporalEditor.html">GFE Temporal Editor
<td><img src="images/pythonHi.gif" nosave="" height="96"
hspace="20" vspace="20" width="348"></td>
<td><a href="Python.html">GFESuite Python Tutorial and
Programming Guidelines</a></td>
<tr nosave="">
<td nosave=""><a href="SmartTools.html"><img
src="images/SmartTools-7.jpg" nosave="" align="middle" height="250"
<td><a href="SmartTools.html">GFE Smart Tools Training Guide</a>
<li><a href="MetLib.html">MetLib (Meteorological Library)</a></li>
<li> <a href="SmartScriptClass.html">Smart Script Class for
Smart Tools</a></li>
<td><a href="TextFormatter.html"><img
src="images/TextFormatter-5.gif" nosave="" align="middle" height="250"
vspace="20" width="271"></a></td>
<td><a href="TextFormatter.html">GFE Text Products User Guide</a><br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;"><a href="FormatterLauncher.html">Formatter
Launcher Dialog</a><br>
<td><a href="ISC.html"><img src="images/Mosaic_BOUCYSPUB.jpg"
nosave="" height="350" width="245"></a></td>
<td><a href="ISC.html">Intersite Coordination Training Guide</a></td>
<td><a href="EGTMain.html"><img src="images/EGT.jpg" nosave=""
height="200" width="250"></a></td>
<td> <br>
The <a href="EGTMain.html">Essential GFE Techniques</a> document
you several dozen GFE operations to perform. This document is a
test to see whether you have mastered the GFE.</td>
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"><br>
<p><a href="GFESuite.html">Back To TOC</a>
@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
<title> GFESuite Documentation - Grid Manager Appearance</title>
<h1 align=center>Grid Manager Appearance</h1>
<a href="#normalDisplay">Normal Display Mode</a>
<a href="#historyDisplay">History Display Mode</a><br>
<a href="#LastDisplayMode">Last Saved, Modified, Published, Sent
Display Modes</a><br>
<hr width="100%">
<div class="Body">The figure below is an annotated screen snapshot of
Grid Manager in normal display mode. Each major part is labeled and
described in the table below. These terms will be used throughout this
guide, so you should familiarize yourself with them.
<h4><a name="normalDisplay"></a>Grid Manager Component Descriptions -
Display Mode</h4>
<img src="images/gridManagerNormal.jpg" nosave="" height="480"
<table border="1">
<div class="CellHeading">Object</div>
<div class="CellHeading">Purpose</div>
<div class="CellBody">Weather Element</div>
<div class="CellBody">Identifier</div>
<div class="CellBody">The name of the weather element and
database (source)
and locale</div>
<div class="CellBody">Weather Element Selector</div>
<div class="CellBody">Selects and deselects a weather element
for Grid
Manager edit operations (e.g., delete interpolate, populate).</div>
<div class="CellBody">Ordinary Grid Block</div>
<div class="CellBody">Represents a single grid. Its position
and extent
indicate its valid period.</div>
<div class="CellBody">Time Boundaries for Grid</div>
<div class="CellBody">Displays the smallest time period that a
grid may
be assigned.</div>
<div class="CellBody">Grid History</div>
<div class="CellBody">Identifies the origin and source of the
grid, and
whether it has been modified. The origins of the grid include
"Populated from model", "Created from scratch", "Calculated", and
<div class="CellBody">Editor Time Line</div>
<div class="CellBody">The current Spatial Editor time.</div>
<div class="CellBody">Editable Grid</div>
<div class="CellBody">in Spatial Editor</div>
<div class="CellBody">Bright yellow grid block that identifies
the grid
that is currently editable in the Spatial Editor.</div>
<div class="CellBody">Time Scroll Bar</div>
<div class="CellBody">Allows users to scroll the Grid Manager
in time</div>
<div class="CellBody">Pane Scroll Bar</div>
<div class="CellBody">Allows users to scroll vertically to
reveal hidden
weather elements.</div>
<div class="CellBody">Locked By Someone Else</div>
<div class="CellBody">(<font color="#ff0000">red background</font>)</div>
<div class="CellBody">Indicates which weather element-time
periods that
have been edited and not saved by another user and hence not editable
<div class="CellBody">Locked By You</div>
<div class="CellBody">(<font color="#33cc00">green background</font>)</div>
<div class="CellBody">Indicates which weather element-time
periods that
you have edited (but not yet saved) and are hence locked by you.</div>
<div class="Body">
<h4 class="4Heading"><a name="historyDisplay"></a>Grid Manager
Component Descriptions - History
Display Mode</h4>
The figure below is an annotated screen snapshot of the Grid Manager in
history display mode. The Grid Manager may be toggled between
display and history display using the <img
style="" alt=""
button on the toolbar. Try toggling the Grid Manager into History
Mode and observe the color scheme which indicates the source of the
<img src="images/gmHistory.jpg" nosave="" height="441" width="920">
<h4 class="4Heading">Grid Manager Component Descriptions - History
Display Mode</h4>
<div class="4Heading">Most of the general components of the Grid
do not change when it is toggled into the History mode. However,
the grid colors and patterns are used for different purposes as shown
the table below. There is no indication of the editable grid or
<table nosave="" border="1" width="100%">
<tr nosave="">
<td nosave=""><b>Grid Block Appearance</b></td>
<td>Solid color</td>
<td>Grid has not been modified by you or anyone else.
Grid has been
either interpolated,
created from scratch, or populated from a model.</td>
<td>Hatching pattern</td>
<td>Indicates that the grid has been modified by you or
someone else.
If properly configured,
the pattern can indicate whether the grid was modified by you,
or whether someone else has modified it.</td>
<td>Indicates the origin and source of the grid. Each
model source
can be assigned a unique color, e.g.,
NAM can be yellow while grids populated from GFS can be green.
