massive reorg of edex features/removal of unused plugins
This commit is contained in:
1143 changed files with 970 additions and 196263 deletions
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
while test -L "$exe"; do
exe=`readlink "$exe"`
bin_dir=`dirname "$exe"`
bin_dir=`cd "$bin_dir";pwd`
rs_home_dir=`cd "$bin_dir/..";pwd`
for jar in "$lib_dir"/*.jar; do
. "$config_file" || { echo "could not read $config_file"; exit 1 ;}
if test -n "$edex_endpoint_arg"; then
if test -z "$log_file"; then
if test -n "$configuration_provider"; then
if test -n "$awips1_root"; then
if test -n "$awips1_site"; then
exec $java -cp "$cp" \
"-D$props.configDir=$cfg_dir" \
"-D$props.awips1.decompressRadarProducts=$decompress_products" \
$edex_endpoint_arg_2 \
$cfg_provider_arg_2 \
$awips1_root_arg_2 \
$awips1_site_arg_2 \
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
while test -L "$exe"; do
exe=`readlink "$exe"`
bin_dir=`dirname "$exe"`
bin_dir=`cd "$bin_dir";pwd`
rs_home_dir=`cd "$bin_dir/..";pwd`
for jar in "$lib_dir"/*.jar; do
. "$config_file" || { echo "could not read $config_file"; exit 1 ;}
if test -n "$edex_endpoint_arg"; then
if test -z "$log_dir"; then
echo "Writing logs at $log_dir"
if test -n "$configuration_provider"; then
if test -n "$awips1_root"; then
if test -n "$awips1_site"; then
if [ ! -f "$java" ]; then
echo "Java is not correct : $java"
if [ -f "$rs_home_dir/data/radarserver-pid" ]; then
pid=`cat $rs_home_dir/data/radarserver-pid`
echo "Radar Server already started at process $pid. Run stop before restarting."
exit 0
# giving rw permissions to all users
umask 000
$java -cp "$cp" \
"-D$props.configDir=$cfg_dir" \
"-D$props.awips1.decompressRadarProducts=$decompress_products" \
"-D$props.logDir=$log_dir" \
"-Dlogback.configurationFile=logback.xml" \
"-Dqpid.dest_syntax=BURL" \
"-Dawips2_fxa=$awips2_fxa" \
$edex_endpoint_arg_2 \
$cfg_provider_arg_2 \
$awips1_root_arg_2 \
$awips1_site_arg_2 \
com.raytheon.rcm.mqsrvr.MQServer > /dev/null 2>&1 &
echo "RadarServer started at process $pid"
echo "$pid" > "$rs_home_dir/data/radarserver-pid"
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
while test -L "$exe"; do
exe=`readlink "$exe"`
bin_dir=`dirname "$exe"`
bin_dir=`cd "$bin_dir";pwd`
rs_home_dir=`cd "$bin_dir/..";pwd`
if [ -f $pid_file ]
pid=`cat "$pid_file"`
if test -n "$pid"; then
rm -f "$pid_file"
if kill "$pid"; then
echo "Killing radar server at process $pid, also removing pid file."
exit 0
echo "Cannot find pid of radar server, please kill it manually."
echo "File does not exist to find pid. It may not be running or it might need to be killed manually."
exit 1
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
cd %ECLIPSE_HOME%\plugins\org.eclipse.pde.build_*
java -jar %ECLIPSE_HOME%\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar ^
-application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner ^
-buildfile %PDE_BUILD%\scripts\productBuild\productBuild.xml ^
-DbaseLocation=%ECLIPSE_HOME% ^
-Dbuilder=%BUILDER% ^
-DbuildDirectory=%BUILDER%\tmp ^
@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 2003, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# Parameters describing how and where to execute the build.
# Typical users need only update the following properties:
# baseLocation - where things you are building against are installed
# bootclasspath - The base jars to compile against (typicaly rt.jar)
# configs - the list of {os, ws, arch} configurations to build.
# Of course any of the settings here can be overridden by spec'ing
# them on the command line (e.g., -DbaseLocation=d:/eclipse
############# PRODUCT/PACKAGING CONTROL #############
#Set the name of the archive that will result from the product build.
# The prefix that will be used in the generated archive.
# The location underwhich all of the build output will be collected.
# The list of {os, ws, arch} configurations to build. This
# value is a '&' separated list of ',' separate triples. For example,
# configs=win32,win32,x86 & linux,motif,x86
# By default the value is *,*,*
#configs = *, *, *
configs=linux, gtk, x86
# linux, gtk, x86_64 & \
# linux, motif, x86 & \
# solaris, motif, sparc & \
# solaris, gtk, sparc & \
# aix, motif, ppc & \
# hpux, motif, PA_RISC & \
# macosx, carbon, ppc
# By default PDE creates one archive (result) per entry listed in the configs property.
# Setting this value to try will cause PDE to only create one output containing all
# artifacts for all the platforms listed in the configs property.
#The format of the archive. By default a zip is created using antZip.
#The list can only contain the configuration for which the desired format is different than zip.
archivesFormat=linux, gtk, x86 - folder
# linux, gtk, ppc - antZip &\
# linux, gtk, x86 - antZip& \
# linux, gtk, x86_64 - antZip& \
# linux, motif, x86 - antZip& \
# solaris, motif, sparc - antZip& \
# solaris, gtk, sparc - antZip& \
# aix, motif, ppc - antZip& \
# hpux, motif, PA_RISC - antZip& \
# macosx, carbon, ppc - antZip
#Set to true if you want the output to be ready for an update jar (no site.xml generated)
#outputUpdateJars = false
#Set to true for Jnlp generation
#codebase should be a URL that will be used as the root of all relative URLs in the output.
#jnlp.codebase=<codebase url>
#jnlp.j2se=<j2se version>
#jnlp.locale=<a locale>
#Set to true if you want to sign jars
#sign.keystore=<keystore location>
#sign.storepass=<keystore password>
#Arguments to send to the zip executable
#Arguments to send to the tar executable
#Control the creation of a file containing the version included in each configuration - on by default
############## BUILD NAMING CONTROL ################
# Type of build. Used in naming the build output. Typically this value is
# one of I, N, M, S, ...
# ID of the build. Used in naming the build output.
# Label for the build. Used in naming the build output
# Timestamp for the build. Used in naming the build output
#The value to be used for the qualifier of a plugin or feature when you want to override the value computed by pde.
#The value will only be applied to plugin or features indicating, qualifier = context
#forceContextQualifier=<the value for the qualifier>
#Enable / disable the generation of a suffix for the features that use .qualifier.
#The generated suffix is computed according to the content of the feature
############# BASE CONTROL #############
# Settings for the base Eclipse components and Java class libraries
# against which you are building.
# Base location for anything the build needs to compile against. For example,
# in most RCP app or a plug-in, the baseLocation should be the location of a previously
# installed Eclipse against which the application or plug-in code will be compiled and the RCP delta pack.
#Os/Ws/Arch/nl of the eclipse specified by baseLocation
#this property indicates whether you want the set of plug-ins and features to be considered during the build to be limited to the ones reachable from the features / plugins being built
#pluginPath is a list of locations in which to find plugins and features. This list is separated by the platform file separator (; or :)
#a location is one of:
#- the location of the jar or folder that is the plugin or feature : /path/to/foo.jar or /path/to/foo
#- a directory that contains a /plugins or /features subdirectory
#- the location of a feature.xml, or for 2.1 style plugins, the plugin.xml or fragment.xml
eclipseURL=<url for eclipse download site>
eclipseBuildId=<Id of Eclipse build to get>
############# MAP FILE CONTROL ################
# This section defines CVS tags to use when fetching the map files from the repository.
# If you want to fetch the map file from repository / location, change the getMapFiles target in the customTargets.xml
############ REPOSITORY CONTROL ###############
# This section defines properties parameterizing the repositories where plugins, fragments
# bundles and features are being obtained from.
# The tags to use when fetching elements to build.
# By default thebuilder will use whatever is in the maps.
# This value takes the form of a comma separated list of repository identifier (like used in the map files) and the
# overriding value
# For example fetchTag=CVS=HEAD, SVN=v20050101
# fetchTag=HEAD
############# JAVA COMPILER OPTIONS ##############
# The location of the Java jars to compile against. Typically the rt.jar for your JDK/JRE
# specific JRE locations to compile against. These values are used to compile bundles specifying a
# Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment. Uncomment and set values for environments that you support
#CDC-1.0/Foundation-1.0= /path/to/rt.jar
# Specify the output format of the compiler log when eclipse jdt is used
# Whether or not to include debug info in the output jars
# Whether or not to fail the build if there are compiler errors
# Enable or disable verbose mode of the compiler
# Extra arguments for the compiler. These are specific to the java compiler being used.
# Default value for the version of the source code. This value is used when compiling plug-ins that do not set the Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment or set javacSource in
# Default value for the version of the byte code targeted. This value is used when compiling plug-ins that do not set the Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment or set javacTarget in
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
# This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
# pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
# This software product contains export-restricted data whose
# export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
# to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
# an export license or other authorization.
# Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
# Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
# Mail Stop B8
# Omaha, NE 68106
# 402.291.0100
# See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
# further licensing information.
USAGE="Usage: `basename $0` [options]\nOptions:\n
\t-eclipse=ECLIPSEPATH\tSets the full path to the eclipse directory REQUIRED\n"
for i in $*
case $i in
ECLIPSE_HOME=`echo $i | sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'`
# unknown option
if [ -z $ECLIPSE_HOME ]; then
echo -e $USAGE
exit 1
if [ -n $VERBOSE ]; then
echo "AntOpts: '$OPTS_FOR_ANT'"
rm -rf tmp
export BUILDER=`pwd`
#get name of org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar in ECLIPSE_HOME with version label
export LAUNCHER_JAR=`ls $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar`
#get name of in ECLIPSE_HOME with version label
export PDE_BUILD=`ls -d $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_*`
#Execute the build
java -jar $LAUNCHER_JAR -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \
-buildfile ${PDE_BUILD}/scripts/productBuild/productBuild.xml \
-DbaseLocation=$ECLIPSE_HOME \
-Dbuilder=$BUILDER \
-DbuildDirectory=${BUILDER}/tmp \
-Dbase=$BUILDER \
@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE project [
<!ENTITY substitute-targets SYSTEM "substitute.xml">
<project name="RCMPackageBuilder" default="deploy" basedir=".">
<property file="${basedir}/../../edexOsgi/build.edex/edex/" />
<condition property="ant.lib.dir" value="${basedir}/../../edexOsgi/build.edex/lib/ant/" else="${basedir}/../build.edex/lib/ant/">
<available file="${basedir}/../../edexOsgi/build.edex/lib/ant/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" classpath="${ant.lib.dir}/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
<path id="ant.classpath">
<fileset dir="${ant.lib.dir}">
<include name="*.jar" />
This build script expects the following projects to exist at the same
level as this project's folder. com.raytheon.rcm.lib
|||| org.itadaki.bzip2 The projects must be
built before running this script.
Builds a deployment of the RCM for packaging
<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<property environment="user" />
<property name="src" location="src" />
<property name="build" location="build" />
<property name="deploy.dir" location="Deploy" />
<property name="props.dir" location="${basedir}/properties" />
<property file="${props.dir}/" />
<available file="${basedir}/tmp" property="tmp.ready" />
<condition property="pde.not.ready">
<isset property="" />
<isset property="tmp.ready" />
<condition property="top.dir" value="${basedir}/.." else="${basedir}/../../..">
<available file="${basedir}/../build.edex/lib/ant/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
<condition property="core_foss_lib.dir" value="${basedir}/.." else="${top.dir}/${core-foss.repo}/lib">
<available file="${basedir}/../build.edex/lib/ant/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
<condition property="a2_foss_lib.dir" value="${basedir}/.." else="${top.dir}/${awips2-foss.repo}/lib">
<available file="${basedir}/../build.edex/lib/ant/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
<condition property="core_common.dir" value="${basedir}/.." else="${top.dir}/${core.repo}/common/">
<available file="${basedir}/../build.edex/lib/ant/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
<condition property="edexsrc.dir" value="${basedir}/.." else="${basedir}/../../edexOsgi" >
<available file="${basedir}/../com.raytheon.edex.plugin.radar/utility/common_static/base/radar/elevationLists.txt" />
<!-- Only check for directories on development workstation-->
<equals arg1="${top.dir}" arg2="${basedir}/../../.." />
<property name="tab" value=" " />
<echo level="info" message=" " />
<echo level="info" message="Deploy checks the following directories for source:" />
<echo level="info" message=" " />
<for list="${core.repositories}" param="">
<echo level="info" message="${tab}@{}" />
<available file="${top.dir}/@{}" type="dir" />
<echo level="error" message="${tab}@{} does not exist!" />
<property name="missingDir" value="true" />
<isset property="missingDir" />
<echo level="error" message=" " />
<echo level="error" message="Edit core.repositories=${core.repositories} in, rename source directories or create a symlink!" />
<echo level="error" message=" " />
<fail message="Unable to locate source directories." />
<echo level="info" message=" " />
<!-- Set default EDEX install location for copy filter -->
<property name="def.edex.install.dir" value="/awips" />
<condition property="edex.home" value="$EdexBaseDir" else="${def.edex.install.dir}">
<isset property="installer"/>
<!-- Create clean deployment -->
<target name="deploy">
<echo message="----------------------------------------------------------------"/>
<echo message=" deploying RCM to ${deploy.dir}"/>
<echo message=" PDE Build = ${}"/>
<echo message="----------------------------------------------------------------"/>
<antcall target="un.deploy" />
<antcall target="re.deploy" />
<antcall target="config.deploy" />
Deploy on top of existing deployment. Old files not removed nor is the
configuration file changed.
