Issue #1297. Changed non-blocking ZoneTableDlg. Next patch.
Changes from reviewers comments. Change-Id: Ie812ef1167fa6b1ea78ee615190bd3059285a682 Former-commit-id:4560efe149
[formerly 8f002a71cb688fe8fbf7378ef53398dfecb0354e] Former-commit-id:d220f74018
This commit is contained in:
28 changed files with 3527 additions and 3311 deletions
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.ui,
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
Import-Package: com.raytheon.uf.common.colormap
Export-Package: com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog.threshold,
Export-Package: com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog,
@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.FogRecord;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.FogRecord.FOG_THREAT;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.analysis.FogCell;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.analysis.FogDataCorrector;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.analysis.FogMonitorUtils;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.geospatial.ReferencedCoordinate;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.geospatial.ReferencedObject.Type;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.IUFStatusHandler;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.UFStatus;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.UFStatus.Priority;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog.xml.FogMonitorAlgorithmXML;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.algorithm.locate.SimplePointInAreaLocator;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
* Common calculations of Fog threats for Fog and SAFESEAS monitors.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Nov 13, 2012 skorolev Initial creation
* </pre>
* @author skorolev
* @version 1.0
public abstract class FogCommonThreat {
private final IUFStatusHandler statusHandler = UFStatus
// /** list of coordinates for each zone **/
// private Map<String, ArrayList<Coordinate>> zoneCoordinates = null;
/** GeometryFactory **/
protected final GeometryFactory geoFactory = new GeometryFactory();
/** Fog record **/
private FogRecord fog = null;
/** Fog algorithm XML **/
protected FogMonitorAlgorithmXML fogAlgXML = null;
/** Geometry of adjacent areas **/
protected Geometry geoAdjAreas = null;
/** Fog threats as the colors **/
private FOG_THREAT[] threats = null;
/** Fog cells from satellites **/
private ArrayList<FogCell> cells = null;
/** IR thresholds **/
private float[] ir_diff_thresholds = null;
/** VIS thresholds **/
private float[] vis_thresholds = null;
/** Twilight angle offset **/
protected int twilight_angle_offset = 0;
/** boolean isSnowIce switch **/
protected boolean isSnowIce = true;
/** boolean isFractalDimension switch **/
protected boolean isFractalDimension = true;
/** boolean isSmoothness switch **/
protected boolean isSmoothness = true;
/** boolean isAdjacency switch **/
protected boolean isAdjacency = true;
/** Geometry of zones **/
protected Map<String, Geometry> zoneGeos = null;
* This method will be called with the switches from the GUI front end
* Fog Product [T(10.7) - (T(3.9)] or VIS (normalized count) Maximum cloud
* temperature Daytime Ice/Snow vs Fog Threshold (c) (FogSnowIceFilter) Cool
* Fog vs Warm Surface threshold Daytime Smoothness Algorithm
* (FogSmoothnessFilter) Adjacency Threshold Twilight Angle Threshold
* Fractal Dimension Threshold (FogFractalFilter)
* Adds fog threat into Fog record.
* @param fog
* record
* @return fog record
public FogRecord getFogThreat(FogRecord fog) {
this.fog = fog;
if (statusHandler.isPriorityEnabled(Priority.DEBUG)) {
"Start analyzing Fog Threat...");
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// this.geoAdjAreas = getMonitor().getGeoAdjAreas();
// clear threats array, make gray (SK)i=>x j=>y
for (int i = 0; i < fog.getNx(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < fog.getNy(); j++) {
getThreats()[fog.getNx() * j + i] = FOG_THREAT.GRAY;
// First execute the data corrector, this divides up the FogRecord field
// into Day, Night, and Twilight.
FogDataCorrector fdc = new FogDataCorrector(getFog(),
fog = fdc.execute();
// Second, core processor. Gets you the cells, sets non-filtered values.
// Third, apply filters
for (FogCell cell : getCells()) {
// *********** APPLY FILTERS *******************
// Area Size filter
if (fogAlgXML.isAdjacencyThreshOn()
&& cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GREEN
&& cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GRAY) {
if (cell.getArea() < fogAlgXML.getAdjacencyThresh()) {
setCellThreats(cell.getPoints(), FOG_THREAT.GREEN);
// Snow & Ice filter
if (fogAlgXML.isIceSnowVsFogOn()
&& cell.getImageGroup() == FogRecord.IMAGE_GROUP.VIS_GROUP
&& (cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GREEN || cell
.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GRAY)) {
float tempMean = calAverageTemp(cell);
if (tempMean < fogAlgXML.getIceSnowVsFog()) {
// Smoothness filter
if (fogAlgXML.isDaytimeSmoothThreshOn()
&& cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GREEN
|| cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GRAY) {
float tem_smoothness = calSmoothness(cell);
if (tem_smoothness < fogAlgXML.getDaytimeSmoothThresh()) {
// Fractal filter
if (fogAlgXML.isFractalDimensionOn()
&& cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GREEN
&& cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GRAY) {
float temFD = calRegularity(cell);
if (temFD > fogAlgXML.getFractalDimension() && temFD > 0.0f) {
setCellThreats(cell.getPoints(), FOG_THREAT.GREEN);
// We extract the zone threat differently than the GI filter
// Hence it is not needed.
if (statusHandler.isPriorityEnabled(Priority.DEBUG)) {
"Analyzed Fog Threat...Duration: "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
return fog;
* Gets the zone threats (ALG) with worst case for zone area
* @return Map<String, FOG_THREAT> zoneThreats
protected abstract void setMonitorAreaThreats();
* Quick static method to get the float to threat mapping Convert threat
* color to float value
* @param threat
* color
* @return float value
public static float getThreatValue(FOG_THREAT threat) {
float value = 0;
if (threat == FOG_THREAT.BLACK) {
value = 0.0f;
} else if (threat == FOG_THREAT.GRAY) {
value = 15.0f;
} else if (threat == FOG_THREAT.GREEN) {
value = 60.0f;
} else if (threat == FOG_THREAT.YELLOW) {
value = 110.0f;
} else if (threat == FOG_THREAT.RED) {
value = 220.0f;
return value;
* Gets the existing threat value at that point
* @param i
* => y
* @param j
* => x
* @return threat at point
public FOG_THREAT getThreat(int i, int j) {
return getThreats()[fog.getNx() * j + i];
* Gets the drawable float array of threats
private void setThreats() {
float[] floats = new float[getThreats().length];
int i = 0;
for (FOG_THREAT threat : getThreats()) {
floats[i] = getThreatValue(threat);
// *********************** FILTERS **************************** //
* NAME: CalRegularity().
* TYPE: Private Member function.
* Description: Given a cell, calculate its regularity i.e. the fractal
* dimension Input Arguments: cell: The Fog_Cell whose fractal dimension is
* to be measured Output Arguments: Return float: fractal dimension. the
* value is between 1 to 2 smaller means more regular. Here use the
* perimeter and area relation to represent fractal dimension (one of the
* simply ways) History: May 2004 Qin Zeng (GDMB/MDL) -- created Dec 2009 D
* Hladky translated to Java
* @param cell
* @return fractalDimension
private float calRegularity(FogCell cell) {
int nx = cell.right - cell.left + 1;
int ny = cell.bottom - + 1;
int i;
boolean[] flag = new boolean[nx * ny];
for (i = 0; i < nx * ny; i++) {
flag[i] = false;
int pixels_num = (int) cell.getArea();
int flagPos;
for (i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate coor = cell.getPixelCoordinate(i);
flagPos = (int) ((coor.y - * nx + coor.x - cell.left);
if (flagPos >= 0 && flagPos < nx * ny) {
flag[flagPos] = true;
// From here, perimeter of the fog cell will be calculated;
// |...| 1 |...|
// | 4 | 0 | 2 |
// |...| 3 |...|
// If the any of the 0's surrounding pixels(1,2,3,4) is flagged as
// false,
// which means that surrounding pixel(1,2,3,or 4) is not included in
// the cell, pixel 0 then will be at the edge of the cell cluster.
// And the edge connecting to the outside pixel will be counted into the
// perimeter of the cell cluster.
int pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4;
float perimeter = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate coor = cell.getPixelCoordinate(i);
pos1 = (int) ((i - - 1) * nx + coor.y - cell.left);
if (pos1 >= 0 && pos1 < nx * ny && !flag[pos1]
|| i - coor.x < {
pos2 = (int) ((coor.y - * nx + coor.x + 1 - cell.left);
if (pos2 >= 0 && pos2 < nx * ny && !flag[pos2]
|| coor.x + 1 > cell.right) {
pos3 = (int) ((coor.y - + 1) * nx + coor.x - cell.left);
if (pos3 >= 0 && pos3 < nx * ny && !flag[pos3]
|| coor.y + 1 > cell.bottom) {
pos4 = (int) ((coor.y - * nx + coor.x - 1 - cell.left);
if (pos4 >= 0 && pos4 < nx * ny && !flag[pos4]
|| coor.x - 1 < cell.left) {
float fractalDimension = 1.0f;
if (cell.getArea() != 1) {
fractalDimension = (float) (2 * Math.log(perimeter / 4.0) / Math
// Note : fractalDimension is a data between 1 and 2 and the larger
// fractalDimension is , the more irregular the shape of the cell will
// be.
return fractalDimension;
* NAME: CalSmoothness().
* TYPE: Private Member function.
* Description: Given a cell, calculate the its smoothness Input Arguments:
* cell: The Fog_Cell whose smoothness is to be measured Output Arguments:
* return float: smoothness defined above History: May 2004 Qin Zeng
* (GDMB/MDL) -- created Dec 2009 D Hladky ported to AWIPS II
* @param cell
* @return smoothness
private float calSmoothness(FogCell cell) {
float mean = 0; // mean grayscale value of pixels in the cell from VIS.
float stdDev = 0; // standard deviation
int pixels_num = (int) cell.getArea();
if (pixels_num == 0) {
return 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate pixr = cell.getPixelRelativeCoordinate(i);
mean += getFog().getVisArray()[(int) (getFog().getNx() * pixr.y + pixr.x)];
mean /= pixels_num;
float tem_float;
for (i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate pixr = cell.getPixelRelativeCoordinate(i);
tem_float = getFog().getVisArray()[(int) (getFog().getNx() * pixr.y + pixr.x)];
stdDev += (tem_float - mean) * (tem_float - mean);
stdDev /= pixels_num;
stdDev = (float) Math.sqrt(stdDev);
// mean should not be zero, so no need to check mean here.
return (1 - stdDev / mean) * 100; // use percent as unit
* NAME: Cal().
* TYPE: Private Member function.
* Description: Calculate the average temperature for a Fog_Cell in channel
* 3.9 um History: May 2004 Qin Zeng (GDMB/MDL) -- created
* @param cell
* @return average temperature
private float calAverageTemp(FogCell cell) {
float mean = 0; // mean temperature value of pixels in the cell.
int pixels_num = (int) cell.getArea();
if (pixels_num == 0) {
return -999.9f;
for (int i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate pixc = cell.getPixelRelativeCoordinate(i);
mean += temp_at_vis_pixel(new Point((int) pixc.x, (int) pixc.y),
mean /= pixels_num;
return mean;
* Get the temp at the pixel
* @param pointVis
* @param channel
* @return
private float temp_at_vis_pixel(Point pointVis, FogRecord.CHANNEL channel) {
// The assumption is that Dimensions of IR4 and IR2 are the same.
// IR4 data will be always needed, so attributes for IR4 shall be
// always available.
// **** ATTENTION ***** We have made the vis the same as well for AWIPS
// II
int count_value = 255;
if (channel == FogRecord.CHANNEL.IR3_9) {
count_value = fog.getIR_3_9Array()[fog.getNx() * pointVis.y
+ pointVis.x];
} else if (channel == FogRecord.CHANNEL.IR10_7) {
count_value = fog.getIR_10_7Array()[fog.getNx() * pointVis.y
+ pointVis.x];
return FogMonitorUtils.count2temp(count_value, channel);
* NAME: Execute().
* TYPE: Private Member function.
* Description: Based on the thresholds of the VIS image data and the IR
* image data, a number of patches of the contiguous suspected fog areas
* will be extracted from the satellite image data. This is an
* implementation of the feature extraction algorithm based on the
* contiguous gray scale values.
* Arguments: None History: March 2004 Qin Zeng (GDMB/MDL) -- created Dec
* 2009 D Hladky ported to Java for AWIPS II
* Calculates cells parameters
private void executeCoreProcessor() {
cells = new ArrayList<FogCell>();
ArrayList<Point> parent = new ArrayList<Point>();
ArrayList<Point> child = new ArrayList<Point>();
ArrayList<Point> single_segment = new ArrayList<Point>();
int x_dim = getFog().getNx();
int y_dim = getFog().getNy();
int i; // (SK) x
int j; // (SK) y
// To flag whether a pixel has been visited or not
boolean[][] visited = new boolean[x_dim][y_dim];
Point[] surroundPts = new Point[8]; // 8 surrounding points of one
// specific point
for (int z = 0; z < surroundPts.length; z++) {
surroundPts[z] = new Point();
Point tempoint = new Point();
for (i = 0; i < x_dim; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < y_dim; j++) {
visited[i][j] = false;
for (j = 0; j < y_dim; j++) {
Point firstone = new Point();
FogRecord.IMAGE_GROUP imggroup;
for (i = 0; i < x_dim; i++) {
if (visited[i][j]) {
Coordinate cellCoor = this.getCellCoor(i, j);
visited[i][j] = true;
imggroup = getFog().findGroup(i, j);
threat_level = getThreatLevel(i, j, imggroup);
// Sets the initial threat level
setThreat(i, j, threat_level);
firstone.x = i;
firstone.y = j;
tempoint.y = j;
tempoint.x = i;
while (parent.size() != 0) {
// the variables(surroundPts[1],surroundPts[2]...) below
// mean surrounding 1,2
// | 0 | 1 | 2 |
// | 7 | i | 3 |
// | 6 | 5 | 4 |
// iteratively search the 8-connected surrounding pixels
for (int k = 0; k < parent.size(); k++) {
// y's too small, too big
if (parent.get(k).y == 0) {
surroundPts[0].y = parent.get(k).y;
surroundPts[1].y = parent.get(k).y;
surroundPts[2].y = parent.get(k).y;
if (parent.get(k).y == y_dim - 1) {
surroundPts[4].y = parent.get(k).y;
surroundPts[5].y = parent.get(k).y;
surroundPts[6].y = parent.get(k).y;
// x's too small, too big
if (parent.get(k).x == 0) {
surroundPts[0].x = parent.get(k).x;
surroundPts[6].x = parent.get(k).x;
surroundPts[7].x = parent.get(k).x;
if (parent.get(k).x == x_dim - 1) {
surroundPts[2].x = parent.get(k).x;
surroundPts[3].x = parent.get(k).x;
surroundPts[4].x = parent.get(k).x;
// all others
if (parent.get(k).x > 0 && parent.get(k).x < x_dim - 1
&& parent.get(k).y < y_dim - 1
&& parent.get(k).y > 0) {
surroundPts[0].y = parent.get(k).y - 1;
surroundPts[0].x = parent.get(k).x - 1;
surroundPts[1].y = parent.get(k).y - 1;
surroundPts[1].x = parent.get(k).x;
surroundPts[2].y = parent.get(k).y - 1;
surroundPts[2].x = parent.get(k).x + 1;
surroundPts[3].y = parent.get(k).y;
surroundPts[3].x = parent.get(k).x + 1;
surroundPts[4].y = parent.get(k).y + 1;
surroundPts[4].x = parent.get(k).x + 1;
surroundPts[5].y = parent.get(k).y + 1;
surroundPts[5].x = parent.get(k).x;
surroundPts[6].y = parent.get(k).y + 1;
surroundPts[6].x = parent.get(k).x - 1;
surroundPts[7].y = parent.get(k).y;
surroundPts[7].x = parent.get(k).x - 1;
FogRecord.IMAGE_GROUP temgroup;
FOG_THREAT temthreat;
for (int m = 0; m < 8; m++) {
if (surroundPts[m].y >= 0
&& surroundPts[m].y < y_dim
&& surroundPts[m].x >= 0
&& surroundPts[m].x < x_dim) {
int ii = surroundPts[m].x;
int jj = surroundPts[m].y;
if (!visited[ii][jj]) {
temgroup = getFog().findGroup(ii, jj);
temthreat = getThreatLevel(ii, jj, temgroup);
if (temgroup == imggroup
&& temthreat == threat_level) {
visited[ii][jj] = true;
}// end of if
}// end of if
}// end of for m
}// end of for k
parent = child;
}// end of while
int lct = SimplePointInAreaLocator.locate(cellCoor,
if (lct == 2) {
threat_level = FOG_THREAT.BLACK;
setThreat(i, j, threat_level);
new FogCell(single_segment, threat_level, imggroup));
} // end of for i
} // end of for j
* Gets geo coordinates of cell
* @param i
* => y
* @param j
* => x
* @return crd
private Coordinate getCellCoor(int i, int j) {
ReferencedCoordinate rc = new ReferencedCoordinate(
new Coordinate(i, j), this.getFog().getGridGeometry(),
Coordinate crd = null;
try {
crd = rc.asLatLon();
} catch (TransformException e) {
statusHandler.handle(Priority.ERROR, e.getMessage());
} catch (FactoryException e) {
statusHandler.handle(Priority.ERROR, e.getMessage());
return crd;
* Set fog threat at threat level point
* @param i
* => y
* @param j
* => x
* @param threat
private void setThreat(int i, int j, FOG_THREAT threat) {
getThreats()[fog.getNx() * j + i] = threat;
* Remember J is X and I is Y, totally against convention! Gets the threat
* level
* @param i
* (SK y)
* @param j
* (SK x)
* @param group
* @return threat level as color
private FOG_THREAT getThreatLevel(int i, int j, FogRecord.IMAGE_GROUP group) {
// (SK) i=>x, j=>y
// default return
int idx = fog.getNx() * j + i;
switch (group) {
float ir4_temp = bTemp(i, j, FogRecord.CHANNEL.IR10_7);
int CLOUD_FREE_BRIGHTNESS = 68; // empirical value
// Too cold
if (ir4_temp < fogAlgXML.getMaxCloudTemp()) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GRAY;
// overlapping high/middle cloud
else if (fog.getVisArray()[idx] <= vis_thresholds[2]
&& fog.getVisArray()[idx] >= vis_thresholds[1]) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.RED;
} else if (fog.getVisArray()[idx] < vis_thresholds[1]
&& fog.getVisArray()[idx] >= vis_thresholds[0]
|| fog.getVisArray()[idx] <= vis_thresholds[3]
&& fog.getVisArray()[idx] > vis_thresholds[2]) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.YELLOW;
// This is essentially the Cool Fog vs. Warm surface threshold check
else if (fogAlgXML.isCoolFogVsWarmSurfaceOn()
&& ir4_temp >= fogAlgXML.getCoolFogVsWarmSurface()) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GREEN;
else if (fog.getVisArray()[idx] < CLOUD_FREE_BRIGHTNESS) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GREEN;
return returnValue;
case IR_GROUP:
// for some odd reason j is x and i is y,
// not sure why AWIPS 1 does it this way.
// It is completely against convention.
// Point tempoint = new Point(j, i);
// (SK) here i=>x and j=>y
Point tempoint = new Point(i, j);
float tempIR10_7 = temp_at_vis_pixel(tempoint,
if (tempIR10_7 < fogAlgXML.getMaxCloudTemp()) {
// Too cold
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GRAY;
// Overlapping high/middle cloud
float tempIR3_9 = temp_at_vis_pixel(tempoint,
float tempDiff = tempIR10_7 - tempIR3_9;
if (tempDiff <= ir_diff_thresholds[2]
&& tempDiff >= ir_diff_thresholds[1]) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.RED;
} else if (tempDiff < ir_diff_thresholds[1]
&& tempDiff >= ir_diff_thresholds[0]
|| tempDiff <= ir_diff_thresholds[3]
&& tempDiff > ir_diff_thresholds[2]) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.YELLOW;
} else {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GREEN;
// do nothing, stays gray
return returnValue;
* Precursor call to get temp at pixel
* @param i
* => y
* @param j
* => x
* @param imgtype
* @return temperature at the pixel
private float bTemp(int i, int j, FogRecord.CHANNEL imgtype) {
// (SK) here i=>x and j=>y
// for some odd reason j is x and i is y,
// not sure why AWIPS 1 does it this way.
// It is completely against convention.
Point tempoint = new Point(i, j);
return temp_at_vis_pixel(tempoint, imgtype);
* Downgrade the Fog Threat in the cell
* @param cell
private void downgradeThreat(FogCell cell) {
if (cell.getCellThreat() == FOG_THREAT.YELLOW) {
setCellThreats(cell.getPoints(), FOG_THREAT.GREEN);
} else if (cell.getCellThreat() == FOG_THREAT.RED) {
setCellThreats(cell.getPoints(), FOG_THREAT.YELLOW);
* Sets the thresholds
protected void setThresholdArrays() {
ir_diff_thresholds = new float[4];
vis_thresholds = new float[4];
ir_diff_thresholds[0] = (float) fogAlgXML.getFogProductYLo();
ir_diff_thresholds[1] = (float) fogAlgXML.getFogProductYHi();
ir_diff_thresholds[2] = (float) fogAlgXML.getFogProductRLo();
ir_diff_thresholds[3] = (float) fogAlgXML.getFogProductRHi();
vis_thresholds[0] = (float) fogAlgXML.getVisYLo();
vis_thresholds[1] = (float) fogAlgXML.getVisYHi();
vis_thresholds[2] = (float) fogAlgXML.getVisRLo();
vis_thresholds[3] = (float) fogAlgXML.getVisRHi();
* Sets all points in the cell to the cell filtered value threat
* @param points
* @param threat
private void setCellThreats(ArrayList<Point> points, FOG_THREAT threat) {
for (Point point : points) {
getThreats()[fog.getNx() * point.y + point.x] = threat;
* Gets the cells of this analysis
* @return cells
private ArrayList<FogCell> getCells() {
return cells;
* Gets the fog record
* @return
public FogRecord getFog() {
return fog;
* Gets the existing array of threats
* @return threats in color
public FOG_THREAT[] getThreats() {
if (threats == null) {
threats = new FOG_THREAT[getFog().getNx() * getFog().getNy()];
return threats;
@ -21,8 +21,10 @@ package com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.FogRecord;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.FogRecord.FOG_THREAT;
@ -36,156 +38,223 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog.threshold.FogThresholdMgr;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.util.MonitorConfigConstants;
* Generate Data for Fog Dialogs
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 12/07/09 dhladky Initial Creation.
