Issue #1558 Fixed RotatePanelsHandler so it functions correctly when rotating from 4-1 panel
Change-Id: I39f6d119360b6c43b2ba4667321e4119d312f721 Former-commit-id:143180a32b
] [formerlyd0c9157e2a
] [formerlyd0c9157e2a
]] [formerly95d3706969
] [formerly95d3706969
[formerly b5f53d6b332c8f4b24462d0d42ff1d07cb31830b]]]] Former-commit-id:95d3706969
Former-commit-id: 5c047c6c09633c05353f469718b7b0d4d5372072 [formerly a95b0e6ddb561754bc961f3806861099650f8fc0] [formerlya1d92fa99f
]] Former-commit-id:a1d92fa99f
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 203 additions and 181 deletions
@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ public class RotatePanelLayoutMenuAction extends AbstractRightClickAction {
public void run() {
public void run() {
RotatePanelsHandler handler = new RotatePanelsHandler();
RotatePanelsHandler.rotateToNextPane((IMultiPaneEditor) getContainer(),
if (!(container instanceof IMultiPaneEditor)) {
IMultiPaneEditor editor = (IMultiPaneEditor) container;
editor.setSelectedPane(IMultiPaneEditor.IMAGE_ACTION, null);
handler.rotate(getContainer(), paneWithFocus, 1);
public boolean isHidden() {
return container instanceof IMultiPaneEditor == false;
@ -27,216 +27,238 @@ import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.IDisplayPane;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.IDisplayPane;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.IDisplayPaneContainer;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.IDisplayPaneContainer;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.drawables.ResourcePair;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.drawables.ResourcePair;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.exception.VizException;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.rsc.capabilities.BlendableCapability;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.rsc.capabilities.BlendableCapability;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.d2d.core.legend.D2DLegendResource;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.d2d.core.legend.D2DLegendResource;
import com.raytheon.viz.ui.EditorUtil;
import com.raytheon.viz.ui.EditorUtil;
import com.raytheon.viz.ui.HistoryList;
import com.raytheon.viz.ui.editor.IMultiPaneEditor;
import com.raytheon.viz.ui.editor.IMultiPaneEditor;
* Contains logic for rotating panels
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Jan 30, 2013 mschenke Initial creation
* </pre>
* @author mschenke
* @version 1.0
public class RotatePanelsHandler extends AbstractTool {
public class RotatePanelsHandler extends AbstractTool {
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent arg0) throws ExecutionException {
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
IDisplayPaneContainer container = EditorUtil.getActiveVizContainer();
IDisplayPaneContainer container = EditorUtil.getActiveVizContainer();
if (container == null) {
if (container == null || container instanceof IMultiPaneEditor == false) {
return null;
return null;
// direction is usually +1 or -1 to specify which direction to rotate
String dirStr = arg0.getParameter("direction");
// Get editor and panes
// start index is the index to start rotating from, for example if you
IMultiPaneEditor editor = (IMultiPaneEditor) container;
// want to display pane 3 then you set startIndex to 2 and direction to
IDisplayPane[] panes = getEditorPanes(editor);
// +1, this is done so that if pane 3 has no data it will rotate past
// pane 3 and the next available pane with data.
// Get direction to rotate
String startStr = arg0.getParameter("startIndex");
String dirStr = event.getParameter("direction");
// hideIndex can be set to 0 or 1 to specify which half of a blended
int direction = Integer.parseInt(dirStr);
// images should be hidden.
String hideIndexStr = arg0.getParameter("hideIndex");
// Get pane to start rotation on
boolean toggle = false;
IDisplayPane startPane = null;
int dir = Integer.parseInt(dirStr);
String startStr = event.getParameter("startIndex");
if (startStr == null) {
if (startStr != null) {
// If there is no startIndex rotate from the currently displayed
int startIdx = Integer.parseInt(startStr);
// pane
if (editor.displayedPaneCount() > 1) {
if (container instanceof IMultiPaneEditor) {
// more than one pane so we want to start on resulting pane
// If it is going from multiple panes to a single pain, toggle
startPane = panes[getNextIndex(panes, startIdx, direction)];
// the blended image
} else {
toggle = ((IMultiPaneEditor) container).displayedPaneCount() > 1;
// Get pane specified by startIdx
startPane = panes[getNextIndex(panes, startIdx, 0)];
if (rotateCurrent(container, dir)) {
// if it wraps around when we rotate, toggle the blended image.
