139 lines
4.2 KiB
139 lines
4.2 KiB
* pgprm.h *
* *
* This header file contains the product generation macro definitions *
* as well as the nmaplib prototypes. *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* F.J.Yen/NCEP 01/98 Created *
* C.Lin/EAI 04/98 added GRPTYP_OTHERS *
* F.J.Yen/NCEP 04/98 added SETTING_TBL *
* S. Jacobs/NCEP 05/98 Renamed newdraw.tbl to setting.tbl *
* C.Lin/EAI 09/98 added GRPTYP_COMSYM *
* E. Safford/GSC 09/98 added ghost (GST_) types & MAXGHOST *
* E. Safford/GSC 09/98 added TYPE_OBJ & TYPE_GRP *
* E. Safford/GSC 12/98 moved display levels from cvg routines *
* S. Law/GSC 03/99 moved PREV/NEXT from nmap_pgmdfy.c *
* S. Law/GSC 03/99 moved MAXCNTY from a couple files *
* E. Safford/GSC 12/99 added GRPTYP_WATCH & watch status *
* S. Law/GSC 03/00 added GRPTYP_CCFP *
* J. Wu/GSC 11/00 added MAX_GROUP_TYPE for cvgcp.c *
* H. Zeng/EAI 11/00 added UNDO constants *
* E. Safford/GSC 02/01 added VERTEX_TIEIN & LINE_TIEIN *
* H. Zeng/EAI 03/01 changed MAX_GROUP_TYPE value *
* T. Piper/GSC 04/01 increased *_TIEIN from 10 to 20 *
* J. Wu/SAIC 12/01 added MAX_LAYERS *
* E. Safford/SAIC 06/02 added MAX_WFO_LEN *
* J. Wu/SAIC 06/02 increased MAX_CNTY from 200 to 400 *
* E. Safford/SAIC 11/03 moved MAX_LAYERS to gemprm.h *
* T. Lee/SAIC 11/03 changed WORK_FILE to FILE_NAME; defined *
* global variable work_file *
* T. Lee/SAIC 11/03 moved work_file to cvgcmn.h *
* J. Wu/SAIC 10/04 add vgtag.h *
* E. Safford/SAIC 01/05 add MAX_SIG_REF *
* J. Wu/SAIC 03/05 add constants for group select *
* H. Zeng/SAIC 11/05 increased MAX_WFO_LEN size *
* H. Zeng/SAIC 01/06 added struct cwa_incInfo *
* increased MXSTATES to 21 *
* T. Piper/SAIC 01/08 Moved proto_nmaplib.h from proto.h *
#ifndef PGPRM_H
#define PGPRM_H
#include "vgtag.h"
#include "proto_nmaplib.h"
#define SETTING_TBL "setting.tbl"
#define MAX_GROUP_TYPE 256 /* Max group types in
a VGF file */
#define GRPTYP_OTHERS 100
#define GRPTYP_COMSYM 99
#define GRPTYP_WATCH 98
#define GRPTYP_CCF 97
#define GST_NORMAL 0
#define GST_NEW_LINE 1
#define GST_INIT_TRNC 2
#define GST_FINAL_TRNC 3
#define GST_BOTH_TRNC 4
#define MAXGHOST 500
#define TYPE_OBJ 0
#define TYPE_GRP 1
#define PREV 0 /* mod direction is backward */
#define NEXT 1 /* mod direction is forward */
#define MAXCNTY 400 /* Max counties in a watch */
#define MAX_WFO_LEN (180) /* Max strlen for a WFO list */
#define MXCHR 16 /* Max chars per element (including NULL) */
#define MXSTATES 21
#define MXCWAS 30
#define MAX_SIG_REF ( 256 ) /* Max len for GFA's sigmet */
/* reference text */
* VG element display levels
#define LEVEL_0 0
#define LEVEL_1 1
#define LEVEL_2 2
#define LEVELS 3
* Watch Issue Status
#define WATCH_ISSUED 1
* Tie in distances for element point selection
#define VERTEX_TIEIN ( 20.0F )
#define LINE_TIEIN ( 20.0F )
* UNDO constants
#define UNDO_DEL 0
#define UNDO_ADD 1
* Group select (pghdlb_selectAll) constants
#define NON_GRP_ELMS (0)
#define GRP_AND_NON_GRP_ELMS (1)
#define GRP_ELMS (2)
typedef struct incInfo
Boolean include;
char name[MXCHR];
Widget wid;
} IncInfo;
typedef struct cwa_incInfo
int state;
char name[MXCHR];
Widget form_wid;
Widget lbl_wid;
Widget in_btn;
Widget out_btn;
} CwaIncInfo;
IncInfo* pgwlst_getStateBtns ( void);
CwaIncInfo* pgwlst_getCwaBtns ( void);