Each origin's color can also be set,
e.g., Interpolated grids are blue, Calculated grids are red.</td>
<div class="Body">
<h4 class="4Heading"><br>
<h4 class="4Heading"><a name="LastDisplayMode"></a>Grid Manager
Component Descriptions - Last Saved, Modified, Published, Sent Modes</h4>
The figure below is an annotated screen snapshot of the Grid Manager in
Last Saved mode. The Grid Manager may be toggled between normal
display and other modes using the <img src="images/Normal.jpg" alt="" style="">
button on the toolbar. Try toggling the Grid Manager into Last
Saved ("Saved") and observe the color scheme which indicates the last
time the grids were saved. A table exists in the GFE
configuration that defines the time thresholds and the colors to use.<br>
<div style="margin-left: 80px;"><img alt="" src="images/GMSaveMode.png"><br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">The labels within each grid block
indicate the time since the grids were saved. There are
several different "Last" modes available as shown in the following
<table style="text-align: left; width: 100%;" border="1" cellpadding="2"
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Save<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Indicates the time since the
grid was saved to the database by any user. If a grid has
been modified but not yet saved, the grid will be gray.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Modified<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Indicates the time since the
grid was modified by any user. A grid can be modified, but
not saved. A grid can be saved, but not modified.<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Published<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Indicates the time since the
grid was published. Once a grid is modified after
publishing, the grid is no longer considered published and is shown as
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Sent<br>
<td style="vertical-align: top;">Indicates the time since the
grid was sent out via intersite coordination. Note that if you
publish to official and then send the Official grids out via ISC, the
Fcst grids will not indicate that its grids were sent (since they
really weren't).<br>
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>GFESuite Documentation - Load/Unload Weather Elements</title>
<h1 align="center">Load/Unload Weather Elements</h1>
<a href="#Load/UnloadWEsviaWEGroups">Load/Unload Weather Elements
via Weather
Elements Groups</a>
<a href="#CreateanewWeatherElementGroup">Create a new Weather Element
Group</a><!-- Leave this comment in for formatting purposes -->
<hr width="100%">
<div class="Body">With over a dozen weather elements per database and
databases, displaying all of the available weather elements in the GFE
would overly clutter the display. So, you can choose which weather
you want to view and edit using the Weather Element Browser Dialog.
section describes how to use it.<br>
<img alt="" src="images/WEBrowser.jpg" nosave=""
style="width: 574px; height: 548px;">
<div class="Body">
Before you can begin editing grids of sensible weather, you need to
load forecast weather elements into the GFE. The following set of
shows you how to load and unload weather elements to and from the GFE.</div>
<li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> Make weather elements
available for viewing and
<div class="Step-First">
<li>From the main menu bar, select WeatherElement-><a
Element Browser</a>. You should see a dialog appear that looks similar
to the figure above.</li>
<li>Start from scratch by selecting Edit->Select None located at
the top
the Weather Element Browser dialog.</li>
<li>Using the Source menu, select Fcst.</li>
<li>Using the Field menu, select T, Td, Wind, and Wx. Note that all
of the
combinations of Fcst and the weather elements you selected now appear
the lower portion of the dialog.</li>
<li>Select Load (in the lower left corner.)</li>
<div class="Body">Note that the combination of sources (databases) and
weather elements listed in the lower portion of the dialog were loaded
and are now available for viewing and editing in the GFE. If you are
with the AWIPS Volume Browser you may notice some similarities.</div>
<div class="Body">Repeat this operation, but this time deselect Wind
Wx in the lower portion of the dialog by clicking with MB1. Note that
parameters are deselected, they are UNLOADED from the GFE. When the
Element Browser dialog first appears, the lower portion that lists
elements reflects the list of weather elements that are currently
Toggling off any weather element will cause that element to unload when
you select the Load button.</div>
<div class="Body">Continue to load and unload more parameters until you
understand how this dialog behaves and how it affects the set of
available for viewing and editing in the GFE.</div>
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="Load/UnloadWEsviaWEGroups"></a>Load/Unload Weather Elements
Weather Element Groups</h2>
<div class="Body">The <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#WEBrowserDialog">Weather
Element Browser</a> allows you to load and unload individual weather
but generally it is more convenient to load groups of parameters that
related. A Weather Element Group is a named group of weather elements
you can define.</div>
<div class="Step-First">
<li>From the main menu bar, press and hold MB1 over the Weather
<li>Slide the mouse cursor over the Weather Element Groups menu item.</li>
<li>Select one of the pre-defined Weather Element groups, such as
from the Weather Element Groups cascade menu.</li>
<div class="Body">Note that when you selected the Weather Element
a new set of weather elements was loaded into the GFE. Also note that
set of weather elements that was loaded is now unloaded.<br>
Any weather elements that were modified will always remain loaded in
the Grid Manager. The GFE refuses to unload unsaved weather
elements. You must <span style="font-weight: bold;">Save</span>
or <span style="font-weight: bold;">Revert</span> them before they can
be unloaded.<br>
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="CreateanewWeatherElementGroup"></a>Create a new Weather
<div class="Body">Saving a group of weather elements as a Weather
Group is done via the Weather Element Browser Dialog. To make your own
Weather Element Group, follow the steps below.
<blockquote><li>Purpose: Create a Weather Element Group</li>
<div class="Step-First">
<li>From the main menu bar, select WeatherElement-><a
Element Browser.</a></li>
<li>Select any group of weather elements as you did in the previous
<li>From the Weather Element Browser dialog menu bar, select File-><a
Weather Element Group...</a>.</li>
<li>In the dialog that appears, enter a Weather Element Group name of
choice and select Save.</li>
<div class="Body">Now your new Weather Element Group has been saved and
is ready to be used. Close the weather Element Browser by clicking
in the lower right corner. Move your cursor to the Weather
menu item and load your newly created Weather Element Group to
that you correctly created it.
@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
<title> GFESuite Documentation - Grid Manager Operations</title>
<h1 align=center>Grid Manager Operations</h1>
<a href="#SelectWEandTimeRange">Select Weather Element and TimeRange</a>
<a href="#CopyfromDerivedModelGrids">Copy from Derived Model Grids</a>
<a href="#InterpolateGrids">Interpolate Grids</a>
<a href="#CopyGrids">Copy Grid</a>
<a href="#PasteGrid">Paste Grid</a>
<a href="#Stretchagridsvalidtimeperiod">Stretch a Grid's Valid Time
<a href="#CreateGridfromScratch">Create Grid from Scratch</a>
<a href="#DeleteGrids">Delete Grids</a>
<a href="#SplitGrids">Split Grids</a>
<a href="#FragmentGrids">Fragment Grids</a>
<a href="#AssignDefaultValue">Assign Default Value</a>
<a href="#EditActions">Run Smart Tools</a>
<hr width="100%">
<h1><a name="GridManagerOperations"></a>Grid Manager Operations</h1>
This section of the training guide covers grid operations that are
on the Grid Manager.</div>
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="SelectWEandTimeRange"></a>Select Weather Element and TimeRange</h2>
<div class="Body">In this section we discuss how to populate your
by copying weather element grids based on model output and how to
interpolate, which fills in time gaps between grids. But first you need
to know how to identify the weather element and time range over which
operations will be performed.</div>
<li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> Select a TimeRange for edit
<div class="Step-First">
<li>Press and drag MB1 over any time period of your choice inside one
weather element panes of the Grid Manager.</li>
<li>Release MB1.</li>
<div class="Body">As you drag the mouse cursor you should see blue
shading appear inside the weather element pane. This is how you
a time period and weather element to which you will later apply an edit
operation. Later, you will encounter exercises that show you how this
time period and weather element are used in Grid Manager edit
<a name="SHIFTCLICKMB1"></a>
<div class="Body">You can also select a time period in a slightly
way using the Time Scale (located just above the Grid Manager). After
a time period in the Time Scale by dragging MB1, MB1 click in the small
box located in the upper-left of each weather element pane. Note that
time period for that pane now becomes selected. Using this method, you
can select the same time period for many different weather elements.
