diff --git a/cave/build/static/linux/cave/cave.sh b/cave/build/static/linux/cave/cave.sh
index f6b124fd44..b6ec361d8d 100644
--- a/cave/build/static/linux/cave/cave.sh
+++ b/cave/build/static/linux/cave/cave.sh
@@ -1,263 +1,2 @@
-# CAVE startup script
-# Note: CAVE will not run as 'root'
-# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
-# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
-# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
-# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
-# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
-# an export license or other authorization.
-# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
-# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
-# Mail Stop B8
-# Omaha, NE 68106
-# 402.291.0100
-# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
-# further licensing information.
-# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
-# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
-# Dec 05, 2013 #2593 rjpeter Added check for number of running
-# cave sessions.
-# Dec 05, 2013 #2590 dgilling Modified so gfeclient.sh can be wrapped
-# around this script.
-# Jan 24, 2014 #2739 bsteffen Log exit status
-# Jan 30, 2014 #2593 bclement warns based on memory usage, fixed for INI files with spaces
-if [ ${user} == 'root' ];then
- echo "WARNING: CAVE cannot be run as user '${user}'!"
- echo " change to another user and run again."
- exit 1
-# Since, we no longer need to worry about re-location ...
-source ${CAVE_INSTALL}/caveUtil.sh
-if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "ERROR: unable to find and/or access ${CAVE_INSTALL}/caveUtil.sh."
- exit 1
-# Run monitorThreads?
-# copy the viz shutdown utility if necessary.
-# delete any old disk caches in the background
-deleteOldCaveDiskCaches &
-# Enable core dumps
-ulimit -c unlimited
-export LD_PRELOAD=libpython.so
-if [[ -z "$CALLED_EXTEND_LIB_PATH" ]]; then
- extendLibraryPath
-export JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_INSTALL}/jre"
-# The user can update this field if they choose to do so.
-export HYDRO_APPS_DIR="/awips2/edex/data/share/hydroapps"
-export EDEX_HOME=/awips2/edex
-export LOCALIZATION_ROOT=~/caveData/common
-export PGSQL_DRIVER_DIR=`ls -1d /awips2/cave/plugins/org.postgres_*`
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "FATAL: Unable to locate the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver."
- exit 1
-export apps_dir=${HYDRO_APPS_DIR}
-if [ -x ${TESTCHECK} ]; then
- echo "Calling getTestMode()"
- status=${?}
- if [ $status -eq 11 ]; then
- elif [ $status -eq 12 ];then
- elif [ $status -eq 15 ];then
- else
- MODE="OPERATIONAL (no response)"
- fi
- echo "getTestMode() returned ${MODE}"
- echo "getTestMode() not found - going to use defaults"
-export TEXTWS=`hostname | sed -e 's/lx/xt/g'`
-hostName=`hostname -s`
-# check number of running caves
-if [[ -z $IGNORE_NUM_CAVES ]]; then
- # get total memory on system in bytes
- mem=( `free -b | grep "Mem:"` )
- mem=${mem[1]}
- # get max amount of system memory used before we warn
- memThreshold=$(echo "$mem * $MAX_MEM_PROPORTION" | bc)
- # remove decimal
- printf -v memThreshold "%.0f" "$memThreshold"
- # get launcher.ini argument determined by user arguments
- lookupINI "$@"
- launcherRegex='--launcher.ini\s(.+\.ini)'
- # default to cave.ini
- targetIni="/awips2/cave/cave.ini"
- #targetIni="/awips2/cave/NCP.ini"
- if [[ $CAVE_INI_ARG =~ $launcherRegex ]]
- then
- targetIni="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
- fi
- #targetIni="/awips2/cave/NCP.ini"
- # read max memory that could be used by this instance
- memOfLaunchingCave=$(readMemFromIni "$targetIni")
- # read total max memory of caves already running
- getTotalMemOfRunningCaves
- # add them together
- _totalAfterStart=$(($memOfLaunchingCave + $_totalRunningMem))
- if [[ "$_totalAfterStart" -ge "$memThreshold" ]]; then
- # convert to megs for display
- memOfLaunchingCave=$(($memOfLaunchingCave / $BYTES_IN_MB))
- _totalRunningMem=$(($_totalRunningMem / $BYTES_IN_MB))
- getPidsOfMyRunningCaves
- memMsg="$_numPids CAVE applications already running with a combined max memory of ${_totalRunningMem}MB. "
- memMsg+="The requested application has a max memory requirement of ${memOfLaunchingCave}MB. "
- memMsg+="Starting may impact system performance and stability.\n\nProceed?"
