13.5.2-10 baseline
[formerly 83863a9833f309203af0ee34d503bf280e596397] Former-commit-id:46c351de6c
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 149 additions and 112 deletions
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.prep.PreparedGeometryFactory;
* the call to removeIntersectedSeg() with a call to adjustVertex(); updated
* removeDuplicateCoordinate(), computeCoordinate(), adjustPolygon() prolog, and
* removeOverlaidLinesegments(); added alterVertexes() and calcShortestDistance().
* 10/01/2013 DR 16632 Qinglu Lin Fixed the bug in for loop range.
* </pre>
* @author mschenke
@ -1102,6 +1103,9 @@ public class PolygonUtil {
if (verts == null) {
return null;
if (verts.length <= 3)
return verts;
Set<Coordinate> coords = new LinkedHashSet<Coordinate>();
for (Coordinate c : verts)
@ -1300,7 +1304,7 @@ public class PolygonUtil {
// of a straight line segment
coords = new Coordinate[coords.length - 1];
if (i == m - 2) {
for (int j = 1; j < m - 2; j++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= m - 2; j++) {
coords[j-1] = new Coordinate(expandedCoords[j]);
coords[coords.length-1] = new Coordinate(coords[0]);
@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon;
* Aug 6, 2013 2243 jsanchez Refreshed the follow up list every minute.
* Aug 15, 2013 DR 16418 D. Friedman Make dialog visibility match editable state.
* Sep 17, 2013 DR 16496 D. Friedman Make editable state more consistent.
* Oct 01, 2013 DR16612 m.gamazaychikov Fixed inconsistencies with track locking and updateListSelected method
* </pre>
* @author chammack
@ -259,6 +260,8 @@ public class WarngenDialog extends CaveSWTDialog implements
private boolean polygonLocked = false;
private boolean trackLocked = false;
private int totalSegments = 0;
private String damBreakInstruct = null;
@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ public class WarngenDialog extends CaveSWTDialog implements
if (((followupData == null) || ((WarningAction.valueOf(followupData
.getAct()) == WarningAction.CON) && warngenLayer
&& !polygonLocked) {
&& !polygonLocked && !trackLocked) {
@ -1518,8 +1521,8 @@ public class WarngenDialog extends CaveSWTDialog implements
(warngenLayer.getConfiguration().isTrackEnabled() == false)
|| (warngenLayer.getConfiguration()
.getPathcastConfig() == null));
|| (warngenLayer.getConfiguration()
.getPathcastConfig() == null));
if (warngenLayer.getStormTrackState().isInitiallyMotionless()) {
warngenLayer.getStormTrackState().speed = 0;
warngenLayer.getStormTrackState().angle = 0;
@ -1570,6 +1573,7 @@ public class WarngenDialog extends CaveSWTDialog implements
* @param b
private void setTrackLocked(boolean b) {
trackLocked = b;
warngenLayer.getStormTrackState().editable = !b;
@ -1624,7 +1628,7 @@ public class WarngenDialog extends CaveSWTDialog implements
if ((WarningAction
.getAct()) == WarningAction.CON)
&& (totalSegments > 1)) {
&& (totalSegments > 1)) {
@ -1633,21 +1637,22 @@ public class WarngenDialog extends CaveSWTDialog implements
} else {
if (warngenLayer.state.followupData != null) {
// Sets the updatelist with the last selected vtec option
for (int i = 0; i < updateListCbo.getItemCount(); i++) {
String item = updateListCbo.getItem(i);
if (item.equals(warngenLayer.state.followupData
.getDisplayString())) {
data = warngenLayer.state.followupData;
} else {
// recreate updates before setting the updatelist to the
// last selected vtec option
for (int i = 0; i < updateListCbo.getItemCount(); i++) {
FollowupData fd = (FollowupData) updateListCbo
if ( fd != null ) {
if (fd.equals(warngenLayer.state.followupData)) {
data = warngenLayer.state.followupData;
if (currMode == Mode.DRAG_ME) {
@ -2116,7 +2121,7 @@ public class WarngenDialog extends CaveSWTDialog implements
AbstractWarningRecord newWarn = CurrentWarnings.getInstance(
data.getEtn(), data.getPhen() + "." + data.getSig());
data.getEtn(), data.getPhen() + "." + data.getSig());
@ -2147,7 +2152,7 @@ public class WarngenDialog extends CaveSWTDialog implements
AbstractWarningRecord newWarn = CurrentWarnings.getInstance(
data.getEtn(), data.getPhen() + "." + data.getSig());
data.getEtn(), data.getPhen() + "." + data.getSig());
@ -2459,7 +2464,7 @@ public class WarngenDialog extends CaveSWTDialog implements
public void realizeEditableState() {
boolean layerEditable = warngenLayer.isEditable();
// TODO: Note there is no 'is track editing allowed' state yet.