<target name="re.deploy">
<mkdir dir="${deploy.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${deploy.dir}/bin" />
<mkdir dir="${deploy.dir}/lib" />
<mkdir dir="${deploy.dir}/data" />
<!-- copy with filter -->
<copy todir="${deploy.dir}" verbose="false">
<filterset refid="installer.filter.set" />
<fileset dir="bits">
<include name="bin/*" />
<chmod perm="a-w,a+x">
<fileset dir="${deploy.dir}/bin">
<include name="*" />
Not all of these files should be made executable. Need to know all
executable names... or all non-executables...
<copy todir="${deploy.dir}/bin" verbose="false">
<fileset dir="../">
<include name="*.py" />
<chmod perm="a+x">
<fileset dir="${deploy.dir}/bin">
<include name="*.py" />
<exclude name="" />
<chmod perm="a-w">
<fileset dir="${deploy.dir}/bin">
<include name="*.py" />
<copy todir="${deploy.dir}/lib" flatten="true">
<fileset dir="${core_foss_lib.dir}/net.sf.cglib" includes="**/*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${core_foss_lib.dir}/org.apache.activemq" includes="**/*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${core_foss_lib.dir}/org.apache.qpid" includes="**/*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${core_foss_lib.dir}/org.slf4j" includes="**/*.jar">
<include name="**/jcl-over-slf4j*.jar" />
<include name="**/jul-to-slf4j*.jar" />
<include name="**/slf4j-api*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${core_foss_lib.dir}/org.apache.commons.beanutils" includes="**/*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${core_foss_lib.dir}/org.apache.commons.codec" includes="**/*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${core_foss_lib.dir}/org.apache.commons.collections" includes="**/*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${core_foss_lib.dir}/org.apache.commons.lang" includes="**/*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${core_foss_lib.dir}/ch.qos.logback" includes="**/*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${core_foss_lib.dir}/javax.jms" includes="**/*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${core_foss_lib.dir}/org.springframework">
<include name="**/*spring*beans*.jar" />
<include name="**/*spring*context*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${a2_foss_lib.dir}/org.itadaki.bzip2" includes="**/*.jar" />
<fileset dir="${core_foss_lib.dir}/org.quartz" includes="**/*.jar" />
<delete dir="bin" />
<mkdir dir="bin" />
<antcall target="local.jar" />
<antcall target="pde.jar" />
<jar destfile="${deploy.dir}/lib/radarserver-mq.jar" basedir="bin" />
<delete dir="bin" />
<target name="local.jar" if="">
<copy toDir="bin">
<fileset dir="tmp/plugins/com.raytheon.rcm.lib/@dot"
includes="**/*.class" />
<fileset dir="tmp/plugins/com.raytheon.rcm.lib/@dot"
includes="**/*.txt" />
<fileset dir="tmp/plugins/com.raytheon.rcm.server/@dot"
includes="**/*.class" />
<fileset dir="tmp/plugins/"
includes="**/*.class" />
<fileset dir="tmp/plugins/"
includes="**/*.txt" />
<fileset dir="tmp/plugins/com.raytheon.uf.common.util/@dot"
includes="**/*.class" />
<fileset dir="tmp/plugins/com.raytheon.uf.common.serialization/@dot"
includes="**/*.class" />
<target name="pde.jar" unless="">
<copy todir="bin">
<fileset dir="../com.raytheon.rcm.lib/bin" includes="**/*.class" />
<fileset dir="../com.raytheon.rcm.lib/bin" includes="**/*.txt" />
<fileset dir="../com.raytheon.rcm.server/bin" includes="**/*.class" />
<fileset dir="../" includes="**/*.class" />
<fileset dir="../" includes="**/*.txt" />
<fileset dir="${core_common.dir}/com.raytheon.uf.common.util/bin" includes="**/*.class" />
<fileset dir="${core_common.dir}/com.raytheon.uf.common.serialization/bin" includes="**/*.class" />
<target name="config.deploy">
<copy todir="${deploy.dir}" verbose="false">
<filterset refid="installer.filter.set" />
<fileset dir="cfgbits">
<include name="**/*" />
<exclude name="**/config.xml"/>
<copy todir="${deploy.dir}/data/config/drop-ins" verbose="false">
<filterset refid="installer.filter.set" />
<fileset dir="${edexsrc.dir}/com.raytheon.edex.plugin.radar/utility/common_static/base/radar">
<include name="elevationLists.txt"/>
<include name="tdwrElevations.txt"/>
<include name="ssssElevationLists.txt"/>
<!-- this is required because config.xml contains an '@' in a url -->
<copy todir="${deploy.dir}" verbose="false">
<filterset refid="config.xml.filter.set"/>
<fileset dir="cfgbits">
<include name="**/config.xml"/>
<target name="un.deploy">
<delete dir="${deploy.dir}">
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
RPS List dp_vcp32.VCP32.rps created 2007:12:05:19:06:12 ... 76 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 45 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 45 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 60
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 180
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (DSA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
RPS List dp_vcp32.VCP32.rps created 2007:12:05:19:06:12 ... 76 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 45 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 45 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 60
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 180
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (DSA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
RPS List dp_vcp35.VCP35.rps created 2016:01:28:19:06:12 ... 62 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 8227 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 60
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 180
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (DSA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
RPS List dp_vcp11.VCP11.rps created 2007:12:05:19:05:16 ... 101 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - 1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 53 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 62 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 75 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 87 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 120 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 140 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 167 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 53 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 62 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 75 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 87 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 120 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 140 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 167 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 60
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 180
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (DSA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
RPS List dp_vcp12.VCP12.rps created 2007:12:05:19:05:40 ... 106 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - 1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 60
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 180
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (DSA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
RPS List dp_vcp12.VCP12.rps created 2007:12:05:19:05:40 ... 106 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - 1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 60
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 180
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (DSA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
RPS List dp_mji21.VCP21.rps created 2007:12:05:19:02:48 ... 91 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - 1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 99 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 146 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 99 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 146 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 50 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 60
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 180
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (DSA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
RPS List dp_mji21.VCP21.rps created 2007:12:05:19:02:48 ... 91 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - 1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 99 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 146 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 99 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 146 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 50 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 60
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 180
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (DSA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
RPS List dp_vcp11.VCP11.rps created 2007:12:05:19:05:16 ... 101 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - 1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 53 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 62 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 75 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 87 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 120 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 140 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 167 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 53 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 62 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 75 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 87 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 120 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 140 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 167 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 60
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 180
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (DSA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
RPS List dp_vcp12.VCP12.rps created 2007:12:05:19:05:40 ... 106 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - 1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 60
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 180
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (DSA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
RPS List dp_VCP215.rps created 2016:01:28:19:05:40 ... 81 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 8227 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - 1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 167 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 167 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 60
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 180
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (DSA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
RPS List dp_mji21.VCP21.rps created 2007:12:05:19:02:48 ... 91 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - 1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 99 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 146 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 99 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 146 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 50 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 60
User Select Accum (DUA) DUA 173 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 180
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (DSA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
RPS List super_res_vcp31_mji.VCP31.rps created 2007:06:06:19%:04:00 ... 64 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 45 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 45 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
RPS List super_res_vcp32_mji.VCP32.rps created 2007:06:06:19%:04:00 ... 59 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 45 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 25 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 35 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 45 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
RPS List VCP35.rps created 2016:01:28:15%:09:53 ... 45 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 8227 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
RPS List KXXX.maint created 24-MAY-1995 19:51:48... 19 products
An RPS list contains the following fields: Product Name, Product
Mnemonic, Product Code, Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Elevation,
Layer Code, Contour Interval, Priority, Req Interval, and Map
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c'
Base Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 0 0 1N
Base Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 24 0 0 1N
Base Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 99 0 0 1N
Base Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 0 0 1N
Base Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 24 0 0 1N
Base Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 99 0 0 1N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 0 0 1N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 24 0 0 1N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 99 0 0 1N
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
RPS List super_res_vcp11_mji.VCP11.rps created 2007:06:06:19%:04:00 ... 84 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 -1 -1 0 1N
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 53 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 62 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 75 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 87 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 120 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 140 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 167 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 53 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 62 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 75 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 87 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 120 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 140 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 167 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
RPS List super_res_vcp12_mji.VCP12.rps created 2007:06:06:19%:04:00 ... 89 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 -1 -1 0 1N
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
RPS List super_res_vcp12_mji.VCP12.rps created 2007:06:06:19%:04:00 ... 89 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 -1 -1 0 1N
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
RPS List super_res_vcp21_mji.VCP21.rps created 2007:06:06:18%:58:00 ... 73 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 -1 -1 0 1N
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 99 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 146 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 99 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 146 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 50 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
RPS List super_res_vcp21_mji.VCP21.rps created 2007:06:06:18%:58:00 ... 73 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 -1 -1 0 1N
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 99 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 146 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 99 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 146 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 50 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
RPS List super_res_vcp11_mji.VCP11.rps created 2007:06:06:19%:04:00 ... 84 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 -1 -1 0 1N
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 53 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 62 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 75 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 87 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 120 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 140 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 167 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 53 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 62 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 75 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 87 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 120 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 140 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 167 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
RPS List super_res_vcp12_mji.VCP12.rps created 2007:06:06:19%:04:00 ... 89 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 -1 -1 0 1N
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
RPS List VCP215.rps created 2016:01:28:39%:09:52 ... 64 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 8227 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 -1 -1 0 1N
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 167 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 18 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 31 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 40 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 51 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 64 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 80 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 100 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 125 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 156 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 167 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 9 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 13 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow-Water Equiv (OSW) OSW 144 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
RPS List super_res_vcp21_mji.VCP21.rps created 2007:06:06:18%:58:00 ... 73 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 15 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 25 -1 0 1N
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 35 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N
Velocity (V) V 25 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N
Severe Weather Probablilty (SWP) SWP 47 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (M) M 60 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 -1 -1 0 1N
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 99 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 146 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 24 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 34 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 43 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 99 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 146 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 195 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Reflectivity (Z) HZ 153 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Velocity (V) HV 154 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 50 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Super Res Spec Width (SW) HSW 155 256 25 - 15 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
TVS Rapid Update (TRU) TRU 143 0 0 - 16384 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
User Selectable Lyr Refl (ULR) ULR 137 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 14 70 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
1-Hour Snow Depth (OSD) OSD 145 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow Depth (SSD) SSD 147 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Tot Snow-Water Equiv (SSW) SSW 146 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
RPS List defaultRPS.VCP80.rps created 2007:06:20:15%:52:19 ... 21 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 180 256 15 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y
Reflectivity (Z) Z 180 256 15 - 10 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 180 256 15 - 30 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y
Reflectivity (Z) Z 180 256 15 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y
Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y
Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 10 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 30 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y
Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y
Reflectivity (Z) Z 186 256 30 - 6 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 8 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Storm Track (STI) STI 58 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Tornadic Vortex Sig (TVS) TVS 61 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
RPS List defaultRPS.VCP90.rps created 2007:06:20:15%:52:19 ... 21 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 180 256 15 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 180 256 15 - 10 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 180 256 15 - 30 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 180 256 15 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 10 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 30 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 60 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 186 256 30 - 6 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 8 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Storm Track (STI) STI 58 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Tornadic Vortex Sig (TVS) TVS 61 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Digital Meso Detection (DMD) DMD 149 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Entries with wmo="TTAAi" and nnn="NNN" are sent on the WAN using
the given header attributes. Entries without these attributes
rely on a listing in prodList.txt/tdwrProdList.txt.
Products may be specified in one of two ways:
1. A single product specified with the 'productCode' attribute.
2. One or more products specified with 'request' elements.
The optional 'randomWait' attribute causes the OTR to be delayed
by a random amount of time up to the specified number of seconds.
This prevents WAN congestion.
The optional 'hoursBack' attribute automatically sets the end time
and duration parameters for appropriate products (USP, USW, USD,
and DUA.) The end time is set to the top of the current hour and
the duration is set to the specified number of hours. It is also
possible to specify hours and minutes with the form "HH:mm", but
this is only meaningful for DUA.
