added HHC colortable for UCAR NEXRCOMP gini product, added NEXRCOMP menu entries to D2D radar menu. added DefaultRadarComposite.xml template to to viz.radar localization. finally, changed Volume menu name to Models.

Former-commit-id: 69a7fa8a13
This commit is contained in:
mjames-upc 2014-06-25 17:02:35 -06:00
parent c93db16ccd
commit 71c729d01a
7 changed files with 414 additions and 50 deletions

View file

@ -67,13 +67,9 @@ public abstract class AbstractLegendResource<T extends AbstractResourceData>
extends AbstractVizResource<T, IDescriptor> implements
ILegendDecorator, IContextMenuProvider {
private static final int TOP_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS = 7;
private static final int TOP_LINE_HEIGHT = 11;
private static final double TEXT_HEIGHT = 14.15;
private static final int BOTTOM_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS = 7;
private static final int LEFT_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS = 8;
private static final int RIGHT_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS = 18;
private InputAdapter resourceClickedHandler = new InputAdapter() {
@ -162,7 +158,8 @@ public abstract class AbstractLegendResource<T extends AbstractResourceData>
LegendEntry[] legendData = getLegendData(descriptor);
List<DrawableString> legendStrings = new ArrayList<DrawableString>();
double yStart = TOP_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS + ( TEXT_HEIGHT * legendData.length );
double yStart = paintProps.getCanvasBounds().height
for (LegendEntry le : legendData) {
String allText = "";
for (LegendData ld : le.legendParts) {
@ -172,8 +169,8 @@ public abstract class AbstractLegendResource<T extends AbstractResourceData>
Rectangle2D allTextBounds = target
.getStringBounds(le.font, allText);
//double xStart = LEFT_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS + allTextBounds.getWidth();
double xStart = LEFT_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS;
double xStart = paintProps.getCanvasBounds().width
- ((RIGHT_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS + allTextBounds.getWidth()));
double maxHeight = 0.0;
for (LegendData ld : le.legendParts) {
@ -191,7 +188,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractLegendResource<T extends AbstractResourceData>
yStart -= TEXT_HEIGHT;
yStart -= maxHeight;
@ -224,16 +221,19 @@ public abstract class AbstractLegendResource<T extends AbstractResourceData>
// Get the ratio for pixel to gl pixel conversion
double ratio = descriptor.getRenderableDisplay().getView().getExtent()
/ descriptor.getRenderableDisplay().getBounds().width;
/ descriptor.getRenderableDisplay().getBounds().width;
IExtent extent = descriptor.getRenderableDisplay().getView()
double x2 = x * ratio;
double y2 = y * ratio;
x = extent.getMinX() + (x * ratio);
y = extent.getMinY() + (y * ratio);
//double yStart = (TOP_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS - TOP_LINE_HEIGHT) * ratio;
double yStart = ( TOP_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS + ( TEXT_HEIGHT * legendData.length ) ) * ratio;
double yStart = extent.getMaxY() - ((BOTTOM_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS) * ratio);
if (y > yStart) {
return null;
for (LegendEntry le : legendData) {
String allText = "";
@ -243,24 +243,24 @@ public abstract class AbstractLegendResource<T extends AbstractResourceData>
Rectangle2D allTextBounds = target
.getStringBounds(le.font, allText);
double yEnd = yStart - (TEXT_HEIGHT * ratio);
if (y2 <= yStart && y2 > yEnd) {
double yEnd = yStart - (allTextBounds.getHeight() * ratio);
if (y <= yStart && y > yEnd) {
// Found the entry, look at data
double xStart = LEFT_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS * ratio;
double xEnd = ( LEFT_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS + allTextBounds.getWidth() ) * ratio;
if (x2 > xEnd) {
double xEnd = extent.getMaxX()
if (x > xEnd) {
return null;
//double xStart = xEnd - allTextBounds.getWidth();
if (x2 < xStart) {
double xStart = xEnd - (allTextBounds.getWidth() * ratio);
if (x < xStart) {
return null;
for (LegendData ld : le.legendParts) {
String text = ld.label;
Rectangle2D textBounds = target.getStringBounds(le.font,
xEnd = xStart + textBounds.getWidth();
xEnd = xStart + (textBounds.getWidth() * ratio);
if (x <= xEnd) {
return ld.resource;
@ -296,11 +296,11 @@ public abstract class AbstractLegendResource<T extends AbstractResourceData>
IExtent extent = descriptor.getRenderableDisplay().getView()
double yStart = extent.getMaxY() + TOP_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS;
double yStart = extent.getMaxY() - (BOTTOM_OFFSET_IN_PIXELS * ratio);
//if (y > yStart) {
// return new ResourcePair[0];
if (y > yStart) {
return new ResourcePair[0];
for (LegendEntry le : legendData) {
String allText = "";
@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ public abstract class AbstractLegendResource<T extends AbstractResourceData>
Rectangle2D allTextBounds = target
.getStringBounds(le.font, allText);
double yEnd = allTextBounds.getHeight();
if (y >= yStart && y < yEnd) {
double yEnd = yStart - (allTextBounds.getHeight() * ratio);
if (y <= yStart && y > yEnd) {
// Found the entry
for (LegendData ld : le.legendParts) {

