better organization of goesr product menus

This commit is contained in:
Michael James 2017-05-04 13:46:23 -06:00 committed by mjames-upc
parent a9628055b2
commit 5c47ae44c1
5 changed files with 525 additions and 4 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- TOWRdocs Header
GOES-R Derived Motion Winds (DMW) bundle (query by "channel" DB column)
<!-- TOWRdocs Description
File defines contains the custom query mappings and contraints used to query the Postgres database to return
corresponding DMW records.
The queries are created in with each "mapping" entity:
key - The corresponding database column/entry to query against
contstraintValue - The constraint values to place on the query
constraintType - The Postgres constraint to place on the query (i.e. >, <, =, etc.)
Note: Here we can see where previously-defined "substitute" entities come into play. A key-value substitution is taking
place anywhere we see an "&#36;{key}" entry. While these substitutions may be useful, they are not necessary, as can
be seen with the "windSpd" mappings.
<!-- TOWRdocs Status
New file not in the baseline. It was modeled after the baseline 16.2.2 file /bundles/satellite/goesr/DerivedMotionWinds.xml, with slight modifications made to the queries and query constraints.
<!-- TOWRdocs POC
Matt Comerford
<displays xsi:type="d2DMapRenderableDisplay"
<descriptor xsi:type="mapDescriptor">
<capability xsi:type="colorableCapability" colorAsString="#00ff00" />
<resourceData xsi:type="windPlotResourceData" legend="${legend} s &lt; 30 kts"
windFile="dmw_wind.xml" baseDensity="2.0">
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="${plugin}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="channel">
<constraint constraintValue="${channel}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="orbitalSlot">
<constraint constraintValue="${orbitalSlot}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="scene">
<constraint constraintValue="${scene}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="windSpd">
<!-- 0.0 to 30.0 converted from knots to m/s -->
<constraint constraintValue="0.0--15.43" constraintType="BETWEEN" />
<capability xsi:type="colorableCapability" colorAsString="#ffff00" />
<resourceData xsi:type="windPlotResourceData" legend="${legend} 30 &lt;= s &lt; 50 kts"
windFile="dmw_wind.xml" baseDensity="2.0">
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="${plugin}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="channel">
<constraint constraintValue="${channel}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="orbitalSlot">
<constraint constraintValue="${orbitalSlot}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="scene">
<constraint constraintValue="${scene}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="windSpd">
<!-- 30.0 to 50.0 converted from knots to m/s -->
<constraint constraintValue="15.43--25.72" constraintType="BETWEEN" />
<capability xsi:type="colorableCapability" colorAsString="#ff0000" />
<resourceData xsi:type="windPlotResourceData" legend="${legend} s &gt; 50 kts"
windFile="dmw_wind.xml" baseDensity="2.0">
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="${plugin}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="channel">
<constraint constraintValue="${channel}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="orbitalSlot">
<constraint constraintValue="${orbitalSlot}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="scene">
<constraint constraintValue="${scene}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="windSpd">
<!-- 50.0 to 999.0 converted from knots to m/s -->
<constraint constraintValue="25.72--513.93" constraintType="BETWEEN" />