toggle = true;
} else {
} else {
int start = Integer.parseInt(startStr);
// No startStr, get first visible pane
rotate(container, start, dir);
for (IDisplayPane pane : panes) {
if (pane.isVisible()) {
startPane = pane;
if (startPane != null) {
Integer hideIndex = null;
Integer hideIndex = null;
String hideIndexStr = event.getParameter("hideIndex");
if (hideIndexStr != null) {
if (hideIndexStr != null) {
hideIndex = Integer.parseInt(hideIndexStr);
hideIndex = Integer.parseInt(hideIndexStr);
if (toggle || hideIndex != null) {
for (IDisplayPane pane : container.getDisplayPanes()) {
rotateToNextPane(editor, startPane, direction, hideIndex);
return null;
* Rotates to next pane in container. If container has > 1 pane displayed,
* will rotate to pane passed in, otherwise to next in line
* @param container
* @param pane
public static void rotateToNextPane(IMultiPaneEditor editor,
IDisplayPane pane) {
rotateToNextPane(editor, pane, 1, 0);
* Rotates to the next panel given the direction
* @param editor
* @param pane
* @param direction
private static void rotateToNextPane(IMultiPaneEditor editor,
IDisplayPane pane, int direction, Integer hideIndex) {
boolean wrapped = false;
IDisplayPane paneToRotateTo = pane;
if (editor.displayedPaneCount() == 1) {
IDisplayPane[] panes = getEditorPanes(editor);
int paneIdx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < panes.length; ++i) {
if (panes[i] == pane) {
paneIdx = i;
if (paneIdx >= 0) {
int idxToCheck = paneIdx;
boolean done = false;
do {
int tmpIdx = idxToCheck + direction;
idxToCheck = getNextIndex(panes, idxToCheck, direction);
if (idxToCheck != tmpIdx) {
wrapped = true;
IDisplayPane next = panes[idxToCheck];
List<D2DLegendResource> rscs = next.getDescriptor()
for (D2DLegendResource rsc : rscs) {
if (rsc.hasProducts()) {
paneToRotateTo = next;
done = true;
} while (idxToCheck != paneIdx && !done);
rotateToPane(editor, paneToRotateTo, hideIndex, wrapped);
* Sets container so pane passed in is the only visible pane
* @param container
* @param pane
private static void rotateToPane(IMultiPaneEditor editor,
IDisplayPane pane, Integer hideIndex, boolean wrapped) {
IDisplayPane[] panes = getEditorPanes(editor);
boolean found = false;
for (IDisplayPane editorPane : panes) {
if (editorPane == pane) {
found = true;
if (found) {
for (IDisplayPane editorPane : panes) {
if (editorPane != pane) {
editor.setSelectedPane(IMultiPaneEditor.VISIBLE_PANE, pane);
editor.setSelectedPane(IMultiPaneEditor.IMAGE_ACTION, null);
if (hideIndex == null) {
// Search pane for current resource index
hideIndex = 0;
for (ResourcePair rp : pane.getDescriptor().getResourceList()) {
for (ResourcePair rp : pane.getDescriptor().getResourceList()) {
if (rp.getResource() != null
if (rp.getResource() != null
&& rp.getResource().hasCapability(
&& rp.getResource().hasCapability(
BlendableCapability.class)) {
BlendableCapability.class)) {
BlendableCapability cap = rp.getResource()
hideIndex = rp.getResource()
if (hideIndex != null) {
if (wrapped) {
// If we wrapped, switch index
if (hideIndex == 0) {
hideIndex = 1;
} else {
} else {
hideIndex = 0;
if (container instanceof IMultiPaneEditor) {
// Toggle displayed resource
((IMultiPaneEditor) container).setSelectedPane(
for (IDisplayPane p : panes) {
IMultiPaneEditor.IMAGE_ACTION, null);
for (ResourcePair rp : p.getDescriptor().getResourceList()) {
if (rp.getResource() != null
&& rp.getResource().hasCapability(
BlendableCapability.class)) {
return null;
* rotate starting from the activeDisplayPane in direction
* @param direction
* should be either 1, or -1
* @return true if the data wrapped to the other side of the pane array.