View file

@ -284,8 +284,8 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
<displays xsi:type="d2DMapRenderableDisplay" density="1.0" magnification="1.0" xmlns:xsi="">
<descriptor xsi:type="mapDescriptor">
<loadProperties loadWithoutData="true">
<capability xsi:type="colorMapCapability">
<colorMapParameters colorMapName="${colormap}"/>
<capability xsi:type="imagingCapability" interpolationState="false" brightness="1.0" contrast="1.0" alpha="1.0"/>
<perspectiveProperty xsi:type="d2dLoadProperties" overlayMatchTolerance="1"/>
<properties isSystemResource="false" isBlinking="false" isMapLayer="false" isHoverOn="false" isVisible="true">
<resourceData xsi:type="satResourceData" isUpdatingOnMetadataOnly="false" isRequeryNecessaryOnTimeMatch="true">
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="satellite" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<mapping key="physicalElement">
<constraint constraintValue="${element}" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<mapping key="sectorID">
<constraint constraintValue="CONUS" constraintType="EQUALS"/>
<mapping key="creatingEntity">
<constraint constraintValue="NEXRCOMP" constraintType="LIKE"/>
<timeMatcher xsi:type="d2DTimeMatcher" deltaFilter="0" forecastFilter="0"/>

View file

@ -12,21 +12,65 @@
<contribute xsi:type="subinclude" fileName="menus/radar/airportRadars.xml" />
<contribute xsi:type="titleItem" titleText="------ Mosaic ------"
<contribute xsi:type="titleItem" titleText="------ Composites ------"
id="RadarMosaic" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<!-- Unidata Composite -->
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="DHR - Digital Hybrid Reflectivity" id="DHR">
<substitute key="element" value="DHR"/>
<substitute key="sectorID" value="CONUS"/>
<substitute key="creatingEntity" value="NEXRCOMP"/>
<substitute key="colormap" value="Radar/Hi-Res Ref (SGF)"/>
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="DVL - Digital VIL" id="DVL">
<substitute key="element" value="DVL"/>
<substitute key="colormap" value="Radar/Digital VIL"/>
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="EET - Enhanced Echo Tops" id="EET">
<substitute key="element" value="EET"/>
<substitute key="colormap" value="Radar/Enhanced Echo Tops"/>
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="HHC - Hybrid Hydrometeor Classification" id="HHC">
<substitute key="element" value="HHC"/>
<substitute key="colormap" value="Radar/HHC NEXRCOMP"/>
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="N0R - Base Reflectivity" id="N0R">
<substitute key="element" value="N0R"/>
<substitute key="colormap" value="Radar/OSF/8 Level Reflectivity"/>
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="N1P - One Hour Precipiation" id="N1P">
<substitute key="element" value="N1P"/>
<substitute key="colormap" value="Radar/Storm Total Precip"/>
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="NTP - Storm Total Precipiation" id="NTP">
<substitute key="element" value="NTP"/>
<substitute key="colormap" value="Radar/Storm Total Precip"/>
<!-- Unisys Mosaic
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="0.5 Reflectivity" id="Radar05Reflectivity">
<substitute key="product" value="94,19,20" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.5" />
<substitute key="name" value="0.5 Reflectivity" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="Hybrid Scan Refl" id="RadarHybridScanRefl">
<substitute key="product" value="33" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
<substitute key="name" value="Hybrid Scan Refl" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="Composite Refl" id="RadarCompositeRefl">
<substitute key="product" value="37" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
@ -36,78 +80,79 @@
file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaicVILCompRefl.xml" menuText="VIL/Comp Ref"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="Vert integrated Liquid" id="RadarVertIntegratedLiquid">
<substitute key="product" value="57" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