View file

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- TOWRdocs Header
GOES-R Derived Motion Winds (DMW) bundle (query by "filter" DB column)
<!-- TOWRdocs Description
File defines contains the custom query mappings and contraints used to query the Postgres database to return
corresponding DMW records.
The queries are created in with each "mapping" entity:
key - The corresponding database column/entry to query against
contstraintValue - The constraint values to place on the query
constraint - The Postgres constraint to place on the query (i.e. >, <, =, etc.)
Note: Here we can see where previously-defined "substitute" entities come into play. A key-value substitution is taking
place anywhere we see an "&#36;{key}" entry. While these substitutions may be useful, they are not necessary, as can
be seen with the "windSpd" mappings.
<!-- TOWRdocs Status
New file not in the baseline. It was modeled after the baseline 16.2.2 file /bundles/satellite/goesr/DerivedMotionWinds.xml, with slight modifications made to the queries and query constraints.
<!-- TOWRdocs POC
Matt Comerford
<displays xsi:type="d2DMapRenderableDisplay"
<descriptor xsi:type="mapDescriptor">
<capability xsi:type="colorableCapability" colorAsString="#00ff00" />
<resourceData xsi:type="windPlotResourceData" legend="${legend} wspd &lt; 30 kts"
windFile="dmw_wind.xml" baseDensity="2.0">
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="${plugin}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="orbitalSlot">
<constraint constraintValue="${orbitalSlot}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="scene">
<constraint constraintValue="${scene}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="windSpd">
<!-- 0.0 to 30.0 converted from knots to m/s -->
<constraint constraintValue="0.0--15.43" constraintType="BETWEEN" />
<mapping key="filter">
<constraint constraintValue="${pressure}" constraintType="${pressureConstraint}" />
<capability xsi:type="colorableCapability" colorAsString="#ffff00" />
<resourceData xsi:type="windPlotResourceData" legend="${legend} 30 &lt;= wspd &lt; 50 kts"
windFile="dmw_wind.xml" baseDensity="2.0">
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="${plugin}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="orbitalSlot">
<constraint constraintValue="${orbitalSlot}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="scene">
<constraint constraintValue="${scene}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="windSpd">
<!-- 30.0 to 50.0 converted from knots to m/s -->
<constraint constraintValue="15.43--25.72" constraintType="BETWEEN" />
<mapping key="filter">
<constraint constraintValue="${pressure}" constraintType="${pressureConstraint}" />
<capability xsi:type="colorableCapability" colorAsString="#ff0000" />
<resourceData xsi:type="windPlotResourceData" legend="${legend} wspd &gt;= 50 kts"
windFile="dmw_wind.xml" baseDensity="2.0">
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="${plugin}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="orbitalSlot">
<constraint constraintValue="${orbitalSlot}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="scene">
<constraint constraintValue="${scene}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="windSpd">
<!-- 50.0 to 999.0 converted from knots to m/s -->
<constraint constraintValue="25.72--513.93" constraintType="BETWEEN" />
<mapping key="filter">
<constraint constraintValue="${pressure}" constraintType="${pressureConstraint}" />

View file

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- TOWRdocs Header
Himawari Derived Motion Winds (DMW) bundle (query by "channel" DB column).
<!-- TOWRdocs Description
File defines contains the custom query mappings and contraints used to query the Postgres database to return
corresponding DMW records.
The queries are created in with each "mapping" entity:
key - The corresponding database column/entry to query against
contstraintValue - The constraint values to place on the query
constraint - The Postgres constraint to place on the query (i.e. >, <, =, etc.)
Note: Here we can see where previously-defined "substitute" entities come into play. A key-value substitution is taking
place anywhere we see an "&#36;{<key>}" entry. While these substitutions may be useful, they are not necessary, as can be seen with the "windSpd" mappings.
<!-- TOWRdocs Status
Modeled after the AWIPS II 16.2.2 GOES-R DMW bundle item(s). This file is new and not currently in the baseline.
<!-- TOWRdocs POC
Matt Comerford
<displays xsi:type="d2DMapRenderableDisplay"
<descriptor xsi:type="mapDescriptor">
<!-- Low Speed Winds -->
<capability xsi:type="colorableCapability" colorAsString="#00ff00" />
<resourceData xsi:type="windPlotResourceData" legend="${legend} s &lt; 30 kts"
windFile="dmw_wind.xml" baseDensity="2.0">
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="${plugin}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="channel">
<constraint constraintValue="${channel}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="scene">
<constraint constraintValue="${scene}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="windSpd">
<!-- 0.0 to 30.0 converted from knots to m/s -->
<constraint constraintValue="0.0--15.43" constraintType="BETWEEN" />
<!-- Mid Speed Winds -->
<capability xsi:type="colorableCapability" colorAsString="#ffff00" />
<resourceData xsi:type="windPlotResourceData" legend="${legend} 30 &lt;= s &lt; 50 kts"
windFile="dmw_wind.xml" baseDensity="2.0">
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="${plugin}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="channel">
<constraint constraintValue="${channel}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="scene">
<constraint constraintValue="${scene}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="windSpd">
<!-- 30.0 to 50.0 converted from knots to m/s -->
<constraint constraintValue="15.43--25.72" constraintType="BETWEEN" />
<!-- High Speed Winds -->
<capability xsi:type="colorableCapability" colorAsString="#ff0000" />
<resourceData xsi:type="windPlotResourceData" legend="${legend} s >= 50 kts"
windFile="dmw_wind.xml" baseDensity="2.0">
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="${plugin}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="channel">
<constraint constraintValue="${channel}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="scene">
<constraint constraintValue="${scene}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="windSpd">
<!-- 50.0 to 999.0 converted from knots to m/s -->
<constraint constraintValue="25.72--513.93" constraintType="BETWEEN" />

