93 changed files with 306 additions and 234 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Timeline
f * Timeline
* Date created 03 MARCH 2010
@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ public class TimelineControl extends Composite {
Label numFramesLbl = new Label( top_form, SWT.NONE);
fd = new FormData();
fd.bottom = new FormAttachment( numFramesSpnr, -3, SWT.TOP );
fd.left = new FormAttachment( numFramesSpnr, 0, SWT.LEFT );
@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ public class TimelineControl extends Composite {
Label skipLbl = new Label(top_form, SWT.NONE);
fd = new FormData();
fd.bottom = new FormAttachment( numSkipSpnr, -3, SWT.TOP );
fd.left = new FormAttachment( numSkipSpnr, 0, SWT.LEFT );
@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ public class TimelineControl extends Composite {
frameIntervalCombo.setItems( availFrameIntervalStrings );
Label frameIntLbl = new Label( top_form, SWT.NONE );
fd = new FormData();
fd.bottom = new FormAttachment( frameIntervalCombo, -3, SWT.TOP );
fd.left = new FormAttachment( frameIntervalCombo, 0, SWT.LEFT );
@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ public class ResourceManagerDialog extends Dialog {
mngrTabFolder.setLayoutData( gd );
final TabItem loadTabItem = new TabItem( mngrTabFolder, SWT.NONE );
loadTabItem.setText( " Load RBD " );
loadTabItem.setText( "Load Bundle" );
loadRbdCntrl = new LoadRbdControl( mngrTabFolder );
final TabItem mngrTabItem = new TabItem( mngrTabFolder, SWT.NONE );
mngrTabItem.setText( " Create RBD " );
mngrTabItem.setText( "Load Data" );
// get the active Display and set the rbd_mngr with it
AbstractEditor currEditor = NcDisplayMngr.getActiveNatlCntrsEditor();
@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ public class ResourceManagerDialog extends Dialog {
createRbdCntrl = new CreateRbdControl( mngrTabFolder, rbd_mngr );
final TabItem manageSPFTabItem = new TabItem( mngrTabFolder, SWT.NONE );
manageSPFTabItem.setText( " Manage SPFs " );
manageSPFTabItem.setText( "Manage Bundles" );
manageRbdsCntrl = new ManageSpfControl( mngrTabFolder );
final TabItem cnfgTabItem = new TabItem( mngrTabFolder, SWT.NONE );
cnfgTabItem.setText( " Manage Resources " );
cnfgTabItem.setText( "Manage Data" );
manageRscCntrl = new ManageResourceControl( mngrTabFolder );
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public class ResourceManagerDialog extends Dialog {
Button closeBtn = new Button( shell, SWT.PUSH );
closeBtn.setText( " Close " );
closeBtn.setText( "Close" );
gd = new GridData( );
gd.horizontalAlignment = SWT.END;
gd.verticalAlignment = SWT.END;
@ -151,8 +151,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
private SashForm sash_form = null;
private Group rbd_grp = null;
private Text rbd_name_txt = null;
private Label rbd_name_lbl = null;
private String rbd_name_txt = null;
private Combo disp_type_combo = null;
private Label disp_type_lbl = null;
@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
private Button clr_pane_btn = null;
private Label import_lbl = null;
private Combo import_rbd_combo = null;
private Button import_rbd_btn = null;
private Button load_rbd_btn = null;
private Button load_and_close_btn = null;
private Button save_rbd_btn = null;
@ -217,7 +216,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
private TimelineControl timelineControl = null;
private final String ImportFromSPF = "From SPF...";
private final String ImportFromSPF = "Import RBD";
// private final String[] StandardZoomLevels = {"1", "1.5","2","3","5","7.5","10","15","20","30"};
private static Map<String, String> gempakProjMap =
@ -248,8 +247,8 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
sash_form.setLayoutData( gd );
rbd_grp = new Group( sash_form, SWT.SHADOW_NONE );
rbd_grp.setText( "Resource Bundle Display" );
rbd_grp = new Group( sash_form, SWT.NONE );
rbd_grp.setText( "" );
gd = new GridData();
gd.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gd.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;
@ -262,8 +261,8 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
Group timeline_grp = new Group( sash_form, SWT.SHADOW_NONE );
timeline_grp.setText( "Select Timeline" );
Group timeline_grp = new Group( sash_form, SWT.NONE );
timeline_grp.setText( "" );
gd = new GridData();
gd.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gd.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;
@ -310,7 +309,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
loadSaveComp.setLayout( new FormLayout() );
clear_rbd_btn = new Button( loadSaveComp, SWT.PUSH );
clear_rbd_btn.setText(" Reset To Default ");
clear_rbd_btn.setText("Clear All");
FormData fd = new FormData();
fd.width = 130;
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 7 );
@ -318,7 +317,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
clear_rbd_btn.setLayoutData( fd );
save_rbd_btn = new Button( loadSaveComp, SWT.PUSH );
save_rbd_btn.setText(" Save RBD ");
fd = new FormData();
fd.width = 100;
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 7 );
@ -326,16 +325,16 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
save_rbd_btn.setLayoutData( fd );
load_rbd_btn = new Button( loadSaveComp, SWT.PUSH );
load_rbd_btn.setText("Load RBD");
fd = new FormData();
fd.width = 100;
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 7 );
// fd.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, -7 );
fd.left = new FormAttachment( 63, -50 );
load_rbd_btn.setLayoutData( fd );
load_and_close_btn = new Button( loadSaveComp, SWT.PUSH );
load_and_close_btn.setText("Load And Close");
load_and_close_btn.setText("Load and Close");
fd = new FormData();
fd.width = 120;
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 7 );
@ -375,108 +374,65 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
// create all the widgets in the Resource Bundle Definition (bottom) section of the sashForm.