<p>There is also a way to extend the currently selected TimeRange by
a MB1-SHIFT click operation anywhere on the Grid Manager. Hold
the shift key while clicking MB1. The currently selected TimeRange will
be extended to the time on which you SHIFT-clicked. If you
insider the currently selected TimeRange it will have no effect.
This works for any WE pane or the TimeScale.</p>
<li class="Step">Press and hold MB3 over the Grid Manager and pick
Deselect All from the
pop-up menu. Note that your previously selected Weather Elements/ Time
Ranges are now deselected.</li>
<li class="Step">Select another set of Weather Elements over any time
<li class="Step">Next, press the button <img src="images/deselectAll.jpg" alt="Deselect all" hspace="3">
in the button bar to deselect. Note that you can deselect the set of
Elements from both the button bar and the pop-up menu.</li>
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="CopyfromDerivedModelGrids"></a>Copy from Derived Model Grids</h2>
<div class="Body">One of the GFESuite of programs derives surface-based
weather elements from numerical models such as NAM. Since it would be
time consuming for forecasters to create all forecast grids from
these derived model grids provide a starting point on which your
forecast is based. The next section shows you how to copy these
grids into your forecast.</div>
<li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> Add new grids to your forecast
from a model.</li>
<div class="Step-First">Select a time period and one or more weather
using the technique described in the previous exercise.</div>
<li class="Step">Select from the main menu Bar: Populate-><a
Selected Grids From...</a></li>
<li class="Step">Select one of the model sources listed in the
dialog, such as NAM12.</li>
<li class="Step">Select OK.</li>
<div class="Body">You should see new grids appear in your forecast. If
not, make sure that you have selected a time period that matches at
a portion of the time period of the model you desire and repeat until
grids have been copied into your forecast. Click MB1 on one of the
in the Grid Manager. The grid will appear in the Spatial Editor.<br>
<div class="Body">Note that there are some gaps in your forecast.
models provide snapshots of the state of the atmosphere, for some
elements, the system (arbitrarily) assigns a one-hour duration to most
grids. However, this duration is model and weather element dependent.
example, a grid representing 6-hour QPF has a 6-hour time duration.<br>
<div class="Body">If you want to initialize your entire forecast from a
particular model, you are not required to select every weather element
for the entire time period of the model. The next exercise shows you
to copy all the grids derived from a model in to your forecast.</div>
<div class="Step-First">
<li>From the main menu bar select Populate-><a
All Grids From...</a></li>
<li>Select one of the model sources listed in the dialog.</li>
<li>Select OK.</li>
<div class="Body">Note that Copy All Grids From... ignores the selected
time range and the selected weather elements. All of the grids
from that model are copied into your forecast overwriting any grids
existed previously.</div>
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="InterpolateGrids"></a>Interpolate Grids</h2>
<div class="Body">Since copying grids from the model-based databases
temporal gaps in the forecast, the GFE provides you a way to fill in
gaps. This next exercise show you how to interpolate over a time period
and weather element that you select.</div>
<li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> Fill in forecast gaps with
grids to provide a
smooth transition.</li>
<div class="Step-First">
<li>Select any time period and weather element that contains gaps in
(except Wx).</li>
<li>From the main menu bar, select Grids->Interpolate... The <a
Dialog</a> is displayed. Choose "By Gaps" and click on OK.</li>
<div class="Body">You should see new grids that appear and fill in the
gaps that you identified in step 1. If you visualize these grids in
by stepping through them using an MB1 click (or the animator), you will
notice that the values at each grid point progressively change in time
to provide a smooth transition from one original grid to the next.<br>
<div class="Body">Interpolating By Gaps uses all grids in the selected
time range to calculate new grids to fill the gaps. The other method of
interpolation uses only the grids that you modified to calculate the
grids and replaces any grids you did not modify with interpolated grids
(grids that you have modified are identified in the grid block by an
For example, if you edit two of three grids copied from a model, select
these grids in the Grid manager and choose Grids->Interpolate... and
the "Based on Editing Data" from the <a
Dialog</a>, new interpolated grids will fill the gaps, the unedited
grids will be replaced by interpolated grids, and the edited grids will
remain unmodified.
<p>The interpolation algorithm may be changed through the
Preferences->Interpolation Algorithm... menu entry. This
brings up
the <a href="MainMenuDialogs.html#InterpolationAlgorithmDialog">Interpolation
Algorithm Dialog</a>, from which the type of interpolation may be
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="CopyGrids"></a>Copy Grid</h2>
<div class="Body">Now and then it is useful to copy a grid from one
period to another. The next exercise shows you how to copy individual
from one time to another.</div>
<li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> Copy a grid from one time
period to another.</li>
<div class="Body">The method described in this exercise allows you to
any grid that is in the Grid Manager to any other weather element,
that the destination weather element shares the same units (e.g.,
and Dew Point) or the units can be converted automatically.</div>
<div class="Step-First">
<li>Make sure there is a weather element with at least one grid block
gap visible.</li>
<li>MB3 press over the grid you wish to copy and select from the
Copy Grid.</li>
<li>Now move your cursor to a gap in the same Weather Element. Press
down MB3 again, and this time select Paste Grid.</li>
<div class="Body">When you executed the Copy Grid operation, a copy of
that grid was place in a paste buffer. Selecting Paste Grid over a gap
or another grid replaces that gap or grid with the contents of the copy
<div class="Body">Load T (temperature) and Td (dewpoint) into the GFE
they are not already loaded). Repeat this exercise using one of the T
as the source and Td as the destination. Note that you may copy a grid
from one weather element to a different weather element as long as they
both share the same units (in this case degrees F) or the units can be
converted automatically.
<h2><a name="PasteGrid"></a>Paste Grid</h2>
Now that you learned to copy a grid, you can paste the same grid into a
gap or over an existing grid.