warngenLayer.getStormTrackState().editable = layerEditable && trackEditable;
warngenLayer.getStormTrackState().editable = layerEditable && trackEditable && !trackLocked;
warngenLayer.setBoxEditable(layerEditable && boxEditable && !polygonLocked);
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ from com.raytheon.uf.common.localization import LocalizationContext_Localization
# A1, big perf improvement.
# 05/23/13 1759 dgilling Remove unnecessary imports.
# 07/25/13 2233 randerso Improved memory utilization and performance
# 09/20/13 2405 dgilling Clip grids before inserting into cache.
@ -97,8 +98,9 @@ def logDebug(*msg):
class WECache(object):
def __init__(self, we, inv):
def __init__(self, we, inv, clipArea):
self._we = we
self._clipArea = clipArea
self._inv = OrderedDict()
lst = list(inv)
while len(lst):
@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ class WECache(object):
gridsAndHist = self._we.get(javaTRs, True)
for idx, tr in enumerate(i):
pair = gridsAndHist.get(idx)
g = self.__encodeGridSlice(pair.getFirst())
g = self.__encodeGridSlice(pair.getFirst(), clipArea)
h = self.__encodeGridHistory(pair.getSecond())
self._inv[tr] = (g, h)
@ -122,31 +124,32 @@ class WECache(object):
return self._inv[key]
except KeyError:
logEvent("Cache miss for key:", str(key))
grid = self._we.getItem(iscUtil.toJavaTimeRange(key))
pyGrid = self.__encodeGridSlice(grid)
pyGrid = self.__encodeGridSlice(grid, self._clipArea)
history = grid.getGridDataHistory()
pyHist = self.__encodeGridHistory(history)
return (pyGrid, pyHist)
def __encodeGridSlice(self, grid):
def __encodeGridSlice(self, grid, clipArea):
gridType = grid.getGridInfo().getGridType().toString()
if gridType == "SCALAR":
return grid.__numpy__[0]
return clipToExtrema(grid.__numpy__[0], clipArea)
elif gridType == "VECTOR":
vecGrids = grid.__numpy__
return (vecGrids[0], vecGrids[1])
return (clipToExtrema(vecGrids[0], clipArea), clipToExtrema(vecGrids[1], clipArea))
elif gridType == "WEATHER":
keys = grid.getKeys()
keyList = []
for theKey in keys:
return (grid.__numpy__[0], keyList)
return (clipToExtrema(grid.__numpy__[0], clipArea), keyList)
elif gridType =="DISCRETE":
keys = grid.getKey()
keyList = []
for theKey in keys:
return (grid.__numpy__[0], keyList)
return (clipToExtrema(grid.__numpy__[0], clipArea), keyList)
def __encodeGridHistory(self, histories):
retVal = []
@ -524,55 +527,29 @@ def storeTopoGrid(client, file, databaseID, invMask, clipArea):
logEvent("Saved Topo Grid")
def historyFunc(x, y):
return y[x][1]
def storeGridDataHistory(file, we, wec, trList, timeRange):
def storeGridDataHistory(file, we, wec, trList):
"Stores the Grid Data history string for each grid in we."