<cronOTR cron="0 23,53 * * * ?" productCode="74" wmo="SDUS4" nnn="RCM"/>
<cronOTR cron="0 15 * * * ?" productCode="79" wmo="SDUS6" nnn="N3P" radarTypes="WSR"/>
<cronOTR cron="0 16 * * * ?" productCode="136" randomWait="240"/>
<cronOTR cron="0 5 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21 * * ?" productCode="152" randomWait="600" radarTypes="WSR TDWR"/>
<cronOTR cron="0 1 0,6,12,18 * * ?">
<request> <productCode>34</productCode> <pdw20>2</pdw20> </request>
<request> <productCode>34</productCode> <pdw20>4</pdw20> </request>
<request> <productCode>34</productCode> <pdw20>8</pdw20> </request>
<request> <productCode>34</productCode> <pdw20>16</pdw20> </request>
<request> <productCode>34</productCode> <pdw20>32</pdw20> </request>
<cronOTR cron="0 10 * * * ?" productCode="173" randomWait="300" hoursBack="3" wmo="SDUS8" nnn="DU3"/>
<cronOTR cron="0 10 12 * * ?" productCode="173" randomWait="300" hoursBack="24" wmo="SDUS8" nnn="DU6"/>
<cronOTR cron="0 2 * * * ?" productCode="202" randomWait="300" nnn="SCC"/>
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
# productId elevAngle prodCategory Partial WMO Id
19 5 N0R SDUS5
20 5 N0Z SDUS7
27 5 N0V SDUS5
28 5 NSP SDUS6
30 5 NSW SDUS6
32 0 DHR SDUS5
34 -10 NC1 SDUS6
34 -20 NC2 SDUS6
34 -30 NC3 SDUS6
34 -40 NC4 SDUS6
34 -50 NC5 SDUS6
37 0 NCR SDUS5
38 0 NCZ SDUS6
41 0 NET SDUS7
48 0 NVW SDUS3
56 5 N0S SDUS5
56 13 N1S SDUS2
56 15 N1S SDUS2
56 24 N2S SDUS2
56 25 N2S SDUS2
56 31 N3S SDUS3
56 34 N3S SDUS3
56 35 N3S SDUS3
57 0 NVL SDUS5
58 0 NST SDUS3
59 0 NHI SDUS6
61 0 NTV SDUS6
62 0 NSS SDUS6
65 0 NLL SDUS6
66 0 NML SDUS6
67 0 NLA SDUS6
75 0 FTM NOUS6
78 0 N1P SDUS3
80 0 NTP SDUS5
81 0 DPA SDUS5
82 0 SPD SDUS6
90 0 NHL SDUS6
136 0 RWO SDUS9
138 0 DSP SDUS5
141 0 NMD SDUS3
152 0 RSL SDUS4
94 5 N0Q SDUS5
94 9 NAQ SDUS5
94 13 N1Q SDUS2
94 15 N1Q SDUS2
94 18 NBQ SDUS2
94 24 N2Q SDUS2
94 25 N2Q SDUS2
94 31 N3Q SDUS2
94 34 N3Q SDUS2
94 35 N3Q SDUS2
99 5 N0U SDUS5
99 9 NAU SDUS5
99 13 N1U SDUS2
99 15 N1U SDUS2
99 18 NBU SDUS2
99 24 N2U SDUS2
99 25 N2U SDUS2
99 31 N3U SDUS2
99 34 N3U SDUS2
99 35 N3U SDUS2
134 0 DVL SDUS5
135 0 EET SDUS7
159 5 N0X SDUS8
159 9 NAX SDUS8
159 13 N1X SDUS8
159 15 N1X SDUS8
159 18 NBX SDUS8
159 24 N2X SDUS8
159 25 N2X SDUS8
159 31 N3X SDUS8
159 34 N3X SDUS8
159 35 N3X SDUS8
161 5 N0C SDUS8
161 9 NAC SDUS8
161 13 N1C SDUS8
161 15 N1C SDUS8
161 18 NBC SDUS8
161 24 N2C SDUS8
161 25 N2C SDUS8
161 31 N3C SDUS8
161 34 N3C SDUS8
161 35 N3C SDUS8
163 5 N0K SDUS8
163 9 NAK SDUS8
163 13 N1K SDUS8
163 15 N1K SDUS8
163 18 NBK SDUS8
163 24 N2K SDUS8
163 25 N2K SDUS8
163 31 N3K SDUS8
163 34 N3K SDUS8
163 35 N3K SDUS8
165 5 N0H SDUS8
165 9 NAH SDUS8
165 13 N1H SDUS8
165 15 N1H SDUS8
165 18 NBH SDUS8
165 24 N2H SDUS8
165 25 N2H SDUS8
165 31 N3H SDUS8
165 34 N3H SDUS8
165 35 N3H SDUS8
166 5 N0M SDUS8
166 9 NAM SDUS8
166 13 N1M SDUS8
166 15 N1M SDUS8
166 18 NBM SDUS8
166 24 N2M SDUS8
166 25 N2M SDUS8
166 31 N3M SDUS8
166 34 N3M SDUS8
166 35 N3M SDUS8
169 0 OHA SDUS8
170 0 DAA SDUS8
171 0 PTA SDUS3
172 0 DTA SDUS8
174 0 DOD SDUS8
175 0 DSD SDUS8
176 0 DPR SDUS8
177 0 HHC SDUS8
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# radarWatchdog.txt
# Controls how long to wait for products specified on the RPS list before
# sounding an alarm. There are two sections: One defines VCP durations
# and one that lists products to monitor.
# VCP duration format: <VCP number>|<duration in seconds>
# Product format: <product mnemonic>
# <product mnemonic> is a mnemonic found in radarInfo.txt.
# If a product is listed, but is not actually in the current RPS list,
# it will not be monitored.
11 | 300
211 | 300
12 | 270
212 | 270
21 | 360
121 | 360
221 | 360
31 | 600
32 | 600
80 | 360
90 | 360
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
RPS List rps-RPGOP-tcp.VCP32.rps created 2010:11:18:17:32:56 ... 45 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 8227 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 8227 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 8227 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 8227 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 8227 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 8227 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 8227 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 8227 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Unbiased Accum (DAA) DAA 170 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
RPS List rps-RPGOP-tcp.VCP11.rps created 2014:02:18:17:28:33 ... 48 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, multCut, endHour, timeSpan
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c%7d%7d'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 8226 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 94 256 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 8226 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 99 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 19 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Reflectivity (Z) Z 20 16 200 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Velocity (V) V 27 16 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Rel Velocity (SRM) SRM 56 16 100 - 8226 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 38 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 1 LRM 65 8 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 2 LRM 66 8 0 M -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref Max (LRM) Level 3 LRM 90 8 0 H -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Lyr Comp Ref MAX (APR) APR 67 16 0 L -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Enhanced Echo Tops (EET) EET 135 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Vert Integ Liq (DVL) DVL 134 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 28 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Base Spectrum Width (SW) SW 30 8 100 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Tracking Information (STI) STI 58 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - 1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Tornadic Vortex Signature (TVS) TVS 61 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N -1 0
Storm Structure (SS) SS 62 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 8226 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 8226 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 8226 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 8226 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 8226 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Differential Refl (ZDR) ZDR 159 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Correlation Coeff (CC) CC 161 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Specific Diff Phase (KDP) KDP 163 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Hydrometeor Class (HC) HC 165 256 25 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Melting Layer (ML) ML 166 0 0 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y -1 0
Digital Inst Precip Rate (DPR) DPR 176 0 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Hybrid Hydrometeor Class (HHC) HHC 177 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Accum (OHA) OHA 169 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Unbiased Accum (DAA) DAA 170 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 171 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Accum (STA) STA 172 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
One Hour Diff (DOD) DOD 174 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
Storm Total Diff (DSD) DSD 175 256 25 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N -1 0
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
RPS List rps-SPGOP-tcp.storm created 2008:05:12:18%:33:35 ... 21 products
An RPS list contains the fields: Prod-Name, Mnemonic, Prod-Code
Number of Data Levels, Resolution, Layer Code, Elevation, Contour Interval,
Priority, Req Interval, Map, Lower Layer, Upper Layer, and multCut
The record format is: '%-39s %-3s%4d%4d%6d %c%6d%7d%2d%2d%c%3d%3d %c'
Reflectivity (Z) Z 186 256 30 - 6 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 181 16 15 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y
Reflectivity (Z) Z 181 16 15 - 10 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Reflectivity (Z) Z 181 16 15 - 30 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y
Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 5 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y
Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 10 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Velocity (V) V 182 256 15 - 30 -1 0 1N -1 -1 Y
Composite Ref (CZ) CZ 37 16 100 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Echo Tops (ET) ET 41 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
VAD Wind Profile (VWP) VWP 48 8 0 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Vert Integ Liq (VIL) VIL 57 16 400 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Storm Track (STI) STI 58 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Hail Index (HI) HI 59 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
Tornadic Vortex Sig (TVS) TVS 61 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
One Hour Precip (OHP) OHP 78 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 80 16 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Precip Array (DPA) DPA 81 256 400 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) SPD 82 0 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Digital Hybrid Scan Refl (DHR) DHR 32 256 100 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Storm Total Precip (STP) STP 138 256 200 - -1 -1 0 1N -1 -1 N
Mesocyclone (MD) MD 141 0 0 - -1 -1 0 1N 2 -1 N
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# productId elevAngle prodCategory Partial WMO Id
75 0 FTM NOUS6
152 0 RSL SDUS4
186 6 TZL SDUS5
181 0 TR0 SDUS5
181 5 TR0 SDUS5
181 9 TR1 SDUS2
181 15 TR2 SDUS2
181 18 TR2 SDUS2
181 24 TR2 SDUS2
181 34 TR2 SDUS2
181 43 TR2 SDUS2
182 0 TV0 SDUS5
182 5 TV0 SDUS5
182 9 TV1 SDUS7
182 15 TV2 SDUS7
182 18 TV2 SDUS7
182 24 TV2 SDUS7
182 34 TV2 SDUS7
182 43 TV2 SDUS7
32 0 DHR SDUS5
37 0 NCR SDUS5
41 0 NET SDUS7
48 0 NVW SDUS3
57 0 NVL SDUS5
58 0 NST SDUS3
59 0 NHI SDUS6
61 0 NTV SDUS6
78 0 N1P SDUS3
80 0 NTP SDUS5
81 0 DPA SDUS5
82 0 SPD SDUS6
138 0 DSP SDUS5
141 0 NMD SDUS3
@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
#Radar Connection Characteristic D'n' Key
#D1 - LAN 10 mbps
#D2 - FR DoD 1.54 mbps
#D3 - FAA FR 256 kbps
#D4 - NWS & DoD Supplemental FR 128 kbps
#D5 - NWS & DoD Supplemental FR 256 kbps
#D6 - TDWR LAN 10 mbps
#D7 - Dedicated Backup Across WAN 128 kbps Aggregate
#D8 - ASR-4/ARSR-11 radars
#Site ID Region numRpgs RPGs 071911
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<appender name="rolling" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<layout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout">
<pattern>%-5p %d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} [%t] %c{1}: %m%n</pattern>
<logger name="RadarServer" additivity="false" level="INFO">
<appender-ref ref="rolling"/>
<root level="INFO">
<appender-ref ref="rolling"/>
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = CronOTRScheduler
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = 1
org.quartz.scheduler.rmi.export = false
org.quartz.scheduler.rmi.proxy = false
org.quartz.threadPool.class = org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool
org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 2
org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# Set the following line to the radar ingest endpoint directory for EDEX.
# The following line controls the location of log files. See
# data/config/res/ for more logging options.
# Uncomment and change the following line to choose a Java VM. The
# default is the "java" program that is in the PATH.
# necessary for fxaAnnounce to be called if rpg goes down
#======= AWIPS 1 Compatibility Configuration =======
# Only uncomment the following items if you want to use configuration files
# from an existing AWIPS 1 install.
# Selects the AWIPS 1 configuration system
# Root directory containing AWIPS 1 configuration files. It should contain
# "awips/fxa/data/", "data/fxa/", etc. This can be "/" for the actual root
# directory.
# Set this to the three-character localization identifier. If unset, the
# FXA_LOCAL_SITE environment variable will be used.
# By default, radar products will be decompressed before they are sent
# to EDEX. Uncomment the following line to turn off decompression. Note
# that when using the standard configuration system, this setting is in
# config.xml.
@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
<project name="Build specific targets and properties" default="noDefault">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Run a given ${target} on all elements being built -->
<!-- Add on <ant> task for each top level element being built. -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<property name="allElementsFile" value="${builder}/allElements.xml"/>
<import file="${allElementsFile}" />
<target name="allElements">
<antcall target="allElementsDelegator" />
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="getBaseComponents" depends="checkLocalBase" unless="skipBase">
<get src="${eclipseBaseURL}" dest="${buildDirectory}/../" />
<unzip dest="${base}" overwrite="true" src="${buildDirectory}/../" />
<target name="checkLocalBase">
<available file="${base}" property="skipBase" />
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Check out map files from correct repository -->
<!-- Replace values for mapsCheckoutTag as desired. -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="getMapFiles" depends="checkLocalMaps" unless="skipMaps">
<target name="checkLocalMaps">
<target name="tagMapFiles" if="tagMaps">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="clean" unless="noclean">
<antcall target="allElements">
<param name="target" value="cleanElement" />
<target name="gatherLogs">
<mkdir dir="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/compilelogs" />
<antcall target="allElements">
<param name="target" value="gatherLogs" />
<unzip dest="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/compilelogs" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/features">
<include name="**/*" />
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before setup -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="preSetup">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after setup but before starting the build proper -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="postSetup">
<echo message="${buildDirectory}"/>
<mkdir dir="${buildDirectory}/plugins"/>
<copy todir="${buildDirectory}/plugins">
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/../../" includes="com.raytheon.rcm*/**"/>
<copy todir="${buildDirectory}/plugins">
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/../../" includes="net.sf.cglib*/**"/>
<copy todir="${buildDirectory}/plugins">
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/../../" includes="org.itadaki.bzip2*/**"/>
<copy todir="${buildDirectory}/plugins">
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/../../" includes="org.apache.*/**"/>
<copy todir="${buildDirectory}/plugins">
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/../../" includes="org.slf4j*/**"/>
<copy todir="${buildDirectory}/plugins">
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/../../" includes="ch.*/**"/>
<copy todir="${buildDirectory}/plugins">
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/../../" includes="javax.jms*/**"/>
<copy todir="${buildDirectory}/plugins">
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/../../" includes="org.springframework*/**"/>
<copy todir="${buildDirectory}/plugins">
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/../../" includes="org.quartz*/**"/>
<copy todir="${buildDirectory}/plugins">
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/../../" includes="com.raytheon.uf.common.util*/**"/>
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/../../" includes="com.raytheon.uf.common.status*/**"/>
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/../../" includes="com.raytheon.uf.common.serialization*/**"/>
<copy todir="${buildDirectory}/features">
<fileset dir="${buildDirectory}/../../" includes="com.raytheon.rcm.feature*/**"/>
<antcall target="getBaseComponents" />
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before fetching the build elements -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="preFetch">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after fetching the build elements -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="postFetch">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before generating the build scripts. -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="preGenerate">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after generating the build scripts. -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="postGenerate">
<antcall target="clean" />
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before running the build.xmls for the elements being built. -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="preProcess">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after running the build.xmls for the elements being built. -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="postProcess">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before running assemble. -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="preAssemble">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after running assemble. -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="postAssemble">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before running package. -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="prePackage">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after running package. -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="postPackage">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after the build is done. -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="postBuild">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do to test the build results -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="test">
<ant antfile="${builder}/test.xml" />
<target name="checkJUnitTestResults">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do to publish the build results -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="publish">
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Default target -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="noDefault">
<echo message="You must specify a target when invoking this file" />
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
* Defines substitutions that may be performed during the deploy process.
