Omaha #3721 Changed Grid Data reference to a Soft Reference and reduced memory usage from X*Y to X*3.
Change-Id: I627ded464d411e7f975df088261a975657d41d9a Former-commit-id:636e823956
[formerly 9a6313162a5477863d30ab0a888608ee419067a9] Former-commit-id:531b62d114
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 120 additions and 44 deletions
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
package com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.grid.util;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
@ -32,11 +33,14 @@ import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
* A class for calculating and caching static data for grids.
* Orignally ported from GridAccessor5.C
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Jul 24, 2008 brockwoo Initial creation
* Jul 24, 2008 brockwoo Initial creation
* Oct 21, 2014 3721 dlovely Optimized for reduced memory usage
* </pre>
@ -45,7 +49,7 @@ import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
public class StaticGridData {
private static Map<GridCoverage, StaticGridData> instanceMap = new HashMap<GridCoverage, StaticGridData>();
private static Map<GridCoverage, SoftReference<StaticGridData>> instanceMap = new HashMap<GridCoverage, SoftReference<StaticGridData>>();
private static final double R_EARTH = 6370.0;
@ -61,11 +65,17 @@ public class StaticGridData {
public static synchronized StaticGridData getInstance(
GridCoverage gridCoverage) {
StaticGridData rval = instanceMap.get(gridCoverage);
SoftReference<StaticGridData> data = instanceMap.get(gridCoverage);
if (rval == null) {
StaticGridData rval = null;
if (null != data) {
rval = data.get();
if (null == data || null == rval) {
rval = new StaticGridData(gridCoverage);
instanceMap.put(gridCoverage, rval);
data = new SoftReference<StaticGridData>(rval);
instanceMap.put(gridCoverage, data);
return rval;
@ -83,6 +93,13 @@ public class StaticGridData {
return this.dy;
* Initializes the Dx, Dy and Coriolis data from the provided
* {@link GridCoverage}.
* @param gridCoverage
* Grid Coverage.
private void initStaticData(GridCoverage gridCoverage) {
int nx = gridCoverage.getNx();
int ny = gridCoverage.getNy();
@ -91,52 +108,73 @@ public class StaticGridData {
float[] dxPtr = new float[n];
float[] dyPtr = new float[n];
float[] avgPtr = new float[n];
double[] xx = new double[n];
double[] yy = new double[n];
double[] zz = new double[n];
float[] xxU = new float[nx];
float[] xxC = new float[nx];
float[] xxD = new float[nx];
float[] yyU = new float[nx];
float[] yyC = new float[nx];
float[] yyD = new float[nx];
float[] zzU = new float[nx];
float[] zzC = new float[nx];
float[] zzD = new float[nx];
float[] tmpXX, tmpYY, tmpZZ;
int i, j, k;
for (j = k = 0; j < ny; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++, k++) {
Coordinate location = new Coordinate(i, j);
Coordinate latLon = MapUtil.gridCoordinateToLatLon(location,
PixelOrientation.CENTER, gridCoverage);
latLon.x = Math.toRadians(latLon.x);
latLon.y = Math.toRadians(latLon.y);
xx[k] = Math.cos(latLon.y);
yy[k] = xx[k] * Math.sin(latLon.x);
xx[k] *= Math.cos(latLon.x);
zz[k] = Math.sin(latLon.y);
_coriolis[k] = (float) (zz[k] * 1.458e-4);
// Populate Up rows.
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
Coordinate location = new Coordinate(i, 1);
Coordinate latLon = MapUtil.gridCoordinateToLatLon(location,
PixelOrientation.CENTER, gridCoverage);
latLon.x = Math.toRadians(latLon.x);
latLon.y = Math.toRadians(latLon.y);
xxU[i] = (float) Math.cos(latLon.y);
yyU[i] = (float) (xxU[i] * Math.sin(latLon.x));
xxU[i] *= Math.cos(latLon.x);
zzU[i] = (float) Math.sin(latLon.y);
this.coriolis = newRecord(_coriolis, nx, ny);
// Populate Current rows.