histories = []
for tr in trList:
histories.append(historyFunc(tr, wec))
#histories = map(lambda x, y=wec: y[x][1], trList)
# get the maximum size of the history string
maxHistSize = 0
gridCount = 0
firstSlot = -1
lastSlot = 0
for x in xrange(len(trList)):
t = trList[x]
his = histories[x]
histList = []
for tr in trList:
his = wec[tr][1]
hisString = ''
for i in xrange(len(his)):
hisString = hisString + str(his[i])
for i,h in enumerate(his):
hisString = hisString + str(h)
if i != len(his) - 1:
hisString = hisString + " ^"
if overlaps(t, timeRange):
if firstSlot == -1:
firstSlot = gridCount
lastSlot = gridCount
if len(hisString) > maxHistSize:
maxHistSize = len(hisString)
gridCount = gridCount + 1
maxHistSize = max(maxHistSize,len(hisString))
# Make the history variable and fill it
histShape = (lastSlot - firstSlot + 1, maxHistSize + 1)
if firstSlot != -1:
histCube = numpy.zeros(histShape, 'c')
slot = 0
for i in xrange(firstSlot, lastSlot + 1):
his = histories[i]
hisString = ''
for h in range(len(his)):
hisString = hisString + str(his[h])
if h != len(his) - 1:
hisString = hisString + " ^"
histCube[slot:] = hisString
slot = slot + 1
histShape = (len(histList), maxHistSize + 1)
histCube = numpy.zeros(histShape, 'c')
for slot, hisString in enumerate(histList):
histCube[slot:] = hisString
# make the history variable anyway. iscMosaic needs it.
elemName = we.getParmid().getParmName() + "_" + we.getParmid().getParmLevel()
@ -582,7 +559,7 @@ def storeGridDataHistory(file, we, wec, trList, timeRange):
var = file.createVariable(varName, 'c', dims)
if firstSlot != -1:
if len(histList) > 0:
# store the cube in the netCDF file
var[:] = histCube
@ -756,9 +733,9 @@ def storeScalarWE(we, trList, file, timeRange, databaseID,
cube = numpy.empty(shape=(gridCount, clipSize[1], clipSize[0]), dtype=numpy.float32)
wec = WECache(we, overlappingTimes)
wec = WECache(we, overlappingTimes, clipArea)
for i,t in enumerate(overlappingTimes):
grid = clipToExtrema(wec[t][0], clipArea)
grid = wec[t][0]
#adjust for time changes
if we.getGpi().isRateParm():
durRatio = (float(timeList[i][1]-timeList[i][0]))/float((t[1]-t[0]))
@ -818,7 +795,7 @@ def storeScalarWE(we, trList, file, timeRange, databaseID,
setattr(var, "fillValue", fillValue)
## Extract the GridDataHistory info and save it
storeGridDataHistory(file, we, wec, trList, timeRange)
storeGridDataHistory(file, we, wec, overlappingTimes)
logEvent("Saved", gridCount, varName, " grids")
@ -841,11 +818,11 @@ def storeVectorWE(we, trList, file, timeRange,
magCube = numpy.empty(shape=(gridCount, clipSize[1], clipSize[0]),dtype=numpy.float32)
dirCube = numpy.empty(shape=(gridCount, clipSize[1], clipSize[0]),dtype=numpy.float32)
wec = WECache(we, overlappingTimes)
wec = WECache(we, overlappingTimes, clipArea)
for i,t in enumerate(overlappingTimes):
vecData = wec[t][0]
mag = clipToExtrema(vecData[0], clipArea)
dir = clipToExtrema(vecData[1], clipArea)
mag = vecData[0]
dir = vecData[1]
if we.getGpi().isRateParm():
durRatio = (float(timeList[i][1]-timeList[i][0]))/float((t[1]-t[0]))
mag *= durRatio
@ -947,7 +924,7 @@ def storeVectorWE(we, trList, file, timeRange,
setattr(dirVar, "fillValue", dfillValue)