* Current substitutions supported based on the installer flag:
* Macro flag set flag not set
* =========== ================= =============================
* DB_ADDR $databaseAddress localhost
* DB_PORT $databasePort 5432
* PY_HOME $pythonHome $HOME/awips
* These substitutions are enabled by nesting the following in a <copy> tag
* <filterset refid="installer.filter.set"/>
* To set the substitution flag, add "-Dinstaller=true" to the build command
* line.
* 06May2008 1080 MW Fegan Initial Creation.
<!-- Set the database host name for the copy filter -->
<property name="" value="localhost" />
<condition property="" value="$databaseAddress" else="${}">
<isset property="installer"/>
<!-- Set the database port for the copy filter -->
<property name="def.db.port" value="5432" />
<condition property="db.port" value="$databasePort" else="${def.db.port}">
<isset property="installer"/>
<!-- set the Python home location for the copy filter -->
<property name="" value="${user.HOME}/awips" />
<condition property="py.home" value="%{PYTHON_INSTALL}%" else="${}">
<isset property="installer"/>
<!-- Set the database machine name for the copy filter -->
<property name="" value="localhost" />
<condition property="" value="$dbMachineName" else="${}">
<isset property="installer"/>
<!-- Set the edex master server name for the copy filter -->
<property name="def.edex.server" value="localhost" />
<condition property="edex.server" value="$edexServer" else="${def.edex.server}">
<isset property="installer"/>
<!-- Set the data archive location for the copy filter -->
<property name="" value="/tmp/sbn" />
<condition property="data.arch.loc" value="$archiveLocation" else="${}">
<isset property="installer"/>
<!-- set the Java home location for the copy filter -->
<!-- this one is used for script substitutions -->
<property name="" value="$awips_home/java" />
<condition property="" value="%{JAVA_INSTALL}%" else="${}">
<isset property="installer"/>
<!-- Create the copy filter -->
<!-- filter set -->
<filterset id="installer.filter.set">
<filter token="DB_ADDR" value="${}"/>
<filter token="DB_PORT" value="${db.port}"/>
<filter token="PY_HOME" value="${py.home}" />
<filter token="DB_MACHINE" value="${}" />
<filter token="EDEX_SERVER" value="${edex.server}" />
<filter token="JAVA_HOME" value="${}"/>
<!-- Special copy filter for config.xml -->
<!-- this is required because config.xml contains an '@' in a url -->
<!-- note that this filter requires $TOKEN$ in the target file -->
<filterset id="config.xml.filter.set" begintoken="$" endtoken="$">
<filter token="EDEX_SERVER" value="${edex.server}" />
<filter token="DATA_ARCH_LOC" value="${data.arch.loc}"/>
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@ -1 +0,0 @@
bin.includes = feature.xml
@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
label="Radar Server Feature"
<description url="">
[Enter Feature Description here.]
<copyright url="">
[Enter Copyright Description here.]
<license url="">
[Enter License Description here.]
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.pde.core.requiredPlugins"/>
<classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>
<classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/>
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
#Wed Apr 08 12:45:51 EDT 2009
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#Wed Apr 08 12:45:51 EDT 2009
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: RCM Library Plug-in
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.raytheon.rcm.lib
Bundle-Version: 1.15.0
Bundle-Vendor: Raytheon
Export-Package: com.raytheon.rcm.ccmreq,
Require-Bundle: com.raytheon.uf.common.serialization;bundle-version="1.15.0",
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
source.. = src/
output.. = bin/
bin.includes = META-INF/,\
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.ccmreq;
* Command control message requests definition
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 2016-05-10 18795 jdynina Initial creation
* </pre>
public class CcmRequestDefinition {
boolean restartVcp;
int vcp;
int avsetEnabled;
int sailsCount;
public boolean getRestartVcp() {
return restartVcp;
public int getVcp() {
return vcp;
public int getAvsetEnabled() {
return avsetEnabled;
public int getSailsCount() {
return sailsCount;
public void setRestartVcp(boolean restartVcpFlag) {
restartVcp = restartVcpFlag;
public void setVcp (int newVcp) {
vcp = newVcp;
public void setAvsetEnabled (int avsetEnabledFlag) {
avsetEnabled = avsetEnabledFlag;
public void setSailsCount (int newSailsCount) {
sailsCount = newSailsCount;
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
import java.util.Collection;
import com.raytheon.rcm.message.GraphicProduct.PDB;
import com.raytheon.rcm.request.RpsList;
* Encapsulates the parameters that affect the operation of the Radar Server.
* This includes a few site-specific identifiers, a set of records describing
* RPGs that the system can connect to, and a database mapping radar products
* types to WMO headings.
* <p>
* Constructs (and potentially updates) a StandardConfig based on
* various configuration files.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* ...
* 2015-09-08 DR 17944 D. Friedman Add RcmResourceProvider
* </pre>
public interface Configuration {
public Collection<String> getConfiguredRadarList();
public RadarConfig getConfigForRadar(String radarID);
public int getPupId();
public int getRegionCode();
public String getWmoSiteID();
public boolean isCollectionEnabled();
public boolean isTdwrCollectionLimited();
public String getEdexEndpoint();
public String getAwips1Endpoint();
public EndpointConfig getEndpointConfig();
public ProductDistributionInfo getProductDistInfo(String radarID, PDB pdb);
public ProductDistributionInfo getProductDistInfo(String radarID, int messageCode);
public boolean isDecompressProducts();
/** Retrieves the national component of an RPS list for the given radar and
* conditions.
* <p>
* This is not simply a config value retrieval. It can be template
* processing operation in the case of TDWRs.
* <p>
* If an error occurs, it is logged and null is returned.
* @param radarID
* @param opMode
* @param vcp
* @param cuts The list of elevation angles for the VCP. This is needed for
* TDWRs.
* @return An RPS list or null if there was an error. The returned value
* must not be modified.
public RpsList getNationalRpsList(String radarID, int opMode, int vcp, int[] cuts);
public RpsList getLocalRpsList(String radarID, int opMode, int vcp, int[] cuts);
public RpsList getRecoveryRpsList(String radarID);
public void removeRecoverRpsList(String radarID);
public void storeRecoveryRpsList(String radarID, RpsList rpsList);
public InputStream getPersistedData(String name) throws IOException;
public void putPersistedData(String name, byte[] data) throws IOException;
public void removePersistedData(String name);
public InputStream getDropInData(String name) throws IOException;
public void setLocalRpsList(String radarID, RpsList list) throws IOException;
public RcmResourceProvider getRcmResourceProvider();
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
public interface ConfigurationProvider {
public Configuration getConfiguration();
public void refresh();
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
public class EndpointConfig implements Cloneable {
private static final String DEFAULT_TOPIC = "radarserver.dropbox";
private String archiveRoot;
private String connectionURL;
private Boolean prefixPathWithRadar;
private String topic = DEFAULT_TOPIC;
private Integer backlogLimitPerRadar;
* Provides complete control over RadarServer ActiveMQ broker. Takes
* precedence over radarServerBrokerHost
private String radarServerBrokerURL;
/** Simplified option for setting up ActiveMQ broker. */
private String radarServerBrokerHost;
public String getArchiveRoot() {
return archiveRoot;
public void setArchiveRoot(String archiveRoot) {
this.archiveRoot = archiveRoot;
public String getConnectionURL() {
return connectionURL;
public void setConnectionURL(String connectionURL) {
this.connectionURL = connectionURL;
public Boolean getPrefixPathWithRadar() {
return prefixPathWithRadar;
public void setPrefixPathWithRadar(Boolean prefixPathWithRadar) {
this.prefixPathWithRadar = prefixPathWithRadar;
public String getTopic() {
return topic;
public void setTopic(String topic) {
this.topic = topic;
public Integer getBacklogLimitPerRadar() {
return backlogLimitPerRadar;
public void setBacklogLimitPerRadar(Integer backlogLimit) {
this.backlogLimitPerRadar = backlogLimit;
public String getRadarServerBrokerURL() {
return radarServerBrokerURL;
public void setRadarServerBrokerURL(String radarServerBrokerURL) {
this.radarServerBrokerURL = radarServerBrokerURL;
public String getRadarServerBrokerHost() {
return radarServerBrokerHost;
public void setRadarServerBrokerHost(String radarServerBrokerHost) {
this.radarServerBrokerHost = radarServerBrokerHost;
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
public class Globals {
public int pupID;
public Integer regionCode;
public String wmoSiteID;
public boolean collectionEnabled;
public boolean tdwrCollectionLimited;
public boolean decompressProducts;
public String edexEndpoint;
public EndpointConfig endpointConfig;
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
* Describes how to connect to an RPG.
* <p>
* Currently only supports TCP connections.
* <p>
* The linkAddress property is a String of the form
* <em>host</em>:<em>port</em>.
* */
public class LinkResource implements Cloneable {
protected boolean dedicated;
/* TODO: maxRpsListSize as an optional value? The max size seems to be
* determined by the PUP ID, but AWIPS 1 makes it part of the link resource
* record.
protected LinkType linkType;
protected String comment;
protected String linkAddress;
protected int linkIndex;
protected String tcmPassword;
// For dedicated links
protected int maxRpsListSize = -1;
// For dial links
protected String userPassword;
protected String portPassword;
// TODO: overrideDisconnect ... or does it go in RadarConfig?
public LinkType getLinkType() {
return linkType;
public void setLinkType(LinkType linkType) {
this.linkType = linkType;
public String getComment() {
return comment;
public void setComment(String comment) {
this.comment = comment;
public int getLinkIndex() {
return linkIndex;
public void setLinkIndex(int linkIndex) {
this.linkIndex = linkIndex;
public String getTcmPassword() {
return tcmPassword;
public void setTcmPassword(String tcmPassword) {
this.tcmPassword = tcmPassword;
public String getLinkAddress() {
return linkAddress;
public void setLinkAddress(String linkAddress) {
this.linkAddress = linkAddress;
public int getMaxRpsListSize() {
return maxRpsListSize;
public void setMaxRpsListSize(int maxRpsListSize) {
this.maxRpsListSize = maxRpsListSize;
public String getUserPassword() {
return userPassword;
public void setUserPassword(String userPassword) {
this.userPassword = userPassword;
public String getPortPassword() {
return portPassword;
public void setPortPassword(String portPassword) {
this.portPassword = portPassword;
public boolean isDedicated() {
return dedicated;
public void setDedicated(boolean isDedicated) {
this.dedicated = isDedicated;
public LinkResource clone() {
try {
return (LinkResource) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(e);
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
public enum LinkType {
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
import com.raytheon.rcm.event.RadarEventListener;
* Interface to configurations that can be changed at runtime.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* ...
* 2014-02-03 DR 14762 D. Friedman Support arbitrary config files.
* </pre>
public interface MutableConfiguration {
public RadarEventListener getConfigurationEventTarget();
public void setConfigurationEventTarget(RadarEventListener configurationEventTarget);
// TODO: need to return usable error messages...
public boolean setGlobalConfig(Globals globals);
public boolean setRadarConfig(RadarConfig rc);
public boolean addRadarConfig(RadarConfig rc);
public boolean removeRadarConfig(String radarID);
public boolean storeConfigFile(String name, byte[] data);
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
import com.raytheon.rcm.message.GraphicProduct;
// Should be considered to be (sub) package access
public abstract class ProductDistInfoDB {
public abstract ProductDistributionInfo getProductDistInfo(RadarConfig rc,
int messageCode, GraphicProduct.PDB pdb);
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
* Describes a partial WMO heading to be used when send a radar product. The
* rest comes from the global "region code" in
* {@link com.raytheon.rcm.config.Configuration} and the actual product's timestamp.
public class ProductDistributionInfo {
protected String nnn;
protected String ttaai;
public ProductDistributionInfo() {
// TODO: non-null values not valid...
public ProductDistributionInfo(String nnn, String ttaai) {
this.nnn = nnn;
this.ttaai = ttaai;
public String getNnn() {
return nnn;
public void setNnn(String nnn) {
this.nnn = nnn;
public String getTtaai() {
return ttaai;
public void setTtaai(String ttaai) {
this.ttaai = ttaai;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
try {
ProductDistributionInfo other = (ProductDistributionInfo) obj;
return nnn.equals(other.nnn) && ttaai.equals(other.ttaai);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return nnn.hashCode() ^ ttaai.hashCode();
@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementWrapper;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
@XmlType(name = "radar", propOrder = {})
* Encapsulates the parameters needed to use a RPG.