* </pre>
* @author dhladky
* Generate Data for Fog Dialogs
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 12/07/09 dhladky Initial Creation.
* Oct.29, 2012 1297 skorolev Changed HashMap to Map
* Oct.31, 2012 1297 skorolev Clean code
* </pre>
* @author dhladky
public class FogDataGenerator {
private CommonTableConfig ctc;
private FogThresholdMgr ftm;
public FogDataGenerator()
ctc = CommonTableConfig.getInstance();
ftm = FogThresholdMgr.getInstance();
* Generates the zone fog data for table
* @param tableData
* @return
public TableData generateZoneData(ObsData obsData, HashMap<String, FogRecord.FOG_THREAT> algThreats, Date date)
//TODO: in the future use the data passed to get the nominal time
// closest for display in table and CAVE rendering.
TableData fogTableData = new TableData(CommonConfig.AppName.FOG);
if (obsData != null) {
for (String zone: obsData.getContainer().keySet()) {
addZoneRow(zone, obsData.getArea(zone).getBestAreaReport(date), algThreats.get(zone), fogTableData);
private CommonTableConfig ctc;
return fogTableData;
private FogThresholdMgr ftm;
* Generates Fog data
public FogDataGenerator() {
ctc = CommonTableConfig.getInstance();
ftm = FogThresholdMgr.getInstance();
* Generates the zone fog data for table
* @param obsData
* @param algThreats
* @param date
* @return fogTableData
public TableData generateZoneData(ObsData obsData,
Map<String, FogRecord.FOG_THREAT> algThreats, Date date) {
// TODO: in the future use the data passed to get the nominal time
// closest for display in table and CAVE rendering.
TableData fogTableData = new TableData(CommonConfig.AppName.FOG);
if (obsData != null) {
for (String zone : obsData.getContainer().keySet()) {
addZoneRow(zone, obsData.getArea(zone).getBestAreaReport(date),
algThreats.get(zone), fogTableData);
* Creates a Zone table row
* @param report
* @param td
private void addZoneRow(String zone, ObReport report, FogRecord.FOG_THREAT threat, TableData td)
TableRowData trd = new TableRowData(ctc.getTableColumnKeys(CommonConfig.AppName.FOG).length);
return fogTableData;
trd.setTableCellData(0, new TableCellData(zone,
zone, CellType.AreaId, false));
trd.setTableCellData(1, new TableCellData(new Float(report
.getVisibility()).intValue(),ftm.getThresholdValueCellType(DataUsageKey.DISPLAY, zone, MonitorConfigConstants.FogDisplay.FOG_DISP_METEO_VIS.getXmlKey(), report.getVisibility()), true));
* Creates a Zone table row
* @param zone
* @param report
* @param threat
* @param td
private void addZoneRow(String zone, ObReport report,
FogRecord.FOG_THREAT threat, TableData td) {
TableRowData trd = new TableRowData(
trd.setTableCellData(2, new TableCellData(report.getPresentWx(), zone, CellType.NotMonitored, false));
trd.setTableCellData(0, new TableCellData(zone, zone, CellType.AreaId,
trd.setTableCellData(3, new TableCellData(new Float(report
.getCeiling()).intValue(), ftm.getThresholdValueCellType(DataUsageKey.DISPLAY, zone, MonitorConfigConstants.FogDisplay.FOG_DISP_METEO_CEILING.getXmlKey(), report.getCeiling()), true));
trd.setTableCellData(4, new TableCellData(new Float(report
.getWindDir()).intValue(), ftm.getThresholdValueCellType(DataUsageKey.DISPLAY, zone, MonitorConfigConstants.FogDisplay.FOG_DISP_WIND_DIR_FROM.getXmlKey(), report
.getWindDir()), true));
trd.setTableCellData(5, new TableCellData(new Float(report
.getWindSpeed()).intValue(), ftm.getThresholdValueCellType(DataUsageKey.DISPLAY, zone, MonitorConfigConstants.FogDisplay.FOG_DISP_WIND_WIND_SPEED.getXmlKey(), report
.getWindSpeed()), true));
trd.setTableCellData(6, new TableCellData(new Float(report
.getMaxWindSpeed()).intValue(), ftm.getThresholdValueCellType(DataUsageKey.DISPLAY, zone, MonitorConfigConstants.FogDisplay.FOG_DISP_WIND_PEAK_WIND.getXmlKey(), report
.getMaxWindSpeed()), true));
trd.setTableCellData(7, new TableCellData(new Float(report
.getWindGust()).intValue(), ftm.getThresholdValueCellType(DataUsageKey.DISPLAY, zone, MonitorConfigConstants.FogDisplay.FOG_DISP_WIND_GUST_SPEED.getXmlKey(), report
.getWindGust()), true));
trd.setTableCellData(8, new TableCellData(new Float(report
.getTemperature()).intValue(), ftm.getThresholdValueCellType(DataUsageKey.DISPLAY, zone, MonitorConfigConstants.FogDisplay.FOG_DISP_METEO_TEMP.getXmlKey(), report
.getTemperature()), true));
trd.setTableCellData(9, new TableCellData(new Float(report
.getDewpoint()).intValue(), ftm.getThresholdValueCellType(DataUsageKey.DISPLAY, zone, MonitorConfigConstants.FogDisplay.FOG_DISP_METEO_DEWPT.getXmlKey(), report
.getDewpoint()), true));
trd.setTableCellData(10, new TableCellData(new Float(report
.getDewpointDepr()).intValue(), ftm.getThresholdValueCellType(DataUsageKey.DISPLAY, zone, MonitorConfigConstants.FogDisplay.FOG_DISP_METEO_T_TD.getXmlKey(), report
.getDewpointDepr()), true));
trd.setTableCellData(11, new TableCellData(new Float(report
.getRelativeHumidity()).intValue(), ftm.getThresholdValueCellType(DataUsageKey.DISPLAY, zone, MonitorConfigConstants.FogDisplay.FOG_DISP_METEO_REL_HUMIDITY.getXmlKey(),
report.getRelativeHumidity()), true));
trd.setTableCellData(12, new TableCellData("", zone, getAlgorithmCellType(threat), true));
new TableCellData(
new Float(report.getVisibility()).intValue(),
.getXmlKey(), report.getVisibility()),
trd.setTableCellData(2, new TableCellData(report.getPresentWx(), zone,
CellType.NotMonitored, false));
new TableCellData(
new Float(report.getCeiling()).intValue(),
.getXmlKey(), report.getCeiling()),
new TableCellData(
new Float(report.getWindDir()).intValue(),
.getXmlKey(), report.getWindDir()),
new TableCellData(
new Float(report.getWindSpeed()).intValue(),
.getXmlKey(), report.getWindSpeed()),
new TableCellData(
new Float(report.getMaxWindSpeed()).intValue(),
.getXmlKey(), report.getMaxWindSpeed()),
new TableCellData(
new Float(report.getWindGust()).intValue(),
.getXmlKey(), report.getWindGust()),
new TableCellData(
new Float(report.getTemperature()).intValue(),
.getXmlKey(), report.getTemperature()),
new TableCellData(
new Float(report.getDewpoint()).intValue(),
.getXmlKey(), report.getDewpoint()),
new TableCellData(new Float(report.getDewpointDepr())
.intValue(), ftm.getThresholdValueCellType(
DataUsageKey.DISPLAY, zone,
.getXmlKey(), report.getDewpointDepr()), true));
new TableCellData(
new Float(report.getRelativeHumidity()).intValue(),
.getXmlKey(), report
.getRelativeHumidity()), true));
trd.setTableCellData(12, new TableCellData("", zone,
getAlgorithmCellType(threat), true));
* Get threat cells type
* @param threat
* @return type
public CellType getAlgorithmCellType(FogRecord.FOG_THREAT threat) {
CellType type = CellType.NotDetermined;
if (threat == FogRecord.FOG_THREAT.GREEN) {
type = CellType.G;
} else if (threat == FogRecord.FOG_THREAT.YELLOW) {
type = CellType.Y;
} else if (threat == FogRecord.FOG_THREAT.RED) {
type = CellType.R;
public TableData generateObsHistData(CommonConfig.AppName appName, CommonTableConfig.ObsHistType obsType)
TableData tData = new TableData(appName);
return type;
System.out.println("Creating data for: " + + " and " +;
if (appName == CommonConfig.AppName.SAFESEAS)
// Create Safeseas Data
else if (appName == CommonConfig.AppName.FOG)
// Create Fog Data
return tData;
public CellType getAlgorithmCellType(FogRecord.FOG_THREAT threat) {
CellType type = CellType.NotDetermined;
if (threat == FogRecord.FOG_THREAT.GREEN) {
type = CellType.G;
else if (threat == FogRecord.FOG_THREAT.YELLOW) {
type = CellType.Y;
else if (threat == FogRecord.FOG_THREAT.RED) {
type = CellType.R;
return type;
public HashMap<String,CellType> getAlgCellTypes(HashMap<String, FogRecord.FOG_THREAT> algThreats) {
HashMap<String,CellType> types = new HashMap<String,CellType>();
for (String zone : algThreats.keySet()) {
CellType type = getAlgorithmCellType(algThreats.get(zone));
types.put(zone, type);
return types;
* Get threat types
* @param map
* @return types
public Map<String, CellType> getAlgCellTypes(Map<String, FOG_THREAT> map) {
Map<String, CellType> types = new HashMap<String, CellType>();
for (String zone : map.keySet()) {
CellType type = getAlgorithmCellType(map.get(zone));
types.put(zone, type);
return types;
@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
@ -40,15 +41,15 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.common.monitor.MonitorAreaUtils;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.monitor.config.FogMonitorConfigurationManager;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.time.DataTime;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.IUFStatusHandler;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.UFStatus;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.UFStatus.Priority;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.alerts.AlertMessage;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.localization.LocalizationManager;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.notification.NotificationMessage;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.Monitor;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor;
@ -81,6 +82,8 @@ import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
* 11/30/2009 3424 Zhidong/Slav/Wen Adds stationTableData to keep station info.
* May 15, 2012 14510 zhao Modified processing at startup
* Jun 16, 2012 14386 zhao Auto update County/Zone Table when new fog threat data arrives
* Oct 26, 2012 1280 skorolev Made changes for non-blocking dialog and changed HashMap to Map
* Oct.31 2012 1297 skorolev Clean code
* </pre>
@ -91,6 +94,9 @@ import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
private final IUFStatusHandler statusHandler = UFStatus
/** Singleton instance of this class */
private static FogMonitor monitor = null;
@ -102,59 +108,62 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
private ObMultiHrsReports obData;
/** data holder for FOG **/
public ObsData obsData = null;
private ObsData obsData = null;
public ArrayList<Date> resourceTimes = null;
/** data holder for FOG ALG data **/
private SortedMap<Date, Map<String, FOG_THREAT>> algorithmData = null;
/** data holder for FOG Algo data **/
//public HashMap<Date, HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>> algorithmData = null;
public SortedMap<Date, HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>> algorithmData = null;
public Date dialogTime = null;
private Date dialogTime = null;
/** list of coordinates for each zone **/
public HashMap<String, Geometry> zoneGeometries = null;
private Map<String, Geometry> zoneGeometries = null;
/** zone table dialog **/
public FogZoneTableDlg zoneDialog = null;
private FogZoneTableDlg zoneDialog;
/** zone table dialog **/
public MonitoringAreaConfigDlg areaDialog = null;
private MonitoringAreaConfigDlg areaDialog = null;
/** area config manager **/
public FogMonitorConfigurationManager fogConfig = null;
/** The application key */
ChosenAppKey chosenAppKey = ChosenAppKey.FOG;
private FogMonitorConfigurationManager fogConfig = null;
/** table data for the station table **/
private final TableData stationTableData = new TableData(
/** All FOG's plugs start with this **/
private static String OBS = "fssobs";
/** All FOG's datauri start with this **/
private final String OBS = "fssobs";
/** Array of fogAlg listeners **/
private final ArrayList<IFogResourceListener> fogResources = new ArrayList<IFogResourceListener>();
/** List of fogAlg listeners **/
private final List<IFogResourceListener> fogResources = new ArrayList<IFogResourceListener>();
/** regex wild card filter */
protected static String wildCard = "[\\w\\(\\)\\-_:.]+";
/** regex wild card filter **/
private final String wildCard = "[\\w\\(\\)\\-_:.]+";
/** Geometry of adjacent areas **/
private Geometry geoAdjAreas = null;
/** Data URI pattern for fog **/
private final Pattern fogPattern = Pattern.compile(URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ OBS + URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator + cwa + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard
+ URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ "fog");
public Geometry geoAdjAreas = null;
* Private constructor, singleton
private FogMonitor() {
initObserver("fssobs", this);
initObserver(OBS, this);
* Static factory
* @return
* @return fog monitor
public static synchronized FogMonitor getInstance() {
if (monitor == null) {
@ -162,26 +171,26 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
// Pre-populate dialog with an observations from DB
return monitor;
// TODO: Provide the changes in EDEX URIFilters when area configuration file
// has been changed.
* DR#11279:
* When monitor area configuration is changed,
* this module is called to re-initialize monitor
* using new monitor area configuration
* DR#11279: When monitor area configuration is changed, this module is
* called to re-initialize monitor using new monitor area configuration
public static void reInitialize() {
if ( monitor != null ) {
monitor = null;
monitor = new FogMonitor();
if (monitor != null) {
monitor = null;
monitor = new FogMonitor();
* Creates the maps
@ -191,31 +200,49 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
obsData = new ObsData();
algorithmData = new TreeMap<Date, HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>>();
algorithmData = new TreeMap<Date, Map<String, FOG_THREAT>>();
for (String zone : MonitoringArea.getPlatformMap().keySet()) {
obsData.addArea(zone, MonitoringArea.getPlatformMap().get(zone));
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#filterNotifyMessage(com.raytheon
* .uf.viz.core.notification.NotificationMessage)
public boolean filterNotifyMessage(NotificationMessage alertMessage) {
return false;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#processNotifyMessage(com.raytheon
* .uf.viz.core.notification.NotificationMessage)
public void processNotifyMessage(NotificationMessage filtered) {
// Not used
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#processProductMessage(com.raytheon
* .uf.viz.core.alerts.AlertMessage)
public void processProductMessage(final AlertMessage filtered) {
if (fogPattern.matcher(filtered.dataURI).matches()) {
// System.out.println("Found match: " + fogPattern + " URI: "
// + filtered.dataURI);
processURI(filtered.dataURI, filtered);
if (fogPattern.matcher(filtered.dataURI).matches()) {
processURI(filtered.dataURI, filtered);
@ -226,8 +253,8 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
* -- the xml configuration filename
public void readTableConfig(String file) {
// TODO update for Maritime
HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> zones = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
// TODO update for Maritime
Map<String, List<String>> zones = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// create zones and stations list
try {
FogMonitorConfigurationManager areaConfig = getMonitorAreaConfig();
@ -247,16 +274,36 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.Monitor#initObserver(java.lang.String,
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.Monitor)
public void initObserver(String pluginName, Monitor monitor) {
ProductAlertObserver.addObserver(pluginName, this);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#thresholdUpdate(com.raytheon.uf
public void thresholdUpdate(IMonitorThresholdEvent me) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#configUpdate(com.raytheon.uf.viz
public void configUpdate(IMonitorConfigurationEvent me) {
@ -267,89 +314,49 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
public void nullifyMonitor() {
// /**
// * Before making the monitor null, remove observers
// */
// for (String p : pluginName) {
// if (!pluginName.equals("")) {
// stopObserver(p, this);
// }
// }
// monitor.fogResources.removeAll(getMonitorListeners());
ProductAlertObserver.removeObserver("fssobs", this);
ProductAlertObserver.removeObserver(OBS, this);
monitor = null;
private Pattern fogPattern = Pattern.compile(URIFilter.uriSeperator + OBS
+ URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator + cwa + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard
+ URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ "fog");
* Finds the zone based on the icao passed into it
* @param icao
* @return
* @return zone
public String findZone(String icao) {
String rzone = null;
for (String zone : MonitoringArea.getPlatformMap().keySet()) {
if (MonitoringArea.getPlatformMap().get(zone).contains(icao)) {
rzone = zone;
return zone;
return rzone;
return null;
* get the main map
* @return
* @return obsData
public ObsData getTableData() {
return obsData;
* get your table row data
* @param areaID
* @return
public AreaContainer getObs(String areaID) {
AreaContainer ac = null;
if (getTableData().getContainer().containsKey(areaID)) {
ac = getTableData().getArea(areaID);
return ac;
* This method processes the incoming messages
* @param objectToSend
* @param pluginname
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#process(
protected void process(ObReport result)
throws Exception {
// ProcessFogReport fog = new ProcessFogReport(result);
// fog.processFogReport();
// use ObMultiHrsReports for data archive
// [Jan 21, 2010, zhao]
protected void process(ObReport result) throws Exception {
String zone = findZone(result.getPlatformId());
@ -357,7 +364,7 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
* gets the station Table Data
* @return
* @return stationTableData
public TableData getStationTableData() {
return stationTableData;
@ -366,35 +373,38 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
* launch the zone table dialog
* @param table
* @param type
* @param shell
public void launchDialog(String type, Shell shell) {
if (type.equals("zone")) {
if (zoneDialog == null) {
zoneDialog = new FogZoneTableDlg(shell, obData);
if (zoneDialog == null || zoneDialog.getShell() == null
|| zoneDialog.isDisposed()) {
zoneDialog = new FogZoneTableDlg(shell, obData);
} else {
} else if (type.equals("area")) {
if (areaDialog == null) {
areaDialog = new FogMonitoringAreaConfigDlg(shell,
"Fog Monitor Area Configuration");
else if (type.equals("area")) {
areaDialog = new FogMonitoringAreaConfigDlg(shell,
"Fog Monitor Area Configuration");
* Set the algorithm threat by zone, time
* Set the algorithm threat by time and zone
* @param zone
* @param threat
* @param time
* @param algData
public void setAlgorithmData(Date time, HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT> algData) {
public void setAlgorithmData(Date time, Map<String, FOG_THREAT> algData) {
if (algorithmData.containsKey(time)) {
@ -403,19 +413,18 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
* Gets the algorithm threat
* Gets algorithm threat by time
* @param zone
* @return
* @param time
* @return algData
public HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT> getAlgorithmData(Date time) {
HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT> algData = new HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>();
public Map<String, FOG_THREAT> getAlgorithmData(Date time) {
Map<String, FOG_THREAT> algData = new HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>();
if (algorithmData.containsKey(time)) {
algData = algorithmData.get(time);
} else {
// default nothing in algo column
// by default is nothing in the ALG column
for (String zone : MonitoringArea.getPlatformMap().keySet()) {
algData.put(zone, FOG_THREAT.GRAY);
@ -426,21 +435,22 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
* Gets the monitoring geometries
* @return
* @return zoneGeometries
public HashMap<String, Geometry> getMonitoringAreaGeometries() {
public Map<String, Geometry> getMonitoringAreaGeometries() {
if (zoneGeometries == null) {
ArrayList<String> zones = getMonitorAreaConfig().getAreaList();
List<String> zones = getMonitorAreaConfig().getAreaList();
zoneGeometries = new HashMap<String, Geometry>();
for (String zone : zones) {
try {
zoneGeometries.put(zone, MonitorAreaUtils
} catch (Exception e) {
"Error get Monitoring Area Config", e);
@ -451,7 +461,7 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
* Gets the fog configuration manager
* @return
* @return fogConfig
public FogMonitorConfigurationManager getMonitorAreaConfig() {
if (fogConfig == null) {
@ -464,10 +474,21 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
return fogConfig;
* Gets observation data
* @return
public ObMultiHrsReports getObData() {
return obData;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog.listeners.IFogResourceListener#
* algorithmUpdate()
public void algorithmUpdate() {
@ -507,8 +528,8 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
* @param drawTime
public void updateDialogTime(Date dialogTime) {
this.dialogTime = dialogTime;
this.dialogTime = dialogTime;
@ -523,14 +544,20 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
* close down the dialog
* @param type
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog.listeners.IFogResourceListener#closeDialog
* ()
public void closeDialog() {
if (zoneDialog != null) {
zoneDialog = null;
@ -546,42 +573,28 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
* @param type
* @return
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor#getTimeOrderedKeys(com.raytheon.
* uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor, java.lang.String)
public ArrayList<Date> getTimeOrderedKeys(IMonitor monitor, String type) {
return null;
* Get most recent time
* @param type
* @return
* Get adjacent areas.
public DataTime getMostRecent() {
DataTime time = null;
Set<Date> ds = this.algorithmData.keySet();
DataTime[] times = new DataTime[ds.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Date d : ds) {
times[i] = new DataTime(d);
if (times.length > 0) {
time = times[times.length - 1]; // most recent
return time;
public FogZoneTableDlg getDialog() {
return zoneDialog;
public void getAdjAreas() {
this.geoAdjAreas = AdjacentWfoMgr.getAdjacentAreas(cwa);
* Get geometry of adjacent areas.
* @return the geoAdjAreas
public Geometry getGeoAdjAreas() {
@ -589,19 +602,39 @@ public class FogMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements IFogResourceListener {
* Sets the geoAdjAreas
* @param geoAdjAreas
* the geoAdjAreas to set
public void setGeoAdjAreas(Geometry geoAdjAreas) {
this.geoAdjAreas = geoAdjAreas;
protected void processAtStartup(ObReport report) {
* First start
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#processAtStartup(com.raytheon.
protected void processAtStartup(ObReport report) {
String zone = findZone(report.getPlatformId());
* Gets Fog zone table dialog
* @return zoneDialog
public FogZoneTableDlg getZoneDialog() {
return zoneDialog;
@ -47,12 +47,13 @@ public class FogMonitorAction extends AbstractHandler {
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent arg0) throws ExecutionException {
System.out.println("Activating/Action for FOG...");
FogMonitor fog = FogMonitor.getInstance();
if (fog.zoneDialog == null || fog.zoneDialog.isDisposed()) {
Shell shell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell();
if (fog.getZoneDialog() == null || fog.getZoneDialog().isDisposed()) {
Shell shell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow()
fog.launchDialog("zone", shell);
return null;
@ -19,9 +19,10 @@
package com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog.ui.dialogs;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.common.monitor.config.MonitorConfigurationManager;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor;
@ -42,15 +44,24 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorListener;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg;
* (Where is the history log for this file???)