<li>Purpose: Paste a previously copied grid into a new time period.</li>
<li>Perform the Copy Grid exercise above, if you have not already
done so.</li>
<li>Move the cursor over to a gap in the same weather element.</li>
<li>MB3 press and select Paste Grid.</li>
Note the the grid that you copied in the previous exercise has now been
pasted into a different time period.</div>
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="Stretchagridsvalidtimeperiod"></a>Stretch a grid's valid time
<li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> Modify a grid's valid period
by stretching</li>
<div class="Body">Some weather elements such as Wx, frequently change
little over long time periods. In this case, rather than repeating the
same grid over and over, it is useful to define a single grid that is
over the entire (longer) time period. This operation shows you how to
the time period over which a grid is valid.</div>
<li class="Step">Press and hold MB2 over a grid block that is
adjacent to a gap.</li>
<li class="Step">While holding down MB2, drag the cursor to the left
or right until you
see the grid block stretch.</li>
<li class="Step">Release MB2</li>
<div class="Body">As you drag MB2 left and right, you should notice
you are extending the end time of the grid forward in time (right) or
the start time backwards in time (left). There is no way to directly
a grid block in time. An indirect method is to <a
the grid</a>, and then <a href="#DeleteGrids">delete the unneeded grid</a>.</div>
<div class="Body">Repeat this exercise, but this time stretch the grid
block so that it overlaps into one or more existing grid blocks. Once
release the mouse button, any grid blocks that overlapped the new grid
block (or portions thereof) are removed from the inventory. This is one
way to shorten the time over which a grid block is valid.</div>
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="CreateGridfromScratch"></a>Create Grid from Scratch</h2>
<li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> Create a brand new grid
without using the "Copy
<div class="Body">Occasionally, you may want to create a new grid from
scratch instead of copying one from a model, or another parameter, or
using interpolation. The Create From Scratch feature was made for this
<div class="Step-First">
<li>Press and hold MB3 over a gap (a place with no grid block) within
weather element.</li>
<li>Select Create From Scratch from the pop-up menu.</li>
<div class="Body">A new grid should appear over the gap block that you
selected. This new grid has the minimum time period allowed for that
element, but it can always be stretched or copied to a new time period.
The default value of this grid varies by parameter, but is usually the
minimum value allowed (e.g., temperature, value = -30F). Generally the
next step is to define the values of the grid points using one of the
Editor tools described in the Spatial Edit tools section.
<p>Note that you can also <a
grids from scratch through the GFE Main Menu's Grid's entry</a>.</p>
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="DeleteGrids"></a>Delete Grids</h2>
<li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> Remove one or more grids from
the forecast.</li>
<div class="Step-First">
<li>Using MB1, select a time period for any weather element that
grid blocks.</li>
<li>From the main menu bar select <b>Grids->Delete Grids</b>.</li>
<div class="Body">Note that the grids that you identified were removed
from that weather element's inventory. Now try a variation on the
<div class="Step-First">
<li>Find a grid block and stretch it until its duration is many hours
<li>Select a time period that corresponds to a portion of that same
using MB2,</li>
<li>From the main menu bar select Grids->Delete Grids.</li>
<div class="Body">This time, since you only selected a portion of the
block, only that portion was deleted. This is another way that you can
shorten the time period over which a grid is valid.
<p>Another technique can be used to delete a single grid.
<li>Find a grid block.</li>
<li>MB3 popup over the grid block and select Delete Grid from the
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="SplitGrids"></a>Split Grids</h2>
<li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> Divide a grid into two or
three separate grids.</li>
<div class="Body">
The Split operation is used to divide a single grid into two or three
parts in time. The resulting parts may then be edited independently,
more temporal detail to the forecast. This particular split
is invoked from the GFE main menu by selecting
Grids->Split Grids. There is another Spilt Grids operation
can be executed from the MB3 Pop-up menu as well. See the section
<a href="Button3Popups.html#GridManager">Split Grids</a> to learn how
to split grids using the MB3 Pop-up option.</div>
<div class="Step-First">
<li>Select a new time period over a single grid with such that only a
of the grid is selected.<img src="images/GFETraining-15.gif"
align="right" height="44" width="114"></li>
<li>From the main menu select <b>Grids->Split Grids.</b></li>
<div class="Body"> </div>
<div class="Body">You should end up with something that looks like the
figure to the right.<img src="images/GFETraining-16.gif" align="right"
height="37" width="113">
Note that the grid was severed at the edges of the selection. There
are three separate grids now, each of which have gridded values
to the original grid.</div>
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="FragmentGrids"></a>Fragment Grids</h2>
<li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> Divide a grid into its
smallest possible temporal
<div class="Body">The Fragment Grids operation also splits grids into
temporal parts. But Fragment differs from Split in that it divides
into their smallest possible time blocks.</div>
<div class="Step-First">
<li>Find or make a long duration T (temperature) time block as in the
exercise and select it using the MB1 drag operation. It should look
like this.<img src="images/GFETraining-17.gif" align="right" height="35"
<li>From the main menu select <b>Grids->Fragment Grids.</b></li>
<div class="Body">You should now see that over the time period that was
selected, many smaller duration grids have replaced the long duration
If you
select just a portion of the grid, only that portion will be
Each of the grids has the same gridded values as the original.
result should look something like this: <img
src="images/fragment.jpg" nosave="" height="23" width="123">
<p>Another technique can be used to fragment a single grid from the MB3
Pop-up menu. See the section on the <a
Manager Button 3 Pop-up options</a> for more information on how to
grids using the MB3 Pop-up Menu.
<h2 class="2Heading">Assign Pickup Value</h2>
<div class="Body">Occasionally you might find it useful to set the
values of a group of grids to the pickup value, as if you were starting
from scratch. The Assign Pickup Value function was made for this
<div class="Step-First">
<li>Select one or more grids using the MB1 drag operation.</li>
<li>From the main menu select <b>Grids->Assign Pickup Value</b>.
that the menu doesn't actually say "Pickup Value". The actual
value is displayed instead of the words.</li>
<div class="Body">All of the gridded values of the grid that were
now have the current pickup value, which is indicated in the color bar.</div>
<div class="Body">Note that the Assign Default Pickup operation is also
available from the MB3 pop-up menu in the Grid Manager, but as with all
MB3 pop-up menus the operation applies only to the grid under the
not to the set of selected grids.
<p>To quickly set the pickup value to a single grid, use this
<li>Position the cursor over the grid block you wish to assign the
<li>MB3 popup over the grid block, and select Assign [x], where x is
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="AssignDefaultValue"></a>Assign Default Value</h2>
<div class="Body">Occasionally you might find it useful to set the
values of a group of grids to a single default value, as if you were
from scratch. The Assign Default Value function was made for this
<div class="Step-First">
<li>Select one or more grids using the MB1 drag operation.</li>
<li>From the main menu select Grids->Assign Default Value.
the menu doesn't actually say "Default Value". The actual default value
is displayed instead of the words.</li>
<div class="Body">All of the gridded values of the grid that were
now have the default value, which varies for each Weather Element.
this value is the minimum allowed value for that Weather Element (e.g.,
Temperature = -60 F).</div>
<div class="Body">Note that the Assign Default Value operation is also
available from the MB3 pop-up menu in the Grid Manager, but as with all
MB3 pop-up menus the operation applies only to the grid under the
cursor, not to the set of selected grids.