* The setters should not be considered public.
public class RadarConfig implements Cloneable, Comparable<RadarConfig> {
private String radarID;
private int nexradID;
private boolean enabled = true;
private boolean dedicated;
private boolean collectionEnabled;
private boolean sendEnvironmentalData;
@XmlElement(defaultValue = "TCP_WAN")
private LinkType linkType;
@XmlElementWrapper(name = "links")
@XmlElement(name = "link")
private LinkResource[] linkResources;
* Indicates that the product availability field in GSMs is useful. On test
* systems (those with a real RDA), that field always reports a failure.
private boolean productAvailabilityFieldUsable;
* Usually, isDedicated() implies that the connection always active and
* not-isDedicated implies the the connection is on demand. There is
* currently no need to change this policy. The point of this is to allow
* disabling a RPG connection.
public static final int ACTIVATE_NEVER = 0;
public static final int ACTIVATE_ALWAYS = 1;
public static final int ACTIVATE_ON_DEMAND = 2;
public String getRadarID() {
return radarID;
public void setRadarID(String radarID) {
this.radarID = radarID;
public int getNexradID() {
return nexradID;
public void setNexradID(int nexradID) {
this.nexradID = nexradID;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return enabled;
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.enabled = enabled;
public boolean isDedicated() {
return dedicated;
public void setDedicated(boolean dedicated) {
this.dedicated = dedicated;
public boolean isCollectionEnabled() {
return collectionEnabled;
public void setCollectionEnabled(boolean collectionEnabled) {
this.collectionEnabled = collectionEnabled;
public boolean isSendEnvironmentalData() {
return sendEnvironmentalData;
public void setSendEnvironmentalData(boolean sendEnvironmentalData) {
this.sendEnvironmentalData = sendEnvironmentalData;
public LinkType getLinkType() {
return linkType;
public void setLinkType(LinkType linkType) {
this.linkType = linkType;
public LinkResource[] getLinkResources() {
return linkResources;
public void setLinkResources(LinkResource[] linkResources) {
this.linkResources = linkResources;
public int getActivation() {
return enabled ? (dedicated ? ACTIVATE_ALWAYS : ACTIVATE_ON_DEMAND)
public boolean isProductAvailabilityFieldUsable() {
return productAvailabilityFieldUsable;
public void setProductAvailabilityFieldUsable(
boolean productAvailabilityFieldUsable) {
this.productAvailabilityFieldUsable = productAvailabilityFieldUsable;
public RadarConfig duplicate() {
RadarConfig other;
try {
other = (RadarConfig) clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(e);
if (linkResources != null) {
other.linkResources = new LinkResource[linkResources.length];
for (int i = 0; i < other.linkResources.length; ++i)
other.linkResources[i] = (LinkResource) linkResources[i]
return other;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
public int compareTo(RadarConfig o) {
return this.radarID.compareTo(o.radarID);
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
/* Notion of a radar's type was never really well defined. It does
* not seem like a good idea for general code to be dependent on radar
* type. The details are hidden away in the configuration system. Both
* the awips1 and std packages now use RadarType, so the definitions are
* here and public, but they should not be used outside of config.*
public enum RadarType {
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* This provides a resource to access configuration files that may exist
* locally (when running in RadarServer) or in Localization (when running
* in CAVE.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 2015-09-08 DR 17944 D. Friedman Initial creation
* </pre>
public abstract class RcmResourceProvider {
private static RcmResourceProvider instance;
private Map<String, List<Runnable>> resourceChangeListeners;
public abstract InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource)/* throws IOException*/;
public void addResourceChangeListener(String resource, Runnable callback) {
synchronized (this) {
if (resourceChangeListeners == null) {
resourceChangeListeners = new HashMap<String, List<Runnable>>();
List<Runnable> list = resourceChangeListeners.get(resource);
if (list == null) {
list = new ArrayList<Runnable>();
resourceChangeListeners.put(resource, list);
public void removeResourceChangeListener(String resource, Runnable callback) {
synchronized (this) {
if (resourceChangeListeners != null) {
List<Runnable> list = resourceChangeListeners.get(resource);
if (list != null) {
protected void notifyResourceChanged(String resource) {
ArrayList<Runnable> runnables = null;
synchronized (this) {
if (resourceChangeListeners != null) {
List<Runnable> list = resourceChangeListeners.get(resource);
if (list != null) {
runnables = new ArrayList<Runnable>(list);
if (runnables != null) {
for (Runnable r : runnables) {
public static void setInstance(RcmResourceProvider instance) {
RcmResourceProvider.instance = instance;
public static RcmResourceProvider getInstance() {
return instance;
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import com.raytheon.rcm.config.awips1.Awips1RpsListUtil;
import com.raytheon.rcm.request.Request;
import com.raytheon.rcm.request.RpsList;
import com.raytheon.rcm.request.RpsXml;
import com.raytheon.uf.common.serialization.SerializationException;
* Utility class for RCM.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Jun 5, 2015 4498 nabowle Use JAXBManager to unmarshal. Rename to
* RcmUtil.
* Oct 15,2015 17789 wkwock Change max TDWR radar ID to 3099
* </pre>
* @version 1.0
public class RcmUtil {
public static RadarType getRadarType(RadarConfig rc) {
int id = rc.getNexradID();
if (id >= 3000 && id <= 3099) // TODO: 3099 is the current max, but...
return RadarType.TDWR;
else if (id >= 4000 && id < 4050) // TODO: may be 4050
return RadarType.ASR;
else if (id >= 4100 && id < 5000)
return RadarType.ARSR;
return RadarType.WSR;
public static RpsList parseRpsListData(byte[] data, int opModeHint,
int vcpHint) throws IOException, JAXBException {
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
RpsList rpsList;
if (new String(data, 0, 8).equals("RPS List")) {
Request[] reqs = null;
Scanner s = new Scanner(bis);
reqs = Awips1RpsListUtil.parse(s);
rpsList = new RpsList(opModeHint, vcpHint, reqs);
} else {
try {
rpsList = (RpsList) RpsXml.getJAXBManager()
} catch (SerializationException e) {
throw new JAXBException(e);
return rpsList;
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.raytheon.rcm.message.GraphicProduct.PDB;
import com.raytheon.rcm.products.RadarProduct.Param;
* Simple implementation of ProductDistInfoDB that can represent the AWIPS 1
* prodList.txt and tdwrProdList.txt.
* <p>
* This should only be use directly within the ...config.* sub-packages.
* <p>
* Implementation note: Does not use MessageInfo to determine if a product
* is elevation based. Whether or not the elevation angle is specified in
* the matching criteria.
public class StandardProductDistInfoDB extends ProductDistInfoDB {
protected static class SimpleMatch {
public int messageCode;
public Param matchParam;
public int minValue;
public int maxValue;
public SimpleMatch(int messageCode) {
this.messageCode = messageCode;
* NOTE: If matchParam is Param.CFC_BITMAP, minValue and maxValue
* refer to the segment number (not the bitmap value).
public SimpleMatch(int messageCode, Param matchParam, int minValue, int maxValue) {
if (matchParam != null && matchParam != Param.ELEVATION &&
matchParam != Param.CFC_BITMAP)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported parameter "
+ matchParam);
this.messageCode = messageCode;
this.matchParam = matchParam;
this.minValue = minValue;
this.maxValue = maxValue;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
try {
SimpleMatch other = (SimpleMatch) obj;
return messageCode == other.messageCode
&& matchParam == other.matchParam
&& minValue == other.minValue
&& maxValue == other.maxValue;
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
int result = matchParam != null ? matchParam.hashCode() : 0;
result = (result * 31) ^ minValue;
result = (result * 31) ^ maxValue;
result = (result * 31) ^ messageCode;
return result;
HashMap<SimpleMatch, ProductDistributionInfo> matches = new HashMap<SimpleMatch, ProductDistributionInfo>();
public ProductDistributionInfo getProductDistInfo(RadarConfig rc,
int messageCode, PDB pdb) {
for (Map.Entry<SimpleMatch, ProductDistributionInfo> e : matches
.entrySet()) {
SimpleMatch match = e.getKey();
if (match.messageCode == messageCode) {
boolean matched = false;
if (match.matchParam != null) {
if (pdb != null) {
int value;
if (match.matchParam == Param.ELEVATION)
value = pdb.getElevationAngle();
else if (match.matchParam == Param.CFC_BITMAP)
value = pdb.getElevationSegmentNumber();
else if (match.matchParam == Param.TIME_SPAN_MINUTES)
value = pdb.getTimeSpan();
matched = value >= match.minValue &&
value <= match.maxValue;
} else
matched = true;
if (matched)
return e.getValue();
return null;
* The following two methods are all that are needed now for the current
* AWIPS 1 prodList.txt and tdwrProdList.txt files. If there are
* conflicting terms, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown which means
* a redesign is needed.
public void add(int messageCode, ProductDistributionInfo info) {
add(new SimpleMatch(messageCode), info);
public void add(int messageCode, Param param, int minValue, int maxValue,
ProductDistributionInfo info) {
add(new SimpleMatch(messageCode, param, minValue, maxValue), info);
protected void add(SimpleMatch match, ProductDistributionInfo info) {
ProductDistributionInfo existing = matches.get(match);
if (existing != null) {
if (existing.equals(info))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Attempted to add conflicting information to the product distribution table.");
} else
matches.put(match, info);
@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.config.awips1;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.raytheon.rcm.config.RadarConfig;
import com.raytheon.rcm.config.RadarType;
import com.raytheon.rcm.config.RcmUtil;
import com.raytheon.rcm.message.GSM;
import com.raytheon.rcm.request.Request;
import com.raytheon.rcm.request.RpsList;
* Utility class for dealing with AWIPS 1 RPS lists.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 2009 dfriedma Initial version
* 2012-04-30 DR 14908 D. Friedman Require radar name for valid RPS
* file names.
* 2015-06-10 4498 nabowle Rename Util->RcmUtil
* 2017-02-06 DR 19764 jdynina Account for LR being other than 0.6 in TDWR Bld 2
* </pre>
public class Awips1RpsListUtil {
// is 'maint' an opMode??
public static class Selector {
public String radar; // null === national
public int opMode;
public int vcp;
public String comment; // extra stuff at end
public static Request[] parse(Scanner s) {
ArrayList<Request> requests = new ArrayList<Request>();
// Ref ProductRequestList.C : ProductRequestList::readList
final int MAX_NAME_FIELD_SIZE = 41;
// Skip the first five lines
for (int i = 0; i < 5 && s.hasNextLine(); ++i)
while (s.hasNextLine()) {
String line = s.nextLine();
int pos;
if ((pos = line.indexOf('\t')) != -1)
line = line.substring(pos + 1);
line = line.substring(Math.min(MAX_NAME_FIELD_SIZE,
Scanner ls = new Scanner(line);
try {
Request req = new Request();
String mne =;
req.count = Request.CONTINUOUS;
req.comment = mne;
req.productCode = ls.nextShort();
/* int levels = */ls.nextInt(); // not used
/* int res = */ls.nextInt(); // not used
/* String layerCode = */; // not used
int elev = ls.nextInt();
/* int contourInterval = */ls.nextInt(); // only for (obsolete?)
// echo tops contour
req.highPriority = ls.nextInt() != 0;
* The next two fields tend to be smushed together. Scanner
* cannot handle this.
String field =;
try {
if (Character.isLetter(field.charAt(field.length() - 1))) {
String f1 = field.substring(0, field.length() - 1);
req.interval = Short.parseShort(f1);
req.mapRequested = field.charAt(field.length() - 1) == 'Y';
field = null;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(e.toString());
if (field != null) {
req.interval = Short.parseShort(field);
req.mapRequested ="Y");
// The remaining fields are optional
// layers only used for product 137
int lowerLayer = -1;
int upperLayer = -1;
boolean multiCuts = false;
if (ls.hasNext())
lowerLayer = ls.nextInt();
if (ls.hasNext())
upperLayer = ls.nextInt();
if (ls.hasNext())
multiCuts ="Y");
if (elev != -1) { // TODO: replace with logic for with ones
// actually use elevation..
if (multiCuts)
req.selectAllElevations(elev & 0x1fff);
else {
// The AWIPS 1 code just sets this directly.
req.pdw22 = elev;
// also ProductRequestEntry::checkUpLowLayer
int endHour = -1; // TODO: these too...
int timeSpan = 0;
if (ls.hasNext())
endHour = ls.nextInt(); // TODO: these too...
if (ls.hasNext())
timeSpan = ls.nextInt();
// copied from ProductRequestList::readList
if (endHour < -1 || endHour > 1440)
endHour = -1;
if (timeSpan < 0 || timeSpan > 1440)
timeSpan = 0;
switch (req.productCode) {
case 56:
case 137:
// TODO: copied from AWIPS1; not verified
case 31:
case 150:
case 151:
case 173:
case 35:
case 36:
case 37:
case 38:
case 41:
case 57:
case 58:
case 59:
case 61:
case 141:
case 149:
* On the SPG, these products have a "mini-volume number"
* parameter. It seems to be safe to set this for the RPG
* even though it is not used.
// nothing
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
return requests.toArray(new Request[requests.size()]);
protected static final Pattern selectorPattern = Pattern
protected static final Pattern maintPattern = Pattern
public static Selector parseName(String name) {
Matcher m = selectorPattern.matcher(name);
if (m.matches()) {
Selector sel = new Selector();
sel.radar =;
String opModeString =;
if (opModeString.equals("clear-air"))
else if (opModeString.equals("storm"))
sel.opMode = GSM.OP_MODE_STORM;
else if (opModeString.equals("maint"))
sel.vcp = Integer.parseInt(;
sel.comment =;
return sel;
m = maintPattern.matcher(name);
if (m.matches()) {
Selector sel = new Selector();
sel.radar =;
sel.vcp = 0;
return sel;
return null;
* AWIPS 1 handling of the national and default local RPS lists for TDWRs
* has an additional quirk: The 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 6.0 elevation angles are
* replaced with the lowest four elevation angles requested for products 180
* - 183 in the site's local list. This essentially turns the national rps
* list into a template.
* There may be a need for something like and RpsListTemplate in the config
* package, but the extra logic will be kept here for now.
* The intent is to use the lowest four available elevation angles, so this
* implementation uses the actual list of elevations angles instead of
* relying on the existence of a configuration file.