private void createRBDGroup() {
import_rbd_combo = new Combo( rbd_grp, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.READ_ONLY );
FormData form_data = new FormData();//195,20);
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 15 );
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 30 );
form_data.right= new FormAttachment( 24, 0 );
import_rbd_combo.setLayoutData( form_data );
private void createRBDGroup() {
import_lbl = new Label( rbd_grp, SWT.None );
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( import_rbd_combo, 0, SWT.LEFT );
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( import_rbd_combo, -3, SWT.TOP );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( import_rbd_btn, 0, SWT.LEFT );
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( import_rbd_btn, -3, SWT.TOP );
import_lbl.setLayoutData( form_data );
rbd_name_txt = "";
rbd_name_txt = new Text( rbd_grp, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER );
form_data = new FormData(200,20);
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( import_rbd_combo, 25, SWT.RIGHT );
|||| = new FormAttachment( import_rbd_combo, 0, SWT.TOP );
rbd_name_txt.setLayoutData( form_data );
rbd_name_lbl = new Label( rbd_grp, SWT.None );
rbd_name_lbl = new Label( rbd_grp, SWT.None );
rbd_name_lbl.setText("RBD Name");
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.width = 180;
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( rbd_name_txt, 0, SWT.LEFT );
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( rbd_name_txt, -3, SWT.TOP );
rbd_name_lbl.setLayoutData( form_data );
// Import
import_rbd_btn = new Button( rbd_grp, SWT.PUSH );
FormData form_data = new FormData();
form_data.width = 90;
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
import_rbd_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
// RBD Type Combo
disp_type_combo = new Combo( rbd_grp, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.READ_ONLY );
form_data = new FormData(120,20);
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( import_rbd_combo, 0, SWT.LEFT );
|||| = new FormAttachment( import_rbd_combo, 45, SWT.BOTTOM );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( import_rbd_btn, 10, SWT.RIGHT );
|||| = new FormAttachment( import_rbd_btn, 0, SWT.TOP );
disp_type_combo.setLayoutData( form_data );
disp_type_combo.setItems( new String[] {
NcDisplayType.SOLAR_DISPLAY.getName()} );
disp_type_lbl = new Label( rbd_grp, SWT.None );
disp_type_lbl.setText("RBD Type");
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( disp_type_combo, 0, SWT.LEFT );
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( disp_type_combo, -3, SWT.TOP );
disp_type_lbl.setLayoutData( form_data );
multi_pane_tog = new Button( rbd_grp, SWT.CHECK );
multi_pane_tog.setText("Multi-Pane Display");
form_data = new FormData();
|||| = new FormAttachment( rbd_name_txt, -10, SWT.TOP );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( rbd_name_txt, 35, SWT.RIGHT );
multi_pane_tog.setLayoutData( form_data );
auto_update_btn = new Button( rbd_grp, SWT.CHECK );
form_data = new FormData();
auto_update_btn.setText("Auto Update");
|||| = new FormAttachment( multi_pane_tog, 10, SWT.BOTTOM );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( multi_pane_tog, 0, SWT.LEFT );
auto_update_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
geo_sync_panes = new Button( rbd_grp, SWT.CHECK );
form_data = new FormData();
geo_sync_panes.setText("Geo-Sync Panes");
|||| = new FormAttachment( auto_update_btn, 10, SWT.BOTTOM );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( auto_update_btn, 0, SWT.LEFT );
geo_sync_panes.setLayoutData( form_data );
// create all the widgets used to show and edit the Selected Resources
seld_rscs_grp = createSeldRscsGroup( );
private void createAreaGroup( ) {
geo_area_grp = new Group( rbd_grp, SWT.SHADOW_NONE );
geo_area_grp.setText("Area" );
geo_area_grp.setLayout( new FormLayout() );
FormData form_data = new FormData();
|||| = new FormAttachment( disp_type_combo, 25, SWT.BOTTOM );
// form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, -60 ); // if offset for room for the Load and Save buttons
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