## Extract the GridDataHistory info and save it
storeGridDataHistory(file, we, wec, trList, timeRange)
storeGridDataHistory(file, we, wec, overlappingTimes)
logEvent("Saved", gridCount, varName, "grids")
@ -1001,11 +978,10 @@ def storeWeatherWE(we, trList, file, timeRange, databaseID, invMask, clipArea):
byteCube = numpy.empty(shape=(gridCount, clipSize[1], clipSize[0]), dtype=numpy.int8)
keyList = []
wec = WECache(we, overlappingTimes)
wec = WECache(we, overlappingTimes, clipArea)
for i,t in enumerate(overlappingTimes):
wx = wec[t][0]
grid = clipToExtrema(wx[0], clipArea)
byteCube[i] = grid
byteCube[i] = wx[0]
# make the variable name
@ -1070,7 +1046,7 @@ def storeWeatherWE(we, trList, file, timeRange, databaseID, invMask, clipArea):
setattr(var, "fillValue", fillValue)
## Extract the GridDataHistory info and save it
storeGridDataHistory(file, we, wec, trList, timeRange)
storeGridDataHistory(file, we, wec, overlappingTimes)
logEvent("Saved", gridCount, varName, "grids")
@ -1092,11 +1068,10 @@ def storeDiscreteWE(we, trList, file, timeRange, databaseID, invMask, clipArea):
byteCube = numpy.empty(shape=(gridCount, clipSize[1], clipSize[0]), dtype=numpy.int8)
keyList = []
wec = WECache(we, overlappingTimes)
wec = WECache(we, overlappingTimes, clipArea)
for i,t in enumerate(overlappingTimes):
dis = wec[t][0]
grid = clipToExtrema(dis[0], clipArea)
byteCube[i] = grid
byteCube[i] = dis[0]
@ -1160,7 +1135,7 @@ def storeDiscreteWE(we, trList, file, timeRange, databaseID, invMask, clipArea):
setattr(var, "fillValue", fillValue)
## Extract the GridDataHistory info and save it
storeGridDataHistory(file, we, wec, trList, timeRange)
storeGridDataHistory(file, we, wec, overlappingTimes)
logEvent("Saved", gridCount, varName, "grids")
@ -1335,7 +1310,8 @@ def main(outputFilename, parmList, databaseID, startTime,
timeRange = makeTimeRange(argDict['startTime'], argDict['endTime'])
logException("Unable to create TimeRange from arguments: startTime= " + str(argDict['startTime']) + ", endTime= " + argDict['endTime'])
# See if the databaseID is valid. An exception will be tossed
db = IFPDB(argDict['databaseID'])
@ -2879,7 +2879,6 @@
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.prep.PreparedGeometry;
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* Nov 15, 2010 mschenke Initial creation
* Apr 28, 2013 1955 jsanchez Added an ignoreUserData flag to intersection method.
* Oct 01, 2013 DR 16632 Qinglu Lin Catch exceptions thrown by intersection().
* </pre>
@ -120,8 +121,13 @@ public class GeometryUtil {
if (g1Name == null || g2Name == null || g2Name.equals(g1Name)
|| ignoreUserData) {
Geometry section = g1.intersection(g2);
if (section.isEmpty() == false) {
Geometry section = null;
try {
section = g1.intersection(g2);
} catch (Exception e) {
; //continue;
if (section != null && section.isEmpty() == false) {
if (g2.getUserData() != null) {
if (section instanceof GeometryCollection) {
for (int n = 0; n < section.getNumGeometries(); ++n) {
@ -24,20 +24,21 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Encapsulates the query parameters for a database query
* Encapsulates the query parameters for a database query.
