diff --git a/deltaScripts/16.2.2/DR5411/AddAllCapsEmphasis.py b/deltaScripts/16.2.2/DR5411/AddAllCapsEmphasis.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e9151c0439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deltaScripts/16.2.2/DR5411/AddAllCapsEmphasis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Delta script to insert productId tag into warngen .vm and .xml files
+# Original files will be backed up in *.backup[n]
+import glob
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH = "/awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/site/*/warngen/*.vm"
+ re.compile(r'\bTAKE\s+COVER\s+NOW\b', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE),
+ re.compile(r'\bSEEK\s+SHELTER\s+NOW\b', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE),
+def __backupFile(orig):
+ """create a unique backup file name from orig"""
+ suffix = ".backup"
+ backup = orig + suffix
+ count = 0
+ while os.path.exists(backup):
+ count += 1
+ backup = orig + suffix + str(count)
+ return backup
+def __replaceWithUpper(matchobj):
+ orig = matchobj.group(0)
+ repl = orig.upper()
+ return repl
+def main():
+ for template in glob.glob(SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH):
+ with open(template, "r") as templateFile:
+ originalContents = templateFile.read()
+ newContents = originalContents
+ for pattern in PATTERNS:
+ newContents = re.sub(pattern, __replaceWithUpper, newContents)
+ if newContents != originalContents:
+ print "Updating", template
+ shutil.copy2(template, __backupFile(template))
+ with open(template, "w") as templateFile:
+ templateFile.write(newContents)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/deltaScripts/16.2.2/DR5411/AddProductIdToWarnGenTemplates.py b/deltaScripts/16.2.2/DR5411/AddProductIdToWarnGenTemplates.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..d09c405686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deltaScripts/16.2.2/DR5411/AddProductIdToWarnGenTemplates.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Delta script to insert productId tag into warngen .vm and .xml files
+# Original files will be backed up in *.backup[n]
+import glob
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+SITE_XML_PATH = "/awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/site/*/warngen/*.xml"
+BASE_TEMPLATE_DIR = "/awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/base/warngen"
+PID_PATTERN = re.compile("\n\$\{WMOId\} \$\{vtecOffice\} 000000 \$\{BBBId\}\n([A-Z]{3})\$\{siteId\}\n", re.MULTILINE)
+PRODUCT_ID_PATTERN = re.compile("\n[ \t]*([A-Z]{3})", re.MULTILINE)
+PHENSIG_COMMENT_PATTERN = re.compile("\n([ \t]*)\n{0}{1}\n\n"
+def __backupFile(orig):
+ """create a unique backup file name from orig"""
+ suffix = ".backup"
+ backup = orig + suffix
+ count = 0
+ while os.path.exists(backup):
+ count += 1
+ backup = orig + suffix + str(count)
+ return backup
+def main():
+ for siteXml in glob.glob(SITE_XML_PATH):
+ with open(siteXml, "r") as xmlFile:
+ siteXmlContents = xmlFile.read()
+ if "" not in siteXmlContents:
+ # not a template configuration file
+ continue
+ match = PRODUCT_ID_PATTERN.search(siteXmlContents)
+ if match is not None:
+ # xml already contains productId
+ continue
+ baseXml = os.path.join(BASE_TEMPLATE_DIR, os.path.basename(siteXml))
+ siteTemplate = siteXml.replace(".xml", ".vm")
+ pid = None
+ # try to get productId from base xml file
+ if os.path.exists(baseXml):
+ with open(baseXml, "r") as xmlFile:
+ baseXmlContents = xmlFile.read()
+ match = PRODUCT_ID_PATTERN.search(baseXmlContents)
+ if match is not None:
+ pid = match.group(1)
+ if pid is None:
+ # try to get the productId from the site vm template file
+ # should only be necessary for a non-baseline template
+ if os.path.exists(siteTemplate):
+ template = siteTemplate
+ with open(template, "r") as templateFile:
+ templateContents = templateFile.read()
+ match = PID_PATTERN.search(templateContents)
+ if match is not None:
+ pid = match.group(1)
+ if pid is None:
+ print "ERROR: Unable to determine productId for", siteXml
+ continue
+ # insert product id tag into the xml file before the phensig tag
+ match = PHENSIG_COMMENT_PATTERN.search(siteXmlContents)
+ if match is None:
+ match = PHENSIG_TAG_PATTERN.search(siteXmlContents)
+ if match is None:
+ print "ERROR: Unable to insert productId into", siteXml
+ continue
+ print "Adding productId",pid, "to", siteXml
+ indent = match.group(1)
+ siteXmlContents = siteXmlContents[:match.start(1)] + PRODUCT_ID.format(indent, pid) + siteXmlContents[match.start(1):]
+ shutil.copy2(siteXml, __backupFile(siteXml))
+ with open(siteXml, "w") as xmlFile:
+ xmlFile.write(siteXmlContents)
+ # if siteTemplate exists attempt to insert productId
+ if os.path.exists(siteTemplate):
+ print "Referencing productId in", siteTemplate
+ with open(siteTemplate, "r") as templateFile:
+ templateContents = templateFile.read()
+ match = PID_PATTERN.search(templateContents)
+ while match is not None:
+ templateContents = templateContents[:match.start(1)] + "${productId}" + templateContents[match.end(1):]
+ match = PID_PATTERN.search(templateContents)
+ shutil.copy2(siteTemplate, __backupFile(siteTemplate))
+ with open(siteTemplate, "w") as templateFile:
+ templateFile.write(templateContents)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.warning/utility/common_static/base/warngen/extremeWindWarningFollowup.vm b/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.warning/utility/common_static/base/warngen/extremeWindWarningFollowup.vm
index 243f4dc22f..43fc60ffa9 100755
--- a/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.warning/utility/common_static/base/warngen/extremeWindWarningFollowup.vm
+++ b/edexOsgi/com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.warning/utility/common_static/base/warngen/extremeWindWarningFollowup.vm
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Widespread destructive winds of !** **! to !** **! mph will spread across ##
#if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "takeCoverCTA")})
-Take cover now! Treat these imminent extreme winds as if a tornado was approaching and move immediately to the safe room in your shelter. Take action now to protect your life!
+TAKE COVER NOW! Treat these imminent extreme winds as if a tornado was approaching and move immediately to the safe room in your shelter. Take action now to protect your life!
#if(${list.contains(${bullets}, "safePlacesCTA")})