diff --git a/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.archive/utility/common_static/base/archiver/purger/RAW_DATA.xml b/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.archive/utility/common_static/base/archiver/purger/RAW_DATA.xml
index 9c0ea2d1b1..d32e0412ba 100644
--- a/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.archive/utility/common_static/base/archiver/purger/RAW_DATA.xml
+++ b/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.edex.archive/utility/common_static/base/archiver/purger/RAW_DATA.xml
@@ -139,10 +139,43 @@
- (manual)/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/(\d{2})
+ (manual)
+ .*\.(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})_(\d{2}).*
+ (manual)
+ .*_(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})\..*
+ {1}
+ 2,3,4,5
+ (manual)
+ .*-(\d{10})
+ {1}
+ EpochSec
+ 2
+ (manual)
+ .*\.wan(\d{10})
+ {1}
+ EpochSec
+ 2
+ (manual)/mpe
+ .*[^\d](\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(z|\d{2}z).*
+ {1}
+ 2,3,4,5
+ (manual)
+ .*\.\d{8}\.\d{3}
+ {1}
+ File
diff --git a/tests/unit/com/raytheon/uf/common/archive/ArchiveConfigManagerTest.java b/tests/unit/com/raytheon/uf/common/archive/ArchiveConfigManagerTest.java
index 1b3eeacd9d..8df168ed93 100644
--- a/tests/unit/com/raytheon/uf/common/archive/ArchiveConfigManagerTest.java
+++ b/tests/unit/com/raytheon/uf/common/archive/ArchiveConfigManagerTest.java
@@ -140,6 +140,8 @@ public class ArchiveConfigManagerTest {
// {6} file-dd
// {7} file-kk
// {8} file-mm
+ // {9} file-epochMS
+ // {10} file-epochSec
// **** grib1 ****
MessageFormat grib1Format_Raw = new MessageFormat(
@@ -191,8 +193,42 @@ public class ArchiveConfigManagerTest {
createTestFiles(bufrsigwxFormat_Processed, archiveProcessed,
"Products", false, archiveStart, archiveEnd);
+ // *** manual ****
+ MessageFormat manualFormat_Raw1 = new MessageFormat(
+ "manual/mpe/ZETA98_BDHRMOSAIC{4}{5}{6}{7}{8}z_15180450.grib");
+ createTestFiles(manualFormat_Raw1, archiveRaw, "Local", false,
+ archiveStart, archiveEnd);
+ MessageFormat manualFormat_Raw2 = new MessageFormat(
+ "manual/mpe/ZETA98_{0}{1}{2}{3}z_16122536.grib");
+ createTestFiles(manualFormat_Raw2, archiveRaw, "Local", false,
+ archiveStart, archiveEnd);
+ MessageFormat manualFormat_RawE1 = new MessageFormat(
+ "manual/000-KOUNVFTOUN-NXUS98-KOUN-13{5}{6}{7}{8}-___-{10}");
+ createTestFiles(manualFormat_RawE1, archiveRaw, "Local", false,
+ archiveStart, archiveEnd);
+ MessageFormat manualFormat_RawE2 = new MessageFormat(
+ "manual/AQIOUN.wan{10}");
+ createTestFiles(manualFormat_RawE2, archiveRaw, "Local", false,
+ archiveStart, archiveEnd);
+ MessageFormat manualFormat_Raw3 = new MessageFormat(
+ "manual/wrf4nssl_{0}{1}{2}{3}.f00.OUN_subset.16122536");
+ createTestFiles(manualFormat_Raw3, archiveRaw, "Local", false,
+ archiveStart, archiveEnd);
+ MessageFormat manualFormat_Raw4 = new MessageFormat(
+ "manual/ZETA98.LAPS.{4}{5}{6}_{7}{8}");
+ createTestFiles(manualFormat_Raw4, archiveRaw, "Local", false,
+ archiveStart, archiveEnd);
+ // **** manual using file last modified time.
+ createModTestFiles("manual/FOUS74KTUA.16130407.100",
+ "manual/FOUS74KTUA.16130407.200",
+ "manual/FOUS74KTUA.16130407.300",
+ "manual/FOUS74KTUA.16130407.400", archiveRaw, "Local", false,
+ archiveStart, archiveEnd);
// create test archive data dir
archiveDir = new File(TEST_DIR, TEST_ARCHIVE_DIR);
private int getRetentionHours(ArchiveConfig archive, CategoryConfig category) {
@@ -209,12 +245,20 @@ public class ArchiveConfigManagerTest {
+ if (category == null) {
+ // This is part of setup and asserts will not give stack trace.