<substitute key="name" value="Vert integrated Liquid" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="Storm Total Precip" id="RadarStormTotalPrecip">
<substitute key="product" value="80" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
<substitute key="name" value="Storm Total Precip" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="One Hour Precip" id="RadarOneHourPrecip">
<substitute key="product" value="78" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
<substitute key="name" value="One Hour Precip" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="Three Hour Precip" id="RadarThreeHourPrecip">
<substitute key="product" value="79" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
<substitute key="name" value="Three Hour Precip" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="User Selectable Precip" id="RadarUserSelectablePrecip">
<substitute key="product" value="31" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
<substitute key="name" value="User Selectable Precip" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="Layer 1 Max Refl" id="RadarLayer1MaxRefl">
<substitute key="product" value="65" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
<substitute key="name" value="Layer 1 Max Refl" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="Layer 2 Max Refl" id="RadarLayer2MaxRefl">
<substitute key="product" value="66" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
<substitute key="name" value="Layer 2 Max Refl" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="Layer 3 Max Refl" id="RadarLayer3MaxRefl">
<substitute key="product" value="67" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
<substitute key="name" value="Layer 3 Max Refl" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="Echo Tops" id="RadarEchoTops">
<substitute key="product" value="41" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
<substitute key="name" value="Echo Tops" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="Hybrid Hydro Class" id="RadarHybridHydroClass">
<substitute key="product" value="177" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
<substitute key="name" value="Hybrid Hydro Class" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="Dual Pol Storm Total" id="RadarDualPolStormTotal">
<substitute key="product" value="172" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
<substitute key="name" value="Dual Pol Storm Total" />
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarMosaic.xml"
<contribute xsi:type="bundleItem" file="bundles/DefaultRadarComposite.xml"
menuText="Dual Pol 1hr Accum" id="RadarDualPol1hrAccum">
<substitute key="product" value="170" />
<substitute key="elevation" value="0.0" />
<substitute key="name" value="Dual Pol 1hr Accum" />
<contribute xsi:type="separator" id="belowRadarMosaics" />
<contribute xsi:type="subMenu" menuText="Dial Radars"

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
<menuTemplate xmlns:xsi="">
<contribute xsi:type="separator" id="beforeNHemisphere" />
<contribute xsi:type="titleItem"
@ -62,4 +63,5 @@
<substitute key="element" value="satDivWVIR"/>
<substitute key="colormap" value="Sat/IR/IR WV"/>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
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<color r = "0.81568627451" g = "0.81568627451" b = "0.376470588235" a = "1.0" />
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<color r = "0.81568627451" g = "0.81568627451" b = "0.376470588235" a = "1.0" />
<color r = "0.81568627451" g = "0.81568627451" b = "0.376470588235" a = "1.0" />
<color r = "0.81568627451" g = "0.81568627451" b = "0.376470588235" a = "1.0" />
<color r = "0.81568627451" g = "0.81568627451" b = "0.376470588235" a = "1.0" />
<color r = "0.81568627451" g = "0.81568627451" b = "0.376470588235" a = "1.0" />
<color r = "0.823529411765" g = "0.517647058824" b = "0.517647058824" a = "1.0" />
<color r = "0.823529411765" g = "0.517647058824" b = "0.517647058824" a = "1.0" />
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View file

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