public boolean rotateCurrent(IDisplayPaneContainer container, int direction) {
if (container instanceof IMultiPaneEditor) {
IMultiPaneEditor mEditor = (IMultiPaneEditor) container;
int index = getIndex(container, mEditor.getActiveDisplayPane());
return rotate(container, index, direction);
return false;
public void rotate(IDisplayPaneContainer container, IDisplayPane pane,
int direction) {
if (container instanceof IMultiPaneEditor) {
rotate(container, getIndex(container, pane), direction);
* rotate starting from a specific index in direction
* Gets the editor panes. Will reorder panes to special A1 ordering of
* UL,UR,LR,LL if number of panes is 4
* @param index
* @param editor
* the index to start rotating from
* @return
* @param direction
* should be either 1, or -1
* @return true if the data wrapped to the other side of the pane array.
private boolean rotate(IDisplayPaneContainer container, int index,
private static IDisplayPane[] getEditorPanes(IMultiPaneEditor editor) {
int direction) {
IDisplayPane[] panes = editor.getDisplayPanes();
boolean wrapped = false;
IMultiPaneEditor mEditor = (IMultiPaneEditor) container;
IDisplayPane[] panes = mEditor.getDisplayPanes();
if (panes.length == 4) {
if (panes.length == 4) {
// Pretend the panels are in the order 0, 1, 3, 2 because
IDisplayPane[] tmp = new IDisplayPane[panes.length];
// AWIPS I rotates the panes in a weird order = ul, ur, lr, ll
tmp[0] = panes[0];
IDisplayPane[] reorderedPanes = new IDisplayPane[4];
tmp[1] = panes[1];
reorderedPanes[0] = panes[0];
tmp[2] = panes[3];
reorderedPanes[1] = panes[1];
tmp[3] = panes[2];
reorderedPanes[2] = panes[3];
panes = tmp;
reorderedPanes[3] = panes[2];
panes = reorderedPanes;
return panes;
IDisplayPane paneToShow = null;
* Gets the next index in line for rotation given panes, curIdx, and
if (panes != null && index < panes.length && panes.length != 1) {
* direction
boolean from4To1 = mEditor.displayedPaneCount() > 1;
boolean hasProducts = false;
* @param panes
if (panes[index] != null) {
* @param curIdx
List<D2DLegendResource> rscs = panes[index].getDescriptor()
* @param direction
* @return
for (D2DLegendResource rsc : rscs) {
private static int getNextIndex(IDisplayPane[] panes, int curIdx,
hasProducts = rsc.hasProducts();
int direction) {
if (hasProducts) {
int idxToCheck = curIdx + direction;
if (idxToCheck < 0) {
idxToCheck = panes.length - 1;
} else if (idxToCheck >= panes.length) {
idxToCheck = 0;
if (from4To1 && hasProducts) {
return idxToCheck;
paneToShow = panes[index];
} else {
IDisplayPane displayedPane = null;
boolean done = false;
for (int i = index + direction; !done; i = i + direction) {
if (i < 0) {
i += panes.length;
wrapped = true;
} else if (i >= panes.length) {
wrapped = true;
i -= panes.length;
IDisplayPane pane = panes[i];
if (i == index) {
done = true;
if (pane != panes[index] && pane != null) {
List<D2DLegendResource> rscs = pane
for (D2DLegendResource rsc : rscs) {
if (rsc.hasProducts()) {
displayedPane = pane;
done = true;
paneToShow = displayedPane != null ? displayedPane
: panes[index];
for (IDisplayPane displayPane : panes) {
if (displayPane != paneToShow) {
mEditor.setSelectedPane(IMultiPaneEditor.VISIBLE_PANE, paneToShow);
try {
} catch (VizException e) {
return wrapped;
private int getIndex(IDisplayPaneContainer container, IDisplayPane pane) {
IMultiPaneEditor mEditor = (IMultiPaneEditor) container;
IDisplayPane[] panes = mEditor.getDisplayPanes();
int currentIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < panes.length; i++) {
if (panes[i] == pane) {
currentIndex = i;
// Pretend the panels are in the order 0, 1, 3, 2 because
// AWIPS I rotates the panes in a wierd order = ul, ur, lr, ll
if (panes.length == 4 && currentIndex == 3) {
currentIndex = 2;
} else if (panes.length == 4 && currentIndex == 2) {
currentIndex = 3;
return currentIndex;
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