* Fog Zone Table Dialog
* Jan 25, 2010 #4281 zhao Modified the notify method
* Jun 16, 2012 14386 zhao Modified the notify method
* <pre>
* @author
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Jan 25, 2010 #4281 zhao Modified the notify method
* Jun 16, 2012 14386 zhao Modified the notify method
* Oct 30, 2012 skorolev Changed HashMap to Map
* Nov 11, 2012 1297 skorolev Added initiateProdArray
* </pre>
* @author ?
* @version 1.0
public class FogZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
private FogMonDispThreshDlg fogThreshDlg;
@ -62,6 +73,31 @@ public class FogZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
super(parent, CommonConfig.AppName.FOG);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#initiateProdArray()
public void initiateProdArray() {
varName = config.getFogZoneStnTableColVarNames()[colIndex];
prodArray = new ArrayList<String>();
String varpref = "VAR_";
for (DisplayVarName var : DisplayVarName.values()) {
String dispVarName =;
if (dispVarName.equals(varpref + {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#configThreshAction()
protected void configThreshAction() {
if (fogThreshDlg == null) {
@ -72,6 +108,13 @@ public class FogZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorListener#notify(com.raytheon
public void notify(IMonitorEvent me) {
@ -87,23 +130,20 @@ public class FogZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
// incorporate both for the obs and
// The algorithm output.
if (me.getSource() instanceof FogMonitor) {
if (me.getSource() instanceof FogMonitor) {
FogMonitor fog = (FogMonitor) me.getSource();
Date date = fog.getDialogDate();
FogMonitor fog = (FogMonitor) me.getSource();
Date date = fog.getDialogDate();
if (date != null) {
Date nominalTime = date;
ObMultiHrsReports obData = fog.getObData();
// if (!isLinkedToFrame()) {
// nominalTime = obData.getLatestNominalTime();
// }
FogDataGenerator fdg = new FogDataGenerator();
HashMap<String, CellType> fogAlgCellType = fdg
ObMultiHrsReports obData = fog.getObData();
FogDataGenerator fdg = new FogDataGenerator();
Map<String, CellType> fogAlgCellType = fdg.getAlgCellTypes(fog
@ -129,17 +169,36 @@ public class FogZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
* date); //} }
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* addMonitorControlListener(com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor)
public void addMonitorControlListener(IMonitor monitor) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* fireConfigUpdate
* (
public void fireConfigUpdate(IMonitorConfigurationEvent imce) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Not used
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* fireDialogShutdown
* (com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorListener)
public void fireDialogShutdown(IMonitorListener iml) {
Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
@ -153,6 +212,13 @@ public class FogZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#fireKillMonitor
* ()
public void fireKillMonitor() {
Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
@ -166,35 +232,51 @@ public class FogZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* fireThresholdUpdate
* (
public void fireThresholdUpdate(IMonitorThresholdEvent imte) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Not used
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* removeMonitorContorlListener(com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor)
public void removeMonitorContorlListener(IMonitor monitor) {
protected MonitorConfigurationManager getConfigMgr() {
return FogMonitorConfigurationManager.getInstance();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#getConfigMgr()
protected MonitorConfigurationManager getConfigMgr() {
return FogMonitorConfigurationManager.getInstance();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#handleLinkToFrame()
protected void handleLinkToFrame() {
linkedToFrame = linkToFrameChk.getSelection();
protected void unregisterDialogFromMonitor() {
* (non-Javadoc)
@ -203,8 +285,29 @@ public class FogZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
protected void shellDisposeAction() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Not used
protected void setZoneSortColumnAndDirection() {
if (zoneTblData != null) {
zoneSortColumn = zoneTblData.getSortColumn();
zoneSortDirection = zoneTblData.getSortDirection();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#
* setStnSortColumnAndDirection()
protected void setStnSortColumnAndDirection() {
if (stnTblData != null) {
stnSortColumn = stnTblData.getSortColumn();
stnSortDirection = stnTblData.getSortDirection();
@ -19,9 +19,8 @@
package com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog.ui.resource;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException;
@ -29,51 +28,39 @@ import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.FogRecord;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.FogRecord.FOG_THREAT;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.analysis.FogCell;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.analysis.FogDataCorrector;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.analysis.FogMonitorUtils;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.geospatial.ReferencedCoordinate;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.geospatial.ReferencedObject.Type;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.IUFStatusHandler;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.UFStatus;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.UFStatus.Priority;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog.FogCommonThreat;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog.FogMonitor;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog.xml.FogMonitorAlgorithmXML;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.algorithm.locate.SimplePointInAreaLocator;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
public class FogThreat {
* Fog monitor threat calculation
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Nov 1, 2012 skorolev Changed HashMap to Map and cleaned code.
* Nov 13, 2012 1297 skorolev Made abstract class FogCommonThreat
* </pre>
* @author skorolev
* @version 1.0
public class FogThreat extends FogCommonThreat {
private final IUFStatusHandler statusHandler = UFStatus
/** list of coordinates for each zone **/
public HashMap<String, ArrayList<Coordinate>> zoneCoordinates = null;
private final GeometryFactory geoFactory = new GeometryFactory();
private FogRecord fog = null;
private FogMonitorAlgorithmXML fogAlgXML = null;
private Geometry geoAdjAreas = null;
public FOG_THREAT[] threats = null;
public ArrayList<FogCell> cells = null;
public float[] ir_diff_thresholds = null;
public float[] vis_thresholds = null;
public int twilight_angle_offset = 0;
// boolean filter switches
public boolean isSnowIce = true;
public boolean isFractalDimension = true;
public boolean isSmoothness = true;
public boolean isAdjacency = true;
private FogMonitor monitor;
/** Fog monitor **/
private FogMonitor fmonitor = FogMonitor.getInstance();
* serialization constructor
@ -84,732 +71,38 @@ public class FogThreat {
* used constructor
* @param fogAlgXML
public FogThreat(FogMonitorAlgorithmXML fogAlgXML) {
this.fogAlgXML = fogAlgXML;
zoneGeos = fmonitor.getMonitoringAreaGeometries();
geoAdjAreas = fmonitor.getGeoAdjAreas();
* This method will be called with the switches from the GUI front end
* (non-Javadoc)
* Fog Product [T(10.7) - (T(3.9)] or VIS (normalized count) Maximum cloud
* temperature Daytime Ice/Snow vs Fog Threshold (c) (FogSnowIceFilter) Cool
* Fog vs Warm Surface threshold Daytime Smoothness Algorithm
* (FogSmoothnessFilter) Adjacency Threshold Twilight Angle Threshold
* Fractal Dimension Threshold (FogFractalFilter)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog.FogCommonThreat#setMonitorAreaThreats()
public FogRecord getFogThreat(FogRecord fog) {
this.fog = fog;
System.out.println("FogThreat: Start analyzing Fog Threat...");
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.geoAdjAreas = getFogMonitor().getGeoAdjAreas();
// clear threats array, make gray (SK)i=>x j=>y
for (int i = 0; i < fog.getNx(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < fog.getNy(); j++) {
// (SK) getThreats()[fog.getNy() * i + j] = FOG_THREAT.GRAY;
getThreats()[fog.getNx() * j + i] = FOG_THREAT.GRAY;
// First execute the data corrector, this divides up the FogRecord field
// into Day, Night, and Twilight.
FogDataCorrector fdc = new FogDataCorrector(getFog(),
fog = fdc.execute();
// Second, core processor. Gets you the cells, sets non-filtered values.
// Third, apply filters
for (FogCell cell : getCells()) {
// *********** APPLY FILTERS *******************
// Area Size filter
if (fogAlgXML.isAdjacencyThreshOn()
&& cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GREEN
&& cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GRAY) {
if (cell.getArea() < fogAlgXML.getAdjacencyThresh()) {
setCellThreats(cell.getPoints(), FOG_THREAT.GREEN);
// Snow & Ice filter
if (fogAlgXML.isIceSnowVsFogOn()
&& cell.getImageGroup() == FogRecord.IMAGE_GROUP.VIS_GROUP
&& (cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GREEN || cell
.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GRAY)) {
float tempMean = calAverageTemp(cell);
if (tempMean < fogAlgXML.getIceSnowVsFog()) {
// Smoothness filter
if (fogAlgXML.isDaytimeSmoothThreshOn()
&& cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GREEN
|| cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GRAY) {
float tem_smoothness = calSmoothness(cell);
if (tem_smoothness < fogAlgXML.getDaytimeSmoothThresh()) {
// Fractal filter
if (fogAlgXML.isFractalDimensionOn()
&& cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GREEN
&& cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GRAY) {
float temFD = calRegularity(cell);
if (temFD > fogAlgXML.getFractalDimension() && temFD > 0.0f) {
setCellThreats(cell.getPoints(), FOG_THREAT.GREEN);
// We extract the zone threat differently than the GI filter
// Hence it is not needed.
System.out.println("FogThreat: Analyzed Fog Threat...Duration: "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
return fog;
* Remember J is X and I is Y, totally against convention! Gets the threat
* level
* @param i
* (SK y)
* @param j
* (SK x)
* @param group
* @return
private FOG_THREAT getThreatLevel(int i, int j, FogRecord.IMAGE_GROUP group) {
// (SK) i=>x, j=>y
// default return
// (SK) idx = fog.getNy() * i + j
int idx = fog.getNx() * j + i;
switch (group) {
float ir4_temp = bTemp(i, j, FogRecord.CHANNEL.IR10_7);
int CLOUD_FREE_BRIGHTNESS = 68; // empirical value
// Too cold
if (ir4_temp < fogAlgXML.getMaxCloudTemp()) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GRAY;
// overlapping high/middle cloud
else if (fog.getVisArray()[idx] <= vis_thresholds[2]
&& fog.getVisArray()[idx] >= vis_thresholds[1]) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.RED;
} else if (fog.getVisArray()[idx] < vis_thresholds[1]
&& fog.getVisArray()[idx] >= vis_thresholds[0]
|| fog.getVisArray()[idx] <= vis_thresholds[3]
&& fog.getVisArray()[idx] > vis_thresholds[2]) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.YELLOW;
// This is essentially the Cool Fog vs. Warm surface threshold check
else if (fogAlgXML.isCoolFogVsWarmSurfaceOn()
&& ir4_temp >= fogAlgXML.getCoolFogVsWarmSurface()) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GREEN;
else if (fog.getVisArray()[idx] < CLOUD_FREE_BRIGHTNESS) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GREEN;
return returnValue;
case IR_GROUP:
// for some odd reason j is x and i is y,
// not sure why AWIPS 1 does it this way.
// It is completely against convention.
// Point tempoint = new Point(j, i);
// (SK) here i=>x and j=>y
Point tempoint = new Point(i, j);
float tempIR10_7 = temp_at_vis_pixel(tempoint,
if (tempIR10_7 < fogAlgXML.getMaxCloudTemp()) {
// Too cold
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GRAY;
// Overlapping high/middle cloud
float tempIR3_9 = temp_at_vis_pixel(tempoint,
float tempDiff = tempIR10_7 - tempIR3_9;
if (tempDiff <= ir_diff_thresholds[2]
&& tempDiff >= ir_diff_thresholds[1]) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.RED;
} else if (tempDiff < ir_diff_thresholds[1]
&& tempDiff >= ir_diff_thresholds[0]
|| tempDiff <= ir_diff_thresholds[3]
&& tempDiff > ir_diff_thresholds[2]) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.YELLOW;
} else {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GREEN;
// do nothing, stays gray
return returnValue;
* Precursor call to get temp at pixel
* @param i
* @param j
* @param imgtype
* @return
private float bTemp(int i, int j, FogRecord.CHANNEL imgtype) {
// (SK) here i=>x and j=>y
// for some odd reason j is x and i is y,
// not sure why AWIPS 1 does it this way.
// It is completely against convention.
Point tempoint = new Point(i, j);
return temp_at_vis_pixel(tempoint, imgtype);
* Get the temp at the pixel
* @param pointVis
* @param channel
* @return
private float temp_at_vis_pixel(Point pointVis, FogRecord.CHANNEL channel) {
// The assumption is that Dimensions of IR4 and IR2 are the same.
// IR4 data will be always needed, so attributes for IR4 shall be
// always available.
// **** ATTENTION ***** We have made the vis the same as well for AWIPS
// II
int count_value = 255;
if (channel == FogRecord.CHANNEL.IR3_9) {
count_value = fog.getIR_3_9Array()[fog.getNx() * pointVis.y
+ pointVis.x];
// (SK) count_value = fog.getIR_3_9Array()[fog.getNy() * pointVis.x
// + pointVis.y];
} else if (channel == FogRecord.CHANNEL.IR10_7) {
count_value = fog.getIR_10_7Array()[fog.getNx() * pointVis.y
+ pointVis.x];
// (SK) count_value = fog.getIR_10_7Array()[fog.getNy() * pointVis.x
// + pointVis.y];
return FogMonitorUtils.count2temp(count_value, channel);
* Gets the fog
* @return
public FogRecord getFog() {
return fog;
* Gets the existing array of threats
* @return
public FOG_THREAT[] getThreats() {
if (threats == null) {
threats = new FOG_THREAT[getFog().getNx() * getFog().getNy()];
return threats;
* Gets the cells of this analysis
* @return
public ArrayList<FogCell> getCells() {
return cells;
* Gets the existing threat value at that point
* @return
public FOG_THREAT getThreat(int i, int j) {
return getThreats()[fog.getNx() * j + i];
// (SK) return getThreats()[fog.getNy() * i + j];
* Set fog threat at threat level point
* @param i
* @param j
* @param threat
private void setThreat(int i, int j, FOG_THREAT threat) {
// (SK) getThreats()[fog.getNy() * i + j] = threat;
getThreats()[fog.getNx() * j + i] = threat;
* Downgrade the Fog Threat
* @param current
* @param i
* @param j
private void downgradeThreat(FogCell cell) {
if (cell.getCellThreat() == FOG_THREAT.YELLOW) {
setCellThreats(cell.getPoints(), FOG_THREAT.GREEN);
} else if (cell.getCellThreat() == FOG_THREAT.RED) {
setCellThreats(cell.getPoints(), FOG_THREAT.YELLOW);
// // *********************** FILTERS **************************** /////
// -Private--------------------------------------------------------------------
// NAME: CalRegularity()
// TYPE: Private Member function
// Descript:
// Given a cell, calculate its regularity i.e. the fractal dimension
// Input Arguments:
// cell: The Fog_Cell whose fractal dimension is to be measured
// Output Arguments:
// Return float: fractal dimension. the value is between 1 to 2
// smaller means more regular.
// Here use the perimeter and area relation to represent
// fractal dimension (one of the simply ways)
// History:
// May 2004 Qin Zeng (GDMB/MDL) -- created
// Dec 2009 D Hladky translated to Java
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private float calRegularity(FogCell cell) {
int nx = cell.right - cell.left + 1;
int ny = cell.bottom - + 1;
int i;
boolean[] flag = new boolean[nx * ny];
for (i = 0; i < nx * ny; i++) {
flag[i] = false;
int pixels_num = (int) cell.getArea();
int flagPos;
for (i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate coor = cell.getPixelCoordinate(i);
flagPos = (int) ((coor.y - * nx + coor.x - cell.left);
if (flagPos >= 0 && flagPos < nx * ny) {
flag[flagPos] = true;
// From here, perimeter of the fog cell will be calculated;
// |...| 1 |...|
// | 4 | 0 | 2 |
// |...| 3 |...|
// If the any of the 0's surrounding pixels(1,2,3,4) is flagged as
// false,
// which means that surrounding pixel(1,2,3,or 4) is not included in
// the cell, pixel 0 then will be at the edge of the cell cluster.
// And the edge connecting to the outside pixel will be counted into the
// perimeter of the cell cluster.
int pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4;
float perimeter = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate coor = cell.getPixelCoordinate(i);
pos1 = (int) ((i - - 1) * nx + coor.y - cell.left);
if (pos1 >= 0 && pos1 < nx * ny && !flag[pos1]
|| i - coor.x < {
pos2 = (int) ((coor.y - * nx + coor.x + 1 - cell.left);
if (pos2 >= 0 && pos2 < nx * ny && !flag[pos2]
|| coor.x + 1 > cell.right) {
pos3 = (int) ((coor.y - + 1) * nx + coor.x - cell.left);
if (pos3 >= 0 && pos3 < nx * ny && !flag[pos3]
|| coor.y + 1 > cell.bottom) {
pos4 = (int) ((coor.y - * nx + coor.x - 1 - cell.left);
if (pos4 >= 0 && pos4 < nx * ny && !flag[pos4]
|| coor.x - 1 < cell.left) {
float fractalDimension = 1.0f;
if (cell.getArea() != 1) {
fractalDimension = (float) (2 * Math.log(perimeter / 4.0) / Math
// Note : fractalDimension is a data between 1 and 2 and the larger
// fractalDimension is , the more irregular the shape of the cell will
// be.
return fractalDimension;
// -Private--------------------------------------------------------------------
// NAME: CalSmoothness()
// TYPE: Private Member function
// Descript:
// Given a cell, calculate the its smoothness
// Input Arguments:
// cell: The Fog_Cell whose smoothness is to be measured
// Output Arguments:
// return float: smoothness defined above
// History:
// May 2004 Qin Zeng (GDMB/MDL) -- created
// Dec 2009 D Hladky ported to AWIPS II
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private float calSmoothness(FogCell cell) {
float mean = 0; // mean grayscale value of pixels in the cell from VIS.
float stdDev = 0; // standard deviation
int pixels_num = (int) cell.getArea();
if (pixels_num == 0) {
return 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate pixr = cell.getPixelRelativeCoordinate(i);
// (SK) mean += getFog().getVisArray()[(int) (getFog().getNy() *
// pixr.x + pixr.y)];
mean += getFog().getVisArray()[(int) (getFog().getNx() * pixr.y + pixr.x)];
mean /= pixels_num;
float tem_float;
for (i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate pixr = cell.getPixelRelativeCoordinate(i);
// (SK) tem_float = getFog().getVisArray()[(int) (getFog().getNy() *
// pixr.x + pixr.y)];
tem_float = getFog().getVisArray()[(int) (getFog().getNx() * pixr.y + pixr.x)];
stdDev += (tem_float - mean) * (tem_float - mean);
stdDev /= pixels_num;
stdDev = (float) Math.sqrt(stdDev);
// mean should not be zero, so no need to check mean here.
return (1 - stdDev / mean) * 100; // use percent as unit
// -Private---------------------------------------------------------------------
// NAME: Cal()
// TYPE: Private Member function
// Descript:
// Calculate the average temperature for a Fog_Cell in channel 3.9 um
// History:
// May 2004 Qin Zeng (GDMB/MDL) -- created
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private float calAverageTemp(FogCell cell) {
float mean = 0; // mean temperature value of pixels in the cell.
int pixels_num = (int) cell.getArea();
if (pixels_num == 0) {
return -999.9f;
for (int i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate pixc = cell.getPixelRelativeCoordinate(i);
mean += temp_at_vis_pixel(new Point((int) pixc.x, (int) pixc.y),
mean /= pixels_num;
return mean;
// -Public---------------------------------------------------------------------
// NAME: Execute()
// TYPE: Private Member function
// Descript:
// Based on the thresholds of the VIS image data and the IR image data,
// a number of patches of the contiguous suspected fog areas will be
// extracted from the satellite image data.
// This is an implementation of the feature extraction algorithm based
// on the contiguous gray scale values.
