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Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
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A set of layout classes that let you specify layout properties directly in markup.
You must include this file in every element that needs to use them.
Sample use:
<link rel="import" href="../iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout-classes.html">
<style is="custom-style" include="iron-flex iron-flex-alignment"></style>
<div class="layout horizontal layout-start">
<div>cross axis start alignment</div>
The following imports are available:
- iron-flex
- iron-flex-reverse
- iron-flex-alignment
- iron-flex-factors
- iron-positioning
<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<!-- Most common used flex styles-->
<dom-module id="iron-flex">
.layout.vertical {
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
.layout.inline {
display: -ms-inline-flexbox;
display: -webkit-inline-flex;
display: inline-flex;
.layout.horizontal {
-ms-flex-direction: row;
-webkit-flex-direction: row;
flex-direction: row;
.layout.vertical {
-ms-flex-direction: column;
-webkit-flex-direction: column;
flex-direction: column;
.layout.wrap {
-ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
-webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-wrap: wrap;
}, {
-ms-flex-align: center;
-webkit-align-items: center;
align-items: center;
}, {
-ms-flex-pack: center;
-webkit-justify-content: center;
justify-content: center;
.flex {
-ms-flex: 1 1 0.000000001px;
-webkit-flex: 1;
flex: 1;
-webkit-flex-basis: 0.000000001px;
flex-basis: 0.000000001px;
.flex-auto {
-ms-flex: 1 1 auto;
-webkit-flex: 1 1 auto;
flex: 1 1 auto;
.flex-none {
-ms-flex: none;
-webkit-flex: none;
flex: none;
<!-- Basic flexbox reverse styles -->
<dom-module id="iron-flex-reverse">
.layout.vertical-reverse {
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
.layout.horizontal-reverse {
-ms-flex-direction: row-reverse;
-webkit-flex-direction: row-reverse;
flex-direction: row-reverse;
.layout.vertical-reverse {
-ms-flex-direction: column-reverse;
-webkit-flex-direction: column-reverse;
flex-direction: column-reverse;
.layout.wrap-reverse {
-ms-flex-wrap: wrap-reverse;
-webkit-flex-wrap: wrap-reverse;
flex-wrap: wrap-reverse;
<!-- Flexbox alignment -->
<dom-module id="iron-flex-alignment">
* Alignment in cross axis.
.layout.start {
-ms-flex-align: start;
-webkit-align-items: flex-start;
align-items: flex-start;
}, {
-ms-flex-align: center;
-webkit-align-items: center;
align-items: center;
.layout.end {
-ms-flex-align: end;
-webkit-align-items: flex-end;
align-items: flex-end;
.layout.baseline {
-ms-flex-align: baseline;
-webkit-align-items: baseline;
align-items: baseline;
* Alignment in main axis.
.layout.start-justified {
-ms-flex-pack: start;
-webkit-justify-content: flex-start;
justify-content: flex-start;
}, {
-ms-flex-pack: center;
-webkit-justify-content: center;
justify-content: center;
.layout.end-justified {
-ms-flex-pack: end;
-webkit-justify-content: flex-end;
justify-content: flex-end;
.layout.around-justified {
-ms-flex-pack: distribute;
-webkit-justify-content: space-around;
justify-content: space-around;
.layout.justified {
-ms-flex-pack: justify;
-webkit-justify-content: space-between;
justify-content: space-between;
* Self alignment.
.self-start {
-ms-align-self: flex-start;
-webkit-align-self: flex-start;
align-self: flex-start;
.self-center {
-ms-align-self: center;
-webkit-align-self: center;
align-self: center;
.self-end {
-ms-align-self: flex-end;
-webkit-align-self: flex-end;
align-self: flex-end;
.self-stretch {
-ms-align-self: stretch;
-webkit-align-self: stretch;
align-self: stretch;
.self-baseline {
-ms-align-self: baseline;
-webkit-align-self: baseline;
align-self: baseline;
* multi-line alignment in main axis.
.layout.start-aligned {
-ms-flex-line-pack: start; /* IE10 */
-ms-align-content: flex-start;
-webkit-align-content: flex-start;
align-content: flex-start;
.layout.end-aligned {
-ms-flex-line-pack: end; /* IE10 */
-ms-align-content: flex-end;
-webkit-align-content: flex-end;
align-content: flex-end;
} {
-ms-flex-line-pack: center; /* IE10 */
-ms-align-content: center;
-webkit-align-content: center;
align-content: center;
.layout.between-aligned {
-ms-flex-line-pack: justify; /* IE10 */
-ms-align-content: space-between;
-webkit-align-content: space-between;
align-content: space-between;
.layout.around-aligned {
-ms-flex-line-pack: distribute; /* IE10 */
-ms-align-content: space-around;
-webkit-align-content: space-around;
align-content: space-around;
<dom-module id="iron-flex-factors">
.flex-1 {
-ms-flex: 1 1 0.000000001px;
-webkit-flex: 1;
flex: 1;
-webkit-flex-basis: 0.000000001px;
flex-basis: 0.000000001px;
.flex-2 {
-ms-flex: 2;
-webkit-flex: 2;
flex: 2;
.flex-3 {
-ms-flex: 3;
-webkit-flex: 3;
flex: 3;
.flex-4 {
-ms-flex: 4;
-webkit-flex: 4;
flex: 4;
.flex-5 {
-ms-flex: 5;
-webkit-flex: 5;
flex: 5;
.flex-6 {
-ms-flex: 6;
-webkit-flex: 6;
flex: 6;
.flex-7 {
-ms-flex: 7;
-webkit-flex: 7;
flex: 7;
.flex-8 {
-ms-flex: 8;
-webkit-flex: 8;
flex: 8;
.flex-9 {
-ms-flex: 9;
-webkit-flex: 9;
flex: 9;
.flex-10 {
-ms-flex: 10;
-webkit-flex: 10;
flex: 10;
.flex-11 {
-ms-flex: 11;
-webkit-flex: 11;
flex: 11;
.flex-12 {
-ms-flex: 12;
-webkit-flex: 12;
flex: 12;
<!-- Non-flexbox positioning helper styles -->
<dom-module id="iron-positioning">
.block {
display: block;
/* IE 10 support for HTML5 hidden attr */
[hidden] {
display: none !important;
.invisible {
visibility: hidden !important;
.relative {
position: relative;
.fit {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
body.fullbleed {
margin: 0;
height: 100vh;
.scroll {
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
overflow: auto;
/* fixed position */
.fixed-top {
position: fixed;
.fixed-top {
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
.fixed-right {
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
.fixed-bottom {
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
.fixed-left {
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;