form_data.right = new FormAttachment( 24, 0 );
geo_area_grp.setLayoutData( form_data );
ToolBar areaTBar = new ToolBar(geo_area_grp, SWT.SHADOW_OUT|SWT.HORIZONTAL|SWT.RIGHT|SWT.WRAP);
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 15 );
form_data.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( disp_type_combo, 10, SWT.RIGHT );
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
form_data.width = 100;
form_data.height = 30;
areaTBar.setLayoutData( form_data );
@ -495,7 +451,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
final Menu areaCtxMenu = areaMenuMngr.createContextMenu( shell );
areaCtxMenu.setVisible( false );
geo_area_grp.setMenu( areaCtxMenu );
rbd_grp.setMenu( areaCtxMenu );
areaMenuMngr.addMenuListener( new IMenuListener() {
@ -520,12 +476,120 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
// 2 Composites. 1 for when a predefined area is selected which will show the
// projection and map center. And 1 for when a satellite resource is selecte which
// projection and map center. And 1 for when a satellite resource is selected which
// will let the user select either FitToScreen or SizeOfImage
geo_area_info_comp = new Composite( geo_area_grp, SWT.NONE );
geo_area_info_comp = new Composite( rbd_grp, SWT.NONE );
geo_area_info_comp.setLayout( new FormLayout() );
rsc_area_opts_comp = new Composite( geo_area_grp, SWT.NONE );
rsc_area_opts_comp = new Composite( rbd_grp, SWT.NONE );
rsc_area_opts_comp.setLayout( new GridLayout(1,true) );
geo_area_info_comp.setVisible( true );
rsc_area_opts_comp.setVisible( false );
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
|||| = new FormAttachment( areaTBar, 15, SWT.BOTTOM );
form_data.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
// both overlap each other since only one visible at a time
geo_area_info_comp.setLayoutData( form_data );
|||| = new FormAttachment( areaTBar, 30, SWT.BOTTOM );
rsc_area_opts_comp.setLayoutData( form_data );
// Multi-Pane Checkbox
multi_pane_tog = new Button( rbd_grp, SWT.CHECK );
form_data = new FormData();
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( areaTBar, 10, SWT.RIGHT );
multi_pane_tog.setLayoutData( form_data );
auto_update_btn = new Button( rbd_grp, SWT.CHECK );
form_data = new FormData();
auto_update_btn.setText("Auto Update");
|||| = new FormAttachment( multi_pane_tog, 0, SWT.TOP );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( multi_pane_tog, 20, SWT.RIGHT );
auto_update_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
// create all the widgets used to show and edit the Selected Resources
seld_rscs_grp = createSeldRscsGroup( );
private void createAreaGroup( ) {
geo_area_grp = new Group( rbd_grp, SWT.SHADOW_NONE );
geo_area_grp.setText("Area" );
geo_area_grp.setLayout( new FormLayout() );
FormData form_data = new FormData();
|||| = new FormAttachment( disp_type_combo, 25, SWT.BOTTOM );
// form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, -60 ); // if offset for room for the Load and Save buttons
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
form_data.width = 150;
geo_area_grp.setLayoutData( form_data );
FormData form_data = new FormData();
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( disp_type_combo, 10, SWT.RIGHT );
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
form_data.width = 100;
form_data.height = 30;
areaTBar.setLayoutData( form_data );
this.addDisposeListener( new DisposeListener() {
public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) {
if( areaFont != null ) {
areaTItm = new ToolItem(areaTBar, SWT.DROP_DOWN);
areaMenuMngr = new MenuManager("CreateRbdControl");
areaMenuMngr.setRemoveAllWhenShown( true );
final Menu areaCtxMenu = areaMenuMngr.createContextMenu( shell );
areaCtxMenu.setVisible( false );
rbd_grp.setMenu( areaCtxMenu );
areaMenuMngr.addMenuListener( new IMenuListener() {
public void menuAboutToShow(IMenuManager amngr) {
createAvailAreaMenuItems( amngr );
// Main toolbar button clicked: show the areas popup menu at
// the location of the toolbar so it appears like a combo
// dropdown. This will also trigger the menu manager to create
// the menu items for the available areas.