// Arguments: None
// History:
// March 2004 Qin Zeng (GDMB/MDL) -- created
// Dec 2009 D Hladky ported to Java for AWIPS II
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void executeCoreProcessor() {
cells = new ArrayList<FogCell>();
ArrayList<Point> parent = new ArrayList<Point>();
ArrayList<Point> child = new ArrayList<Point>();
ArrayList<Point> single_segment = new ArrayList<Point>();
int x_dim = getFog().getNx();
int y_dim = getFog().getNy();
int i; // (SK) x
int j; // (SK) y
// To flag whether a pixel has been visited or not
boolean[][] visited = new boolean[x_dim][y_dim];
Point[] s = new Point[8]; // 8 surrounding points of one specific point
for (int z = 0; z < s.length; z++) {
s[z] = new Point();
Point tempoint = new Point();
for (i = 0; i < x_dim; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < y_dim; j++) {
visited[i][j] = false;
for (j = 0; j < y_dim; j++) {
Point firstone = new Point();
FogRecord.IMAGE_GROUP imggroup;
for (i = 0; i < x_dim; i++) {
if (visited[i][j]) {
Coordinate cellCoor = this.getCellCoor(i, j);
visited[i][j] = true;
imggroup = getFog().findGroup(i, j);
threat_level = getThreatLevel(i, j, imggroup);
// Sets the initial threat level
setThreat(i, j, threat_level);
firstone.x = i;
firstone.y = j;
tempoint.y = j;
tempoint.x = i;
while (parent.size() != 0) {
// the variables(s[1],s[2]...) below mean surrounding 1,2
// | 0 | 1 | 2 |
// | 7 | i | 3 |
// | 6 | 5 | 4 |
// iteratively search the 8-connected surrounding pixels
for (int k = 0; k < parent.size(); k++) {
// y's too small, too big
if (parent.get(k).y == 0) {
s[0].y = parent.get(k).y;
s[1].y = parent.get(k).y;
s[2].y = parent.get(k).y;
if (parent.get(k).y == y_dim - 1) {
s[4].y = parent.get(k).y;
s[5].y = parent.get(k).y;
s[6].y = parent.get(k).y;
// x's too small, too big
if (parent.get(k).x == 0) {
s[0].x = parent.get(k).x;
s[6].x = parent.get(k).x;
s[7].x = parent.get(k).x;
if (parent.get(k).x == x_dim - 1) {
s[2].x = parent.get(k).x;
s[3].x = parent.get(k).x;
s[4].x = parent.get(k).x;
// all others
if (parent.get(k).x > 0 && parent.get(k).x < x_dim - 1
&& parent.get(k).y < y_dim - 1
&& parent.get(k).y > 0) {
s[0].y = parent.get(k).y - 1;
s[0].x = parent.get(k).x - 1;
s[1].y = parent.get(k).y - 1;
s[1].x = parent.get(k).x;
s[2].y = parent.get(k).y - 1;
s[2].x = parent.get(k).x + 1;
s[3].y = parent.get(k).y;
s[3].x = parent.get(k).x + 1;
s[4].y = parent.get(k).y + 1;
s[4].x = parent.get(k).x + 1;
s[5].y = parent.get(k).y + 1;
s[5].x = parent.get(k).x;
s[6].y = parent.get(k).y + 1;
s[6].x = parent.get(k).x - 1;
s[7].y = parent.get(k).y;
s[7].x = parent.get(k).x - 1;
FogRecord.IMAGE_GROUP temgroup;
FOG_THREAT temthreat;
for (int m = 0; m < 8; m++) {
if (s[m].y >= 0 && s[m].y < y_dim && s[m].x >= 0
&& s[m].x < x_dim) {
int ii = s[m].x;
int jj = s[m].y;
// (SK) int ii = s[m].y;
// (SK) int jj = s[m].x;
if (!visited[ii][jj]) {
temgroup = getFog().findGroup(ii, jj);
temthreat = getThreatLevel(ii, jj, temgroup);
if (temgroup == imggroup
&& temthreat == threat_level) {
visited[ii][jj] = true;
}// end of if
}// end of if
}// end of for m
}// end of for k
parent = child;
}// end of while
// if (!this.geoAdjAreas
// .contains(geoFactory.createPoint(cellCoor))) {
int lct = SimplePointInAreaLocator.locate(cellCoor,
if (lct == 2) {
threat_level = FOG_THREAT.BLACK;
setThreat(i, j, threat_level);
new FogCell(single_segment, threat_level, imggroup));
} // end of for i
} // end of for j
* Sets all points in the cell to the cell filtered value threat
* @param cells
* @param threat
private void setCellThreats(ArrayList<Point> points, FOG_THREAT threat) {
for (Point point : points) {
getThreats()[fog.getNx() * point.y + point.x] = threat;
// (SK) getThreats()[fog.getNy() * point.x + point.y] = threat;
* Gets the drawable float array of threats
* @return
private void setThreats() {
float[] floats = new float[getThreats().length];
int i = 0;
for (FOG_THREAT threat : getThreats()) {
floats[i] = getThreatValue(threat);
* Sets the thresholds
private void setThresholdArrays() {
ir_diff_thresholds = new float[4];
vis_thresholds = new float[4];
ir_diff_thresholds[0] = (float) fogAlgXML.getFogProductYLo();
ir_diff_thresholds[1] = (float) fogAlgXML.getFogProductYHi();
ir_diff_thresholds[2] = (float) fogAlgXML.getFogProductRLo();
ir_diff_thresholds[3] = (float) fogAlgXML.getFogProductRHi();
vis_thresholds[0] = (float) fogAlgXML.getVisYLo();
vis_thresholds[1] = (float) fogAlgXML.getVisYHi();
vis_thresholds[2] = (float) fogAlgXML.getVisRLo();
vis_thresholds[3] = (float) fogAlgXML.getVisRHi();
* Quick static method to get the float to threat mapping
* @param threat
* @return
public static float getThreatValue(FOG_THREAT threat) {
float value = 0;
if (threat == FOG_THREAT.BLACK) {
value = 0.0f;
} else if (threat == FOG_THREAT.GRAY) {
value = 15.0f;
} else if (threat == FOG_THREAT.GREEN) {
value = 60.0f;
} else if (threat == FOG_THREAT.YELLOW) {
value = 110.0f;
} else if (threat == FOG_THREAT.RED) {
value = 220.0f;
return value;
* Gets the zone threats (ALG) with worst case for zone area
* @return HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>
public void setMonitorAreaThreats() {
protected void setMonitorAreaThreats() {
final FogRecord ffogRec = getFog();
final FogMonitor fmonitor = getFogMonitor();
// TODO: async or sync ????
Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
HashMap<String, Geometry> zoneGeos = fmonitor
// set to lowest for default
HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT> zoneThreats = new HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>();
Map<String, FOG_THREAT> zoneThreats = new HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>();
for (String zone : zoneGeos.keySet()) {
zoneThreats.put(zone, FOG_THREAT.BLACK);
for (int i = 0; i < ffogRec.getNx(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ffogRec.getNy(); j++) {
ReferencedCoordinate rc = new ReferencedCoordinate(
new Coordinate(i, j),
ffogRec.getGridGeometry(), Type.GRID_CENTER);
@ -817,9 +110,9 @@ public class FogThreat {
try {
coor = rc.asLatLon();
} catch (TransformException e) {
statusHandler.handle(Priority.ERROR, e.getMessage());
} catch (FactoryException e) {
statusHandler.handle(Priority.ERROR, e.getMessage());
for (String zone : zoneGeos.keySet()) {
@ -833,42 +126,25 @@ public class FogThreat {
getThreat(i, j));
} catch (Exception e) {
} // end zone loop
} // end j loop
} // end i loop
System.out.println("FogThreat: Set algorithm zone values..."
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
if (statusHandler.isPriorityEnabled(Priority.DEBUG)) {
"FogThreat for SS: Set algorithm zone values..."
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
private Coordinate getCellCoor(int i, int j) {
ReferencedCoordinate rc = new ReferencedCoordinate(
new Coordinate(i, j), this.getFog().getGridGeometry(),
Coordinate crd = null;
try {
crd = rc.asLatLon();
} catch (TransformException e) {
} catch (FactoryException e) {
return crd;
/** Get the Fog monitor **/
public FogMonitor getFogMonitor() {
if (monitor == null) {
monitor = FogMonitor.getInstance();
return monitor;
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.safeseas;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
* Kick off the SAFESEAS dialog and application backend processes.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 1/27/09 dhladky Initial Creation.
* </pre>
* @author dhladky
public class SafeSeasAction extends AbstractHandler {
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent arg0) throws ExecutionException {
System.out.println("Activating/Action the SAFESEAS plugin...");
SafeSeasMonitor ssm = SafeSeasMonitor.getInstance();
if (ssm.zoneDialog == null || ssm.zoneDialog.isDisposed()) {
Shell shell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow()
ssm.launchDialog("zone", shell);
return null;
@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
@ -38,8 +39,9 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.common.monitor.config.SSMonitorConfigurationManager;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.time.DataTime;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.IUFStatusHandler;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.UFStatus;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.UFStatus.Priority;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.alerts.AlertMessage;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.localization.LocalizationManager;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.notification.NotificationMessage;
@ -78,6 +80,8 @@ import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
* Dec 30, 2009 3424 zhao use ObMultiHrsReports for obs data archive over time
* July 20,2010 4891 skorolev Added resource listener
* May 15, 2012 14510 zhao Modified processing at startup
* Oct 26, 2012 1280 skorolev Clean code and made changes for non-blocking dialog
* Oct 30, 2012 1297 skorolev Changed HashMap to Map
* </pre>
@ -87,24 +91,27 @@ import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
public class SafeSeasMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements ISSResourceListener {
private final IUFStatusHandler statusHandler = UFStatus
/** Singleton instance of this class */
private static SafeSeasMonitor monitor = null;
/** zone table dialog **/
public SSZoneTableDlg zoneDialog = null;
private SSZoneTableDlg zoneDialog;
* monitoring area config dialog
SSMonitoringAreaConfigDlg areaDialog = null;
/** monitoring area config dialog **/
private SSMonitoringAreaConfigDlg areaDialog = null;
/** configuration manager **/
private SSMonitorConfigurationManager safeseasConfig = null;
* This object contains all observation data necessary for the table dialogs
* and trending plots
private ObMultiHrsReports obData;
private ObMultiHrsReports obData;
/** table data for the zone table **/
private final TableData zoneTableData = new TableData(
@ -114,116 +121,157 @@ public class SafeSeasMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements ISSResourceListener {
private final TableData stationTableData = new TableData(
/** All SafeSeas plugins start with this */
private static String OBS = "fssobs";
/** All SafeSeas datauri start with this */
private final String OBS = "fssobs";
/** regex wild card filter */
protected static String wildCard = "[\\w\\(\\)-_:.]+";
private final String wildCard = "[\\w\\(\\)-_:.]+";
/** The application key */
ChosenAppKey chosenAppKey = ChosenAppKey.SAFESEAS;
/** List of SAFESEAS resource listeners **/
private final List<ISSResourceListener> safeSeasResources = new ArrayList<ISSResourceListener>();
private final ArrayList<ISSResourceListener> safeSeasResources = new ArrayList<ISSResourceListener>();
/** Time which Zone/County dialog shows. **/
private Date dialogTime = null;
* Time which Zone/County dialog shows.
public Date dialogTime = null;
/** list of coordinates for each zone **/
private Map<String, Geometry> zoneGeometries = null;
/** list of coordinates for each zone **/
public HashMap<String, Geometry> zoneGeometries = null;
/** data holder for FOG data **/
public HashMap<Date, HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>> algorithmData = null;
/** data holder for FOG data **/
private Map<Date, Map<String, FOG_THREAT>> algorithmData = null;
/** Adjacent areas for current cwa **/
private Geometry geoAdjAreas;
/** Array of fogAlg listeners **/
private final ArrayList<ISSResourceListener> fogResources = new ArrayList<ISSResourceListener>();
/** List of fogAlg listeners **/
private final List<ISSResourceListener> fogResources = new ArrayList<ISSResourceListener>();
/** Pattern for SAFESEAS **/
private final Pattern ssPattern = Pattern
.compile(URIFilter.uriSeperator + OBS + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard
+ URIFilter.uriSeperator + cwa + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard
+ URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard
+ URIFilter.uriSeperator + "ss");
* Private constructor, singleton
private SafeSeasMonitor() {
initObserver("fssobs", this);
initObserver(OBS, this);
* @return instance of monitor
public static synchronized SafeSeasMonitor getInstance() {
if (monitor == null) {
monitor = new SafeSeasMonitor();
// Pre-populate dialog with an observation (METAR) for KOMA
// Pre-populate dialog with an observation (METAR) for KOMA
return monitor;
// TODO: Provide the changes in EDEX URIFilters when area configuration file
// has been changed.
* DR#11279:
* When monitor area configuration is changed,
* this module is called to re-initialize monitor
* using new monitor area configuration
* DR#11279: When monitor area configuration is changed, this module is
* called to re-initialize monitor using new monitor area configuration
public static void reInitialize() {
if ( monitor != null ) {
monitor = null;
monitor = new SafeSeasMonitor();
* Creates the maps
private void createDataStructures() {
// [Jan 21, 2010, zhao]
obData = new ObMultiHrsReports(CommonConfig.AppName.SAFESEAS);
algorithmData = new HashMap<Date, HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>>();
public void launchDialog(String type, Shell shell) {
if (type.equals("zone")) {
if (zoneDialog == null) {
zoneDialog = new SSZoneTableDlg(shell, obData);
} else if (type.equals("area")) {
areaDialog = new SSMonitoringAreaConfigDlg(shell,
"Safe Seas Monitor Area Configuration");
if (monitor != null) {
monitor = null;
monitor = new SafeSeasMonitor();
* Creates the maps
private void createDataStructures() {
obData = new ObMultiHrsReports(CommonConfig.AppName.SAFESEAS);
algorithmData = new HashMap<Date, Map<String, FOG_THREAT>>();
* Launch SAFESEAS Zone Dialog
* @param type
* @param shell
public void launchDialog(String type, Shell shell) {
if (type.equals("zone")) {
if (zoneDialog == null || zoneDialog.getShell() == null
|| zoneDialog.isDisposed()) {
zoneDialog = new SSZoneTableDlg(shell, obData);
} else {
} else if (type.equals("area")) {
if (areaDialog == null) {
areaDialog = new SSMonitoringAreaConfigDlg(shell,
"Safe Seas Monitor Area Configuration");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#filterNotifyMessage(com.raytheon
* .uf.viz.core.notification.NotificationMessage)
public boolean filterNotifyMessage(NotificationMessage alertMessage) {
return false;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#processNotifyMessage(com.raytheon
* .uf.viz.core.notification.NotificationMessage)
public void processNotifyMessage(NotificationMessage filtered) {
// Not used
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#processProductMessage(com.raytheon
* .uf.viz.core.alerts.AlertMessage)
public void processProductMessage(final AlertMessage filtered) {
if (ssPattern.matcher(filtered.dataURI).matches()) {
// System.out.println("Found match: " + ssPattern + " URI: "
// + filtered.dataURI);
processURI(filtered.dataURI, filtered);
if (ssPattern.matcher(filtered.dataURI).matches()) {
processURI(filtered.dataURI, filtered);
* Adds data to station table
* @param trd
* @param stationID
public void addToStationDataTable(TableRowData trd, String stationID) {
int numberCell = trd.getNumberOfCellData();
TableRowData stationRowData = new TableRowData(numberCell + 1);
@ -233,7 +281,6 @@ public class SafeSeasMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements ISSResourceListener {
for (int i = 0; i < numberCell; i++) {
stationRowData.setTableCellData(i + 1, trd.getTableCellData(i));
@ -245,22 +292,28 @@ public class SafeSeasMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements ISSResourceListener {
* -- the xml configuration filename
public void readTableConfig(String file) {
HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> zones = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
Map<String, List<String>> zones = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// create zones and station list
try {
SSMonitorConfigurationManager areaConfig = getMonitorAreaConfig();
for (String zone : areaConfig.getAreaList()) {
ArrayList<String> stations = areaConfig.getAreaStations(zone);
List<String> stations = areaConfig.getAreaStations(zone);
zones.put(zone, stations);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("SafeSeas failed to load configuration..."
+ this.getClass().getName());
"SafeSeas failed to load configuration..."
+ this.getClass().getName(), e);
public SSMonitorConfigurationManager getMonitorAreaConfig() {
* Gets configuration manager
* @return safeseasConfig
private SSMonitorConfigurationManager getMonitorAreaConfig() {
if (safeseasConfig == null) {
LocalizationManager mgr = LocalizationManager.getInstance();
String siteScope = mgr.getCurrentSite();
@ -271,104 +324,144 @@ public class SafeSeasMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements ISSResourceListener {
return safeseasConfig;
private Pattern ssPattern = Pattern
.compile(URIFilter.uriSeperator + OBS + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard
+ URIFilter.uriSeperator + cwa + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard
+ URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard
+ URIFilter.uriSeperator + "ss");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.Monitor#initObserver(java.lang.String,
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.Monitor)
public void initObserver(String pluginName, Monitor monitor) {
ProductAlertObserver.addObserver(pluginName, this);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#thresholdUpdate(com.raytheon.uf
public void thresholdUpdate(IMonitorThresholdEvent me) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#configUpdate(com.raytheon.uf.viz
public void configUpdate(IMonitorConfigurationEvent me) {
// Not used
* Kill this monitor by nullifying the monitor's private instance variable.
* Kills this monitor by nullifying the monitor's private instance variable.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#nullifyMonitor()
public void nullifyMonitor() {
// /**
// * Before making the monitor null, remove observers
// */
// for (String p : pluginName) {
// if (!pluginName.equals("")) {
// stopObserver(p, this);
// }
// }
stopObserver("fssobs", this);
stopObserver(OBS, this);
monitor = null;
* @return zoneTableData
public TableData getZoneTableData() {
return zoneTableData;
* @return stationTableData
public TableData getStationTableData() {
return stationTableData;
* Gets data
* @return obData
public ObMultiHrsReports getObData() {
return obData;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#process(com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor
* .data.ObReport)
protected void process(ObReport result)
throws Exception {
// ProcessSafeSeasReport safeSeas = new ProcessSafeSeasReport(result);
// safeSeas.processSafeSeasReport();
// add data to obData
protected void process(ObReport result) throws Exception {
* SSResource sets the dialogTime
* SSResource updates the dialogTime
* @param dialogTime
public void updateDialogTime(Date dialogTime) {
this.dialogTime = dialogTime;
this.dialogTime = dialogTime;
* @return dialogTime
public Date getDialogTime() {
return dialogTime;
* Sets the dialogTime
* @param dialogTime
public void setDialogTime(Date dialogTime) {
this.dialogTime = dialogTime;
* Add recourse listener
* @param issr
public void addSSResourceListener(ISSResourceListener issr) {
* Remove recourse listener
* @param issr
public void removeSSResourceListener(ISSResourceListener issr) {
* Close dialog
public void closeDialog() {
if (zoneDialog != null) {
zoneDialog = null;
if (areaDialog != null) {
@ -378,124 +471,130 @@ public class SafeSeasMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements ISSResourceListener {
* Order the dates
* @param type
* @return
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor#getTimeOrderedKeys(com.raytheon.
* uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor, java.lang.String)
public ArrayList<Date> getTimeOrderedKeys(IMonitor monitor, String type) {
// Not used
return null;
* Get most recent time
* Gets area geometries
* @param type
* @return
* @return zoneGeometries
public DataTime getMostRecent(IMonitor monitor, String type) {
return null;
public Map<String, Geometry> getMonitoringAreaGeometries() {
if (zoneGeometries == null) {
ArrayList<String> zones = getMonitorAreaConfig().getAreaList();
zoneGeometries = new HashMap<String, Geometry>();
for (String zone : zones) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
"Error get Monitoring Area Config", e);
return zoneGeometries;
public HashMap<String, Geometry> getMonitoringAreaGeometries() {
if (zoneGeometries == null) {
ArrayList<String> zones = getMonitorAreaConfig().getAreaList();
zoneGeometries = new HashMap<String, Geometry>();
for (String zone : zones) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return zoneGeometries;
* Gets threats
* @param refTime
* @param zoneThreats
public void setAlgorithmData(Date refTime,
Map<String, FOG_THREAT> zoneThreats) {
if (algorithmData.containsKey(refTime)) {
algorithmData.put(refTime, zoneThreats);
public void setAlgorithmData(Date refTime,
HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT> zoneThreats) {
if (algorithmData.containsKey(refTime)) {
algorithmData.put(refTime, zoneThreats);
* Gets the algorithm threat by time
* @param time
* @return algData
public Map<String, FOG_THREAT> getAlgorithmData(Date time) {
* Gets the algorithm threat
* @param zone
* @return
public HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT> getAlgorithmData(Date time) {
Map<String, FOG_THREAT> algData = new HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>();
HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT> algData = new HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>();
if ((algorithmData != null) && algorithmData.containsKey(time)) {
algData = algorithmData.get(time);
} else {
// by default is nothing in the Fog column
for (String zone : MonitoringArea.getPlatformMap().keySet()) {
algData.put(zone, FOG_THREAT.GRAY);
return algData;
if ((algorithmData != null) && algorithmData.containsKey(time)) {
algData = algorithmData.get(time);
} else {
// default nothing in Fog column
for (String zone : MonitoringArea.getPlatformMap().keySet()) {
algData.put(zone, FOG_THREAT.GRAY);
return algData;
* Gets Fog threat types.
* @param fogAlgThreats
* @return types
public Map<String, CellType> getAlgCellTypes(
Map<String, FOG_THREAT> fogAlgThreats) {
Map<String, CellType> types = new HashMap<String, CellType>();
for (String zone : fogAlgThreats.keySet()) {
CellType type = getAlgorithmCellType(fogAlgThreats.get(zone));
types.put(zone, type);
return types;
public HashMap<String, CellType> getAlgCellTypes(
HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT> fogAlgThreats) {
HashMap<String, CellType> types = new HashMap<String, CellType>();
for (String zone : fogAlgThreats.keySet()) {
CellType type = getAlgorithmCellType(fogAlgThreats.get(zone));
types.put(zone, type);
return types;
* Gets cell threat type
* @param fog_THREAT
* @return type
private CellType getAlgorithmCellType(FOG_THREAT fog_THREAT) {
CellType type = CellType.NotDetermined;
if (fog_THREAT == FogRecord.FOG_THREAT.GREEN) {
type = CellType.G;
} else if (fog_THREAT == FogRecord.FOG_THREAT.YELLOW) {
type = CellType.Y;
} else if (fog_THREAT == FogRecord.FOG_THREAT.RED) {
type = CellType.R;
return type;
private CellType getAlgorithmCellType(FOG_THREAT fog_THREAT) {
CellType type = CellType.NotDetermined;
if (fog_THREAT == FogRecord.FOG_THREAT.GREEN) {
type = CellType.G;
} else if (fog_THREAT == FogRecord.FOG_THREAT.YELLOW) {
type = CellType.Y;
} else if (fog_THREAT == FogRecord.FOG_THREAT.RED) {
type = CellType.R;
return type;
* Get most recent time
* @param type
* @return
public DataTime getMostRecent() {
DataTime time = null;
Set<Date> ds = this.algorithmData.keySet();
DataTime[] times = new DataTime[ds.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Date d : ds) {
times[i] = new DataTime(d);
if (times.length > 0) {
time = times[times.length - 1]; // most recent
return time;
public ZoneTableDlg getDialog() {
return zoneDialog;
* Gets zone dialog
* @return zoneDialog
public ZoneTableDlg getDialog() {
return zoneDialog;
* Gets adjacent areas
public void getAdjAreas() {
* Sets geometry of adjacent areas
* @param geoAdjAreas
* the geoAdjAreas to set
@ -504,6 +603,8 @@ public class SafeSeasMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements ISSResourceListener {
* Gets geometry of adjacent areas
* @return the geoAdjAreas
public Geometry getGeoAdjAreas() {
@ -511,6 +612,8 @@ public class SafeSeasMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements ISSResourceListener {
* Updates data of Fog monitor
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
@ -531,9 +634,25 @@ public class SafeSeasMonitor extends ObsMonitor implements ISSResourceListener {
protected void processAtStartup(ObReport report) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#processAtStartup(com.raytheon.
protected void processAtStartup(ObReport report) {
* Gets SAFESEAS zone table dialog
* @return
public SSZoneTableDlg getZoneDialog() {
return zoneDialog;
@ -19,9 +19,8 @@
package com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.safeseas.resources;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException;
@ -29,17 +28,16 @@ import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.FogRecord;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.FogRecord.FOG_THREAT;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.analysis.FogCell;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.analysis.FogDataCorrector;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.analysis.FogMonitorUtils;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.geospatial.ReferencedCoordinate;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.geospatial.ReferencedObject.Type;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.IUFStatusHandler;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.UFStatus;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.UFStatus.Priority;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog.FogCommonThreat;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.fog.xml.FogMonitorAlgorithmXML;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.safeseas.SafeSeasMonitor;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.algorithm.locate.SimplePointInAreaLocator;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
* FogThreat for SafeSeas monitor
@ -49,47 +47,22 @@ import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Apr 30, 2011 #4981 skorolev Initial creation
* ------------ ---------- ----------- -----------------
* Apr 30, 2011 #4981 skorolev Initial creation
* Oct.30, 2012 #1297 skorolev Changed HashMap to Map
* </pre>
* @author skorolev
* @version 1.0
public class SSFogThreat {
public class SSFogThreat extends FogCommonThreat {
/** list of coordinates for each zone **/
public HashMap<String, ArrayList<Coordinate>> zoneCoordinates = null;
private final IUFStatusHandler statusHandler = UFStatus
private final GeometryFactory geoFactory = new GeometryFactory();
private FogRecord fog = null;
private FogMonitorAlgorithmXML fogAlgXML = null;
private Geometry geoAdjAreas = null;
public FOG_THREAT[] threats = null;
public ArrayList<FogCell> cells = null;
public float[] ir_diff_thresholds = null;
public float[] vis_thresholds = null;
public int twilight_angle_offset = 0;
// boolean filter switches
public boolean isSnowIce = true;
public boolean isFractalDimension = true;
public boolean isSmoothness = true;
public boolean isAdjacency = true;
private SafeSeasMonitor monitor;
/** SafeSeasMonitor monitor **/
private SafeSeasMonitor ssmonitor = SafeSeasMonitor.getInstance();
* serialization constructor
@ -104,696 +77,27 @@ public class SSFogThreat {
public SSFogThreat(FogMonitorAlgorithmXML fogAlgXML) {
this.fogAlgXML = fogAlgXML;
* This method will be called with the switches from the GUI front end
* Fog Product [T(10.7) - (T(3.9)] or VIS (normalized count) Maximum cloud temperature Daytime
* Ice/Snow vs Fog Threshold (c) (FogSnowIceFilter) Cool Fog vs Warm Surface threshold Daytime
* Smoothness Algorithm (FogSmoothnessFilter) Adjacency Threshold Twilight Angle Threshold
* Fractal Dimension Threshold (FogFractalFilter)
public FogRecord getFogThreat(FogRecord fog) {
this.fog = fog;
if (fog.getVisArray() == null)
return fog;
System.out.println("FogThreat for SS: Start analyzing Fog Threat...");
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// String cwa = fog.getCwa();
geoAdjAreas = getSafeSeasMonitor().getGeoAdjAreas();
// clear threats array, make gray (SK)i=>x j=>y
for (int i = 0; i < fog.getNx(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < fog.getNy(); j++) {
//(SK) getThreats()[fog.getNy() * i + j] = FOG_THREAT.GRAY;
getThreats()[fog.getNx() * j + i] = FOG_THREAT.GRAY;
// First execute the data corrector, this divides up the FogRecord field
// into Day, Night, and Twilight.