<p>To quickly set the value of a single grid to the default value,
use this technique:
<li>Position the cursor over the grid block you wish to assign the
value to.</li>
MB3 popup over the grid block, and select Assign [x], where x is the
default value.
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="EditActions"></a>Run Smart Tools</h2>
<div class="Body">A set of smart tools (specified via gfeConfig) may
The default set is "Show_ISC_Area", "Show_ISC_Grid" and
These tools are described in the <a href="ISC.html">Intersite
Training Guide</a>.
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
<title> GFESuite Documentation - Grid Manager Tool</title>
<h1 align=center>Grid Manager Tool</h1>
<a href="#GridManagerPop-upMenu">Grid Manager Pop-up Menu</a><br>
<a href="#GridManagerButtons">Grid Manager Buttons</a>
<hr width="100%">
<div class="Body">The Grid Manager contains many functions to
whole grids, but generally not the gridded values inside them. Using
Grid Manager you can:</div>
<li class="Bulleted">Control the Spatial Editor display while
selecting a grid to edit</li>
<li class="Bulleted">Copy model-derived grids into your forecast</li>
<li class="Bulleted">Create new grids from scratch</li>
<li class="Bulleted">Delete a grid</li>
<li class="Bulleted">Copy a grid</li>
<li class="Bulleted">Paste a grid</li>
<li class="Bulleted">Split a grid in time</li>
<li class="Bulleted">Fragment a grid in time</li>
<li class="Bulleted">Assign Default Value to every gridpoint in the
<li class="Bulleted">Stretch the time over which a grid is valid</li>
<li class="Bulleted">Interpolate new grids based on the grids that
already exist</li>
<li class="Bulleted">Run selected Smart Tools</li>
<li class="Bulleted">Send single ISC (intersite coordination grid)</li>
<div class="Body">All of this functionality is accomplished by a single
tool - the Grid Manager Tool, which is always available. The table
lists each action and the function it performs. The table substitutes
abbreviation MB1 and MB2 for Mouse Button 1 and Mouse Button 2,
<h4 class="4Heading">Grid Manager Tool Actions</h4>
<table border="1">
<div class="CellHeading">Actions</div>
<div class="CellHeading">Function</div>
<div class="CellBody">MB1 Click</div>
<div class="CellBody">Sets the Spatial Editor time and makes
the selected
grid visible and editable in the Spatial Editor. All other grids are
<td>MB2 Click</td>
<td>Sets the Spatial Editor time and makes the selected grid
visible and
editable in the Spatial Editor. The visibility of other grids
<div class="CellBody">MB1 Drag</div>
<div class="CellBody">Selects one or more weather
elements/grids for population,
interpolation, or deletion. Also deselects all other previously
weather elements</div>
<div class="CellBody">MB2 Drag</div>
<div class="CellBody">Stretches the selected grid's start time
to the left
or the grid's end time to the right. Allow the user to change the
valid time of a grid.</div>
<h2 class="4Heading">
<a name="GridManagerPop-upMenu"></a><font size="+1">Grid Manager Pop-up
<div class="Body">In addition to the main Grid Manager edit tool
the Mouse Button 3 (MB3) pop-up menu offers many more edit operations.
When using these operations, keep in mind that they apply to a single
(or place-holder for a grid) - the grid under the cursor - when you
the operation. Operations include deleting, fragmenting,
copying, and pasting a grid. Other edit operations permit
values to a grid, creating a grid from scratch, and running selected
tools on the grid. Refer to the <a
Manager Button 3 Popups documentation</a> for more details.</div>
<h2 class="2Heading">
<a name="GridManagerButtons"></a>Grid Manager Buttons</h2>
<img src="images/GMButtons.jpg" nosave="">
<div class="Body">The buttons that control the Grid Manager are on the
left of the <a href="Toolbar.html">GFE ToolBar</a>. These buttons
various display modes of the Grid Manager and Spatial Editor, as well
specifically controlling the layout of the GFE. Refer to the <a
Toolbar documentation</a> for more details.</div>
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<title>GFE Training - Grid Manager</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<h1 class="Title">Grid Manager Training Guide</h1>
<center>January 19, 2012<br>
<p>The Grid Manager provides both inventory information, display
commands, as well as whole-grid editing capabilities. The Grid Manager
Training Guide introduces you to the appearance, functionality, and
of the Grid Manager.
<p><b><font size="+1"><a href="GFETrainingGridManagerAppearance.html">Grid Manager Appearance</a></font></b>
<b><font size="+1"><a href="GFETrainingGridManagerTool.html">Grid
<b><font size="+1"><a href="GFETrainingGridManagerLoadUnloadWeatherElements.html">Load/Unload
Weather Elements</a></font></b></p>
<p><b><font size="+1"><a href="GFETrainingGridManagerOperations.html">Grid Manager
<div class="Body">
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<title>GFE Training - Introduction</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<h1 class="Title">GFE Training Guide</h1>
<center>January 10, 2012<br>
<p><a href="#Overview">Introduction</a>
<a href="GFETrainingIntroGFEComponents.html">GFE Components</a>
<a href="GFETrainingIntroMenuBar.html">Menu Bar</a>
<a href="GFETrainingIntroButtonBar.html">Button Bar</a>
<a href="GFETrainingIntroTimeScale.html">Time Scale</a>
<a href="GFETrainingIntroGridManager.html">Grid Manager</a>
<a href="GFETrainingIntroSpatialEditor.html">Spatial Editor</a>
<a href="GFETrainingIntroTemporalEditor.html">Temporal Editor</a>
<a href="GFETrainingIntroStatusBar.html">AlertViz</a>
<hr width="100%">
<h1><a name="Overview"></a>Introduction</h1>
<p>The Graphical Forecast Editor (GFE) is a grid-based
system that provides various tools to forecasters that allow them to
gridded fields of sensible weather elements. While this training guide
describes most of the functionality within the GFE, it is not
Its purpose is to familiarize users with GFE concepts and tools
order that they might use the GFE to generate gridded forecast
<p>This training guide is divided into several sections. If you
new to the GFE , it is recommended that you follow the guide in the
order, since terms and concepts learned in the beginning are used
the guide. This section is intended to get you familiar with the
major components of the GFE. More detailed descriptions of each
can be found in subsequent sections.