areaTItm.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
ToolItem ti = ((ToolItem)event.widget);
Rectangle bounds = ti.getBounds();
Point point = ((ToolBar)ti.getParent()).toDisplay(bounds.x, bounds.y + bounds.height);
// 2 Composites. 1 for when a predefined area is selected which will show the
// projection and map center. And 1 for when a satellite resource is selected which
// will let the user select either FitToScreen or SizeOfImage
geo_area_info_comp = new Composite( rbd_grp, SWT.NONE );
geo_area_info_comp.setLayout( new FormLayout() );
rsc_area_opts_comp = new Composite( rbd_grp, SWT.NONE );
rsc_area_opts_comp.setLayout( new GridLayout(1,true) );
geo_area_info_comp.setVisible( true );
@ -542,16 +606,17 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
||| = new FormAttachment( areaTBar, 30, SWT.BOTTOM );
rsc_area_opts_comp.setLayoutData( form_data );
fit_to_screen_btn = new Button( rsc_area_opts_comp, SWT.RADIO );
fit_to_screen_btn.setText( "Fit To Screen");
//fit_to_screen_btn = new Button( rsc_area_opts_comp, SWT.RADIO );
//fit_to_screen_btn.setText( "Fit To Screen");
size_of_image_btn = new Button( rsc_area_opts_comp, SWT.RADIO );
size_of_image_btn.setText("Size Of Image");
//size_of_image_btn = new Button( rsc_area_opts_comp, SWT.RADIO );
//size_of_image_btn.setText("Size Of Image");
fit_to_screen_btn.setSelection( true ); // radio behaviour
size_of_image_btn.setSelection( false );
//fit_to_screen_btn.setSelection( true ); // radio behaviour
//size_of_image_btn.setSelection( false );
Label proj_lbl = new Label( geo_area_info_comp, SWT.None );
form_data = new FormData();
@ -559,7 +624,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 0 );
form_data.right = new FormAttachment( 100, 0 );
proj_lbl.setLayoutData( form_data );
proj_info_txt = new Text( geo_area_info_comp, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER | SWT.READ_ONLY );
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 0 );
@ -596,131 +661,120 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, -15 );
custom_area_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
custom_area_btn.setText(" Custom ... ");
custom_area_btn.setEnabled(false); // not implemented
custom_area_btn.setVisible( false );
// create the Selected Resources List, the Edit, Delete and Clear buttons
private Group createSeldRscsGroup( ) {
Group seld_rscs_grp = new Group( rbd_grp, SWT.SHADOW_NONE );
seld_rscs_grp.setText("Selected Resources" );
seld_rscs_grp.setLayout( new FormLayout() );
Group seld_rscs_group = new Group( rbd_grp, SWT.SHADOW_NONE );
seld_rscs_group.setText( rbd_name_txt );
seld_rscs_group.setLayout( new FormLayout() );
FormData form_data = new FormData();
// NOTE : This is reset in updateGUIforMultipane()
// form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 30, 2 );
// = new FormAttachment( rbd_name_txt, 25, SWT.BOTTOM );
|||| = new FormAttachment( auto_update_btn, 15, SWT.BOTTOM );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( geo_area_grp, 10, SWT.RIGHT );
|||| = new FormAttachment( multi_pane_tog, 15, SWT.BOTTOM );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10, SWT.RIGHT );
form_data.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( geo_area_grp, 0, SWT.BOTTOM );
seld_rscs_grp.setLayoutData( form_data );
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, 0 );
seld_rscs_group.setLayoutData( form_data );
// This is multi-select to make Deleting resources easier.