FogDataCorrector fdc = new FogDataCorrector(getFog(), fogAlgXML.getTwilightAngle());
fog = fdc.execute();
// Second, core processor. Gets you the cells, sets non-filtered values.
// Third, apply filters
for (FogCell cell : getCells()) {
// *********** APPLY FILTERS *******************
// Area Size filter
if (fogAlgXML.isAdjacencyThreshOn() && cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GREEN
&& cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GRAY) {
if (cell.getArea() < fogAlgXML.getAdjacencyThresh()) {
setCellThreats(cell.getPoints(), FOG_THREAT.GREEN);
// Snow & Ice filter
if (fogAlgXML.isIceSnowVsFogOn()
&& cell.getImageGroup() == FogRecord.IMAGE_GROUP.VIS_GROUP
&& (cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GREEN || cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GRAY)) {
float tempMean = calAverageTemp(cell);
if (tempMean < fogAlgXML.getIceSnowVsFog()) {
// Smoothness filter
if (fogAlgXML.isDaytimeSmoothThreshOn() && cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GREEN
|| cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GRAY) {
float tem_smoothness = calSmoothness(cell);
if (tem_smoothness < fogAlgXML.getDaytimeSmoothThresh()) {
// Fractal filter
if (fogAlgXML.isFractalDimensionOn() && cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GREEN
&& cell.getCellThreat() != FOG_THREAT.GRAY) {
float temFD = calRegularity(cell);
if (temFD > fogAlgXML.getFractalDimension() && temFD > 0.0f) {
setCellThreats(cell.getPoints(), FOG_THREAT.GREEN);
// We extract the zone threat differently than the GI filter
// Hence it is not needed.
.println("FogThreat for SS: Analyzed Fog Threat...Duration: "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
return fog;
* Remember J is X and I is Y, totally against convention!
* Gets the threat level
* @param i (SK y)
* @param j (SK x)
* @param group
* @return
private FOG_THREAT getThreatLevel(int i, int j, FogRecord.IMAGE_GROUP group) {
//(SK) i=>x, j=>y
// default return
//(SK) idx = fog.getNy() * i + j
int idx = fog.getNx() * j + i;
switch (group) {
float ir4_temp = bTemp(i, j, FogRecord.CHANNEL.IR10_7);
int CLOUD_FREE_BRIGHTNESS = 68; // empirical value
// Too cold
if (ir4_temp < fogAlgXML.getMaxCloudTemp()) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GRAY;
// overlapping high/middle cloud
else if (fog.getVisArray()[idx] <= vis_thresholds[2]
&& fog.getVisArray()[idx] >= vis_thresholds[1]) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.RED;
} else if (fog.getVisArray()[idx] < vis_thresholds[1]
&& fog.getVisArray()[idx] >= vis_thresholds[0]
|| fog.getVisArray()[idx] <= vis_thresholds[3]
&& fog.getVisArray()[idx] > vis_thresholds[2]) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.YELLOW;
// This is essentially the Cool Fog vs. Warm surface threshold check
else if (fogAlgXML.isCoolFogVsWarmSurfaceOn()
&& ir4_temp >= fogAlgXML.getCoolFogVsWarmSurface()) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GREEN;
else if (fog.getVisArray()[idx] < CLOUD_FREE_BRIGHTNESS) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GREEN;
return returnValue;
case IR_GROUP:
// for some odd reason j is x and i is y,
// not sure why AWIPS 1 does it this way.
// It is completely against convention.
//Point tempoint = new Point(j, i);
//(SK) here i=>x and j=>y
Point tempoint = new Point(i, j);
float tempIR10_7 = temp_at_vis_pixel(tempoint, FogRecord.CHANNEL.IR10_7);
if (tempIR10_7 < fogAlgXML.getMaxCloudTemp()) {
// Too cold
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GRAY;
// Overlapping high/middle cloud
float tempIR3_9 = temp_at_vis_pixel(tempoint, FogRecord.CHANNEL.IR3_9);
float tempDiff = tempIR10_7 - tempIR3_9;
if (tempDiff <= ir_diff_thresholds[2] && tempDiff >= ir_diff_thresholds[1]) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.RED;
} else if (tempDiff < ir_diff_thresholds[1] && tempDiff >= ir_diff_thresholds[0]
|| tempDiff <= ir_diff_thresholds[3] && tempDiff > ir_diff_thresholds[2]) {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.YELLOW;
} else {
returnValue = FOG_THREAT.GREEN;
// do nothing, stays gray
return returnValue;
* Precursor call to get temp at pixel
* @param i
* @param j
* @param imgtype
* @return
private float bTemp(int i, int j, FogRecord.CHANNEL imgtype) {
//(SK) here i=>x and j=>y
// for some odd reason j is x and i is y,
// not sure why AWIPS 1 does it this way.
// It is completely against convention.
Point tempoint = new Point(i, j);
return temp_at_vis_pixel(tempoint, imgtype);
* Get the temp at the pixel
* @param pointVis
* @param channel
* @return
private float temp_at_vis_pixel(Point pointVis, FogRecord.CHANNEL channel) {
// The assumption is that Dimensions of IR4 and IR2 are the same.
// IR4 data will be always needed, so attributes for IR4 shall be
// always available.
// **** ATTENTION ***** We have made the vis the same as well for AWIPS
// II
int count_value = 255;
if (channel == FogRecord.CHANNEL.IR3_9) {
count_value = fog.getIR_3_9Array()[fog.getNx() * pointVis.y + pointVis.x];
//(SK) count_value = fog.getIR_3_9Array()[fog.getNy() * pointVis.x + pointVis.y];
} else if (channel == FogRecord.CHANNEL.IR10_7) {
count_value = fog.getIR_10_7Array()[fog.getNx() * pointVis.y + pointVis.x];
//(SK) count_value = fog.getIR_10_7Array()[fog.getNy() * pointVis.x + pointVis.y];
return FogMonitorUtils.count2temp(count_value, channel);
* Gets the fog
* @return
public FogRecord getFog() {
return fog;
* Gets the existing array of threats
* @return
public FOG_THREAT[] getThreats() {
if (threats == null) {
threats = new FOG_THREAT[getFog().getNx() * getFog().getNy()];
return threats;
* Gets the cells of this analysis
* @return
public ArrayList<FogCell> getCells() {
return cells;
* Gets the existing threat value at that point
* @return
public FOG_THREAT getThreat(int i, int j) {
return getThreats()[fog.getNx() * j + i];
//(SK) return getThreats()[fog.getNy() * i + j];
* Set fog threat at threat level point
* @param i
* @param j
* @param threat
private void setThreat(int i, int j, FOG_THREAT threat) {
//(SK) getThreats()[fog.getNy() * i + j] = threat;
getThreats()[fog.getNx() * j + i] = threat;
* Downgrade the Fog Threat
* @param current
* @param i
* @param j
private void downgradeThreat(FogCell cell) {
if (cell.getCellThreat() == FOG_THREAT.YELLOW) {
setCellThreats(cell.getPoints(), FOG_THREAT.GREEN);
} else if (cell.getCellThreat() == FOG_THREAT.RED) {
setCellThreats(cell.getPoints(), FOG_THREAT.YELLOW);
// // *********************** FILTERS **************************** /////
// -Private--------------------------------------------------------------------
// NAME: CalRegularity()
// TYPE: Private Member function
// Descript:
// Given a cell, calculate its regularity i.e. the fractal dimension
// Input Arguments:
// cell: The Fog_Cell whose fractal dimension is to be measured
// Output Arguments:
// Return float: fractal dimension. the value is between 1 to 2
// smaller means more regular.
// Here use the perimeter and area relation to represent
// fractal dimension (one of the simply ways)
// History:
// May 2004 Qin Zeng (GDMB/MDL) -- created
// Dec 2009 D Hladky translated to Java
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private float calRegularity(FogCell cell) {
int nx = cell.right - cell.left + 1;
int ny = cell.bottom - + 1;
int i;
boolean[] flag = new boolean[nx * ny];
for (i = 0; i < nx * ny; i++) {
flag[i] = false;
int pixels_num = (int) cell.getArea();
int flagPos;
for (i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate coor = cell.getPixelCoordinate(i);
flagPos = (int) ((coor.y - * nx + coor.x - cell.left);
if (flagPos >= 0 && flagPos < nx * ny) {
flag[flagPos] = true;
// From here, perimeter of the fog cell will be calculated;
// |...| 1 |...|
// | 4 | 0 | 2 |
// |...| 3 |...|
// If the any of the 0's surrounding pixels(1,2,3,4) is flagged as false,
// which means that surrounding pixel(1,2,3,or 4) is not included in
// the cell, pixel 0 then will be at the edge of the cell cluster.
// And the edge connecting to the outside pixel will be counted into the
// perimeter of the cell cluster.
int pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4;
float perimeter = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate coor = cell.getPixelCoordinate(i);
pos1 = (int) ((i - - 1) * nx + coor.y - cell.left);
if (pos1 >= 0 && pos1 < nx * ny && !flag[pos1] || i - coor.x < {
pos2 = (int) ((coor.y - * nx + coor.x + 1 - cell.left);
if (pos2 >= 0 && pos2 < nx * ny && !flag[pos2] || coor.x + 1 > cell.right) {
pos3 = (int) ((coor.y - + 1) * nx + coor.x - cell.left);
if (pos3 >= 0 && pos3 < nx * ny && !flag[pos3] || coor.y + 1 > cell.bottom) {
pos4 = (int) ((coor.y - * nx + coor.x - 1 - cell.left);
if (pos4 >= 0 && pos4 < nx * ny && !flag[pos4] || coor.x - 1 < cell.left) {
float fractalDimension = 1.0f;
if (cell.getArea() != 1) {
fractalDimension = (float) (2 * Math.log(perimeter / 4.0) / Math.log(cell.getArea()));
// Note : fractalDimension is a data between 1 and 2 and the larger
// fractalDimension is , the more irregular the shape of the cell will
// be.
return fractalDimension;
// -Private--------------------------------------------------------------------
// NAME: CalSmoothness()
// TYPE: Private Member function
// Descript:
// Given a cell, calculate the its smoothness
// Input Arguments:
// cell: The Fog_Cell whose smoothness is to be measured
// Output Arguments:
// return float: smoothness defined above
// History:
// May 2004 Qin Zeng (GDMB/MDL) -- created
// Dec 2009 D Hladky ported to AWIPS II
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private float calSmoothness(FogCell cell) {
float mean = 0; // mean grayscale value of pixels in the cell from VIS.
float stdDev = 0; // standard deviation
int pixels_num = (int) cell.getArea();
if (pixels_num == 0) {
return 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate pixr = cell.getPixelRelativeCoordinate(i);
//(SK) mean += getFog().getVisArray()[(int) (getFog().getNy() * pixr.x + pixr.y)];
mean += getFog().getVisArray()[(int) (getFog().getNx() * pixr.y + pixr.x)];
mean /= pixels_num;
float tem_float;
for (i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate pixr = cell.getPixelRelativeCoordinate(i);
//(SK) tem_float = getFog().getVisArray()[(int) (getFog().getNy() * pixr.x + pixr.y)];
tem_float = getFog().getVisArray()[(int) (getFog().getNx() * pixr.y + pixr.x)];
stdDev += (tem_float - mean) * (tem_float - mean);
stdDev /= pixels_num;
stdDev = (float) Math.sqrt(stdDev);
// mean should not be zero, so no need to check mean here.
return (1 - stdDev / mean) * 100; // use percent as unit
// -Private---------------------------------------------------------------------
// NAME: Cal()
// TYPE: Private Member function
// Descript:
// Calculate the average temperature for a Fog_Cell in channel 3.9 um
// History:
// May 2004 Qin Zeng (GDMB/MDL) -- created
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private float calAverageTemp(FogCell cell) {
float mean = 0; // mean temperature value of pixels in the cell.
int pixels_num = (int) cell.getArea();
if (pixels_num == 0) {
return -999.9f;
for (int i = 0; i < pixels_num; i++) {
Coordinate pixc = cell.getPixelRelativeCoordinate(i);
mean += temp_at_vis_pixel(new Point((int) pixc.x, (int) pixc.y),
mean /= pixels_num;
return mean;
// -Public---------------------------------------------------------------------
// NAME: Execute()
// TYPE: Private Member function
// Descript:
// Based on the thresholds of the VIS image data and the IR image data,
// a number of patches of the contiguous suspected fog areas will be
// extracted from the satellite image data.
// This is an implementation of the feature extraction algorithm based
// on the contiguous gray scale values.
// Arguments: None
// History:
// March 2004 Qin Zeng (GDMB/MDL) -- created
// Dec 2009 D Hladky ported to Java for AWIPS II
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void executeCoreProcessor() {
cells = new ArrayList<FogCell>();
ArrayList<Point> parent = new ArrayList<Point>();
ArrayList<Point> child = new ArrayList<Point>();
ArrayList<Point> single_segment = new ArrayList<Point>();
int x_dim = getFog().getNx();
int y_dim = getFog().getNy();
int i; //(SK) x
int j; //(SK) y
// To flag whether a pixel has been visited or not
boolean[][] visited = new boolean[x_dim][y_dim];
Point[] s = new Point[8]; // 8 surrounding points of one specific point
for (int z = 0; z < s.length; z++) {
s[z] = new Point();
Point tempoint = new Point();
for (i = 0; i < x_dim; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < y_dim; j++) {
visited[i][j] = false;
for (j = 0; j < y_dim; j++) {
Point firstone = new Point();
FogRecord.IMAGE_GROUP imggroup;
for (i = 0; i < x_dim; i++) {
if (visited[i][j]) {
Coordinate cellCoor = this.getCellCoor(i, j);
visited[i][j] = true;
imggroup = getFog().findGroup(i, j);
threat_level = getThreatLevel(i, j, imggroup);
// Sets the initial threat level
setThreat(i, j, threat_level);
firstone.x = i;
firstone.y = j;
tempoint.y = j;
tempoint.x = i;
while (parent.size() != 0) {
// the variables(s[1],s[2]...) below mean surrounding 1,2
// | 0 | 1 | 2 |
// | 7 | i | 3 |
// | 6 | 5 | 4 |
// iteratively search the 8-connected surrounding pixels
for (int k = 0; k < parent.size(); k++) {
// y's too small, too big
if (parent.get(k).y == 0) {
s[0].y = parent.get(k).y;
s[1].y = parent.get(k).y;
s[2].y = parent.get(k).y;
if (parent.get(k).y == y_dim - 1) {
s[4].y = parent.get(k).y;
s[5].y = parent.get(k).y;
s[6].y = parent.get(k).y;
// x's too small, too big
if (parent.get(k).x == 0) {
s[0].x = parent.get(k).x;
s[6].x = parent.get(k).x;
s[7].x = parent.get(k).x;
if (parent.get(k).x == x_dim - 1) {
s[2].x = parent.get(k).x;
s[3].x = parent.get(k).x;
s[4].x = parent.get(k).x;
// all others
if (parent.get(k).x > 0 && parent.get(k).x < x_dim - 1
&& parent.get(k).y == y_dim - 1 && parent.get(k).y > 0) {
s[0].y = parent.get(k).y - 1;
s[0].x = parent.get(k).x - 1;
s[1].y = parent.get(k).y - 1;
s[1].x = parent.get(k).x;
s[2].y = parent.get(k).y - 1;
s[2].x = parent.get(k).x + 1;
s[3].y = parent.get(k).y;
s[3].x = parent.get(k).x + 1;
s[4].y = parent.get(k).y + 1;
s[4].x = parent.get(k).x + 1;
s[5].y = parent.get(k).y + 1;
s[5].x = parent.get(k).x;
s[6].y = parent.get(k).y + 1;
s[6].x = parent.get(k).x - 1;
s[7].y = parent.get(k).y;
s[7].x = parent.get(k).x - 1;
FogRecord.IMAGE_GROUP temgroup;
FOG_THREAT temthreat;
for (int m = 0; m < 8; m++) {
if (s[m].y >= 0 && s[m].y < y_dim && s[m].x >= 0 && s[m].x < x_dim) {
int ii = s[m].x;
int jj = s[m].y;
//(SK) int ii = s[m].y;
//(SK) int jj = s[m].x;
if (!visited[ii][jj]) {
temgroup = getFog().findGroup(ii, jj);
temthreat = getThreatLevel(ii, jj, temgroup);
if (temgroup == imggroup && temthreat == threat_level) {
visited[ii][jj] = true;
}// end of if
}// end of if
}// end of for m
}// end of for k
parent = child;
}// end of while
// if
// (!this.geoAdjAreas.contains(geoFactory.createPoint(cellCoor)))
// {
int lct = SimplePointInAreaLocator.locate(cellCoor,
if (lct == 2) {
threat_level = FOG_THREAT.BLACK;
setThreat(i, j, threat_level);
getCells().add(new FogCell(single_segment, threat_level, imggroup));
} // end of for j
} // end of for i
* Sets all points in the cell to the cell filtered value threat
* @param cells
* @param threat
private void setCellThreats(ArrayList<Point> points, FOG_THREAT threat) {
for (Point point : points) {
getThreats()[fog.getNx() * point.y + point.x] = threat;
//(SK) getThreats()[fog.getNy() * point.x + point.y] = threat;
* Gets the drawable float array of threats
* @return
private void setThreats() {
float[] floats = new float[getThreats().length];
int i = 0;
for (FOG_THREAT threat : getThreats()) {
floats[i] = getThreatValue(threat);
* Sets the thresholds
private void setThresholdArrays() {
ir_diff_thresholds = new float[4];
vis_thresholds = new float[4];
ir_diff_thresholds[0] = (float) fogAlgXML.getFogProductYLo();
ir_diff_thresholds[1] = (float) fogAlgXML.getFogProductYHi();
ir_diff_thresholds[2] = (float) fogAlgXML.getFogProductRLo();
ir_diff_thresholds[3] = (float) fogAlgXML.getFogProductRHi();
vis_thresholds[0] = (float) fogAlgXML.getVisYLo();
vis_thresholds[1] = (float) fogAlgXML.getVisYHi();
vis_thresholds[2] = (float) fogAlgXML.getVisRLo();
vis_thresholds[3] = (float) fogAlgXML.getVisRHi();
* Quick static method to get the float to threat mapping
* @param threat
* @return
public static float getThreatValue(FOG_THREAT threat) {
float value = 0;
if (threat == FOG_THREAT.BLACK) {
value = 0.0f;
} else if (threat == FOG_THREAT.GRAY) {
value = 15.0f;
} else if (threat == FOG_THREAT.GREEN) {
value = 60.0f;
} else if (threat == FOG_THREAT.YELLOW) {
value = 110.0f;
} else if (threat == FOG_THREAT.RED) {
value = 220.0f;
return value;
zoneGeos = ssmonitor.getMonitoringAreaGeometries();
geoAdjAreas = ssmonitor.getGeoAdjAreas();
* Gets the zone threats (ALG) with worst case for zone area
* @return HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>
* @return Map<String, FOG_THREAT> zoneThreats
public void setMonitorAreaThreats() {
final FogRecord ffogRec = getFog();
final SafeSeasMonitor fmonitor = getSafeSeasMonitor();
// TODO: async or sync ????
Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void run() {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
HashMap<String, Geometry> zoneGeos = fmonitor.getMonitoringAreaGeometries();
Map<String, Geometry> zoneGeos = ssmonitor
// set to lowest for default
HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT> zoneThreats = new HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>();
Map<String, FOG_THREAT> zoneThreats = new HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT>();
for (String zone : zoneGeos.keySet()) {
zoneThreats.put(zone, FOG_THREAT.BLACK);
@ -801,75 +105,47 @@ public class SSFogThreat {
for (int i = 0; i < ffogRec.getNx(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ffogRec.getNy(); j++) {
ReferencedCoordinate rc = new ReferencedCoordinate(new Coordinate(i, j),
ReferencedCoordinate rc = new ReferencedCoordinate(
new Coordinate(i, j),
ffogRec.getGridGeometry(), Type.GRID_CENTER);
Coordinate coor = null;
try {
coor = rc.asLatLon();
} catch (TransformException e) {
statusHandler.handle(Priority.ERROR, e.getMessage());
} catch (FactoryException e) {
statusHandler.handle(Priority.ERROR, e.getMessage());
for (String zone : zoneGeos.keySet()) {
if (zoneGeos.get(zone) != null) {
if (zoneGeos.get(zone).contains(
geoFactory.createPoint(coor))) {
try {
if (getThreatValue(getThreat(i, j)) > getThreatValue(zoneThreats
.get(zone))) {
getThreat(i, j));
} catch (Exception e) {
for (String zone : zoneGeos.keySet()) {
if (zoneGeos.get(zone) != null) {
if (zoneGeos.get(zone).contains(
geoFactory.createPoint(coor))) {
try {
if (getThreatValue(getThreat(i, j)) > getThreatValue(zoneThreats
.get(zone))) {
getThreat(i, j));
} catch (Exception e) {
} // end zone loop
} // end j loop
} // end i loop
.println("FogThreat for SS: Set algorithm zone values..."
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
if (statusHandler.isPriorityEnabled(Priority.DEBUG)) {
"FogThreat for SS: Set algorithm zone values..."
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
private Coordinate getCellCoor(int i, int j) {
ReferencedCoordinate rc = new ReferencedCoordinate(new Coordinate(i, j), this.getFog()
.getGridGeometry(), Type.GRID_CENTER);
Coordinate crd = null;
try {
crd = rc.asLatLon();
} catch (TransformException e) {
} catch (FactoryException e) {
return crd;
public Geometry getGeoAdjAreas() {
return geoAdjAreas;
public void setGeoAdjAreas(Geometry geoAdjAreas) {
this.geoAdjAreas = geoAdjAreas;
* @return SafeSeasMonitor
private SafeSeasMonitor getSafeSeasMonitor() {
if (monitor == null) {
monitor = SafeSeasMonitor.getInstance();
return monitor;
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.safeseas.SafeSeasMonitor;
* Nov 30, 2009 3424 zhao/Slav/wkwock launch safeseas from SafeseasMonitor.getInstance()
* Dec 30, 2009 3424 zhao Launch SS monitor and SS zone/station table dialog separately here
* Feb 26, 2010 4282 zhao Changed to follow the same dialog launch mechanism as in FOG
* Nov 15, 2012 1297 skorolev Cleaned code
* </pre>
@ -50,13 +51,15 @@ public class SafeSeasAction extends AbstractHandler {
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent arg0) throws ExecutionException {
System.out.println("Activating/Action for Safeseas...");
SafeSeasMonitor monitor = SafeSeasMonitor.getInstance();
if ( monitor.zoneDialog == null || monitor.zoneDialog.isDisposed()) {
Shell shell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell();
monitor.launchDialog("zone", shell);
System.out.println("Activating/Action for Safeseas...");
SafeSeasMonitor monitor = SafeSeasMonitor.getInstance();
if (monitor.getZoneDialog() == null
|| monitor.getZoneDialog().isDisposed()) {
Shell shell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow()
monitor.launchDialog("zone", shell);
return null;
@ -68,11 +68,10 @@ public class SSMonitoringAreaConfigDlg extends MonitoringAreaConfigDlg {
* DR#11279:
* re-initialize threshold manager and the monitor
* using new monitor area configuration
* DR#11279: re-initialize threshold manager and the monitor using
* new monitor area configuration
@ -81,7 +80,8 @@ public class SSMonitoringAreaConfigDlg extends MonitoringAreaConfigDlg {
"You're updating the SAFESEAS monitoring settings."
+ "\n\nIf SAFESEAS is running anywhere within "
+ "the office, please clear it.\n");
if ( configManager.getAddedZones().size() > 0 || addedZones.size() > 0 ) {
if (configManager.getAddedZones().size() > 0
|| addedZones.size() > 0) {
String message2 = "New zones have been added, and their monitoring thresholds "
+ "have been set to default values; would you like to modify "
+ "their threshold values now?";
@ -21,8 +21,10 @@ package com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.safeseas.ui.dialogs;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.fog.FogRecord.FOG_THREAT;
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.common.monitor.config.MonitorConfigurationManager;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.monitor.config.SSMonitorConfigurationManager;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor;
@ -38,16 +41,34 @@ import;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorListener;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.safeseas.SafeSeasMonitor;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.util.MonitorConfigConstants;
* ( where is the "SOFTWARE HISTORY" section of this file? )
* SAFESEAS Zone Table Dialog
* Dec 30, 2009 3424 zhao use ObMultiHrsReports for obs data archive
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Dec 30, 2009 3424 zhao use ObMultiHrsReports for obs data archive
* Oct 30, 2012 1297 skorolev Changed HashMap to Map
* Nov 10, 2012 1297 skorolev Added initiateProdArray
* </pre>
* @author zhao
* @version 1.0
public class SSZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
/** SAFESEAS threshold dialog. **/
private SSDispMonThreshDlg ssThreshDlg;
/** Swell column names in the zone and station table. **/
private String[] ssSwellCols = { "SSZT_SwellPeriod", "SSZT_Swell2Period" };
* Constructor (Dec 30, 2009, zhao)
@ -57,10 +78,50 @@ public class SSZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
super(parent, obData, CommonConfig.AppName.SAFESEAS);
* Constructor
* @param parent
public SSZoneTableDlg(Shell parent) {
super(parent, CommonConfig.AppName.SAFESEAS);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#initiateProdArray()
public void initiateProdArray() {
varName = config.getSafeseasZoneStnTableColVarNames()[colIndex];
// Fill product arrays
prodArray = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] varprefs = { "VAR_", "SCA_", "GALE_", "STORM_", "HURRICANE_" };
for (DisplayVarName var : DisplayVarName.values()) {
String dispVarName =;
if (colIndex == 1 && dispVarName.startsWith(varprefs[1])) {
} else if (colIndex == 2 && dispVarName.startsWith(varprefs[2])) {
} else if (colIndex == 3 && dispVarName.startsWith(varprefs[3])) {
} else if (colIndex == 4 && dispVarName.startsWith(varprefs[4])) {
} else if (dispVarName.startsWith(varprefs[0])
&& dispVarName.equals(varprefs[0] + {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#configThreshAction()
protected void configThreshAction() {
if (ssThreshDlg == null) {
@ -71,70 +132,123 @@ public class SSZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorListener#notify(com.raytheon
public void notify(IMonitorEvent me) {
if (zoneTable.isDisposed()) {
if (me.getSource() instanceof SafeSeasMonitor) {
SafeSeasMonitor monitor = (SafeSeasMonitor) me.getSource();
Date date = monitor.getDialogTime();
if (date != null) {
if (me.getSource() instanceof SafeSeasMonitor) {
SafeSeasMonitor monitor = (SafeSeasMonitor) me.getSource();
Date date = monitor.getDialogTime();
if (date != null) {
Date nominalTime = date;
ObMultiHrsReports obData = monitor.getObData();
if (!isLinkedToFrame()) {
nominalTime = obData.getLatestNominalTime();
HashMap<String, FOG_THREAT> fogAlgThreats = monitor
ObMultiHrsReports obData = monitor.getObData();
if (!isLinkedToFrame()) {
nominalTime = obData.getLatestNominalTime();
Map<String, FOG_THREAT> fogAlgThreats = monitor
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* addMonitorControlListener(com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor)
public void addMonitorControlListener(IMonitor monitor) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* fireConfigUpdate
* (
public void fireConfigUpdate(IMonitorConfigurationEvent imce) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Not used
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#fireKillMonitor
* ()
public void fireKillMonitor() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Not used
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* fireThresholdUpdate
* (
public void fireThresholdUpdate(IMonitorThresholdEvent imte) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Not used
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#
* getMonitorControlListeners()
public ArrayList<IMonitor> getMonitorControlListeners() {
public List<IMonitor> getMonitorControlListeners() {
return controlListeners;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* removeMonitorContorlListener(com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor)
public void removeMonitorContorlListener(IMonitor monitor) {
protected MonitorConfigurationManager getConfigMgr() {
return SSMonitorConfigurationManager.getInstance();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#getConfigMgr()
protected MonitorConfigurationManager getConfigMgr() {
return SSMonitorConfigurationManager.getInstance();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#handleLinkToFrame()
protected void handleLinkToFrame() {
linkedToFrame = linkToFrameChk.getSelection();
@ -150,8 +264,7 @@ public class SSZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
protected void shellDisposeAction() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Not used
@ -163,7 +276,42 @@ public class SSZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
public void fireDialogShutdown(IMonitorListener iml) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Not used
protected void setZoneSortColumnAndDirection() {
if (zoneTblData != null) {
zoneSortColumn = zoneTblData.getSortColumn();
zoneSortDirection = zoneTblData.getSortDirection();
if (zoneSortColumn == zoneTable.getColumnIndex(appName,
|| zoneSortColumn == zoneTable.getColumnIndex(appName,
ssSwellCols[1])) {
if (MonitorConfigConstants.isRankSwellPeriodHigh()) {
zoneSortDirection = SWT.DOWN;
} else {
zoneSortDirection = SWT.UP;
protected void setStnSortColumnAndDirection() {
if (stnTblData != null) {
stnSortColumn = stnTblData.getSortColumn();
stnSortDirection = stnTblData.getSortDirection();
if (stnSortColumn == stationTable.getColumnIndex(appName,
|| stnSortColumn == stationTable.getColumnIndex(appName,
ssSwellCols[1])) {
if (MonitorConfigConstants.isRankSwellPeriodHigh()) {
stnSortDirection = SWT.DOWN;
} else {
stnSortDirection = SWT.UP;
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
@ -30,8 +32,9 @@ import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import com.raytheon.edex.urifilter.URIFilter;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.monitor.config.SnowMonitorConfigurationManager;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.time.DataTime;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.IUFStatusHandler;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.UFStatus;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.UFStatus.Priority;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.alerts.AlertMessage;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.localization.LocalizationManager;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.notification.NotificationMessage;
@ -67,6 +70,8 @@ import com.raytheon.viz.alerts.observers.ProductAlertObserver;
* Dec 22, 2009 3424 zhao revised processProductAtStartup method to retrieve all data
* July 20,2010 4891 skorolev Added resource listener
* May 15, 2012 14510 zhao Modified processing at startup
* Oct 26, 2012 1280 skorolev Clean code and made changes for non-blocking ZoneTableDlg
* Nov. 1, 2012 1297 skorolev Changed HashMap to Map and clean code
* </pre>
@ -77,19 +82,19 @@ import com.raytheon.viz.alerts.observers.ProductAlertObserver;
public class SnowMonitor extends ObsMonitor {
private final IUFStatusHandler statusHandler = UFStatus
/** Singleton instance of this class */
private static SnowMonitor monitor = null;
* the zone table dialog
public SnowZoneTableDlg zoneDialog = null;
/** Zone table dialog **/
private SnowZoneTableDlg zoneDialog;
* the monitoring area configure dialog
public SnowMonitoringAreaConfigDlg areaDialog = null;
/** Monitoring area configure dialog **/
private SnowMonitoringAreaConfigDlg areaDialog = null;
/** SNOW configuration manager **/
private SnowMonitorConfigurationManager snowConfig = null;
@ -98,113 +103,138 @@ public class SnowMonitor extends ObsMonitor {
private final ObMultiHrsReports obData;
/** The application key */
ChosenAppKey chosenAppKey = ChosenAppKey.SNOW;
/** All SNOW plugins start with this */
private static String OBS = "fssobs";
/** All SNOW datauri start with this */
private final String OBS = "fssobs";
/** regex wild card filter */
protected static String wildCard = "[\\w\\(\\)-_:.]+";
private final String wildCard = "[\\w\\(\\)-_:.]+";
/** date of the data sent **/
// private Date dataDate = null;
* Time which Zone/County dialog shows.
public Date dialogTime = null;
/** Time which Zone/County dialog shows. **/
private Date dialogTime = null;
/** Array of snow listeners **/
private final ArrayList<ISnowResourceListener> snowResources = new ArrayList<ISnowResourceListener>();
private final List<ISnowResourceListener> snowResources = new ArrayList<ISnowResourceListener>();
/** Pattern for SNOW **/
private final Pattern snowPattern = Pattern.compile(URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ OBS + URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator + cwa + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard
+ URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ "snow");
* Private constructor, singleton
private SnowMonitor() {
initObserver("fssobs", this);
initObserver(OBS, this);
obData = new ObMultiHrsReports(CommonConfig.AppName.SNOW);
// Pre-populate dialog with an observation (METAR) for KOMA
* Gets instance of monitor
* @return monitor
public static synchronized SnowMonitor getInstance() {
if (monitor == null) {
monitor = new SnowMonitor();
return monitor;
// TODO: Provide the changes in EDEX URIFilters when area configuration file
// has been changed.
* DR#11279:
* When monitor area configuration is changed,
* this module is called to re-initialize monitor
* using new monitor area configuration
* DR#11279: When monitor area configuration is changed, this module is
* called to re-initialize monitor using new monitor area configuration
public static void reInitialize() {
if ( monitor != null ) {
monitor = null;
monitor = new SnowMonitor();
if (monitor != null) {
monitor = null;
monitor = new SnowMonitor();
* Launches SNOW zone table dialog
* @param type
* @param shell
public void launchDialog(String type, Shell shell) {
if (type.equals("zone")) {
if (zoneDialog == null) {
if (zoneDialog == null || zoneDialog.getShell() == null
|| zoneDialog.isDisposed()) {
zoneDialog = new SnowZoneTableDlg(shell, obData);
} else {
} else if (type.equals("area")) {
areaDialog = new SnowMonitoringAreaConfigDlg(shell,
"SNOW Monitor Area Configuration");
if (areaDialog == null) {
areaDialog = new SnowMonitoringAreaConfigDlg(shell,
"SNOW Monitor Area Configuration");
* Gets data
* @return obData
public ObMultiHrsReports getObData() {
return obData;
private Pattern snowPattern = Pattern.compile(URIFilter.uriSeperator + OBS
+ URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator + cwa + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard
+ URIFilter.uriSeperator + wildCard + URIFilter.uriSeperator
+ "snow");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#filterNotifyMessage(com.raytheon
* .uf.viz.core.notification.NotificationMessage)
public boolean filterNotifyMessage(NotificationMessage alertMessage) {
return false;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#processNotifyMessage(com.raytheon
* .uf.viz.core.notification.NotificationMessage)
public void processNotifyMessage(NotificationMessage filtered) {
// Not used
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#processProductMessage(com.raytheon
* .uf.viz.core.alerts.AlertMessage)
public void processProductMessage(final AlertMessage filtered) {
if (snowPattern.matcher(filtered.dataURI).matches()) {
// System.out.println("Found match: " + snowPattern + " URI: "
// + filtered.dataURI);
processURI(filtered.dataURI, filtered);
if (snowPattern.matcher(filtered.dataURI).matches()) {
processURI(filtered.dataURI, filtered);
@ -214,7 +244,6 @@ public class SnowMonitor extends ObsMonitor {
public class SortByDate implements Comparator<Date> {
public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) {
return o1.compareTo(o2);
@ -229,7 +258,7 @@ public class SnowMonitor extends ObsMonitor {
* -- the xml configuration filename
public void readTableConfig(String file) {
HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> zones = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
Map<String, List<String>> zones = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// create zones and station list
try {
SnowMonitorConfigurationManager areaConfig = getMonitorAreaConfig();
@ -238,72 +267,103 @@ public class SnowMonitor extends ObsMonitor {
zones.put(zone, stations);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Snow failed to load configuration..."
+ this.getClass().getName());
"Snow failed to load configuration..."
+ this.getClass().getName());
* Gets configuration manager
* @return snowConfig
public SnowMonitorConfigurationManager getMonitorAreaConfig() {
if (snowConfig == null) {
LocalizationManager mgr = LocalizationManager.getInstance();
String siteScope = mgr.getCurrentSite();
snowConfig = SnowMonitorConfigurationManager.getInstance();
return snowConfig;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.Monitor#initObserver(java.lang.String,
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.Monitor)
public void initObserver(String pluginName, Monitor monitor) {
ProductAlertObserver.addObserver(pluginName, this);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#thresholdUpdate(com.raytheon.uf
public void thresholdUpdate(IMonitorThresholdEvent me) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#configUpdate(com.raytheon.uf.viz
public void configUpdate(IMonitorConfigurationEvent me) {
* Kill this monitor by nullifying the monitor's private instance variable.
* Kills this monitor by nullifying the monitor's private instance variable.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#nullifyMonitor()
public void nullifyMonitor() {
// /**
// * Before making the monitor null, remove observers
// */
// for (String p : pluginName) {
// if (!pluginName.equals("")) {
// stopObserver(p, this);
// }
// }
stopObserver("fssobs", this);
stopObserver(OBS, this);
monitor = null;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#process(com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor
* .data.ObReport)
protected void process(ObReport result)
throws Exception {
//final ProcessSnowReport snow = new ProcessSnowReport(result);
// add data to obData
protected void process(ObReport result) throws Exception {
* @return dialogTime
public Date getDialogTime() {
return dialogTime;
* Sets dialog time
* @param dialogTime
public void setDialogTime(Date dialogTime) {
this.dialogTime = dialogTime;
@ -336,12 +396,15 @@ public class SnowMonitor extends ObsMonitor {
* Close SNOW zone table dialog
public void closeDialog() {
if (zoneDialog != null) {
zoneDialog = null;
if (areaDialog != null) {
@ -350,43 +413,47 @@ public class SnowMonitor extends ObsMonitor {
* Order the dates
* (non-Javadoc)
* @param type
* @return
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor#getTimeOrderedKeys(com.raytheon.
* uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor, java.lang.String)
public ArrayList<Date> getTimeOrderedKeys(IMonitor monitor, String type) {
// not used
return null;
* Get most recent time
* @param type
* @return
public DataTime getMostRecent(IMonitor monitor, String type) {
return null;
* @return the zoneDialog
* @return zoneDialog
public SnowZoneTableDlg getZoneDialog() {
return zoneDialog;
* Sets the zoneDialog
* @param zoneDialog
* the zoneDialog to set
public void setZoneDialog(SnowZoneTableDlg zoneDialog) {
this.zoneDialog = zoneDialog;
protected void processAtStartup(ObReport report) {
* First start
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ObsMonitor#processAtStartup(com.raytheon.
protected void processAtStartup(ObReport report) {
@ -19,11 +19,9 @@
package com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.snow.ui.actions;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
@ -42,22 +40,32 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.snow.SnowMonitor;
* Nov 30, 2009 3424 zhao/wkwock/slav zhao/wkwock/slav Automatically updates snow display. Display station data.
* Dec 18, 2009 3424 zhao Launch snow monitor and snow zone/station table dialog separately here
* Feb 26, 2010 4282 zhao changed to follow the same launch mechanism in FOG
* Nov.15, 2012 1297 skorolev Cleaned code
* </pre>
* @author grichard
* @version 1.0
public class SnowAction extends AbstractHandler {
public class SnowAction extends AbstractHandler {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler#execute(org.eclipse.core.commands
* .ExecutionEvent)
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent arg0) throws ExecutionException {
System.out.println("Activating/Action for SNOW...");
SnowMonitor snow = SnowMonitor.getInstance();
if ( snow.zoneDialog == null || snow.zoneDialog.isDisposed()) {
Shell shell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell();
snow.launchDialog("zone", shell);
if (snow.getZoneDialog() == null || snow.getZoneDialog().isDisposed()) {
Shell shell = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow()
snow.launchDialog("zone", shell);
return null;
@ -68,9 +68,8 @@ public class SnowMonitoringAreaConfigDlg extends MonitoringAreaConfigDlg {
* DR#11279:
* re-initialize threshold manager and the monitor
* using new monitor area configuration
* DR#11279: re-initialize threshold manager and the monitor using
* new monitor area configuration
@ -81,7 +80,8 @@ public class SnowMonitoringAreaConfigDlg extends MonitoringAreaConfigDlg {
+ "\n\nIf SNOW is running anywhere within "
+ "the office, please clear it.\n");
if ( configManager.getAddedZones().size() > 0 || addedZones.size() > 0 ) {
if (configManager.getAddedZones().size() > 0
|| addedZones.size() > 0) {
String message2 = "New zones have been added, and their monitoring thresholds "
+ "have been set to default values; would you like to modify "
+ "their threshold values now?";
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ package com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.snow.ui.dialogs;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.common.monitor.config.MonitorConfigurationManager;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.monitor.config.SnowMonitorConfigurationManager;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor;
@ -49,6 +51,7 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg;
* Dec 2, 2009 3424 zhao/wkwock/slav Fix display SNOW 2nd time problem.