<div class="Body">The figure below labels the major components of the
Since the names of these various components will be used
this guide, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with them now.</div>
<div class="Body">
<img style="width: 930px; height: 683px;" src="images/gfeMainMenu.jpg" alt=""></div>
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
<title>GFESuite Documentation - GFE Training Guide - GFE Button Bar</title>
<h1 align=center>
<a name="ButtonBar"></a>Button Bar</h1>
<hr width="100%">
<a href="Toolbar.html"><img src="images/buttonBar.jpg" height="35"
<div class="Body">The Button bar is located just below the menu bar.
figure above illustrates that the buttons are grouped by function. We
defer discussing each button's function here and describe each of them
in later sections that include exercises. To learn more about this
go to the section that discusses the <a href="Toolbar.html">Button Bar</a>.
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
<title>GFESuite Documentation - GFE Training Guide - GFE Components</title>
<h1 align=center>
<a name="GFEComponents"></a>GFE Components</h1>
<hr width="100%">
<p>We will briefly introduce the main GFE components in
the following sections. To learn more about the Grid Manager,
Editor, or Temporal Editor components, go to the section with the same
<div class="Body"><b><a href="#MenuBar">Menu Bar</a></b> <b>-</b>
weather elements, saves/reverts grids, interpolates grids, populates
elements from model. Many other functions are available from the Menu
as well.</div>
<div class="Body"><b><a href="#ButtonBar">ButtonBar</a></b> <b>-</b>
GridManager time scale, animation, edit tools, and edit areas.</div>
<div class="Body"><b><a href="#TimeScale">TimeScale</a> -</b> Displays
time for both Grid Manager and Temporal Editor.
<b><a href="#GridManager">Grid Manager</a> -</b> Displays grid
edits grid times, temporally interpolates, copies grids from other
creates grids from scratch, displays grid history.</div>
<div class="Body"><b><a href="#SpatialEditor">Spatial Editor</a> -</b>
Displays and edits one or more grids.</div>
<div class="Body"><b><a href="#TemporalEditor">Temporal Editor</a> -</b>
(not shown) Displays and edits time series of weather elements at a
or area. This area is shared with the GridManager.
<b><a href="#StatusBar">AlertViz</a></b> - Displays status messages.
In AWIPS2 AlertViz is used to display alert messages for all AWIPS components.
There are actually two status bars. In GFE, the left one is for general messages,
and the right one is for Intersite Coordination and Smart Initialization
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
<title>GFESuite Documentation - GFE Training Guide - GFE Grid Manager</title>
<h1 align=center><a name="GridManager"></a>Grid Manager</h1>
<hr width="100%">
<p>The Grid Manager is arguably the most complex component of the
Its display presents an inventory of the gridded data in the forecast,
official or any other model database. With the Grid Manager you can
all or a portion of another database into your forecast, temporally
time periods to fill in undefined gaps in your forecast, remove grids
your forecast, and many other operations too numerous to mention
The Grid Manager looks complex because it displays a large amount of
and offers a long list of features that help you manipulate the gridded
forecast data. While its appearance can be intimidating, once you have
performed the exercises and understand how each of the features work,
will understand that it is necessarily complex. Refer to the <a
Manager Training Guide</a> for more details.
<p>Below is a snapshot of the Grid Manager component of the GFE along
labels that name its various parts.
<p><a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html"><img src="images/GFETraining-5.gif"
height="335" width="479" align="middle"></a><br>Grid
Manager in Normal Display Mode
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
<title>GFESuite Documentation - GFE Training Guide - GFE Menu Bar</title>
<h1 align=center><a name="MenuBar"></a>Menu Bar</h1>
<hr width="100%">
The Main Menu Bar menu's are described in the <a
Menu Reference Guide</a>. The various menus allow you to set viewing and
editing preferences, define configuration files and tools, load and
unload weather elements, control the map backgrounds, do grid-based edit
operations, and handle product generation.
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
<title>GFESuite Documentation - GFE Training Guide - GFE Spatial Editor</title>
<h1 align=center><a name="SpatialEditor"></a>Spatial Editor</h1>
<hr width="100%">
<a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditor.html"><img
src="images/SpatialEditor.gif" height="625" width="628"></a>
<p>The Spatial Editor allows you to edit the values of any grid in the
forecast database using a number of different tools. Some of the
tools are interactive while others work in more of a batch mode. The
area at the top is the color bar that shows the relationship between
and value. To learn more, go to the section entitled <a
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
<title>GFESuite Documentation - GFE Training Guide - AlertViz</title>
<h1 align=center><a name="StatusBar"></a>AlertViz</h1>
<hr width="100%">
<p>AlertViz replaces the Status Bar in AWIPS2. It is shared among all
visualization components and displayed separately from CAVE. For GFE, it
is used to report routine,
significant, and urgent messages. There are two display areas in AlertViz,
one for general GFE messages and one for ISC and Smart Initialization
status messages. GFE time display and progress bar have been moved to the
bottom of the GFE CAVE display. Refer to the <a href="StatusBar.html">AlertViz
documentation</a> for more details.
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
<title>GFESuite Documentation - GFE Training Guide - GFE Temporal Editor</title>
<h1 align=center><a name="TemporalEditor"></a>Temporal Editor</h1>
<hr width="100%">
<a href="GFETrainingTemporalEditor.html"><img
src="images/TemporalEditor.gif" height="444" width="696"></a>
<p>The Temporal Editor presents a time-series display over an area that
you specify and allows you to edit several grids with a single edit
When used properly, the Temporal Editor can save you much time during
editing process. To learn more about this powerful tool, go to
section entitled <a href="GFETrainingTemporalEditor.html">Temporal
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
<title>GFESuite Documentation - GFE Training Guide - GFE Time Scale</title>
<h1 align=center><a name="TimeScale"></a>Time Scale</h1>
<hr width="100%">
<img src="images/TimeScale.gif" height="61" width="624">
<p>The Time Scale is located immediately above the Grid Manager (or
Editor) and shows you the time period over which the every grid is
In addtion, it contains a small green triangle that indicates the
time. The yellow dotted line displays the current Spatial Editor
Time and the blue hatching shows the Selected Time Period.
User-defined time periods are shown at the very top of the time scale.
Refer to the <a href="GFETrainingGridMgr.html">Grid Manager Training
for more details.
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<title>Spatial Editor Training Guide</title>
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<h1 class="Title">Spatial Editor Training Guide</h1>
<center>January 13, 2012<br>
<h1 class="1Heading"><a name="SpatialEditor"></a>Spatial Editor</h1>
<div class="1Heading">The Spatial Editor displays one or more grids in
plan-view format. This editor allows you to modify individual
points using a number of tools, built-in to the GFE and tools that you
write yourself.