- zenity --question --title "Low Available Memory for Application" --text "$memMsg"
- cancel="$?"
- if [[ "$cancel" == "1" ]]; then
- exit
- fi
- fi
-#check for gtk-2.0 value
-includeLine="include \"$HOME/.gtkrc.mine\""
-if [ -f $HOME/$gtkResource ]; then
- if [ -w $HOME/$gtkResource ]; then
- var=`grep "gtkrc.mine" $HOME/$gtkResource`
- if [ '' == "$var" ]; then
- echo $includeLine >> $HOME/$gtkResource
- fi
- fi
- touch $HOME/$gtkResource
- echo $includeLine >> $HOME/$gtkResource
-if [ -f $HOME/$mineFile ]; then
- if [ -w $HOME/$mineFile ]; then
- var=`grep "alternative-button-order" $HOME/$mineFile`
- if [ '' == "$var" ]; then
- echo $altButtonLine >> $HOME/$mineFile
- fi
- fi
- touch $HOME/$mineFile
- echo $altButtonLine >> $HOME/$mineFile
-if [[ -z "$PROGRAM_NAME" ]]
-# make sure directory exists
-if [ ! -d $LOGDIR ]; then
- mkdir -p $LOGDIR
-# delete any old disk caches in the background
-deleteOldCaveLogs &
-curTime=`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`
-# At this point fork so that log files can be set up with the process pid and
-# this process can log the exit status of cave.
- export pid=`/bin/bash -c 'echo $PPID'`
- LOGFILE="${LOGDIR}/${PROGRAM_NAME}_${curTime}_pid_${pid}_console.log"
- export LOGFILE_CAVE="${LOGDIR}/${PROGRAM_NAME}_${curTime}_pid_${pid}_alertviz.log"
- export LOGFILE_PERFORMANCE="${LOGDIR}/${PROGRAM_NAME}_${curTime}_pid_${pid}_perf.log"
- # can we write to log directory
- if [ -w ${LOGDIR} ]; then
- touch ${LOGFILE}
- fi
- # remove "-noredirect" flag from command-line if set so it doesn't confuse any
- # commands we call later.
- redirect="true"
- while [[ $1 ]]
- do
- if [[ "$1" == "-noredirect" ]]
- then
- redirect="false"
- else
- USER_ARGS+=("$1")
- fi
- shift
- done
- # Special instructions for the 64-bit jvm.
- if [ -f /awips2/java/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so ]; then
- ARCH_ARGS="-vm /awips2/java/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so"
- fi
- lookupINI "${USER_ARGS[@]}"
- if [[ "${runMonitorThreads}" == "true" ]] ; then
- # nohup to allow tar process to continue after user has logged out
- nohup ${CAVE_INSTALL}/monitorThreads.sh $pid >> /dev/null 2>&1 &
- fi
- if [[ "${redirect}" == "true" ]] ; then
- exec ${CAVE_INSTALL}/cave ${ARCH_ARGS} ${SWITCHES} "${CAVE_INI_ARG}" "${USER_ARGS[@]}" > ${LOGFILE} 2>&1
- else
- exec ${CAVE_INSTALL}/cave ${ARCH_ARGS} ${SWITCHES} "${CAVE_INI_ARG}" "${USER_ARGS[@]}" 2>&1 | tee ${LOGFILE}
- fi
-) &
-logExitStatus $pid $LOGFILE
+/awips2/cave/run.sh -alertviz -perspective NCP
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cave/build/static/linux/cave/run.sh b/cave/build/static/linux/cave/run.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d950bfaad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cave/build/static/linux/cave/run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# CAVE startup script
+# Note: CAVE will not run as 'root'
+# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
+# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
+# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
+# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
+# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
+# an export license or other authorization.
+# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
+# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
+# Mail Stop B8
+# Omaha, NE 68106
+# 402.291.0100
+# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
+# further licensing information.
+# Date Ticket# Engineer Description
+# ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
+# Dec 05, 2013 #2593 rjpeter Added check for number of running
+# cave sessions.
+# Dec 05, 2013 #2590 dgilling Modified so gfeclient.sh can be wrapped
+# around this script.
+# Jan 24, 2014 #2739 bsteffen Log exit status
+# Jan 30, 2014 #2593 bclement warns based on memory usage, fixed for INI files with spaces
+if [ ${user} == 'root' ];then
+ echo "WARNING: CAVE cannot be run as user '${user}'!"
+ echo " change to another user and run again."
+ exit 1
+# Since, we no longer need to worry about re-location ...
+source ${CAVE_INSTALL}/caveUtil.sh
+if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: unable to find and/or access ${CAVE_INSTALL}/caveUtil.sh."
+ exit 1
+# Run monitorThreads?
+# copy the viz shutdown utility if necessary.
+# delete any old disk caches in the background
+deleteOldCaveDiskCaches &
+# Enable core dumps
+ulimit -c unlimited
+export LD_PRELOAD=libpython.so
+if [[ -z "$CALLED_EXTEND_LIB_PATH" ]]; then
+ extendLibraryPath
+export JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_INSTALL}/jre"
+# The user can update this field if they choose to do so.
+export HYDRO_APPS_DIR="/awips2/edex/data/share/hydroapps"
+export EDEX_HOME=/awips2/edex
+export LOCALIZATION_ROOT=~/caveData/common
+export PGSQL_DRIVER_DIR=`ls -1d /awips2/cave/plugins/org.postgres_*`
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "FATAL: Unable to locate the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver."
+ exit 1
+export apps_dir=${HYDRO_APPS_DIR}
+MODE="OPERATIONAL (no response)"
+export TEXTWS=`hostname | sed -e 's/lx/xt/g'`
+hostName=`hostname -s`
+# check number of running caves
+if [[ -z $IGNORE_NUM_CAVES ]]; then
+ # get total memory on system in bytes
+ mem=( `free -b | grep "Mem:"` )
+ mem=${mem[1]}
+ # get max amount of system memory used before we warn
+ memThreshold=$(echo "$mem * $MAX_MEM_PROPORTION" | bc)
+ # remove decimal
+ printf -v memThreshold "%.0f" "$memThreshold"
+ # get launcher.ini argument determined by user arguments
+ lookupINI "$@"
+ launcherRegex='--launcher.ini\s(.+\.ini)'
+ # default to cave.ini
+ targetIni="/awips2/cave/cave.ini"
+ if [[ $CAVE_INI_ARG =~ $launcherRegex ]]
+ then
+ targetIni="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
+ fi
+ # read max memory that could be used by this instance
+ memOfLaunchingCave=$(readMemFromIni "$targetIni")
+ # read total max memory of caves already running
+ getTotalMemOfRunningCaves
+ # add them together
+ _totalAfterStart=$(($memOfLaunchingCave + $_totalRunningMem))
+ if [[ "$_totalAfterStart" -ge "$memThreshold" ]]; then
+ # convert to megs for display
+ memOfLaunchingCave=$(($memOfLaunchingCave / $BYTES_IN_MB))
+ _totalRunningMem=$(($_totalRunningMem / $BYTES_IN_MB))
+ getPidsOfMyRunningCaves
+ memMsg="$_numPids CAVE applications already running with a combined max memory of ${_totalRunningMem}MB. "
+ memMsg+="The requested application has a max memory requirement of ${memOfLaunchingCave}MB. "
+ memMsg+="Starting may impact system performance and stability.\n\nProceed?"