* Dec 18, 2009 3424 zhao use ObMultiHrsReports for obs data archive
* July 20,2010 4891 skorolev added code to fireDialogShutdown
* Nov. 8, 2012 1297 skorolev Added initiateProdArray method
* </pre>
@ -57,14 +60,12 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg;
public class SnowZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
// private ZoneTableComp zoneTableComp;
private SnowMonDispThreshDlg snowThreshDlg;
* Constructor (Dec 16, 2009, zhao)
* @param parent
* @param obData
public SnowZoneTableDlg(Shell parent, ObMultiHrsReports obData) {
super(parent, obData, CommonConfig.AppName.SNOW);
@ -79,6 +80,39 @@ public class SnowZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
super(parent, CommonConfig.AppName.SNOW);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#initiateProdArray()
public void initiateProdArray() {
varName = config.getSnowZoneStnTableColVarNames()[colIndex];
// Fill product array
prodArray = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] varprefs = { "VAR_", "BLIZ_", "FRZ_", "HSW_" };
for (DisplayVarName var : DisplayVarName.values()) {
String dispVarName =;
if (colIndex == 1 && dispVarName.startsWith(varprefs[1])) {
} else if (colIndex == 2 && dispVarName.startsWith(varprefs[2])) {
} else if (colIndex == 3 && dispVarName.startsWith(varprefs[3])) {
} else if (dispVarName.startsWith(varprefs[0])
&& dispVarName.equals(varprefs[0] + {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#configThreshAction()
protected void configThreshAction() {
if (snowThreshDlg == null) {
@ -89,6 +123,13 @@ public class SnowZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorListener#notify(com.raytheon
public void notify(IMonitorEvent me) {
if (zoneTable.isDisposed()) {
@ -97,7 +138,7 @@ public class SnowZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
if (me.getSource() instanceof SnowMonitor) {
SnowMonitor monitor = (SnowMonitor) me.getSource();
Date date = monitor.getDialogTime();
Date date = monitor.getDialogTime();
if (date != null) {
if (!isLinkedToFrame()) {
date = monitor.getObData().getLatestNominalTime();
@ -107,64 +148,108 @@ public class SnowZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* addMonitorControlListener(com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor)
public void addMonitorControlListener(IMonitor monitor) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* fireConfigUpdate
* (
public void fireConfigUpdate(IMonitorConfigurationEvent imce) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Not used
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* fireDialogShutdown
* (com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorListener)
public void fireDialogShutdown(IMonitorListener iml) {
// Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
// public void run() {
// Iterator<IMonitor> iter = getMonitorControlListeners()
// .iterator();
// while (iter.hasNext()) {
// ((SnowMonitor);
// }
// }
// });
// Not used
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#fireKillMonitor
* ()
public void fireKillMonitor() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Not used
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* fireThresholdUpdate
* (
public void fireThresholdUpdate(IMonitorThresholdEvent imte) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// Not used
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#
* getMonitorControlListeners()
public ArrayList<IMonitor> getMonitorControlListeners() {
public List<IMonitor> getMonitorControlListeners() {
return controlListeners;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners.IMonitorControlListener#
* removeMonitorContorlListener(com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor)
public void removeMonitorContorlListener(IMonitor monitor) {
protected MonitorConfigurationManager getConfigMgr() {
return SnowMonitorConfigurationManager.getInstance();
protected void handleLinkToFrame() {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#getConfigMgr()
protected MonitorConfigurationManager getConfigMgr() {
return SnowMonitorConfigurationManager.getInstance();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#handleLinkToFrame()
protected void handleLinkToFrame() {
linkedToFrame = linkToFrameChk.getSelection();
* (non-Javadoc)
@ -174,20 +259,30 @@ public class SnowZoneTableDlg extends ZoneTableDlg {
protected void shellDisposeAction() {
// shell.addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() {
// @Override
// public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) {
// System.out.println("Fog monitor dialog DISPOSED");
// unregisterDialogFromMonitor();
// }
// });
// Not used
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.ui.dialogs.ZoneTableDlg#
* setZoneSortColumnAndDirection()
protected void unregisterDialogFromMonitor() {
protected void setZoneSortColumnAndDirection() {
if (zoneTblData != null) {
zoneSortColumn = zoneTblData.getSortColumn();
zoneSortDirection = zoneTblData.getSortDirection();
protected void setStnSortColumnAndDirection() {
if (stnTblData != null) {
stnSortColumn = stnTblData.getSortColumn();
stnSortDirection = stnTblData.getSortDirection();
@ -19,74 +19,92 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* Keep Areas with Containers of ObReports by Time in Hash
* Template For Silver Springs
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 12/07/09 dhladky Initial Creation.
* </pre>
* @author dhladky
* Keep Areas with Containers of ObReports by Time in Hash Template For Silver
* Springs
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 12/07/09 dhladky Initial Creation.
* Nov. 1, 2012 #1297 skorolev Changed ArrayList to List
* </pre>
* @author dhladky
public class AreaContainer {
public ArrayList<String> stations = null;
public String areaId = null; // zone
public ConcurrentHashMap<String, StationContainer> container = null;
public AreaContainer(ArrayList<String> stations, String areaId) {
this.stations = stations;
/** List of stations **/
private List<String> stations = null;
/** Zone ID **/
private String areaId = null;
/** Map zone - stations **/
private ConcurrentHashMap<String, StationContainer> container = null;
* Keeps station list for every zone.
* @param stations
* @param areaId
public AreaContainer(List<String> stations, String areaId) {
this.areaId = areaId;
this.container = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, StationContainer>();
// creates the stations list for this area
for (String stationId: stations) {
for (String stationId : stations) {
StationContainer sc = new StationContainer(stationId);
container.put(stationId, sc);
* Gets ObReports for station
* @param stationId
* @return StationContainer
public StationContainer getStation(String stationId) {
StationContainer sc = null;
if (container.containsKey(stationId)) {
sc = container.get(stationId);
return sc;
* Gets the container
* @return
public ConcurrentHashMap<String, StationContainer> getContainer() {
return container;
* Gets the Area ID
* @return
public String getAreaId() {
return areaId;
* If it's ever needed
* Removes zone and it's stations. If it's ever needed
* @param stationId
public void removeStation(String stationId) {
@ -94,8 +112,7 @@ public class AreaContainer {
* Get the best obReport (time)
@ -104,23 +121,20 @@ public class AreaContainer {
public ObReport getBestAreaReport(Date key) {
ObReport report = new ObReport();
for (String station : container.keySet()) {
if (key != null) {
report = container.get(station).getMostRecent(key);
if (report == null) {
report = new ObReport();
return report;
* Adds a report for this area.
* @param date
* @param report
@ -129,4 +143,22 @@ public class AreaContainer {
container.get(report.getPlatformId()).addReport(date, report);
* Sets station list
* @param stations
public void setStations(List<String> stations) {
this.stations = stations;
* Gets station list
* @return stations
public List<String> getStations() {
return stations;
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import;
* Feb 17, 2009 1999 grichard Initial creation.
* 3/16/2009 2047 grichard Add zone related routines.
* Dec 9, 2009 3424 zhao Added method getZoneId(platformId)
* Nov. 1, 2012 1297 skorolev Changed ArrayList to List.
* </pre>
@ -51,42 +52,73 @@ import;
public final class MonitoringArea {
// Private constructor -- all contents must be public static
* Private constructor -- all contents must be public static
private MonitoringArea() {
// The map that contains the zoneIds for all platform identifiers
private static Map<String, ArrayList<String>> zoneMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
* The map that contains the zoneIds for all platform identifiers
private static Map<String, List<String>> zoneMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// The map that contains the platformIds for all zone identifiers
private static Map<String, ArrayList<String>> platformMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
* The map that contains the platformIds for all zone identifiers
private static Map<String, List<String>> platformMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// Get the monitoring area time window
* Get the monitoring area time window
* @return
public static int getTimeWindow() {
// Getter for zone map
public static Map<String, ArrayList<String>> getZoneMap() {
* Getter for zone map
* @return
public static Map<String, List<String>> getZoneMap() {
return zoneMap;
// Setter for zone map
public static void setZoneMap(Map<String, ArrayList<String>> zoneMap) {
* Setter for zone map
* @param zoneMap
public static void setZoneMap(Map<String, List<String>> zoneMap) {
MonitoringArea.zoneMap = zoneMap;
// Getter for platform map
public static Map<String, ArrayList<String>> getPlatformMap() {
* Getter for platform map
* @return
public static Map<String, List<String>> getPlatformMap() {
return platformMap;
// Setter for platform map
public static void setPlatformMap(Map<String, ArrayList<String>> platformMap) {
* Setter for platform map
* @param platformMap
public static void setPlatformMap(Map<String, List<String>> platformMap) {
MonitoringArea.platformMap = platformMap;
// Getter for the List of all zones which associate with the given platform
* Getter for the List of all zones which associate with the given platform
* @param platformId
* @return
public static List<String> listZonesToPlatform(String platformId) {
return getZoneMap().get(platformId);
@ -112,17 +144,19 @@ public final class MonitoringArea {
return theZones;
* @return list of stations
public static String getPlatformIdList() {
StringBuilder stList = new StringBuilder();
Set<String> stns = new HashSet<String>();
for (String zone : platformMap.keySet()) {
ArrayList<String> platfrms = platformMap.get(zone);
List<String> platfrms = platformMap.get(zone);
stList.deleteCharAt(stList.length() - 1);
// System.out.println("============ stList = " + stList.toString());
return stList.toString();
@ -22,17 +22,20 @@ package;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.IUFStatusHandler;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.status.UFStatus;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.thresholds.AbstractThresholdMgr;
* This class is a container of ObZoneHourReports objects for a
* caller-specified nominal date-time.
* (this class corresponds to the RcHourReports c++ class in AWIPS-1)
* This class is a container of ObZoneHourReports objects for a caller-specified
* nominal date-time. (this class corresponds to the RcHourReports c++ class in
* AWIPS-1)
* <pre>
@ -40,6 +43,8 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.thresholds.AbstractThresholdMgr;
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Dec. 1, 2009 3424 zhao Initial creation.
* Oct.29, 2012 1297 skorolev Changed HashMap to Map
* Oct.31 2012 1297 skorolev Clean code
* </pre>
@ -48,117 +53,160 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.thresholds.AbstractThresholdMgr;
public class ObHourReports {
* the nominal time of this ObHourReports object
private Date nominalTime;
private final IUFStatusHandler statusHandler = UFStatus
* application name (snow, fog, safeseas, etc)
private CommonConfig.AppName appName;
* key is zone id, value is ObZoneHourReports object
private HashMap<String, ObZoneHourReports> hourReports;
* constructor
* @param appName
public ObHourReports(Date nominalTime, CommonConfig.AppName appName, AbstractThresholdMgr thresholdMgr) {
this.nominalTime = nominalTime;
this.appName = appName;
hourReports = new HashMap<String, ObZoneHourReports>();
Map<String, ArrayList<String>> zoneStationMap = MonitoringArea.getPlatformMap();
for ( String zone : zoneStationMap.keySet() ) {
hourReports.put(zone, new ObZoneHourReports(nominalTime, zone, appName, thresholdMgr));
* the nominal time of this ObHourReports object
private Date nominalTime;
public void addReport(ObReport report) {
String station = report.getPlatformId();
ArrayList<String> zones = MonitoringArea.getZoneIds(station);
if ( zones.size() == 0 ) {
System.err.println("Error: station: " + station + " is not associated with any zone in the monitoring area");
boolean hasZone = false;
for ( String zone : zones ) {
if ( hourReports.containsKey(zone) ) {
hasZone = true;;
if ( hasZone == false ) {
System.err.println("Error in addreport() of ObHourReports: unable to add obs report to data archive");
public HashMap<String, ObZoneHourReports> getHourReports() {
return hourReports;
public TableData getZoneTableData() {
TableData tblData = new TableData(appName);
for ( String zone : hourReports.keySet() ) {
return tblData;
public TableData getFogZoneTableData(HashMap<String, CellType> algCellType) {
TableData tblData = new TableData(AppName.FOG);
for ( String zone : hourReports.keySet() ) {
CellType theAlgCellType;
if ( algCellType.containsKey(zone) ) {
theAlgCellType = algCellType.get(zone);
} else {
theAlgCellType = CellType.NotAvailable;
return tblData;
public TableData getSSZoneTableData(HashMap<String, CellType> fogCellType) {
TableData tblData = new TableData(AppName.SAFESEAS);
for (String zone : hourReports.keySet()) {
CellType theFogCellType;
if (fogCellType.containsKey(zone)) {
theFogCellType = fogCellType.get(zone);
} else {
theFogCellType = CellType.NotAvailable;
return tblData;
* application name (snow, fog, safeseas, etc)
private CommonConfig.AppName appName;
* Returns the ObZoneHourReports object of a caller-specified zone.
* If such object not available, returns null.
* @param zone
* @return
public ObZoneHourReports getObZoneHourReports(String zone) {
if ( !hourReports.containsKey(zone) ) {
return null;
return hourReports.get(zone);
public Date getNominalTime() {
return nominalTime;
public CommonConfig.AppName getAppName() {
return appName;
* key is zone id, value is ObZoneHourReports object
private Map<String, ObZoneHourReports> hourReports;
* constructor
* @param appName
public ObHourReports(Date nominalTime, CommonConfig.AppName appName,
AbstractThresholdMgr thresholdMgr) {
this.nominalTime = nominalTime;
this.appName = appName;
hourReports = new HashMap<String, ObZoneHourReports>();
Map<String, List<String>> zoneStationMap = MonitoringArea
for (String zone : zoneStationMap.keySet()) {
hourReports.put(zone, new ObZoneHourReports(nominalTime, zone,
appName, thresholdMgr));
* Adds data to hourReports
* @param report
public void addReport(ObReport report) {
String station = report.getPlatformId();
ArrayList<String> zones = MonitoringArea.getZoneIds(station);
if (zones.size() == 0) {
.error("Error: station: "
+ station
+ " is not associated with any zone in the monitoring area");
boolean hasZone = false;
for (String zone : zones) {
if (hourReports.containsKey(zone)) {
hasZone = true;
if (hasZone == false) {
.error("Error in addreport() of ObHourReports: unable to add obs report to data archive");
* @return hourReports
public Map<String, ObZoneHourReports> getHourReports() {
return hourReports;
* Get data for Zone table.
* @return tblData
public TableData getZoneTableData() {
TableData tblData = new TableData(appName);
for (String zone : hourReports.keySet()) {
return tblData;
* Get data for Fog Table.
* @param algCellType
* @return tblData
public TableData getFogZoneTableData(Map<String, CellType> algCellType) {
TableData tblData = new TableData(AppName.FOG);
for (String zone : hourReports.keySet()) {
CellType theAlgCellType;
if (algCellType.containsKey(zone)) {
theAlgCellType = algCellType.get(zone);
} else {
theAlgCellType = CellType.NotAvailable;
return tblData;
* Gets data for SAFESEAS table.
* @param fogCellType
* @return tblData
public TableData getSSZoneTableData(Map<String, CellType> fogCellType) {
TableData tblData = new TableData(AppName.SAFESEAS);
for (String zone : hourReports.keySet()) {
CellType theFogCellType;
if (fogCellType.containsKey(zone)) {
theFogCellType = fogCellType.get(zone);
} else {
theFogCellType = CellType.NotAvailable;
return tblData;
* Returns the ObZoneHourReports object of a caller-specified zone. If such
* object not available, returns null.
* @param zone
* @return hour reports
public ObZoneHourReports getObZoneHourReports(String zone) {
if (!hourReports.containsKey(zone)) {
return null;
return hourReports.get(zone);
* @return nominalTime
public Date getNominalTime() {
return nominalTime;
* @return appName
public CommonConfig.AppName getAppName() {
return appName;
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.thresholds.AbstractThresholdMgr;
* Dec. 1, 2009 3424 zhao Initial creation.
* Dec 24, 2009 3424 zhao added getTrendDataSet() that returns ObTrendDataSet object
* Jan 25, 2010 4281, 3888, 3877 wkwock/zhao added getHistTableData method
* Oct.31, 2012 1297 skorolev Clean code.
* </pre>
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ public class ObMultiHrsReports {
* Fog ALG CellType [key is zone, value is cell type]
private HashMap<String, CellType> fogAlgCellType;
private Map<String, CellType> fogAlgCellType;
* application name (snow, fog, safeseas, etc)
@ -86,6 +88,11 @@ public class ObMultiHrsReports {
private int maxFrames = MAX_FRAMES;
* Constructor
* @param appName
public ObMultiHrsReports(CommonConfig.AppName appName) {
this.appName = appName;
multiHrsReports = new TreeMap<Date, ObHourReports>();
@ -114,9 +121,10 @@ public class ObMultiHrsReports {
* Add an ObReport object to the ObMultiHrsReports object
* Adds an ObReport object to the ObMultiHrsReports object
* @param report
* @return returns multiHrsReports
public void addReport(ObReport report) {
// Date nominalTime = TableUtil
@ -129,14 +137,14 @@ public class ObMultiHrsReports {
* DR#11462:
* set DewpointDepr now, avoid using
* DewpointDepr = worstTemp - worstDewpoint
* for Zone/County Table, which
* causes mismatch between Zone/County table and Station table
* DR#11462: set DewpointDepr now, avoid using DewpointDepr = worstTemp
* - worstDewpoint for Zone/County Table, which causes mismatch between
* Zone/County table and Station table
if ( report.getTemperature() != ObConst.MISSING && report.getDewpoint() != ObConst.MISSING ) {
report.setDewpointDepr(report.getTemperature() - report.getDewpoint() );
if (report.getTemperature() != ObConst.MISSING
&& report.getDewpoint() != ObConst.MISSING) {
- report.getDewpoint());
if (multiHrsReports.containsKey(nominalTime)) {
@ -183,10 +191,10 @@ public class ObMultiHrsReports {
return this.getObHourReports(nominalTime).getFogZoneTableData(
if (appName == AppName.SAFESEAS) {
return this.getObHourReports(nominalTime).getSSZoneTableData(
if (appName == AppName.SAFESEAS) {
return this.getObHourReports(nominalTime).getSSZoneTableData(
return this.getObHourReports(nominalTime).getZoneTableData();
// return multiHrsReports.get(nominalTime).getZoneTableData();
@ -232,6 +240,12 @@ public class ObMultiHrsReports {
* Gets data for station table
* @param zone
* @return station table data
public TableData getEmptyStationTableData(String zone) {
Date nominalTime = TableUtil.getNominalTime(SimulatedTime
@ -241,6 +255,7 @@ public class ObMultiHrsReports {
* Gets data for trend plots
* @param zone
* @param Station
@ -294,10 +309,6 @@ public class ObMultiHrsReports {
// System.out.println("startNominalTime = " + startNominalTime
// + "; latestNominalTime = " + latestNominalTime
// + "; number of nominal times = " + multiHrsReports.size());
// get data
ObTrendDataSet trendData = new ObTrendDataSet(zone, varName,
productName, appName, thresholdMgr);
@ -312,9 +323,6 @@ public class ObMultiHrsReports {
if (obsTimes != null) {
for (Date obsTime : obsTimes) {
// System.out.println("obs time = " + obsTime);
new Float(this.getObHourReports(nominalTime)
@ -423,9 +431,9 @@ public class ObMultiHrsReports {
* Returns a SortedMap object of <nominal time, ObHourReports object>
* Returns a SortedMap object <nominal time, ObHourReports object>
* @return
* @return multiHrsReports
public SortedMap<Date, ObHourReports> getMultiHrsReports() {
return multiHrsReports;
@ -512,6 +520,7 @@ public class ObMultiHrsReports {
* Gets application name
* @return application name
@ -539,27 +548,30 @@ public class ObMultiHrsReports {
* Set the Fog ALG CellType map
* @param fogAlgCellType
* @param fogAlgCellType2
public void setFogAlgCellType(HashMap<String, CellType> fogAlgCellType) {
this.fogAlgCellType = fogAlgCellType;
public void setFogAlgCellType(Map<String, CellType> fogAlgCellType2) {
this.fogAlgCellType = fogAlgCellType2;
* @return fogAlgCellType
public HashMap<String, CellType> getFogAlgCellType() {
public Map<String, CellType> getFogAlgCellType() {
return fogAlgCellType;
private void initFogAlgCellType() {
fogAlgCellType = new HashMap<String, CellType>();
Set<String> zones = MonitoringArea.getPlatformMap().keySet();
Iterator<String> itr = zones.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
fogAlgCellType.put(, CellType.NotAvailable);
* Initiates ALG cells for Fog table. Sets all as NotAvailable.
private void initFogAlgCellType() {
fogAlgCellType = new HashMap<String, CellType>();
Set<String> zones = MonitoringArea.getPlatformMap().keySet();
Iterator<String> itr = zones.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
fogAlgCellType.put(, CellType.NotAvailable);
@ -19,65 +19,69 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* Keeper of the obsData. It is stored in a keyed structure
* Area > Station > Date > ObReport
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 12/07/09 dhladky Initial Creation.
* </pre>
* @author dhladky
* Keeper of the obsData. It is stored in a keyed structure Area > Station >
* Date > ObReport
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 12/07/09 dhladky Initial Creation.
* Nov 11, 2012 1297 skorolev Changed ArrayList to List
* </pre>
* @author dhladky
public class ObsData {
public ConcurrentHashMap<String, AreaContainer> tableData = null;
* public construct
public ObsData() {
tableData = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AreaContainer>();
* Add an area
* @param stations
* @param areaId
public void addArea(String areaId, ArrayList<String> stations) {
public void addArea(String areaId, List<String> stations) {
AreaContainer ac = new AreaContainer(stations, areaId);
tableData.put(areaId, ac);
* Gets the Area Container
* @param areaId
* @return
public AreaContainer getArea(String areaId) {
AreaContainer ac = null;
if (tableData.containsKey(areaId)) {
ac = tableData.get(areaId);
return ac;
* remove the area
* @param areaId
public void removeArea(String areaId) {
@ -85,9 +89,10 @@ public class ObsData {
* Gets the container
* @return
public ConcurrentHashMap<String, AreaContainer> getContainer() {
@ -34,322 +34,404 @@ import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Dialog;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
public class HodographDlg extends Dialog {
import com.raytheon.viz.ui.dialogs.CaveSWTDialog;
private Shell shell;
* Hodograph dialog
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Oct 26, 2012 1280 skorolev Changes for non-blocking dialog.
* Nov. 1, 2012 1297 skorolev Cleaned code
* </pre>
* @author wkwock
* @version 1.0
public class HodographDlg extends CaveSWTDialog {
private String elementName = null;
private String siteName = null;
private String dataName = null;
/** direction names **/
private final String dirName[] = { "N", "NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", "ESE",
"SE", "SSE", "S", "SSW", "SW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW" };
* direction name
private String dirName[] = { "N", "NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", "ESE", "SE",
"SSE", "S", "SSW", "SW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW" };
* red threshold in degree
private float redStartDegree = 0;
private float redDegree = 0;
/** red start threshold in degree **/
private float redStartDegree = 0;
* yellow threshold in degree
private float yellowStartDegree = 0;
private float yellowDegree = 0;
/** red threshold in degree **/
private float redDegree = 0;
* green threshold in degree
private float greenStartDegree = 0;
private float greenDegree = 0;
/** yellow start threshold in degree **/
private float yellowStartDegree = 0;
* Center x and y pixel point
private final int CENTER_X = 285;
private final int CENTER_Y = 280;
/** yellow threshold in degree **/
private float yellowDegree = 0;
* Radius
private final int RADIUS = 260;
* current time
private Calendar curTime = null;
/** green start threshold in degree **/
private float greenStartDegree = 0;
* Hodograph data
private SortedMap<Date, Float> hodographData;
/** green threshold in degree **/
private float greenDegree = 0;
* constant milliseconds in a day
private final double milliSecInADay = 24.0 * 60 * 60 * 1000.0;
/** Center x pixel point **/
private final int CENTER_X = 285;
* display
private Display display;
/** Center y pixel point **/
private final int CENTER_Y = 280;
* @param args
/** Radius **/
private final int RADIUS = 260;
public HodographDlg(Shell parent, String elementName, String siteName,
String dataName) {
super(parent, 0);
this.display = parent.getDisplay();
this.elementName = elementName;
this.siteName = siteName;
this.dataName = dataName;
/** current time **/
private Calendar curTime = null;
* In Hodogrpah, the 0 degree is at North, and increase clockwise, opposite
* in geometry.