seld_rscs_lviewer = new ListViewer( seld_rscs_grp,
seld_rscs_lviewer = new ListViewer( seld_rscs_group,
form_data = new FormData();
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 5 );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 5 );
form_data.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -95);//-110 ); //80, 0 );
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, -47 );
form_data.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -5 );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 95);//-110 ); //80, 0 );
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, -40 );
seld_rscs_lviewer.getList().setLayoutData( form_data );
edit_rsc_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_grp, SWT.PUSH );
edit_rsc_btn.setText(" Edit ...");
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.width = 90;
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
// if( enableReplaceBtnFromCreateRbd ) {
// form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 42, -45 );
// }
// else {
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 40, 20 );
// }
edit_rsc_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
sel_rsc_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_grp, SWT.PUSH );
sel_rsc_btn.setText(" New ... ");
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.width = 90;
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
// if( enableReplaceBtnFromCreateRbd ) {
// form_data.right = new FormAttachment( edit_rsc_btn, -30, SWT.LEFT );
// }
// else {
form_data.right = new FormAttachment( 40, -20 );
// }
sel_rsc_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
replace_rsc_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_grp, SWT.PUSH );
replace_rsc_btn.setText(" Replace ...");
replace_rsc_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_group, SWT.PUSH );
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.width = 90;
form_data.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( edit_rsc_btn, 30, SWT.RIGHT );
replace_rsc_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
replace_rsc_btn.setVisible( false ); //enableReplaceBtnFromCreateRbd );
del_rsc_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_grp, SWT.PUSH );
// Add
sel_rsc_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_group, SWT.PUSH );
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.width = 75;
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
sel_rsc_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
// Edit
edit_rsc_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_group, SWT.PUSH );
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.width = 75;
|||| = new FormAttachment( sel_rsc_btn, 8, SWT.BOTTOM );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
edit_rsc_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
// Remove
del_rsc_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_group, SWT.PUSH );
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.width = 75;
|||| = new FormAttachment( 10, -10 );
form_data.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
|||| = new FormAttachment( edit_rsc_btn, 8, SWT.BOTTOM );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
del_rsc_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
disable_rsc_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_grp, SWT.TOGGLE );
// Turn Off
disable_rsc_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_group, SWT.TOGGLE );
disable_rsc_btn.setText("Turn Off");
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.width = 75;
form_data.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
|||| = new FormAttachment( 30, -10 );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
|||| = new FormAttachment( del_rsc_btn, 8, SWT.BOTTOM );
disable_rsc_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
Button move_down_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_grp, SWT.ARROW | SWT.DOWN );
// Move Down
Button move_down_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_group, SWT.ARROW | SWT.DOWN );
move_down_btn.setToolTipText("Move Down");
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.width = 35;
|||| = new FormAttachment( 50, -10 );
form_data.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
|||| = new FormAttachment( disable_rsc_btn, 8, SWT.BOTTOM );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
move_down_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
Button move_up_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_grp, SWT.ARROW | SWT.UP );
// Move Up
Button move_up_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_group, SWT.ARROW | SWT.UP );
move_up_btn.setToolTipText("Move Up");
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.width = 35;
|||| = new FormAttachment( move_down_btn, 0, SWT.TOP );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( disable_rsc_btn, 0, SWT.LEFT);
form_data.right = new FormAttachment( disable_rsc_btn, 0, SWT.RIGHT);
move_up_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
Button edit_span_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_grp, SWT.PUSH );
edit_span_btn.setText(" Bin ... ");
Button edit_span_btn = new Button( seld_rscs_group, SWT.PUSH );
form_data = new FormData();
form_data.width = 75;
|||| = new FormAttachment( 70, -10 );
form_data.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
|||| = new FormAttachment( move_down_btn, 8, SWT.BOTTOM );
form_data.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
edit_span_btn.setLayoutData( form_data );
// seld_rscs_grp.pack(true);
return seld_rscs_grp;
return seld_rscs_group;
private void createPaneLayoutGroup() {
@ -733,6 +787,13 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
fd.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