+ System.err.println(String.format("category: %s not in archive: %s",
+ categoryName, archive.getName()));
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad category name: "
+ + categoryName);
+ }
return category;
private void createTestFiles(MessageFormat fileNameFormat,
ArchiveConfig archive, String categoryName, boolean isSelected,
Calendar start, Calendar end) throws IOException {
CategoryConfig category = getCategory(archive, categoryName);
int retentionHours = getRetentionHours(archive, category);
String rootDir = archive.getRootDir();
@@ -291,6 +335,88 @@ public class ArchiveConfigManagerTest {
+ private void createModTestFiles(String newFilename, String oldFilename,
+ String purgeFilename, String outsideFilename,
+ ArchiveConfig archive, String categoryName, boolean isSelected,
+ Calendar start, Calendar end) throws IOException {
+ CategoryConfig category = getCategory(archive, categoryName);
+ int retentionHours = getRetentionHours(archive, category);
+ String rootDir = archive.getRootDir();
+ // create data file newer than purge time, within archive time, and
+ // isSelected
+ File dataFile = create_ModFile(end, newFilename, rootDir);
+ if (isSelected) {
+ ArchiveConfigManager manager = ArchiveConfigManager.getInstance();
+ archiveFiles.add(dataFile);
+ archiveSelectedDisplays.addAll(manager.getDisplayData(
+ archive.getName(), categoryName, true));
+ }
+ System.out
+ .println("{newer modTime than purge/within archive/}\n\tFor archive:"
+ + archive.getName()
+ + " category:"
+ + categoryName
+ + "\n\tcreated file: "
+ + dataFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ .substring(rootDir.length()));
+ // create data file newer than purge time, within archive time, but not
+ // in selected
+ Calendar moreThanOneDayOld = (Calendar) referenceCalendar.clone();
+ moreThanOneDayOld.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1);
+ dataFile = create_ModFile(moreThanOneDayOld, oldFilename, rootDir);
+ System.out
+ .println("{newer modTime than purge/within archive/Not Selected}\nFor archive:"
+ + archive.getName()
+ + " category:"
+ + categoryName
+ + "\n\tcreated file: "
+ + dataFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ .substring(rootDir.length()));
+ // create data file older than purge time
+ Calendar lessThanExpiredCalendar = (Calendar) referenceCalendar.clone();
+ lessThanExpiredCalendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, (-1 * retentionHours - 1));
+ dataFile = create_ModFile(lessThanExpiredCalendar, purgeFilename,
+ rootDir);
+ purgeFiles.add(dataFile);
+ System.out.println("{older than purge}\nFor archive:"
+ + archive.getName() + " category:" + categoryName
+ + "\n\tcreated file: "
+ + dataFile.getAbsolutePath().substring(rootDir.length()));
+ // // create data file newer than purge time, but in a directory that is
+ // // older than purge time, and outside of archive time frame
+ Calendar newerThanArchiveEnd = (Calendar) end.clone();
+ // newerThanArchiveEnd.add(Calendar.HOUR, 3);
+ // dataFile = create_DataFile(lessThanExpiredCalendar,
+ // newerThanArchiveEnd, fileNameFormat, rootDir);
+ // System.out
+ // .println("{newer than purge/in directory older than purge/outside of archive}\nFor archive:"
+ // + archive.getName()
+ // + " category:"
+ // + categoryName
+ // + "\n created file: " + dataFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ // create data file newer than purge time and outside of archive time
+ // frame
+ newerThanArchiveEnd = (Calendar) end.clone();
+ newerThanArchiveEnd.add(Calendar.HOUR, 3);
+ dataFile = create_ModFile(newerThanArchiveEnd, outsideFilename, rootDir);
+ System.out
+ .println("{newer modTime than purge/outside of archive}\nFor archive:"
+ + archive.getName()
+ + " category:"
+ + categoryName
+ + "\n\tcreated file: "
+ + dataFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ .substring(rootDir.length()));
+ }
private void setupTimes() {
referenceCalendar = TimeUtil.newGmtCalendar();
referenceCalendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
@@ -330,8 +456,13 @@ public class ArchiveConfigManagerTest {
String file_dd = ddFormat.format(fileReferenceTime);
String file_kk = kkFormat.format(fileReferenceTime);
String file_mm = mmFormat.format(fileReferenceTime);
+ String file_epochMS = String.format("%013d",
+ fileReferenceTime.getTime());
+ String file_epochSec = String.format("%010d",
+ fileReferenceTime.getTime() / TimeUtil.MILLIS_PER_SECOND);
String[] formatArgs = new String[] { dir_yyyy, dir_MM, dir_dd, dir_kk,
- file_yyyy, file_MM, file_dd, file_kk, file_mm };
+ file_yyyy, file_MM, file_dd, file_kk, file_mm, file_epochMS,
+ file_epochSec };
String filename = fileFormat.format(formatArgs, new StringBuffer(),
new FieldPosition(0)).toString();
@@ -346,6 +477,22 @@ public class ArchiveConfigManagerTest {
return resultFile;
+ private File create_ModFile(Calendar fileReferenceCalendar,
+ String filename, String rootDir) throws IOException {
+ Date fileReferenceTime = fileReferenceCalendar.getTime();
+ File resultFile = new File(rootDir, filename);
+ String dirname = FilenameUtils
+ .getFullPath(resultFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ File dir = new File(dirname);
+ dir.mkdirs();
+ resultFile.createNewFile();
+ allFiles.add(resultFile);
+ resultFile.setLastModified(fileReferenceTime.getTime());
+ return resultFile;
+ }
private Collection createFileNameListRemoveTestDir(
Collection files) {
List result = new ArrayList(files.size());
@@ -418,6 +565,15 @@ public class ArchiveConfigManagerTest {
+ System.out.println("purgeCount: " + purgeCount + ", pureFiles.size:"
+ + purgeFiles.size() + ", filesFoundInPurge.size(): "
+ + filesFoundInPurge.size());
+ for (File file : purgeFiles) {
+ if (!filesFoundInPurge.contains(file)) {
+ System.out.println("not purged: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
+ }
+ }
"The expected purge files and the files purged are not the same",