+ zenity --question --title "Low Available Memory for Application" --text "$memMsg"
+ cancel="$?"
+ if [[ "$cancel" == "1" ]]; then
+ exit
+ fi
+ fi
+#check for gtk-2.0 value
+includeLine="include \"$HOME/.gtkrc.mine\""
+if [ -f $HOME/$gtkResource ]; then
+ if [ -w $HOME/$gtkResource ]; then
+ var=`grep "gtkrc.mine" $HOME/$gtkResource`
+ if [ '' == "$var" ]; then
+ echo $includeLine >> $HOME/$gtkResource
+ fi
+ fi
+ touch $HOME/$gtkResource
+ echo $includeLine >> $HOME/$gtkResource
+if [ -f $HOME/$mineFile ]; then
+ if [ -w $HOME/$mineFile ]; then
+ var=`grep "alternative-button-order" $HOME/$mineFile`
+ if [ '' == "$var" ]; then
+ echo $altButtonLine >> $HOME/$mineFile
+ fi
+ fi
+ touch $HOME/$mineFile
+ echo $altButtonLine >> $HOME/$mineFile
+if [[ -z "$PROGRAM_NAME" ]]
+# make sure directory exists
+if [ ! -d $LOGDIR ]; then
+ mkdir -p $LOGDIR
+# delete any old disk caches in the background
+deleteOldCaveLogs &
+curTime=`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`
+# At this point fork so that log files can be set up with the process pid and
+# this process can log the exit status of cave.
+ export pid=`/bin/bash -c 'echo $PPID'`
+ LOGFILE="${LOGDIR}/${PROGRAM_NAME}_${curTime}_pid_${pid}_console.log"
+ export LOGFILE_CAVE="${LOGDIR}/${PROGRAM_NAME}_${curTime}_pid_${pid}_alertviz.log"
+ export LOGFILE_PERFORMANCE="${LOGDIR}/${PROGRAM_NAME}_${curTime}_pid_${pid}_perf.log"
+ # can we write to log directory
+ if [ -w ${LOGDIR} ]; then
+ touch ${LOGFILE}
+ fi
+ # remove "-noredirect" flag from command-line if set so it doesn't confuse any
+ # commands we call later.
+ redirect="true"
+ while [[ $1 ]]
+ do
+ if [[ "$1" == "-noredirect" ]]
+ then
+ redirect="false"
+ else
+ USER_ARGS+=("$1")
+ fi
+ shift
+ done
+ # Special instructions for the 64-bit jvm.