fd.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, -15 );
pane_layout_grp.setLayoutData( fd );
geo_sync_panes = new Button( pane_layout_grp, SWT.CHECK );
fd = new FormData();
geo_sync_panes.setText("Geo-Sync Panes");
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 5 );
fd.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 5 );
geo_sync_panes.setLayoutData( fd );
Composite num_rows_cols_comp = new Composite( pane_layout_grp, SWT.NONE );
GridLayout gl = new GridLayout(rbdMngr.getMaxPaneLayout().getColumns(), false);
@ -742,7 +803,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
fd = new FormData();
fd.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 80 );
|||| = new FormAttachment( 0, 3 );
|||| = new FormAttachment( geo_sync_panes, 3, SWT.BOTTOM );
fd.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
num_rows_cols_comp.setLayoutData( fd );
@ -787,14 +848,14 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
Label num_rows_lbl = new Label( pane_layout_grp, SWT.NONE );
num_rows_lbl.setText( "Rows:");
num_rows_lbl.setText( "Rows");
fd = new FormData();
fd.right = new FormAttachment( num_rows_cols_comp, -5, SWT.LEFT );
|||| = new FormAttachment( num_rows_cols_comp, 10, SWT.TOP );
num_rows_lbl.setLayoutData( fd );
Label num_cols_lbl = new Label( pane_layout_grp, SWT.NONE );
num_cols_lbl.setText( "Columns:");
num_cols_lbl.setText( "Columns");
fd = new FormData();
fd.right = new FormAttachment( num_rows_cols_comp, -5, SWT.LEFT );
|||| = new FormAttachment( num_rows_lbl, 15, SWT.BOTTOM );
@ -851,7 +912,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
||| = new FormAttachment( pane_sel_comp, 10, SWT.BOTTOM );
fd.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
import_pane_btn.setLayoutData( fd );
import_pane_btn.setText(" Import... " );
import_pane_btn.setText("Import" );
load_pane_btn = new Button( pane_layout_grp, SWT.PUSH );
@ -859,10 +920,10 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
||| = new FormAttachment( import_pane_btn, 0, SWT.TOP );
fd.left = new FormAttachment( 50, -38 );
load_pane_btn.setLayoutData( fd );
load_pane_btn.setText(" Re-Load " );
load_pane_btn.setText("Reload" );
clr_pane_btn = new Button( pane_layout_grp, SWT.PUSH );
clr_pane_btn.setText(" Clear ");
fd = new FormData();
// fd.width = 75;
|||| = new FormAttachment( import_pane_btn, 0, SWT.TOP );
@ -1089,7 +1150,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
size_of_image_btn.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
@ -1108,7 +1169,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
ZoomLevelStrings.SizeOfImage.toString() ) );
// TODO: if single pane and there are resources selected
// in other panes then should we prompt the user on whether
// to clear them? We can ignore them if Loading/Saving a
@ -1159,7 +1220,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
custom_area_btn.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent ev) {
// Shell shell = NcDisplayMngr.getCaveShell();
@ -1168,6 +1229,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
// only 1 should be selected or this button should be greyed out
edit_rsc_btn.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() {
@ -1256,9 +1318,9 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
import_rbd_combo.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() {
import_rbd_btn.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent ev ) {
importRBD( import_rbd_combo.getText() );
importRBD( import_rbd_btn.getText() );
@ -1267,7 +1329,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
// allow a hackish work around later.... (I tried virtually every listener and these where the only ones to trigger.)
// ....update...with new Eclipse this seems to be working; ie. triggering a selection when
// combo is clicked on but selection isn't changed.
import_rbd_combo.addFocusListener( new FocusListener() {
import_rbd_btn.addFocusListener( new FocusListener() {
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
// System.out.println("focusGained: ");
@ -1277,19 +1339,21 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
// System.out.println("focusLost: " );
import_rbd_combo.addListener( SWT.MouseDown, new Listener() { // and SWT.MouseUp
import_rbd_btn.addListener( SWT.MouseDown, new Listener() { // and SWT.MouseUp
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
// System.out.println("SWT.MouseDown: " );
import_rbd_combo.addListener( SWT.Activate, new Listener() {
import_rbd_btn.addListener( SWT.Activate, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
import_rbd_combo.addListener( SWT.Deactivate, new Listener() {
import_rbd_btn.addListener( SWT.Deactivate, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
// System.out.println("SWT.Deactivate: " );
@ -1346,7 +1410,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
public void initWidgets() {
rbd_name_txt = "";
updateAreaGUI( );// should be the default area
@ -1365,7 +1429,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
// rbd_name_txt.setEditable( false );
// rbd_name_txt.setBackground( rbd_name_txt.getParent().getBackground() );
import_lbl.setVisible( false );
import_rbd_combo.setVisible( false );
import_rbd_btn.setVisible( false );
clear_rbd_btn.setVisible( false );
save_rbd_btn.setVisible( false );
load_pane_btn.setVisible( false );
@ -1390,40 +1454,44 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
FormData fd = (FormData) rbd_name_txt.getLayoutData();
fd.left = new FormAttachment( 20, 0 );
rbd_name_txt.setLayoutData( fd );
timelineControl.getParent().setVisible( false );
sash_form.setWeights( new int[] { 10, 1 } );
shell.setSize( shell.getSize().x-100, 350 );
private void updateImportCombo() {
// check for possible new Displays that may be imported.