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
Coordinate location = new Coordinate(i, 0);
Coordinate latLon = MapUtil.gridCoordinateToLatLon(location,
PixelOrientation.CENTER, gridCoverage);
latLon.x = Math.toRadians(latLon.x);
latLon.y = Math.toRadians(latLon.y);
xxC[i] = (float) Math.cos(latLon.y);
yyC[i] = (float) (xxC[i] * Math.sin(latLon.x));
xxC[i] *= Math.cos(latLon.x);
zzC[i] = (float) Math.sin(latLon.y);
int up, dn, lft, rgt;
long _nxm = nx - 1;
// Init Down as a copy of Current
System.arraycopy(xxC, 0, xxD, 0, nx);
System.arraycopy(yyC, 0, yyD, 0, nx);
System.arraycopy(zzC, 0, zzD, 0, nx);
int lft, rgt;
double d;
double icomp, jcomp, kcomp;
double dmax = 0.0;
dn = 0;
up = nx;
for (j = k = 0; j < ny; j++) {
if (up >= n) {
up -= nx;
lft = k;
lft = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++, k++) {
rgt = (i < _nxm ? k + 1 : k);
icomp = yy[lft] * zz[rgt] - zz[lft] * yy[rgt];
jcomp = zz[lft] * xx[rgt] - xx[lft] * zz[rgt];
kcomp = xx[lft] * yy[rgt] - yy[lft] * xx[rgt];
_coriolis[k] = (float) (zzC[i] * 1.458e-4);
rgt = (i < nx - 1 ? i + 1 : i);
icomp = yyC[lft] * zzC[rgt] - zzC[lft] * yyC[rgt];
jcomp = zzC[lft] * xxC[rgt] - xxC[lft] * zzC[rgt];
kcomp = xxC[lft] * yyC[rgt] - yyC[lft] * xxC[rgt];
d = Math.sqrt(icomp * icomp + jcomp * jcomp + kcomp * kcomp);
dxPtr[k] = (float) (Math.asin(d) * 1000.0 * R_EARTH / (rgt - lft));
icomp = yy[dn] * zz[up] - zz[dn] * yy[up];
jcomp = zz[dn] * xx[up] - xx[dn] * zz[up];
kcomp = xx[dn] * yy[up] - yy[dn] * xx[up];
icomp = yyD[i] * zzU[i] - zzD[i] * yyU[i];
jcomp = zzD[i] * xxU[i] - xxD[i] * zzU[i];
kcomp = xxD[i] * yyU[i] - yyD[i] * xxU[i];
d = Math.sqrt(icomp * icomp + jcomp * jcomp + kcomp * kcomp);
dyPtr[k] = (float) (Math.asin(d) * 1000.0 * R_EARTH * nx / (up - dn));
dyPtr[k] = (float) (Math.asin(d) * 1000.0 * R_EARTH * (j == 0
|| j == (ny - 1) ? 1 : 0.5));
avgPtr[k] = (dxPtr[k] + dyPtr[k]) / 2.0f;
d = dxPtr[k] - dyPtr[k];
if (d < 0) {
@ -146,14 +184,52 @@ public class StaticGridData {
if (d > dmax) {
dmax = d;
lft = k;
if (i != 0) {
if (j == 0) {
dn = 0;
// Move Current to Down and Up to Current.
tmpXX = xxD;
xxD = xxC;
xxC = xxU;
tmpYY = yyD;
yyD = yyC;
yyC = yyU;
tmpZZ = zzD;
zzD = zzC;
zzC = zzU;
// Construct the next Up row with new data unless this is the last
// pass then duplicate the current row.
if (j < ny - 2) {
// Populate the next Up row.
xxU = tmpXX;
yyU = tmpYY;
zzU = tmpZZ;
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
Coordinate location = new Coordinate(i, j + 2);
Coordinate latLon = MapUtil.gridCoordinateToLatLon(
location, PixelOrientation.CENTER, gridCoverage);
latLon.x = Math.toRadians(latLon.x);
latLon.y = Math.toRadians(latLon.y);
xxU[i] = (float) Math.cos(latLon.y);
yyU[i] = (float) (xxU[i] * Math.sin(latLon.x));
xxU[i] *= Math.cos(latLon.x);
zzU[i] = (float) Math.sin(latLon.y);
} else {
// If the last run, Duplicate the Current row to the Up row.
xxU = xxC;
yyU = yyC;
zzU = zzC;
this.coriolis = newRecord(_coriolis, nx, ny);
if (dmax > 0.01) {
this.dx = newRecord(dxPtr, nx, ny);
this.dy = newRecord(dyPtr, nx, ny);
Add table
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