* Note that there are two instances of this logic in AWIPS 1. One is
* RadarServer, the other is in localization. The latter (which is applied
* to the default local lists) does not examine the product ID.
public static RpsList maybeTransformForTDWR(RadarConfig rc, RpsList list,
int[] cuts) {
if (list != null && RcmUtil.getRadarType(rc) == RadarType.TDWR) {
list = (RpsList) list.clone();
int[] fourLowest = new int[4];
int i = 0;
int nLowest = 0;
* The initial elevation angle is part of the long range scan
* and not included.
if (cuts.length > 0 && cuts[1] < 10)
while (nLowest < fourLowest.length && i < cuts.length)
fourLowest[nLowest++] = cuts[i++];
for (Request r : list.getRequests()) {
if (r.productCode >= 180 && r.productCode <= 183) {
int sel = r.getElevationSelection();
if (sel == Request.SPECIFIC_ELEVATION
|| sel == Request.ALL_ELEVATIONS) {
int newi = -1;
switch (r.getElevationAngle()) {
case 5:
newi = 0;
case 10:
newi = 1;
case 30:
newi = 2;
case 60:
newi = 3;
if (newi >= 0 && newi < nLowest) {
if (sel == Request.SPECIFIC_ELEVATION)
else if (sel == Request.ALL_ELEVATIONS)
// else maybe should remove this request
return list;
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.event;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import com.raytheon.rcm.config.RadarConfig;
* Represents events that can happen within the RadarServer.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 2009-04-22 #1693 D. Friedman Initial checkin
* ...
* 2014-02-03 DR 14762 D. Friedman Add Category enum
* 2015-02-11 DR 17092 D. Friedman Handle NDM cronOTRs.xml updates.
* 2015-09-08 DR 17944 D. Friedman Handle elevation list file updates.
* </pre>
public class ConfigEvent {
public static enum Category {
private String radarID; // null indicates global configuration change.
private RadarConfig oldConfig;
private RadarConfig newConfig;
private Category category;
/** Public constructor for deserialization. Not intended for users. */
public ConfigEvent() {
public ConfigEvent(Category category) {
this.category = category;
public ConfigEvent(String radarID, RadarConfig oldConfig,
RadarConfig newConfig) {
this.radarID = radarID;
this.oldConfig = oldConfig;
this.newConfig = newConfig;
this.category = radarID == null ? Category.GLOBAL_CONFIG : Category.RADAR_CONFIG;
public String getRadarID() {
return radarID;
public void setRadarID(String radarID) {
this.radarID = radarID;
public RadarConfig getOldConfig() {
return oldConfig;
public void setOldConfig(RadarConfig oldConfig) {
this.oldConfig = oldConfig;
public RadarConfig getNewConfig() {
return newConfig;
public void setNewConfig(RadarConfig newConfig) {
this.newConfig = newConfig;
public String toString() {
if (radarID != null)
return String.format("{Config change for radar '%s'}", radarID);
return "{Global config change}";
public Category getCategory() {
return category;
public void setCategory(Category category) {
this.category = category;
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.event;
abstract public class NotificationEvent {
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.event;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import com.raytheon.rcm.request.Request;
public class OtrEvent extends NotificationEvent implements Cloneable {
public Request request;
public String radarID;
public boolean done;
/** The product data. For clients outside of the RadarServer, this
* may be truncated after the PDB.
public byte[] product;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#clone()
public OtrEvent clone() {
try {
return (OtrEvent) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.event;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;
import com.raytheon.rcm.config.LinkResource;
/** Describes events that can occur within the Radar Server. */
public class RadarEvent {
public static final int CONNECTION_UP = 1;
public static final int CONNECTION_DOWN = 2;
public static final int MESSAGE_RECEIVED = 3;
public static final int CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_STARTED = 4;
public static final int CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED = 5;
private int type;
private String radarID;
private byte[] messageData;
// TODO: Cache decoded message?
* Transient because this field is currently only used to let the
* ConnectionManger know which link is being used so that the RPSListManager
* can know what the maximum RPS list size is. May do this another way in
* the future and there is no need for clients to use it now.
private LinkResource linkResource;
public RadarEvent() {
public RadarEvent(int type, String radarID) {
this.type = type;
this.radarID = radarID;
public RadarEvent(int type, String radarID, byte[] messageBuffer) {
this.type = type;
this.radarID = radarID;
this.messageData = messageBuffer;
public RadarEvent(int type, String radarID, LinkResource linkResource) {
this.type = type;
this.radarID = radarID;
this.linkResource = linkResource;
public final int getType() {
return type;
public final String getRadarID() {
return radarID;
public final byte[] getMessageData() {
return messageData;
public final LinkResource getLinkResource() {
return linkResource;
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.event;
public class RadarEventAdapter implements RadarEventListener {
public void handleConfigEvent(ConfigEvent event) {
// nothing
public void handleRadarEvent(RadarEvent event) {
// nothing
public void handleNotificationEvent(NotificationEvent event) {
// nothing
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.event;
public interface RadarEventListener {
public void handleRadarEvent(RadarEvent event);
public void handleConfigEvent(ConfigEvent event);
public void handleNotificationEvent(NotificationEvent event);
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Calendar;
import com.raytheon.rcm.ccmreq.CcmRequestDefinition;
* Represents the contents of an ORPG Command Control Message.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 2016-05-06 DCS18795 jdynina Initial version
* </pre>
* @author jdynina
* @version 1.0
public class CCM {
private static final short MASK = (short) (1 << 13);
public static byte[] encode(CcmRequestDefinition options) {
Message msg = new Message();
msg.messageCode = Message.COMMAND_CONTROL_MESSAGE;
msg.time = Calendar.getInstance();
try {
msg.blocks = new byte[][] { encodeCcmBlock(options) };
} catch (IOException ie) {
return msg.encode();
private static byte[] encodeCcmBlock(CcmRequestDefinition options) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(3 * 2); // 3 shorts
short vcpFlag;
if (options.getRestartVcp()) {
vcpFlag = (short) 1;
} else {
vcpFlag = (short) 0;
Short vcp = (short) options.getVcp();
if (vcp > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vcp Overflow occured");
if (vcpFlag == 1) {
vcp = (short) ((short) vcp | MASK);
buf.putShort((short) options.getAvsetEnabled());
buf.putShort((short) options.getSailsCount());
return buf.array();
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* Represents the contents of an ORPG Command Parameter Message.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 2016-05-06 DCS18795 jdynina Initial version
* </pre>
* @author jdynina
* @version 1.0
public class CPM extends Message {
public int[] clearAirVcps;
public int[] precipVcps;
public int maxSailsCuts;
public static CPM decode(byte[] msg) {
return (CPM) MD.decode(msg);
protected void decodeBlock(int index, ByteBuffer buf) {
if (index != 1) {
int numClearAirVcps = buf.getShort();
clearAirVcps = new int[numClearAirVcps];
for (int i = 0; i < numClearAirVcps; ++i) {
clearAirVcps[i] = buf.getShort();
int numPrecipVcps = buf.getShort();
precipVcps = new int[numPrecipVcps];
for (int i = 0; i < numPrecipVcps; ++i) {
precipVcps[i] = buf.getShort();
buf.position(buf.limit() - 2);
maxSailsCuts = buf.getShort();
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class ExternalData extends GenericProduct {
public GenericData genericData;
public static interface ICompressor {
byte[] compress(byte[] data);
int getCompressionMethod();
public static byte[] encode(GenericData data) {
return encode(data, null);
public static GenericData decodeExternalData(byte[] msgData) {
ExternalData msg = new ExternalData();
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(msgData);
return msg.genericData;
public static byte[] encode(GenericData data, ICompressor compressor) {
byte[] packetData = encodeExternalDataPacket(data);
int uncompressedSize = packetData.length;
int compressionMethod = 0;
if (compressor != null) {
byte[] compressedData = compressor.compress(packetData);
if (compressedData != null) {
packetData = compressedData;
compressionMethod = compressor.getCompressionMethod();
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(HEADER_SIZE +
+ 6 * 2 + packetData.length);
Message msg = new Message();
msg.messageCode = Message.EXTERNAL_DATA;
msg.time = Calendar.getInstance();
msg.blocks = new byte[1][];
buf.putShort((short) -1);
/* Value of 4 indicates Environmental Data from 40-km RUC Model.
* - so shouldn't block id be configurable?
buf.putShort((short) 4);
buf.putShort((short) 0); // Spare
buf.putShort((short) compressionMethod); // Compression method
return buf.array();
public static byte[] encodeExternalDataPacket(GenericData data) {
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096);
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(outStream);
final int packetCode =
try {
out.writeShort((short) packetCode);
out.writeShort((short) 0); // "Reserved"
out.writeInt(0); // Placeholder for data length
data.encode(out, packetCode);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Encoding failed");
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(outStream.toByteArray());
buf.putInt(4, buf.capacity() - 8); // Set the data length
return buf.array();
protected void decodeBlocks(ByteBuffer buf) {
buf.getShort(); // Number of blocks
int divider = buf.getShort();
Message.checkFormat(divider == -1, "expected block divider");
buf.getShort(); // block ID. don't care. have to assume it is 4
buf.getShort(); // Spare
int compressionMethod = buf.getShort();
Message.checkFormat(compressionMethod == 0, "compression not supported");
int packetCode = buf.getShort();
Message.checkFormat(packetCode == GenericProduct.EXTERNAL_DATA_DESCRIPTION_PACKET,
"unexpected packet type");
buf.getShort(); // Reserved
int length = buf.getInt();
ByteBuffer gdBuf = buf.slice();
genericData = new GenericData();
genericData.decode(gdBuf, packetCode);
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* Represents the contents of an ORPG General Status Message.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 2009 dfriedman Initial version
* 2016-04-22 DR 18909 dfriedman Read fields of expanded GSM.
* </pre>
public class GSM extends Message {
public static final int OP_MODE_MAINTENANCE = 0;
public static final int OP_MODE_CLEAR_AIR = 1;
public static final int OP_MODE_STORM = 2;
public int opMode;
public int rdaOpStatus;
public int vcp;
public int[] cuts; // in tenths of degrees
public int rdaStatus;
public int rdaAlarms;
public int dataAvailability; // "DTE"
public int rpgOpStatus;
public int rpgAlarms;
public int rpgStatus;
public int rpgNarrowbandStatus;
public int rcc;
public int productAvailability;
public int superResCuts;
public int rdaVersion;
public int rdaChannel;
public int rpgVersion;
public int vcpSupplemental;
public static GSM decode(byte[] msg) {
return (GSM) MD.decode(msg);
protected void decodeBlock(int index, ByteBuffer buf) {
if (index != 1)
opMode = buf.getShort();
rdaOpStatus = buf.getShort();
vcp = buf.getShort();
int nCuts = buf.getShort();
cuts = new int[nCuts];
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
short cut = buf.getShort();
if (i < cuts.length) {
cuts[i] = cut;
rdaStatus = buf.getShort();
rdaAlarms = buf.getShort();
dataAvailability = buf.getShort();
rpgOpStatus = buf.getShort();
rpgAlarms = buf.getShort();
rpgStatus = buf.getShort();
rpgNarrowbandStatus = buf.getShort();
rcc = buf.getShort();
productAvailability = buf.getShort();
superResCuts = buf.getShort();
buf.position(buf.position() + 4);
rdaVersion = buf.getShort();
rdaChannel = buf.getShort();
buf.position(buf.position() + 4);
rpgVersion = buf.getShort();
if (buf.remaining() < 12) {
for (int i = 20; i < 25; ++i) {
short cut = buf.getShort();
if (i < cuts.length) {
cuts[i] = cut;
vcpSupplemental = buf.getShort();
@ -1,570 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.raytheon.rcm.message.Message;
// TODO: redundant counts are not redundant... 0 == short circuit
public class GenericData {
public static final int VOLUME = 1;
public static final int ELEVATION = 2;
public static final int TIME = 3;
public static final int ON_DEMAND = 4;
public static final int ON_REQUEST = 5;
public static final int RADIAL = 6;
public static final int EXTERNAL = 7;
public String name;
public String description;
public int code;
public int type;
public int generationTime;
public String radarName;
public float lat, lon, height;
public int volumeScanStartTime;
public int elevationScanStartTime;
public float elevationAngle;
public int volumeScanNumber;
public short opMode;
public short vcp;
public short elevationNumber;
public ParameterSet parameters = new ParameterSet();
public Component[] components;
public static class Parameter {
/* The ICD says attribute names are case-insensitive, but the
* RPG code expects lower case.
public static final String NAME_KEY = "name";
public static final String TYPE_KEY = "type";
public static final String VALUE_KEY = "value";
public static final String UNITS_KEY = "units"; // Spec sez "unit". I see "Units"
// TODO: Cache the toLower() value?