* <pre>
* Date Ticket# Engineer Description
* ------------ ---------- ----------- --------------------------
* 05/29/08 #875 bphillip Initial Creation
* May 29, 2008 875 bphillip Initial Creation
* Oct 07, 2013 2392 rjpeter Updated to auto handle passing a null value to an equal operand.
* </pre>
* @author bphillip
* @version 1.0
public class QueryParam {
/** Enumeration containing the logic operands */
public enum QueryOperand {
@ -71,11 +72,12 @@ public class QueryParam {
/** The query operand */
private String operand = "=";
private String className;
* Creates a new QueryParam. Operand defaults to equals
* Creates a new QueryParam. Operand defaults to equals, unless value is
* null, then operand is isNull.
* @param field
* The field
@ -83,12 +85,12 @@ public class QueryParam {
* The value
public QueryParam(String field, Object value) {
this.field = field;
this.value = value;
this(field, value, "=", null);
* Creates a new QueryParam.
* Creates a new QueryParam. If value is null and operand is =, operand is
* updated to isNull.
* @param field
* The field
@ -98,31 +100,66 @@ public class QueryParam {
* The operand
public QueryParam(String field, Object value, String operand) {
this.field = field;
this.value = value;
this.operand = operand;
this(field, value, operand, null);
public QueryParam(String field, Object value, String operand,String className) {
* Creates a new QueryParam. If value is null and operand is =, operand is
* updated to isNull.
* @param field
* @param value
* @param operand
* @param className
public QueryParam(String field, Object value, String operand,
String className) {
this.field = field;
this.value = value;
this.operand = operand;
if (value == null && "=".equals(operand)) {
this.operand = "isNull";
} else {
this.operand = operand;
this.className = className;
* Creates a new QueryParam. If value is null and operand is =, operand is
* updated to isNull.
* @param field
* @param value
* @param operand
public QueryParam(String field, Object value, QueryOperand operand) {
this.field = field;
this.value = value;
this.operand = QueryParam.reverseTranslateOperand(operand);
this(field, value, operand, null);
public QueryParam(String field, Object value, QueryOperand operand,String className) {
* Creates a new QueryParam. If value is null and operand is =, operand is
* updated to isNull.
* @param field
* @param value
* @param operand
* @param className
public QueryParam(String field, Object value, QueryOperand operand,
String className) {
this.field = field;
this.value = value;
this.operand = QueryParam.reverseTranslateOperand(operand);
if (value == null && QueryOperand.EQUALS.equals(operand)) {
this.operand = "isNull";
} else {
this.operand = QueryParam.reverseTranslateOperand(operand);
this.className = className;
* Translates the string representation of an operand to the enumeration
@ -147,6 +184,7 @@ public class QueryParam {
return "=";
public String toString() {
return new StringBuffer().append(field).append(" ")
.append(this.operand).append(" ").append(this.value).toString();
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ import com.raytheon.uf.edex.database.query.DatabaseQuery;
* May 07, 2013 1869 bsteffen Remove dataURI column from
* PluginDataObject.
* May 16, 2013 1869 bsteffen Rewrite dataURI property mappings.
* Oct 07, 2013 2392 rjpeter Updated to pass null productKeys as actual null instead of string null.
* </pre>
* @author bphillip
@ -1234,7 +1234,11 @@ public abstract class PluginDao extends CoreDao {
int index = 0;
for (Object obj : results) {
distinctValues[index] = new String[1];
distinctValues[index++][0] = String.valueOf(obj);
if (obj != null) {
distinctValues[index++][0] = String.valueOf(obj);
} else {
distinctValues[index++][0] = null;
} else {
List<Object[]> results = (List<Object[]>) this
@ -1247,7 +1251,12 @@ public abstract class PluginDao extends CoreDao {
int cIndex = 0;
for (Object obj : result) {
distinctValues[rIndex][cIndex++] = String.valueOf(obj);
if (obj != null) {
distinctValues[rIndex][cIndex++] = String
} else {
distinctValues[rIndex][cIndex++] = null;
Add table
Reference in a new issue