<p><b><font size="+1"><a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditorEditTools.html">Edit Tools</a></font></b>
<p><b><font size="+1"><a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditorColorBar.html">Color Bar</a></font></b>
<p><b><font size="+1"><a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditorStatusBar.html">AlertViz</a></font></b>
<p><b><font size="+1"><a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditorISCModeBehavior.html">Behavior of the GFE in ISC
Coordination) Mode</a></font></b>
<p><b><font size="+1"><a href="GFETrainingSpatialEditorVisualizations.html">Spatial Editor
<!-- <hr width="100%"> -->
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<title>GFESuite Documentation - Color Bar</title>
<h1 align=center>
<a name="ColorBar"></a>Color Bar</h1>
<hr width="100%">
<p>The Color Bar is location at the top of the
Editor display. It displays the relationship between the color of
the currently displayed image and the weather element value just like
D2D system. In addition, it has a tool that allows you to set the
current Pickup value. This value is used for edit operations such
as Assign Value and Add New Contour. Any click or drag operation
with either MB1 or MB2 causes the Pickup value to change to the value
the cursor. This value is displayed on the Color Bar in large
numbers with a black background. Try clicking or dragging on the
Color Bar with MB1 or MB2 and watch the Pickup value change.
<p>Several other Color Bar options are available via MB3 pop-up menu
the Color Bar. Examples of these options are setting the pickup
delta value, fitting the color bar spectrum to the data, and changing
color table. Refer to the <a
Menu Reference Guide</a> for further details.
@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
<title>GFESuite Documentation - Controlling the Spatial Editor</title>
<h1 align=center>Controlling The Spatial Editor</h1>
<a href="#SpatialEditorLegends">Spatial Editor Legends</a>
<a href="#LegendPop-upMenu">Legend Pop-Up Menu</a>
<a href="#TogglingtheLegends">Toggling the Legends</a>
<a href="#MapBackgroundOptions">Map Background Options</a>
<a href="#ChangingSEDisplayUsingLegends">Changing the Spatial Editor
Display Using the Legends</a>
<a href="#ToggleGridVisibility">Toggle Grid Visibility</a>
<a href="#ToggleGridEditState">Toggle Grid Edit State</a>
<a href="#ChangingSEDisplayusingGridMgr">Changing the Spatial Editor
Display Using the Grid Manager</a>
<a href="#MakingaGridVisible">Making a Grid Visible and Editable
with the Grid Manager</a>
<a href="#ZoomingtheSpatialDisplay">Zooming (Enlarging) the Spatial
<a href="#AshortcutforZooming">A Shortcut for Zooming</a>
<a href="#PanningtheSpatialDisplay">Panning the Spatial Display</a>
<a href="#Topography">Topography</a>
<hr width="100%">
<a name="ControllingtheSpatialEditor"></a>Controlling the Spatial Editor</h1>
<div class="Body">The Spatial Editor is controlled from the Spatial
legends, Grid Manager, Time Scale or the Button Bar, depending on what
part of the display you wish to change. First we cover animation, then
discuss how to make weather elements visible and editable with Spatial
editor legends or the Grid Manager. Finally we talk about Edit Areas
moving on to the edit tool exercises.</div>
<h3 class="2Heading"><a name="SpatialEditorLegends"></a>Spatial Editor
<div class="Body">The figure below is a snapshot of the Spatial Editor
legends located in the lowest portion of the display. Not only do
control the Spatial Editor, but they also convey information about the
data current displayed in the Spatial Editor.</div>
<div class="Body"><img nosave="" src="images/SELegend.gif" height="90"
<div class="Body">
Much like the AWIPS display, the Spatial editor legends tell you which
weather elements are loaded, which are displayed (and not displayed),
weather element is displayed as an image and which is currently
We discuss each state below.</div>
<div class="Body">
<b>Not Displayed</b> - Weather elements that are not currently visible
in the Spatial Editor are displayed in gray. If no grid occurs at the
editor time, the legend date and time are replaced by "<No Grid>".</div>
<div class="Body">
<b>Displayed as a Graphic</b> - Weather elements that are currently
displayed as a graphic (contours) are indicated by a legend whose color
matches that of the graphic.</div>
<div class="Body">
<b>Displayed as an Image</b> - If a weather element is displayed as
an image in the spatial editor, its corresponding legend is white in
Only one weather element may be displayed as an image at a time. When
display a particular weather element as an image, any element
displayed as an image will be displayed as a graphic.</div>
<div class="Body">
<b>Editable</b> - Any time a weather element is editable, the
"(edit)" appear immediately to the left of the legend.
In addition to its color, the legend text tells you
about the grid(s) currently displayed in the Spatial Editor. Below we
an example and explain each part.</div>
<div class="header">
<b>(edit) T Fcst (BOU) 1H Fri 12Z 02-Jun-00</b></div>
<div class="Body">
<b>(edit)</b> - This weather element is the editable weather element.
When edit operations are executed, the element is modified.</div>
<div class="Body"><b>T</b> - The weather element identifier. In this
it refers to Temperature.</div>
<div class="Body"><b>SFC Fcst</b> - The name of the database. In this
it is the forecast database. Other choice may include: NAM, MRF, AVN,
and LAPS. For D2D grids, the name may include the level as well
<div class="Body"><b>(BOU)</b> - WFO over which this grid is valid.
<b>(F)</b> - units of this weather element. In this case degrees F.</div>
<div class="Body"><b>1H</b> - Number of hours this grid is valid. In
example the grid is valid for one hour.</div>
<div class="Body"><b>Fri</b> - The day of the week.</div>
<div class="Body"><b>18Z 02-Jun-00</b> - Start time of the grid (hour
day of the month, month and year.
<p>For persistent grids, i.e., grids that have no associated valid
the word "Persistent" is shown in the spatial editor legend.
Topography is a persistent grid, it will not contain the "Persistent"
<h1><a name="LegendPop-upMenu"></a>Legend Pop-up Menu</h1>
Much like the D2D display system, the GFE Spatial Editor Legends
many option for controlling the display. To display the
menu, move the cursor over any legend and press MB3. The options
on the legend pop-up menu include appearance items, control items, and
grid operations. Examples of the appearance items are changing the
table, graphic color, line width and style, setting the contour values,
density, and magnification. Examples of the control items are unloading
the weather element, displaying the weather element as an image or
and setting the display attributes in image and graphic mode. The
grid operations are nearly identical to those options available via the
MB3 popup over the Grid Manager and include items such as deleting the
grid, fragmenting it, assigning values, and copy/paste operations.
<p>More information is available on the legend pop-ups in the <a
3 Popups Reference Guide</a> .
<h3 class="2Heading">
<a name="TogglingtheLegends"></a>Toggling the Legends</h3>
<div class="Body">By default, the legends display information about the
grids that are currently loaded. But the legends can be toggled off to
remove clutter from the display. To learn how to toggle the legends,
the next exercise. Before you begin, select a time in the Grid Manager
so that a grid is visible in the Spatial Editor and make sure one of
map backgrounds is displayed.</div>
<div class="Step-First">
<li>Move the cursor into the Spatial Editor (away from the legends)
and hold MB3.</li>
<li>A pop-up menu will appear displaying a list of choices. From this
select <b>Legends->Hide</b>.</li>
The grid data legends will disappear from the display. To display
them again select <b>Legends->Show All Weather Elements</b> from
the MB3
pop-up over the Spatial Editor display.</div>
<div class="Body">
The map background graphics may be toggled on and off as well.