private class Key {
String originalName;
public Key(String attributeName) {
this.originalName = attributeName;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
else if (obj instanceof Key)
return originalName.equalsIgnoreCase(((Key) obj).originalName);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return originalName.toLowerCase().hashCode();
public String toString() {
return originalName;
private String id;
private Map<Key,String> attributes = new HashMap<Key, String>();
public Parameter() {
public Parameter(String id) {
|||| = id;
public Parameter(String id, String text) {
|||| = id;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
|||| = id;
public String getName() { return getAttribute(NAME_KEY); }
public String getType() { return getAttribute(TYPE_KEY); }
public String getValue() { return getAttribute(VALUE_KEY); }
public String getUnits() { return getAttribute(UNITS_KEY); }
public void setName(String name) { putAttribute(NAME_KEY, name); }
public void setType(String type) { putAttribute(TYPE_KEY, type); }
public void setValueText(String value) { putAttribute(VALUE_KEY, value); }
public void setUnits(String units) { putAttribute(UNITS_KEY, units); }
public void setValue(String value) {
public void setValue(int value) {
public void setValue(double value) {
setValueText(String.format("%f", value));
public void setAttributesText(String text) {
// TODO: needs to handle "\" escape
for (String s : text.split(";")) {
if (s.length() <= 0)
int pos = s.indexOf('=');
String n = s.substring(0, pos).trim();
String v = s.substring(pos + 1);
attributes.put(new Key(n), v);
public String getAttributesText() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<Key, String> e : attributes.entrySet())
return sb.toString();
public String getAttribute(String name) {
return attributes.get(new Key(name));
public void putAttribute(String name, String value) {
if (value != null)
attributes.put(new Key(name), value);
attributes.remove(new Key(name));
public static class ParameterSet {
public Map<String, Parameter> getMap() { return map; }
Parameter[] getArray() {
return Arrays.copyOf(array, array.length);
private HashMap<String, Parameter> map = new HashMap<String, Parameter>();
// array is just a debugging aid
private Parameter[] array;
void decode(ByteBuffer buf) {
if (buf.getInt() > 0) {
int nParameters = buf.getInt();
array = new Parameter[nParameters];
for (int i = 0; i < nParameters; ++i) {
String id = getString(buf);
String text = getString(buf);
Parameter p = new Parameter(id, text);
map.put(, p);
array[i] = p;
public void encode(DataOutput out) throws IOException{
final int mapSize = map.size();
if (mapSize > 0) {
out.writeInt(mapSize); // redundant count
for (Map.Entry<String, Parameter> p : map.entrySet()) {
putString(out, p.getKey());
putString(out, p.getValue().getAttributesText());
public void put(Parameter parameter) {
map.put(, parameter);
public static abstract class Component {
public static final int RADIAL = 1;
public static final int GRID = 2;
public static final int AREA = 3;
public static final int TEXT = 4;
public static final int TABLE = 5;
public static final int EVENT = 6;
public ParameterSet parameters = new ParameterSet();
public void decode(ByteBuffer buf) {
parameters = getParameters(buf);
public abstract int getTypeCode();
public void encode(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
public static class AreaComponent extends Component {
public static final int POINT = 1;
public static final int AREA = 2;
public static final int POLYLINE = 3;
public static final int LAT_LON = 0;
public static final int X_Y = 1;
public static final int AZ_RAN = 2;
public int geometry;
public int coordinates;
public float[] c0;
public float[] c1;
public void decode(ByteBuffer buf) {
int geoCoord = buf.getInt();
geometry = geoCoord & 0xffff;
coordinates = (geoCoord >> 16) & 0xffff;
if (buf.getInt() > 0) {
int nCoords = buf.getInt();
c0 = new float[nCoords];
c1 = new float[nCoords];
for (int i = 0; i < nCoords; ++i) {
c0[i] = buf.getFloat();
c1[i] = buf.getFloat();
} else {
c0 = c1 = new float[0];
public void encode(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
out.writeInt(geometry | (coordinates << 16));
if (c0 != null && c0.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < c0.length; ++i) {
} else
public int getTypeCode() {
return Component.AREA;
public static class EventComponent extends Component {
public Component[] components;
public void decode(ByteBuffer buf) {
components = decodeComponents(buf);
public int getTypeCode() {
return Component.EVENT;
public void encode(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
encodeComponents(out, components);
public static class GridComponent extends Component {
public static final int ARRAY = 1;
public static final int EQUALLY_SPACED = 2;
public static final int LAT_LON = 3;
public static final int POLAR = 4;
public int gridType;
public int[] dimensions;
public Object data;
private Parameter dataAttributes = new Parameter(); // Not a full Parameter -- just the attributes
public void decode(ByteBuffer buf) {
if (buf.getInt() > 0) {
int nDimensions = buf.getInt();
dimensions = new int[nDimensions];
for (int i = 0; i < nDimensions; ++i)
dimensions[i] = buf.getInt();
} else
dimensions = new int[0];
gridType = buf.getInt();
dataAttributes = new Parameter();
String type = dataAttributes.getType();
if (type == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Grid type not specified.");
if (! type.equalsIgnoreCase("float"))
throw new RuntimeException("Only grids of type float are supported.");
int arraySize = buf.getInt();
int pointCount = getPointCount();
if (arraySize != pointCount)
throw new RuntimeException("Grid array size and point count do not match.");
float[] array = new float[pointCount];
buf.position(buf.position() + array.length * 4);
public int getTypeCode() {
return Component.GRID;
public void encode(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
if (dimensions != null && dimensions.length > 0) {
for (int d : dimensions)
} else
putString(out, dataAttributes.getAttributesText());
if (data.getClass().isArray() &&
data.getClass().getComponentType() == Float.TYPE) {
float[] array = (float[]) data;
// No redundant count for once.
if (array.length != getPointCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimensions and data length do not match");
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(array.length * 4);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Only grids of type float are supported.");
public int getPointCount() {
if (dimensions != null && dimensions.length > 0) {
int count = 1;
for (int d : dimensions)
count *= d;
return count;
} else
return 0;
/** Returns pseudo-parameter object that describes the grid data. */
public Parameter getDataAttributes() {
return dataAttributes;
public void decode(ByteBuffer buf, int packetCode) {
name = getString(buf);
description = getString(buf);
code = buf.getInt();
type = buf.getInt();
generationTime = buf.getInt();
if (packetCode == 28) {
radarName = getString(buf);
lat = buf.getFloat();
lon = buf.getFloat();
height = buf.getFloat();
volumeScanStartTime = buf.getInt();
elevationScanStartTime = buf.getInt();
elevationAngle = buf.getFloat();
volumeScanNumber = buf.getInt();
opMode = getXdrShort(buf);
vcp = getXdrShort(buf);
elevationNumber = getXdrShort(buf);
} else if (packetCode == 29) {
// Documented as "Spare".
// ICD is confusing here about the number of fields.
} else
throw new RuntimeException("fix"); // TODO: ...
// Documented as "Spare (reserved for future compression ...)"
parameters = getParameters(buf);
components = decodeComponents(buf);
void encode(DataOutput out, int packetCode) throws IOException {
putString(out, name);
putString(out, description);
if (packetCode == 28) {
putString(out, radarName);
putXdrShort(out, opMode);
putXdrShort(out, vcp);
putXdrShort(out, elevationNumber);
} else if (packetCode == 29) {
// Documented as "Spare".
// ICD is confusing here about the number of fields.
putXdrShort(out, (short) 0);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unknown packet code %d", packetCode));
// Documented as "Spare (reserved for future compression ...)"
putXdrShort(out, (short) 0);
encodeComponents(out, components);
public byte[] encode(int packetCode) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096);
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(outStream);
encode(out, packetCode);
return outStream.toByteArray();
private static ParameterSet getParameters(ByteBuffer buf) {
ParameterSet ps = new ParameterSet();
return ps;
private static Component[] decodeComponents(ByteBuffer buf) {
Component[] components;
if (buf.getInt() > 0) {
components = new Component[buf.getInt()];
for (int i = 0; i < components.length; ++i) {
Component component = null;
if (buf.getInt() != 0) { // Optional value flag
int componentType = buf.getInt();
switch (componentType) {
case Component.AREA:
component = new AreaComponent();
case Component.EVENT:
component = new EventComponent();
case Component.GRID:
component = new GridComponent();
String.format("Unsupported component type %d", componentType));
components[i] = component;
} else
components = new Component[0];
return components;
private static void encodeComponents(DataOutput out, Component[] components) throws IOException {
if (components != null && components.length > 0) {
out.writeInt(components.length); // Redundant count
for (Component c : components) {
if (c != null) {
} else
} else {
private static String getString(ByteBuffer buf) {
int len = buf.getInt();
byte[] bytes = new byte[len];
if ((len & 3) != 0)
buf.position(buf.position() + (4 - (len & 3))); // it's an XDR thing
return new String(bytes);
private static void putString(DataOutput out, String str) throws IOException {
if (str != null) {
byte[] bytes = str.getBytes();
int len = bytes.length;
// XDR requires padding to a multiple of four bytes
while ((len & 3) != 0) {
} else
private static short getXdrShort(ByteBuffer buf) {
// TODO: signedness.....
return (short) buf.getInt();
private static void putXdrShort(DataOutput out, short value) throws IOException {
@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.raytheon.rcm.message.GraphicProduct;
import com.raytheon.rcm.message.Message;
public class GenericProduct extends GraphicProduct {
public static final int PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION_PACKET = 28;
public static final int EXTERNAL_DATA_DESCRIPTION_PACKET = 29;
public static GenericProduct decode(byte[] bytes) {
GenericProduct gp = new GenericProduct();
return gp;
protected void decodeBlocks(ByteBuffer buf) {
ByteBuffer block;
// The header counts as one block
int nBlocks = buf.getShort();
// Read the PDB which is in a fixed-size block
if (nBlocks < 2)
block = buf.slice();
block.limit(51 * 2);
decodeBlock(1, block);
buf.position(buf.position() + 51 * 2);
for (int i = 2; i < nBlocks; ++i) {
int divider = buf.getShort(buf.position()); // Note: does not consume the divider
Message.checkFormat(divider == -1, "expected block divider");
int blockSize = buf.getInt(buf.position() + 4); // Skip divider and block ID
block = buf.slice();
decodeBlock(i, block);
buf.position(buf.position() + blockSize);
protected void decodeBlock(int index, ByteBuffer buf) {
if (index > 1) {
checkFormat(buf.getShort() == -1, "expected block divider");
if (buf.getShort() != 1) // 1 == Symbology block
buf.getInt(); // symbology size
int nLayers = buf.getShort();
layers = new Object[nLayers][];
for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < nLayers; ++iLayer) {
checkFormat(buf.getShort() == -1, "expected layer divider");
int layerSize = buf.getInt();
ByteBuffer layerBuf = buf.slice();
buf.position(buf.position() + layerSize);
Object[] layer = decodeLayer(layerBuf);
layers[iLayer] = layer;
} else
super.decodeBlock(index, buf);
private Object[] decodeLayer(ByteBuffer buf) {
ArrayList<Object> packets = new ArrayList<Object>();
while (buf.remaining() > 0) {
short packetCode = buf.getShort();
if (packetCode != 28 && packetCode != 29) {
System.err.format("Unknown display packet code %d\n", packetCode); // TODO: throw exception?
buf.getShort(); // "reserved (=0)"
int packetSize = buf.getInt();
ByteBuffer packetBuf = buf.slice();
buf.position(buf.position() + packetSize);
Object packet = decodeGenericPacket(packetCode, packetBuf);
return packets.toArray();
public Object[][] layers; // n layers of m packets
private Object decodeGenericPacket(short packetCode, ByteBuffer packet) {
GenericData g = new GenericData();
g.decode(packet, packetCode);
return g;
@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class GraphicProduct extends Message {
public static class PDB {
public int lat; // In thousandths of degrees
public int lon;
public int height; // In feet
public int productCode;
public int opMode;
public int vcp;
public int sequence;
public int volumeScan;
public Calendar volumeScanTime;
public Calendar productGenerationTime;
public int elevationNumber;
public short[] productDependent = new short[10];
public short[] thresholds = new short[16];
public int version;
public boolean spotBlanking;
// not bothering with offsets for now
public int getElevationAngle() {
return Message.decodeElevation(productDependent[2]);
public int getElevationSegmentNumber() {
// Assumes only one bit is set.
int v = productDependent[0];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
if ((v & (2 << i)) != 0) // First segment bit is 2nd LSB in word.
return i + 1; // Return one-based result.
return 0;
// 31 (USP), 151 (USD), 150 (USW) - Hours
// 173 (DUA) - Minutes
public int getTimeSpan() {
return productDependent[1];
public boolean isBzip2Compressed() {
return productDependent[7] == 1;
public int getUncompressedSize() {
return ((productDependent[8] & 0xffff) << 16)
| (productDependent[9] & 0xffff);
public static PDB pdbOfMessage(byte[] msg) {
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(msg);
int divider = buf.getShort();
Message.checkFormat(divider == -1, "expected block divider");
return decodePDB(buf);
public static byte[] extractHeaderAndPDB(byte[] msg) {
byte[] result = new byte[Math.min(msg.length, 120)];
System.arraycopy(msg, 0, result, 0, result.length);
return result;
public PDB pdb;
protected static PDB decodePDB(ByteBuffer buf) {
PDB pdb = new PDB();
|||| = buf.getInt();
pdb.lon = buf.getInt();
pdb.height = buf.getShort();
pdb.productCode = buf.getShort();
pdb.opMode = buf.getShort();
pdb.vcp = buf.getShort();
pdb.sequence = buf.getShort();
pdb.volumeScan = buf.getShort();
pdb.volumeScanTime = decodeTime(buf);
pdb.productGenerationTime = decodeTime(buf);
pdb.productDependent[0] = buf.getShort();
pdb.productDependent[1] = buf.getShort();
pdb.elevationNumber = buf.getShort();
pdb.productDependent[2] = buf.getShort();
buf.asShortBuffer().get(pdb.thresholds, 0, 16);
buf.position(buf.position() + 32);
buf.asShortBuffer().get(pdb.productDependent, 3, 7);
buf.position(buf.position() + 14);
pdb.version = buf.get() & 0xff;
pdb.spotBlanking = buf.get() == 1;
return pdb;
protected void decodeBlock(int index, ByteBuffer buf) {
if (index == 1) {
int divider = buf.getShort();
Message.checkFormat(divider == -1, "expected block divider");
pdb = decodePDB(buf);
protected void decodeBlocks(ByteBuffer buf) {
ByteBuffer block;
// The header counts as one block
int nBlocks = buf.getShort();
// Read the PDB which is in a fixed-size block
if (nBlocks < 2)
block = buf.slice();
block.limit(50 * 2);
decodeBlock(1, block);
buf.position(buf.position() + 50 * 2);
/* // Don't bother with content blocks for now
for (int i = 1; i < nBlocks; ++i) {
int divider = buf.getShort();
Message.checkFormat(divider == -1, "expected block divider");
int blockSize = buf.getInt(buf.position() + 2);
block = buf.slice();
decodeBlock(i, block);
buf.position(buf.position() + blockSize);
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* Factory class for decoding messages. Only works on message currently of
* interest to the RadarServer.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 2016-05-05 DR 18800 jdynina Removed alerting
* 2016-05-06 DCS18795 jdynina Added CPM
* </pre>
public class MD {
public static Message decode(byte[] msg) {
int messageCode = Message.messageCodeOf(msg);
Class<?> clazz;
switch (messageCode) {
case Message.GSM:
clazz = GSM.class;
clazz = CPM.class;
clazz = RequestResponse.class;
case Message.PRODUCT_LIST:
clazz = ProductList.class;
* TODO: Is it safe to assume >16 is a graphic product? Could check
* by comparing the pdb's productCode (or not? -- is it always the
* same?) and the offsets in the pdb to the determined offsets..