+ if [ -f /awips2/java/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so ]; then
+ ARCH_ARGS="-vm /awips2/java/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so"
+ fi
+ lookupINI "${USER_ARGS[@]}"
+ if [[ "${runMonitorThreads}" == "true" ]] ; then
+ # nohup to allow tar process to continue after user has logged out
+ nohup ${CAVE_INSTALL}/monitorThreads.sh $pid >> /dev/null 2>&1 &
+ fi
+ if [[ "${redirect}" == "true" ]] ; then
+ exec ${CAVE_INSTALL}/cave ${ARCH_ARGS} ${SWITCHES} "${CAVE_INI_ARG}" "${USER_ARGS[@]}" > ${LOGFILE} 2>&1
+ else
+ exec ${CAVE_INSTALL}/cave ${ARCH_ARGS} ${SWITCHES} "${CAVE_INI_ARG}" "${USER_ARGS[@]}" 2>&1 | tee ${LOGFILE}
+ fi
+) &
+logExitStatus $pid $LOGFILE
diff --git a/ncep/gov.noaa.nws.ncep.viz.localization/localization/ncep/AttributeSetGroups/ModelFcstGridContours/AK-NAM-11km-standard.xml b/ncep/gov.noaa.nws.ncep.viz.localization/localization/ncep/AttributeSetGroups/ModelFcstGridContours/AK-NAM-11km-standard.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4efaed7a05..0000000000
--- a/ncep/gov.noaa.nws.ncep.viz.localization/localization/ncep/AttributeSetGroups/ModelFcstGridContours/AK-NAM-11km-standard.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- AK-NAM-11km
- standard
- 500mb_hght
diff --git a/ncep/gov.noaa.nws.ncep.viz.localization/localization/ncep/AttributeSetGroups/ModelFcstGridContours/AK-NAM-standard.xml b/ncep/gov.noaa.nws.ncep.viz.localization/localization/ncep/AttributeSetGroups/ModelFcstGridContours/AK-NAM-standard.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 135b9c5fa8..0000000000
--- a/ncep/gov.noaa.nws.ncep.viz.localization/localization/ncep/AttributeSetGroups/ModelFcstGridContours/AK-NAM-standard.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- standard
- 500mb_hght
diff --git a/ncep/gov.noaa.nws.ncep.viz.localization/localization/ncep/AttributeSetGroups/ModelFcstGridContours/AK-NamDNG5-standard.xml b/ncep/gov.noaa.nws.ncep.viz.localization/localization/ncep/AttributeSetGroups/ModelFcstGridContours/AK-NamDNG5-standard.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 549194a091..0000000000
--- a/ncep/gov.noaa.nws.ncep.viz.localization/localization/ncep/AttributeSetGroups/ModelFcstGridContours/AK-NamDNG5-standard.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- AK-NamDNG5
- standard
- surface_temperature
diff --git a/ncep/gov.noaa.nws.ncep.viz.localization/localization/ncep/AttributeSetGroups/ModelFcstGridContours/AK-RTMA-standard.xml b/ncep/gov.noaa.nws.ncep.viz.localization/localization/ncep/AttributeSetGroups/ModelFcstGridContours/AK-RTMA-standard.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f7392239bd..0000000000
--- a/ncep/gov.noaa.nws.ncep.viz.localization/localization/ncep/AttributeSetGroups/ModelFcstGridContours/AK-RTMA-standard.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- standard
- surface_pressure,surface_temperature,surface_temperature_as_points
diff --git a/rpms/awips2.upc/Installer.edex-upc/edex b/rpms/awips2.upc/Installer.edex-upc/edex
index e348f6b321..f42fb20e31 100755
--- a/rpms/awips2.upc/Installer.edex-upc/edex
+++ b/rpms/awips2.upc/Installer.edex-upc/edex
@@ -307,32 +307,6 @@ edex_start() { # start all edex services
su -c "service httpd-pypies start"
su -c "service qpidd start"
su -c "service edex_camel start"
- echo "**************************************************"
- echo "* Waiting for EDEX ESB to become operational *"
- echo "* - This may take a few minutes *"
- echo "* - Do not start CAVE until this is complete *"
- echo "**************************************************"
- echo -n "..."
- prog=0
- num=`tail -100 ${LOG_PATH}edex-ingest-${YMD}.log | grep "EDEX ESB is now operational" | wc -l`
- while [ $num -lt 1 ]
- do
- sleep 3
- num=`tail -100 ${LOG_PATH}edex-ingest-${YMD}.log | grep "EDEX ESB is now operational" | wc -l`
- if [[ $prog -eq 46 ]]; then
- prog=0
- else
- echo -n "."
- fi
- let prog++
- if [[ $num -gt 0 ]]; then
- echo ""
- echo "**************************************************"
- echo "* EDEX ESB is now operational *"
- echo "* You may now start alertviz and CAVE *"
- echo "**************************************************"
- fi
- done
edex_stop() { # stop all edex services