By default, map background graphic legends are not displayed. You
can display them by pressing MB3 over the Spatial Editor display and
Map</b>. Note that either the Weather Element legends or the Map
Background legends may be displayed at any given time, but not both.
<p>There are several other options available when toggling the
You can choose to just display the Fcst weather elements, or just the
weather element.
<p><a name="MapBackgroundOptions"></a><b><font size="+1">Map Background
<p>Once you toggle the map legends so that they are displayed you may
the map color or unload the map via a MB3 pop-up menu. To access
these options, move the cursor over one of the map legends and press
hold MB3. Options available include changing the graphic color,
width, style, and unloading the map background. More information
is available on the legend pop-ups in the <a
3 Popups Reference Guide</a> .
<h3 class="2Heading">
<a name="ChangingSEDisplayUsingLegends"></a>Changing the Spatial Editor
Display using the Legends</h3>
<div class="Body">Modifying the look of the Spatial editor display
very much like the AWIPS. The table below describes functions
by the legends (in the normal Grid display mode).</div>
<table border="1">
<div class="CellHeading">Action</div>
<div class="CellHeading">Function</div>
<div class="CellBody">MB1 click</div>
<div class="CellBody">Toggle visibility</div>
<div class="CellBody">MB2 click</div>
<div class="CellBody">Toggle Edit state</div>
<h3 class="3Heading">
<a name="ToggleGridVisibility"></a>Toggle Grid Visibility</h3>
<div class="Body">Clicking MB1 on the legend will toggle a weather
visibility. If it was visible before the click, it will be made
If the weather element was invisible it will be made visible. Note that
the Spatial Editor Time must be set such that a grid's valid period
intersect it.
<blockquote><li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> To make a grid
visible or invisible</li>
<div class="Step-First">
<li>Make sure that there is a weather element loaded and that the
time is set so that it overlaps a grid.</li>
<li>Click MB1 on the weather element's legend.</li>
<h3 class="3Heading">
<a name="ToggleGridEditState"></a>Toggle Grid Edit State</h3>
<div class="Body">If you wish to edit a grid, you must first make the
editable. To make the grid editable, simply click MB2 over the legend.
Anytime a weather element is editable, the letters "(edit)" appear
to the left of the legend. Note that your grid may be displayed as an
if the "Image on Edit" mode is enabled.
<blockquote><li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> To make a grid
<div class="Step-First">
<li>As in the previous exercise, make sure that there is a weather
loaded and that the Spatial Editor time is set so that it overlaps a
<li>Make the weather element visible by clicking MB1, if it is not
<li>Click MB2 on the weather element editable.</li>
<div class="Body">You should see the letters "(edit)" appear to the
of the legend. This indicates that the weather element is now ready to
edit. Note that if the displayed grid is not editable, because is
by another user or that it is a read-only model grid, the "(edit)"
will not appear, since the GFE will not allow you edit grids in those
<h3 class="2Heading">
<a name="ChangingSEDisplayusingGridMgr"></a>Changing the Spatial Editor
Display using the Grid Manager</h3>
<div class="Body">In the Grid Manager section we discussed that fact
the Grid Manager tool allows you to set the time displayed in the
Editor and make grid editable. So we briefly switch back to the Grid
to explain how it is used to control the Spatial Editor.</div>
<h3 class="2Heading">
<a name="MakingaGridVisible"></a>Making a Grid Visible and Editable
the Grid Manager</h3>
<li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> Identify a grid to edit</li>
<div class="Step-First">
<li>Locate a grid and click MB1 over the grid block in the Grid
<div class="Body">Note that the grid is now visible in the Spatial
and is now in edit mode. Any Spatial Editor operation executed will be
applied to this grid. Cases where this operation will not work include
immutable weather elements such as those derived from model data and
that are locked by another user of the forecast database.</div>
<h3 class="2Heading">
<a name="ZoomingtheSpatialDisplay"></a>Zooming (enlarging) the Spatial
<div class="Body">The Spatial Editor display can be zoomed or enlarged
at any time using the MB3 pop-up menu. When this menu is displayed, you
are given a choice of zoom factors that represent the width of the
in kilometers. Selecting one of these choices will cause the display to
zoom to that size centered wherever you pressed MB3.
<blockquote><li class="4Heading"> <b>Purpose:</b> To make the larger
or smaller in order to see more
or less
<div class="Step-First">
<li>From the Spatial editor display, press and hold down MB3. A
pop-up menu
will appear containing the "Zoom" menu item</li>
<li>Move the cursor to this "Zoom" menu item until another cascading
numbers appears.</li>
<li>Move the mouse cursor over one of the choices in the middle of
list and release MB3.</li>
<div class="Body">You should see the display zoom in and enlarge the
of the data and map backgrounds. Repeat the last exercise and select
highest value in the list to zoom out to full view.</div>
<div class="Body">
<h3 class="2Heading"><a name="AshortcutforZooming"></a>A shortcut for Zooming</h3>
<!--TRAC DR 7132-->
Another, faster way to zoom the Spatial Editor display is to press the
SHIFT key on the keyboard and click MB2 to zoom in. In AWIPS1 MB1 was used
to zoom out. In AWIPS2 for now you have to roll MB2 in to zoom out.
Zooming in always uses the clicked point as the new center of the
display. Panning has to be activated for zooming capabilities to work.
<h3 class="2Heading"><a name="PanningtheSpatialDisplay"></a>Panning the
Spatial Display</h3>
Panning the display works similarly. Rolling
MB2 in or out will pan the display in the same direction, just like.
Note that if you move the cursor outside the Spatial
display area, the pan operation stops. To continue panning, you will
to reposition the cursor, and roll MB2 again.</div>
<h3 class="2Heading">
<a name="Topography"></a>Topography</h3>
<div class="Body">The GFE includes topography as a special weather
Topography can be displayed with any other weather element, except that
it cannot be edited. To load topography into the GFE, perform the
<blockquote><li>Purpose: To load and display topography data</li>
<div class="Step-First">
<li>From the main menu, select Maps ->Topography.</li>
<div class="Body">You should now see an image that represents the
over your county warning area. The image is generated from a terrain
and mapped to your office's projection and domain. While you cannot
topography data, it can be used to identify edit areas based on
We will discuss more about defining edit areas based on gridded values
in the next section.
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