clazz = Message.class;
Message result;
try {
result = (Message) clazz.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MessageFormatException(e);
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(msg);
return result;
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public class MaxConnectTimeDisable extends Message {
public static byte[] encode(int source, int dest, int minutes) {
return Message.encode(Message.MAX_CONNECT_TIME_DISABLE_REQUEST,
source, dest, encodeBlock(minutes));
public static byte[] encodeBlock(int minutes) {
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(3 * 2);
buf.putShort((short) minutes);
buf.putShort((short) 0); // "spare"
buf.putShort((short) 0); // "spare"
return buf.array();
// We only need the static utility methods for now
private MaxConnectTimeDisable() { }
@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.SimpleTimeZone;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* Base class for representing Nexrad messages. Also provides utility routines
* for encoding and decoding messages.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 2016-05-02 DR 18800 jdynina Removed alerting
* 2016-05-06 DCS18795 jdynina Added CCM and CPM processing
* </pre>
public class Message {
public static final int PRODUCT_REQUEST = 0;
public static final int GSM = 2;
public static final int REQUEST_RESPONSE = 3;
public static final int MAX_CONNECT_TIME_DISABLE_REQUEST = 4;
public static final int EXTERNAL_DATA = 5;
public static final int PRODUCT_LIST = 8;
public static final int SIGN_ON = 11;
public static final int COMMAND_PARAMETER_MESSAGE = 12;
public static final int COMMAND_CONTROL_MESSAGE = 14;
public static final int BIAS_TABLE = 15;
public static final int FREE_TEXT_MESSAGE = 75;
public short messageCode;
public short sourceId;
public short destId;
public static short version = 0;
public Calendar time;
protected byte[][] blocks;
protected static final int HEADER_SIZE = 9 * 2; // Does not include block
// divider
public static byte[] encode(int code, int source, int dest, byte[] block) {
Message msg = new Message();
msg.messageCode = (short) code;
msg.sourceId = (short) source;
msg.destId = (short) dest;
msg.time = Calendar.getInstance();
msg.blocks = new byte[1][];
msg.blocks[0] = block;
return msg.encode();
public static byte[] encode(int code, Calendar time, int source, int dest,
byte[][] blocks) {
Message msg = new Message();
msg.messageCode = (short) code;
msg.sourceId = (short) source;
msg.destId = (short) dest;
msg.time = time;
msg.blocks = blocks;
return msg.encode();
public byte[] encode() {
int payloadSize = 0;
for (byte[] block : blocks) {
if (block.length > 65535)
throw new MessageFormatException("Block too large");
payloadSize += 4 /* block divider and block size */+ block.length;
int totalSize = HEADER_SIZE + payloadSize;
if (messageCode == COMMAND_CONTROL_MESSAGE) {
totalSize = totalSize + 2;
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(totalSize);
for (byte[] block : blocks) {
buf.putShort((short) -1);
if (messageCode == COMMAND_CONTROL_MESSAGE) {
buf.putShort(version); // version number
buf.putShort((short) (block.length + 6));
} else {
buf.putShort((short) (block.length + 4));
return buf.array();
protected void encodeHeader(ByteBuffer buf) {
int totalSize = buf.limit() - buf.position();
encodeTime(buf, time);
buf.putShort((short) (blocks.length + 1)); // header counts as one block
public static int messageCodeOf(byte[] msg) {
return ((msg[0] & 0xff) << 8) | (msg[1] & 0xff);
public static short sourceIdOf(byte[] msg) {
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(msg);
return buf.getShort(12);
public static void setSourceIdOf(byte[] msg, short id) {
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(msg);
buf.putShort(12, id);
protected static final TimeZone gmt = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT"); // TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+0");
public static void encodeTime(ByteBuffer buf, Calendar time) {
// The provided date may not be GMT...
GregorianCalendar gmtDate = new GregorianCalendar(gmt);
* Despite the documentation specifying "Julian days", it appears to use
* the Gregorian calendar.
short julianDays;
int year = gmtDate.get(Calendar.YEAR);
if (year >= 1970)
julianDays = (short) (gmtDate.getTimeInMillis()
/ (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + 1);
julianDays = 0; // TODO: is this worth throwing an exception over?
int seconds = gmtDate.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 3600
+ gmtDate.get(Calendar.MINUTE) * 60
+ gmtDate.get(Calendar.SECOND);
public static Calendar decodeTime(ByteBuffer buf) {
int julianDays = buf.getShort() & 0xffff;
int seconds = buf.getInt();
Calendar time = new GregorianCalendar(gmt);
time.set(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
time.add(Calendar.SECOND, (julianDays - 1) * 24 * 60 * 60 + seconds);
return time;
* Encodes a signed elevation angle in tenths of degrees into the unsigned
* format used in Nexrad messages. Does not account for the
* multiple-elevation flags. See {@link com.raytheon.rcm.request.Request}
* for those.
* @param elev
* the elevation angle
* @return the encoded value
public static int encodeElevation(int elev) {
if (elev >= 0)
return Math.min(elev, 1800);
else {
if (elev > -1800)
return 3600 + elev;
return 1801;
public static int decodeElevation(int elev) {
if (elev > 1800)
return elev - 3600;
return elev;
public static Message decodeHeader(byte[] msg) {
Message result = new Message();
return result;
protected void decode(ByteBuffer buf) {
// TODO needs to throw something
protected void decodeHeader(ByteBuffer buf) {
messageCode = buf.getShort();
time = decodeTime(buf);
buf.getInt(); // total size field; unused
sourceId = buf.getShort();
destId = buf.getShort();
* Decodes the blocks following the header block. Not all messages have the
* same block structure so this method may be overridden.
* @param buf
* must be positioned at the block count
protected void decodeBlocks(ByteBuffer buf) {
* Decodes the blocks that are prefixed by a length. This is the structure
* of most messages received from an RPG that are not products.
protected void decodeSimpleBlocks(ByteBuffer buf) {
int nBlocks = buf.getShort();
// Start at 1 because the header block counts as 1
for (int i = 1; i < nBlocks; ++i) {
int divider = buf.getShort();
Message.checkFormat(divider == -1, "expected block divider");
buf.getShort(); // skip over version number
int blockSize = buf.getShort();
ByteBuffer block = buf.duplicate();
block.limit(block.position() + blockSize);
decodeBlock(i, block);
} else {
buf.position(buf.position() + blockSize);
* Decode a message block. Default implementation does nothing.
* @param index
* Block index starting at one (The header block would be index
* zero.)
protected void decodeBlock(int index, ByteBuffer buf) {
// nothing
protected static void checkFormat(boolean condition, String message)
throws MessageFormatException {
if (!condition)
throw new MessageFormatException(message);
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
* Exception raised when there is a problem decoding or encoding a message.
* This is currently a runtime exception because radar components that respond
* to messages operate have nothing to do if a message cannot be decoded.
public class MessageFormatException extends RuntimeException {
public MessageFormatException() {
public MessageFormatException(String message) {
public MessageFormatException(Throwable cause) {
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
/** Provides general information about Nexrad messages and products.
* <p>
* Try to minimize the use of this class. There should be as few
* dependencies as possible on a database that will need to be updated whenever
* a new elevation-based radar product is developed. Also, this information
* may not be correct in all contexts. For example, the DMD product (#149)
* has an elevation parameter on WSR-88D, but not TDWR.
* <p>
* Current uses:
* <p>
* OTRManager: If an product is elevation-based we have to interpret
* multi-elevation requests in order to determine how many products to
* expect in response to a request.
* <p>
* StandardProductDistInfoDB.getProductDistInfo: If a product is not
* elevation-based, do not try to match based on elevation.
public class MessageInfo {
private static HashSet<Integer> elevationProductCodes;
static {
elevationProductCodes = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 43,
44, 45, 46, 55, 56, 93, 94, 99, 132, 133, 139, 143, 149, 153,
154, 155, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 180, 181,
182, 183, 185, 186, 187));
* Returns true if the specified product accepts an elevation angle
* in product-dependent word 22.
public static boolean isElevationBasedProduct(int messageCode) {
return elevationProductCodes.contains(messageCode);
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public class ProductList extends Message {
public static class Product {
public short productCode;
public short elevation; // elevation in 10ths of degrees or altitude in ???
public short interval; // "Distribution class";
public short p1, p2, p3, p4;
public Product[] products;
public static Product[] decode(byte[] msg) {
return ((ProductList) MD.decode(msg)).products;
protected void decodeBlock(int index, ByteBuffer buf) {
if (index == 1) {
int nProducts = buf.getShort();
buf.getShort(); // reserved field
products = new Product[nProducts];
for (int i = 0; i < nProducts; ++i) {
Product p = new Product();
p.productCode = buf.getShort();
p.elevation = buf.getShort();
p.p1 = buf.getShort();
p.p2 = buf.getShort();
p.p3 = buf.getShort();
p.p4 = buf.getShort();
p.interval = buf.getShort();
products[i] = p;
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Calendar;
import com.raytheon.rcm.request.Request;
public class ProductRequest extends Message {
public static byte[] encode(Request request) {
Request[] requests = { request };
Message msg = new Message();
msg.messageCode = Message.PRODUCT_REQUEST;
msg.time = Calendar.getInstance();
msg.blocks = encodeRequestBlocks(requests);
return msg.encode();
public static byte[] encode(Request[] requests) {
Message msg = new Message();
msg.messageCode = Message.PRODUCT_REQUEST;
msg.time = Calendar.getInstance();
msg.blocks = encodeRequestBlocks(requests);
return msg.encode();
public static byte[][] encodeRequestBlocks(Request[] requests) {
byte[][] result = new byte[requests.length][];
int i = 0;
for (Request req : requests) {
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(14 * 2);
buf.putShort((short)( (req.highPriority ? 1 << 15 : 0) |
(req.mapRequested ? 1 << 14 : 0)) );
if (req.getVolumeScanSelection() == Request.SELECT_SPECIFIC)
Message.encodeTime(buf, req.getVolumeScanTime());
else {
buf.putShort((short) 0); // TODO: ? Awips1 code puts the negative value here too. So does nbtcp stuff in CODE
buf.putShort((short) req.pdw20);
buf.putShort((short) req.pdw21);
buf.putShort((short) req.pdw22);
buf.putShort((short) req.pdw23);
buf.putShort((short) req.pdw24);
buf.putShort((short) req.pdw25);
result[i++] = buf.array();
return result;
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
* This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company,
* pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government.
* This software product contains export-restricted data whose
* export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination
* to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires
* an export license or other authorization.
* Contractor Name: Raytheon Company
* Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340
* Mail Stop B8
* Omaha, NE 68106
* 402.291.0100
* See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for
* further licensing information.
package com.raytheon.rcm.message;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Properties;
public class RequestResponse extends Message {
public static final int NO_SUCH_MESSAGE_CODE = 0x80000000;
public static final int NO_SUCH_PRODUCT_CODE = 0x40000000;
public static final int NOT_GENERATED = 0x20000000;
public static final int OTR_PROCESS_FAULTED = 0x10000000;
public static final int NARROWBAND_LOADSHED = 0x08000000;
public static final int ILLEGAL_REQUEST = 0x04000000;
public static final int RPG_MEMORY_LOADSHED = 0x02000000;
public static final int RPG_CPU_LOADSHED = 0x01000000;
public static final int SLOT_UNAVAILABLE = 0x00800000;
public static final int TASK_FAILURE= 0x00400000;
public static final int TASK_UNAVAILABLE = 0x00200000;
public static final int AVAILABLE_NEXT_SCAN = 0x00100000;
public static final int MOMENT_DISABLED = 0x00080000;
public static final int INVALID_PASSWORD = 0x00040000;
//public static final int <unused> = 0x00020000;
public static final int ABORTED_SCAN = 0x00010000;
public static final int INVALID_PRODUCT_PARAMETERS = 0x00008000;
public static final int DATA_SEQUENCE_ERROR = 0x00004000;
public static final int TASK_SELF_TERMINATED = 0x00002000;
public int errorCode;
public int sequence;
public int productCode;
public int elevationAngle;
public Calendar volumeScanTime;
static private Properties messages;
static {
try {
messages = new Properties();
InputStream ins = RequestResponse.class.getResourceAsStream("prrMessages.txt");
if (ins != null) {
try {
} finally {
} catch (Exception e) {
// nothing
public static RequestResponse decode(byte[] msg) {
RequestResponse result = new RequestResponse();
return result;
protected void decodeBlock(int index, ByteBuffer buf) {
if (index != 1)
errorCode = buf.getInt();
sequence = buf.getShort();
productCode = buf.getShort();
elevationAngle = buf.getShort();
volumeScanTime = Message.decodeTime(buf);
/* Remaining bytes are documented as "spares". */
public String getErrorMessages() {
if (errorCode != 0) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
if (messages != null) {
for (int i = 31; i >= 0; --i) {
if ((errorCode & (1 << i)) != 0) {
if (result.length() > 0)
result.append(", ");
String msg = messages.getProperty(Integer.toString(i));
if (msg != null)
result.append("Unknown Error");
return result.toString();
return "";
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