NcDisplayName seldImport = NcDisplayName.parseNcDisplayNameString( import_rbd_combo.getText() );
NcDisplayName seldImport = NcDisplayName.parseNcDisplayNameString( import_rbd_btn.getText() );
for( AbstractEditor ncDisplay : NcDisplayMngr.getAllNcDisplays() ) { //rbdMngr.getRbdType() ) ) {
NcDisplayName displayName = NcEditorUtil.getDisplayName( ncDisplay );
import_rbd_combo.add( displayName.toString() );
import_rbd_btn.add( displayName.toString() );
// if this was selected before, select it again
if( seldImport == null || //seldImport.isEmpty() ||
seldImport.equals( displayName ) ) {
|||| import_rbd_combo.getItemCount()-1 );
|||| import_rbd_btn.getItemCount()-1 );
// if the previous selection wasn't found then select 'from SPF'
import_rbd_combo.add( ImportFromSPF );
import_rbd_btn.add( ImportFromSPF );
if( import_rbd_combo.getSelectionIndex() == -1 ) {
|||| import_rbd_combo.getItemCount()-1 );
if( import_rbd_btn.getSelectionIndex() == -1 ) {
|||| import_rbd_btn.getItemCount()-1 );
// Note: if the text set for the ToolItem doesn't fit on the size of the item then
// it will become blank and unselectable. Need to make sure this doesn't happen so
@ -1567,18 +1635,18 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
rsc_area_opts_comp.setVisible( true );
if( area.getZoomLevel().equals( ZoomLevelStrings.FitToScreen.toString() ) ) {
fit_to_screen_btn.setSelection( true );
size_of_image_btn.setSelection( false );
//fit_to_screen_btn.setSelection( true );
//size_of_image_btn.setSelection( false );
else if( area.getZoomLevel().equals( ZoomLevelStrings.SizeOfImage.toString() ) ) {
fit_to_screen_btn.setSelection( false );
size_of_image_btn.setSelection( true );
//fit_to_screen_btn.setSelection( false );
//size_of_image_btn.setSelection( true );
else {
/// ????
area.setZoomLevel( "1.0" );
fit_to_screen_btn.setSelection( true );
size_of_image_btn.setSelection( false );
//fit_to_screen_btn.setSelection( true );
//size_of_image_btn.setSelection( false );
else {
@ -1587,14 +1655,14 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
String projStr = rbdMngr.getSelectedArea().getGridGeometry().
proj_info_txt.setText( projStr );
proj_info_txt.setToolTipText( projStr );
//proj_info_txt.setText( projStr );
//proj_info_txt.setToolTipText( projStr );
// use the GEMPAK name if possible.
for( String gemProj : gempakProjMap.keySet() ) {
if( gempakProjMap.get( gemProj ).equals( projStr ) ) {
proj_info_txt.setText( gemProj.toUpperCase() );
//proj_info_txt.setText( gemProj.toUpperCase() );
@ -1603,11 +1671,11 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
Integer lat = (int)(area.getMapCenter()[1] *1000.0);
Integer lon = (int)(area.getMapCenter()[0] *1000.0);
Double.toString((double)lat/1000.0) +"/" + Double.toString((double)lon/1000.0) );
// Double.toString((double)lat/1000.0) +"/" + Double.toString((double)lon/1000.0) );
else {
map_center_txt.setText( "N/A" );
//map_center_txt.setText( "N/A" );
@ -1684,7 +1752,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
public void updateDialog() {
// If the gui has not been set with the current rbdMngr then do it now.
@ -1709,24 +1777,26 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
||| 0 );
rbd_name_txt.setText( rbdMngr.getRbdName() );
rbd_name_txt = rbdMngr.getRbdName();
rbd_name_txt.setSelection(0, rbdMngr.getRbdName().length() );
//rbd_name_txt.setSelection(0, rbdMngr.getRbdName().length() );
for( int i=0 ; i<import_rbd_combo.getItemCount() ; i++ ) {
String importRbdName = import_rbd_combo.getItems()[i];
for( int i=0 ; i<import_rbd_btn.getItemCount() ; i++ ) {
String importRbdName = import_rbd_btn.getItems()[i];
importRbdName = NcDisplayName.parseNcDisplayNameString( importRbdName ).getName();
if( importRbdName.equals( rbdMngr.getRbdName() ) ) {
|||| i );
|||| i );
if( import_rbd_combo.getSelectionIndex() == -1 ) {
|||| import_rbd_combo.getItemCount()-1 );
if( import_rbd_btn.getSelectionIndex() == -1 ) {
|||| import_rbd_btn.getItemCount()-1 );
updateAreaGUI( );
@ -1991,7 +2061,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
// name of the RBD
public void loadRBD( boolean close ) {
String rbdName = rbd_name_txt.getText().trim();
String rbdName = rbd_name_txt.trim();
if( rbdName == null || rbdName.isEmpty() ) {
rbdName = "Preview";
@ -2072,7 +2142,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
if( editor == null ) {
NcDisplayName importDisplayName =
NcDisplayName.parseNcDisplayNameString( import_rbd_combo.getText() );
NcDisplayName.parseNcDisplayNameString( import_rbd_btn.getText() );
if( importDisplayName.getName().equals( rbdName ) ) {
// get by ID since the rbd name doesn't have to be unique
@ -2141,7 +2211,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
// After Loading an RBD the user may 're-load' a modified Pane. Currently the number of panes
// has to be the same as previously displayed.