* @param degree
* @return
private float convertDegree(float degree) {
return (360 + 90 - degree) % 360;
/** Hodograph data **/
private SortedMap<Date, Float> hodographData;
public void setGreenThreshold(float greenFromDegree, float greenToDegree) {
if (greenToDegree < greenFromDegree)
this.greenDegree = ((greenFromDegree - greenToDegree) - 360) % 360;
this.greenDegree = greenFromDegree - greenToDegree;
this.greenStartDegree = convertDegree(greenFromDegree);
/** constant milliseconds in a day **/
private final double milliSecInADay = 24.0 * 60 * 60 * 1000.0;
public void setYellowThreshold(float yellowFromDegree, float yellowToDegree) {
if (yellowToDegree < yellowFromDegree)
this.yellowDegree = ((yellowFromDegree - yellowToDegree) - 360) % 360;
this.yellowDegree = yellowFromDegree - yellowToDegree;
this.yellowStartDegree = convertDegree(yellowFromDegree);
/** display **/
private Display display;
public void setRedThreshold(float redFromDegree, float redToDegree) {
if (redToDegree < redFromDegree)
this.redDegree = ((redFromDegree - redToDegree) - 360) % 360;
this.redDegree = redFromDegree - redToDegree;
* Constructor
* @param parent
* @param siteName
* @param dataName
* @param title
public HodographDlg(Shell parent, String siteName, String dataName,
String title) {
this.display = parent.getDisplay();
this.redStartDegree = convertDegree(redFromDegree);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.viz.ui.dialogs.CaveSWTDialogBase#constructShellLayout()
protected Layout constructShellLayout() {
// Create the main layout for the shell.
GridLayout mainLayout = new GridLayout(1, false);
mainLayout.marginWidth = 2;
mainLayout.verticalSpacing = 2;
return mainLayout;
private int degreeToY(double degree) {
int y = CENTER_Y - (int) Math.round((Math.cos(degree) * RADIUS));
return y;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.viz.ui.dialogs.CaveSWTDialogBase#initializeComponents(org
* .eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell)
protected void initializeComponents(Shell shell) {
private int degreeToX(double degree) {
int x = CENTER_X + (int) Math.round((Math.sin(degree) * RADIUS));
return x;
* In Hodogrpah, the 0 degree is at North, and increase clockwise, opposite
* in geometry.
* @param degree
* @return
private float convertDegree(float degree) {
return (360 + 90 - degree) % 360;
private void plotTimeLbls(GC gc) {
Calendar currentTime = (Calendar) curTime.clone();
* Sets Green Threshold
* @param greenFromDegree
* @param greenToDegree
public void setGreenThreshold(float greenFromDegree, float greenToDegree) {
if (greenToDegree < greenFromDegree)
this.greenDegree = ((greenFromDegree - greenToDegree) - 360) % 360;
this.greenDegree = greenFromDegree - greenToDegree;
this.greenStartDegree = convertDegree(greenFromDegree);
for (int i = 13; i > 1; i--) {
String timeLabel = String.format("%tH:30", currentTime);
* Sets Yellow Threshold
* @param yellowFromDegree
* @param yellowToDegree
public void setYellowThreshold(float yellowFromDegree, float yellowToDegree) {
if (yellowToDegree < yellowFromDegree)
this.yellowDegree = ((yellowFromDegree - yellowToDegree) - 360) % 360;
this.yellowDegree = yellowFromDegree - yellowToDegree;
this.yellowStartDegree = convertDegree(yellowFromDegree);
int x = CENTER_X - (gc.textExtent(timeLabel).x / 2) - 2;
int y = CENTER_Y + RADIUS / 13 * i - gc.textExtent(timeLabel).y + 2;
gc.drawText(timeLabel, x, y, true);
currentTime.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, -2);
* Sets Red Threshold
* @param redFromDegree
* @param redToDegree
public void setRedThreshold(float redFromDegree, float redToDegree) {
if (redToDegree < redFromDegree)
this.redDegree = ((redFromDegree - redToDegree) - 360) % 360;
this.redDegree = redFromDegree - redToDegree;
private void plotDirNames(GC gc) {
for (int i = 0; i < dirName.length; i++) {
double radian = Math.PI * 2.0 * i / dirName.length;
int x = CENTER_X
+ (int) Math.round((Math.sin(radian) * (RADIUS + 10 + gc
int y = CENTER_Y
- (int) Math.round((Math.cos(radian) * (RADIUS + 10 + gc
gc.drawText(dirName[i], x, y);
this.redStartDegree = convertDegree(redFromDegree);
private void plotElementName(GC gc) {
gc.drawText(elementName, 5, 5);
* Converts degrees to plot coordinate Y
* @param degree
* @return
private int degreeToY(double degree) {
int y = CENTER_Y - (int) Math.round((Math.cos(degree) * RADIUS));
return y;
private void paintBackground(GC gc) {
RADIUS * 2);
* Converts degrees to plot coordinate X
* @param degree
* @return
private int degreeToX(double degree) {
int x = CENTER_X + (int) Math.round((Math.sin(degree) * RADIUS));
return x;
RADIUS * 2, (int) Math.round(greenStartDegree), (int) Math
* Plots time labels
* @param gc
private void plotTimeLbls(GC gc) {
Calendar currentTime = (Calendar) curTime.clone();
String timeLabel = String.format("%tH:30", currentTime);
for (int i = 13; i > 1; i--) {
int x = CENTER_X - (gc.textExtent(timeLabel).x / 2) - 2;
int y = CENTER_Y + RADIUS / 13 * i - gc.textExtent(timeLabel).y + 2;
gc.drawText(timeLabel, x, y, true);
currentTime.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, -2);
RADIUS * 2, (int) Math.round(yellowStartDegree), (int) Math
* Plots direction names.
* @param gc
private void plotDirNames(GC gc) {
for (int i = 0; i < dirName.length; i++) {
double radian = Math.PI * 2.0 * i / dirName.length;
int x = CENTER_X
+ (int) Math.round((Math.sin(radian) * (RADIUS + 10 + gc
int y = CENTER_Y
- (int) Math.round((Math.cos(radian) * (RADIUS + 10 + gc
gc.drawText(dirName[i], x, y);
RADIUS * 2, (int) Math.round(redStartDegree), (int) Math
* Paint Background
* @param gc
private void paintBackground(GC gc) {
RADIUS * 2);
// goes back to original background color
RADIUS * 2, (int) Math.round(greenStartDegree),
(int) Math.round(greenDegree));
RADIUS * 2, (int) Math.round(yellowStartDegree),
(int) Math.round(yellowDegree));
private void plotWindDir(GC gc) {
if (hodographData == null)
long curSec = curTime.getTimeInMillis();
RADIUS * 2, (int) Math.round(redStartDegree),
(int) Math.round(redDegree));
boolean lastOneExist = false;
int lastX = 0;
int lastY = 0;
// goes back to original background color
for (Date obsTime : hodographData.keySet()) {
float obsVal = hodographData.get(obsTime);
* When wind speed is zero, wind direction is
* set to be ObConst.MISSING, which is -9999.0f;
if (obsVal < 0.0f) { // wind direction is missing
lastOneExist = false;
continue; // missing value
double obsValInRadian = convertDegree(obsVal) * Math.PI * 2.0
/ 360.0;
long thisSec = obsTime.getTime();
if (thisSec > curSec) {
lastOneExist = false;
continue; // not in the last 24 hour
if (thisSec < (curSec - milliSecInADay)) {
lastOneExist = false;
continue; // not in the last 24 hour
double offsetFromCenter = (milliSecInADay - curSec + thisSec)
/ milliSecInADay * RADIUS;
* Plots wind direction
* @param gc
private void plotWindDir(GC gc) {
if (hodographData == null)
long curSec = curTime.getTimeInMillis();
int x = CENTER_X
+ (int) Math.round(offsetFromCenter
* Math.cos(obsValInRadian));
int y = CENTER_Y
- (int) Math.round(offsetFromCenter
* Math.sin(obsValInRadian));
boolean lastOneExist = false;
int lastX = 0;
int lastY = 0;
gc.fillOval(x, y, 5, 6);
if (lastOneExist)
gc.drawLine(x, y, lastX, lastY);
for (Date obsTime : hodographData.keySet()) {
float obsVal = hodographData.get(obsTime);
* When wind speed is zero, wind direction is set to be
* ObConst.MISSING, which is -9999.0f;
if (obsVal < 0.0f) { // wind direction is missing
lastOneExist = false;
continue; // missing value
double obsValInRadian = convertDegree(obsVal) * Math.PI * 2.0
/ 360.0;
long thisSec = obsTime.getTime();
if (thisSec > curSec) {
lastOneExist = false;
continue; // not in the last 24 hour
if (thisSec < (curSec - milliSecInADay)) {
lastOneExist = false;
continue; // not in the last 24 hour
lastX = x;
lastY = y;
lastOneExist = true;
double offsetFromCenter = (milliSecInADay - curSec + thisSec)
/ milliSecInADay * RADIUS;
int x = CENTER_X
+ (int) Math.round(offsetFromCenter
* Math.cos(obsValInRadian));
int y = CENTER_Y
- (int) Math.round(offsetFromCenter
* Math.sin(obsValInRadian));
public void setHodoGraphData(SortedMap<Date, Float> hodographData) {
this.hodographData = hodographData;
gc.fillOval(x, y, 5, 6);
if (lastOneExist)
gc.drawLine(x, y, lastX, lastY);
private void drawCanvas(Canvas drawBoard) {
drawBoard.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() {
public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) {
// draw circles
int numCircle = 13;
for (int i = 1; i <= numCircle; i++)
e.gc.drawOval(CENTER_X - RADIUS / numCircle * i, CENTER_Y
- RADIUS / numCircle * i, RADIUS / numCircle * 2
* i, RADIUS / numCircle * 2 * i);
lastX = x;
lastY = y;
lastOneExist = true;
// draw direction lines
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int x2 = degreeToX(i / 16.0 * Math.PI * 2.0);
int y2 = degreeToY(i / 16.0 * Math.PI * 2.0);
e.gc.drawLine(CENTER_X, CENTER_Y, x2, y2);
* Sets hodograph data
* @param hodographData
public void setHodoGraphData(SortedMap<Date, Float> hodographData) {
this.hodographData = hodographData;
private void addCloseBttn() {
Composite c = new Composite(shell, SWT.NONE);
GridLayout gl = new GridLayout(1, false);
GridData gd = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.DEFAULT, true, false);
* Creates canvas
* @param drawBoard
private void drawCanvas(Canvas drawBoard) {
drawBoard.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() {
public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) {
// draw circles
int numCircle = 13;
for (int i = 1; i <= numCircle; i++)
e.gc.drawOval(CENTER_X - RADIUS / numCircle * i, CENTER_Y
- RADIUS / numCircle * i, RADIUS / numCircle * 2
* i, RADIUS / numCircle * 2 * i);
// draw direction lines
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int x2 = degreeToX(i / 16.0 * Math.PI * 2.0);
int y2 = degreeToY(i / 16.0 * Math.PI * 2.0);
e.gc.drawLine(CENTER_X, CENTER_Y, x2, y2);
gd = new GridData(SWT.CENTER, SWT.DEFAULT, true, false);
Button closeBtn = new Button(c, SWT.CLOSE);
final Shell closeShell = shell;
closeBtn.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
public void open() {
Shell parent = getParent();
shell = new Shell(parent, SWT.DIALOG_TRIM | SWT.RESIZE);
* Adds Close button
private void addCloseBttn() {
Composite c = new Composite(getShell(), SWT.NONE);
GridLayout gl = new GridLayout(1, false);
GridData gd = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.DEFAULT, true, false);
shell.setText(elementName + " Hodograph for " + siteName + "#"
+ dataName);
shell.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, false));
Composite c = new Composite(shell, SWT.NONE);
GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
gd = new GridData(SWT.CENTER, SWT.DEFAULT, true, false);
Button closeBtn = new Button(c, SWT.CLOSE);
closeBtn.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(c, SWT.DIALOG_TRIM);
canvas.setSize(600, 600);
* Plots trend graph
public void createHodoGraph() {
Composite c = new Composite(this.getShell(), SWT.NONE);
display = c.getDisplay();
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(c, SWT.DIALOG_TRIM);
GridData data = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true);
canvas.setSize(600, 600);
while (!shell.isDisposed()) {
if (!display.readAndDispatch()) {
public void setCurrentTime(Calendar currentTime) {
this.curTime = currentTime;
* Sets current time
* @param currentTime
public void setCurrentTime(Calendar currentTime) {
this.curTime = currentTime;
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
package com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.listeners;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.IMonitor;
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import;
* IMonitorControlListener, Interface that gives some measure of control to dialogs
* over their corresponding monitors.
* IMonitorControlListener, Interface that gives some measure of control to
* dialogs over their corresponding monitors.
* <pre>
@ -42,20 +42,19 @@ import;
public interface IMonitorControlListener {
public void fireConfigUpdate(IMonitorConfigurationEvent imce);
public void fireThresholdUpdate(IMonitorThresholdEvent imte);
public void fireKillMonitor();
public void addMonitorControlListener(IMonitor monitor);
public void removeMonitorContorlListener(IMonitor monitor);
public ArrayList<IMonitor> getMonitorControlListeners();
public void removeMonitorContorlListener(IMonitor monitor);
public List<IMonitor> getMonitorControlListeners();
public void fireDialogShutdown(IMonitorListener iml);
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
package com.raytheon.uf.viz.monitor.trendplot;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
@ -45,9 +45,10 @@ import com.raytheon.viz.ui.dialogs.CaveSWTDialog;
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 2009-12-02 vkorolev Initial creation.
* 2010-01-21 4268 vkorolev Fixed Trend Plot
* 2012-10-15 1229 vkorolev Changes for non-blocking TrendPlotDlg
* 2009-12-02 skorolev Initial creation.
* 2010-01-21 4268 skorolev Fixed Trend Plot
* Oct 15,2012 1229 skorolev Changes for non-blocking TrendPlotDlg
* Nov 11,2012 1297 skorolev Added title parameter and cleaned code
* </pre>
* @author vkorolev
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ public class TrendPlotDlg extends CaveSWTDialog {
private String station;
private ArrayList<String> product;
private List<String> product;
private String dataName;
@ -66,21 +67,34 @@ public class TrendPlotDlg extends CaveSWTDialog {
public Date curdate;
public String var;
* Constructor
* @param parent
* @param selectedZone
* @param station
* @param product
* @param dataName
* @param title
public TrendPlotDlg(Shell parent, String selectedZone, String station,
ArrayList<String> product, String dataName) {
List<String> product, String dataName, String title) {
setText(getTrendPlotName(product) + " Trend Plot for " + station + "#"
+ dataName);
this.selectedZone = selectedZone;
this.product = product;
this.dataName = dataName;
this.station = station;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.raytheon.viz.ui.dialogs.CaveSWTDialogBase#constructShellLayout()
protected Layout constructShellLayout() {
// Create the main layout for the shell.
@ -91,9 +105,15 @@ public class TrendPlotDlg extends CaveSWTDialog {
return mainLayout;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.raytheon.viz.ui.dialogs.CaveSWTDialogBase#initializeComponents(org
* .eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell)
protected void initializeComponents(Shell shell) {
// Initialize all layouts
Iterator<String> prodVar = product.iterator();
while (prodVar.hasNext()) {
@ -104,6 +124,9 @@ public class TrendPlotDlg extends CaveSWTDialog {
* Adds Close button.
private void addCloseBtn() {
Composite c = new Composite(shell, SWT.NONE);
GridLayout gl = new GridLayout(1, false);
@ -116,44 +139,24 @@ public class TrendPlotDlg extends CaveSWTDialog {
closeBtn.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) {
* @return shell
public Widget getCurrentShell() {
return shell;
* Sets data for table.
* @param obData
public void setData(ObMultiHrsReports obData) {
this.obData = obData;
private String getTrendPlotName(ArrayList<String> prod) {
String varName = null;
String name = (String) prod.get(0);
int stInd = name.indexOf("_");
if (prod.size() > 1) {
varName = name.substring(0, stInd);
if (varName.equals("SCA")) {
varName = "Small Craft Advisory";
} else if (varName.equals("GALE")) {
varName = "Gale Warning";
} else if (varName.equals("STORM")) {
varName = "Storm Warning";
} else if (varName.equals("HURRICANE")) {
varName = "Hurricane Force Wind Warning";
} else if (varName.equals("BLIZ")) {
varName = "Blizzard Warning";
} else if (varName.equals("FRZ")) {
varName = "Frizing Precipitation";
} else if (varName.equals("HSW")) {
varName = "Heavy Snow Warning";
} else {
varName = name.substring(stInd + 1);
return varName;
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ public class StationTableComp extends TableComp {
* @return Column index.
protected int getColumnIndex(AppName appName, String sortCol) {
public int getColumnIndex(AppName appName, String sortCol) {
return tableConfig.getTableColumnIndex(appName, sortCol);
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ public class StationTableComp extends TableComp {
* @param name
public void setIdLabel(String name) {
idLbl.setText("Zone/County: "+ +" - "+ name);
idLbl.setText("Zone/County: " + + " - " + name);
@ -355,11 +355,11 @@ public class StationTableComp extends TableComp {
protected void packColumns() {
for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) {
protected void packColumns() {
for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) {
@ -30,89 +30,89 @@ import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem;
* Zone table composite that contains the table for the zones.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Apr 7, 2009 lvenable Initial creation
* </pre>
* @author lvenable
* @version 1.0
public class ZoneTableComp extends TableComp
public class ZoneTableComp extends TableComp {
* Callback for the zone table.
private IZoneTableAction zoneTableCallback;
* Mouse point.
private Point mousePt = new Point(0,0);
private Point mousePt = new Point(0, 0);
* Common table config data.
private CommonTableConfig tableConfig;
* Constructor.
* @param parent Parent composite.
* @param data Table data.
* @param appName Application name.
* @param callback Zone table action callback.
* @param parent
* Parent composite.
* @param data
* Table data.
* @param appName
* Application name.
* @param callback
* Zone table action callback.
public ZoneTableComp(Composite parent, TableData data, CommonConfig.AppName appName,
IZoneTableAction callback)
public ZoneTableComp(Composite parent, TableData data,
CommonConfig.AppName appName, IZoneTableAction callback) {
super(parent, data, appName);
this.zoneTableCallback = callback;
tableConfig = CommonTableConfig.getInstance();
tableConfig = CommonTableConfig.getInstance();
* Handle the mouse down action.
* @param event Mouse event.
* @param event
* Mouse event.
protected void tableMouseDownAction(MouseEvent event)
protected void tableMouseDownAction(MouseEvent event) {
tableIndex = table.getSelectionIndex();
mousePt.x = event.x;
mousePt.y = event.y;
TableItem item = table.getItem(mousePt);
if (item == null)
if (item == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) {
Rectangle rect = item.getBounds(i);
if (rect.contains(mousePt))
if (rect.contains(mousePt)) {
int index = table.indexOf(item);
System.out.println("Item " + index + "-" + i);
if (i == 0)
if (i == 0) {
@ -123,42 +123,42 @@ public class ZoneTableComp extends TableComp
* Handle the table mouse hover action.
* @param event Maouse event.
* @param event
* Maouse event.
protected void tableMouseHoverAction(MouseEvent event)
protected void tableMouseHoverAction(MouseEvent event) {
Rectangle rect;
mousePt.x = event.x;
mousePt.y = event.y;
TableItem item = table.getItem(mousePt);
if (item == null)
if (item == null) {
int index = table.indexOf(item);
for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) {
rect = item.getBounds(i);
if (rect.contains(mousePt))
if (rect.contains(mousePt)) {
* Add controls above the table on the display.
* @param parentComp Parent composite.
* @param parentComp
* Parent composite.
protected void addTopTableControls(Composite parentComp)
protected void addTopTableControls(Composite parentComp) {
GridData gd = new GridData();
gd.horizontalIndent = 10;
Label zoneLbl = new Label(parentComp, SWT.NONE);
@ -168,61 +168,65 @@ public class ZoneTableComp extends TableComp
* Get the column index given the application name and sort column.
* @param appName Application name.
* @param columnName Column name.
* @param appName
* Application name.
* @param columnName
* Column name.
protected int getColumnIndex(AppName appName, String columnName)
public int getColumnIndex(AppName appName, String columnName) {
return tableConfig.getTableColumnIndex(appName, columnName);
* Get the array of column keys.
* @param appName Application name.
* @param appName
* Application name.
* @return String array of column keys.
protected String[] getColumnKeys(AppName appName)
protected String[] getColumnKeys(AppName appName) {
return tableConfig.getTableColumnKeys(appName);
* Get the default column width.
* @param appName Application name.
* @param appName
* Application name.
* @return The default column width.
protected int getDefaultColWidth(AppName appName)
protected int getDefaultColWidth(AppName appName) {
int colWidth = tableConfig.getTableDefaultColWidth(appName);
return colWidth;
* Get the column attribute data.
* @param colName Column name.
* @param colName
* Column name.
* @return The column attribute data.
protected ColumnAttribData getColumnAttribteData(String colName)
protected ColumnAttribData getColumnAttribteData(String colName) {
return tableConfig.getTableColumnAttr(colName);
protected void tableColRightMouseAction(MouseEvent event)
protected void tableColRightMouseAction(MouseEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
protected void packColumns() {
for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) {
protected void packColumns() {
for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) {
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