View file

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- TOWRdocs Header
Himawari Derived Motion Winds (DMW) bundle (query by "filter" DB column).
<!-- TOWRdocs Description
File defines contains the custom query mappings and contraints used to query the Postgres database to return
corresponding DMW records.
The queries are created in with each "mapping" entity:
key - The corresponding database column/entry to query against
contstraintValue - The constraint values to place on the query
constraint - The Postgres constraint to place on the query (i.e. >, <, =, etc.)
Note: Here we can see where previously-defined "substitute" entities come into play. A key-value substitution is taking
place anywhere we see an "&#36;{<key>}" entry. While these substitutions may be useful, they are not necessary, as can be seen with the "windSpd" mappings.
<!-- TOWRdocs Status
Modeled after the AWIPS II 16.2.2 GOES-R DMW bundle item(s). This file is new and not currently in the baseline.
<!-- TOWRdocs POC
Matt Comerford
<displays xsi:type="d2DMapRenderableDisplay"
<descriptor xsi:type="mapDescriptor">
<!-- Low Speed Winds -->
<capability xsi:type="colorableCapability" colorAsString="#00ff00" />
<resourceData xsi:type="windPlotResourceData" legend="${legend} wspd &lt; 30 kts"
windFile="dmw_wind.xml" baseDensity="2.0">
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="${plugin}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="scene">
<constraint constraintValue="${scene}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="windSpd">
<!-- 0.0 to 30.0 converted from knots to m/s -->
<constraint constraintValue="0.0--15.43" constraintType="BETWEEN" />
<mapping key="filter">
<constraint constraintValue="${pressure}" constraintType="${pressureConstraint}" />
<!-- Medium Speed Winds -->
<capability xsi:type="colorableCapability" colorAsString="#ffff00" />
<resourceData xsi:type="windPlotResourceData" legend="${legend} 30 &lt;= wspd &lt; 50 kts"
windFile="dmw_wind.xml" baseDensity="2.0">
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="${plugin}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="scene">
<constraint constraintValue="${scene}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="windSpd">
<!-- 30.0 to 50.0 converted from knots to m/s -->
<constraint constraintValue="15.43--25.72" constraintType="BETWEEN" />
<mapping key="filter">
<constraint constraintValue="${pressure}" constraintType="${pressureConstraint}" />
<!-- High Speed Winds -->
<capability xsi:type="colorableCapability" colorAsString="#ff0000" />
<resourceData xsi:type="windPlotResourceData" legend="${legend} wspd &gt;= 50 kts"
windFile="dmw_wind.xml" baseDensity="2.0">
<mapping key="pluginName">
<constraint constraintValue="${plugin}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="scene">
<constraint constraintValue="${scene}" constraintType="EQUALS" />
<mapping key="windSpd">
<!-- 50.0 to 999.0 converted from knots to m/s -->
<constraint constraintValue="25.72--513.93" constraintType="BETWEEN" />
<mapping key="filter">
<constraint constraintValue="${pressure}" constraintType="${pressureConstraint}" />

View file

@ -21,10 +21,9 @@
<menuTemplate xmlns:xsi="">
<contribute xsi:type="subMenu" menuText="GOES-16 Provisional Products" id="goesr">
<contribute xsi:type="titleItem" titleText="------ CONUS ------" id="goesrBestRes"/>
<contribute xsi:type="subinclude" fileName="menus/satellite/goesr/goesrBestResConusByChannel.xml">
<contribute xsi:type="titleItem" titleText="------ Full Disk ------" id="goesrBestRes"/>
<contribute xsi:type="subinclude" fileName="menus/satellite/goesr/goesrFullDiskByChannel.xml">
<contribute xsi:type="subinclude" fileName="menus/satellite/goesr/goesrBestResConusByChannel.xml"/>
<contribute xsi:type="subMenu" menuText="Full Disk Imagery" id="goesrFullDisk">
<contribute xsi:type="subinclude" fileName="menus/satellite/goesr/goesrFullDiskByChannel.xml"/>
<contribute xsi:type="titleItem" titleText="------ RGB Composites ------" id="goesrRGBComposites"/>