public void loadPane() {
String rbdName = rbd_name_txt.getText();
String rbdName = rbd_name_txt;
if( rbdName == null || rbdName.isEmpty() ) {
rbdName = "Preview";
@ -2368,23 +2438,25 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
pane_layout_grp.setVisible( isMultiPane );
if( isMultiPane ) {
fd.left = new FormAttachment( geo_area_grp, 10, SWT.RIGHT );
// fd.left = new FormAttachment( 30, 2 );
// = new FormAttachment( geo_area_grp, 0, SWT.TOP );
|||| = new FormAttachment( geo_sync_panes, 10, SWT.BOTTOM );
fd.bottom = new FormAttachment( geo_area_grp, 0, SWT.BOTTOM );
fd.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
|||| = new FormAttachment( multi_pane_tog, 15, SWT.BOTTOM );
fd.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, 0 );
fd.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -300 );
seld_rscs_grp.setLayoutData( fd );
shell.setSize( new Point( multiPaneDlgWidth, shell.getSize().y ) );
else {
fd.left = new FormAttachment( geo_area_grp, 10, SWT.RIGHT );
// fd.left = new FormAttachment( 30, 2 );
// = new FormAttachment( geo_area_grp, 0, SWT.TOP );
|||| = new FormAttachment( auto_update_btn, 5, SWT.BOTTOM );
fd.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
fd.bottom = new FormAttachment( geo_area_grp, 0, SWT.BOTTOM );
|||| = new FormAttachment( multi_pane_tog, 15, SWT.BOTTOM );
fd.left = new FormAttachment( 0, 10 );
fd.right = new FormAttachment( 100, -10 );
fd.bottom = new FormAttachment( 100, 0 );
seld_rscs_grp.setLayoutData( fd );
shell.setSize( new Point( singlePaneDlgWidth, shell.getSize().y ) );
@ -2405,7 +2477,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
// get the filename to save to.
SaveRbdDialog saveDlg = new SaveRbdDialog( shell,
savedSpfGroup, savedSpfName, rbd_name_txt.getText(), saveRefTime, saveTimeAsConstant );
savedSpfGroup, savedSpfName, rbd_name_txt, saveRefTime, saveTimeAsConstant );
if( (Boolean) == false ) {
@ -2421,7 +2493,7 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
// to save the RBD.
// TODO : we could store a list of the RBDNames and load these
// as items in the combo.
rbd_name_txt.setText( saveDlg.getSeldRbdName() );
rbd_name_txt = saveDlg.getSeldRbdName();
rbdMngr.setGeoSyncPanes( geo_sync_panes.getSelection() );
rbdMngr.setAutoUpdate( auto_update_btn.getSelection() );
@ -2437,8 +2509,8 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
VizApp.runSync(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String msg = null;
msg = new String("Resource Bundle Display "+
rbd_name_txt.getText() + " Saved to SPF "+
msg = new String("RBD "+
rbd_name_txt + " saved to SPF "+
savedSpfGroup + File.separator+ savedSpfName+".");
MessageBox mb = new MessageBox( shell, SWT.OK );
mb.setText( "RBD Saved" );
@ -2511,8 +2583,8 @@ public class CreateRbdControl extends Composite {
try {
NCTimeMatcher timeMatcher = timelineControl.getTimeMatcher();
if( !rbd_name_txt.getText().isEmpty() ) {
rbdMngr.setRbdName( rbd_name_txt.getText() );
if( !rbd_name_txt.isEmpty() ) {
rbdMngr.setRbdName( rbd_name_txt );
rbdMngr.setGeoSyncPanes( geo_sync_panes.getSelection() );
Add table
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